IfTDFOIir! MAIL TRIBUNE. tfEDFORD. OREGON, 3IOXDAT. JfARCH 6, i933. PAGE SEVEN n (reran? DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT Want Ad HERB Afltf rflB RATES; 9m word first insertion M (Minimum 2oe) Bscb Additional insertion. Dai word ' (Minimum 10c) par Una per month, without Mm eh&nires . . it St 75 Phone ,.3 LOST LOST Live Silver Fox. Notify Mrs. Thraaber. Jacksonville. Phone 113- LOST II dog missing, call 151- FOUND FOUND White police , 'J1?; Initial on collar. B. R. Call a-F-13 Eagle Point. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED unincumbered house keeper from 45 to 60. for one man. Raise chickens .n ehares. Box 9968. Mall Trlbunei RELIABLE young lady wishes house work lor room and board. Ca.1 843-R. mornlnga. - 8EWINO. mending, care of children, or day work of any kind. Mre. Th. 37 Quince, Phone 641-L. TWO MEN want Job. work Inside or out. 626 W. 4th St. Tel. 833-X. EXPERT PAINTBR will do eign paint Ina interior decorating - general paint jobs. Call at 222 So. Central WANTEPMISrELLANEOOS WANTED 25 aharea Jackaon Coun ty Building & Loan stock. Price right. Box 9968, Mall Tribune. WANTED 2d hand goods and Junk. Pafs. 1S06 Prune. Tel. 647-L. WANTED Household gooda, stoves, tools, or what have you MED FORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 n Orape St. Phone 1082. FOR RENT HOUSES 135 Tripp street reasonable rent. 1017 9th modern 6-room home, close In. 38 Summit modern stucco; furnace. Call H. H. Brown. 105. PARTLY furnished house. 513 N. Orape. TOR RENT 4-room furnished house, 20 month. 117 Almond. MODERN furnished 3-room house, 15. Also one unfurnished. Key 114 Tripp. Phone 1288-J. FOR RENT Small, strictly modern furnished house: Frlgldalre, garage. 221 North Holly St. 7-ROOM house. 19 No. Peach, 17.50. water paid. Phone 1042-W. FOR RENT 4-room duplex with jaa range and heater. 610 North Bart lett. Phone 341-R-i. FURN. HOUSES. 0. A. DeVoe. FOR RENT East aide five room house, well furnished, water paid t22.50. Phone 1149. FOR RENT -room modern furnish, ed' house; hardwood floors, over stuffed, electric range Call at 630 8 Central HOMES FOR KENT Call 796. FOR RENT Clean, partly furnished 4-room house. Telephone 488-M- FOR RENT 5-room furnished house and garage. Call at 845 N Bartlett FOR RENT Furnished 6-room mod ern houae. Call at 4U 3 Riverside FOR RENT Partly furnished home close In. nice shade, garden spot, garage 620. water rent paid; lo cated at 315 So. Rlverarslde: In quire at 325 So. Riverside. FOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurauhed. Brown .White FOR RENT APARTMENTS J-ROOM apt, ground floor. Tvy. DESIRABLE furnished a pert men with garage and phone; 30; adulta 711 East Main St. FURNISHED apartment. 229 N. Ivy. APARTMENT 114 Aimond St. FURN. apta for rri' Tel. 201-H. PURN1SHED apartment. Dure!) Court 829 N Holly, phone 1232-W FOR RENT Attractive ground floot apartment for couple employed Call at 632 Plum St.. after 6pm or Sundays. ATTRACTIVE two rooms, furnished: garage; water paid 611.50 Phone 130. FOR RENT BOARD AND BOOMS FOR RENT Rooms, board, close In 153 No. OJkdale. BOARD AND ROOM a 716 B. Mala Rates very moderate. FOR SM.E Al'TOMnnll.FS FOR sv.s nr TRADE for wood Ford Trutka and Fordeon. Med. Fuel Co. -OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS TWO very desirable adjoining rooms, heated. Bath. Suitable for two or three ladles or gentlemen. 16 No. Orange. PLEASANT room, close In, bath, gar age. 609 E. Main. Phone 345.. FOR RENT Room, adjoining show er. In private home. Phone 798-Y. FOR RENTFurnlshed eleeplng room, . private family, close In; home priv ileges; price reasonable. Tel. 1076--J. ATTRACTIVE rooms.' 404 8. Orape. FOR RENT Comfortable rooms: pri vate entrance One block from Mam St. , Reasonable rates- 222 8 Central. TOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Fine Irrigated garden lot: fruit, ben-lee. 121 Cottage St. LAND FOR RENT acre of good vegetable and melon land. Irrigated. Phone 431-J. FURN. 3-room cabin. 66.50. 114 Tripp. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE or TRADE Fish pond on coast highway, doing fair business. For particulars write Ira, Patrick, North Bend, Ore. FORCED TO SELL P 1 O C f Splendid little lunch 10 I U U room In Medford; excel lent location. Prese.it business $30 to $35 per day; making money. Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc., Exclusive Agents.' FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Fresh cow for alfalfa hay. Tel. 591-J-l. WOOD for jay or potatoes, near Trail a O Skellenger. Trail. Ore. WILL trade -dry 18" fir and hard wood for light truck 82i Eaat 4th FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE HAVE 4 houses on one lot In L. A . worth $4800; loan $800: all rented. Want small farm. J. A. Frodrlck. 1451 Tremont St.. Los Angeles. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Black Minorca setting eggs. 410 Earhart. NARAOANSETT turkey breeding stock. Reasonable. Mrs. J o n n Fuss, Rogue River, Ore. AUSTRAL-WHITE hatching eggs. See Geo. Webb at Lamport's. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching .eggs, laying atraln. $2.50 hundred Baker Service Station. NEW low price on baby chicks; Han- sen triple pedigreed, also xom Cockran mating S. C. W. Leghorns. B Rocks and R. I. Reds. Custom hatching a specialty. Eakln Hatch ery, Talent. NEW LOW PRICES on chicks Whit Leghofns. Hansen strain, 8 cents; .Reds and Rocks 9. oenta 24 pane catalog free. Jenks Poultry Farms. Tangent. Oregon. . . DRESSLER'S - Square Deal Hatchery. 1107 E. Main. Phone 1589-Y. FOR SALE FRUITS A VEGETABLES NEWTOWN apples, orchard run. 650 lugs. Roy smith, half mile north of Jacksonville. ORANGES $1 crate. Big 7 Fruit ' Warehouse. 12th and 8o Front. NEWTOWN APPLES Cheap. Ala Vista Packing House. FOR SALE FUEL APPLE WOOD Phone 697-J-5. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE or TRADE for cattle or hngs, pair good work mules, Cleve land tractor. Phone 356. Ashland. FRESH and springer heifers for sale, also email pigs. Call 1520 North Riverside. RED feeder pigs. Adolf - Schulz. Beagle. FOR SALb HOMES $700 equity In 4-room modern house, 4 acre, 2 miles from. Medford. Wanted, late model car or what have you, cheap for cash. No reasonable offer refused. Harold Jones, 654 N. 3rd St., Grants Pass. A REAL BUY In 6-room modern home. Inquire at 222 W. Jack aon. MODERN home, 3 lots, fruit,- berries, near school. $1360. easy terms. Consider Jackson County Bldg. ft: Loan atock aa down payment. Owner, 1232-W. FOR 8 ALE Good 8 room house (east frunt) and nice lot dose to Berry dale store A great bargain at $450 Terms. Phone 617-L. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 20 ACRES. Irrigated, small house. gooa garden iaaa, sums alfalfa . AT An .3150 74 ACRES. Irrigated, modern house. Bear Creeic bottom, best CI OA garden land t?OU EI Trust $2850 above places for sal Terms. OWNER PHONE 910-Y FOR SALE 10 acres. Good houae and barn on Row river, 17 miles east of Cottage Grove. Ore., one mile from Culp Creek P. O. A O. Suter place. Price $1150. $150 down. $12.50 a month. Inquire Hugh F. Proudflt, 1122 11th Ave., W. Eugene. Ore. FOR SALE. CHEAP 'i acre, houw and outbuildings. Rt. 1, Box 250 E. B. Bisnop WHEN you think ot real estate think of Brown White. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ORCHARDIST3 Don't neglect your orcha-d. Better days are ahead For Pear. Trees. Cherry. Apple. Poach. Apricot. Almond. Plum. Walnuts, Filberts. OrBpes. Roses. Shrubs, etc.. call at W. B. Bar num. Medford. 3 miles south on Pacific hljhwsy or phone 851R2. Carlton Nursery Company. Carlton. Ore-;on. . foil SALS Ticket to Los Angeles i Tel. 268-J. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One Automatic gaa ranse and water heater. Inquire 1017 VV. 9th. FOR SALE Mixed beardless barley and alfalfa hay. $6 per ton at barn. Phone V7-W. FOR SALE Good used cook stove. Berrydale 2nd Hand Store, 1603 No. Rlveralde. FOR SALE Wood range. Eads Trans fer and Storage. Phone 315. FOR SALE Thor washing machine. $40; late model. 450 Haven St. RED: SEED OATS for spring sowing: alialia nay. Farmers uuuang. vj operatlre. phone 932. FOR SALE 30-30 Savage rifle, equip ped with peep rear eight and marble front site. Also Winchester J2 rifle with good sights. Both guns nearly new. priced to sell Phone 576-W evenings. FOR SALE Good Dellcloua apples and Newtown culls, or will trade 1 wood or whatever you have. Joe Kantor. Rt 4. Box 237. FANCY Success beardless seed barley for seed Phone 697-R-l. FOR SALE Good, solid Newtown ap ples by box or truckload. W. H Watt. Phone 468-R-2. YOU can now get Duart permanent wave for only $1 75 Prevost Beauty Shop 16 Laurel Tel 727-J. SUPERFEX oil beater, cheap. Phone 1012 GET the 'No Hunting1' and trespass ing signs at the Mall rrbune Job nffice: printed on jloth to .with stand the ram and weatber- FOR SALEUsed sewing machines, all makea. $6 up; terms If desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co 24 N Bartlett FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming Phone 912-J. ALFALFA. $8 00: wheat. $1.06 owt.; barley 85o; ear corn. 90o. Phone O A DeVoe 523-J-2 FOR SALE Harley-Davtdson motor cycle $85 cash See John, at Mall Tribune MISCELLANEOUS NOW Jn the time to have your spray ing .done. . All. .work guaranteed. Phone 268-W. INCOME TAX Let me prepare your Income tax return Years of experi ence. Both State and Federal are now due. Fred L . Colvlg, 625 S Central. Phone 735-M. GET the "No Hunting" and trespass ing signs at the Mall Tribune Job office: printed on clotb to with stand the rain and weather HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers Spoctal livestock moving equipment Prices right Satisfaction guaranteed 619 North Rlveralde Phone '044-X BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. ' ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ol Title and Title Insurance. Tbe only complete T 1 1 System In Jacksor Coanty. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. AOBtraots of Title, Title Insurance Rooms 8 and 6. No 32 North Central Ave. upstairs Aatomobrie Loans. CONTRACTS REFINANCES PAYMENTS REDUCED We pay up balance due dealer, bank or finance company nd extend your payments Additional money loaned Phone 81 (or appointment Dressmaking and Remodeling. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking and remodeling. 424 Medford Bldg. Myrtle Andrews. Phone 1181. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1172 House cleaning Floor waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Beat equipped plant In southern Oregon. . Printing ol all kinds; book binding; loose-leal ledgers, sod - blanks billing systems, duplicating ' cash sales slips and everything ID the printing line. 28-30 N Grape . Phone 75. ftloney Co Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per month on un paid balance No other charge See w s l nomas. a a central Ground floor Cratenan Theatre Bldg State License No 8-167. Painting and paperbanglng. BARRY MARX Painting, tinting, paperbanglng. Phone 14-F-4- Res. Coleman Creek road EADS rRANbPER & STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. Central Phone 816 Prices right Service guaranteed RE1NK1NO TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and Storage We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill NO Fir Street. Pbone 332 Piano Instruction BETTER piano Instruction, Individ ual or class Tbe oaalc way Height Music Studio. - Liberty Building Phone 72. Anderson Creek ANDERSON CREEK. Marts C (Spl) Many fr.cr.La of Mr. D. O. Hale were grieved to learn of her sudden death Monday. Thta Is the second death In two weeks on the creek. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDowell were out to Medford Wednesday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green went to Ashland Thursday. Ftrve Ounak tm out to the valley Sunday. j . Ed South and, Mx. Dome ax (OUNIY 1 . Jacksonville I Williams Creek JACKSONVILLE. March 6. (Spl.) Several ladles from here attended a I meeting of the Jackaon County Rec- j reatlon club at the court house Wed- i nesday. Mrs. O. O. Sanden and Miss ! Helen Key of Jacksonville formed ' committee who led In gamea and stunts. Mrs. E. B. Severance, from here, and Mrs. Henry Conger of west aide, put on two dramatic atuntts. Mrs. Paul Pierce of Sterling accom panied by her slater, Mrs. Marie OffUl of Los Angeles, called here Thursday. Mrs. A. M Jennings, manager of the Jacksonville sanitarium, made a business trip to. Portland and Salem last week. Mrs. Q. O. Sanden attended a meet ing of the ladles' auxiliary of letter carriers at the home of Mrs. Lawson In Medford Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oden, on February 10 an elgh-pound baby boy at the Jacksonville Sanitarium. They have named their small eon Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen of Medford are now making their home with Mrs. Ernest Langley. Mrs. Allen la a sister of Mrs. Langley. Mrs. Fred Bartley shopped in Med ford Monday. Ladles' Aid society held an all-day meeting at the Presbyterian church parlors Thursday. Covered dish lunch eon was held at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Will McDanlel of Ap ple gate were In town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith and son. Loyal, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Langley. motored to Big Applegate and visited at the Beaverman ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Langley remained there for the rest of the week. Mrs. Re Is Chapman of Medford, Mrs Alice Ulrlch and Mrs. H. K. Hanna called Monday on Mrs. J. T. Buckley on Applegate. Harry Hoxsey of Copper was here Thursday and had dinner at Amy's Place. Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Wilson of Med ford and Mrs. Archie Bowman were recent dinner gueata of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wilson. Mrs. Cora White of Medford visited her sister, Mra. Erie White, last week. Girls' League of the Jacksonville high school held a meeting Friday afternoon. They plan an outing some Sunday in the near future. Miss Anna Smith spent the week end with Helen Sweet on Griffin creek. The dramatic club of the Jackson ville high, school will present, two playa entitled: "Barbara" and "Jerry" to be given at the school gymnasium on the evening of March 9. A small admission will be charged. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chllders visited their daughter. Mrs. Leonard McKee, on Big Applegate Friday. Week-end gueste at the Ben Daw son home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson and daughter of Central Point. Desirable bouses always in first class condition for rent, lease ot sale Call 108 helping Steve Gunak saw wood this week. Mr. Casey spent Thursday In the valley. Mr. Bushnell and family have moved to Ashland. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS , L Horse of a certain gait a. Line with a soft sub stance f. Southern 11. Papal scarf 13. Bustle 14. Action at law 15. First appear ance 18. Merciful It. All that could be wished SO. Related through the mother 21. Evergreen tree 23. By way of 25. One who utilises 21. Top card 27. Haying- ma chine 21. More moist VU Work beyond one's strength St, Protect against loss IT Interminable period of time IS. Rs'-s Solution of i HALClEt!)lbN Yj o'ftt- ead smt R eat j n uTtMsIeIrraI KiOBjJ S LA S M SlfB THTORNjY-MTrlP E L j No I OH- ABg E TIA PU N I DJo L UPIR A I NR AN Egg E T AARRE TRE E Fffl iiSNEEENloTH A1LII NEDORIONp jT 'LORD Rge1ne1rAT1E1 LlEiEjsy yIeIaIrwiainIeIsI Before The sesamet vsr. Sea eagles Embeillnh Pretontlous house Fixed charges Japanese statesman The Greek T Ward off 3 l-rl3 . 3.1 22 "" pp 23 34 Hp 2B """" " 32 MMM 1 3o HI 31 " 3Z 33 Air p 38 3f -o H 4( "" " " g 4i """" 7i 'ji3 in nn 33 w IS3 Ts 35 Briefs WILLIAMS CREEK Mar. (Spl.) Washington's birthday was observed in our school with a program by the Intermediate grades. Mrs. Lee's room, the other room and high school were invited Several parents wer pres ent. The program was: Song. Eileen Vincent, Cora Gibson. Edna Whlsler. Juanlta Miller and Fay Mullen; song, the school: recitation. Adallne Mor rison: story, Mary Jane Gibson; song, Bobby Vincel. Gerald Sorels. Arthur and Jack Roy: compositions, Roy Boat. Earl Whisler, Arthur Gray, Jean Goldsmith and Ellne Vincel; song, five girls; solo, Edna Moomaw; an Instrumental selection by three boys of the school orchestra, Harold Boat. Lewis Varner and Delmar Sorrels. Williams basketball teams won both games from Grants Pass Wednesday. The girls' team played the Business and Professional Women's team and the boys played the Ep worth league team. Both won by small scores. General spring moving and settl ing for the summer has begun. The Vahrenwald family moved to the new home near Grants Pass, on the lower river road. Homer House has rented the place vacated by the Vahren walds. Chester Boat and family have moved to the Jim McFadden place vacated by Homer House and Mr. and Mrs. Lathrope from Central Point are moving Into the parsonage where Chester Boat has been living this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lathrope ha7e rented the Taylor Hartley place. Girls' basketball team played the Williams mothers' team at the Grange hall Saturday night, Boye' team played the Kerby sohool boys. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gibson are 111 with whooping cough. Gibson and Schults hauled lum ber to Grants Pass recently. They now have more men logging for them and will spend more time running their mill. Brail Voss Is an occa sional helper at the mill. Nelson Warner and sons. Alva and Floyd are In the mountains mining. Kenneth and Ouy Vineyard were business visitors In Grants Pass and New Hope Monday. Harry Sorrels accompanied Gibson and Shultz to Grants Pas son busi ness Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holland en tertained the Williams bridge club with a delightful party Saturday night. Ellis Klncade of Grants Pass was a business visitor at the C. E. Vincel home Monday. Judxe and Mrs. Nor ton and Mrs. Stella Stratton were in Williams creek Sunday. Mrs. Stratton has been spending ihe winter with Mrs. Norton. Williams ladies' club spent a de lightful afternoon with Mrs. M. L. Houae Wednesday. There were 13 ladles present. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Km del. Miss Beth Wood, who la In Hono lulu, writes her mother that she is at work and Is delighted with the country. Miss Wood is & graduate nurse. She greatly enjoyed the ma neuvers of the air fleet there recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jap Larlmore and Mr. and Mrs. Fern Larlmore of Granta Pass and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robinson of Wlldervllle spent Sunday at their son's and brother", Alfred Larlmore of Williams. Occasional patches of snow are still seen on sheltered north slopes. This Cross-Word Puzzle osterday's Puzzle 4, (jt away from 6. Nerve net work 9. Pale 7. American humorist 2. Finished 9. Regions 10. French annuity 11. Flower 17. Accustom 19. Unwilling 2L Animal's foot 22. Frozen water 24. Idolized 27. Number 28. First woman 30. Wearies 22. Co in a ram 33. Put on Ji. Cube root of one 3. Planet 28. Forgive 29. Muse of lyrio poetry 40. Irritate 42. Cry of ap plause 44. Location 4. Spoken 48 Wooden pro peller SO. Make a mis take tU Pis-pen IraMs R O PEP u s eIrIs C E Rjgfea KS. Plaything 65. Plant of the genua Vlcla 57. Kind of auto mobile truck DOWN . 1. Seed container 2. Exist 2, President's body of advisers snow fell January 9 and T. It Is the first time remembered here when snow has lain on the ground so long. Friday morning fresh snow covered the trees on all the mountains sur rounding the valley, making a beau tlful sight as the bright sun shone over all. Mra R. F. Lewman called on Mrs. Tom Choat Monday. She is still con fined to her room. C. W. Roberts visited Friday with Taylor Hartley, who la in very poor health this winter. Mrs. Frank Wood was In Granta Pass Wednesday to see Dr. Lowe. She also called on Mrs. A. L. Blodgette. who is still confined to her room since her operation. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Flxley were visiting their daughter. Mrs. Lester Sutton. In Klamath Falls last week. Mrs. M. L. House called on Mrs. Chas. Cougle Friday afternoon. Blanche and Bessie Hayes and Grace Roberte called on Mra. Tom Choat and Mrs. John Letteken Friday after noon. Bellview BELLVIEW, March C (Spl.) Hap pytlme la planned for the dance on March 10, at the Upper Valley Com munity club house. It is sponsored by the club and will be In charge of the dance committee. Mrs. J. E. Gowland, Mrs. Floyd Clark and Mrs. Henry Stenrud. Special features will be a -part of the entertainment. Boone's orchestra will furnish music, and refreshments will be served. Wednesday the Upper Valley Com munity club will begin .its meeting at one o clock. Because extra time will be required for election, there will be no roll call. A president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and one trustee will be elected, to take office in June. The program will be In charge of Mrs. Vera Helms. Hostesses are Mrs. KUngler, Mra. Lamkln, Mra. Marttn, Mrs. Mc Canso and Mre. Meservey. John Hosnenauer was taken to the Ashland Community hospital Friday, where he underwent a minor opera tion. As soon as his condition per mlts, he will undergo another. His many friends hope for his recovery, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hessenauer of Klamath Falls are visiting here, called her by the serious illness of Roy's father, John Hessenauer. Mr. and Mra. Oscar Martin and daughters Mildred and Louise, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Talbot in Ashland Sunday. Joe Gregory is Installing a tele phone at his mother's Mrs. Jennie Gregory. A; L. Peachey la assisting him. The Instrument and right in the Bellview Telephone company were purcnaeed rrom B. f. Kobie. Mrs. J. E. Gowland went to Med ford this week, where she served on the Jury. Bellview school was closed Monday, which was visiting day for the teach ers. Monday morning. Miss Talbot, Miss Hitchcock and Miss Hag or via Hod Washington and Lincoln schools In Ashland. In the afternoon, Miss Hager visited Wagner Creek, school, and Miss Talbot and Miss Hitch cock visited the Jacksonville and Central Point schools. Over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Huxley entertained Mrs. Tay lor of Central Point. Next Wednesday the primary de parment of the Bellview school will furnish a part of the program for the Upper Valley Community club. Last week George Yockel went to Marshrield. bringing back household furniture of Dr. Haines' parents who will locate on a ranch near Rogue River. R. It. Brantley went to Klamath Falls last week wihere lio transacted business. t Central Point CENTRAL POINT, March . (Spl.) Mra. Hague of Berrydale district waa noataas to the Home Economical club February 33 following a brief buel nea seaalon a program with Wash ington's birthday aa motif, waa en Joyed. Refreshments were served by the hosteas and committee. Present were Mesdamea Ida Henderson, Betta Pankey. Hazel Tyrell, O. V. Myers, W. McCredle, Martha Gregory, Leverton. Parker. Collins, Olsen, Misses Velma McCredle. Mary Maury and hostess, Mrs. Hague. The next meeting of this club will be at the home of Mrs. Parker on March 31. Mlaa Esther Lathrop celebrated her birthday Thursday evening with a party. Invited were Erma Thompson, Jean Hermsnson, Mailne and Nelda Jean Ayres and Jean Brown. Orange m mday night with all offlcera present. Reports from cora mltteea were heard, among which was a sales and exchange plan from the agricultural committee. Including ma chinery, stock, hay. grain, etc. A paper on mo use or nome products was cir culated by Mrs. Bursal! and signed by many of the housewives. The pro gram was In honor of St. Patrick's day. opening with s paper on songs of Ireland by Eva Smith, a skit by Donald Richardson and Roberta Pan. ken muslcsl reading by Janice Hea sflgrave, who responded to encore In a pleasing number two Irish solos by Ruth Hsley end hsrmontca num bers by Morse Haley. A husband call ing contest by several housewives re sulted In a tie between Mrs. Cstey snd Mrs. Brenner. The grand march preceded refreshment. Orange will meet again March 17, when a large crowd of visitors from Medford snd the "Oleemen" will psrtlclpate In the progrsm plsnned by Lecturer lula Benson. Buslnsss meeting will open at S o'clock and coneluds at . at which time visitors will be sdmttted. Competitive plays, sponsored by the Reerestlonsi club, will be shown for Judging In the Medford high school suditcrlum March 8 In the order named, Rogue niver, Phoenix, Central Point. Cheese factory shipped 913 lbs. of cheese to San Francisco February 19 and 9436 lbs. to Oakland March 1. Orangs orchestra furnished muste for the Neighbors of Woodcraft at the I. O. O. P. hall Monday. , J. O. Isaacson Is reported, lmj?rov Ing. hut not yet able to return to his business at the office. Mabel Mack held a sewing demon stration at the Grange hall Thursday nt all day meeting. Pot luck dinner was served at noon. Mrs. W. C. Lacey left Friday to visit her daughter In Portland, making the trip by stage. Andre Chomel has not yet fully re- I covered from a aeveral weeks' siege of influenza. Senior young peoples' class of the Christian church was entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vincent's February 24. Devotional period was led by Mrs. Carl Hover. Entertainment commlt teer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hovtr. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Bruos Powell. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 an ford Richardson, Mr. and. Mrs. Otto Bohnert, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hover, Mr. and Mrs. George Marine, Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Pan koy. Rev. and Mrs. Millard, Mrs. Er nest Kelley, Mrs. Bud Adams, Lyle Gregory, Luc lie Abbott, Donald Rich ardson, Betty Millard. Bobby Vincent, and hosts. Refreshment tables in charge of Mesdames Richardson and Vincent were patriotically decors ted A recent guest of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Tompkins was Mrs. George Lute of Newburg, Ore., who is a sister of Mrs. Tompkins. Mrs. Lute spent the winter with her daughter in Los Angeles and was en route home Among those recovering from influ enza was Mesdames P. D. Lofland, G- Obenchaln and C. E. Smith. Mr. Stone has In his drugstore on display a spinning wheel that he brought back with i him from New York last year. It belonged to his grandmother, Mrs. Eliza Shumate, who used It bo fore the Civil War. Mrs. stone's brother. Dale Smith, repaired the relic Mrs. Fred Wylle wilt be hostess to Mrs. Bursell's Bible class on Friday, March 10. Berean Bible class will meet at Mrs. L. O. Grimes March 6. Friends of Mra. Doerschuk regret that she has taken a relapse after having nearly recovered from a long illness. Rogue River ROGUE RIVER. . March . (Spl.) Olrl Soouta met February 3i at the home of their leader, Mrs. Joels Loves, for six o'clock dinner, fol. lowed by their business meeting snd later In the evening went to the community ball where the Ladles' Aid held a pie social. Meeting March 1 waa held with the other leader, Miss Florence White. An Interest ing meeting waa had, March 8th the girls sre giving a tree program at the. achool auditorium. Jimmy Scott has been very 1U for some time. Ladles' Aid gave a pie social at the Community hell February 33. Thursday night ladles of the Clvlo Improvement club gave their play "rleirs at Law," to a good house. Two families by the nsme of Rey nolds srnvod Monday from Albany. Ore., and are living In the Frank Clements' house. They plan to make their homes here. Mr. Harding and family .left last week for their old home In Califor nia, having aold their 10 acre tract .here to Mr. Palmerton. a landscape gardener of Medford, who plana to beautify the grounds and make their home here. W. J. Dlohm of Pasco, Wash., ar rived In Rogue River Monday night, called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. Alice Winders. Donald Lee, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson, who live on Ward creek, died February 34 of pneumonia. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the grave side In Medford I. O. O. F. ceme tery. Olvlo Improvement Club met Fri day st Mrs. Jane Smack's wlVl Mrs. Albert Mcllvaln as aula tent hosteas. Fifteen members and one visitor were present. It was a patrlotlo meeting with a good program. Pupils from Mlas Ross' room sang and boys from Mlaa Wlllla' room gavo a flag drill. Maxlne Love and Joan Soott danced the minuet to violin music furnished by Willis Steehl and Margaret Rob ertaon. Next meeting will be on March 10 at Community hall, In the form of a covered dish luncheon. Mabel Mack, county agent, will be gin a series of four talks on low cost meals. Everyone Interested Is Invited to attend. O. Schermerhorn, Mr. Taylor and Ralph Cox. all of Los Angeles, ware In Rogue River Saturday looking over mining property. Mr. and Mrs. Rlcbsrd Scott were business visitors at Qranta Pass Wed nesday. Frank Heath was a business visitor at Eugene this week, 1 Phoenix PHOENIX, Msrch . (Spl.) Phos nlx Presbyterian church Is looking forward to a busy season of prs Esster activities. Plana are undsr way for a visitation of the ' entire community. Details of this plan will be given In a short time. By vote of the session a section of the ohurch lawn will be landscaped this spring. O. C. Hsrtlsy, chairman of the house and grounds committee, hss requested that all friends of the church who wish to donate flowers or shrubs for the church will plesse bring them at their earliest conven ience. Ladles' Missionary society met at Mrs. Cora Morgan's Tuesday after noon. The business meeting was post poned. The Missionary study of the Amerlcsn Indian was completed. This Is the fourth mtaslonsry book wtilcb the ladles have completed. - . A good attendance waa enjoyed at the meeting of the Phoenix Orange Tuesday night. Members Initiated In the third and fourth degrees were Frank snd Roy Denver, Mr. Burson snd dsughter. Mr. Logan waa bal loted upon. Two names were re ferred to the candidate committee. A buatness meeting was enjoyed with several committees giving re ports. Refreshments) wer served, by tb committee appointed Mtse Fay Carver, Mr. and Mrs. O A. Knudsou and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caster. Pp aongs. led by Vaughn Quack enbuah were aung. Mr. and Mrs. H B. Reames and family were guesta of A. H. Hearn Sunday. Alvln O. Tollefaon of Medford was dinner gueat of Rev. and Mra. Peter son Monday evening. Mrs. J. B. Webeter. who recently fell and badly sprained her ankle. is still confined to her bed. Dr. Dan E Standard made a busi ness trip last week to Portland and Seattle. He visited his daughter and aon and family In Portland, and with his sister snd brother in Seattle. He wss accompanied home by his aon, Joe Standard, who la apendlng a short time here. Mrs. Standard was honored with birthday dinner at her home Tuea day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs J. O. N. Poling and family. Mrs. Lydla Vincent and Mlas Lottie Wstklns and Joe Standard of Portland. Charlie Christiansen of Linden ha lted Mrs. Lillian Colemsn and Mrs. A. H. Hearn over the week end. Mlas Roberta Reames has been vis iting this week In Phoenix with rela Uvea. Senior Intermediary C. E. aoclely of the Presbyterian church enjoyed tho songs of the Albany Glee club over KOIN Sunday. Dr. Dan E. Standard, J. O. N. Poling and Rev. R. s. Peterson called on H. W. Frame Tuesday. Mr. Frame Is 111. Hermsn Montgomery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Montgomery, who has received treatmenta in the Shrina hospital at Portland, left Wednesday for Portland to receive further treat ment. He was accompanied by hls father. Mr. and Mrs. M. Montgomery celled nt the J. v McAbee home Mondsy evening. Mr. Bowman, county superintendent of education, visited the Phoerilk schools Tuesday, , Mr. and Mrs. George Dickey and granddaughter ot Salem visited at the Chub Anderson home Bundsy. A short executive meeting of tb Senior Int. C. B. was held at thsj Presbyterian church last Sunday even ing, preceding the regular O. E. prayer meeting committee. Plane are under way for a tennis court to be situated between ths Presbyterian church and the Phoenix Mercantile store. Boys of the com munity will prepare the ground. A tennla olub will be organlsad. and a email admission fee will ba charged. Talent TALENT. Mar. . (6pl.) Albert M. Chamberlain died ' Sunday at the county farm and waa burled In the Stearns cemetery Monday. He had no relatives in this state. Mrs. Roll In Woodfln returned to her home In Alameda, Cel., by stage Saturday. Mrs. J. R. Webster has been quits) 111 the past week.. Thursdsy evening the TJ. 0. forestry service ehowed Interesting films to an appreciative crowd at Talent Orange. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skeeters at tended the basketball game In Med ford Thursday evening. Talent is well represented on th new Jury list. Thomas J. Bell, Jr., snd Bradford O. Dixon are on the new grsnd Jury, of which Mr. Bell la foreman, and the following are serv ing on the petit Jury: Mrs. Lllllsa E. Mccracken, L. O. Billings, Harry Weagant and Everett Bailey. Wayne Mason, only son ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason of Talent, and an outatandlng student In his Junior year In the school of engineering at the State oolege at Corvaills, has been pledged to Tau Beta PI. Mrs. Maud Porter of Klamath Falla ls earing for her mother. Mrs. John Herring, who Is quite 11! at her home. Mrs. Cora Denham and Mlas Bessie Connor drove Mrs. Wesley Drlscoll to her home in Butte Falls Sunday. High School Athletic association gave a play at the high aohool audi, torlum Friday evening, entitled "The Other Ohost." The proceeds axe to be donated to the basketball teams. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips snd family, who have been living all, winter in one of the Huson spartments, moved to Phoenix Saturday where Mr. Phil Hps hss employment In an orchard. Talent Rebekah club met with Mrs. John Robinson Friday afternoon. Community olub held an all-day meeting at the clubhouse Wednes day, with Mrs. Mabel Mack In charge of tho work for the day. A potludc dinner was enjoyed at noon. Mr. and Mra. will Hart had a land scape gardener planting trees and ehruba at their home this week. Thursdsy olub of Talent motored to Medford, with a delightful dinner already prepared, and surprised Mrs. Jennie Jones of SIT North Bartlett street. Talent section hss been abandoned and half attached to the Medford and Ashland sections. Henry Bur nett hss been transferred to Med ford, Shorty Reynolds to Rogue River. Mr. Wlnkleman has not been assigned as yet. His family Intends to remain In Talent until the end at the school year. Several from here hare secured work on the new highway project but there are ao many more who need the work Just as much who bar been unable to get on.. 4 Salem Police Cars Will Boast Radios SALEM, Mar. 8. IIP, flalem polios cars wilt be equipped with short war radio receivers this week, police head quarters announced. Pending Instal lation of Salem's transmitter the prowl oars will tune In on Portland police reports, 4 Card of Thanks. ' We wish to sxpress our slnosrs sp preelstlon. to our msny frlsnds for the kindness and sympathy attend us during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Ids Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Qrarss. Mr. snd Mrs. Alva V. Oravee. Florence Oravee. ....