Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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Mixed Foursome Tourney Gala Event at Rogue Valley Golf Links
Coast League Opening Tomorrow Esss? an Added Attoactioia
Fifty Twosomes Tee Off in
Trek About Course As
Fine Weather Lures
Entertainment a Feature
By noriER farly.
In number of contestants, number
of valuable prizes awarded and the
enthusiasm expressed by gollera ot
the valley, the tournament on the
Rogue Valley courae yesterday was
the moat auocesaful ever ataged m
the valley.
According to A. P. Johnaen. chelr
'' man of the tournament committee,
there were 60 twoaomea In the two
ball tournament. Bestdee the 100
contestants, at leaat 35 people came
to the courae aa a aoclal event. In
all, Mr. Johnaen arid, at leaat 200
vlalted the courae yesterday.
Valuable Prizes Awarded.
Eighteen valuable prlzea were di
vided equally between thoae playing
18 holea and thoae ploying nine holes.
Theae prizes were obtained irom me
local merchanta belonging to the
golf club. The prizes, aa a wnoie,
wr valued at BS0.
Much pralae waa given the local
Oleemen who rendered several aonga
during lunch. Jim Stevena and Be
baatlan Apollo gave Individual en
tertainment and Bill Vawter alao gave
aeveral aelectlona of hla own arrange
ment. Jim Jenka, a vliltor from
Eugene, entertained at lunch with
aeveral aonga
Colorful Picture,
Every green, every fairway, and
very tee waa crowded witn conica
anta. Each of theae dreaaed In aome
brightly colored clothea, giving a very
beautiful picture agalnat the bright
green of the courae.
Appreciation waa expressed by the
tourcament committee for the mae
terful way Herm Burgoyne of the Bex
Oaf served lunch. Flav Weat, In
charge of the refreahmenta, waa alao
praised by those attending the tour
nament. Approximately 161 were
.1 served at lunch.
Prize Wlnnera Llated.
Those winning prlzea yeaterday
were aa follows: Miss Constance
Baker of Oranta Pass and O. Bennett
alao of Oranta Pass won a large sil
ver tray with a net ecore of 76. Mrs.
Aletha Vawter and J. O. Thompson
won a small allver tray with a acore
of 78. Mrs. Ina Alenderfer and E.
O. Sollnsky were presented with a
flower bowl for a net acore of 70.
Mra. Jerry Jerome and Larry Schade
with an 81 were presented with a
tree ash tray. Mra. Larry Schade and
Jerry Jerome also had an 81. They
received a picture. Mra. Sam Baker
of Oranta Pass and her huaband won
a card container with a net acore of
82. Mrs. Frank Roum and Dr. Sleoter
won a cigarette box with a score of
82. Mrs. Maude Codding and neeae
Braley turned In an 83 to win a
phone book cover. The above con
testants played 18 holea.
Prlzea for 8 Holea.
Prlzea presented to those playing
0 holea were aa follows: Mra. Marlon
Relgel and Earl Tumy. who turned
In a 41 were preaented with candle
ticks. Mra. Blanche Roberta and
Prank Newhall alao turned In a 41
to win two silver candle atlcks. Mra.
Lola Day and MBlng Crosby1 Owens
won a vase with a net acore of 43.
Mra. W. Blddle and Oaln Robinson,
also with 42, were presented with a
picture. Mra. L. Carpenter and Bob
Ruhl won a picture with a net acore
of 44. Mrs. Dorothy Tumy and Ralph
Bardwell won a picture with a 46.
Mra. Hamilton Patton and Olen Smith
were presented with a cigarette box.
Mrs. 6. Wilcox and Don Gray, who
turned In a 48, won a combination
set of playing cards.
Consolation winners.
In the consolation tournament the
following won prizes: Mra. Mark Mil
ler and MaJ. Morris, who turned In a
acore of 138 tor 18 holea were pre
aented with a trick comb. Mrs. R.
Stephenson and Cap Overmeyer won
a trick card box for taking 18 ahota
on number 7. Mra. Mary Cray and
Lyle Wilcox were presented with a
trick comb for a acore ot 67 for 9
holea. Mra. Oaln Robinson and Corbln
Edgell also turned In a 66 to win a
trick card box.
Perfect weather prevailed and more
tournaments are urged by the people
of the valley. Many of the contest
ants stayed at the courae until after
The tournament committee ex
pressed their appreciation for the
splendid enthusiasm showed during
the tournament by the golfera ot the
ANDERSON CREEK, April 8. (Spl.) I
The road crew made some wonder
ful improvement on the roads last t
week. . I
Mra. Jess Black apent Wednesday i
with Mrs. James Maya. j
Mr. and Mra. J, MarDowell went
out to the valley Saturday morning. 1
Mrs. James Maya and Edward Smith
apent Friday In Medford.
Steve Lunak waa In Ashland Fri
day. Frank Marquess and family called ;
on Mr. and Mra. Loos Thursday even- j
Ing. i
Mr. Donlca was In Tslent Wednee- j
day evening.
Ralph Green and family went out
to the valley Monday.
Mr. Casey was in Medford Wednes
day on business.
Aike Olln Deardof announce, new j
low prices at Winela m's Beauty Shop.;
Hot. Medforu. Xs.. SI. I
Anderson Creek
All Clubs in League Expect
to Add Profits by Sale of
Brew in Bandstands
Night Games Losing Out
Awoclated Prets Staff Writer.
With high hopes for more normal
aesson and a new ally beer at hand
to help Increase the revenue, Pacific
Coast League club will celebrate the
3 1st annual grand opening of the
circuit tomorrow.
That every club In the league will
seise upon the sale of beer to help
swell the return from the concession
end of the business is a foregone
conclusion. The Sacramento Club al
ready has made plana for this. Of'
flclala of the two San Francisco teams,
Seals &nd Missions, and the Oakland
Oaks, figure on increased revenue.
Seattle. Portland, Los Angeles and
Hollywood are expected to fall In line:
Tickets Come Cheap,
From the strictly baseball side, the
lure for Increased patronage will be
lower ticket prices. Coast league at
tendance in some cases last season
were appalling. Every club played to
smaller crowds than the year before.
Baaic prices this year will be 26
cents for bleachers and 40 cents for
White night games are losing out
In some sections, other localities will
go In for after-dark playing aa
strongly as before.
Ducki Look Weaker,
The early season size-up promises
a free-for-all scramble for the cham
pionship, with Portland's Beavers in
the defending role, while the Port
land team does not stack up as
strongly as that which won the pen
nant. The 1033 tall-end Mlsslona now
give Indications of having more for
midable representation for the pres
ent race,
Hollywood's Stara and the Los An
geles Angels loom aa the leading con
tenders. Portland, however, cannot
be written out of the competition.
Sacramento, third place club last sea
son, will open minus ; Its leading
twlrler of last season,1 Jimmy De
Shontr. sold to the Yankees.
Oakland has taken on experienced
help In Oeorge Kelly, former New
York Giants and Brooklyn first base
man and a 10-year man In the ma
jors, and Walter "Dutch" Rue t her,
wily southpaw who rates as one of
the smartest pitchers In the circuit.
Portland will feel keenly the lose
of Lou Finney, heavy hitting out
fielder, and Bob Johnson, another ca
pable fly chaser. Both bounced up
to the big leagues.
Brnnerk Improved Ray Hrobeck of
of 300 West Jackson street, who un
derwent a major operation at the
Community hospital Saturday, was
reported In a much Improved con
dition today.
At the Lowest $mS
rnces in
Tor throe days only, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week,
Cartosian Bros. Inc., America's largest Importers of Oriental Rug-s and
Carpets will have a special display and sale at our store.
This will positively be the last time you will have an opportunity of purchasing;
genuine .first quality Oriental Rugs at suoh extremely low prices. Due to
the drop In value of the American dollar in foreign markets, Oriental Rugs
have already advanced wholesale, twenty to twenty-five per cent.
Don't pass up this last opportunity for saving on the purchase of these beauti
ful rugs. The prices today represent savings the like of which you will never
again be able to make.
Oome in and see those beautiful floor; coverings. Ton will be surprised at
how low they really are. Even though you may not be ready to buy now,
you will thoroughly enjoy seeing them. And you will learn how very reason
ably you can have new Oriental Rugs for your entire home.
LONDON. April 3 (yPJ-Wis Emilia
Teranl, an English girl, was award
ed a Judgment of 4,200 pounds (ap
proximately 914,600) today In her
breach of promise suit against Prlmo
Camera, the prize fighter.
Camera did not appear in court.
Tli court permitted the reading of
letters to Miss Terslnt, however.
"My dearest Emilia," said one of
them, "I cannot sleep at night. My
thoughts are always with you." An
othei said: "Pear treasure of mine,
you can have trust in your Prlmo be- i
A beautiful day and perfect shoot
ing conditions brought out quite a
number of "target busters" Sunday
morning. S. O. Mendenhall was high
with 48x50. Sam Jennings and Ray
Coleman being only one bird behind.
A 74 was turned In for the Ore-
gonlan Telegraphic tournament, the
qualifying team being Sid Newton 35,
Ray Coleman 35 and Ed Pease 34. Two
more 35 straights were turned during
the shoot, one by Mendel hall and one
by Jennings, but could not be
counted In the Oregon lan tourna
The above named shooters, who
broko 35 straight received the usual
prize box of trap loads which Is being
awarded to members of the club.
S. O. Mendenhall ..... 48
Sam Jennings 47
Ray Coleman 47
Sid Newton 40
James Moore ......,............. 45
Elmer Wilson . .. 44
H, Crolsant 43
Roland Hubbard 40
Ron DeVore .. 30
Ed Pease
Clarence Eada ............
W. W. Bates
John Perl ... ....w...w.
Ralph Green .....
L. J. Adams
Chemawa Defeats .
Lincoln High 9-8
rJHEMAWA. April 3. ftExtn
base hits brought the Ohemawa In
dian school baseball team .a 9 to 8
win over Lincoln high of Portland
here Saturday.
The second game waa halted In a
8 to J tie In the sixth Inning.
Business Callers-Among business
vtalrors in Medford this morning were
I Strauss of Sams Valley. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Orump of Applegate, Mr.
and Mrs. O. L. Ltndley of Coker Butte
road.. Edwin Martin of Central Point
and Mr. and Mra. Lowell Ash of Per
sist, where Mr. Aah la employed In
the forestry service.
First Quality
cause he loves you with all bis heart
and soul."
One dated February, 1030, read:
"Emilia, my dearest little girl whom
I love, I won my second fight here In
America. You can live tranquilly be
cause I will not have another girl
but you. They are Ul an aversion to
me. They frighten me, all but you.
You will be my wife before a year."
Miss Terslnl brought suit against
Camera a year ago. In 1030 there was
a repot that they were married, but
Camera and his manager, who were
In Minneapolis at the time, denied It.
By Roger Early.
Pane will remember the first meet
ing of Bay Friable, the pride of Med
ford, and Pete Belcaatro, the rough
and tough apeed merchant from Sac
ramento. These grip and grunt
artlata will meet In an hour and one
half main event at the armory Wed
nesday night. April 4.
Promoter Mack Llllard In bringing
the two boys together for a return
winner-take-all match la giving the
fans one ot the beat bouts to be
ataged in the valley for some time.
Belcaatro, a heavyweight, has been
barred from four northern California
towns because of his rough tactics.
Frlsble, In his nationwide tour laat
fall, learned how to take this rough
stuff and alao how to dish It out.
Both men are exceptionally skilled
wrestlers and an Interesting match
la predicted.
A whirlwind seml-wlndup haa been
scheduled with Roland Warren, who
waa aeen In action here last week
tangling with Fireman Coy of the
Weed fire department. Coy Is a great
favorite with northern California fans
and haa thrown all the 100 pounders
he baa encountered. This match la
for two out of three falls with a 45-
mlnute time limit. Warren waa
greatly handicapped last week be
cause of a 13-pound weight advan
tage Duke Elliott held over him. War
ren and Coy are more evenly matched
and a fiery tussle la anticipated.
Build Big Barges
For Jetty Ballast
PORTLAND, April 3. 0P) Con
atructlon of four huge heavy-duty
barges which will transport about
90O 00O tons of rock down the Col
umbia river to the south Jetty re
pair project, will be under way at
onca, giving employment to about 200
men ,
Returns Here ugh B. Rankin, su.
pervlaor of Crater National park, ar.
rived back In Medford the last of
the week from Portland where he waa
called for a conference concerning
the reforestation program. He said
that no definite Information about
the ork here, could be obtained un
til advice waa received from Wash
ington. D. C. headquarters.
AOTJA CALIENTB, Mex., April 3.
(AP) To the list of thoroughbreds
which have won great victories, add
the name of Gallant Sir, and oppo
site It write "the $25,000 added Agua
caiiente handicap of 1033."
While the mile and a quarter race
was no longer the "richest In the
world." when he won It yesterday and
while Gallant Sir was a atandout In
a email field, the big four-year-old
colt did his Job handsomely In 2:03-3-0.
He cracked a record set by Phar
Lap. the wonder horse from the
Antipodes, In overcoming surprisingly
stiff competition.
With 10.000 fans shouting encour
agement. Gallant Sir suddenly laid
back both ears at a cluck from his
Jockey, Oeorgle Woolf, and running
at top apeed crossed the finish line
a moment later a length ahead of
the hard driven Waylaycr. The record
of 2:02-4-5 Phar Lap set In winning
the handicap last year In hla only
start In America had been eclipsed
The odds on Gallant Sir at race
time were 1 to S.
The S24.2O0 Gallant Sir won yes
terday brought his total winnings
to 74.200.
The rest of the added purse was
Planned Buying With the Mail
Tribune as Your Shopping Guide
Will Save Time and Money
Practical E
ments perform for home-makers a daily ECONOMIC
SERVICE . . . gives them an opportunity to plan sensibly
and spend wisely.
And not onlv do these advertisements help vou in attain
ing PRACTICAL ECON0MY but they are a conveni
ence as well. "When you plan your buying with their aid
you save shopping time as well as shopping money. Use
them . . . once you learn their value you'll wonder how
you ever got along without them.
Medford Mail Tribune
n Extortion Attempt
f . r"3v,
S .3. . - . . . . .... .1.
If1 e
Proveno Marcella, 14, was arrest
id at Akron, 0., as the result of an
alleged attempt to extort $25,000
from Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh.
Police said the lad admitted writing
wo notes. (Associated Press Photo)
divided 2500 to Waylayer. S1250 to
Lemon Hills and 9750 to Loversall.
The handicap paid its 1931 winner,
Victorian, $10800, but depression cut
down the prize.
1IE present need for
I tel fr-wA rvjJ
; U M
way nas taught many people that practical
economy can be accomplished, by using the
advertising columns of the MAIL TRIBUTE
as their BUYING GUIDE. These advertise
Some real class waa shown In the
Elks' doubles bowling tourney Isst
week. Herb Guenther and Harold
Brown won the weekly prize for the
highest score In a 3-game match with
a total of 1102. while Ertckson and
York rolled 431 to win the weekly
prize for the highest score on a sin
gle game. Several of the bowlera
brought their averages up above
scratch or 180.
G. Tl. Avg. Pet.
Prultt 3 699 200 ....
Guenther, Herb .. 3 586 195
Eads 3 581 194 .
Erlckson 3 577 192
Watson 3 574 191 .
GUI 3 561 184
Sollnsky . 8 525 175 4
Rankin 173 5
Orr 3 611 170 7
Hutchison 3 503 188 9
Wright 3 487 162 t 13
Fllegel 3 473 157 17
York 3 463 154 19
Ferguson 3 402 154 19
DeVore .... .... 3 461 154 19
Smith 3 460 152 21
Lngeson 3 453 151 22
Winkle ... 161 22
making a dollar go a long
Moffatt si P3
Strang, Herb 3 481 r 150 2J
Brown 3 450 150 22
Holmes ...... 8 449 150 2
Sherwood .. 3 44W 160 33
Guenther, Hugo - 3 444 148 2
Rose 3 440 147 2,
Alenderfer 146 2
Strang, Vlrg 3 290 146 26
Fredette 3 436 146 36
Thompson 3 427 142 ?8
Strange 3 427 14!' 28
Brayton 3 425 141: .8
Gilbert 3 . 424 14: 20
Sanderson 3 407 133 33
Kelly 3 400 133 36
Bowman 3 387 12 ? 38
Elwood 3 388 133 ii
W. L. PO.
Watson-Vlrg Strang...... 9 0 l.Ot;
OIU-Hutchlson 8 1 jut
Guenther-Brown 10 2 .8.'3
Erlckson-York 9 3 .79
Sollnsky-Holmes e 3
Pruttt-Strange 8 4 .8fi7
Orr-Alenderfer . ... 7 5 .583
Fltegcl-Ferguson ..... 7 6 .633,
Eatls-Oilbort : 7 5 .5:.'j!
Motfatt-Wrlght b 4 S)
Rankln-Fredette 6 6 ioo
Roe-l.ace5cn 4 6 .444
Stritpg. Kerb-Braytca. 3 9 .249
Smith-El v.wd 2 10 .1P8
Wlnl-.c-sanderson 1 . 11 .083
Bowman-Kelly ..... 0 I' .0(i(j
Guenther-Thompson 0 l .000
H E. C. Meetlng-r Announcement
we made today that the Roxy Ann
H. E. C club of the grange will meet
at the home of Mra. W. C. Andrews
on Spring street, Wednesday, April 5.
for an all-day meeting. Members are
asked to come at ten o'clock.