IfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1933. PAGE FIVE V t! ) H 1 DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT WANT AD SERB URM THB aATESl Par wort nr lDMrtion- (Miniirllm ,LJ ' 8Mb additional insertion. inM (Minimum 10c) Ptr line per roonta. without copy change ,l-atl Phone 75 s-ati- LOST t-ost Lady's dark brown pigskin Po for right hand. Please re ' turn to M. H- Mall Tribune oince. ,i Reward. LOST I? dog missing, call 1819- rOUND FOUND Lady's brown kid glove. Owner may have ame by paylns ; lor ad. Mall Tribune. HRLP WANTED IALEAKEMAJ SALESLADIES AND SALESMEN -Runproot hose; your. free: paid dally. Special Jan. bonus. Write ,Mr. Maxkle. 603 Delta Bldg, Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED SITUATIONS ' RELIABLE, experienced girl wants housework. 1399-X. EXPERT PAINT ISR will do sign paint. lng-interior decorating - general ' paint Jobs. Call at 322 So. Central WANTED MISCELLANEOUS .. W ANTED Rogue river farm. Prefer near river, value about .15.000. lor ) eastern Oregon grain and atocx ranch. Box 0184. Tribune. - WANTED To buy fresh cow or heller, cheap for cash. Tel. 586-j. WANT set of carpenter'e tools; must , be bargain for cash. Box 9322. Mall Tribune. 'DRIVING Portland Friday; room for , 2, share expense. Box MJ3 MlU '! Tribune. 1 f taftWANTED A rkle east to Albuquer !.7 que. New Mexico.. Denver or El ' f Paso. Texas. Phone 280-M. BUSINESS opportunity wanted; able ,, to handle any kind office work; can make small investment In go Ing business affording employment. ' Olve details. No schemes or can " vasslng. Box 9316. Mall Tribune. . WANTED Wool and mohair, cattle and sheep. See J. J. Osenbrugge. EXOHANOE Upholstering and furnl ture repairing for what have you? Thlbault. Tel 989-tt TRUCKMEN house to Medtord, write me your price. T. K. Flynn, ltt3 com. rive , Oakland. Calif. WANT TO RENT Completely furn- Ished home. Near high school, flre v place, furnace, 2 bedrooms. Phone '; 1011-J WOOD-SAWING. Phone 796-W. iri WANTED Large heater or circulator . 40. with coil. 638-X. RAW FURS WANTED Eastern prices paid. You don't have to wait for returns. We Fay cash. We buy Hides. Pelts and Wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape St. Phone 1082 i. WANTED Household goods, stores, tools, or what have you 1 MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape St. Phone 1062. FOR RENT HOUSES VS.ROOM house. 219 8. Ivy. FOR RENT 60 No. Pesch. rooms snd bath: oil burner. Tel. 105. ' FOR RENT Half duplex, furnished; heat, garage. 246 S. Riverside. i FOR RENT 624 W. 13th. Tel. I0S. .f FOR RENT Houses, 813.50. 15 snd I. 817.50. Tel. 10S. i FOR . B A plex, A JTroR R i 1001 S N. C FOR. RENT A nicely furnished du- close in. for sio pnone 1149 RENT 4-room furnished house, North central. Inquire 939 Central. FOR RENT Partly furnished home. close In. nice vade, garden spot, garage, $20, water rent paid; lo cated at 318 So. Rlversrslde; In quire at 328 80. Riverside. SMALL, modern, furnished house; frigldslre. garage. if. Holly. FOR RENT Clean, partly furnished 4-room house. Telephone 4BB-M. FOR RENT Furnished fl-room house; rurnace. fireplace; close in. Tel 1326.. FOUR-ROOM f.'.rnur.ed house. In quire Irvln Andersun. 214 Vancou ver Ave. FOR RENT Nice S-roum uniurnlsa ed house, lis mo Location. North Central, phone 449-X FOR RENT Nice residence near high school; double garage 503 8 Oak. date Phone "37 FOR P.EM s-room rurn:htd nouse and garage, call at 345 N. Bailleu. FOR BENT nODSES FOR RENT -room small furnished house with garage. Call 816 or U13-J. 741 WEST JACKSON 6 rooms, good condition ana location. Tel. tua FOR RENT 4-room modern furnish ed house: Hardwood floors, over stuffed, electrlo range. Call at 630 8. Central. NEWLY renovated 6-room modern cottage on Paclflo Highway with 8 acre lot. good garden soil. Irriga tion. See J. B. Webster Agency. Phoenix. FOR KENT Furnished 6-room mod ern house. Csll at 41. s Rivsiae FOR RENT 4 room unfurnished house, plenty Buns ins. close in. Inquire 141 So. Holly. FOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown White. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 and 3-room apart- mvnie. -1 w. i ok. MODERN furnished spt: heated; hot water. 010 no. oaitwn. 3 ROOMS completely furnished. In cluding lights and water; neatea; $5 a week. 229 No. Ivy. FURNISHED apartment, downstairs; garage. 344 No. Bartlett. NICE turn. apt. 518 So Oakdale. NEAT turn. apt. Key 146 8 Ivy. FURN. apts.: steam heat; convenient for 4 adults. The Berben. 10 Quince FOR RENT Attractive ground floor apartment for couple employed Call at 533 Plum St.. after 6 p. m or Sundays. HOMES FOR KENT Call 796. "OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ATTRACTIVE heated rooms. 404 8 Grape. PLEASANT ROOMS House furnace heated and a fireplace. Three good meals, 81 00 a day. 716 E Main FOR RENT Comfortable rooms; pri vate entrance One block from Main St. Reasonable rates. 323 8 Central. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 1 and ',4 -acre tracts near Medford. Tel. 105. FOR RENT My poultry ranch equip ped with electric Incubators and brooders. Well furnished house. Mrs. C. A. Wlnans, Ross Lane, FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Interest In quartz claim for car. 1021 10th St. West. RADIO to trade for sewing machine. Phone 1700. FOR EXCHANGE Good light closed car and Bldg. Ac Loan stock for later model car. rnone 731-jt. WOOD for .lay or potatoes, near Trail R O Skellenger, Trail. Ore. WILL trade dry 16" fir and hard wood for light truck 322 East 4th FOR EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 acres Klamath county, on highway and railroad, fine land, all irrigated; 45 acres Jackson county, no irrigation needed. Will sell or exchange for smaller acreage or Medford prop erty. Phone 1282, . FOR SAI.fc HOMES FOR SALE! 4-room modern home In Milton. Ore., will trade for farm land near Medford. Box 106, Jack, sonvllle. FOR SALE Good 8 room house (east front) and nice lot close to Berry dale store. A great bargain at $450. Terms. Phone 517-L. FOB SALE POULTRY NEW LOW PRICES on chicks White Leghorns, Hansen strain, 8 cents; Reds and Rocks 9 cnts. 24 page catalog free. Jenks Poultry' Farms, Tangent, Oregon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 13 ACRES Own water right: bouse and other buildings: on bus line: 81000 A. E. Dennis, Rogue River, Oregon. GOOD homes, ranches, timber lands, building lots. Bargains. Roberts, 720 W. 2nd. Phone 1528-J. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE FUEL DRY FIR, black oak and laurel wood, 81.75 and up. Phone 153. Jacksonville. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS UNUSUAL BARGAIN In used piano, 855; good organ for trade. What have you7 Baldwin fianu fluur, 26 8. Grape. 30 TONS alfalfa, on Conley ranch. Sams Valley, or write H. E. Rich ardson, Phoenix. FOR SALE Baled hay. 813 ton. L. M. Lofland, phone 447-J. FOR SALE Two large wicker doll buggies, doll bed ano other toys Jhampoo shield and stand. 319 No. Central. FURNITURE for sale Servian rugs, radio, overstuffed, Maytag, mangle dining set. bedroom furniture. westingnouse range., ueiung every thing Come. 120 Vancouver Ave FOR SALE Good used piano 867.50. Good organ 87.50. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. 260 a. Grape St. FOR 8ALE Hsrley-Davidson motor cycle 886 cash. See John, at Mai) Tribune. FOR SALE UxS lathe. Inquire at Pick it Lindley's. FOR SALE Dry oak. laurel and man aanlta. Phone 1116. FOR 8 ALE Used tewing machines, all makes, $6 up: terms If desired All makes rented and repaired White 6ew.ni Machine Co 34 H Bartlett FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming Pbone 913-J. OET the No Hunting1 and trespass- j tng signs at the Mall rr oune Job I iffire: printed on moth to emu I stand the rao and weather. MISCELLANEOUS MEDFORD FUR SHOP moved to 638 E Main. LINOLEUM, floor or rugs Glo-coated: everything furnished for 81.00. Call Tjuiipon'a. 1 FLOORS elesned. waxed and pollen ed; everything furnished for $1.00. Call Lamport's. GET the "No Hunting" and trespass ing signs at the Mall Tribune Job office; printed on cloth to with stand the rain and weather. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movera 8pocial livestock moving equipment. Prices right Satisfaction guaranteed. 619 North Riverside Phone 044-X. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract! ol Title and Title Insurance. The only complete T 1 1 1 r System 10 Jacksor County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance Rooms 8 and 6. No. 83 North Central Ave. upstairs Automobile Loans. CONTRACTS REFINANCED PAYMENTS REDUCED We pay up- balance due dealer, bank or finance company and extend your payments- Additional money loaned Phone 31 for aopointment Expert Window Cleaners. LEI OEOROE DO IT - Tel. 1173 House oleaning Floor waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMEN1 Best equipped plant In southern Oregon. Printing ol all kinds; book binding: loose-leaf ledgers, a 0 d blanks billing systems duplicating cast) sales slips and everything in the printing line. 38-30 N Grape Phone 75. Painting and Paperhangtng. HARRY MARX Painting, tinting paperhangtng. Phone I4-F-4. Res Coleman Creek road. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS, Three per cent per montb on un paid balance No other charge See W B. Thomas. 46 8 Central Ground floor Craterlan Theatre Bldg State License No. 8-187. Transfer, EADS TRANSFER As STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No Central Pbone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed RE1NKING TRUCKING CO. Trans fer. and Storage We haul anything at a reasonable price.- Ill No j Fir Street. Phone 333. . LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Final Account. In the county Court of the State of Oreeon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah Adeline Hull, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. Executor of the Estate of Sarah Adeline Hull, deceased, has filed his Final Account on the ad ministration of said estate with the Countv Clerk of Jackson County, Oregon, and the above named Court has fixed ten ociock a. m., on tne 16th day of January, 1933, at the County Courthouse at Medford, Ore iron, ss the time ind place for hear ing objections thereto and allowing and settling the same thereto. All persons Interested ' In said estate are hereby notified to present their ob jections, If any. to said account, or any item thereof, on or before said date. CLARENCE PIERCE, RAWLES MOORE, Attorney.' Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon. December 16tn, 1932. Forest Exchange. Notice Is hereby given that on No vember 18tn, 1932. The Fruit Growers Supply Co., 711 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles. cauf filed ap plication No. 020563 under tbe act of March 30, 1922, (42 Stat.. 405) to ex change All Sec. 25, T. 40 0.. R. IE., W. M-, with the exception of 18.367 acres owned by the southern Paclflo Railroad Company, for right-of-way and siding: s4 See 26, NE!4 , Vf, NW4. SWViNW',4. and SVt Sec. 32, all Seo. 83. all Sec. 84. all 8ee. 85, T. 40 S. R. IB.. NW?4, NW8WV4 and SW'.SWy,. Sec. 3, all Sec. 3, Lots 2, 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 10. 11 and NWH Sec. 4. all Sec. 6. all Sec. 6, all See. 7. N',4NW',4. SWNW. Sec. 8, all Sec. 9. all except NWHNWV, Sec. 10, all Sec. 15. all Sec. 16. Lota 1. 2. 5. 6, 7. 8. 8. 10. 11. .12. 18, Sec. 17, Lots 1 and 3. NSNE'i Sec. 18, T. 41 S., R. IE., and B Sec. 86. T. 40 8.. R. 1W., and Lots 3. 3. 4. and N!4 Sec. 13. T. 41 S-. R. 1W-, W. M. Oregon, within the Klamath National Forest, for portlonsof Sec. 3. 4. 10 and 13, T. 41 s.. R. 1W.. w. M. Ore gon, within the Klamath National Forest. The purpose of this notice la to allow all peraons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objec tions to such application, an oppor tunity to file their protests with the Register of the United States Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests or objections must be I Mln this office within thirty days from the date of first publication of this notice, which first publication will be Dee. 38th, 1933. HAMILL A. CANADAT. Register. Crater Lake CRATER LAKE, Jan. 11 (Spl.) Charles Ooold, Jess Smith and Chas. Simpson, all of Government Camp, spent New Tears with their families in Medford. Ranger Harry Fuller and Prank So llnsky were rumrig and skiing up at the rim Friday. The only animal life around the lodge at present Is one porcupine, two black ravens and five birds. They ar being fed by the caretakers. FREE Pioneers eou descendants photographed without charge foi pioneer historical collection ACCEPT SCHISSLERi RESIGNATION WITH r FRIENDLY FEELING j 0. S. C. Chairman of Central Board High in Praise of Retiring Football Mentor Economy Need Seen CORVALLIS, Jan. (AP)Coaoh Paul J. Schlasler today confirmed the announcement that he had submitted hla resignation and that It bad been accepted. He eald he had no state ment to make. Dean Harry Rogers, chairman of the board of control, however. Issued the following statement: Effective June 30. Coach Paul J. Schlasler has pre sented his resignation to the board of higher education, to the chancel lor, to the board of control and to the chairman to take effect at the end of the current year, June 30. "The resignation has been accepted by the board of higher education and the board of control with the privi lege of a leave of absence from this current date to July 1, 1033. 'Paul J. Schlasler has given to Ore gon State College nine yeara of ser vice and continuous, hard, construc tive and faithful effort. During his leadership here 'he organized many constructive policies In athletics. He brought Oregon State College Into a position of national recognition by the performance of his team In In tersections! contests and he promoted the Shrine game In Portland. Held In Hlfih Regard. He has been highly regarded In Pacific coast Intercollegiate confer ence and has to his credit the longest period of service of any conference coach. 'Conditions In athletics at Oregon State College, accompanied by a gene ral decline In all athletic revenues received both through general at tendance and student body fees, make reorganization of the coaching staff necessary as a measure of economy. "Coach Schlasler has evidently made his future plans with this In view. "The administrative and personal relationship between Coach Schlssler and the board of control have always been cordial, friendly and co-operative. "He leaves us with our best wishes for his continued success." SCHAAF OR PRIO NEW YORK. Jan. II. (AP) Jack Sharkey will defend his heavyweight championship in June against either Ernie Schaaf or Prime- Camera, under plans formulated by Madison Square Garden. . Schaaf, who stopped Stanley P0 reda In six rounds last week, has been matched with Camera. In a IB-round battle In the Garden February 10, the winner to gain the right to face Sharkey for the title. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1, Diplomacy S. Rent again 10. Stalk 14, Woodwind Instrument 11. Pleasant smell 16. Weary 17. Before Ions; 18. More faithful 1. Hingis thing 20. Typo of radio receiver tt. Reward 24. Interpret! archaic it, Courio of pub) to life 21. Marked with small de pressions St. Improve 33. Me: French 16. Shop 17, Horned ani mal St. Patron saint of Chrlst mn 40. Rotated rap- Idly 41. Addition to a building 41. flhlldi 44. Flniat 46, Pertaining to the Semites 47. Return tbrutts Is fencing 49. Totsl 60. Dlflaure ftU Sleight of hand per former 19. Kind of balsam Solution ol Yetterday'i Puxzl g'AisiAiLn5lQBiAisip op.5 Jf arl E A R EN W 1Q RATQRV gpE AsElCpQ ROVE BOAS REllAF E R EFT EpMs t RYMWM E T her sp Rustle EBDEEpEiNlHEW SARi m 5JA wjMEDE P LiA T S juN DE Rll R 1 M 5FRJ5 QTERQ AVE EyE T LIT O N TEEBjRlEDyERiQPl 61. Motions of the sea 12. Domesticated 43, Competent 64. Ward oft sf. Epochs 6. Principal 7. Measures of paper 61. Arrow DOWN L Throw lightly 1. Arsblo name for fatbar 2. Xncloaure for chickens ft. Poorer claas spartmtnt houis ' a 3 r pf 'i6 i7 r 1 wia i" v v 2C 21 22 55 2i WWW?; 21? n ji ''m W 3j HP'38 j? W40 fM ffpmm fjtjf, MSHa. aisaMBBX mm .,. W . "7?fT aaMBBIsa. iMassssasai somi r f) llll wmWL 111 ji si si m sir sir "Wsi " vmW Wti i i i XX i .i i i w,.i i.i, Mum On Future Plans ':l .'if """ -!' " j k : ;.-fV; I PA l I, J. SClllssLr.lt, whoso reslRnntlun as ..mil foot hall couch at Ore gon State college was announced yen tenia v. snlil todiiv he has no plans for the future. A "big time' coach will not be sought to replace Schlssler due to necessity of economy. BEAVERS DEFEAT MOSCOW, Idaho, Jan. 11. (AP) I Capping a four-game northern tour with a 29 to 26 victory over the Uni versity of Idaho here last night, the Oregon State Beavers were on their way home today with three wins and one defeat In their records, to lead the northern division of the coast conference. Again 'last night, as the previous night when they came from behind to pull-out a 32 to 31 victory over the Vandals, the Oregon State five spurted after trailing in the rear. The Vandals netted eight points be fore the visitors counted one, and then pulled ahead to lead 10 to 8 at half time. School Athletics Not Under Laws SALEM, Jan. U. (AP) School athletic- activities pertaining to box ing and wrestling competitions do not come binder the laws relating to boxing commissions, unless these ac tivities are held for the sole purpose of rslslng money and not a part of high achool of college schedules, At-, torney General I. H. Van Winkle held In an opinion handed down today. Pbone 04X We'll haul away youi refuse City Sanitary Service, Cross-Word Puzzle 21. Former O. senator from Mis souri 22. Poems 25. Animal tn- closures 26. Soap plant 27. Domain 26. Small Euro pean sharks 50. Burst forth violently , tU Patron saint of Franca St. Refuse matter remain. nt" after press ing grapes 24. United 35. Roman road 36. Oriental saber 96. Those who believe that all objects have souls 42. Stammer: Scotch 43. 7x)w gaiter 48. Cme forth 46. Made speeches: humorous 51. Chief god of ancient Memphis U. Garment 5J. Feminine nsme )4. iow haunt AS. Notion ' 56. Mlcrobs 67, Ancient Irish capital 61. Pan fan poet 66. Remainder I. Preferably 6. Made a mis take 7. Clownish, awkward fellow t. Arabian chieftain i var. t. Covered with a viscous . black liquid 10. Persona en gaged in study 11. Very amatl 12. Ireland 13. Measure T PUTS KRUSE OUT TACOMA. Waah., Jan. 11 (AP) Ed Strangler Lewis, Claimant 6f the heavyweight wrestling chsmplonshlp, used a speedy and well-timed head lock attack to defeat Bob Kruse, Os wego, Ore., challenger, by a fall and default In the eight-round main event of the mat program here last night. The fall came In a minutes and 95 seconds of the fourth round and Kruse waa unable to report when the bell for the fifth round sounded. Bobby Miller. Chicago, and Dr. Map do Vora; Providence. R. I., wont to a draw in the samt-wlndup, each gain ing a fnll. In the three-round opener Tom Ray, veteran light-heavyweight, gained the lone fall to win over Pat Callahan of Boston, Lewis meets Abe Kaplan In the main event of a wrestling card at Portland tonight. BOWLING Copco. T Hussong 1S8 144 188 442 H. Husaoug ....... 133 183 183 408 3. Burroughs 138 124 117 370 P. Brewer ............. 180 148 188 813 S. BuUls 128 138 108 380 Handicap lit 111 Ml 833 83T 700 807 2434 PMrlfJs Mnst Market. R. Martin 101 78 97 378 J. Casrlty 01 110 80 381 f. Schuler 133 03 88 313 P. Dlltton 130 108 112 340 H. Mmisel 142 103 80 334 Handicap 383 283 383 788 848 783 710 3320 Tolo TOLO. Jan. H. rapU-HMra. P. A. Tracy and daughters. Misses Inman and Ernestine Tracy, were dinner guest of Mrs. John Bohnert Friday, later attending Central Point Orange. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Whetstone and Alton visited Hewlln Whetetona and family of Ashland Sunday. Newman Billings went skiing on the SUklyou s Monday, Ralph Buckles of Central Point. formerly of Tolo, entertained a num ber of classmatea at dinner Monday, Edward Inman was among the guests. Ralph Is an amateur radio operator and the boys spent the remainder of the evening In hla studio. Visiting at the Joe Collins home Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cochran, cousins of Mrs. Collins from Long Beach, Cal, Dinner gueeu at the Wm. Pen- nlnger home Monday were Mrs. Blllle M. Btlllngi, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and Vlobel Morrow. Later the party went to tne home of Mrs. Billings at Pine Tree, and danced for the remainder of the evening. Tolo Community elub will hold Its regular meeting January 12, with Mrs, Denver Davis. Visitors are cor dially invited. Broken windows glased by Trow brtdga Cabinet Works. Medford Pear Sabs, New York Auction From New York Daily Fruit Reporte. furnished to The Mail Tribune by the Fruitgrowers' League.' One ear Oregon Bose pears, two unchanged on all varieties. Bose Bxs. 80 70s 80 90s 100s 110 130t 1381 180s 188a 180s 188 910 1381 Ave. Broadway. Extrs ... 88 188 178 178 180 100 188 188 188 ' 184 Fifth Ave.. Fsncy 483 188 160 100 168 170 178 190 190 190 170 170 170 17 Anjou National Park. Fancy . 608 160 160 180 160 168 178 310 310 308 170 188 188 158 1 Fifth Av., Fancy . 38 318 918 338 330 Ml j Blue Diamond, Extras 389 180 108 10S 198 300 108 330 390 338 936 IBM , Red Dlsmond, Fsncy 380 170 170 175 178 180 180 188 310 310 , 17 Williams Creek WILLIAMS CREEK. Jan. 11. (Spl.) Williams Ladles' club met with Mrs. Alfred La rl more Wednesday. Only a few were present because of the flu. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Harry Cougle, Jan. 18. All members are urged to be present as offlcera are to be elected. . 4 J Mrs. Stella Stratton Is spending some time In Medford with hsr friends Judge and Mrs. H. D. Norton. Brennen Wltcher of Redding. Calif., visited his cousin, C. W. Roberts a few days last week. Mrs. John Letteken la confined to her bed with flu. Her daughter, Mrs. Bd Woolfolk of Grants Pssa Is with her. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Richardson of Provolt left Saturday for Castle Rock, Wash., to make their home. Mrs. Lee. teacher of the upper grades moved into the small house on the Roy place, the Roy ftvmity having moved Into their new home just finished. The Schults family who have all had the flu are on the road to recov ery. A state policeman was on the creek Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oh as. McMerrlclt are visiting Mrs. McMerrlck's parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Loveless. Dale and Wesley Vahrenwald were victims of the flu over the holidays. School opened January S, after a week's vacation, with but few missing. Mr. and Mrs, A. Hilton drove down to Dorrls, Calif., where they will make their home. Mr. Hilton returned to finish up business. The Madden fam ily from the Missouri Plata who have leased the place have taken posses sion. Mr. and Mrs. George Lovelace. en entertained at dinner New Year's, Mr. and Mrs. Mills. Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. u. Mills and small son Billy. . Harold Vlncel was New Tear s din ner guest at the Hammon home. Practice of the school orchestra led by Martin Treptta of Grant pass, wsa called off again last week because of danger from high water to roads and bridges. The creeks have been very high, leaving behind everywhere banks Of beautiful black sand. Mrs. Sorrels; and daughter Donna called on Mrs. Carrie Hartman at the Ham men home Tuesday. Walter Hammon la feeling poorly. January 1st was election of offlcera and teachers of the Williams Union Sunday school. All of the offlcera and teachers were re-elected except new secretary was chosen. Mrs. Blod gette was given the Intermediate class m her former group waa trans ferred to the young people's class of which Mr. Blodgette Is teacher. . Visitors entertained at the Kradel Neweomb home Nflw Year's were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Norton and two sons of Grants Pass, John and Jess Splcer of Provolt. Mrs. Harry Cougle was called to Frultvale Wednesday by the serious Illness with pneumonia, of her brother-in-law, Mr. Forlster. Store and postofflct at Williams waa taken over the first of January by Frank Wood who haa leased same for a number of years. Art Woolfolk. of Grant paaa spent Wednesday nlxht with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Letteken. Ralph Cougle who haa been with his slater, Ma. Fred Conklln of Mar tines, Calif., la now at home. Warren Brooks and Jack Hill are cleaning the O'Brlan ditch which la a psrt of the Laton ditch system. j Mrs. J. M. Lloyd and small son of San Bernardino, Calif., who spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Roberts, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs1. E. T, Oray and son Byran and daughter Lois and Clifford Willsort, all of near Murphy, were calling at the C. W. Roberts home one evening last week, " Prospect PR06PECT, Jan. 11. (Spl.) Mrs. Prank Dltsworth. who underwent a serious major operation at the Com munity hospital 10 days ago. Is mak ing a remarkable recovery. Orandma Dltsworth la a patient at the Community hospital, with flu. Members of the Prospect P.-T. A. are taking turns serving hot lunches to the school children. Dance given New Tear's eve In the school gymnasium wsa well attended, with about 84 present. Atewart Weeks spent Prlday In Med ford shopping and attending to busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ritchie were shopping In Medford Saturday. Mrs. Carl Richardson and Qui Dlts worth are taking turns caring for their father, who 1 111 with Influ enza. Kelson Ttye. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Nye and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dlts worth have been added to the list of influenza victims. Be correctly corseted. Price 89.78-87.78 and up. tTTHBLWYN P. HOFFMANN. Sixth and Holly. ears Anjous, on prt ear Comic told Eagle Point EAGLE POINT, Jan. il, (Spl.) Mrs. Alice Nichols left for Drain De cember 33 to spand the holidays wltb. relatives. Seven months' old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Clsrk o.' Reese creek la very 111 with Influenza. The mother and baby are now ataytng at Dr. D. A. Forbes so that the baby may have constant medical attention. Mrs. James V. Forbes and son, Stan ley, of Jacksonville, have been stay ing with Mrs. Forbes' brother-in-law, Dr. D. A. Forbes for two weeks. Dorothy Coy left for Brownsboro Jsnuary 4 to spend several days with Donna Brown. Dr. D. A. Forbes', son, Stuart, Mr. and Mrs, Jamea V. Forbea and sons, Stanley, Donald and Ray of Jack sonville, enjoyed New Years' dinner with Dr. D. A. Forbes, Mrs. J. O. Spencer entertained Mrs. N. h. Buries of Medford December 8. Frank Strshan, Alex Vestal and AI- vln Martin of Reese creek spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Spencer. John Kanklns, formerly of the Ala Vista orchard, is building a house on his recently acquired property near Reese creek on the Butte Falls high way. They expect to move Into It In about a week. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Marshall of Med ford, will move Into the house on the Ala Vista orchard, vacated by John Hanklns and family next week. Percy Haley, county gradsrman. Started for Butt. Falls January t with the county grader to finish work on the Butt Falls-Pro pect road. Snow Is reported very deep above Butt Falls and road work la prac tically Impossible ' from the upper John Allen ranch to Prospect. Earl Stoner, who waa having medi cs! treatment at the Sacred Heart hospital In Medford, left for Port land December 8 where he will enter th veterans' hospital for treatment. Mr. Stoner, who haa been 111 for aome time, Is reported to be suffering with Malta fever, a rare disease in this part of the country. Royal Brown la able to alt up a lit tle every day now. Mrs. Ruby Toung, Mr. O. F. Davles, Mrs John Hanklna and Julius Bit- terllng are reported 111 with the flu. Mrs. Orace Dahack returned home from Portland January I, where aha had undergone a minor opsratlori at the Good Samaritan hosoltal, ' 3. A, Tlngleaf left for Portland De cember 91 and returned January 1, bringing with him his son, Delbert. . who had been In the Good Samaritan hospital for operation and treatment of his broken leg. Delbert la much Improved, but It la reported he will need to return to Portland In Febru ary for final treatment. Jack Marklee la wiring th barn of Nick Young for electrlo lights. Mrs. Maude Dltsworth. formerly of Eagle Point, but now of Prospect, passed through her last week en rout to the Sacred Heart hospital . where she was operated on. . She la reported as getting along nicely. Misses Foung of Talent were visit ing th Putnam family on the Barnes place Saturday and In th evening attended the Grange watch party. Mrs Merie McClelland, dauahtar of Mrs. Orvllle' Henderson, who esm from Los Angeles to attend th fu neral of her step-father. Que Nich ols, returned horn January S. nam coy haa been hauling apple from the Ala Vista orchards to th Ala Vista packing nous In Medford this week. I. R. Klin was visiting it th J. O. Spencer place January S. Mrs. rred Button la reported trait 111 with th flu. Friends and neighbor of ' John Hanklns, who asslated him to erect hi house January 7, wer Vrn Spencer, J. O. Spencer, Jack Grow, Frank Strahan and Mr, Martin and son, Alvln. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Kiln and nephew, Glen Lannlng. were enter tained with New Yeafe dinner at Mr. and Mr.. Edward Farra'a at Central Point. Mr. and Mrs. John Hanklns and daughter, Sylvia, entertained with n enjoyable New Tear's party for Mr. and Mrs. Sturglll and son. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Grow and sons Harold and Sldon and daughter, lien. Vern Spencer, Woyn and Frank Whaler. Mary Jack, all of Eagle Point and Clyde Sturglll and ton, Elno of Med ford. Mrs. Madeline Barrett and Mr. W. H. Young called at th J. O. Spencer home with a friend from Washington. Rev. J. 8. Smith of Butte Fall preached at the Presbyterian church January 8. His text was taken from Proverbs, 4-38. Rsv. George Iverson of Medford wilt preach at the Presbyterian church January IS at 10:80 a. m. CAPTIVATING NEW FROCKS. Every new color, and best of all only 83.88 and 88.98. THB BAND BOX s SHOE BOX. 338 B. 8th street. "Th i avor that saves you money." In New York January . Mrkt about