Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 25, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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South Dakota Editor Pre
sents Plan Before Senate
Agriculture Committee
Would Meet Arguments
new Idea contemplating active coop.
cratlon of states with the federal
government In administering the do
mestic allotment plan for farm relief
was put forward today for consider
ation of the senate agriculture com
It was presented by W. B. Ronald,
editor of the Evening Republican
Mitchell, 8. D., as an answer to argu
ments often raised against the bill
as passed by the house.
Ronald, who has played a promi
nent part In advancing the voluntary
domestlo allotment plan, expressed
his views In a letter to Senator Nor-
beclt (R., B. D.)
States Responsible.
Under the Ronald proposal respon
sibility for obtaining prescribed acre
age reductions would be placed with
the states.
Only If state made the required
curtailment of production would it
be eligible to receive the allotment
money for distribution among Its
The plan as It passed the house
January 13 provides for a tax on the
miller, packer or other processor of
wheat, cotton, tobacco, hogs, rice,
peanuts and dairy products, the
money to be paid to farmers who cut
production 30 per cent, rneee allot
ments would be an amount suffici
ent to give the farmer the pre-war
pries on that share of his produce
which goes into aomesno consump
tion. One of the main criticisms of the
plan has been, Ronald noted, that It
would Involve great expense because
of the large force that would be need
ed to check up on acreage reductions.
Another argument against It, he
aid, was that It "would be likely to
give too much power to the adminis
tration and set up a dlstatorshlp or
bureaucracy." .
Like Highway Aid Plan.
To meet these two arguments, Ron
ald proposed "to work out the plan
en the same general basis as federal
aid to highways."
"I am proposing," he said, "that
each state be authorized to advise the
secretary of agriculture as to any
limitation on production! and this In
practice would mean that the states
would speak for the producers In
each case.
"In this way we would meet both
of the argument outlined above.
There would be no dictatorship be
oause eaoh state would be counseling
with the secretary of agriculture or
whoever the administration would be.
There would be no bureaucracy be
cause the secretary of agriculture
would simply specify the terms and
conditions under which each state
would qualify for It share In the
tariff adjustment fund."
In spite of the Inclement weather
the last meeting of Eagle Point
Orange on January 17 was very well
attended and there were a number of
visitors present.
Reports of various committees
were very good. Two applications for
membership were read and Brother
J. R. Kline gave the 1st and 2nd de
gree obligations to two new mem
bers, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Merrlman
of Trail.
Owing to the Illness of Bister Ger
trude Haak, at the last regular meet
ing, the belated Installation of Clar
ence Tlngleaf as gatekeeper was
postponed until this tlms.
Among visitors were Mrs. Henry
Hansen and Frank Hansen of Roxy
, Ann Orange and Mr. end Mrs. Putnam
and daughters, formerly of Phoenlv,
now living at Eagle Point.
The program was put on by the
H. B. O, consisting of several as
sembly songs, a talk on the duties of
the H. E. O. by Mrs. Madeline Barrett
and a solo by Rudy Weldman.
It was reported that the executive
committee met on January 0 to at
tend to the business of the last quar
ter report of 193a. Members of both
the old and ne w exeouttve committees
were present.
Next regular meeting will be Feb
ruary 7, when the new annual word
will be given to members.
H. K. club meets with Mrs. Charles
Humphrey at Reese creek January as.
Every sister member of the Orange Is
asked to attend.
Eagle Point Orange degree team
Journeyed to Talent January 19, and
put on the 3rd and 4th degree for
a number of members, Miss Donna
Earl of this Orange going with them
and taking the degrees. Mrs. Barrett
was In charge of the tableaux, and
miss Doro'.hy Pierce acting as pianist.
About 40 persons attended from Eagle
Japanese Helps Missionaries.
CHANOCHDN, Manchuria. (AP)
General Nobuyosh! Muto. bead of the
Japanese mission In Manchukuo, gave
3.000 yen (1630) to Christian mis
sions recently. Tlie donation went to
several American Institutions In the
Tungplen district east of Mukden.
Oregon Went her.
Partly cloudy tonight and Thurs
day, becoming unsettled with rain in
west portion Thursday; slightly colder
northeast portion tonight; moderate
met and northwest winds offshore.
Society and Clubs
Edited by Eoa Nealon
Greater Medford Club
Party, Successful Affair.
There were eleven table of cards
In play yesterday afternoon In the
city haU club rooms at the delight
ful party sponsored by the Greater
Medford club aa a benefit to add pro
ceeds to the fund for furnishing the
rooms. The newly opened rooms
formed an Inviting setting for the
party, being well heated, and cen
trally located.
Prizes at cards were awarded Mrs.
O. O. Graves, Mrs. L. Knlps and Mrs.
T. B. Morris.
Mrs. Hose Bchelffelln presided at
the tea table and acting as hostesses
were other members of the executive
board: Mrs. GO. B. Batchwell, pres
ident; Mrs. Edwin L. Knapp and Mrs,
M. J. Morris, vice presidents; Mrs. J.
H. Cochran, Mrs. Alice Coppln, Mrs.
A. J. Hsnby, Mrs. B. C. Mulholland
and Mrs. A. E. Beames, directors.
Appreciation of the efforts of the
Greater Medford club In taking the
Initiative In furnishing Medford wo
men with a meeting place Is being
expressed In all groups and the good
attendance at yesterday's party In
spite of the bad weather was a fur
ther oxpresslon of their gratitude.
Jolly Timers CluD
Plans Thursday Dance.
The Artisans Jolly Timers' olub
will give a dance for all Artisans and
their friends at the Knights of Py
thias hall at Fifth and Grape streets,
on Thursday evening, January 26.
This dance will be given under t&e
direction of Al Peoke, district man
ager for the Artisan Life Association
In southern Oregon, and Ed Gould,
Master Artisan of Assembly No. 661
in Medford.
The Artisans are reorganizing and
planning a series of entertainments
and dances during toe coming
months. The general publlo Is in
vited to attend and all are promised
a Jolly time.
Miss Elson Celebrates"
Twelfth Birthday Sunday.
Miss Chlse Elson. who celebrated
her twelfth birthday last Sunday
was honored with a Jolly surprise
party arranged by a number of her
friends during the afternoon. Cards,
games, refreshments and the theater
were enjoyed by all.
Present were Misses Evelyn Ed
wards, Mary Udlng, Viola Cloven,
Juanlta Edwards, Kathryn Conroy,
La Verna Belle Valller, Kathleen Ed
wards, Velma Stubblefleld and Chloe
Formal Dancing- ClW
Plans Friday Event,
A festive event of this week end
will be the party planned by the
Formal Danolng club for Friday at
Dreamland hall. Dancing will btigln
at 10:30 and many olub members are!
planning to entertain at dinner pre
ceding the dance. The party is Just
one of the sorles to be held -during
the ?MOn by this club, which has
during the past year added much
gayety to the local social calendar,
Golden Link Bible
Class Meets Thursday
The Golden Link Bible class of the
First Baptist church will have Its
regular monthly meeting Thursday,
January 30. at the home of Mrs. C.
A. Kelimr, 33 Almond street. All mem
bers of the class are urged to oe
Ketnhard A. Rolf of Central Point,
who lost October accidentally slew
his hunting companion and friend.
Joseph Bt. Germain, In mistake for
a bear, was found guilty of Involun
tary manslaughter, with lenient rec
ommendations, by a circuit court Jury,
of which Mrs. Luclnda Hubbard or
this city was forewoman.
The jury recommended the mint-
mum sentence with Immediate pa
role, and to deprive Rolf of "the use
of firearms In civil life for such time
as your honor may think beat.
The verdict was reached Tuesday
evening shortly before six o'clock after
slightly less than four hours' aeuoe
ratlon. Meet of ths Jurors had hunt
ed In southern Oregon for years.
The evidence showed that Rolf was
a tenderfoot In western hills, though
he hod hunted as a boy In Minnesota.
He and Bt. Germain had a set of sig
nals, and when Bt, Uermaln tailed
to whistle. Rolf fired In the dim light
of the timber, at what he thought
was a bear, with tragic results.
Rolf, haggard from worry, told his
own story of the tragedy, as the prin
cipal witness for the defense. He Is
a resident of the Central Point dis
trict, and his frlunds there say he
has aided, as beat he can, the widow,
and that he has borne a heavy load
of grief since the accident.
Tlie hunting accident occurred In
the Butte Falls district lsst October.
Rolf has been a resident of this
county for about two years.
Regular dance every Saturday night,
K. of P. hall. Mew orchestra.
ct Quickest
For 3 J years it hai helped
millions and you'll
find it only in Luden'a,
r -Ta.
Mrs. Elckhoff Guest
of Leaches This Week
Mrs. A. Elckhoff of Portland has
been a guest for the past week of
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Leach at the
A. E. Stratton country home west H
the city. She plans to leave tomor
row for the Rose city. Mrs. Elck
hoff la Mr. Leach's mother, and while
here has been the Inspiration for sev
eral pleasant family gatherings at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Stratton, par
ents of Mrs. Leach.
Meeting Place of Phoenix
Bridge party Is Changed .
The benefit bridge party to be
given by the pfaeonlx Thursday club
the afternoon of January 30th, will
be held at the home of Mrs. Bert
Stancllff, Instead of at the Lovell
Fern home, as previously announced,
A small admission fee will be
charged, the proceeds to' be granted
the public library fund. Earl Bris
coe and Mrs. Dougla steadman will
be hostesses.
Primary Teachers'
Council Meete Saturday
The Jackson County Primary
Teachers council will meet at the
courthouse Saturday, January 36, at
1:30 p. m., and a large attendance
was requested today. Mrs. Marote
Erlckson of the Reese Creek school
will discuss character education. She
will present a primary class from the
Reese Creek school In a character
education play.
All primary teach are of the county
will be welcomed to the meeting.
to Meet Thursday.
Fost-Delphlans are asked to bring
their quotations to the meetings call
ed for Thursday morning at 9:80
o'clock. Group one will meet with
Mrs. Yeoman at 310 East Main stret
with Mrs. Lei and Mentzer aa leader
and group two with Mrs. R. O. Mul
holland, 88 Berkeley Way with Mrs.
E. A. Moore as leader.
Parish Dinner Will Be
Event of Friday Evening.
St. Mark's church parish Is prom
ised a pleasant evening at parish
hall Friday, when dinner will be
served at 0:30 o'clock. The affair Is
in charge of St. Mark's Altar Guild
auxiliary and St. Mark's Oulld and
will be for all members of the church
and their families.
Mrs. Brandon Leaves
For Portland
Mrs. K. Brandon, who has been
guest here of Mrs. E. B. Plckel for
the past several days, left this morn
ing on the Shasta for Portland. Mrs.
Plckel recently returned from .the
south, where she was guest of Carter
Brandon of San Francisco.
Allons Club Meets
Thursday Evening.
Mrs. Amy Kent Smith will be host
ess to the Allons club Thursday even
ing. Bridge will be played and Mrs.
Smith will bo assisted by Mrs. Ed
ward Leach In entertaining,
Latin Club Plans
Danolng Party
A dancing party for Friday evening
Is the plan of the Latin club at the
local high school. Definite features
of the affair have not been an
nounced. IT WINDUP
Though no definite announcement
to the effect has been made. It Is ex
pected that Circuit Judge O. P. Skip
worth of Eugene will come here early
next week, to hear the election eon
test petition filed by Former Sheriff
Ralph G. Jennings against Sheriff
Gordon L. Schermerhorn.
Circuit Judge H. D. Norton will
hold court In Grants Pass three day
next week, and the Lane county
Jurist announced when here two
weeks ago, that he would return to
conclude the action, as soon as pos
sible after the defense filed an answer.
This was done yesterday. The answer
was brief, and denied all allegations
set forth.
Recounting of the officials, once
started, would not take long. Only
the votes for sheriff would be count
ed. The court would first appoint
canvassing board of threr, who would
sit In court, and tally the votes for
Sheriff Schermerhorn and Jennings,
under the eye of counsel for both
sides. Tl.e court would make the
final decision whether or not the
votes would be counted, If Its validity
was questioned.
Under provisions of the Oregon law,
upon which the suit Is based, the ex
pense of the recount Is borne by the
loser In the recount. Both have
posted bonds covering this Item.
Wrecker Service
Anywhere Any Tim
Lewis Super Service
Severin Battery Service
Medford Mad Batteries
8-Tolt, 13-plate, 1 year guaran
tee, S&20
Re-wound Armatures 91 up
Recharge 80c. Our Make 2.YC
1SJJ N. Klvenlde Phone 190
B want Judge o. B. Lamkln for
bis master and he wont take "no'
for an answer the little black and
white spit dog, which , recently wan.
dered to the home of the former
county official out from Ashland.
And like Muffloo In the famous old
story he keeps coming back. Dis
tance la no obstacle In his campaign.
But Judge Lamkln baa dogs of his
own, and cats, too, and so ths Hu
mane society Is looking for a home
for the little black and white spin,
half pint In slae.
Several weeks sgo the little dog
came to the Lamkln farm. The Hu
mane society was notified of the very
appealing stray and Mrs. Sidney
Richardson assumed the Job of find
ing him a home. She encountered no
difficulty and ths spit was soon
placed with Mrs. Wra. Wllkle on South
Central, this city. But a few days
later Mrs, Wllkle found she had no
dog and a call came from Judge Lam.
kin stating he had several, The dog
was again returned to Medford and
given to Mrs. Wllkle, who was ad
vised to watch her newly acquired net.
She did, she Informed the Humane
society few days lster, but It wasn't
any use.
The little dog covered the 20 miles
again without difficulty and showed
up at the Lamkln farm. The judge,
In despair, phoned the Humane so
ciety and the black and white spire
u again ai the local shelter. Mrs.
Richardson Is convinced that he pre
fer country life to city life and Is
anxious to get him a home on the
farm. She 1 also convinced that he
wants a man for master. She has so
far discovered no preference for blond
or orunette In his makeup and as.
sures anyone Interested that "He's a
mighty cut dog."
SAMS VALLEY, Jan. 35. (Spl.l
Ladles Industrial club met at the
Community club room Thursday with
Mrs. John Cota as hostess. Flans
were made for a covered dish lunch
eon for the home demonstration
meeting at the school house Friday,
when Mrs. Mack will be present and
lnstruot In remodeling of clothing.
Every lady la Invited to attend this
After a short program Mrs. Cota
served refreshments of pie and coffee.
Those present were Mesdames Joe
McKnlght, Josphlne Oota, Peter Bur.
reson, Nora Straus. Aletta Blgham-
Mary Myres, Ruth Schuls, Rose Craw
ford, Joe Dussenberry, Miss Thelma
McKnlght, Mrs. Jay Prink, Mrs. Ed
Morgan and Mrs. O. T. Wilson.
"Neat" Dresser, On and Off.
BUCHAREST ( AP ) Newspaper
attacks on government extravagance
Included an allegation that the com
mercial attache of the Rumanian
legation In London turned In an ex
pense account, which was allowd, for
3.070.000 lei, roughly $12,500, for suits
and shoes and hats, with the expla
nation that he needed them to keep
paoe with the English "who are very
elegantly dressed.'
Vicks Makes Special Offer
To Every Antiseptic User
(Makes Possible, at Small
Mouthwash and Gargle
Hygiene and Other
local Druggists Have Limited
Supply of a Special Trial
Size A 25o Value for Only
Users of mouth-washes, gargles and
antiseptic lotions csn now save more
than hslf the cost of this modern
dally necessity. This tremendous sav
ing comes with the Introduction of
the new Vicks Voratone Antiseptic
by the makers of Vicks vapoRun.
That all antlseptlo users may test
for themselves Its quality and Its
economy the makers have supplied
druggists with five million bottles of
a special trial also at less than cost.
This Is 28o value, but Is priced at
only lOo while the supply lasts.
Born In a depression year, Vicks
Antiseptic Is priced accordingly. The
regular ei is a large io-?unee Dot
tle a usual 78c value priced at
Try This 3-Tier Load of Dry Slabs
' A Real Money Saver
Body Fir $1 75 Dry Slabs $
Ttt Tier
I Tier Loads
Broadcast Schedule
8 :00 Breakfast Broadcast of New.
Mall Tribune.
8 ft Musical Clock.
8;lfl A Peerleee Parade.
8:30 Shopping Outd.
0:00 Friendship Circle.
9:30 Today.
fl:4o The ePt Program.
10:00 U. 8. Weather Forecast.
10:00 Fashion Parade.
10:10 Morning Melody.
10:30 Morning Comments.
10 :45 Happiness Hour.
11:00 Quartettes pared
11:18 Martial Music.
11:30 Bong and Comedy.
13:00 Mid-day Review.
12:18 Ppoularltls.
12:30 News Flashes, Mall Tribune.
12:30 In the Garden of Melody.
1 :00 Dreaming the Walt Away.
1 'AC Dajo. Bela Orchestra.
2:00 Dance Matinee.
3:00 Songs for Everyday.
8:0 KMED Program Review.
3:38 Music from Yesteryear.
4:00 Judge Rutherford, Lecturer.
4:18 Across the Seas to Hawaii.
4 :30 Maaterworks.
8:00 Popular Parade.
8:48 News Digest, Mall Tribune.
6:00 Dinner Dance Music.
6:30 Vignettes.
6:48 Ohandu the Magician.
7:00 Memories.
7:18 Labor Exchange program.
7:30 Seven Discards.
8:004:30 Eventide.
SAMS VALLEY, Jan. 28. (Spl.)
Among features of the lecturer's pro
gram at Saturday night's Orange
meeting was a one-act play and a
mock wedding. The wedding was a
burlesque on the newlyweds, Mr. and
Mrs. B. X. Nealon, who also received
many Jests throughout the program.
Other numbers were replies to cur
rent questions, reading by Thelma
McKnlght, poem by Wm. Perry, and
IS minutes of community singing.
During the business session a reso
lution on the moratorium of federal
loan mortgagee was turned over to
the legislative committee.
During the serving of refreshments
a bridal cake created much fun when
different members received the ring,
money, button and bean, to which
was attached an omen. Much advice
was given to the newly married eou
ple, by those who bad experienced
years of wedded life.
R. H. Beegmlller delivered girts from
membere of the Orange and brought
forth a huge rolllng-plr as a gift to
the bride, handed down the genera
tions as a woman's symbol of author
ity. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Coy and daughter and Mr. and Mrv
Wm. Perry of Eagle Point.
Brazil Checks Fasclts.
SAO PAULO, Broieil. UP) Sao
Paulo state educational authorities
recently closed several Polish, Srylsn
and Italian schools for giving In
struction solely In foreign lsnguages.
Brazilian law requires that the pri
mary language In schools must be
Cost, Test of the New Vicks
For Halitosis, Oral
Antiseptic Uses.
only 35o. This new low price level Is
made possible by record low prices of
raw materials combined with Vicks
mass production and world-wide dis
tribution of quality products.
Mild Enough. Strong Enough.
Vicks Voratone Is a balanced anti
septic. Mild enough to uie dslly
without risk to dellcste membranes.
Strong enough to do everything an
oral antlseptlo can and should do.
Vicks Chemists could produce noth
ing better . . . and they were aided
by the chemists, pharmacologists,
and bacteriologists of their 16 allied
organisations, here and abroad.
Vicks Antlseptlo Is designed, of
course, for all the customery uses
of an oral antiseptic. Ths most con
vincing evidence of Its qusllty and
savings Is to get a trial size of Vicks
Voratone, and use thla generous
quantity In the usual way. Your
druggist has It. Oct a bottle today
for each member of your family who
uses an antlseptio mouth-wash,
gargle or lotion. (Adv.)
Per Tier
Ton Maul Them
Western Thrift Stores
125 E. 6th Street
To the people of Medford and Jackson County: We wish to greet you and Invite you
to visit your new store. The policy of this store is to bring you quality merchandise
at modern low prices. We save you money on Toilet articles, Remedies, Rubber Goods,
Cigars and Tobacco, and a great many of your everyday needs. Every item is guar
anteed as to quality and every price is as low as can be made with a low overhead
expense based on a large volume of business. The people of Medford and the surround
ing territory are entitled to the low prices prevailing in modern stores and we are
bringing these prices to you. Remember every item is new, fresh merchandise, and
every price is a cut price. We do not run a few leader items and then sell the bulk of
your needs alt regular high prices. Every item in the store is sold at a cut price except
a very few contract lines on which we are compelled to maintain the price. Every item
is plainly marked so you can shop for yourself and make your own selections.
Read below for a few of our Regular Every-Day Prices and Specials.
3 for 45$
$1.00 Norwich
Cod Liver Oil
$1.00 '
Hinds' Honey and
Almond Cream
ji miwssl"
75c Found
Psyllium Seed
4 Oz.
1 Quart
Milk of Magnesia
25c '
La Lasine
Tooth Brush
Tooth Paste
7Bo Pint Mifflin
Rubbing Alcohol
$1.00 Norwegian
Cod Liver Oil
"Pay Less at Western Thrift"
Extra Special
1 tube Palmolive Shaving
1 can Palmolive Talc Pwdr.
and Styptic Pencil
70c value 39c
Save on Toiletries
35c Wildroot Wave Podr. 27i
75e Gold Cream 39
75c Cleansing Tissues 49
$1.00 Mercalizcd Wax 69d
.Colonial Dames Face Pdr 89$
30c Cutcx, 3-piece sets 16$
65c Cutex Set 43$
$1.00 Ponds Cold Cream79$
60c Ponds Cold Cream49$
30c Ponds Cold Cream 25$
50c Glissen Nail Polish
and Remover Set 43$
$1.00 Italian Balm 89$
60c Italian Balm. 48$
55c Jergens Lotion 37$
$1.00 Santiseptic Lotion..69$
50o Santiseptic Iotion 39$
75e Vegetal Lilac Lotion..43$
60c Chamberlain's Lotion 45$
75o Espeys Cream 59$
60e Mulsif 'd Cocanut Oil 49$
$1.10 Blondes Shampoo....89$
55c Packers Shampoo 43$
Save on Dental Needs
50c Pepsodent 33r
50e Pebeco 29J
25c Colgates 17;
25o Listerine 16$
50c Payne's 26i
50o Ipana . 35
Save on Cigars
5o Cremo, 7 for. 21
5o White Owl, 5 for 223
10c Van Dyck, 4 for. 33$
5c Van Dyck, 5 for. 22$
5e Havana Sweet, 2 for. 5$
Save on Remedies
$1.25 Creomulsion 98J
$1.00 Liquocold 79
$1.50 Myledol SI. 29
$1.00 Miles Nervine 73
4 oz. Senna Leaves 17$
4 oz. Arom. Cascara 29t
2 oz. Spt. Camphor 19d
$1.50 Kepler Cod Liver Oil
and Malt $1.29
5 lb. bag Epsom Salts 29$
50o Unguentine 33$
8oo Jnd Salts 59
60e Lavoris .39
Save on Rubber Goods
$1.00 Bath Spray J..59
$1.00 Vaginal Spray. 59
$1.00 Fountain Syringes..49
$1.25 Kumfy Cover Hot
Water Bottle 69d
$1.00 Hot Water Bottle49
15o Faultless Nipples 9i
$2.50 Vaginal Spray......$1.89
Save on Tobacco
1 lb. Prince Albert gQA
1 lb. Half and Half 87d
1 lb. Velvet 87
1 lb. Granger (J9!
Extra Special
2 tubes Colgate Tooth Paste
(large size)
1 Colgate Tooth Brush
$1. value 49c
125 E. 6th St.
Camel, Chesterfield,
Lucky Strike
$1.15 Carton
all kinds
Hair Brushes
Hot Water
3 Doz. Bottle
1 Pound
Agar Agar
4 85c
Kruschen Salts
Hair Tonic
Cutex Sets
Rubber Gloves
- $1.50
Takara Powder
$1.25 Box of 25
White Owl Cigars
$1.25 1 quart Russian
Mineral Oil