PXGE EIGHT MEDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1932. Meteorological note for November, u compiled for the locel area by W. J. Hutchison, observer In charge of the Medfora weather bureau, ehow overcast ekles and ralnj weather pre dominated during the month. Cloud Iness or broken clouds prevailed each day, allowing only very short Inter val of sunshine. There were no days characterised as clear: IB were totally cloudy and the balance re corded as partly cloudy. Past records show that there has been but one November In it years with a similar frequency of cloudiness. r Precipitation was greatly In excess of the monthly normal. A total of 3.M lnchea fell, exceeding the normal by 1.16 Inches. However, rains were fairly well distributed through the month and dally amounts were not unusually large. Moisture was mostly absorbed as It fell, permitting only a minimum of run-off. Bains In vary ing amots, Including traces (amounts too small to measure) oc curred on 23 days. A maximum 34 hour total rainfall of 1.0 Inches fell en the aith and 28th. seasonal pre cipitation at the close of November totaled 4.34 Inches, which la exactly equal to the normal for a like period. ' Dally temperature means were ailghtly higher than normal as an average, although maximums com pared favorably with, previous years. Minimum temperatures, however, av eraged several degrees higher than usual. Monthly extremes of tempera ture were particularly noticeable, due to an unusually high monthly mini mum. The lowest temperature re corded was 38 degrees on the 3Srd, and aa compared with prevloua rec ords, here has been but one Novem ber In the 33 years with a higher minimum temperature. A monthly maximum of 68 degrees occurred on the first. . Winds were mostly light, with a few short periods of higher velocities. During the heavier wind of the 37th a record velocity of 36 miles per hour was recorded from the southeast. Wind movement totaled 8361 miles, at aa average hourly apeed of 4.7 miles. . Early morning fogs were of fre quent occurrence throughout the month, but for the most part were not of long duration, and air travel suffered only a few delays In main taining schedules at Medford. . Char. . nete Max. Mln. Mean Prec. of day .08 84 4 .10 uiouaj- , 61 40 46 J3 Cloudy t 64 86 46 .00 P.Ody. 4 . . , 61 87 44 38 Cloudy a , , , 68 43 48 M Cloudy .. 67 40 48 .33 P.Cdy. 7 r 63 3S 43 T. Cloudy .- 63 87 44 .36 Cloudy 3 64 89 46 T. P.Cdy. 10. 67 38 46 .00 P.Ody. U 60 30 44 .00 P.Ody. 61 81 46 .00 P.Ody. 18 66 88 44 T. Cloudy 14.: 40 43 48 .30 Cloudy 16..H 46 48 ' 44 .36 Cloudy 1,. 68 44 48 .06 cloudy 17 . , , MUM .01 Oloudy 18 60 n 49 T. P.Ody. M. 47 89 48 T. Oloudy 46 43 44 .01 Cloudy Jl.. 60 40 45 .01 Cloudy 33 64 86 44 .00 P.Ody. if 65 38 43 .00 P.Ody. 14 ,,, , 60 81 40 .00 Cloudy a., 63 88 60 .00 P.Ody. 36.- 60 87 44 T. Cloudy V. . . 63 41 63 .76 Cloudy 38.. 88 44 48 .46 Oloudy 39 64 40 47 .36 P.Ody. 30 49 38 44 .14 Cloudy Mean -.-.83.9 87.9 46.9 8.64 RANCH RESIDENCE - IS ' The ranch house of . A. Rich mond, a cattle buyer, residing In the Foots Creek district, was bur glarised some time the past week and furniture, beds and groceries stolen, according to the state police who Investigated the case. The loss II estimated at 676. Transient Indigents, reported aa numerous In the vicinity, are blamed by atate police for Vie theft. Many wanderers camp and live in tents In the vicinity. The burglary waa not discovered Until Friday when Richmond re turned from a trip, after an absence of several days. Re reported the Ices to authorities who are now In vestigating. t Oriental Rugs On Display Here Soon Leo I. Powell, representative of Car. tosten Bros., Inc., Portland, Oregon, announced today that he will have a three-day display and aale of Ori ental ruga at Weeks and Orr's, start' Ing tomorrow. According to Mr. Pow. ell, rugs have advanced In value from 10 to 30 per cent and the present price offer savings that will never be offered again, In h'a opinion. Mr. Powell will also have a selection of aeml-antlque ruga In scatter sires, featured In hla Weeks A Orr display. I takea a Christmas Seal to make It Chrtatmaa mall. DON'T (Set up At Night tf yon are one of the millions who mast get up several times a night, rear trouble Is prooablv due to an irritation of the blad der. Just try taking Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Cepr ea. During 337 yean this fine, eld preparation has nelped millions. Why ot youl Insist on qolo medal. 85c 4 76c OOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSUUS KM ED Broadcast Schedule Tuesdsy. 8:00- 6:06 Breakfast News, Mall Tribune. 8:06- 8:16 Musical Clock. 8:15- 8:30 A Peerless Parade. 8:80- 9:00 Chopping Ouide. 9:00- 9:30 Friendship Circle Hour. 9:30- 9:46 Today. 9:45-10:00 The Pet Program., 10:00 Weather Forecast. 10:00-10:16 Meeting of Martha Meade Society. 10:15-10:30 Musical Reveries. 10 :80-10 :45 Yesterday. 10:46-11:00 Elisabeth Ann Baker, Radio School of Cookery. 11:00-11:16 Fashion Parade. 11:15-13:00 Song and Comedy. 13:00-13:16 Mid-day Revue. 13:15-13:30 Xmaa Reminders. 13:30 News Flashes, Mall Trib une. 13:30-13:45 Olft Suggestions. 13:46- 1:18 Golden West Program. 1:16-" 1:45 Dreaming the Walts Away. 1:45- 3:00 Dajoa Bela Ohcheetra. 3:00- 3:00 Dance Matinee. 8:00- 8:30 Songc for Everyday. 8:30- 8:35 KMED Program Review. 8:85- 4:00 Music from Yesteryear. 4:00- 4:80 Across the Sesa to Ha waii. 4:80- 6:00 Masterworks Program. 6:00- 5:15 Silly Ollly Story. 6:15- 8:46 Popular Parade. 6:00 Newa Digest, Mall Trib une. 6:10 Dinner Dance Music. 6:46 Hsyse - Oorham String Duo. 7:00 Chandu, the Magician. 7:00- 7:30 Lumber Jacks. 7:80- 7:86 Cross Outs from Log o' the Day. 7:88- 8:00 Modern Symphonies. 6:00- 8:80 Eventide. Oreat Bargains obtainable now In Coats Dresses Hata at STHELWYN B. HOFFMANN , Sixth 4s Holly 5:46- 6:00-6:80- 6:45- V e " V ee e CDS Thousands upon thousands of thorn in nrllnai vftrlfltv to suit any taste at prices you'll like to pay. Cross Stitch Greetings An echo of the Crinoline days, novel folders In color. 13 50tf Citizens of Medford will welcome the good news that this community Is to have another outdoor Christmas lighting contest again thla year, under the direction of the Medford Garden club. Thla beautiful Yuletlde cus tom has been adopted by progressive cltlea throughout the entire nation until nearly every wide-awake com munity in America is sponsoring Christmas lighting programs of one type or another. No longer Is the Joy and good cheer of the glad Yule- 12 Silhouette Cards ' 25r Black and allver decoration, each one with allver lined envelop. Seth Parker Assortment $1 Kindly sort ot greetings written by this celebrated radio character. Beau tiful folders, 16 Parchment Folders 50 Conservative In design and sentiment. Smart French four fold atyle. Candle Glow Assortment $1 16 lovely parchment folders with highlight decoration In gold and all ver. Greetings you will like. 12 Colorful Cards 15t Unusual value In this assortment with Ohrlstmasy greetings. Each card has silver lined envelop. Snow Scene Greetings . 12 for 50 Wonderful photogravures of beautiful snow pictures on cards and folders. Holy Land Assort. 12 for 50 especially appropriate for Christmas are these genuine photo reproduc tions of pictures from the Holy Land on cards and folders. Pergonal Greeting Cards 2B for $1 t Can be Imprinted with your name If desired. SWEM'S GIFT SHOP On Main Street 4H4Hgc-e-24v When In Roseburg Stop at the UMPQUA HOTEL Right on the highway near the center ot town. The Umpqua Is Itoeeburg's largest and finest hotel. J. A. HARDING, Managing Owner I tide teason confined behind closed doori end now everyone may snare In tbe delightful atmosphere created by tbe beautiful Christmas lighting effects here, there and everywhere. Christmas decoration, since Its ear liest beginning, has always centered around the fireside of the home, but the new weatherproof wiring devices and the Inside colored lamps have ex tended the realm of the Christmas greetings to the exterior of the house and garden. Beautiful effects may be obtained even la the smallest of homes, by outlining eaves and gables with light to emphasise their con tours, or by floodlighting conspicuous sections In pale green or blue to fur nish a contrasting background for the lighted trees and shrubbery on the lawn. Usually a solidity of color Is more artistic and Impressive than haphazard mixtures. , Within the house, the brightly lighted Christmas tree can be made more attractive when supplemented with lighted festoons around the fire place, doorways and windows, by Il luminated wreaths and window can oie sets. Wall brackets and porch Unterns may be relamped with col ored lamps for the holiday season. Pull details of the locel lighting contest may be aecured from mem bers of the Medford Oarden club. Ashland Youth Crashes Window Arthur Decker, 12, of Ashland, had four stitches taken In his left band, and one In his car Saturday after noon, when his bicycle crashed through the window at the Ashland post office. He was taken to the hos pital by Vernle Carter for treatment. Reports from that city stated that Decker had no brakes on his bicycle, and that he was unable to stop the wheel when coming down the boulevard. Buy Christmas Seals. fender and body repairing. Prices right. BriU Sheet Metal Work. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE JOB BRIGHT SPOT FOR WEST'S HORIZON BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8. As In dices of better times for the far west In the offing, actual construction has started on the $35,000,000 Golden Gate bridge, which Is to span San Fran cisco bay, a general Improvement is recorded In banking conditions for the 12th federal reserve district and retail merchants In principal cities report quite a brisk Christmas busi ness, according to the Bank of Ameri ca, Pacific coast branch banking sys tem. In Its weekly review of condi tions In the far west. Further Indicative of a trend In the area, the Southern Pacific rail road reports a $300,000 increase In operating revenue for October over September, and the Western Pacific railroad report an Increase of $133. 114 for October as compared with the corresponding month In 1031. Pearl Wilson Suit To Higher Court Notice of appeal to the atate su preme court and filing of bond to cover the same, was filed with the county cieik today, In the suit of Pearl Wilson against the Rogue River company. A circuit court last Sep tember awarded the plaintiff money, Mill Blocks $4-50 load $4-50 MEDFORD FUEL CO. Tel. 831 In a suit brought for alleged failure to comply with a contract relative to the aale ot land In tbe Ashland district. Splittinq Headaches ; Bhe teamed vhy ana was always U li Til miswTMhlo and found out about HR Tablet i (Nature's Remedy). Now she Krtt along fine with everybody. This Bate, depend able, all-vent table laiative brought quick rr lief and quiet nerve hecauae it cleared her yttem of poisonous waste. made bowel action easy and regular. Thousands take NR daily. It's such a sure, pleasant corrective. Mild, non-naDit-torn No bad aft er ects. At your 25c ins. efte druggist' TUMS tion. heartburn. Only loe- MOT Read, below, the American utomobile Association' official freeze-test report on "Standard" the first gasoline ever so certified I Here is double assurance to you of "Standard's" fine performance, even at severe temperatures. At 10 degrees below Zero, "Stand ard's" official starting time was 2.11 seconds. Remember, too, "Standard's" full combustion gives you added power and protects your engine from gasoline-wash. AAA Freeze Tested quality "Standard" is the motoring thrill of the year. Try a tankful today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Crt 1 """"Nk $jfcm4f: jf"V-' u'""' 1 , " nsssiiiiyaasaitSgi.T m;y'?awamua' ) If Ire Jy? 'fx - S . " jr V'S. ft prog O 5 50atif i Yff XV ax - lli Making the freeze test st 10 below zero in refrigeration chamber (kneeling) R.W. Martland, Jr., Member National Technical Committee of AAA (standing, left to right) A. V. La Due, AAA Engineering Appointee! L.M. Bussert, Technical Observer; H. P. Weller, AAA Zone Snperflsor; A. K. Nixon, Technical Observer. Men m smraKi ttdme- Litttn Thartday STANDARD SYMPHONY HOUR Broadcasnng the Los Angelss Phil harmonic and the San Francisco Symphony Orchestras, S:l to 9:15 Over NBC Here is the American Automobile Association's Official Report: This is to certify that a Freeze Starting Test on Standard Gas oline, purchased by us in the open market, resulted as follows: The test was conducted in a stock Model A Ford Engine at the following temperatures: Combustion Chamber ....... 10 F Below Zero Atmospheric Temperature . .... 10 F " " Zerolene Motor Oil in Crankcase ... 6 F " " Zerolene Gear Grease, Winter . . . . 7" F " " Standard Gasoline . 7.5 F " " The engine started and continued to run in 2.11 seconds after first pressure on starting button. This test is officially sanctioned by the AAA and conforms in all respects to the regulations of that body; the engine and all products being of the grade and consistency regularly purchas able. Temperatures given are Fahrenheit CONTEST BOARD, AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION AAA ZONE SUPERVISOR MEMBER NATIONAL AAA ENGINEERING APPOINTEE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE OF AAA t"toM r VtV ezeM . i TESTED LI U W FREEZE TAMBARD GA)LINE mm