PAGE STC MEDFOKD IVAJL TRIBUNE, MEDFORT). OREGON, MONDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1934. A PATH WARADISEI Ir. C-i.l. vtfj DAWSON I .ivrHH! iutMsi at Mt c,il ut or tianlo'o firH hutbaid, DUiky. Oltvo and Mht find that hit absence and (heir silence about him hint In laeir minds al mojt mors than' uhn tAey sai Aim dally, 41 last. itWU Patina . on a J?ew Jersey oond, cllve MaJtM a dear thai As ha no ob Jeeilott i Santa SaUcs about Aim, atvaraa ses him. Chapter 41 DICKY BACK AGAIN "OBINQ weak, Dicky probably mil see you tremendously, said Cllva to Santa, "I'm not dogln-the-manger. If he's on your conscience and there's anything we can do for him, you won't arouse my Jealousy. You're through with blm. In a sense yon wen through with blm before yon started. And then, he cam to my help when he himself was ship wrecked." "What's your Idea, Cllve that we ought to get rid of him more grad nallyr "Something Ilk that." So that was bow It happened, when Dicky called a few nights later, that he was admitted. CIIts bad brought home work from the office genuinely brought home work this time. Following the precedent be bad previously esabllshed, ha withdrew to the library. A wife had the privi lege of entertaining her friends, es pecially when she contributed to the housekeeping. Ha flattered himself that be was handling the situation modernly. Finding no obstacles placed In his way, Dicky dropped In more and mora frequently. He entered as It ha were bestowing favor and seated himself in the best chair, blond and Immovable. To a humor ist bis vanity would- have been amusing. He glanced round at fa miliar pictures on the walls and surveyed the furnishings with an air of possession. Then ha waited With restrained impatience for Cllve to vanish, as though he and not Cllve waa master. Cllve consoled himself by think ing, "All I have to do Is to kick him out" The moment ha had left his wife with her ex-husband, they would lapse Into French. "Such good praotlce," Santa, ex plained. She kept no secrets. Was. clear aa daylight Gave Cllve a synopsis In bed of what had occurred each eve ning. "Yon don't need to," ha advised her. "But It helps me to correct my Impressions. Dicky's so glib al ways was. He'd swear ht hadn't been near jam when It was smeared all over his face." "What does' he He about?" "You and me. The noble influence we are. How he's given up drink and women to be worthy of us.". "He'll drive ma to drink. Good night, old girt. I have to be up In the morning." Often aha talked Cllve to sleep. "Are you llatenlngr Her slim arm protecting him, she would lie awake, pondering how complicating It was to have been married twice. What it amounted to was (bat you were responsible for two husbands. To have two husbands buulng about you waa exciting. It kept you expectant and emotional, the way you were as a flapper. It made you feel that you were still competed for. The danger was that you might offend your present husband In try ing to save your tenner. And Dicky Wdfllred saving. Though he sighed over hla wasted years, aha waa convinced that he tlU dabbled In the muddy pool of Broadway. , Cllve, having flung wld the win dows of bla wife's repressions, wished ha hadn't. Dicky's lapses, reformations, evasions, hogged two .thlrds of their conversation. Santa had turned their love-nest into a rescue home. Why did a woman when she had divorced a man, feel Impelled to become a mother to him! At the close of a sample day of rest, during which Cllvo bad sought sanctuary In his stuffy little library, ha protested. Having listened for the Intruder's departure, he stepped Into the ball to confront his wife. "This Is becoming too much." "I agree, darling." She raised her face to be kissed. "We've bitten off more than wa can chew." - "More than I can swallow." She slipped her arm through his eoaxlngly. "I'm all worn out Let's talk while wa undress." FILMS OF CRATER Educational division of Crater National park, has received a new !6 milometer moving picture cam era and projector to be used In pre paring films for showing at the Crater Lake community bouse pro grams, and also at various service organizations In southern Oregon and northern California. Both projectors are eqtitpped with koda color lenee and filters, mak ing It possible to take and project natural color pictures. The new machine eupplant the movie equip ment formerly owned by the park. The educatloul department also has a metal lantern slide filing cab "I'll turn out the lights first" When he rejoined ber, ahe was climbing Into bed. To prove that she wasn't the person with whom he was angry, he arranged ber pil lows. Then let fly. "He grows boresome comes to sea you, not us. Struts like a rooster. Yon must have noticed bow he expects me to walk out when be arrives. I might be the offlce-boy snooping on a directors' meeting. His attitude's a Joke; but a Joke repeated too often Is annoying. Wasn't our arrangement that you were to get rid of him gradually?" She cuddled her chin against ber shoulder. 'It was. But Dicky sticks like gum. Hes so dependent digs his toes Into you. He's like a child in a dark room frightened." Frightened nothing!" Cllve snorted. "Work's the only thing he's afraid of." "But ha is working." "At what?" "Theatrical producing." Cllve roared with laughter. "He's playing you for a sucker. The only work he'll ever do Is picking up chorus girls." "If that were true," she stiffened, "after all the pity I've lavished on him But It's only surmise." The good work continued. Cllve's first married Christmas was spoiled by the prosperous penitent's In clusion. Santa excused bis presence on the ground that It was the sea son of peace and goodwill. Cllve thought up fresh arguments, but to utter them seemed futile. He grew secretly anxious. He compared his lot to that of the gullible hus bands In the Decameron. He waa well awaro that the Impartial ver dict would be that he was being hoodwinked. The only man he could trust to be lenient In bla Judgment was another dog-Fldo so he con sulted his father-in-law. Mr. Dawn chuckled. "Like mother, like daughter. All women are cheats. Pleasant cheats. Self-deceived cheats. Cheats, never theless. Which being the case, If you don't want to become single let her live through her frenzy." Cllve bit his lips and watched more closely. At the right moment he would come down like a ton of bricks. Santa's frensy was progressive. To evangelise Dicky wbom ahe bad doubly wronged by marrying and divorcing, became for ber a sacred mission. The vivisection of bis soul stimulated her to exaltation. Cllve, clad In pyjamas and aching for sleep, played audience to her rap-, tures. Nightly the serial story of Dicky's groplngs toward righteous ness was Indicted on him. She had been talking an hour. His mind had wandered, when she startled him Into alertness. You were right about chorus- girls. I've gouged a confession: he makes Lou-Lou an allowance." Cllve sat up In the darkness, grinning broadly. "That's the best news I've heard In a long while." She Imitated his example by pop ping up. "How's It good newst" "It's good news to me," he In sisted. "I could take a drink on It" "But you don't reallie." Her voice became awe-struck. "Dicky wouldn't make any woman an allow ance for nothing." "That's precisely what I do real lte." In hla Joy he embraced his wife. "Hero's luck to her digging!" She pushed blm aside. . "Either you don't understand 01 you're disgusting." From then on, Santa bagan to attribute to Lou-Lou fresh crimes. She made her the scape-goat for Dicky. In the proportion that she was black, be was white. The thetl of the polocoat woe remembered and the fact that she might ban been quoted as co-respondent He: father was a plumber. Her hair waa tinted. No one would have dreamed of ber as an actress un less Dicky had backed her with money. Cllve in an Inspired moment visu alized Lou-Lou aa an ally. If h) could persuade her to pull on bla end of the rope he might yet win this tug-of-war against Santa and her first husband. If It waa gorgeous for Santa to hold stances with Dicky, It would be equally gorgeous for himself to conspire with Lou-Lou. Even though Dicky were no more to Lou Lou than a meal ticket these night ly revival-meetings threatened her dominion. A chastened Dicky, ar rayed In white robes, would certain ly give ber the go-by. fCrrlll Ifll-Itll, CHnytt Downm) Cllve makes up hit mind end. denly, tomorrow, to embark en a haurdoua unritrtaklnq. FOUR KILLED IN DPTROIT. Dee. . (AP) An air plane crashed Into Lata Erie today, killing two young sisters snd two men. The occupants, according to airport authorities and relatives of the two women were: Patrick Tuohey. S. Detroit pilot snd airplane salesman. Nell Brown, brother of Raymond Brown, owner of the plane and mem ber of a well-to-do Detroit and Clear water, Fla., family. Maicella and Catherine Lies, also known as Kopklteky, formerly of Punxsutawney, pa. E' BRINGS ELDERLY PATIENT TO CITY Emergency trips by airplane to transport noted physicians and sur geons to the bedside of patients have become more or less commonplace In this day of modern transportation, but air trips over rugged and dan gerous terrain, to rush patients to hospitals In distant cities, are rare. News of such a trip In which a well known Medford pilot figured prom inently has Just come to light. Recently the aged mother of Ivan Billings of this city was taken seri ously 111 at Mule creek, which Is lo cated 10 miles up the river from Dllhee, near the mouth of the Rogue river. To transport the Invalid to a Medford hospital as speedily as pos sible was a difficult problem, which was solved by calling In the services of Marshall fieagrave, commercial pilot of this city. Mr. Seagrave Im mediately left In bla speedy Travel sir biplane for Illthee, the only spot for miles around where a small clear ing was available for landing and taking off. Arriving at Illlhee, In spite of adverse weather conditions, Seagrave found that bis aged pas senger was not there to return with him, It having been found necessary TAILSPIN TOMMY mjF n IIF TOP1MV OONE Y I'M SO UPSET--7!! I L?T 'Eft RIDE A THAT MAKES EIGHT PM- SkrEgTS.WI: 1 fpouN Tn THF V iWfr WtifiU PONT- A MURDER AjU&T THINKIN' MINUTE, .EDDIE.-I'M V YOU HAD BINCt COHERE S- (SUBORDER.--OUR tOAT TILL I f l7SABLY I'O NAPOIEON- ( ABOUT TH' POOR GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER S)- TH' CHIEF PULLED ARE YOU e. Jig. ,x VLPAL'S IN A SR.A& rv 16, AI0GMNG AN' 1 Never. I KID I CAN'T TELL CUP OF COFFEE" MAY OUT, 8PEEO BUT. GOING? Jk XM, f M V&JS -vJAM-- HELnET AND BvTHeto&o cven eeeN j ( a valve stcm be some news Get . i con'T blame i ym ltii(.2i)t' rrrS--' gogglcs-m V BOUND TO WIN Talking It Over By EDWIN ALGER lfH6BUVS EVENTV-W1VH GU.O,l frt GLAD WL'W:OMeiN PKUS-1 WQ"SM LPOTTS WHO'eP COTl 1 S OP SMOUNE FOR 1HE CAR THE feS BTILL UP MR . . W ILL- NOT GO TOBED TT7 BUVGMSOL. INS! "g5iJtlfM ZSnaUSo FOBTHS $4 LoK&TIMEl . FIRST OW H6 HIRES ME, ftND HE V PHILPCTTS I'D It FOR HOURS -W ') THOSJ Li?5SSfKl WM S FflMluK OF THIS W HWENT VOL1 ? 1 mmv-rM p hXitMWiTJm fHS- Ml! L S'MATTER POP Genuine Sympathy ir t THE NEBBS The Schemer vouve ucrf r3 AO. Excrreb oves THE COMIW6 OP THE RICM Hft. GOLDROtf, WUO IS TO FR.IDA.V . ALL. RISHT A&AIK). SEMATDR ITHe POLITICAL, --HCMJ LEGITIMATE n BUSlWESS C BRINGING UP FATHER r WILL VOU DO IT? I'LL DO SOMETWN Ft VOU OMK DA.V-1 sy A if to transport Mrs. Billings by boat down the river from Mule creek. The local pilot waited until almost dark and was then forced to make the re turn trip to Medford under very dif ficult flying condition, finally land ing at the local field after dark. The next day Seagrave received word that It bad been possible to place the elderly patient on a stretch er and take her by boat Id miles down the Rogue rlwr to ninee, eo be made a speedy Ulp to the clear ing, where he again landed safely. Mrs. Billings wss carefully placed In the local ship and, accompanied by her son, waa safely transported to Medford, where she was placed InJ the hospital, and according to latest reports. Is making satisfactory prog ress toward recovery. To accomplish the difficult feat of svlatlon, Beagrave transported his elderly Invalid passenger through the treacherous Rogue river gorge, only 300 yards In width and a bottom of 6000 feet, in adverse weather. Radio Club Names DeVoe President Amateur Radio club met -Friday evening st ths Prultt Melody shop, and elected officers for the coming 7ear. Harold DeVoe of Medford being elected president. Other officers named were Victor Milne, vice presi dent; and George Packham, secretary treasurer. Twenty-four club members were In attendance, six being from Ashland. The next meeting will be conducted at the Melody Shop December 10. As Tommy Goes So WILLVLl M. TT s9 tau I rise. IJ LOOKIU' CTz-lO MC -TUP "11 UAV-5 THE. oOLDHNJ ESS. 13 "n , SIK1CE SITTTIsJS ONJ ,SE.TTIMG KEAOY TO CACKLt. HAVEMT VOU HEiARD THAT JAMES SOLD BOX HAS S VOVJK. -SEE 1 VOL) CAM DO SOMftTHING uawr MOW HOVs ABOUT A VyyLVrTLW. CAW rT I'LL DOIT FOR, TBM DOLLAR- r L COFFEE CONTEST Winning In a contest In which more than 9,000 letters were sub mitted, Mrs. Grace Boyl, wile of Robert H. Boyl of this city, Is the owner of a new Norge electric re frigerator on display today at Gates and Lydlard Groceteria No. 1, with a copy of the letter, which brought her the prize from the Golden West Coffee company. The Golden West radio contest letters are broadcast from Portland, Seattle and Spokane. Each week the company awards the writer of the best letter, telling why he or she trades with favorite grocer, a Norge electric refrigerator. More than 0,' 000 letters ere turned Into the con test each week. Mrs. Boyl, In her winning letter. told why she trades at Gates and Lydlard Groceteria. The letter read: "I buy my foods from Gates and Lydlard because they understand my n-!eds, yet consider my purse. X get the fine foods I have always used at prices surprisingly low. Thus they help me meet the present nec essity of saving without sacrificing quality. Golden West coffee Is a favorite with - them, also with me." The Golden West coffee contest, Goes Three-Point! I 3OMT m UPNi THAT SUS1VJESS 'meeOS TH6 1 1 TO AMO LOANl TO KMOvU ,RE5Eve-U H 1 c ABOUMD ItO MY HOTEL . A RUrJ HOA5 SUSiMESS OSyiTH VOU r ALLMGHT-BOT DONiT -"1 "M f" muTamj ' LST VOU MOTHER KMOVJ I GST VOO- f GOH I HOPE 1 CO TOTHE OPEPtA,WlTW MK TO- NOW I AWW VOU TO AjK J JUT VOU -w' ,',,Tbm1 MIGHT- SO VrA AFRAlO VOU LL AlM'T UVDOVQUUMOr LtAVR tT I TO Ht 50 J r W. A. Gates of the Groceteria stated yesterday, Is still open and anyone desiring Information regarding the contest la asked to call at the store. T In answer to many Inquiries re garding the postal laws governing Christmas cards, the Mall Tribune has obtained the following Informa tion: All postal cards' within a certain size range, and not placed In en velopes, can be mailed for one cent. The size range is from 2 Inches by 4 Inches to 8 9-10 Inches by 5 9-16 Inches. All cards of these dimensions or dimensions In between the two named, will go through the malls at one cent each. Cards contained In envelopes, which are not sealed, can be mailed for 1 cents If they do not carry written messages on them. The sender la al lowed to sign his name, but not to write a message on the card If wish ing to mall It for 114 cents.- Cards In sealed envelopes will be taxed the regular mailing rate of three centf each. , When needing aupucatlng sales books, flat-packs or fan-fold cash register forms, ledger sheets for bookkeeping machines or any other kind ol printing don't order from out-of-town, firms and pay more. Phone 75 and one ot our representatives will call. y -ir!. i WMt ' ; a -- -T- CoDL I VVAT Ol I j A Cjjl A S XCoPyritht. 19. by The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) VOL) KKIOJ UOVJ THIS ANJK1M& IS THE FELLER THAT MOWBV VOU CAMT LOArJ IT THE FELLER VOU WASJT DOKJT MEbQ IT -VOU TOUT OF A GOOD, 3ABSV PERSOKJ TOWW VJHO LOULO STAKy OO "THIS 0AMK,O0 iMSs; LI IQUOR ON ROME WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. AP)Term lng the recent election "a mass move- ment of unrest" and not a gauge of prohibition sentiment, a statement by the board of temperance and social service ot the Methodist Episcopal church, South, yesterday said repeal of the 18th amendment "will un doubtedly be hailed with delight by the Roman Catholto. hierarchy. The statement was signed by Bish op James Cannon. Jr., said: "The steadily Increasing open op position to the eighteenth amend ment by the Roman Catholic hier archy from the Pope to priests must be openly end seriously reckoned with in any appraisal of actual con ditions, for the sttltude of the hier archy Influences nearly 100 per cent of the Roman Catholic population with over 7,000.000 voters." Von Schleicher To Draw Cabinet BERLIN, Dc.' 8. (AP)--Oeneral Kurt Von Schleicher succeeded Sat urday In drawing up a virtually com plete cabinet list and Pres. Von Hln denburg affixed hla signature to the general's appointment as chancellor of the relch. The president approved a ministry In which the porteollos of agriculture and economics were, for the time be ing, left blank. SOU DOkrT INJ MEAKJ TO TELL SOT ME VOU WAKJT AMOTHER RUU TO OUT OKI THIS PUT 5ac i I J nr. - s E OPERATOR JAILED, Harry Meyers. ST, of San Francisco, Is being held In the county Jail, un able to pay a S100 fine Imposed upon blm Friday In Judge L. A. Roberts' court at Ashland, charged with operating a wildcat stage. Mey ers was arrested by state police, with six passengers In the large car he was driving. He told officers that be was taking the travelers from San Francisco to Seattle and bad collected about 50 transportation fees from the group. The Judge also ordered Meyers to purchase proper licenses for the ve hicle. Five of the passengers purchased tickets on to Seattle by other means, while one man stayed In Medford Friday night and continued north, hltch-hlklng, yesterday. State Police Get New Ford Coupes ( Three new Ford V-8 ooupes have been received by the Southern Ore gon department of the state polios for patrol on the highways and by ways of Jackson county. The new equipment will replace old autos that have served their usefulness. The state board of control recently pur chased 18 new Fords for the state police department for use throughout the state. By OLKNN L'HAKFIN and UAL FORUKSX By C. M. PAYNE, By SOL HESS NES! I SOT TO PAY IMTEREStI OAKJUAttV OM MOMEV V jl LAVINJG HERE AMO VD A BEFORE. THEM-l HATE TO A SISM IKI THE WIWDOUJ TELLINJ& EM - THE BASJK IS WEAVi-l THOUGHT MAYBE VOLVO rKNJOVj SOME- BOW ) VJHO COULD START A SOOO UMIOR A).A Ci.cji-.Sw By George McManus tnet which ta used for lectures per Real tstate or liuuranos Lean It taining to uie laxa. to Jones, phot 7V4, 4