Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 27, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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and Club Events Reviewed for Week
Edited by
Eva Nealon
j Society
Society to Gather
At Large Benefit
Tea in Club Suite
Opining of the club roomi In th
city haU to the public Monday after
noon at a o'clock with a benefit tea
and bridge party, will mark the reali
sation of a desire long harbored by
club women of Medford.
The Greater Medford club has
ponaored remodelling and furnish
ing of the rooms with the assistance
of other dubs and all club women
and the publlo are Invited to the
house warming. A musical program
will be presented, cards will be plsyed
In the council room, adjoining the
club suite, and tea will be served.
Mrs. O. R. Sstchwell, general chair
man of the event, with the assistance
of Mrs. Qua Newbury, will have
chsrge of the contract bridge tables.
Mrs. Hal Plstt wtu srrange for pro
gressive bridge, Mrs. John Peter for
pivot bridge. Mrs. Ed Gore and Mrs.
Rawles Moore will preside In the tea
room and present the musical.
One charge of 36 cents will be
made for tea and refreshments, and
another of 35 cents for tea. refresh
ments and cards; enabling those who
do not wish to plsy. to drop In for
tea and musical.
Among the women sponsoring the
event are: Mrs. A. J. H&nby, Mrs.
Stella Merrick, Mrs. Laura M. West,
Mrs. A. E. Resmes, Mrs. Detweller,
Mrs. Van Scoyoc, Mrs. Morris. Mrs.
Swearlngen, Mrs. Holloway. Mrs. W. E.
Crews, Mrs. Edwin L. Knapp, Mrs. E.
O. Osddls, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Rose
Schleffelln, Mrs. J. F. Reddy, Mrs. O.
V. Morrow, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. C. O.
Murray, Mrs. H. W. Hamlin and Mrs.
Lewis TJlrlch.
Those wishing to make table reser
vations are Tequested to call Mrs.
Hsnby, Mrs. Satchwell, Mrs. Platat or
Mrs. Gus Newbury.
Funds secured from the large bene
fit event will be used for further fur
nishing of the rooms.
Lull Follows
Festivity of ,
Past Holiday
A definite lull settled over local
octal circle yesterday with Thanks
giving In the background and
Christmas four weeks away. While
few large parties were held last
week a number of Informal events,
graced the holiday and family dln
ners were the order in nearly all
Medford homes. Among those en
tertalnlng were Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Carpenter, who had a guests
Mr. and Mrs. H. Chandler Egan, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald 8. -Clark and
daughter Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
8. V. Carpenter and daughter Julie,
and son Harlow.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Corning Kenly
.had as guests at their home Mr.
and Mrs. Robert W. Ruhl and daugh
ter Alicia Mn. Alice Holloway and
W. W. Aldrlch.
The Earl Tumya also entertained
with a family dinner at their home
on Park street. " .
Misses Roberts
And Guests Leave
For School Today
Among members of the younger
set Joining In holiday festivities here
during the past week were Misses
Mary Lee and Dorothy Roberts,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. a. M.
Roberts, who returned from school
Wednesday, Miss Dorothy was ac
companied by Miss Louise Carpenter
of California and Miss Caroline
Rogers of Spokane, Wash., both stu
dents at the University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts entertained
Thanksgiving day, inviting in a
number of their daughters' friends
and Mr. and Mrs. E. 6. Burgess and
Mr. and Mrs. Win. McAllister as din
ner guests.
Miss Mary Lee Roberta will leave
by train today for the south to
resume jher studies at Milts and the
other three girts will motor back to
Miss Nlckerson
Entertained Here.
Miss Betty Jane Klckerson of Klam
ath Palls Is house guest for ths week
end of Prank ie Rlnabarger, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rlnabarger. 8he
was the Inspiration Friday evening of
a party for 10 at the Rlnabarger
home and was entertained Saturday
evening by Miss Peggy Reter.
Rlnabargers Hosts
On ThankuplTlng Day.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rlnabarger en
tertained at dinner Thanksgiving day.
Covers were placed for 10 and the
guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Wll
ford Jeter, Mrs. Emma Murphy, Betty
Jane Nlckerson and Misses Peggy and
Janet Reter.
Mrs, work and
Children In South.
Mrs. Arch Work and small children,
Beverly and Robert, are spending the
winter months in Berkeley, as guests
of her parent, Reverend and Mrs.
Mr. Work, who accompanied them
as far as Princeton will return to
Medford this week.
Mistletoe Hub '
Meets Wednesday
Mistletoe club will meet with Mrs.
Cora Bashaw. 215 Vancouver, Wednes
day afternoon. A good attendance la
Thursday night the refrular meet
ing of Royal Neighbors will be held
Lodge will take up promptly at 7:30
as there win be election ox otiicers.
All members are urged to be present.
Iran Arnolds -Holldav
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Arnold and fam
ily from near McMl nnvll le spent
Thanksgiving here with relatives and
friends. They were accompanied by
Mlas Ruth Newbotd, a sister of Mrs.
Juveniles Meet
Mnndav Evening
Juveniles of Neighbors vof Wood
craft will meet Monday evening at
tifl fl'SlO&k 4 & It Q. Q. g. ball,
Miss Morrow to Wed
Elisabeth Morrow was met by her fiance, Aubrey N. Morgan, when
she arrived In Plymouth, England, recently. Mr, Morgan'la the eon of
Mr, and Mrs. John L, Morgan of Brynderwen, llandaff, Wales. Their
engagement was announced recently by Miss Morrow's mother, Mrs.
Owlght W. Morrow, widow of Senstor Morrow of New Jersey. (Asso
ciated Press Photo)
Jacques Gordon, String
Quartet Leader, Praised
When Jacques Gordon announced
that he would discontinue hla con
cert mastership with the Chicago
Symphony orchestra - to devote his
entire time to the Gordon String
Qusrtet, which plays here tomorrow
evening, there were many expressions
of regret among his host of friends
end admirers. Writers on various
daily papers have devoted columns
In tribute to their friend who Is leav
ing them. In his Round About Chi
cago column In the Chicago Herald
and Examiner, ' James Weber Linn
wrote the following:
As -everybody who la Interested in
good music knows, one of the most
'prominent' of our 'prominent citi
zens' is about to leave us. Perma
nently and. yet temporarily. He will
go elsewhere to llvr, hut he will re
turn once or twice a year to delight.
He is, and havs been for nine years,
the first violinist of the' Chicago
Sympnony orchestra, and his name Is
Jacques Gordon. Only he pronounces
it ja-k.
"But I call him Gypsy Heart.
"X no not know that there Is a drop
of gypsy blood In his v veins. But
there Is gypsy music In his soul ana
In his heart the gypsy spirit. Watch
Mrs, West Speaks
Before the C. A. R.
At D'Albini Home
General Joseph Lane society. Chil
dren of the American Revolution,
held their November meeting Friday
with Misses Ruth and Corlnne
D'Albini as hostesses. Mrs. Laura M.
West was guest speaker and used aa
her topic, "Commerce of th Nationa"
and Its effect on international rela
tions. She stated that the United
States was not economically Indepen
dent and that each child's clothing
represented many nations, that we
Import more than a million, dozen
eggs and millions of pounds of toma
toes. She told of the little bugs that
produce ahellac, of the manufacture
of silk, and of importations of rabbits
from Australia.
Guests of the society were Mrs.
Laura West. Misses Carlln Piatt and
Mary Beth Bradflsh. The society was
most happy to welcome Jean Flatt
whose papers ' have been sent to
The next meeting will be held with
Florence Gilford some time In De
cember. Refreshments were served by the
hostess. Younger members prepared
strings of buttons to be sent to Angel
Island and the older ones did sewing
for the Red Cross.
Schencks Entertain
Guests on Holiday
Mr. and Mrs. A. Orln Schenck en
tertained Thanksgiving day, Mr. and
Mrs. Ferris Glfford and little daugh
ter Beverly Jean, of Klamath Fells,
and Mr. and Mrs. Nyle L. Glfford
of Ashland.
The Ferris Glfford also visited
the Cliffords of Ashland during their
stay in this valley, Mrs. Glfford and
little daughter remaining in Med
ford until yesterday.
Miss Day Marries
Mr. I verso n Here
At the home of Mrs. Chas. Prltch
ett, 15 South Newtown, Miss Evelyn
Day and Waldo Xverson. brother of
Mrs. Prttchett, were married Friday
evening. Both are of Healdaburg,
Calif. Mr. Iverson is a gradiute of
Stockton College of the Pacific and
Mrs. Iverson of Healdsburg high
school. Following their honeymoon
in southern Oregon they will return
to Healdsburg to make their home.
Mlas Mann Leaves
For New York
Miss Catherine Mann of this cUy
la leaving Monday evening for New
York, where they will spend the
i winter with relatives.
ing him as he plays, I have heard
the wild calling him, almost rheard
the echoing call rryself. He was born
under an oak tree, I th.nk. with the
flame of the flro rising and sinking
!ea;.y. throwing flying lights and
falling shadows in hla Just-opened
eyes. There la something of the oak
In hla will, but he murt walk always
deeper among the flyinp lights and
falling shadow?, teeking the final
flame which U their source.
"He came here nlie years ago, a
man of twenty-two. I do not say a
boy. That favorite phrase, 'one In
whom the child lias rever died,' Is
not descriptive of Jack. The child Is
Irresponsible, by turns plaintive and
exultant, a fl cider of trifles, not a
seeker for flailltlcs. Gypsies grow up
quickly, and the gypsy heart la not
The concert here tomorrow evening
at the high school aud'.tcrium, which
will acquaint southern Oregon folk
with this master of mwlo. will open
at B:lfi o'clock and til members of
the Civic Music e&socutVon are asked
to be in their seats at that time. The
conert will be the first of the civic
music season and is anticipated
by all music lovers.
Dixie Club Meets
With Mrs., Hanby
On Next Saturday
The Dixie club will meet for Its
next monthly session at the home of
Mrs. A. J. Hanby Saturday, December
3. Assisting Mrs. Hanby as hostess
will be Mrs. Laura M. West and Mrs.
Rawles Moore. A good attendance Is
urged for the affair.
Phone 64J. We'll naul away your
refuse. City Sanitary Service.
There"i nothing new in sending Christmas
Greeting Cards. There is something new to
tending those we are showing in our special
display. You've never seen cards so artistic
so different from the ordinary. They are the
masterpieces of America's foremost originators.
Come in and see them tomorrow.
"The Store of Happy Wedding
White Rose
Radiant as Diamonds
Larry Schade
Formal Dancing
Club Plans Party
For December 2
The next affair of the Formal
Dancing club wilt be held at St.
Mark's Parish hall Friday. December
3. Severn! dinner parties are plan
ned to precede the party and the
committee, completing arrangements
for the event Includes Mrs. R. G.
Bardwell, Mrs. Gilbert Stuart. Mrs.
Fletcher Fish, Mrs. Donald Gray,
Mrs. Robert Norrls and Mrs. Rease
Dancing Party of
Reames Chapter
Wednesday Event
Plans for the dance and card party
to be sponsored by the social club
of Reames chapter, O. E. S., are Hear
ing completion with the affair sched
uled for next Wednesday evening,
November 30, at the Masonic temple.
All Masons and their friends are cor
dially Invited to attend the event and
promised an Interesting evening.
The committee heading arrange
ments is composed of Mrs. C. W. Gil
bert, Mrs. Myrno Frink, Mrs? Harry
Nordwick, Mrs. Marie Schoepen and
C. M. Houston. Music for dancing
will be played by Dickey's orchestra.
Dancing will begin at 0 o clock and
refreshments will be served during
the evening.
Presbyterian Bible
Class Has Meeting
The Presbyterian Women's Bible
class held a business meeting for No
vember in the church parlors on
Tuesday. In the absence of the presi
dent Mrs. Phlpps president.
A number of Inspiring hymns, in
cluding the class song, were aung
directed by Mrs. L. D. Hod gk Ins after
which Mrs. W. H. Howell led the de
votional presenting "The Talents"
In a most helpful manner.
Arrangements for Thanksgiving
baskets were prominent among the
items of business transacted.
The chairman of the program com
mittee, Mrs. H. D. Remington, then
introduced the speaker of the day,
Mrs. Alberts, who most instructively
presented "The History of Thanks
giving Day."
Closing numbers of the program:
"Why Do We Dwell in the Shadows?'
solo by Mrs. R. D. Doran, Mrs. Bim-
kins accompanist. Encore, "The
Church by the Side of the Road."
"The Landing of the Pilgrims,"
poem by Mrs. Maynard Putney. The
birthday cake on the birthday table
was In honor of three who were born
in the Thanksgiving month.
Hostesses for the day serving re
freshments were: Mesdamea John
N arisen, w. H. Fisher. L. D. Hodgklns,
E. M. Lovall and Miss Anna Det
weller. . ,
Pocahontas Lodge
Enjoys Card Night
The Pocahontas lodge enjoyed
oard night after the lodge session on
Friday. Bridge, 500, and Pinochle
were played. High scores in bridge
were held by Fidel Is Piatt and George
Armstrong, low by Bernlce Sears and
Frank Rush. Honors in 600 were held
by Carrie MUnes, Maude Abbott and
Hcibert Williams. Pinochle scores
were held by Evelyn Stagg and Ed
Schackel, low by Norma Martin and
Lyle Thurman.
Birthdays were celebrated and the
honor guests received beautiful bou
quets of vegetables. The social com
mlttee In ci.arge consisted of Hulda
Thurman, Bernlce Wilson and Glenn
Friday, Dec. and, election of officers
will take place, and lodge will take
up at 7:30, as the Wenona club Is
sponsoring a public card party at 8
o'clock. The public Is Invited.
Ilagens Attend
Came In North
Mr. and Mrs. At Hagen and son
Blllle and daughter Sybil, drove to
Portland Wednesday to spend
Thanksgiving and the week end with
Mr. Ha gen's mother, Mrs. Ellen Ha
gen. They also attended the Jeffer-son-Medford
football game and will
arrive home this evening.
Gift Shop
Wilsons Entertain
At Holiday Dinnet
Mayor and Mrs. E- M. Wilson enter
tained at dinner Thanksgiving day,
inviting 14 guests to their home.
Arrong them were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Goeller and family of Klamath Falls,
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Glfford and fam
ily of this city. Mrs. A. L. Harvey and
Dr. Bertha Sawyer of Ashland.
A pleasant social avonlng followed
the dinner.
Many Attend Game
As Holiday Treat
White many of Medford folk en-
Joyed the Thanksgiving holiday
around the firesides at their homes,
a number of grid enthusiasts spent
Thursday In Portland, where they at
tended the Med ford-Jefferson high
school football game at the civic sta
dium In the afternoon.
Included In the list of those Jour
neying north were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hlnman and son Robert, Mrs. Charles
White and son Wilton, Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Grey, Mr. and Mra. E. O. Fergu
son, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Jerome and
Mrs. Max Schoenenberger, Dr. B. R.
Elliott, Ralph Woodford, Max GeBau-
Fred Heath. W. H. Mulrhead,
William von der Hellen, Walter Lev-
erette, William F. Isaacs, Leo Glas
cock, Frank Llndley and Arthur
Perry. ,
University Recital
Of Interest Here
The regular Tuesoay evening reci
tals have recently been resumed at
the University of Oregon and will
continue throughout the school year.
Advanced students of piano, violin
and voice are thus given frequent op
portunity to present their work be
fore an appreciative audience and to
acquire the necessary self-confidence.
Several students, representing the
various music departments appear In
each of these weekly recitals.
The coming Tuesday evening Miss
Betty Evanson of Medford, a piano
pupil of George Hopkins of the Uni
versity School of Music, will play the
Chopin Nocturne in F. Major.
Chopin C Sharp Minor Polonaise.
Mrs. Williams
Visits Daughters Veterans.
When Mrs, Olive Williams, acting
Inspector for the Daughters of Union
Veterans of the civil war, was visit
ing the tents of southern Oregon,
Mrs. Albaugh of ail South Ivy enter
tained with a luncheon, having as
her guests the psst presidents of
Elta Deuel Hubb tent No. 11. Mrs.
Albaugh was assisted by Mrs. A. Mc
Gulre who in Portland, belonged to
he same tent as Mrs. Williams,
Knights of Pythias
Plan Dancing Party
The Knights of Pythias will enter
tain the Pythian Slaters with a danc
ing party on Monday evening In the
K. P. hall. Dickey's orchestra will
play and refreshments will be served.
These entertainments are given
every month on the last Monday and
are looked forward to by the knights
and sister Pythlana and their Invited
Rowmans Entertain
"Be Jolly Club"
Mr. tvnii Mrm Knmr nwman rvf
Rosa Lane entertained the "Be Jolly
clifb" at their home Friday night I
with a dinner party. Covers were j
laid for 30 guests. A delightful eve- ,
nlng was spent In singing and play
ing games until a late hour.
You can absolutely rely on the
time given by Longine.
Watch. Their attractive do
sign and unfailing accuracy
mike it most enviable pos-
One of the finest
watches made.
Right now much reduced in
price. See them at
Holiday Waves
Permanent with
rlnglette ends
Super Curllne
Lire steers wstes
Beauty Shop
E. 8th St. Tel. 1526
Mesdames Tyree
And Boyle Give
Lovely Luncheon
A lovely party, preceding Thanks
giving, was given by Mrs. D. G. Tyree
and Mrs. John Boyle, who were
hostesses at luncheon and bridge at
the Hotel Medford Wednesday. Tab
les were arranged In the main parlor
of the hotel, which was converted
Into a dining room for the occasion.
A wood fire on the hearth added
cheer and tables were beautifully
decorated in chrysanthemums. Covers
were arranged for twenty-five guests.
Mr. Bean Host on
Thanksgiving Day
Under the plnea on a mountain
side between Dead Indian Soda
Springe and Big Elk ranger station
Is an unusually attractive mountain
This place waa the scene of a hap
py gathering on ThankBglvlng day
when Its owner, L. E. Bean in the
dual capacity of host and chef enter
tained a party of friends.
The traditional Thanksgiving tur
key together with all the accessories
graced the table, the arrangements
and appointments of which, were in
keeping with the season and most attractive.
Those who enjoyed Mr. Bean's
hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Kermit
Rosco of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs.
R. O. Bragg and Mr. and Mra. Jack
Tyrrell of Dead Indian Soda Springs.
Special Music
Baptist Church
Lovers of sacred muslo who appre
ciate the finer accomplishments of j
vocal art, will be given a rare treat
at the First Baptist church for sev-
eral Sunday mornings, where they j
will hear Allen O. Hess, San Fran-
Cisco baritone and late pupil of W. E.
Mayes. Today Mr. Hess will sinit.
"Calvary." by Rodney and next Sun
day, "They Tell Of a City." by Excell.
tie win be accompanied at the con
sole by Mrs. W. H. Eaton.
Mrs. Knox Hostess '
To Mission Group
Mrs. L. J. Knox, aai Portland ave.,
will be hostess to the missionary
meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary of
the First Baptist church, Tuesday,
Nov. 29, at 3:30.
This will be a pioneer meeting with
history of Oregon. There will be a
display of antiques of the early days.
Anyone who has anything of Interest
Is asked to bring it and Its history.
Have It (here before 3:30 if possible.
There will be a playlet entitled,
"When Mra. Rip Van Winkle Woke
Up." The "stars" will be Mra. Edna
Raymond, Mrs. Helen Merrlman, Mrs.
Luclle Brock, Mrs. L. j. Knox. The
committee has arrangements for some
muslo numbers.
Oriental Rugs
Special Display At Our Store .
This Week Only
May Be
Dependable Insurance Is The Only Kind Worth Having
When Insuring your property make certain thst you ire assured of fslr and speedy settlement of claims.
Losing your property Is tragedy enough without hating to worry about settlements.
The dependable fire, casualty and automobile companlea ws represent, har.. gslned.. the reputation of
settling clslms promptly. It's a big help to get prompt action when In urgent need of money. But tn
order to do this, the companies must hsvs prompt psyment of premiums In accordance with their nil. of
either cash or fortyflv. daya from date of policy. We do not have mutual, reciprocal or cut-rat. companies.
I am recupersting from' Injuries sustslned In an automobile accident and have been Instructed by my
physlclsn to rest and stay completely away from work for at least another month. Mrs. Osrtrud.
Fredenburg Oreb. who hss had seven yesrs' esperlenc. In accounting and Insurance. Mrs. Mabel Showers
and my brother L. A. Waxetleld will have chargs of the office during my absence. Also F. J. Newmsn
and Geo. Nellson, Attorneys, will represent my sgency.
I have been serving friends and clients here for the psst twenty-four yeara and have always been glad
to eitend time on psyments, but at thla time 1 am very much In need of aom. eettlement of your ac
counts and your prompt attention to same will surely be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
(Oertrude Fredenburg Oreb In
charge during my absence.)
Little Miss Backus
Feted on Birthday
entertained November 28, honoring
her daughter, WInntfred, on her
twelfth birthday. Invited guests
were: Dorothy Hilton, Melva Ander
son. Mad aline Metzger, Maxlne Boone.
Marcella Mitchell. Alice Ward, Audrey
Keene, Shirley Cantrall, Jessie Gaddy,
Freda Butcher, Freda Robinson, Max
lne Klelnhammer, Wanlta Ttce, Elea
nor HeM, Lois and Eunice Sanden.
Ardlth and Mary Stephenson and
Mary Brannon. The afternoon was
enjoyed at games after which refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Backus
and Mrs. Alice Kenworthy,
Friends, Relatives
Dine With Murrays
Thanksgiving day Mr, and Mrs. C.
O. Murray entertained with a dinner
at their residence. 631 West 11th
street, for a group of relatives and
Enjoying the day, were Mr. and Mra.
Jamea Murray, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Murray, Miss Lucille Murray, Jack
Murray, Mrs. Ernestine Rostel, Ernest
Rostel, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rostel and
young son, Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Barrlck and daughter. Brenda,
Mra. Combes and Michael Balcovich.
Surprise Party for
John Estes Friday
Miss Lucille Estes, assisted by Miss
Betty Hunter entertained Friday eve
ning at the Rankin Estes home on
Kings highway with a surprise party,
honoring John Estes. During the
evening many games were played, fol
lowed by refreshments. Present were
Messrs, Ray Lewis, Norman Moty, Joo
Denman, Fred Childers, Don Ml near,
John Blachoff, Chet Logan, Tom Dal-
lalre, Frank Qrltaoh and John Estes.
Mrs. Barker Will
Entertain Club '
Mrs. R. A. Barker wilt be hostess
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock to
members of the Building Bridge club,
who will motor to her home at Tal
ent. Assisting her In entertaining
will be Mrs. A. V. o raves.
Miss Halloway Guest
Here for Week End
Miss Florence Halloway, instructor
In the Merlin schools, Is a guest here
for the week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edw'ln L. Knapp, who are
also entertaining their niece, Miss
Margaret Knapp. The latter arrived
from Salem Wednesday for the
Thanksgiving holidays.
Altar Society "
To Meet Tu end ay
St. Ann's Altar society will meet
Tuesday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock In
the parish hall. A good attendance
is urged.
We take pleasure In presenting S. A. KAHL ,
& CO., Importers of Oriental Rugs, Portland,
Oregon. Their personal representative, Mr.
Henry McOulIough, will demonstrate a com
plete stock at our store in Medford this week
only. It will be an unusual
At Lowest Prices Ever Offered
The wide reputation of 8. A. Rahl Co. as Importers of tint trade
Oriental ruts mskes this s prominent event for lovers of beaut
iful homes.
In order to appreciate ttie rare quality and value offered during this
unusual showing at 1033 prices, you mutt come and see Remember,
this week only
J. W.
Tickets Selling
For Concert of
Local Gleemen
The ticket sale for the concert of
the Medford Gleemen Is progressing
very satisfactorily and a large audi
ence la expected to greet the singers
at their initial performance. All of
the members have been given tickets
to sell and In addition tickets have
been placed in The Toggery. Swem's,
Prultt Melody Shop, Palmer Muslo
CO.. and th Olmhr nt Pnmm....
In order not to impose any financial
uuraeu on me pumio and at the
same time raise funda to take care of
me running expenses of the organi
zation a low nrlm will h yr
The date of the concert Is December
Miss Van Dyke and
Mr. Alkire Married
Announcements hsve been recelT
ed here of the wedding In Yuma,
Aria., of Mlas Caryle Van Dyke,
daughter of Mrs. Samuel Vsn Dyke
of Los Angeles, and sister of Mrs.
Raymond Fish of this city, to Royal
J. Alkire, nephew of Ward Alkire
of Los Angeles. The wedding was
an evant of October 30.
The bride formerly lived In south
era Oregon and has many friends
here. Mr. Alkire, a graduate of the
Dnlverslty of Southern California, is
In business In Los Angeles, where
his uncle Ward Alkire, Is a prom
inent banker.
A Dr. H. P. Coleman
Chiropractic Physiotherapy
and all Natural Methods
California License 3029
Holiday Special
S, Central.
Tel. 363
and Sale
Vakefield Agency
"Jack" Wakefield.