PAGE TEST MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, BEDFORD. OREGON. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER" 27, 1932.' MARCONI'S RADIO PRISONER SLAYS EXPLORER GETS PLANE FOR ANTARCTIC FLIGHT AUTO KING GOES Italian Inventor to Explain Revolutionary Invention to HEW YOBS, Hor. 38. (AP) A prisoner In the Raymond Street Jail In Brooklyn shot and killed a deo- Science Claim Device uty ""n tonight, men turned the h' iHhU "M V'"t' Andrew McCormlck, 38, was the prisoner and William McConnell, the deputy warden. Both lived here. Father Harry Honeck, son of the Jail warden, William Honeck, was ROME, NOT. 28. (AP) Within few months ultra-short wave radio telephone service Is lively to be In everyday commercial operation, Gug llelmo Marconi said today as he led fT "; r wound . a, ut ig P.. n, -,i.... , "J! ,0,!n of hooting, but dress in which he Is expected to re- ,tou,, ouuia u Hie bwicm ui 11 is rev I B , , ,,. -. ..uUh,ua awiwu ic(iurw limb olutlonary method of transmission. The world's tint ultra-short wave a riot was In progress In the crowd rirl.ui tl.nv,n. Inv.r.t.H h o. "- """J car M.,m. . .7' "iuyii was sent to the scene. perlmentally between Vatican City and the papal summer home at Cas- iKhts wer. t unta in,,min... ti o.rmnnn. "gn.M we ' UP Illuminate the wails and buildings. jan autnorltles held McCormlck' wife, believing she may have brought nim me pistol with which he killed tel Oandolfo. Marconi has no doubt about the practical applications of the sys tem. The present apparatus la small. "l.'lJ?. "" th7d.put7wd1 and hTm f. merclal systems. The power con- I Th" "."S " sumption is only aolwatts, tae .1 ?m.i, Si.f? "J"1 eouivaient of . .m.u .i-tH. ii.h, . ?-' Pmlt. Deputy Warden ni.r 1".T". " :. " . .? Mcconneil went to Mccormick's ceU. uv luvouwr Believes wio Ultra- nk- Mm t .- , ' short w.v. m.thr. nh..n,... ?. n.lm tn --ttonj' room and .IV""-""' .,.:..- mooa by while the two tslked. rTtanT ZZZZt 'Z A" "'nut., he have' talenTi;r lenh." L.P . " m,,nl-.tlon lt.h ,.'.,. ,... f. a,na' ana Ilre " IhoU It "rr . . ' " u deputy warden. As he fell. Mc. W'.,..w-L nell "hot once at the prisoner. -11" 1. r'th. JTSES but - McCormlck shot . (.a.M ninueir. .rate it? Nor i. th.;i :::Z. . . which struck Father ; . " - nonecjc uiiciwnucBi He considers the system particular ly well adapted for airplanes and for military purposes. Roughly the system v consists of somewhat modified telephone lnstni' ments or normal appearance con nected to combined transmitters and receivers through a central station connection. That means that the ordinary telephone user can bridge the air gap to an Island or a ship and speak with other telephone users in their .homes or ship passengers In -neir canine. The radio telephone line Is quaaioptlcal ray, with properties much like a ray of light. This ray ja ui aiga irequency, 600 nnn.ono cy cies a second, it is sent from i transmitter, emerging from the cen ter or paraoollo receiver formed of short copper rods fixed hortsontally was believed to have been one that passed through McConnell's ooay. It was understood that McCormlck ana Mcconnell had had several ar guments. r LEADER DONATES BINGHAMTON, K. T.. Nov. 2. (API W th th nhuma.lnR !.. i, to four parabolic copper rods In a man like you la worthy of his hire, ,,,. inn receiver is also William s. "PUMyfoot" Johnson of v Smlthvllle Plats. Internationally "-- aupucaies aaown ary crusader, today sent a that used In experiment, a year ago letter to James A. Farley, Demo- requlrlng that Installation be In an cratlo national chairman, congratu- unobstructed line of vision. w,hlch Is latlng him "on a magnificent Job possible by placing the sending and In the recent election" and encloa- recelvlng reflectors" on the roof of lng a .100 bill to help balance the a voaboi uaaaoiio ana i uemocratio budget, of the Vatican City radio station. His letter to Chairman Parley fol Blnce that installation Benator lows: "You surely did-a magnificent -.-. u ul. io i iu joo in me recent eleotlon and a man mile, by the ultra-short wave ays- like you Is worthy of his hire. In .... ' 1 P " u order to help you balanoe your bud' possible to "bend" the rays over the get I am enclosing a 100 bill. uivamfo, ana tnererorei "on Me-eh w- . communication no longer U limited make a nose dive Into, the new nros to mint In rtiM nn- - I .-i... , . . 1 ' - Hifcjr via 10 De coming. The eea - vuuHuuing nis experiment i. only knee deep to a man who Is nuumuiuoiugp over great- arunx ana great la the national er distances and through obstacles, pectancy. : "Hoover was almnlT out of inpit h ran maniap i-x'li i ia.ii iiiu iiiiiiiinu .' """' , The tlOO bill was In confederate IIIICD DDAVOAMn lILLU rim0nl1U FRETSiNPRISON eaTTLE, Not. 3S. (AP) Re peating over and over again that he expected to die for killing six per sons and wounding 13 oViera here on Thanksgiving day, Julian Marcel Ino, 30-year old Filipino, mumbles D raven in hi lull w,n vhimnM and moans in his sleep and at other .rMDE"1X' Arl-. 23 (API- times bangs his head against the men D,,a tor questioning In concrete walls. connection with a 3128,000 awlnd'e ma vurcv ivii-maies saia toaay tnei - j wMpto .u ruuriiu, (Continued from Pag One) Lincoln Ellsworth (left) and Bernt Balchen, famed aviator, arid the new all-metal monoplane In which the explorer and flier will make 2900 mile flight over south polar regions. The craft Is designed to fly at a top speed of 193 mile an hour. Balchen supervised th construction In Los Angeles. (Asso ciated Press Photo) S' FIRE CELLKOUSE AGED CHICAGOANS ON ARIZONA RACKETEER VISIT PREY knife slayer during most of the day. light hours sits with his head In hls hands saying his prayers, T,hey are sorry lor Marcellno but are not afraid of the man who dashed about the streets of this city's Chinatown oraiing death or Injury to whom. ever he met, Hla cellmate, are Warren Bummer, 30. burglary suspect: Don Meyer, 24, na nooert hsji, ao, a negro. summers toia police "This poor nnpino complains all the time that he has a headache and aays Vie In elde of hla head Is 'all rusty." He repeats bis story of the slsylng. wais ae can remember and aays there Is no hope for him and that it is better for him to die." Seek MlMlng rainier. City police were last niirht check lng on the whereabouu of George M. Courtrlght, formerly a painter and interior decorator of Macon. Oa.. fol. lowing the receipt of a letter from Mrs. M. H. Mann of that city, who Is attempting to locate him tor busi ness reasons. Mrs. Mann states In her letter that ehe haa not heard from CouArlaht since May 0. 1023. Anyone knowing Courtrlght. or hla present location, Is requested by Chief or pouro Clatous McCredle to get In touch with the local police depart ment immediately. l.nrk or a I'hlli SYRACUSE, N. T, Nov. 23. (4 Howard Baxter, three, who fell Into a five foot pit 20 yards from his home and lay there during an afternoon, night and momlng, unable to attract attentlo while a posse searched for him. was declared tonight to be none the worse for his experience. He may. the doctor said, get a cold. BOSTON, Nov. 29 The Bos ton Port .aye Dr. A. Lawrence Low ell who announced his resignation Monday as president of Harvard uni versity, will be suggested to President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt as WBOaaaalia la KpCtgd, released tonight by William Cualck Chicago police captain, to local au thorities. The men, Burton Mooney. James ttueeeii sna E. o. Ellis, were ar rested In a hunt for Flovd Woodward alleged leader of the bunco ring which a year ago took 3128.000 from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kacab of Chicago wnuo rney were visiting In Phoenix. Fuslck took the trio Into custody In the downtown district. He later was reported to have told Phoenix officers he "hsd nothing on" the men, and they could be released eo far as h. waa concerned, aa Mrs, Kssao waa unable to Identify them. The men are being detained, how ever, pending further check with the Washington. D. o and Sacramento. vaiir., bureaus of Identification. Police expressed doubt that Wood ward waa hiding In this city, Engagement Told PORTLAND, Ore, Not. 13. (;T Announcement of the engagement of Miss Bather Allen, daughter of Mra. Pat Allen of Portland, to Wesley Al len Cook of Portland, waa mads here last night. Mlas Allen Is the grand daughter of Simon Bepaon, now liv ing In Beverley Hllla. cook la a grad uate of the electrical engineering school of Oregon State college. Miss Aliens mother Is the new republican national commttteewoman from Oregon. HAMILTON, Bermuda. Nov. 38 (P) Dr. Francis L. Patten, who ore- ceded Wood row Wilson aa president of Princeton university, died last night at King Edward VII hospital after a brief Illness, Prince Auto Electrio and Wrecking Co. e-vlt. is plate, gusr. 1 yr. 33.30 Re-rhg. 50c, our make 130 Generators 31 and up 140 N.. Riverside. Phone 33J-W SALT LAKE CITY, Not. 28 (AP) One prisoner waa shot, the dining room wrecked and a cell house threatened by fire In a riot at the Utah Bute prison tonight. The blaze waa brought under con. trol by several fire companies which ruanea to the scene and the 280 rioting prisoners were subdued by prison guards before a squsd of 26 city policemen and deputy sheriffs arnva with tear gas and macftlne guna arrived at the prison. The wounded prisoner waa Jesus Areso, who was shot in the leg when he attempted to rush through a rear aoor or the prison while guards were entering from outside the walls. His condition was not serious. Warden R. E. Davie renorted the rioi Droae out while the men were marching Into the dining room for wieir evening meal. After asnroxl' mately 280 of them had reached the room, they began smashing furni ture and dishes. They piled up encnes ana cnsira on the large stove In the place, starting a fire. inree guards were Inside the din ing room but were unable to cope with the eltuatlon. They were suc cessful, howevor. In dosing the doors and confining t,he uprising to the dining room. No effort waa made t harm them, the prisoners being content to wreci: the room. The fire gained headwav for some time and when the fire oompanles arrived flames were leaping from the rooi oi tne cell house. The blaze was soon under control and all avail able guarda circled the building where the prisoners were screaming na amasning lurniture. Several shots were fired through the win dows of the structure, but none took effect and the men soon calmed down. By the time officers from this eltv had reached the prison, which Is lo cated in Sugar House, a suburb, comparative quiet was restored. OF DEBT RELIEF (By the Associated Press) Two more refusals were passed out yesterday by the state department to nations asking ths United Statea for permission to postpone payments on meir wsr aebts due December 18, Identical notes handed to envoys of roiana ana Czechoslovakia were shorter, but similar to those sent earlier In the week to the govern ments of Great Britain, France and Belgium. Prompt payment was suggested, with the explanation of a better at mosphere would be created for con sideration by congress of a proposal from President Hoover for an agency to re-examine the whole war debt situation. In Washington, meanwhile, a com' mlttee of the chamber of commerce of the United Statea recommended that the American eovroment grant its war debtors "modification" condi tioned on trade concessions and re duction In military and naval ex penditures. Both London and Paris officials were laying the groundwork for cabi net meeting, later, which will de termine their government's attitude toward the debt question, reconside ration of which they have asked In addition to an evfenslcn of the mora torium. Almost the entire British cabinet as called to London today for in formal conferences preceding the meeting tomorrow, where Great Brit ain's reply to the United States will be drafted. Premier Herrlot of France conferred yesterday with experts of the foreign office and the finance ministry pend ing determination whether another plea will be sent to Washington ask ing a war debt revlow. 4- PORTLAND PLANS E TO GET LIQUORS S SALEM, Nov. 39 (P) Complaints aaxing for receivership of four ele cstors In Morrow snd Umatilla coun ties will be filed by Attorney Gener al I. H. Van Winkle, it was announced today by Max Oehlhar, director of the atate department of agriculture, who signed the complaints yesterday. The complaints set out thst the elevator companies are unable to furnish their bonds for protection of the patrons. The rompsnlee are the Heppner Farmera' Elevator company, with three elevator In Morrow coun ty and the Pilot Rock Farmera' com pany, on its 36,1,000 elevator In Uma tilla county. OF PORTLAND, NOT. 28. (AP) Frank Grant, city attorney, today had before him an order from the council directing him to report on wnat cnangea should -- be msde to make the city liquor ordinance con form to state law. since repeal of the Anderson bone-dry law. boo. and Jeers greeted Mrs. Ada Jolly, state president of the Wo men's Christian Temperance Union, as she spoke at the council meeting ugmusii repeal or the city ordinance against liquor selling. Commissioner m. e. Kiiey immediately threatened mat tne chambers would be cleared of spectators If there wss any further uemonatratton. Proponents of the repeal of the ordinance were led by Thomas G. ityan, attorney, who marshalled lorce or druggists, physicians and otners to support his contentions. Me urged modlflcstlon so that aruggists may fill nrescrlntlons opeasera said so per cent of the aruggists want to fill physicians' prescriptions for liquor. State Police Change John Dow, state police natrolman. formerly In the Portland district, ar rived In Medford yesterdav and will be atatloned in this area, according to Captain Lee M. Bown. Dow will fill the vacancy left In the southern Oregon district by the resignation of mwyn a .van ae walker. onicea -in a week or so." They were told by Dr. MoClure that "Mr. Ford is aoing very well." The Illness came as a aurnrtM to the closest associates of Mr. Ford. " winiy robust man, the manufac turing genius who upset and remade America's Industrial noliciea had boasted of his good health and waa. on occasion. Inclined to be rsth- er contemptuous of disease. Mra. Ford, Edael Ford, hla son an Mrs..Edsel Ford accompanied the pa tient to the hospital, along with Harry Bennett, head of the Ford com pany'a service division. Mr. Ford, true to his scorn for Invalldlam. walked to hla room on the third floor of the hospital. Half the floor had been roped off to preserve the secrecy he wanted. Mr. Ford's condition before the op eration was described by surgeons as being en which usually is accom panied by "excrutlatlut pain" and would become "extremely dangerous" In the absence of quick surgical re lief. While Mr. Ford never bad been op erated on for an Illness before, he re quired surgical treatment In 1927 a the result of an automobile accident. A sprained back caused blm to be kept in a plaster cast for some time ROCHESTER BLAST MAIMS AND KILLS ROCHESTER. Minn.. Nov. 38 UPt Two persons were killed today In a heating and power plant explosion that shook a large part of Rochester, wrecked the Interior of a three-story building and damaged adjoining buildings, six persons were Injured. The explosion In a heating plant which supplies hospitals and hotels operated by the Kahler corporation, disturbed patients in nearby medical institutions and was heard a half mile away. Fred Wolverton. Jr.. 17. Albert Lea. Minn., high school football player, here for a T. M. C. 3. conference, and R. O. Kelsey, Rochester electrician, were the fatalltlee. LA PAZ, Bolivia. Not. 28. (AP) The government forbade all civilian, today to travel In southeastern Bo livia, embracing the entire disputed Gran Chaco area and it environs. Special permission must be obtained from the minister of war by anyone who desires to go there. The purpose of the order waa not explained. ASUNCION, Paraguay, Not. 28. A war ministry communique said to dsy thst Psraguay continued to take the Initiative against the Bolivian army In the Saavedra aector of the Gran Chaco, where several Bolivian machine gun nests were destroyed yesterday. Ore ae'd Biallfom Purchased Umbmc by State of CiUfotsk MitbH,k4 twr WILDBERG BROS. SMELTING ft REFINING CO. Officw: 742 Mtfkt St.,San Fnadaco runt: aouth s,n rrinmco HOW THE BANK CONTRIBUTES TO COMMUNITY WELFARE WASHINGTON, NOT. 38 (AP) The weekly cllpsheet of the Methodist bosrd of temperance, prohibition and publlo morals Issued tonight said ltj would "be Idle to deny" that the po litical position of prohibition had been "seriously impaired." The article said there were Indi cations that "chaos" threatened with regard to the whole liquor problem. "Tne re-establlshment of a vsst beer trade Is a possibility." the article continued, "and this means and can mean nothing less than the diversion of expenditures from existing Industry and commerce. Aa surely aa the sun rises the reaction will come. In ail probability It . will come within a period of three years, and when It comes It will be devastating to the political Interests of any group re sponsible for Indefensible conditions." San Fianciscds Newest AND MOST MODERN Doivntoivn Hotel! i vw rartrrtMM I r ifww farvyiiArtxrta r mm IIFv lit- mm m Ml Dine At The Hotel Medford MERCHANTS LUNCHEON 50c Regular Evening 75c A.U1UV1 Jut off Union Square most convenient to theaters, shops and store. Only California hotel of ferinjj Servidor feature thus combining "maximum privacy with minimum tipping". Garage in basemtnt with direct elevator service to all guest room floors. In every room connec tion for radio rp ce ption, running filtered ice water, tub and shower. Ve9tern-ejcposuro Tower rooms have ultra-violet-ray windows. Dinner in Coffee Shop from 750 up in Main Dining Room from $1.50 up. Also a la carte service. aea Hotel Sin Fiiaxcis Hvcsns Niwtroai Horn Co. Powell Street at Suiter San Francisco JWe-HuiUH Hrura . vtstrnt-dunng Lunchm W Dinnrr Another lesson in lending A bank can lend to established enterprise of proved success . . . but it cannot safely advance money on mere "possibilities" even at tbeir best. The seasonal requirements of a going business or a well managed farm are thus provided for where otherwise a bank could tie up all of its loanable funds in loans to launch "promising" enterprises which might or might not succeed. In short, conservative banking is always the better banking. ' ' The First National Bank "A Departmentized Bank" MEMBER OREGON BANKERS ASSOCIATION. WOoirrsinx rooms-27tin!t rooms al 3.1.50 rfoiy, 118 m U, ISO at 11.50, 107 ol tS.Ml 5.S0, 48 ai 16. DoukU room IS lo 18 daily. NTHr.Tnwr.n Luxurious Suites ll2rnl20rtWy,iireRnu 5 lo il2jiiyrir, 7 to 115 rfouW Workmanship TELLS TITERS Is a definite air of distinction about the suit that has been tailored to meas ure, cut from an exclusive fabric, accurately fit, beautiful ly hand-needled. Suits and O'coats from $25 up 123 E. Main Upstairs "I Telephoned We Would Be There At Six" 0 A COURTESY CALL M ANY disappointments and sometimes embar rassmentresult from "just dropping in" on folks. 'A telephone call is so quick and reassuring that most -people think of it not only As a courtesy due others, but a real convenience to themselves and it costs little. 'Anyone, anywhere, any time from your own telephone, or from public telephones conveniently located everywhere. Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Southern Oregon 21