Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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Coast All-Stars Trim Green Bay Packers 1 3 to 6
Knights of Columbus Charity
Game Witnessed By 20,
000 80-Yard Drive By
'Pro's' Fails Near End
Defeated 13 to 8 by Ernie Never' Pa
cific Coast All-Stare here, the Oreen
Bay packers, professional football
team. Backed bangaite today In pre
paration for a trip to Lo Angelea
where they will meet a team of for
mer University of southern California
playera next Sunday.
The Packers, who lost to the Coast
AU-Stara before 30,000 fana at Kezar
stadium yesterday, will take a train
at p. m. for the south.
Passes were tossed freely by the
Packers and All-Stars aa they battled
up and down the field In the charity
tilt aponsored by the Knights of Co
lumbus. Early in the second period, the
Packers forged ahoad aa Tom Nash,
right end. went over for a touchdown
after receiving a pasa from Clark Hin
kle, fullback. In the so mo period, the
All-Stars took the lead. Harry Eddlng,
end. ran across the Packora" goal line
after catching a pass from Bunnle
Belden, left half. Nevers place kicked
the extra point.
A seven yard pass from Never to
MoKallp, end, and a ahort run by the
latter accounted for the All-Stare"
second touohdown which came near
the end of the third quarter. The
Packera made an 80-yard drive In the
closing minutes of the contest but
lost the ball on downs on the AU
Stara' aeven yard line.
The Klamath Falls Elks club bowl
ing team Invaded Medford yesterday
for two three-game matches with the
local Elks and were sent home with
out honors. The locals rolled In rare
form, Roy Prultt scintillating In the
second match with a score of 358 pins
In the last game and a match total
of 810.
Medford'a Elka team will Journey to
Klamath February 3 for a return
Klamath Falls Elks
Tom Watera ...107 1S8 170 403
F. McMillan 188 148 133 488
P. Drlacoll .183 140 183 814
J. Oore ISO 138 171 488
W. O. Strong ...-187 181 168 478
i ... ufiimmMii
coring three loucnaowni, hanK ScnaiaacK (insei), former California star, enamea tne west to neat
the All-Star East eleven 21 to 13 in the annual charity gam for the Shriner'a Hospital for Crippled
Children In San Franclaco, Lower photo ihowa the pageant preceding the conteat and (upper) Newman,
Michigan quarterback, reeling off a 15 yard gain for the visitors. (Associated Presa Photos)
while he lived In Medford, and his
career In the United States military
academy has been marked with sue
Hie many friends here were Inter.
ested In watching hta progreas on tho
Army gridiron during- the past few
years, and will be pleased to leam
of the distinction bestowed upon him
Leaves 'Secret Six
' ' 891 830
Medford Elka
830 3410
It. Prultt......
j. ai
K. Hankln........
F. Diamond
Q. Eads.. ...........
; 180
093 804 804 3741
Medford Elka
K. Prultt 188 184 388 810
J. QUI 167 168 170 800
H. Rankin. .177 164 181 633
F. Diamond 178 180 137 403
O. Eads... 163 143 180 633
880 888 016 31
Klamath Falls Elks -
T. Waters 173 183 163 610
A. L. Rice 160 113 138 410
P. Drlaooll 310 . 168 311 . 879
J. Dove ,137 178 159 464
W. C. 8trong..183 100 307 .690
863 830 877 3980
APPPLEOATE, Jan. 33. (Spl.) A
cougar waa aeen recently near the s.
H. Taylor ranch on Big Applegat
but the men and dogs who were
called at once were unable to cap
ture the animal. Bury! Brown of
Medford waa walking down the lane
leading to the Taylor dairy Saturday
when the cougar ran across the road
and up a tree. Mr. Brown ruahed
to the Taylor home and telephoned
for Charles Stma of Medford who
came at once to the scene wtth four
hounds who failed to pick up the
track. Mr. Sims plsns to return
after the snow melts to look for tho
It la believed the animal and Its
mate art making Vnelr home In that
been heard several tlmea by resi
dents, '
Undefeated Bears of the University ef
California and Trojana of U. S. O.
atood at the top of the aouthern di
vision, Paclflo Coai.t conference, bas
ketball race today.
The Bears added number three to
their string of victories by trouncing
Stanford's Indiana 37 to 33 In Berke
ley Saturday night. At the same time
the Trojans In a Loa Angeles contest.
ran wild to defeat tne University of
California at Loa Angelea 41 to 37,
" ' By Billy nulen
The Southern Oregon Normal bas
ketball squad and Coach HobsOh re
turned to Ashlsnd late yesterday from
Monmouth where they dropped two
bitterly fought games, Friday and
Baturday to Larry Wolfe's Oregon
Normal quintet, 46-34 and 83-38.
Aocordlng to reports, the two games
were the hardest fought In the bas
ketball history of the . two tnatltut
tlons: the second game especially be
ing a wild affair.
The Sons, todny. will bogln prepar-
Ing for Monmouth's two-game Invas
ion of Ashland. Friday and Saturday
of this wsek, and Coach Bobson can
be expected to leave nothing undone
In the process of whipping them Into
the beat possible shape for the return
battles. . -
Hobson's principal point of drill
will be the working out of a way to
atop Monmouth's great forward.
Franklin, whose uncanny ehootlng
and all around brilliant playing were
the main factors In bringing the
double victory to Wolfe'a squad.
OIU and Brayton teams will roll
tonight in the Elk bowling tourna
ment. Although Brtiyton'a team
show a higher percentage In the
tournament than OlrU'a. Jt to ru
mored that the Bray ton aggregation
bettor watch tholr atep as tho other
boys are all prlmod to give them ft
ral run for their money tonight. The
Fllegel and RanXln ganga roll Tues
day night. : )'.
The Elka bridge tournament will
have another session Tuesday night.
It has been stated that only "card
sharke" have any chance In this tour
nament. but this la absolutely wrong
as some of the beginners have added
up some of the most Interesting
scores. AU Elks are Invited to Join
In the fun and take some of the so
called "card sharks" for & trimming.
' The iKtenCtball team of the Baptist
church of Medford will attempt to
even the score agotost the Methodist
tonight on the Baptist church floor.
The Methodist won from the Bap
tists last Friday by the score ol 26-31,
but the Baptists reel they ran over
come the margin.
The Baptists hare defeated the
Medford heavyweights this season 28
94 In their opening game, and now
stand even on wins.
Bob Shaw, Tom Brypant, Gilbert
Robertson, Jack Paxton and Don
Stlnson compose the first team or the
Baptists, with Bob Arnold, Phtl
Bryant, O.' Bredenberg. Jerry Long
and Ansel Knox the second team and
J. I. Campbell, Elton Wsldron, Bsrl
Harrison. Jack Long and Ben Host
mark the third string.
P" . -at-',
Mrs. dhlrley Kub, Investigator el
Chicago's "Secret 8lx," waa ousted
from her ob after Mayor Cermak
had ordered' Chicago police with
drawn from the erlme-flghtlng or
ganliatloru (Associated Prill
The long awaited basketball game
between Phoenix and Central Point,
which was postponed from last Fri
day night, will be played tomorrow
night on the Phoenix gymnasium
floor. As neither team has been de
feated ao far this year, the game
takes on championship characteristics.
Phoenix has defeated Gold Hill and
Talent, and Central Point has defeat
ed Jacksonville and Gold Hill. Gold
Hill has defeated Rogue River, which
leavea the two teams to play tomor
row night at the top of the list.
Phoenix will play Jacksonville at
Jacksonville next Friday, nnd Central
Point will play Rogue River at Cen
tral point. Rogue River will play
The starting lineup for Phoenix to
morrow night will be Harvey Sears
and Edward Glover, forwards; C.
Htglnbotham, center and W. Hlgln
botham and C, Swingle, guards. H
Richie, guard, will also see action
during the evening, central point's
lineup will be D. Ayres and R. Virtue,
forwards; O. Casad, center and A
Ayres and Etcher, guards.
Ivan Harrington of Medford will
refree the game.
Pender and body repairing. Price
right. Brill Sheet Metal Works.
San Francisco's Newest
Downtown Hotel!
... a
600 OuUJif. Rnomit K - L
Mir.. .tJ.M M'JT M,l
1T9 nma 11.00 J IVffl : V'l 1
? 'MM
mvi I v,$m
I.L . 'mjC U.l
Frivato garage in base
ment of hotel building
with direct elevator ser
vice to Lobby and all
guest-room floorsl
Hotel Sir Francis Drako just
off Union Square most conven
ient to theaters, shops, stores,
business and financial district.
Only California hotel offering
Servidor feature thus enabling
you to combine "maximum pri
vacy with minimum tipping".
All rooms in the Tower with
Western exposure have ultraviolet-ray
(sun-bath) windows.
In every room connection for
radio reception, running filtered
ice water, both tub and shower.
Dinner in Coffee Shop from 75p
no in Main Dinine Room from
$1.25 up. Also a la carte service.
fitesis Hotel
Siu Fkakcis
HTCxiKi-Nivtcan Ho to, Co.
Powell Street at Sutter San Francisco
The regular -Medford Gun club
shoot was held Sunday, January 32.
Officers for the coming year were
also elected. The banquet was serv
ed In the cluhouse at 3:30 p. m.,
after which the annual meeting was
called to order.
T. K. Daniels was elected to serve
as president for another year. He
was congratulated by the members
upon the many Improvements made
during his term of office. Other
officers chosen: Chester W. Woods,
vice-president; E. W. Pease, secretary-treasurer.
New members elect
ed to the board of directors war:
8111 Bates, Clarence Eads, Sidney
Newton, Elmer Wilson, Ray Coleman
ana Sam Jennings. ,
Rsy Coleman of Jacksonville won
permanent possession of the club cup
in the sliding handicap, with a very
good score of 3i out of 36. Shoot
ing condition were quite difficult
owing to the strong wind. Coleman's
win was the feature of the day. Bill
Bates and Sam Jennings each had
two wins to their credit but were
outclassed by Coleman in the race
for We third leg and permanent
possession of the trophy.
Ed Lamport was high la the 16-
yard target shooting with a perfect
score of 25 out of 35.
Hdcap 16-yd.
Ray Coleman .. 34 22
H. Crotsant
Ed Pease
T. E. DanlelrJ..
Sid Newton
Sam Jennings
Clarence Eads 20
Ed Lamport 19
Bill Bates is
Ole Alenderfer ... ... 10
Elmer Wilson ........ ,19 .
Jerry Jerome 17
Ralph Green 10
Geo. Porter ,, , .. 16
Dick Belden 15
J. O. Thompson..
W. F. Quleenberry
Ben Hull
PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 33. (AP)
The University of Washington basket.
ball team stayed on the straight and
narrow path to the northern division
title In the final game or a two-game
aeries at Eugene by winning from the
lowly Oregon basketeera 44 to 34. Sftt
urday night The Huskies had taken
the opening contest of tho aeries 66
to 88 Friday.
An upset aa Moscow gave the Van
dals of University of Idaho their first
conference win when Washington
Bute fell before a flashing Vandal
attack 40 to 20.
Pointed out as an almost certain
lndlcatlbn of which team will finish
first In their division, the undefeated
Huskies of Washington open a two
game clash against the Oregon Btate
hoopsters at Corvsllls tonight with
the winner a likely champion.
Northern Division Conference
Washington ... 4
Oregon state ... 4
Washington State 4
Idaho . I
Oregon 0
Big danoe. Rogue River. Sat, Jan.
31. Good muale. Good time.
Go Will Draw
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 33. (AP)
Another capacity orowd la expected
to be on hand for the Wesley Ketch-
el-Toung FIrpo lightweight lO.round
boxing match at the Municipal Aud
itorium here tomorrow night. Both
boxers finished their heavy training
Saturday and announced themselves
In the best of condition.
As the year gets under way. busi
ness ahowa a determination to bal
ance budgeta and make both ends
meet. New retrenchment Is anticipated.
Expectations are for better grain
prices In 1033. unless production la
heavily Increased. The winter wheat
crop la forecast at 400.000,000 bushela,
smallest sowing since 1823. The cot
ton crop la expected to total 34,000,
000 bales, amallest In five years.
A 1
Raw ateel output in 1932 waa 13.
000.000 ton, lowest since 1000. Steel
mills operated on an average of 19.41
per cent of capacity.
Heavy engineering construction
contracts for the last week of year
rose to 138,329,000, a weekly figure
surpassed but twice during 1933.
A good clean dance every Saturday
night, K. of P. ball. Lew orchestra.
Sheriff Killed
In Gun Battle
PLAINVIEW Texaa, Jan. 23
(AP) J. C. Mosely, sheriff of Swish
er county, was killed last night In a
gun battle at Tulla.
Mceeley had been watching for a
stolen car and followed a coupe Into
Tulla and shot It out with Its occu
panta In front of a filling station.
The station vzj robbed after the of.
fleer had been ahot and the two men
and a woman In the car escaped.
"You said it.we need
a Big Car!"
m miM'mmtt
H POWER -'' '
"We picked Plymouth because it's o BIG In Size... and Value"
MAYBE you haven't got a big
family like Harry D. Ed
wards, but you certainly want
plenty of room in your car.
You'll find that people who
want comfort . . who want to re
lax . . . who wane driving to be
real fun . . . are picking Plymouth.
Because it's tull-ised car ... and
because it's the only low-priced
Six that is free of all vibration.,;
the only one with Floating Power
engine mountings!
What do people tbinkof it ? Ask
Mr. Edwards. He's an engineer.
He says: "In my opinion, any
car is behind-the-times without
Floating Powerl Or, for that
matter, without Hydraulic Brakes
or a safety-steel body!"
Ask your dealer for a Floating
Power ride in the new Plymouth;
Also ride in the other two low
priced cars. Then decide!
Four-Door Sedan $ 34 3, Converti
ble Coupe $565, Coupe with
Rumble Seat $523, Business
Coupe $-(95. Prices f.o.b. factory;
Deatrablt Douses always to ftrsi
elaaa condition for rant, tea et sale
Call 10D,
Ben Rarrell, son of Joe Harrell of
this city, who has been attending the
West Point military academy In New
York, waa recently awarded an aca
demy monogram In football for his
participation on the Cadet football
aquad during the past season.
Harrell was prominent In high
school fcotball and other activities
For Real and Lasting Heat
Ideal for Furnace, Stove and Fireplace
Any Kind
Quick Service
Tel. 76
Valley Fuel Co. ei "
Aa for Medford Popularity Votes
Ask These Firms for
Popularity Contest
Burelson's Store
People's Electric Store
Lawrence's Jewelry
Pierce-Allen Motor Co.
Larry Schade
Jarmin & Woods Drug Store
J. Verne Shangle Studios
Murray Beauty Shop
Armstrong Motors, Inc.
Witham Super Service
Campbell Clothing Co.
The Home Grocery
The Band Box & Shoe Box
Swem's Gift Shop
Medford Domestic Laundry
Heath's Drug Store
Medford Furniture & Hdwe. Co.
Gardner Drug Store, Inc.
The Peasleys
Mutual Mill & Seed Co., Inc.
Lee's Men's Shop
Valentine's Cafe
Montgomery Ward & Co.
DeVoe's and Huson's What-No
Medford Service Station
Pruitt's Melody Shop
Valley Fuel Company
American Laundry
Lewis Super Service Station
Franklin's Cafe
Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank
Colonial Bakery, Inc. .
H. E. Marsh
Hubbard Bros., Inc.
The Bootery
Porter Lumber Co.
Central Market & Star Market
Economy Lumber Co.
Cinderella Shop
Texaco Station, Chet Leonard
Weeks & Orr
Franklin's Grocery
Big Pines Lumber Co.
Val J. Fischer Service Station
Medford Flower Shop
Medford Mail Tribune -
Watch for Other Firms to Be Added to This List
1 AA 7Vi".PC siven with every $1.00
JL J vf T O L Wt3 purchase or payment on account.