MEDFORD MAT- TRIBTJXE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1932. PAGE FIVE Local and From California Mr. ud Mi. 0. B Bryant of Montagu. Cal.. are m thla city today attending to business matt and shopping. To Vllt Here-Myrtle CLeary nf Mlnot, N. D, arrived In Medford by train thla morning to Tlalt the Jack Stewarta. Leave lor Mine . B. Wolford of thta city left yesterday for Lome creek, out from aranu Paaa. where he will work In the old Greenback mine. . Oueate at Coaat Mr. and Mra. Hoy Peteraon are apendlng aeveral daya thla week aa guest of her parent, Mr. and Mra. O. A. Bennett of Co qullle. itnr to hadv Core Mr. and Mra. John Peter and Mr. and Mra. Rich ard Payne were among Medford folk who motored to Shady Cove yester day to apend the day ai miv Insurance Man Here W. Ij. Harnan of Portland, representative of the Phoenix Assurance company, was in Medford thle morning calling at the local agency. Quests of Elllotta Mlasea Virginia Undley and Betty Vllm were guests yesterday at Shady Cove on Rogue L . i.e. Amy Elliott, daughter of Dr. and Mra. B. R. Elliott, at their river cottage. , Leaves Having visited her mother. Mrs. Martin Rice, here for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mra. j M Plurry left on the Shaata this morning for Roseburg, where she re- Idea. ... Hme Mra. Nina Craig returned to Medford thla , from San Francisco, where she visit ed her daughter rrn. She left Med ,ord for the south previous to Thanksgiving. , "Bud" Hayes Better Jamea "Bud" t, who sustained aerloua ln- luriea'ln an auto accident a week ago Sunday. Is In a much improves .4. .vrdlnor to report from the Bacred Heart hospital, where he Is receiving treatment. Shopping Today-Mr.. 0. . Wilkin n of Dead Indian soda "PrlnM In Medford today shopping at local stores. Other shoppers from out of town are Mrs. Ed Boardman of Cen tral Point and Walter and Prank Fitzgerald of same v ,. ,i. MnH Entered City police were notified that the Brownie Marl cafe on North Fir street was enren .i Hitiirdav night or early Sunday morning, and 5.40 was taken from the till. ' Two packages of cig arettes were also missing", mey - ported. m Trace of Rain Federal weather bureau reported thla morning that between 5 p. m. Sunday and 8 a. m. today, only a trace of moisture was recorded. The same report v., a for the 12-hour period from 8 a .m. to 8 p. m. Sunday. Total precipita tion to date, from September 1, now totals 4.3S inches. Accident Reported m. j. Kerby reported an accident at the corner of Main street and Pacific highway Saturday, wlien hie auto mobile collided with that driwn by Dr R. W.' Sleeter. The report was made yesterday at the city police station. Mr. and Mra. r. m. " '. .i nf Krhv. were listed aa wiv nessea. A Stop at Hotels The guests from distant, registered over the week-end at hotele In the city were Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Shepherd of Van couver. B. C Mr. and Mrs. 8. King of Reglna. Canada. Mra. Chester Davis of Laa Vegas, Nev., C. T. Barrlnger of Boise, Ida., Mr. and Mra. C. C. Landon of Payette, Ida., and Fred French of New York. V Return from Conference Don Ocddes, manager of the fox ira-,.-i.n t.hMter. and Elno Hemmlla, manager of the Fox RIalto, returned to Medford by train today. They at tended a conference In Seattle, and the trio to Portland by plane Weather conditions made It Impos sible for them to complete their Journey from Portland to Mrdford on the ship. Post-Delnhlans to Meet The Post' Delphlans are among orgentr-atlona which will celebrate the Christmas holidays with a party thla wees. Thev will meet Thursday mornlnj, December 8. In the new club rooma . . .kuh v. a been itj-rv-jbiug W"B'""' arranged under the leadership of Mrs. R. C. Mulholland. The program M open at 9:30 o'clock and each mem ber la Invited to bring a guesi. Student to Entertain Students of St. Mary's academy will entertain . - . .. , ..--. .nrtntmred )UWl i m"j f "J for Wednesday by the St. Ann's Altar society at ParL hall, with a num her of readlnes and musical selec- tlona. Their program will begin at 7:43 o'clock and card playing win Nurln at S o'clock, so all guests are urged to arrive early for the apeclal features. l.adv l.lon Make rhange-The Lady Lion have changed the date for tne.: covered dish luncheon and Chrlstmaa partv. which was scheduled for weo ndv of this week, to one week from next Wednesday. The members of the club are eskwl to meet on that dv at the home of Mra. L. Penning' ton on the Jacksonville road. And each one Is asked to bring a dressed doll to be added to the toy collec tion. December 14 Is the da and a large attendance will be pected. niialne. Callers Richard Sabln In Medtord today from the Oregon Csves. attending to business matters. Othor callers are Mrs. A. L. Peck of Lake Creek. Mr. and Mra. Tom Stan ley of Browmboro. Mr. and Mra. A. E Oortiem of Gold Hill. Mrs. Ray Hall of Grants Ps. Mrs. D. R. Sloan of Fi-enlx. C R. We'ier of the Coker B it e ro1. Mr? C. H Smith ot Cen l -si Po !i! and Mr sin Mrs. Waltei Engoerg of Wagner cieek. Personal Journeya North Mra. William Tab- bell of Tacoma, Waah., who has been laltlng Mrs. D. A- Watson at her home hem, left by train Saturday for Tacoma. Volunteer! Meet Volunteer of the Medford fire department will conduct their regular monthly meeting at the fire hall this evening at 7 o'clock, it was announced today. Undergoes Operation Mr. Mary Lane of 318 South Holly atreet un- derwent a major operation today at the Sacred Heart hospital, and wis afternoon was reported a being la a satisfactory condition. Visits In South Janle Smith of the Rogue River national forest serv ice office here left the last of tne week for Long Beach, Cal, to spend a month's furlough with her slater. Mrs. Payne, and her mother. Mrs. McDonald Home Mrs. Anna McDonald, who haa been receiving medical care In Portland for the past two weeks, returned to Medford to day by train, dhe stated that she was feeling much better. Lieutenant Return! Lt. A. O. Dunn of the Oregon state police re- turned to Medford Saturday evening from Salem, where he attended to business matters. He mad the trip north Wednesday. Receive! Care Mrs. w. R. Parker was brought to the Sacred Heart hos pital Sunday from her home at Butte Palls, for medical treatment. She was reported as getting along nicely today. Apeara In Court Herbert Wolf fined $10 in city court thla forenoon by Judge Glenn O. .Taylor, on charge of being drunk In a public place. Wolf was given two daya to raise the money. Meeting Postponed Recreation club meeting scheduled for Wednea day evening, haa been postponed un til Monday, December 13, according to announcement made today. The session will be conducted In the auditorium of the new courthouse. Coleman to Portland J. B. Cole- man, county assessor, left today by train for Portland, where he will at tend the healing tomorrow of the Weyerhaeuser & Co. case, which has been appealed to the board of equal' lzatlon. e a Complete Building The office building constructed at the Union Creek station was completed yester- day by the Rogue River national for est workers, according to Asalatant Supervisor Norman O. White, who directed the work. The building la finished with rustlo siding. Jnnouch In Town Karl L. Janouch, assistant auperlntendent of Rogue River national forest, was In Med ford over the week-end from Lake 0' the Woods, where he I supervising the construction of three buildings. He expects the work to be completed thla week, he stated. Business Visitors George Knight of John Morrell Co. 1 In Medford today from Eugene. A. A. Mayer of Haaa Broa. Is also a oaller, coming from San Francisco, and Mr. and Mr, B. F. Williams are In the city, Mr. Williams aa representative of Welton Ic Moore. Guests from Seattle S. P. Larson and Donald Raymond war among the Seattle folk listed at the hotels here over the week-end. Others were Mr. and Mrs. Gopedy Mr. and Mra. E. D. Baker, C. W. Jamleson, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Punt. Edwin Smith of Wenatchee also was a Medford vis itor. Here for Funeral Called here by the death of Mrs. W. H. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kenworthy of Hollywood. Cal., are In Medford. Mrs Lambert waa Mr. Kenworthy a moth er. Others here for the funeral are her son. C. M. Kenworthy of Vallelo and daughter, Mr. W. A. Barry of San Francisco, alao her husband, W. H. Lambert of Sutsun, Cal. Staters In City Hotel gueat from Oregon cities, exclusive of Portland are W. S. Cheln of Marshfleld, W. H, Close of Salem, Mr. and Mra. C Peterson of Kerby, Mr. and Mra, George Hunt, R. Judson. Gwen Sim mons and Mr. and Mra. Tho. H. Neas of Roseburg, W. L. Myer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCrady and J. E. Har per of Eugene, and Mr. and Mra. A. B. Mullen of Prospect. Runaways Pound Inea Carpenter, IS, and Eva. Hamilton, 17, were re turned to their home In Keno yes terday by thetr parents, the two hav ing run away Saturday, en rout to the home of relatlvea near crant Pas. The girl spent the night at the T. W. C. A. and were taken into custody by the city police Sunday morning. The runaway were attired in blue overall. Wells Returns Cal 0. Well, deputy United State marshal, with head quarters In the Federal building here, returned to Medford Sunday from Klamath Falls, where he served 13 subpoena In the Relnhart Nickels and othera, case scheduled to open tomorrow In federal court at Port land. Nickels and the other men under arrest are being tried on a conspiracy charge Involving the fed eral liquor laws. Deputy Well aald today that the federal grand Jury haa been called for December 13. Plan for Better Control-of -Colds Proved by Tests Oreensboro, N. C Clinical teats and ue In thousands of homes hate proved the new Vlcks Plan for better Control-of-Colda. The num ber and duration or colda reduced by half! More than half of the costs i of colds saved! run eteiaiia oi tne Plan are in e-h package ot Vlcks VspnRub and the near Vlcks Nose ac Ti.-oat Piopa. Many from North Among the many Portlander who were hotel guests overnight were O. L. M. Hauser, R. L. Thomas, R 0. Grave. C- Shepher, H. H. Samuels, Curtis Gardner. W. O. Johnston, Henry Par nln, Andy Orovltz, O. E. Tillman, J. Beale. J. J. Shaw, J. C. Conley, T. Hager, J. B. Klsky. Mr. and Mra. W. t. Taylor. O. W. Wall. Qua Wy- aon, R. M. Miller, O. J. Hill, W. L. Harnan, Jo Graven, Leo R. poaell. A. Dryer. A. E. Otis, M. S. Klein. Aleo Opple. T. H. Carstensen. H. O. Colburn. W. T. Jackleson, J. Jensen. A. L. Beaudy. John E. Meeke, Ntn- nette C. Twist H. H. Wyatt and Wayne Carter. Callfornlans Maude Morlng regis- icpva iwt mgnt at- a www num uaatoic, laj. uinera irooi mai, siavs were Jack Bevera and H. J. Beese of Bakersfleld, Edith Llnat of McCloud. Irene Robert of San Diego, Mra. J. M. Ruthford, Dana Graham and Dave Botes of Long Beach, and the follow ing from San Francisco: W. A. Mac- Dougall, O. D. weddle, M. D. oe- laney, S. W. Hammer, S. L. Chlrsten sen and Mr. and Mra. P. H- Bard well. Start! F.ut Professor Henry Hart- man of Oregon State college, Cor vallli, left Medford by train Satur day, en route to New York on his annual Journey to atudy pear mar keting -and the beat methods ot rlp- nenlng and selling the fruit. He plan to apend about a month on the trip to New York, he aald. ' TO NAME NEWS RECEIVER (Continued from Page One) of prejudice, Judge Brand adjourned oourt until thla afternoon. Judge Brand aald that it was hi opinion the affidavit, of prejudice would be granted. a "It will be necessary for me to adjourn, in order to look up the law on the Issue," Judge Brand aald. "In my own district, I have no experience with affidavit ot prejudice." Tour honor will get a broad ex perience In the matter of prejudice affldavlta from 'thla bench," retorted Attorney Kelly. Banks, the defendant, was not in court today. Attorney Wllklna said he waa "indisposed." Abatement Plea quashed. The plea In abatement, filed by Banks and counsel Saturday waa quashed and the case brought to readiness tor trial thla morning, when Attorney Wllklni asked for an ad journment, to confer with hla client. Court then recessed until 11:30 o'clock when the prejudice affidavit wss filed. The Nowa Fubllahlng company re ceivership action, now In court, was filed fo rthe collection of three prom- laaory notes for $3333.33 each, allegedly due, and the foreclosure of a cnat tel mortgage on the equipment. The three notes were part of payment for the paper. The receivrship Is sought to "conserve the resources." 1 YEAR OLD, DIES Dorothy tee Anseth died at the home of her parents, four miles north of Medford on the Midway highway, Sunday evening, from bronchial pneu monia, aged one year, four montns, 18 days. She waa the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Theo. Iieroy Anaeth. She also leave her grandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. T. Anseth and Mr. and Mrs H. A. Porter, all of Medford. Funeral servlcea will be conducted from the Perl Funeral Home, Wed nesdav at 2 o'clock, Bev. W. H. Eaton officiating. Interment will take place in Mi Medford cemetery. iueyn Brent Star Drama Holly Screen Evelyn Brent la the star of "The Crusader," a aensational picture now playing at the Holly theatre. The story concerna a dlatrlct attorney who starts a clean-up In a city but finds the finger of scandal pointing to hla own wife and Bister. H. B. Warner, Low Cody, Ned Sparks, Walter Byron and Maroellne Day appear In the exoellent east In thla picture. The big saas continues at the Band Box at Shoe Box. Shoes, value, to as .00. sale price 6149. 81.95 and 83.99. Dresses, values to 816.00, sale price 91.95. 8395. 83.95 and 88.96. Oage hats, values to 910.00, sale price 61.00. Other hate, sale prices 35c, BOc and 7So. 'The store that eave you money." LOS ANGELES and back On sale every day. If! day retutn limit, Yon ride the fast "Shasta" in a modern reclining chair car. Oryou can ride in a tourist sleep- ing car oo trains carrying this equipment. Overnight berth as little as 41.50 extra. Southern Pacific t. C CABLE, Agent, Phone 84 Mrs. McAdoo 111 r 5 -it . ii? v4-, -i Mrs. William Glbbs McAdoo, wife of the California senator-elect and youngest daughter of the lata Presi dent Wilson, is ill with appendicitis in Los Angeles. (Associated Press Photo, Considers Repeal Still Rep. Hatton W. Sumners of Texas, chairman, summoned the house judiciary committee to con sider the prohibition repeal reso lution prior to the opening of con gress. (Associated Press Photo) Prepares Beer Bill H&daA gjgjjwl Senator David I. Walsh an nounced he will introduce a bill as soon aa congress opens to legalize the manufacture and sale of 3.2 per cent beer. It would not legalize wines. (Associated Press Photo) I j I I r w s fe-Ji !isa'' 25 CARS TURKEYS WILL ROLL EAST PORTLAND. Dec. 5. f AP) About 25 carlotuU of turkeys will move from Oregon to eastern point within the next few dun, And about 30 far loads will more out of Idiho during the same period. Inltltl loading for the Chrtitmae dlLnera of Atlantic coast resident will start tomorrow at McMlnnvllle. the first londlng of carlotc ever made from that point. It will probably be Wednesday .light before the first carload of turkeys will start on Its Ion; Journey across the continent. Swift de Co. Is handling this first shipment. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore.. Deo. 5. (API Wheat: . Open High Low Cloee Dec. .411J ,41i .4I'4 .414 May .48 .40 .48 .48", Cash wheat: No. 1 Big Bend blueatem .53 Dark hard winter, 12 pct..B0'4 1 pet. ., .48-4 .43 .41 Soft white .. Western white Hard winter . .43 Northern spring . .41 .40 ti Western red Oat: No. 2 white ..17.00 18.00 Corn: No. S yellow.- Mlllrun. standard . 13.35 Today'a car receipts: Wheat 58; barley 1; flour 11; corn 3: hay t. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Deo. 8. (AP) Eggs Pacific poultry producera' aelllng prices: Freeh extras, 36a; atandarda, 340; mediums, 34c; pullet, 33c doi. LIVE POULTRY Net buying price; Heavy hens, colored, 4U lbs., 13o; do mediums, llo; lights, 9c; springs, col ored, 11c: all weights, white, 10c; geese, 89 10c lb. Old roosters. Tc; ducks, Peking, 10 9 11c lb. POTATOES Local, 85 9 700 Orange box; Deachutea gems, 95c $81.00; Yakima Oems, 60 90c cental. Butter, country meat, mohair, nute, cascara bark, hops, butterfat, onions. wool and hay unchanged. Wall St. Report STOCK SAI.F, AVERAGES (Copyright, 1933, standard Statistics Company) Dec. 5: 50 30 30 90 Ind'ls RR's Ufa Total Today 49.9 34.7 83.7 51.B Frev. day ... 49.3 34.5 83.3 61.8 Week ago... 63.1 38.3 88.0 84.0 Year ago..... 71.9 39.0 113.1 74.1 S yra. ago..,.171.5 133,3 318.7 173.7 BOND KALE AVERAGE. (Copyright, 1933, Standard Statistic Company.) Deo. : 90 30 30 80 Ind'ls RR'i Ufa Total Today 83.0 50.9 80.6 87.6 Prev. day....- 83.4 60.1 81.1 67.8 Week ago....- 63.8 81.4 81.4 68.8 Year ago 69.6 71.8 87.0 76.1 3 yra. ago 93.4 106.0 99.8 99.0 N7CW YORK, Dec. 6. (API Shares Roxy 10c Tonlte "Night Court" Tue. "Scandal For Sale" Thur. "Our Scarlet Dauglitera" STUDIO Adults 15c Kiddles So TONITE James Cagney In "WINNER TAKE ALL" Tomorrow Charlea Farrell Janet Gaynor in "Delicious" Fancy $ National Coal Free Kindling l IBl Ton MEDFORD FUEL CO. Tel. 681 The Of tstfjat J07 will ae'cottpSfly an electrical gift. Every day in the year will bring thoughts of appreciation from Mother. There in an electrical gift for every purse. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER Hoover Debt Adviser - ?4. Ogden L, Mills, secretary of the treasury, Is one of President Hoo ver's closest advissrs on war debts, (Associated Press Photo) again displayed Inability to move far In either direction In today's market. The list pushed up a point or two here and there early, but slid back later with some socalled wet Issues turning heavy. Net changes at the finish were largely of unimportant proportions, however, and the final tone was steady. Turnover was only about 700,000 shares. Today's closing prices for 30 select ed stocks follow: Al. Chem. & Dye..... ... 71 Am. Can . 49 Am. & Pgn. Pow ...... 0i A. T. Si T. 103 Anaconaa -,-,., B Atch. T. Is S. F. . , 87 Bendlx Avia. ..WH Beth, steel Chrysler . Coml. solv . Curtlss-Wrlght ... DuPont . en. Foods Qen. Mot Int. Harvest. I. T. & T. Johns-Man Monty Ward North Amer Param. Public .... Penney (J. C.) .. Phllllpa Pet Radio ..... ...... Sou. Pac ..., Std. Brands ....... St. Oil Cal St. Oil N. J. Trans. Amer. ..... Union Carb Unit. Aircraft U. S. Steel . OH . 144 . 14 i - 9(4 1H . 34 !i - 31H . 12i . 30 a. , 8 . IB 14 - 13M, . 36V, Mi . 33 - 6H . 5K . 16'. , 34 . 39 V, . 33 . 33H 3014 Now Showing tMLYNBRENT HBWARNffi LEW COW NEDSBRrr5 WUTCBSiHON MMCOM Mr- Adults 20 cents e MOD6RM GIFT MOD6RN MOTHGRd IS ELECTRICAL DEFEATS GARNER L (Continued from Page One) Once the vote was announced, con fusion arose In the chamber. Speaker Garner had difficulty In restoring order. There was so much confusion that Representative 8nell, Republican lead. er. repeated several times a demand for order. Representative MrDuffle. Demo cratic whip, then read a list of mem bers absent, who he said would have vote for the resolution If they had been present. They were five Democrats: Brand of Georgia. Garrett of Texas. Martin of Oregon. Sanders of Texas and Harnor of West Virginia. Southerners Opposed. Much of the opposition came from southern Democrats, who were re elected to the next house. Representative Mlchener. of Michi gan, assistant Republican leader, asked the speaker If a similar resolu tion were brought up what his ac tion would be. Garner said "the chair will decide that when It's brought up.' TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY FOR SALE Two used farm wagona. Priced to sell quick. Phone 386. FOR SALE Male Splta puppies, weeka old. 118 Oenesee. EMPTY TRUCK going to Portland mia wees wnnu kmkj. nawicj Transfer. Phone 1044-X. FOR RENT Furnished cabin: elec tric lights. 6616 No. Central. WANTED Light closed car. Will pay cash. 38 Washington St. FOR RENT Niw 5-room furn. home. 38 Washington St. RELIABLE woman wants work: any kind: fun or part time. Bessie Dorn. 348 No. Front. FOK SALE: Duroo sows, feeder pigs. Address Box 9069, Mall Tribune, llsT III A rIf ' VY f i-n I H1U Until luesday Might GAYNOR FARRELL y- JE te" Tk. STORM l- iE COUNTRY X'A - ...... M Geary and Taylor the Ban Fran- clicovllicor nnasoanrr hotel Here, the environment ot to be found 'javelers I nIHclent U - rt uni ihnillnflr a far fluna J.m'i ntiltltuillnnii. h thlp-strewn Bay, the teeming lire or Oakland and Berkeley surging np to the hills on the opposite shore miles away. The Tie from here la truly marvelous, a sedative to tired nerves, ft dalte-h ro hm taondleed eve. a nlrl. COMPANY njnrj3C0sfSBHaaMflaj a8Wa ib e atmy' vV X $mrj jrjrjrjr. Ill . v . v sir Re Indicated he would leave the matter up to the senate where the Olass amendment providing for re peal, federal protection to the states and outlawing the saloon la pending. Tne nouae aajourned until tomor row when lt will hear the president's message. This was the first vote on prohibi tion repeal by the house during the 13 years the amendment has been la effect. If- ANY ANY e- lOC 8A1 TIME IOC ENDS TODAY "He Learned About Women" TOMORROW "Blondie of the Follies" AT THE FIRST SNEEZE USE Mistol PUT Essence of Mlsiol ON YOUR HANDKERCHIEF AND PILLOW rrc new HEAR THE Medford Gleemen IN CONCERT Tues. Eve., Dec. 6 A stirring chorus of 60 voices. Tickets 25o and BOo. High School Auditorium ,. Chariot w'ttra me-up lo the Jaded appetite. On tht n noor are two otner equauy ram- urants, the Florentine itoom delightfully aire the main loony, tome 6(0 truest Id room, each umerous suites Lesired slae an J -m furnish t natures art ns. earjeclally Many of tht Ilea of tht uriously art ed. reasons he lodered Clift it both Mr. nor and Mr.' both reside ils. of course. of the maoago- of tht rueatr b on that no aruest 1st to obiect to tht o that atmosphere of fid personal service that So Important In present day methods of hotel hospitality. Al though tho Clift Is major hotel of San Francisco, although It It rated aa supreme In service and value-giving, yet tne rates there are surprisingly I low. The rate start at 93 slnala and I NioHTans jf3<L V V A I MORNINO JSy x ft I Tf Hi l 1