PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGOX, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 5933. The Circulation of the Mail Tribune Is Growing Daily You Can Well Afford to Become a Regular Reader! The Rogue River Valley's Old Established Newspaper Smart In Appearance, Unexcelled In News Coverage A Leader In Features! It X$M Vim, 0 4 The MAIL TRIBUNE A Finer Newspaper Than Ever Before Now At a Lower Price Than Ever! ion FOR A LIMITED TIME! BY MAIL For An Entire Year Delivered To Your Door By Carrier In Jackson County (PAID IN ADVANCE) (T ) Tb A Month VT In Jackson County If More Convenient To Subscribe By Phone CALL Medford Mail Tribune, care Circulation Department, Medford, Oregon. In order to take advantage of your peelal offer, please start the Mail Tribune, by mail 1 by carrier . (Please check the way you intend to have ths paper delivered). Inclosed you will find Check or Money Order to cover the subscription for Associated Press News Service The Associated Press, wltti unexcelled . facilities for gathering news from the four corners of the globe, brings world news to Mall Tribune readers . . . Associated Press news pictures, thru . the media of telephoto and air mall, give Tribune readers actual .scenes from big news events thousands of miles away within a few hours time. Timely Editorials Editorial comment on pertinent sub jects and Interesting editorial corre spondence from the pen of Robert W. Ruhl. contribute much to the popu larity of the Mall Tribune. Jenkins Comments Comments on the Day's News, written by Frank Jonklns, Is a popul.-ir dally feature. Mr. Jenkins t entertainingly discusses the news of the day and tells southern Oregonlans facts they don't know about the country In which they live. ' Will Rogers' "Colyum" America's most loved humorist writes for Mall Tribune readers each day. His "colyum." a mixture of wit and common sense. Is one of the Trib une's most widely read features. Perry's "Smudge Pot" Arthur Perry's "Smudge Pot" Is on of the Pacific coast's outstanding laugh columns. Perry's bits of humor and philosophy delight Tribune read era every day. City and Rural News News from all parts of the Roguo River valley appear dally In the Mall l Tribune. In addition to a capable news staff, 47 rural and grange corre spondents contribute their news bits dally. An aTerage of AO columns of country correspondence Is published ' each month In this paper. Six Daily Comics The cream of the comics appear dally In rue Mall Tribune strips that ap peal to young and old: "The Nebbs", "Gluyas William's Cartoons", "Bring ing Up Father", "S'Matter Pop", "Bound To win" and "Tallspin Tommy." Sunday Colored Comics Three full pages of comlra appear, In colors. In addition to the regular six comic strips each Sunday. There are: "The Nehhs", "Mutt and Jeff" and "Toonervllle Trolley." a full page of timely news pictures also appears each Sunday on the Tribune's Illus trated news page. Flight o' Time Column Old Timers and newcomers as well get a lot of enjoyment out of the Tribune's 10 and Su-years-ago-today column, taken from old files of th Mall Tribune. Daily Continued Story Interesting novels, written bv such authors as Harold Bell Wright and lane Grey, appear dally in serial form In the .Mall Tribune. Daily Society News Eva yealon's dally and Sunday soci ety and club news Is widely read throughout southern Oregon. Daily Cross Word Puzzle Cross Word puzzle fans will delight In figuring out the cross word puzzle In each Issue of the Moll Tribune. Personal Health Service Dr. William Brady, M.D., gives dally health hints for Mall Trlbune'read ers. Tribune subscribers are Invited to write to Dr. Brady If they have any health problems not covered In this column. ' (Name) (Addrcat) How..., 01 Remember! This Offer Is For a Limited Time ACT NOW! t