Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 27, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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Medford Mail Tribune
-trarrwa to SoutlMrn Uraaoe
taadl tM Mill Mama"
Daily faeepi Sainrtai
ptrbUstw or
isirn n. rti t rbooa r
kobeki buhu una
Ao lpdportqrt Naeapapw
Botsrafl sa aaeoor) aiara natter st Uadtord
flncoo, tuxvr aa of sra s. m.
I; ma in unw
Diif. ;;
Dalll, Boat 8?
B, Carrlar, Hi ailtanc Manors, At&liod.
JaersooiUla, Centre! Point Fboeoll, Talaol, Uol
BUI and 00 Dtttiears.
Dallj, ouotll
Daily, oo raar I.oo
All Urns, 6Mb 10 adranca.
OflleUl piper of Un CIO of Uedtord,
Ofndil otper of lacaano Uwoty-
uutBHB or nil amociaiki miss
BoeclTtDC full Leued Win Serrte
Oa associated Prea Is awlaatreli aoUUed to
ON om for pabUeouoo of all on dlapattoai
endued to It or oUenrm eradltad lo tola moot
' tod aire to tba local om oubllaoad serais.
AU rtebta (or publlcaUoo of ajKlal dlaoalabra
iartlo aro alto rowrwd-
or cmrnuTiQNS
adirrtlitnt Heprataotatltte
Offlcaa lo Nas Iota. Cbltaio, Detroit, BSD
" traodteo. Loa Amalea. leatUo Portland.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
that oround. and
en the elldewalks, and In the streets,
as well u whore you have been find
ing It for the past three year. In all
' m
' There has been considerable cuas
lng of the government, ss constitut
ed, In a wild-eyed and promiscuous
manner. The euoeere, who as a rule
am good at profanity, are Inconsis
tent. They lean towards the Russian
form, which permlta of no cussing
of the government, and oonolude all
arguments along thla Una with a bit
of brick wall, a bit of the dawn, a
blindfold, and alx armed men, erect
and In a row. The majority are per
fectly willing to act In an official
capacity, for the government they o
bearOly cum. : All the governmental
trussing la emotional anger and not
worth the wind used to make It
audible. The ouaeera are prepared to
bed their lent drop of blood for a
"Change." A foot, In a pair of plow
boota, vigorously applied once, to the
right portion of the human anatomy,
i the moot effective cure yet re
vealed tor halting one-man revolt.
It Is humiliating, and makei the by
atandera laugh. No eelf-etartlng mar
tyr can survive laughter.
notch Fish, the boom day tenor la
again sequestered behind a fungus
growth on hie upper Up, that Is al
leged to be a mustache, and Is so
called for the lack of a better name.
The petitions for the abolishment
of the state penitentiary, "in the
Interests of economy," still lack
names. In view of the current hys
teria, this Is nothing short of dumb
founding. Why anybody with a heart
and soul, would want to keep a
neighbor In the Big Rouse these
tunes la beyond comprehension. If
(reed, next time, the erring brother
will not get caught. It Is still main
tained that the place to get signa
tures, la within the prison walls.
Those ttius detained know the situa
tion, and what la best for them.
(Cong. Record)
There have been Individuals '
who were good farmers but only
one class of real farmers the
Pennsylvania Dutch. Whether
' they have also been corrupted I
am unable to say, but no plea for '
federal aid has come from Lan
caster county. Pa. Their system
differed from the average Ameri
can system of change and ex
treme waste In three outstanding
1. They bought land to keep
not as a speculation.
. They bought nothing that
could be produced at home and
wasted nothing.
3. They bought only when
they had the money to pay. The
states which have made greatest
departure from these essentials
are also making loudest plea for
aid for farmers,
It la frequently claimed that the
need of the hour Is a leader, to
radicate the polltloal monkeyshlnes
from the body polltlo and corporate
limits. It seems to a man up a
tump and under the house, at the
aame tune, that If we hire a leader,
it should be for longer than an hour,
and for about Mil length of time
that Uhe clrlo agony has lasted. Be
sides, any kind of a leader would not
consent to lead for so short a period.
A second Abe Llnooln could not do
much leading In an hour. It would
take an hour for a leader to prepare
his toilette and get ready to lead.
There are plenty of volunteer lead
ers, who could not pass an examina
tion for aheep herding. Moat of them
are out of everything, Including fol
lowers, but they desire ardently to
lead the way out of the swamps, the
morasses, and the tall timber. A
leader should possess some quallflca
tlona besides the feeble ability to
make a bum speech, when Intoxicat
ed with the nuttlness of one of his
own notions. If a leader Is the need
of the hour, he Is the need of a year.
The need la a crying need, and the
altuatlon Is enough to make every
body bawL
What 1 really needed Is a poli
tician. Tou have been told that the
present hubbub la caused by poli
ticians. This Is a base slander on
the politicians. It has been caused
by geeks who think they are poli
ticians. A genuine politician Is a
soother, not a hate stirrer and a
rabble rouser. Be Is for peace, not
strife. He never uses the American
flag and prayer as a background for
cniasedness. There baa not been a
politician loose In the ftogu River
valley for three years. If there had
been, the Majority not ths Minority
r-would sow be organized.
Editorial Correspondence
HOLLYWOOD, California, Jan. 25. Congratulations to
George Roberts, Ben Harder, Ole Alenderfer, Gus Newbury,
Attorney Neil Allen of Grants Pass, Colonel E. E. Kelly, Johnny
Beid of Gold Hill, Raymond Reter, and other public spirited
citizens of Medford and Jackson county, who according to re
ports just received, stood up and were counted at the recent
Legion mass meeting, and with the customary initiation of per
sonal abuse and villification, were duly elected to the News
"GANG," by Its editor the next morning.
Perhaps they do not realize what a large and honorable
organization this mythical gang has become. To enumerate its
membership would fill more space than we have at our com
mand. But here are a few of the members still in good standing :
President Herbert Hoover, Senator Charles L. McNary,
Senator Steiwer, Governor Meier, Circuit Judge Noton, Circuit
Judge Brand, Circuit Judge Llewelling, in fact all the circuit
judges that have held court in
all the grand juries that have been in session in recent years
except the last one; all the officers and members of the South
ern Oregon Bar association; the officers and members of the
Medford Legion, the Ashland Legion ; the officers and members
of the Traffic Association; the Fruit Growers League; all
county judges and county commissioners with the exception
of Judge Fehl ; all attorneys in active practice with the excep
tion of M. 0. Wilkins; the mayor of Medford and his predeces
sors, all city couneilmen, organized labor, all former employees
of the News, all newspapers in Southern Oregon, but the News
and Record Herald, all citizens who have tried to do something
for Medford and Jackson county and have refused to be bull
dozed by the morning parer John Mann, Bill Gates, District
Attorney Geo. Codding, County
in fact a most distinguished and extremely respectable company.
JUI ANT names have no doubt been overlooked, and many
citizens not members of the organization now, will be
nominated just as soon as they dare to protest against this
attempt to ruthlessly -tear Medford and Jackson county asunder,
injure business, advertise the Rogue River valley, far and wide
as a place where human life is not safe, where law and order
have broken down, and where open violence and bloodshed are
imminent. .
QO we congratulate the citizens mentioned above, on their
courageous and publio spirited action. We know why they
did it. They had nothing personally to gain and everything to
lose. But they felt that conditions had become so serious, the
situation so intolerable, that it wag time for all loyal citizens
to stand up and be counted to take a stand and a strong un
compromising stand, against this outrageous attempt to turn
Southern Oregon into a veritablo shambles, and to render any
return to the peace and harmony and prosperity of former years
They KNEW what they would
sacrifices involved. They knew
the truth, no regard even for the
in the tirades against them ; they knew NOT- ONLY they would
never again be safe from attack, in the publio print, but that
even their wives and members of their fnmily would not be
; But knowing all that, THEY WENT AHEAD AND DID IT.
They did it because, in a time of crisis they cared more for the
welfare of the community in which they live, than they did for
themselves. ....... ,
of the oitizons of Southern Oregon, who believe in truth, in
decency, in fair play, and wish to pull Jackson county out of
this mess, follow their example.
TO all of which if oourse, the editor of the News will have
hin fnmiHni nntinwlr TVi Mail rp.;Vi.,MA 1- t. j .
"1 ..J.U. Al.UUllO JB tljriug bU UBBLIUJT
him the gang is trying to destroy the saored freedom of the
press. Boo-Hoo, Boo-Hoo I "Arise, citizens, ariso," etc., etc.
What is the freedom of the presr, ANYWAY t
Is it freedom to distort the truth and misrepresent the facts,
is it freedom to abuse and villify upright oitizens, and even
drag members of their families into the mire, is it freedom
to misinform and mislead the people, merely to attraot a follow
ing, and gratify a sense of vanity and a will-to-power, even
though an entire community may be wrecked as a result!
p.REEDOM OF THE PRESS INDEED 1 No one wishes tp
eurtail the freedom of the press in Jackson oounty. But
the freedom of the press, like the freedom of action or free
speech, is a TRUST as well as a privilege.
DOES the flight of a mad dog down the street, biting and
snapping at everything it sees, represent freedom of action.
DOES an individual entering a packed theatre and yelling fire,
when there is no fire, just to see men, women and children crush
thoir way to the exits, represont FREE SPEECH.
Of course notl Neither does the effort of the members of
the American Legion, and thousands of oitizens in Southern
Oregon, to stop this campaign of incendiarism and destruction,
whioh aotunlly threatens open disorder and perhaps bloodshed,
represent an effort to destroy the freedom of the press.
The members of the Legion have no more desire to destroy
the freedom of the press, than they have to destroy the morning
newspaper. Except for a few years immediately following the
war, Medford has always had a morning newspaper, and until
the advent of L. A. Banks, as editor and general trouble maker,
neither the Legion nor any other group of citizeus, thought of
opposing a publication in the morning field.
e e o e
IT is not the morning paper the Legion wishes to stop it is
the uses to which that paper has been put; it is the tactics
the editor of that paper has employed. ,
Let the editor of the morning paper institute as many re
forms as he LIKES; let him point to as much corruption and
graft, as he LIKES, but let him go about it in a law abiding
and self respecting way let him reveal his evidence of corrup
tion, let him present his evidence of graft, then let him call
upon correction and punishment, in the proper way before the
properly constituted agencies, and he will, not only have tho
support of the people of Southern Oregon, he will also have the
support of tltis. nowspapcr.
DUT let him stop this ceaseless hulabaloo about graft and
then do nothing about it, LEGALLY, let him stop this wail
about law and order having broken down in Jackson county,
Jackson county in recent months,
Clerk Carter and many others
get. They knew the personal
there would be no regard for
oommon DECENCIES of life
TO THEM, and may many more
and then do everything in his power, to make that BREAK
In short let him run a newspaper, not a scandal and libel
sheet; let him work for the upbuilding and betterment of
Southern Oregon, not its disruption and destruction.
Let the editor of the News do this and he will enjoy not
only the gratitude of the right thinking and peace loving people
of Medford and Jackson county, but he will also enjoy their
respect and good will. R. W. R,
Personal Health Service
By WUllam Brady. M. D.
Signed letters pertaining to personal health and hygiene, not to disease
diagnosis or treatment, anil be answered by Dr. Brady If stamped, self
sddresaed envelope is enclosed. Letters should be brief and written In Ink.
Owing to tbs large oomber of letters received only a few cap be answered
here. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions,
address Dr. WUllam Brady In care of The Hail tribune.
On of our correspondent lnXorm
u that the firemen of hU city are
taught and use . only the Sch&efer
prone-preeeure method of reeueclta
. , tlon, but that
the police have
and frequently
use a breathing
machine, and to
doe the light
or power com
pany serving the
city Then the
c o r r e s p ondent
narrates a tragic
Instance There
spectacular but
fatal first a 1 d
was used:
A boy of 18
years of age was rescued from sub
mersion within 10 minutes and the
correct prone-pressure resuscitation
immediately started by the one cap
able bystander among a crowd of 300
ghoulish persons who Just crowded
and hampered the efforts of the first
aid worker. After half an hour of
this the boy's skin, which bad been
cold and bluish, became warm and
a lifelike color returned. At this
juncture the police and police phy
sician arrived. Now, if the narrative
Is true, the police committed a grave
blunder, but the physlosn did worse.
The correspondent asserts they brush
ed the lone first aid worker aside,
turned the victim over onto his back,
placed a, mask over the mouth and
nose and started their breathing mu
ch lne.
Presently the victim's skin again
turned blue and yellowish and
death won the battle.
The correspondent says the ma
chine used by the police and their
doctor was a pulmotor or a lung
motor. ' I sincerely hoped not. I
hoped that even If the police and
their doctor committed the grave
error of turning the victim over onto !
his back they at least gave him the
benefit of Inhalations of carboxygen
(7 per cent carbon dioxide and 03
per cent air or oxygen mixture.) This
gas mixture Is given through mask.
from an Inflated rubber bag, but no
pump of any kind Is used the pati
ent -Inhales It when the ordinary
prone -pressure manipulation of the
Schaefer method Is kept up without
Interruption. Of course there Is no
need to turn the patient at all If
the correct Schaefer method Is ap
plied (and not the funny stunt
taught by the Red Cross add allied
organisations) the lnhalator may be
used without Interfering In any way
with the application of prone-pres
sure respiration.
I asked the leading newspaper of
the city where the spectacular but
fatal method was employed to give
Would Clean Court Ilouse.
To the Editor:
This week there was held In the
Jackson county nourt house, a meet
ing sponsored by L. A. Banks, the
purpose of which was to destroy the
power of the courts, to prevent the
trial of cases pending In the courts
b gainst L A. Banks, to set aside the
laws of the state of Oregon and the
constitutional rights of litigants to
have their cases tried. The people
of Jackson county have not con
structed a court house for the pur
pose of holding within Its walls meet
ings that have for their purpose the
setting aside of the laws of the state
of Oregon and the violation of the
constitution of the state, and It Is
reasonable to presume that Commis
sioners Nealon and Billings did not
know that this court house was to
be turned over to this man, Banks,
for the purpose of Initiating a
scheme to overthrow organized gov
ernment In Jackson county. And
these commissioners should take a
firm stand on this question and In
struct the proper custodians of the
buildings that meetings such as was
had tn thla building by L. A. Banks
should not "be sgaln held In that
building. ,
Thla Is a building constructed for
the purpose, among other things, of
holding courts and not to destroy
organised government, and the result
of allowing h. A. Banks to have the
court house, had for Its purpose the
prevention of the holding of court
and carrying on business In the man
ner provided fay the, laws of the state
of Oregon, and the constitution of
the state. The taxpayers of this
county should protest against the use
of this court house for any such
purpose, and Banks should be dented
the use cf the court house for any
more meetings of any character, to
be held by him. for the reason that
any meeting sponsored by' him bss
for Its consummation the overthrow
of organised government In Jackson
(Name on file)
The Landlord's night.
To the Editor:
X think that article tn last nghts
paper about evictions by local land
lords, quoting Hamilton Pat ton.
merits some sort of answer by one
of the said landlords.
There Is a very grave problem to
us In the fact that so many of our
tenants do not pay their rent; I have
Just figured up that 1 hare lost
$388.80 in rents thlt tat year alone,
and. my gosh, ho- I need some of
Itbet money, Tou think we landlords
.tif J,
me the data on such first aid work
in tht eastern city, and the editor
assures me that the pulmotor Is ao
longer In use by the police or the
fire department, and that only the
Schaefer method Is used by them
and by the local electric light and
gas company first aid crews. But au
lnhalator is used to supplement the
prone-pressure respiration. That Is
fine. But It doesn't deny what hap
pened In the instance reported by
the correspondent. The editor adds
that experts have criticized the po
lice of the city as Improperly trained
in the Schaefer method, but he be
lieves this deficiency is now being
overcome. That's good, too. I her'
by serve notice on all first aid crews
and other medical Instructors, If any,
that the time has come to call a halt
on this spectacular farce and to see
to It that correct first aid Is given
victims In every Instance. Whenever
I find any official or quasi-official
body doing any funny stunts with
pulmotors or lungmotorst I'm going
to show them up.
Split Finger NalL
What to do about split finger nails?
It has been splitting the past eight
months and In spite of much care It
continues to spilt as it grows out. It
Is now turning white away down in
side the "quick" as though It is go
ing to quit. There was no Injury
of the nail to start with. My health
Is excellent.! O. O. H.
Answer Drill holes through the
edges of the split beyond the nall
bed, Insert stout silk sutures and
draw edges together and tie, to hold
edges of split together. New holes
and extra sutures as often as nail
grows out enough. In several months
this will bring about coalition of the
two portions. (The above query and
answer were made nearly a year ago.
O. O. H. now writes: Thank you
It worked. The nail is now as sound
as the others.)
Artificial Heat In Bed.
Our 15-months-old son sleeps In a
small bed on a glassed-in sleeping
porch. Re has warm sleeping gar
ments and plenty of covers, which he
sometimes kicks off In the night.
Would It be advisable to put a hot
water bottle in his bed every night,
even though the temperature of the
air does not fall to freezing? W. M.
Answer Never use any artflclal
warmth If the child seems comfort
able and his hands and feet feel
warm to your touch. Better to make
the bed wind-proof and the sleeping
garment sufficiently warm. Reserve
the artificial heat for extremely cold
nights, or for the old folk or for In
valids. (Copyright, John P. DlUe Co.)
are wealthy, well I will Just tell you
how wealthy I am, by stating how I
am forced to manage. For the month
of December my grocery and meat
bill was 7J50 (this was high on ac
count of whole family home' for
Christmas) and my January bill will
be less than 94.00. X havent a pair
of work shoes to wear and not a
single decent shirt, and more than
that I am In need of medical atten
tion that I cannot get on account of
no money to pay for It.
I have not only lost the above
amount In rent, but have paid for
the water they used, and actually
had my lights turned off because I
did not pay the light bill for one of
my tenants (I had guaranteed the
Yes, we vicious landlords should
get credit. Oh, yes. Why are we not
Just as much entitled to our rent
money before we dellvor the living
quarters, as a merchant Is to his
money. You go Into any store and
try to get merchandise without
money In advance and see what you
get. But they are not vicious mer
chants are they? X would Just like
to go to the water commission to see
what they would do about the water
that these lost renters used; X know
positively not one red cent would be
Now I am not unburdening myself
because of my own personal grievance,
but this represents all of we land
lords as a whole. They all tell the
same story, snd we are In a far worse
plight than the unemployed; with
property renting for Just one-half of
what It should and all other burdens,
we have absolutely not a show In the
world, absolutely no show for us to
pay taxes and very little to creditors
and Just a bare existence for us.
Of course we have a vas majority
of tenants who are absolutely O. K.;
some of them get a little behind,
but are absolutely honest and pay
when they can; by own loss Is only
15 per cent of my total rent list.
Landlord with 10 tenants.
One Killed When
Auto Hits Engine
PORTLAND, Jsn. 37. (AP) Dan
Luckena. 51, was fatally Injured last
night, when the automobile In which
be was a passenger, crashed Into a
locomotive. He suxfered a skull frac
ture. John Berger. S3, driver of the
car, was only slightly hurt and was
charged with reckless rtrtrlr.g
California Cuemen
Cinch World Title
CHICAGO, Jsn. 37. a Regard
less of the results In todsy's matches
la tbe world time-cushion billiards
in the Q
(EDITOR'S NOTE:' This Is the
fourth of a series of articles pic
turing briefly men and women
mentioned for posts In the Roose
velt cabinet)
Woodrow Wilson called Carter Glass
of Virginia from his seat In congress
to accept a cabinet post as secretary
of the treasury.
Many observers believe Franklin D.
Roosevelt will do the same thing, al
though it has been reported Glass
would decline an offer If made, be
cause of senate duties and Impaired
Author of the act which created
the Federal Reserve bauk system and
high ranking Democrat on the sen
ate banking and currency committee,
the 74-year-old, wiry senator Is one
of the country's recognized author
ities on finance.
It was 1899 before Glass entered
politics, and that was largely by acci
dent. He was an editor and pub
lisher when an unsolicited nomina
tion to the Virginia senate was thrust
upon him. In 1902 he was nomi
nated for representative In congress
without his knowledge. In 1918
President Wilson offered him the
treasury portfolio out of a clear sky.
And again, a little more than a
year later, the governor of Virginia
appointed him to the U. S. senate
to fill a vacancy caused by death.
He has been re-elected three times
Small of stature, wiry and aggres
sive, he couples with his extensive
knowledge of finance a vigorous mode
of expression that makes him both
admired and feared.
Ye Poet's Cornei
I sit by the evening fireside,
Secure In the companionship
Of the leaping flames that abide
There In the oaken logs.
I hear the rain Its gentle drops give
Me a feeling of gladness and Joy
At Just being able to live
And meet every day as It comes. -
I watch the bright sparks fly away;
With them my thoughts soar up
ward To the things I may accomplish some
If I only work and keep courage.
X see the smoke spirals as they en
twine Themselves Into intricate patterns
That In some peculiar way combine
Wtlh the peace that can come In
I hover closer as the flame
Burns down to a bed of coals;
I dream dreams Just the same
As the last spark fades away.
Maude Pool.
Meteorological Report
January 37, 1933
Medford and vicinity: Occasional
rain tonight and Saturday. Moder
ate temperature.
Oregon: Occasional rain west and
local snows east portions tonight and
Saturday. Moderate temperature.
Lowest temperature this morning,
33 degrees.
Temperature a year ago today:
Highest, 38; lowest, 81.
Total precipitation since Septem
ber 1, 1933, 10.43 inches.
Relative humidity at 5 p. m. yes
terday, S3 per cent; at 5 a. m. today,
90 per cent.
Sunset today, 8:19 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow, 7:38 a. m.
Sunset tomorrow, 6:31 p. m.
Observations Taken at 5 A.
120th Meridian Time
ii n n i
f j fl f I
Los Angeles ,
New Orleans ,
New York
Reno .
40 30 '.04 8 now
38 Clear
33 10 Clear
SO 42 1.00 Rain
38 20 Cloudy
84 48 .. Clear
44 38 .48 Cloudy
TO 88 .08 P.Cdy.
42 38 .04 Cloudy
St 30 P.Cdy.
44 38 1.18 Rain j
38 32 T Cloudy1
38 20 Cloudy
52 48 .10 Rain
40 34 J8 P.Cdy.
34 28 .33 Rain
42 40 T Cloudy
80 38 T Cloudy
Walla Walla
Washington, 1
championship tournament, the lead
ership was safe tor aunny CallfornU.
Tied for the lead were Welkerl
Cochran, the bslkllne wizard from
,r' aa J; T10?.:!
. lK rati..
lories and on defeat.
(Continued 'from Page One)
yesterday, consolidating the commit
tees into group of five or six.
Then, there Is such a thing as
overtime. But no one gets paid for
It. It used to be, according to old
timers, that "over-time" was what
some clerks claimed nothing else but
In fact, they'd aleep during regular
hours and work at night. In order
to get paid time and a half for after
hours. Well, those days have gone
forever. Economy Is king.
They're not exactly a couple of
lame ducks, even If they do hobble
Into the house each day on crutches.
Speaking of Representative and Mrs.
Teunls B. Wyers of Hood River, who
Just arrived on the scene last week.
They were temporarily crippled as a
result of an automobile accident near
Portland, while on their way to tbe
opening of the session.
Representative Wyers, who was a
well known track man and all-round
beau brummel at the University of
Washington In 1935, suffered a broken
knee cap, and Mrs. Wyers a broken
ankle. Other Injuries laid them up
In a northern hospital for a week or
two, but mere broken bones cant
keep either of them from discharging
their duties with zest, now that they
are here.
Purely as a psychological measure
against the predominating Influence
of that bevy of single heart-throbs In
the keyboard sorority, the first legis
lative grass widows club was formed
at the capltol this week.
The laltlal luncheon was held to
day with 10 present. It was the opin
ion of the temporary widows, that
legislators should not be reminded of
domesticity during lunch hours.
Therefore, after making certain that
tbe men are tending to their legal
knitting, either across the luncheon
table or In committee rooms, tbe
"widows club" will set forth in search
of those eating places ran by pro
prietors deemed most worthy.
A" statistical wizard, who waves his
wand over the groping mentalities of
committee-ridden legislators and
clears the fog, Is C. C. Chapman,
editor of the Oregon Voter.
No matter how hard his day's work,
nor how late the night, .Mr. Chap
man can catch a flock of numerical
swallows on the wing, and bring them
down to the level of common under
He Is considered Invaluable at the
major committee meetings on taxa
tion, where he often subtly directs
the numerical reasoning of law
makers who get lost tn a maze of
With a nod of the head or a hastily
scribbled note, he lets them know
Just where they have slid off the
statistical track. Perhaps that Is one
of the reasons he has - an enviable
number of friends, not only at the
capital, but throughout the state.
All Pain And Soreness Eased In
Few Minutes This Simple Way
oughly Throw
Your Head Way
Back, Allowing a
Little to Trickle
Down Your T hroat.
Crush andDissolve
3 Bayer Aspirin
Tablets in HalJ a
Glass of Water.
Proves Only Medicine
Modem medical science now throws
an entirely new light on sore throat.
A way that eases the pain, rawness
and irritation in as little as two or
three minutes.
Results are among the most
extraordinary in medical science..
On doctors' advice, millions are fol
lowing this way . . . discarding old
time "washes and "antiseptics."
For ii has been found that only medi
cine can help a sore throat.
Simple To Do. All you do is
crush and dissolve three BAYER
Aspirin Tablets in half a glass of
water. Gargle with it twice as
pictured above. If you have any
indication of a cold before gar
gling take 2 Bayer Aspirin Tablets
with a full glass of water. This is to
combat any signs of cold that have
gone into your system. Keep on
taking if cold has a "hold." For
GenumtBayer Aspirin will not harm
you. Your doctor will tell you, it
does not depress the heart. Get a
box of 12 or a bottle of 100 at any
drug store.
Ask yonr druggist about tbe recent price reduction on the
100 tablet size Bayer Aspirin.
no tablets are genuine BAYER aspirin without this cross
I aaasaassssaaaaaaaaasa'ara rarssBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasra.aaaaaasaaaasrsfHraBBaK S
Flight 'o Time
(Medford and Jacasun Cooni.
HUtor? from tbe Files of fb
Mail Tribune- ol V and 10 Hear
January 29, 1923.
(It was Monday)
j.ikn count? ReDubllcans pre-.
turned by report Gov. pierce "be
trayed them." and will name Boy
Davis fish commissioner.
Tvn tt rarkin thinks up an In
come tax bill for the legislature.
.Tnhn A Perl-and son. Prank, leave
on auto trip to Portland.
jAmes Bates returns from a six
weeks' trip to California.
vtv thauaand dollars In prizes for
auto races here next June.
First real snow of-winter falls In
Lee Watson undergoes an operation
on his nose.
David Wood la named head of
Fruitgrowers' league.
tram-, nf .fnta legislature scores
body as "a legalized nuisance tha
accomplishes little, ll anyimng.
January 29. 1913.
(It was Wednesday)
Valley aubscrlbes 100 for starving
Armenians. .
Fish bill mav be sacrificed for good
roads bill In legislature.
Medford high defeats Klamath Falls,
20 to 18. In hot basketball game.
Court Hall returns from toa Ange
les, and says Bud Anderson "has all
the good lightweights scared to death,
as he Is the next champion."
State legislators presented with half
car of Rogue apples.
Interurban line for valley assured
by next Christmas.
Oregon Jersey
Club Will Meet
SALEM, Jan. 37. (AP) The Ore
gon Jersey Cattle club will -open Its
annual meeting here tomorrow morn- '
Action by the group is expected on, t
the proposed elimination of appro
priation for the state fair. Dairymen
generally want o see the appropria
tion retained since from It Is obtained
the bulk of premium moneys for
prize-winning stock.
Lumber Orders
Fall Far Short
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 27. (AP)
With production at 8.3 per cent of
capacity, only 24 mills of the 115 re
porting to the Western Pine associa
tion said today. Current orders for
the week were about 18 per cent of
sawmill capacity.
New business for the week totaled
19,884.000 feet, 7.5 per cent under the
previous week and about 57 per cent
below the three-year weekly average
for January,
Repeat Gargle and
Do Not Rinse
Mouth, Altow Gar
gle to Remain on
Membranes of the
Throat for Pro
longed Effect.
Helps A Sore Throat
Reduces Infection, Eases Pain
Instantly. Gargling with Bayer
Aspirin will do three things: Relieve
soreness at once. Allay inflamma
tion. AND reduce infection; which
is the important thing in fighting a
sore throat.
It requires medicine like BAY
ER ASPIRIN to do these things!
That is why throat specialists
throughout America are prescrib
ing this BAYER gargle in place of
old-time ways. Results are quick
and amazing.
Be careful, however, that vou
get real BAYER Aspirin Tablets
for this purpose. For thev dissolve
completely enough to gafgle with
out leaving irritating particles.
Watch this when you buy.