Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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    PA0T5 ETriHT
VIedford Mail Tribune
"Ennmne In somneMl urc,oa
Heidi tU Mail TiibliM"
Published by 59 K. fir SL WM "
Ad Independent Nesnpaper
Entered u second clue matter at Uedford,
Oteaon. under Act ol Hards 8, 18T.
K (tall In IrfcanM
: Dalle. OM jear 5"S2
Dallr, BIX BWOina. ..
niw. cne moots 60
n. r.rri- in Ailranee Medford. Aabland,
jeeisonrllle, Central Point, 1'noenll, Talent, Cold
BUI and on uiinwan.
Daily, n rear IJ-JJ
Dally, all month"
Dallr. on montb
- AU terma, casb to adsanee.
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackson County.
Becemoa etui iw
The Associated Preu la aeluihely entitled to
tbo UM for punueation pi aji ww "n"
credited to It or otnerrlre credited In tola paper
tod also to the local neve published herein.
AU rlibte for publication ol special dUpatcbM
herein are alio resenra.
Adiertlsinr BepreseoUtirei
Offlcei In Net York, Cbleato, Detroit, Baa
f-randseo, Us Angeles, Seattle. Portland.
tfe Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
Th President seems to hftve a head
on hir. shoulders, and pays no araii
Man fn Ml. Wflllljl and WlSlieS Of UP'
state Democrats, woo desire that he
stop everything, In the way of na
tional and world welfare, to name
postmasters, and distribute the pie
of Tictory. The ohlef executive holds
that Prosperity for the many, should
come before a government check to
the faitniui, wno wuw v.
unfaithful, had It looked like a Demo
cratic defeat. Furthermore. Mr. room
1 1. Mt.lnlnjr low-dOWn RePUbll
cans In fat offices. Inaamuoh as It
was Republican votes mat eweww
him, this is noi exactly pom
... t-,T.. t will have to be Re
publican votes, that re-elect him In
m.. Mnwrt Aftl.m OanltoT-JOUT
nal editorially sizes up the relief sit
uation with tne crisp corameni, pan
handling seems to be the order of the
da?." Olted as proof, Is the Columbia
county woman, who abandoned her
five children on the theory "some one
would come along, and take care of
them Some one did." and, "the head
of one publicly-kept Salem family has
put in his leisure in systematic pan
rmnrtitniv in neartov towns driving the
famlii oar," and "dispatches state that
some of those wno onuran in w"
' fo-Mtrv AAmna have deserted to re
turn to the bread line. A 80-hour
week was too long, for they had to
work." This does nor prove anytning.
. aAint efe.f. lclffin countv furnished
most of the beans for the hellralslng
last winter, and that tne wormy poor
continue to get the worst of the deal.
. o 0 e -
"Albert Wlckea of the Upper Moun
tain made a quick Jump to Portland
Tueoday, stopping In Heppner en
routs." (Heppner News) Taking two
lumps for the trip.
Live and learnl Last Ootdber we dls
eovored, that in the Class A musical
circle a bass-drummer Is called a
percussionist. Yesterday, It was re
vealed that all well-regulated and
high -grade male singing groups have
a 'senior baritone,' and a 'junior bari
tone.' In the face of this evidence,
the bull-fiddle Is probably an oxen-
OICHlgeavUie (Ky) Herald)
I have thought of running for
county Judge, but I found my
enemtes, both Democrats and Re
publicans, so numerous, who said
they would go after me with meat
axes and sharp sticks, that I have
decided to tell them to take the
office and go to hell with It,
O. B. FEMtfUL.
The Fuss-aod-Feathers olub met
yesterday afternoon at the neatalow of
Mrs. Jeanette Wrenne. and the time
was whlled away with conversational
a 0
I. Oolemsn, gas silo operator, can
remember when an autolst always
bought ten gals of gas. even if he
only needed three to till the tank.
On the other hand, many autolsts
can remember when the only way to
get the windshield washed, was to be
accompanied by a near-movie queen.
Now the autolst has to fight to keep
the gentlemanly attendant from
washing his neck. In the old days. It
was worse than arguing with Peoria
Bill Oatee, to Induce the oil squirt to
lift up the hood, and maks a guess,
whether or not you needed a quart
of oil.
Youth Is under arms again, and
taking toll of cats, Jaybirds, and ger
anium pots. A gun takes a boy out
Into the open, where he can exercise
his Judgment, and gain keenness of
ere, and get next to Nature. A gun of
ten makes a boy acquainted with
tragic sorrow, before he hsa had a
(Eldorado (Kan.) Times)
Our hosteas, noticing the oncom
ing symptoms of general Intellectual
fstlgje, introduced the main musi
cian of the evening and Ellca Feaa
oott responded as only she can to the
melony "A Song Without Words." A
sllsh pause followed Why the sus
pense? Could It be possible that the
time for parting had arrived so soon.
Amid such reflections Miss Wesacott
threw suspense, suspicion snd a thrill
of romance Into the little audience
as the "familiar to some" strains of
wtddlng march tilled the room.
Married men squirmed and former
brides reacted nervously as the door
ooend The suspense wss intense
Just then an unexpected surprise
tarUjed the onlookers.
Beware of False Economy
EXTREMES are always undesirable. Economy is fine and
imperative in government administration at the present
time. But there is such a thing as too much economy, going
to such an extreme that the ultimate loss exceeds the immediate
saving. This results in a false economy which isn't economy
at all but extravagance.
Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt called attention to this, with charac
teristic directness and common Bense, a day or two ago.
Speaking to the press she said :
"The cutallment of funds for experimental and research
work If carried to excess now, might needlessly harm future
generations. We should avoid all false economy. The desire for
economy Is natural and proper, but we should carefully weigh
what will do harm, and what can be done WITHOUT harm.
Women should pay attention to what and where curtailments
come. With sufficient pressure from women the proper kind
of economy can be brought about."
This excellent advice refers particularly to agricultural re
search and extension work in Oregon, abandoning such work
entirely would be a glaring example of the false economy to
which Mrs. Roosevelt refers.
All possible economies should be obcerved, but abandoning
the machinery of such work ENTIRELY, would in our judg
ment, result in a far greater loss to the state, than any possible
immediate gain.
Good judgment and common sense alone are needed. Wreck
ing all extension, research, Smith-Hughes and 4-H club work
in Oregon would be a perfect example of being penny-wise
and pound-foolish. '
Looks Pretty Hopeless but-
IF President Roosevelt can accomplish anything worth while
in the coming economic conference then he is indeed a
Miracle Man. ' - : '
Not only will he be opposed by the most skillful diplomats
of the world, but he will have to wage his fight single handed.
He will have no real ally, it will be the United States against
the world. '
One of the purposes of this conference will be the stabiliza
tion of international exchange the acceptance of some common,
monetary system which will relieve this country of the destruc
tive effects of depreciated currencies in Europe and Japan.
Another will be the lowering of tariffs, the reduction of trade
barriers, and consequent stimulation of international trade.
But with depreciated currencies abroad, profitable to this
country's competitors, particularly England and Japan it is
difficult to Bee how . any real progress can be made in this
With economic nationalism rampant throughout the world
it is equally difficult to see how with all the world powers,
wanting to sell, and refusing to buy, any material lowering of
trade barriers can be affected.
Moreover behind this conference and looming ominously
above it will be the war debts, an unsoluable problem, if there
ever was one, al least insoluable as far as any solution satis
factory to the people of this country is concerned.
The only bright spot we can see in the situntion, is this:
the international situation is so bad economically, it could
hardly be worse. If the conference should, as appears likely,
accomplish nothing WORTH WHILE, but should result in a
better understanding a clearor view on all sides of the nature
of the world problem, it could be regarded as a reasonable
(Continued from Pag Ons.)
authorities, to keep Its currency close
to Its gold parity had It desired.
Aim to Cut Dollar's Value.
The suspension of the gold stand
ard was undertaken deliberately to
decrease the purchsslng power of the
dollar, In an effort to tnorease prices
and to bring the eoonomlo structure
back into a working balance.
The gold standard, as commonly
defined, provides a measure of value
In terms of gold, through redemption
of ourrenoy In fixed amounts of gold
upon demand, In the case of our cur
rency, In 23.23 grains of fine gold
to the dollar.
Thus, ths gold standard In tnr:
country had not been In full opera
tion sines the banking holiday In
March, when redemption of paper
money waa halted, but the treasury
had licensed a few gold exports for
foreign exchange transactions, tend
ing to support the dollar close to
gold parity. The definite embargo
now placed on exports clarifies ths
Gold Export Checked,
acid's chief Importance In the fi
nancial world has been In settling
International balances, for It Is the
only international measure of value.
With gold exports checked, the dollar
must find Its own level In relation
to other currencies, on a demand and
aupply basis, subject to the control
of dealings by ths New York federal
reserve bsnk, which has been In ef
fect since the banking holiday.
With the United States a creditor
nation, and enjoying a favorable bal
ance of trade, foreign exchange ex
perts explain that under normal con
ditions, the dollar left to find its
own levol on a demand and supply
basis would naturally be expected to
advance rather than to decline. The
favorable bulance of payments to
this country have resulted In a huge
lncreass In Its store of gold In the
past decade.
Foreigners Sell Dollars.
But the beftef that the United estate,
might seek to extricate Itself from
Its economic morass through reduc
ing the purchasing power of the dol
lar has been sufficient to prompt sell
ing of dollars by foreigners with bal
ances In New York, and the purchase
of other currencies, as well as selling
of dollars by foreign exchsnge specu
lators. ,
It Is U: Is abnormal pressure against
the dollar, exchange experts explain,
which has decreased Its level In rela
tion to other currencies. How far
such pressure may reduce the level
of the dollar la regarded In Wall street
as highly problematical, and depend
ent largely upon Inflationary steps
taken In Washington.
Inflation has become such a con
tentious word that a number of fi
nancial authorities have sought to
substitute other words for It, such as
"antl-deflatlon." Inflation Is com
monly defined as an Increase In the
circulating medium, meaning either
currency or bank credit In the form
of checks, or both, with a consequent
rise In prices. - -
Currency Expansion a Form.
Inflation may be accomplished
through either credit or currenoy ex
pansion. It may be accomplished
through heavy expansion of bank
credit, as In the recent boom years,
or through depreciation of the cur
rency, through deliberate reductoln
In the gold content, an Increase In
the volume of currency with conse
quent reduction of gold reserves, or
deliberate Issue of flat money.
The form of Inflation most widely
feared Is the Issue of flat money,
which has frequently resulted from
failure of governments to balance
their budgets, their eventual loss of
credit and Inability to borrow, fi
nally leading to the printing of un
secured paper money to pay expenses.
It was such a course of events which
led to the American Issue of "green
backs" during the civil, war.
BURNS, Ore., April 30. (AP)
Death on the gallows was the penalty
ordered for Harry Riley, 40, by a cir
cuit court Jury which shortly before
midnight convicted him of slaying
hla wife, Hilda, at the home of her
parent here.
The woman waa shot to death after
Riley had made an attempt to per
suade her to return to live with him.
Riley also shot and killed her father,
Carey Thornburg, and seriously
wounded his wife's mother. He waa
tried only for hla wife's death.
The Jury made no recommendation
for life Imprisonment and the death
penalty Is thereby mandatory.
Portugal Buys Warships -LISBON
(;p) The Portuguese min
istry of marine haa signed a contract
with the British Vlckera Armstrong
company for construction of two first
clasa scout cruisers of 2.000 tons each
and three 800-ton submarines.
atylej and colore. Sleee 98 to 50. Very
specui at WW ft $4.90. The Band
Bo ahot Box.
Personal Health Service
By William
Signed letter pertaining to personal Health and bjKlene, not to disease,
diagnosis or treatment, will be answered by Dr. Brady if a stamped, seU
ad dressed envelope Is enclosed. Letters sbould be brief and written. In inlc
Owlng to the targe number or letters received only a few can be answered
here. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Uistructiona.
Address Dr. William Brady In care of The Mall Tribune. '
Recently we gave a composite analy
sis of right-minded nesa and anhe
donla In parallel columns, thus:
Business -Thrill
Boredom, ennui
Revered old age.
Now let us see where tobacco be
longs. Fanatlca will expect me to
put tobacco in
the right hand
column. Many
tobacco addicts
will expect me to
put It In the left
hand column.
But I'm going to
play It both ways
with proper lim
itations. In the
right hand col
umn I'll place
tobacco addiction
or slavery. In
the left I'll place total abstinence and
temperance In regard to tobacco. Pa
renthetically and Just to show there
la no bias, let me say that there la
no possible doubt as to the proper
place for alcohol In this analysis of
many human lives. It belongs In the
right column exclusively,
RIghtmlndedne&s you DO SOME
THING. No matter what you may
fight or you may run away, you may
shingle the garage or spade the gar
den, but you DO SOMETHING.
Anhedonla Incapacity to enjoy life
you Just sit still and try to appear
nonchalant. Or you smoke.
Sherlock Holmes reaching for his
syringe Is a piteous figure, a mistake
of his creator's. .The young person
lighting a smoke to conceal something
Is likewise a piteous figure, a mis
take of our educational system.
The smoker who feels Impelled to
resort to tobacco In the midst of a
day's work or a game or a meal merely
drugs down the faint Impulse that
still stirs In him to do something.
He Just sits tight and waits till the
drug obtunds the Instinctive Impulse.
To that degree tobacco Is hla addic
tion. It dulls his consciousness oj
his own worthlessness, Incompetence,
Ignorance, weakness, or Inability to
participate In whatever la going on.
The temperate smoker responds to
the action Impulse by DOING SOME
THING or other Instead of attempt
ing to pretend nonchalance or Indif
ference. Thru action he blows off
steam. And he derives far greater
enjoyment from his quiet smoke after
the day's work, play or activity la
over and the hour for relaxation has
come. .
Meteorological Report
- . Aprl 20, 1033
Medford and vicinity: Pair tonight
and Friday. No change In tempera
ture. , Low humidity.
Oregon: Fair tonight and Friday.
No change In temperature. Low hu
midity. Lowest temperature this morning,
38 degrees.
Temperature a year ago today:
Highest, 61; lowest, 34.
Total precipitation since Septem
ber 1, 1032, 13.17 inches.
Relative humidity at 8 p. m. yes
terday, 30 per cent; fi a. m. today,
02 per cent.
Sunset today, 0:57 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow. 8:21 a. m.
Sunset tomorrow, 6:58 p. m.
Observations TnUcn at 8 A. M.
-v 120th Meridian Time
Salt Lake City...
San Francisco
'alla Walla
Washington, D.O.
Editorial Comment
With approximately 20 per cent of
the water and lights in Ashland de
linquent In their rentals, city coun-
cllmen are facing the problem of re
ducing these delinquencies. Many of
them are due, undoubtedly, to the
present economic distress and un
fortunately, the use of labor In re
ducing delinquencies seems to hare
placed such a premium on delin
quencies that instead of bringing
about a reduction It has brought
a material increase In the number of
delinquencies, and while some large
bills have been materially reduced,
the Increased number of leaser delin
quencies has actually Increased the
amount due the city.
Ciy Recorder J. Q. Adams calls at
tention to the fact that A&hland'a
system of collection and penalty
charge H Installation or service
charge, brings forth complaint from
Boston 44 36 ... Clear
Oheyenne . 00 34 .48 Snow
Chicago 60 43 P.Cdy.
Eureka , 63 46 .... Cloudy
Helena 34 .... T P.Cdy.
Los Angeles 60 63 w Cloudy
MEDFORD . 68 37 .. Clear
New Orleans 76 64 64 Cloudy
New York 60 40 T cloudy
Omaha 68 63 .04 Clear
Phoenix 60 38 .03 Clear
Portland .... 48 Clear
Reno 66 33 .. Clear
64 40 Clear
40 38 .06 Cloudy
48 Cloudy
63 46 Clear
60 40 P.Cdy.
64 43 .... Clear
40 .84 Rain
many customers. The city recorder es
Brady, M.D.
Youth Is the period of action, the
time to DO SOMETHING even If only
to bounce about like a playful pup
or a lively kitten. It Is sadder to
see youth substituting the obtundent
effect of tobacco for the normal reac
tion to the Impulse to DO SOME
THING than It Is to see an old burned
out fool trying to drown hla misery
In drink. ' Somehow It seems that
the youth has been robbed of his
chance; he has not received a fair
deal In his education.
I am more convinced than ever be
fore that the young person who wants
to enjoy life will not use tobacco
before he or she has attained full
adult development, and any one who
doea use tobacco gete the greatest
pleasure and the least harm from It
by temperance In Its use.
I work all day at a desk that haa
a glass top. Lighting Is natural day
light, from a window at left of desk.
Is this hard on the eyes? Miss V. W
Answer It Is always better to avoid
shiny or mirror surfaces or pure
white. Try to have the source of
light behind the plane of your vision
as you sit at work.
Big Drink.
Any harm In drinking one quart of
luke warm water, to which two level
teaspoons of salt has been added, each
morning? Mrs. H. B. L.
Answer It is an excessive quantity
of fluid to take at one time. Better
omit the salt. The drinking of a
pint or less of water, hot, warm or
cold, la a healthful habit.
I formed the habit of eating cloves
when a child. -1 quit a few years ago,
thinking It might be harmful. Please
let me have your opinion. Mrs. H.
S. H.
Answer It is not a healthful habit.
You give Insufficient data to warrant
an opinion. It is not a very dreadful
habit In any case.
No Resistance.
To settle a family argument please
answer these questions:
1. Is there such a thing as resist
ance in the human body, that Is. re
sistance to diseases, particularly germ
2. What Is Immunization?
8. Is there a difference between
them? Mrs. W. P.
Answer t. No.
2. The process of developng or
producing immunity.
Immunity Is a well recognized state,
which may be measured or tested
such as Immunity to typhoid fever.
Immunity to diphtheria, Immunity to
(Copyright, John P. Dille Co.)
timates that 76 per cent of the city
water and light users are not satis
fled with the service which the city
One of the arguments against mu
nicipal ownership yi utilities Is that
municipalities are not forward look
Ing and will not merchandise their
product. The policy of the "customer
being right" is abandoned In many
instances, and dl&sat'sf action results.
Probably the most unsatisfactory
feature of the Ashland collection sys
tem is the matter of the 50 cent pen
alty due If bills are not paid by the
10th of each month. During better
times when 60 cents did not look like
such a large amount, there were com
plaints, but those who find difficul
ty in meeting the light and water
oharftes find this penalty a burden
difficult to bear and a burden which
seems to them unnecessary. Ashland
Inquire about our new 6 percent
and 10 percent CASH discount on all
Ethelwyn B. Hoffmann
"KUROK" a specific remedy for
treatment of poison oak. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Grace Laboratories.
205 Liberty Bldg.
is Portland's largest hotel,
located only 3 blocks from
the leading banks and
stores, yet out of the noisy
traffic. New modern furni
ture, new equipment, new
. decorations. Excellent
dining room, cafeteria and
coffecshop. Popularprices.
Garage across the street;
attendants at the door . . .
Lobby pipe organ concert
every evening.
11.00 WITH BATH ;
Flight 'o Time
(Medford - and Jackson county
History from the Piles of The
Mall Tribune of to and 10 tears
April 30, 1823
' (It Was Friday)
I. W. W. orator oa Haymarket
square gives up In disgust when no
body will listen to him. '
Woman races fire truck to blaze
on Mistletoe street, and refuses to get
out ol the road tor fire equipment.
Plnea .6 and the fine remitted, on
promise to not repeat the trick.
Red Cross relief workers make ap
peal for an easy chair for aged In
valid. 33 chairs offered.
President Harding invited to visit
Crafrw Lake and this city on Coast
trip next summer.
Big watermelon patch planted by
Hugh Porter In the Willows Springs
Gold Hill has third largest school
in county.
Central Point puts on city airs with
establishment of a milk route, for the
first time In Its history.
April 20, 1913
(It Was Sunday)
Only 30 days left to sign up for Ir
rigation. Msy I la designated as official clean
up iay by Mayor.
CulUornla. to defy nation by law
against Japs.
Rapid construction is being made
on the new Bybee bridge.
Th'ee vaudeville acts at the Ists
At 14
I Wl
Best Foods
S. and W. Peas..... ..No. 2 can 19
S. and W. Apricots, peeled 14
S. and W. Shrimp. can 12
S. and W. Tuna halves 18
We will have a complete line of FLUHRER'S Breads, Cakes and
Pastries and GOLD SEAL Butter, Milk, Cream, Buttermilk and Cot
tage Cheese.
Hot Bread
On sale every day except Saturday,
between 6 and 6 p.m. ' i
U Phone 553.
14 So. Central
Will feature
(Continued from Page One.)
ate Investigator Pecora It waa decid
ed to press the Mitchell case first
and use It as a precedent for further
prosecutions. If Mitchell Is found
guilty which Is almost certain the
courts will stage a Roman holiday. 1
When the firing squad finishes Its
Job one of our better known Institu
tions may be In the embarrassing
HoteC Waxytand
Pasadena, California
0 A truly charming atxnosphar in which to
rest for day, a weelt or to live and dream ay
way the winter months.
Pasadena and the beautiful HOTEL MARY
LAND are a bit farther away from the ocean,'
where the dry, 'crisp air and health restoring
onshlna are so invigorating- -yet only a few
minutes drive along paved boulevards te the
heart of busy Los Angeles,
For Booklet: and Tletv Sort flaies
South Central
food dollar will go a long way at this market.
1 OC I
Mayonnaise ... pint 29c
can .
Limit 3
4 Free
0 mAMSS.
predicament of having only a single
vice president left. That's equivalent
to nudity but it would mean golden
opportunities for the rising generation.
The Harriman pot is still seething
under the lid and the argument la a
long way from finished. Some of the
banks which originally expressed ft
willingness to absorb their share of
tin Harriman losses are now trying
to take It back. They are afraid they
may get stuck for the whole bill
while the banks which filed legal ob
jections get off scot free. Their fears
look groundless to the better Inform
ed insiders.
The situation Is full of technical ,
complications and Wall Street law
yer i are having a field day. One
angle that has the legal profession
by the ears is the possibility of gov
ernment suits against individual of
ficers of the Clearing House.
bunches 5c
2 ib3. 1 5c
cans to a customer
S. and W. Crab Meat halves 31J
S. and W. Tomato Juice
S. and W. Olives, extra large
tall can 16t
Strawberry Pies
each 23c
Deliveries Daily