JfEDFORD MAHi TRIBITNT:, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 1933. PAGE SEVEN DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT WANT AD HER ARB X'tlit RATES. Per 'word first insertion i Minimum 360) uJjd additional iMortion, per word " (Minimum loo) Par km per month, without oop? ehangee "'4 Phone 75 TmWW LOST lost I? dog trussing, call lolg- KOtrND k .have same by P'nS &d' TtlD Hue uii- n nVTEruFEMALE 1, Box 16-A, Talent. HELP WANTED MAE&FEIALE s,.Mi.i, - .'i.fl nil''-1" mfim- day. ram '""" 7 ,. do. Room am. """" WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED girl want work. Tel. 478. ' 5T5lfsoHOOirgraduateVili care lor cnnareii n." . 1151-J-3. MAN OR WOMAN J"'-!?: side or out. 628 W. 4th. Ph. 83a-S RELIABLE, experienced girl wants housework. EXPERT PAINTBR will do sign pllnt- lni interior au' - j . . : iit An central paint joos. - " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WlLL SHARE expenses with party going east, w NTnOO-lb. mule. Tel. 373-J-3, Ashland. WANTED To lease 5-room furnished SnTcTose In on pavement, near school: Mranc. Address Box 8435. stating location and rates lor years lease wNT TO RENT Completely furn ished home. Near high school, fire place, furnace. 3 bedrooms. Phone 10U-J . . WOOD-SAWING. Phone 976-W. TtAW FURS WANTED Eastern prices paid. You don't have to wait for returns We ray cash. We buy Hides. Pelt and Wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N Grape St. Phone WANTED Household goods, stoves, tools, or what have you. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N Grape St. Phone 1063. FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL furnished house. Call at rear 305 So. Oakdale. V FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Inquire 1311 E. Main. SIX-ROOM house with range. 19 No. Peach. Phone 1042-W. NIOELY furnished new 3-room home and sleeping porch. 308 Ashland Ave., 615. Owner, 114 Tripp. FOR RENT 3-room 'louse, partly furnished. 444 N. Front. SMALL furn. hae: 3 adults. Tel. 319-R. ATTRACTIVE new home; bullt-lna and fireplace. 518 8. Oakdale. V CLEAN house close In Keys at 319 So. Ivy. FOR PENT Modern home; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, large living room. Phone 565-L-3. FOR RENT 60 No. Peach. 6 rooms and bath: oil burner. Tel. 105. FOR RENT 824 W. 13th. Tel. 105 FOR RENT Houses, 613.50. 615 and 817.50. Tel. 105. "1 FOR RENT A nicely furnished du plex, close in. for 615 Phone 1149 for RENT i-room furnished house 1001 North CentraL Inquire 939 N CentraL FOR RENT Partly furnished home, close In. nice ahade, garden spot. garage. 620. water rent paid; lo cated at 315 So. Rlversrside: in. quire at 325 Bo. Riverside. FOR RENT Clean, partly furnished 4-room house. Telephone 483-U. FOR RENT 5-room Mrnlshed Bouse and garage. CaU at ufS N Bartietl FOR RENT -room modern furnish' ed house: hardwood floors, over stuffed electric range CaU at 630 S Central 5-ROOM modern stucco: cook stove a and heater; 615.00 Key at 531 Spencer 741 WEST JACKSON 6 rooms, good condition aud location. Tel. 105 FOR RENT Furnlaneo 8-room mod- ern house Call at 4I S Riverside . rOR BENT HOUSE TOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown as White. TOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED apartment Durell Court 929 N. Holly, phone liaa-w. FURN. bachelor apt. 2.00 per week. 4U so. rront. COMPLETELY furnished apartmen'.: heated: lights and water. 328 N, Ivy. NICE turn apt 518 So Oaxaaie FINE BUSINESS store (or rant. See Walter H. Leverette. Medford Bldg. APARTMENT FOR RENT Nice clean apartment with garage, cheap, at 413 North Ivy. FURN spta.i steam heat; convenient (or I adults The Berben. 10 quince FOR RENT Attractive ground floor apartment for couple employed Call at 6.13 Plum St. after Opm or'. Sundays. "OB RENT FURNISHED BOOMB ATTRACTIVE heated rooms. 404 8 Oraps. FOR RENT Comfortable rooms: pri vate entrance One block from Main St. Reasonable rates. 333 8 Central. FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD AND ROOM a 716 E. Main Rates very moderate. t FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 1 and Vj -acre tracts near Medford. Tel. I0S. FOR EXCHANGE TRADE cows and voung stock for shakes or posts. Lucas, 1 V4 miles north Beagle P. o. JACKSON CO. BLDG. LOAN stock for modern 8 room home. Box bzbo Mall Tribune. WILL TRADE good '20 Cliev. 6 coacn for light coupe. 1206 E. Main, Apt. No. 3, Sunday a. m. FOR SALE OR TRADE 32-A. dairy ranch: 8-room modern house, large barn; 0 cows and all farm machin ery. W. W. Roblson, Talent, Ore., R. R. NO. 1. TRADE Jersey heifer for dry wood. Phone 3-F-II. WOOD for jay or potatoes, near Trail R O Skellenger. Trail. Ore. WILL trade dry 16" fir and hard wood for light truck 32i East 4tb FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANTED Trade new house, clear. . for small farm or acreage. Cash difference. Box 9431, Tribune. EXCHANGE - Oakland, Cal., 7-room modern homo. 3 bedrooms, furnish ed or unfurnished: I blk. to cars: close to Lake Merrlt Want small -eanchj Improved. Will -assume mort gage. 1020 Elbert St., Oakland. FOR Al.t HOMES FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In a good suburban home. What have you? Phone 100. FOR SALE OR LEASE Apt. home with 4 apta. 803 w 11th. FOR SALE Oood 8 room house (east rrnt) and nloe lot close to Berry dale store. A great bargain at 6450 Terms. Phona 517-L. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WALNUT and filbert land: very best: B acres. E. E. Foss. Talent. 13 ACRES Own water right: bouse ana otner ouiiaings; on bus line; 61000. A. B. Dennis, Rogue Rtver. Oregon. WHEN you think of real estate think or Brown at White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1931 Ford coupe; looks like new. win accept trade-In and give liberal terms. Address Box 9446, care Tribune. FOR SALE Ford V-8 DeLuxe Sedan: driven only leoo miles, will accept trade-in and give liberal terms. Address Box 9403. care Tribune. FOR SALE POULTRY RHODE ISLAND RED PULLETS, baoy chicks, eggs for hatching. Quality stock, low priced. Cummtnga Hatch ery, 5 miles out Midway Road, Cen tral Point, Kt. 1. NEW LOW PRICES on chicks White Leghorns. Hansen strain, 8 cents: Reds and Rocks 9 cmts. 34 page catalog free. Jenks Poultry Farms. Tangent, Oregon. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh cows and heaw springers. Lucas, 1 V4 mile north of Beagle P. O. FOR SALE OR TRADE Fresh cow. work harness. Star light delivery, . Incubator. Geo. McMahon, 1 ml. - south Talent. RED feeder pigs. Adolf Schulz. Beagle. FOR SALE FRUITS VEGETABLES ORANGES Navels, crate 61 50; 4 crate 80c: grapemnt, as is, aac dozen. Big 7 Fruit Warehouse, Inc. So. Front 8t. NEWTOWN APPLES Cheap. Ala Vista Packing House. FOR SALE FUEL DRY FIR and oak wood. 81.75 and up. Phone 153, Jacksonville. FOR SALE Dry tier wood, all under ahed. Dal ton Bros. Phone 523-R-l. cvtD sir.e tiaah H-v mixed hard wood. "Let George Do It." Tel 1173. FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS FOR SALE Cocker spaniel pups. 8 mo. old. Call at Amy s Place, Jack sonville. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ALFALFA and garden tract, 18 ecru like rent. E E. Foss, Talent. I ALFALFA. 68 00. E. E. Foss. Talent. . - I for SALE Boy's bicvcle. che..p: e-.- FOR. SALE MISCELLANEOUS BAROAIN In slightly used piano, ai nn ir mmith. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. 36 8. Oraps St. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. L. F. Pick ett Cold Hill. FOR SALE Ford truck, model 1931. with hydraullo ll(t and dump body. Will accept trade-in and give lib eral terms. Address Box 9386. care Tribune. ALFALFA. 18 00: wheat. 91.06 cwt.; barley. 85c: ear corn. 90c. Phone C A. DeVoe 623-J-3. FOR SALE 1st crop alfalfa hay, .0u per ton. A. E. Hanley Ranch. Tel. 6B7-J-3. FOR SALE Ford truck, long wheel base, model 1931: A-l condition Will accept trade-In and give lib eral terms. Address Box 9439, care Tribune. FOR sand, gravel, aedlment. fertiliser and teaming. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE Two large wicker doll buggies, doll bed ano other toys shampoo shield and stand. 319 No Central. OET the 'No Bunting" and trespass ing eigne at the Mall Tribune Job office: printed on cloth to with stand the rain and weather. FOR SALE 11x5 lathe. Inquire at Flck 4 Llndley's. FOR SALE Harley-Davldson motor oyole 685 oaah See John., at Mail Tribune FOR 8AL3--Used sewing machines, all makes. 65 up: terms If desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co 34 N Baltic" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAN show you 66.00 a day or more. Small Investment. Selling dealers. Factory representative here. Call to day between 6 & 6 p. m. Medford Hotel. George Paradise. MISCELLANEOUS 6700 TO LOAN on close In real estate Phone 517-L. - DRESSLER'S Square Deal Hatchery. 1107 E. Main. Phone 1669-Y. GET the "No Hunting' and trespass ing signs at the Mail rribune Job jfflce: printed on cloth to with stand the rain and weather HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack are and movara Special livestock moving equipment Prices right Satisfaction guaranteed 619 North Riverside Phone '044-X BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. AH.HTKACI CO. Abstracts ol Title and Title Insurance. Tot only complete Title System In Jacksnp County. MURR4Y ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance Rooms 8 and 6 No 32 North Central Ave , upstairs Automobrte Loans. CONTRACTS REFINANCED PAYMENTS REDUCED We pay up balance due dealer bank or fmanoe company and extend your payments Additional money loaned pnone ai tor aooointment Attarney-at-Law, GLENN O. TAYLOR POST OmCI BULDINO MEDFORD, OREGON. Expert Window Cleaners. LEI GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1173 House cleaning Floor waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty Job printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant In southern Oregon printing or all kinds; book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, and Blanks billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything id me printing une. e-ao n urape pnone 70. Painting and Paperhanging. HARRY MARX Painting, tinting papernanging- Phone 14-F-4- Rea r:oieman Creek mad. 51oney to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un paid balance No other charge. See w. E. Thomas. 45 S Central Ground floor Craterlan Theatre Bldg State License No 8-167. Transfer. BADS TRANSFER si STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. Central Phone 616 Prices right. Service guaranteed REINEJNG TRUCKING CO Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything at a reasonable prloa. Ill No Fir street, pnone saa. Piano Instruction IETTER piano Instruction. Individ ual or class. The buslc way. Height Music Studio, Liberty Building. prions 73. OFFERS IN CABINET WARM SPRINGS, Ga.. Jun. 28. (AP) President-elect Roosevelt today waved aside Washington newspaper stories about who was going to be his cabinet and asserted again no formal offers have been made. It Is apparent, however, he has been atudytng out those be wants In the cabinet. Including Senators Glass, of Virginia, and Walsh, of Montana, and that the list Is taking definite shape 4 At ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN'S all winter coats Endeavorers Open 52ND YEAR OF IS Crater Lake Union Joins in Nation -Wide Movement With Programs and Deco rations; Committees Busy To climax the beginning of the new year. Christian Endeavorers through out the world will celebrate their Fifty-second anniversary by netting aside the coming week for programs and decorations In memory of the svent. . Crater Iake Union hu planned sev eral Interesting evenings and Endeav. orers of the local First Christian Church are finishing out the week. One of the outstanding Items of the seven days Is a window, next to the dafeway store on West Main street, telling the Important points in Christian Endeavor. It la being decorated by Jerry Latham of the Crater Lake Union. Friday night the union la also having a program over KM ED, - The broadcast will begin with a story by Norman Fraley of En deavor, from Its founder. Dr. Francis E. Clark, to the present world-wide organisation lead by Dr. Dan E. Pol ing. Several songs and instrumental numbers will be given. Founded In Maine Since the fittft nucleus was found ed In Portland, Maine, February 2, 1881 with only a few members, this body has grown until today It is nation-wide, with over 6 million young people signed aa members. Dr. and Mrs. Clark guided the growing societies up to 1036, when Dr. Clark passed away. Shortly after his death, Dr. Poling became Its leader. At pres ent the body is divided Into national state, and district unions, so It can be hn-ndled with greater ease and ef ficiency. In the past the local union and societies have not stressed this week, honoring only one or two days. Program For Week Program for the entire week la as follows: (all In the evening) Sun day, all of the local Christian En deavorers will meet In the Presby terian church for the regular endeav or -meeting -at 6:80; -Monday, ts m clety night with the young people of the First Christian church having a social in the dining hall at 7:: Tuesday, a district gathering la to be held in the Christian church at 7:30; Wednesday, the endeavorers will be In charge of the regular mid-week prayer 'service at the Christian church at 7:46; Thursday, a union rally and pot-luck dinner In the form of a banquet will be held in the Phoenix Presbyterian church at 0:30; Friday a radio program over KMED with the Crater Lake Union In charge; Sunday evening the city young people will be in charge of the usual meeting and also of the church services. The committee for the week la: Oerald Latham, Margery Pa ley, Ad- Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS h Glides over snow B. Insipid 10. Refuse 14. Male deer 13. Senseless 16. Groat Lake 17. Wlnjrllke 18. Garden flow ers 19. Measure of capacity Ji. Stgnlfles 22, Consoles 24, Ailatlo coun try it. Gsella sea rod IT. Rlumbsrs 80. Rattles S3. Concise 36. Let It stand 27. Small quarrel 39. Hotel 3:. Silkworm 41. Pty 43. Edible tuhtr 44. Falsehoods 44. Historical pe riods 48. Command SO. Reduces to bondage S2. Eastern po tentates; var. B1. Freeze 14. Pertainlnf to the Hall an FranVa II AffertM modesty Solution of Saturday's Punts LARlTAROP ARE I T O Ufa BlA N D O nep ME S SlY Iff A I L e nt!pol k cToTy QRTls E RpATOptE & I A nt 5AG O NES lEINITIEIROB R E wsD TfO E 1 E S E K j E I R il liiA.Rl R p E R N23.t!.Tii5!!S 5 EGO E R I E H I T E R pi D 61e1ni1d5etasee tO. Friction match 9i. Flow.r W. Cold dish (T. Pleca of baked clay M. Abovs 63. The select TO. .Mack 71. Marries 72. Tak out 73. Penitential sraj'in DOWN J. Fish 2 3 3 I v IS i 17 3 If v. '0 'l 13 13 8 ft75 flissr Sips fii HlM ill imil 2f ifl 2j ;4"-:;Jo 31 33. 33 34- fIZZZ:LZZll3rZZ -rr. Si, .5 LlT. -i-ii sCr si 59 PI tti s Zi "TJ" 3 tit "T 7 2 - - I I II I I I I I I I rlan Fraley, Norman Fraley, Alta Pahl, Alice Pahl, Ray Clark, and Louise Ladd- St. Mark's Eplwopal Corner Fifth tnd Oakdalt. Rev. Wm. B. Hmilton. Rector. Holy rommunton, 8 a. m. Sunday atYiool. 10 ft. m. Holy communion, .1:16 a. m. Main Street Methodist Church South N. D. Wood. Pastor. Services for Sunday, January IB: Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. Sunday sahool at 9:45 a. m. Young rople' service, 8:30 p. m. Evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome la extended to all. St. Trter's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) East Main and Portland Avenue. H. H. Young, Pastor. Sunday school Sunday morning at 9:46 o'clock. Since Sunday la the fifth Sunday in the month, there will be morning services again at 11 o'clock. Theme of sermon, "Christ's Treatment oi a Weak Falt,h." No evening worship Sunday. The public is oordllally Invited to all public services and gatherings. Talent Methodist Episcopal Church Joseph Pope. Pastor. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. with classes for all ages. Public worship at 11 a. m. Solo, "Like As a Father,' Miss Dorothy Baughman. Sermon, 'Staggered In Their Way of Thinking." Ep worth League, 0:30 p. m,; Den dyle Pope, leader. Evening worship at 7:30. Music by the i orchestra. Sermon, "Horrors I Hands Up." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Choir practice Thursday evening at 7:30. A hearty welcome awsju you at these services. Presbyterian Church Women's Bible clam, Tuesday, Jan. 24, at church. Mrs. Phlpps, vice president In the chair and Mrs. Remington directing the devotions with prayers and hymns and scripture reading the meeting was devoutly opened. The secretary's and the committee reports proved that the class had not forgotten the Master's "In as much." Many sick had been called on and Thanksgiving and Christmas cheer -hud been spread' abroad with many baskets., For an educational feature Mrs. Choney gave an excel lont paper on "Russia and Religion," and Mrs. Fletgel made Technocracy so clear that those present feel that they know what It Is all about. Mrs. Esther Sanderson. In her usual delightful wsy, sang "Thla My Task" and "The Night Mind." After this feast of soul It was fit ting Indeed that another feast should be enjoyed heartily. The following committee Is thank ed for the delightful repast: Mrs. F. R. Hagarty, chairman. Mrs. D. W. Luke, Jacqua, Gllne, Ralph 1 Witt, and Mrs. Wright. Mrs. E. A. Oldenburg, secretary. Cross-Word Puzzle IS. Larr. marina gastropoda 1L Plih helmet 23. Allow 25. Part of a play 27. Steps for crossing A wall SI. Russian leader SB. Sea eagle 21. Not so much 22. After song IS. American black snaks St. Flays the ehl.f rols It. Father 40. Turned COm pletely about 42. Funny 45. Sliding parts of a ma- chin. 47. Stupid person 49. Musical per forma nc. by a alng. person 51. Ton card 52. Baffles S5. Having wings &. Row of a boa! M. Wander 5,. Secondhand 69. Eastern unt verilty si. Abrading tool 2. Ardor 42, Remainder 44. Gypsy pock. .tboob a, Variety of cabbage I. Persia 4. Rubs jcently I. Serpents a. Arumatio seed 7. Broad shal low vessel t. Writing- fluids l. Uninhabited 10. Goes away 11. Scandinavian navigator H. Baseball team Anniversary Week First Baptist Church W. H. Katon, Minister 9:46 a. m. Sunday school. ' 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. Ser mon by the pastor, "Help for Our Times." The ladles' quartet will sing 'My Ship la Coming in." 6:30 p. m. Young people's discus sion groups. 7:80 p. m. Evening service; Fran Da J key leads the popular half hour big sing. Miss Helen Judy sings, Welcome for Me." "Swing Wide the Oatea" will be sung by the young people's chorus choir. 8:30 p. m. Benedict. on and social ten minutes. . You will enjoy these services and our welcome. Come and see. Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses, The Medford company of Jehovah's Witnesses are broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherfotd over KMED every Sunday morning from 10 to lo-io. These lectures are given by electrical transcription and will be repeated on Thursday at 4 p. m. The subject of the one to be given Sunday, January 30. Is "The Christ." Jehovah's Witnesses meet for study every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 102 Mistletoe street, and every Wed nesday afternoon at a o'clock at 727 South Central avenue. All interested in Watch Tower Bible study are wel come, i First Chrhtlnn Church Ninth and Cakdale streets. W. R. Balrd, minister. Bible school at 0:46 a. m Gntner, superintendent. l. a Everyman's Bible class In the court house auditorium at 9:40. Morning worship beitlni at 10:66. . Prelude, "Regret" Hawdlka Offertory, "Adoration" Atherton Anthem. "Safe In His Love".... Wilson Sermon, "Man's Need of a Refuge." Postlude "March of the Priests" ...... ..,w Mendelssohn Union Christian Endeavor meeting in the Presbyterian church at 8:30 p. m. At 7:30 the choir, under the direc tion of Effle Herbert Yeoman, will present a musical evening with the masters of music. Don't fall to hear It. Full Gospel Church 11 Newtown stmt. J. H. Carver. Paator. Sunday school. 0:4fl a. m. . Morning worship, 11. Young people's meeting, 0:30 p. m, Evening message, 7:30. Mess&ae In the evening will be from the Book of Revelations. 4th chapter, unfulding tho God's throne In Heav- en: th open door tnrougn wnicn th churoh la raptured Deiora uoa s Impending Judgments are pourod, out of which ws are beginning to .soe the foreshadowing or now. Tuesday Bible study and prayer, 7:30 p. m. Thursday night oottoge prayer meeting. Location will be announced from pulpit. Friday midweek service in cnurcn at 7:30 p. m. All are welcomed to these services. Jeaua said. "Ocoupy till I oome." Th. Federated Churches Central Point, Ore. J. M. Johnson, Pastor. "Jeaua and the Sabbath" ts the title of the lesson In the Bible schoola thla week. The text Is In Mark 3:13-8:0. Our school opens at 0:40 a. m. You are Invited to hear both mos- sagea in the church service oi tne day. "Th. Assurance of Authority" will be the subject of the sermon In the morning service, and "Signs of Encouragement" will be the evening toplo. Two of the young people will bring short messagea In the opening period of the evening church service. The men's quartet will hold a Gos pel service at the Reese Creek school house In the afternoon. The service at Howard school house by these men will be postponed for one week. Church of the Nazarene. John T. LaUose, Paator. Thla church will Institute a "Uni fied Sunday Morning Service" Sun day. Beginning at 9:46 and closing promptly at la, noon, with no Inter mission between Sunday achool and the .morning worship hour. Rev. Fletcher Galloway, evangelist, will be the preacher at both services Sunday. His subject for the morning united service will be "Gifts vs. Oracs" or "Testing My Christianity." At the evening evangelistic services at 7:30, he will speak on "The Man Who Mlased God's Plan." Young people's society meeting In the church Sunday evening at 0:30. Class mMtincrc in th annex also at 0:30 Sunday evening. The speclsl revival services led by Evangelist Galloway will continue every evening next week at 7:30. Yes, you are welcome. Office of Homemakers, Bureau 'f. Ollmp of the .fenv stores' tupertlsed by th famous borne ceo I V I aw Zlon English Lutheran Church Fourth at Oakdale avenue. Geo. P. Kabele, D.D. Pastor. 10 a. m., Bible school. Subject Pastor's Adult Biblo class: "Jesus and the Sabbath." 11 a. m., Morning service. Sermon subject : "Debts to Owe." Special music, Mrs. Frona Herrled, director and organist: Prelude "Traumerie" (Schumann) Anthem by choir "Rejoice in the Lord" (Shawker). , Offertory "Salut d'Amour" EW- ward Elger). Postlude "Postlude" (Hopkins). 6:30 p. m.. Luther league. Topic: "The League's Japan Objective. Leader, Mrs. Q. P. Kabele. Adult Catechetical claw Friday. 8 p. nf. Children s Catechetical class. Thursday, 8 p. ro- The general public Is heartily !n vlted to worship In the church with the friendly spirit where tne "way Is Made plain," Foursquare Clospel Lighthouse 205 Apple St. Phone 918 Estelle M. Jones, pastor. The revival continues and a help ing hand la given those In need and In distress. Sunday 9:45 8, m. Bible school with classes for all ages; 11 a. m. worship; 8:30 p. m. Crusader meeting, all young people invited; 7:48 p. m. evangelistic message, Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Regular service followed by prayer meeting. Thursday 7:46 p. m. Regular mid week service with tarrying meeting. Friday 7:46 p. m. Divine healing. Every sick person Invited to attend this special service. Saturday, children's church from 9 to 3 p. m. This Is the largest meet ing of the week. Children and their pn rents are requested to come. Re freshments served. Wednesday afternoon the commis sary meeting Is held In behalf of the unemployed of Medford and Jackson county. Quilts and clothes are made. Ladles from all churches are Invited to assist in this great work. Everyone welcome to all services. First Methodist. West Main, Laurel and Mistletoe streets. Messrs. C. A. Meeker, D. T. Mcdon ough, Qoorge Bennett and A. L, Vro mnn are to sing two gospel quartet numbers at the Sunday morning wor ship. U o'clock. The Alpha Sigma choir will also, be In the choir loft, helping In singing the gospel hymns "Gone Before and Waiting for Us" Is the subject of the pulpit message by the paator. The Sunday school mests by de partments at 9:45 a. m. The Women's Bible class. Mrs. 8. L. Leonard teaon. tng, holds Ita session In the Sunshine Parlor. , Third, and last, of th Bp worth League's very Interesting Bible story telling contests will b held In th Sunshine Parlor at 8:30 p. m. Last week'a winners were Margaret Bat' man, Zella Mae Grant and Josephine Power. Young folks cordially Invited. Union Gospel service of the Presby terlsn and Methodist congregations Is In this ohurch tonight (Sunday) at 7:30 p. m. Sermon by Dr. W, J. Howell. Presbyterian minister; Evening musical feature Include the popular gospel "sing." lad by O. A. Meeker: Epworth girls' chorus of 10 voices In anthem, "In Green Pas. tures." and tenor duet by Messrs. Meeker and McDonough. Mrs. Henry Huenergort. and th Misses Joaephln Power and Mary Chamber at organ and piano, In special selections morn ing and evening. All people always welcome to wor ship with us. Alexander O. Bennett, paator. First Presbyterian Church. William J. Howell, minister. Bible school at 0:49 a. m. If you want to begin the Sunday tight come to the opening exercises In the church and sing to your heart's eon tent. We hare a wonderful high achool department and If you are not at tending elsewhere we invite you to look In as a visitor. No one win bother you about Joining, as w be lieve that you will be Interested enough to want to be one of us. This Is the school of trained leader shin. 11 a. m. Morning worahlp. '"The New Jerusalem." This will be the first of a series oV three sermons on the theme. Heaven on Earth, and the service of the church being used right here and now that His kingdom- might come and His will 04 doen on Earth, with the closing thought that there will be no church there. If you want to enjoy Heaven why wait until you are dead? Why not get a little of It right here and now? 7:30 Evening worahlp. Union ser vice with the Methodist Episcopal :i 11 1 M e. if 1 h 3 iM ...... IV Ifcnteninkers" nurrau general oflce, numlst, Julia Lee W right. church. The services will be held 'a the Method It church and the ser mon preached by your own pastor. Special music at the morning wor ehip by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang; llCsa Dorothy Reynolds, organist. Prelude, "Bird As Phophet" (Schu niann). Anthem. "How Lovely Are the Mes sengers" (Mendel asohn). " Offertory, "Idyll" (McDowell). Solo. "Ninety and Nine" (Campion). Soloist. Mr. George Johnson. Postlude, "Excelsior" (Kerr). BE FEATURED FRIDAY AT FIRST METHODIST The annual "States" dinner In the First Methodist church Is announced for next Frldsy evening, February . 4:80 o'clock. This popular affair has been held for several years. Friends of the church are asked to reserve the date and attend as usual. The Laities' Aid society, Mrs. T. M. Corliss, president, Is making plan tor a turkey dinner, of bountiful servlc. and at reduced prices only 0o per' plate thla year. Th banquet M limited to aoo. The program again will Include at tractive features. While as yet In complete, engagements already have been made with James Stevens, vocal soloist; ths Sons student quartet Bob Nelson, Billy Lyman, George Bennett, Arthur Cook: Clarence Meeker, lead ing the patriotic aongfeat. - Prealdmt Walter Hertford, of Ash land Normal school, will be the prin cipal speaker; Prof, A. L. Bowmer ef the orntory and drama department will entertain with sketches from Drlnkwater's play, "Abraham Lincoln." County Attorney George Codding and others will reapond to toast. Carl B. Grant presides as toastmaster. The publlo la Invited to attend thla event which haa been eminently suc cess, ful through rhe yeara. and tb.ua maintain one of the social lnatltu ttona of the local church. 4 Rev. Galloway Is Nazarene Speaker Her. Fletcher Galloway, evangelist, will apeak at both service today at th Church of the Nazarene, of which John T, LaRos. la regular pastor. Rev. Galloway's subject for th morn ing will b "Olfte vs. Graces, or Test ing My Christianity." At the even ing service he will speak on "Th Man Who Mlased God' Plan." Th two services mark the beginning of th "Unified Sunday Morning Serv- -Ice," plan of the churoh. ,,, 4, ., Presbyterians of Phoenix to Enjoy "Paper Bag" Lunch PHOENIX. Jan. 38. (8pl.)-err-loea at th Presbyterian church today aa arranged by the pastor, Rev. Ralph S Peterson, follows: Communion service at 11:00 o'clock, the sermon toplo "The Sacrament of the Lord'at Supper; evening servlc at 7:80 will begin th obaervanc of Christian Endeavor Week, and the service will be conducted by th young people. Them will b "Tak Thou Ourselves. Oh, Lard." Th regular Sunday school servlc will be held at 10:00 o'clock and th three Christian Endeavor group meet at 6:90 o'clock. Immediately after the morning ssrvloe, there will be "paper baa; luncheon." each on remaining will bring only their own luncti, and following tht the flrat meeting of th teachers training elass for tha present teachers and assistant will be held. 4 Endeavor Rally Phoenix Feb. 2 PHOENIX, an. 38 (Spl.) In ob servance of Christian Endeavor week, a Christian Endeavor rally, of Crater Lake Union will be held at the Pres byterian church here February and, which data 1 th birthday of Christ ian Endeavor. Young people of each Christian Endeavor society In Jack son and Josephine counties win b present, to enjoy th evening to gether. A pot luck supper will begin tJi activities of th evening at 0:30. All young people of the community ar invited. Newest dresses arriving dally at .e, oia.75 and up. " ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN Sixth es Holly. i Look I A regular five dollar vaiua In new spring wool dresses, very spec ial at 19. Th Band Box and Sho Box. Hay and Grain For Sale Hay, baled, loos and chopped Wheat and Barley, whole or rolled V. Bursell . Phone 3B5.J-3 - j i h IK 6 i BOME8 fOU KkNT CaU 796, i oelieot condition. o p. (ite 61