BEDFORD MATT) TRIBUNE, FEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, XOYEMBER 25, 1932. PAGE FIVE 6 SLAIN, 1 1 HURT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FINAL APPEAL FOR By T E TRIBUTI Great News for Boys and Girls ENJOYED BY MANY 'Felt Funny in Head' After . Holdup by Negroes Enraged Man Leaves Trail of Slaughter in . Seattle SEATTLE. Not. 25. (AP) An ex planation for the ghastly slaying of six men and wounding of 11 others with a knife came from the Hps of Julian Marcellno. Filipino laborer, au thorities said today, with his confes sion that be had "felt funny in the head." x Overpowered at the end of a trail In which he had left bodies of bis dying and wounded victims In an area of several square blocks yester day afternoon, before he was oaptured, the 30-year-old maddened man lapsed Into a sullen silence, when Jailed. Finally, In the presence of police officers and coroner's deputies shortly after midnight, they said, he burst out In an attempt to explain his murderoua deeds, a crime which had claimed a greater toll of life than any public catastrophe here in many years. "I was held up Wednesday night by three colored men," they quoted him aa saying, "and I lost 200. After wards I went to the Midway hotel and stayed with Plto Oualto. "I got up at 9:30 a. m. yesterday morning and went up to the hospital to visit my cousin and when 'I re turned to the hotel 100 I had hidden In a sack was missing. Re questioned his companion, Gu lato. the confession said, but was told that oulato didn't know where the money was. T than fait, rflfforimt tO thft WSV usually feel. I felt funny In the head. I stabbed Plto. He was lying on the bed. I went over and hit him once." Continuing his account of the trail of slaughter which that killing oegBn he related briefly his deeds until h -.A..v,t Via fnV,hari K nilBrO." "But I didn't remember anything else," he added. i reei oevvor u w n.V.Ila afc t.hfl CitV hOSDltal, physicians held out some hope for the life of Antone acnuier, ia, wnu mu i .t.v.v,.,4 mm) seriously of the 11 who were wounded and not killed. At the city morgue, on me i i. ..Via bodies f two ubitvr j - elderly white men and four Filipinos, Tlctlms of the killer s rage tn.a jlasrf Warn W. J. Morris, 60, a grocery store proprietor. Frank Johnson, 65, a bystander. Plto Oualto, Filipino, 80. Bernardino Bonlta, Filipino, 35. Jimmy Olnlmez. Filipino, 35. William Tanador, Filipino, 38. uunnhiu 11 nthnra. one a Jaoa nese woman, were In hospitals with stabbing wounds in their cheats and .v.n..iiT- iflhfwi bv the two seven- inch knives which the crazed man had fashioned from a rinpino doio and used In his murderous cou. Among them were Hans Sjogren, 50, in tii -houlder. Tom Takoff, 47, with wounds In his chest and Ta Jlta Maca. 36. a Japanese woman with shoulder wounds. SOLDIERS, REPORT SHANGHAI. Nov. 25. (AP) Japa nese trooos were accused In a Chinese foreign office communique today of the massacre of 270(1 Chinese villagers in northern Manchuria recently. The document said a Japanese de ) tachment ordered the inhabitants of tEhe villages of Plcg Ting-San, Chlen ihin-Pae and Lltsekou, near Fushun, to assemble in a ditch outside Ping Ting-San. The mass killing followed, the troops using machine guns to mow down the mass of screaming villagers, the communique said, adding that Japanese nationals were given the land the villagers had owned. The announcement Bald the villag ers were taken to the ditch with the explanation that they were suspected .of harboring and co-operating with volunteer Chinese troops and said the Japanese promised a reward if the suspects were found Innocent, then sent troops into the towns to Invest! gate. At the same time, the communique asserted, ten or more machine guns were placed In shooting position 70 yards from the ditch. At that point, said the document, the Chinese, suspecting something besides an investigation, broke ranks and some started to run, and the ma chine guns opened fire. It added that 160 escaped with alight wounds, that 60 or 7u died try ing to flee, "while Infants, children and others not killed by bullets, were '- bayoneted." The Chinese statement said Japa nese soldiers piled the corpses In a hues heap, covered them with oil soaked fuel, and burned the bodies to ashes. The Japanese were charged with then alloting the farms of the vil lagers to Japanese. Red.kln Acquitted. PORTLAND, Not. 25. yP) Silas Barklay, Klamath Indian, was ac quitted today In federal court here of a charge of assault with a dan gerous weapon on the Klamath res ervation. Barkley was accused of having attacked Benson John and Jesse Kirk, Indians, with a rifle. When needini duplicating tales books. (Itt-packt or fan-fold cain register forms, ledger sheets for' Bookkeeping machines or any other kind of printing dnn't o-der from )ut-of-tou firms and pif more prune 75 and one oi our rep reteataurea will ceil. Thanksgiving service held at the Pint Church of Christ, 6c lent lit, Medford, yesterday wu well attended. The service opened with the singing of hymn 357, "Too Thee, Our Lov ing Father, God, a Gladsome Song Begin." The first reader then read the president's Thanksgiving proclama tion and a scriptural selection taken from Psalms 107-108. The congregation was then re quested to Join In a few moments of silent devotion, followed by the au dible repetition of the Lord's Prayer with Its spiritual interpretation as given In the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Ba ker Eddy. Hymn 342, "This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made," followed. The subject of the lesson sermon was "Thanksgiving," the Golden Text being from Psalms 09:80. "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanks giving." One of the Scriptural passages contained In the lesson sermon was from the 108th Psalm: "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad In it." One of the correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook was as follows, from page 3 : "We plead for unmerited pardon and for a liberal outpouring of benefactions. Are we really grateful for the good already received ? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more. Gratitude Is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech." Following a solo entitled "Blessing" by Pearl G. Curran, brief testimonies expressing gratitude for fruits of healing, progress, and regeneration as the result of the application of Christian Science were given by members of the congregation, The closing hymn was 374, "We j Thank: Thee and We Bless Thee," i after which the first reader read the 1 Scientific Statement of Being from the Christian Science text book and the correlative scripture according to I John, 3:1-3. The benediction from I Chronicles, 28:18 concluded the ser vice. Saw Nearly Severs Body of Mill Hand EUGENE, Nov. 25. () Sawed nearly Jn two when he fell Into a saw at the mill of the Western Lum ber Co. at Weetflr Wednesday, Wil liam Sorenson Is in a Eugene hos pital. His condition Is grave. Sore n. son was caught In the saw which cut across his abdomen, sever ing arteries and causing great loss of blood. Marshall-Smith -Leonard, cor. Main and Grape, have some good bargains In greeting cards. Drop in early for best selections. Indexed Dickson Bibles. Tel. 745-H. . . these Savory Squares of Cracker Goodness Oven-fresh... that's a quality that wins ' every good cook's approval. And it's the reason your grocer sells Snow Flakes, those savory squares of cracker goodness so fast. Salads taste better when accompanied by a big plate of oven-fresh Snow Flakes ...their true wheat flavor adds much to a bowl of soup. And all this oven -freshness of Snow Flakes is ( brought to you at an economy price ... in the familiar big, red packages., .that are hurried to your grocer from the nearby "Uneeda Bakers" bakeries. Don't ask for crackers say Sndw Flakes in the familiar red package . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY" Hii.Ma.EMrTrarg3 In the annual Bed Cross roll call drive, which la nearlng an end to day, the solicitors have been unable to contact all persons and Issued the request today that all with some thing to give, who have not been approached, leave the contribution at Red Cross headquarters In the Jackson county court house. The demand for funds is constant ly Increasing and the response In Medford and outlying communities has not been as great as anticipated. Reports from Central Point, however, shojr that that town has Increased Its membership this year and given more than previously, realizing that the need is greater. Leaders of the drive hope that to day's solicitation will bring .Jackson county over the top again, maintain ing her good reputation and insuring funds for the relief work, which roust be done during the coming season. The Red Cross headquarters are lo cated on the first floor of the county court house and there will' be some one in the office throughout the day to receive donations. LABORATORY TESTS CHECK EFFICACY OF KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN Show Why This Delicious Cereal Overcomes Common Constipation There are scientific reasons fot the success of All-Bran in pre venting end relieving common con stipation. Laboratory investigations snow mat it supplies "BulK" to ex ercise the intestines; and vitamin B to promote appetite, and help tone uie intestinal tract. These two important food-ele ments aid regular habits, and help do away with the' headaches, loss of appetite and energy, so often the result oi constipation. The "bulk" in All-Bran is mild in action much like that of let tuce. Inside the body, it forms a soft mass, which gently clears the intestines oi wastes. Isn't this pleasant "cereal wav" far more healthful than using pills huu mugo ov uiLeii nauib-iornungi Just eat two tablespoonfuls of Kellogg's daily enough for most types oi constipation. If not re lieved this way, see your doctor. Besides. All-Bran brines vour body twice as much blood-building! iron as an equal amount by weight oi Deei liver. Special cooking processes make All-Bran finer, softer, more palat able. Equally tasty as a cereal, or used in cooking. Recipes on the rea-ana-green pacxage. Bom By all grocers. Made Dv Kellomr in Battle I - M I It.?,. 111 1 I W V ) V ' . W Ji X I I Shtt Wants Snntn Tn Rrincr L XJV Hej FOR THE SKI JUMPER skis are the glftl These edge grain yellow pine skis will zip down r'!lM.L...$1.10 TABLE TENNIS SETS Will keep the "gsng" at home I 4 rackets, 8 balls, 66 Inch net with metal $ 1 Q Q clamps l.s27 GIVE ROLLER SKATES to the boy or girl who can't sit still I . These have ball bear- q q lngs, leather straps.... IvOC DOLLIE'S A PRINCESS When he rides In this fully equip ped buggy of loom woven fiber. Hand . a j aa brake. $4tc0 TEA TIME TOR TOYS Alum inum set a dainty 98c table for the children VUtt Montgomery Ward & Go. "WARD'S the gift store for all the family'1'' 117 So. Centra. sc. Dolls - U.) Eyes will shine like stars when they see these wonderful dolls! Sweet little go-to-sleep tot. with bobbed mohair wig. 0 Inches tall with a composi tion body... 25J She sleeps and cries, la 3 feet tall, and hrta long real hair curls and lashes Dressed for a party I She sleeps and cries and her arms are In side J0"1'1 $i,9g A little 10 In. Oherub dressed- like "real." Tilting 'head and Jointed arms and legs -49 fit:' FOR RAINY DAYS Or any day, these Indestructible Black boards are fine. , Erasers and . chalk jh n njj Included 3 THESE DOLL DISHES The very oses ahe's so excited about. A grand assortment In 49c bright aluminum.. "WHAT'LL WE PLAY!" Olve them this Carrom Board, and rou'U never be An nn asked that again. J3.i0 . $3.95 La - Wi JUST LIKE MOTHER'S This iron gives dollle's laundry that "hot clean smell. A ffi Tip-up stand p JL .UU MECHANICAL THRILLERS Wind them, and watch the fun. It's the grown-ups that will be playing on the floor. - 98c STREAM LINE BIKE BmaU feet will work these airplane fender shsped rubber pedals In delight. g s a Red. J 1 . 1 i7 Medford, Ore. opens SATURDAY at WARD'S B 1 And what a magio place it 1st "Alice" In her "wonderland" would envy you the thrill SAN TA'S set for YOU in this Modern T0YLAND I Here are Speeding TRAINS, Elecrtrio ENGINES, CYCLES and TRUCKS, and AUTOMOBILES SKYSCRAPERS, built with ERECTOR Sets, AEROPLANES that really fly, BOATS to Float, GUNS and BOWS and ARROWS, DOLL DISH ES, PAINTS, TOOLS, and more All the ANI MALS on parade I DOLLS from everywhere. Dome to see all the things you want on your Christmas tree. You'll he glad you've been as good as you could he I FOR BRAVE SCOUTS This two gun holster set will help him fight his "play" foes. Dummy cartridges for safety 49c BALLS TO PLAY WITH Biff soft, bright colored balls that even Baby can throw, and catch. Many sizes, cy colors From fajC up THIS TRAIN TRAVELS IX spoeds over It rigure 8 track, through tunnels and nn put the semaphore- "OC 0w r, Kids! See Santa Claus in person at WARD'S SATURDAY from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. SEE THE "AUTOBILE" Christmas Isn't up-to-date un less there's such a car parked under the n nn Tree. PJa70 A STEEL COASTER. It's got everything! Balloon tires, roll er bearing wheels and la cherry colored. $3.49 WALKER OR PLAT CAB I won't tip, and as baby grows, take off back of seat and make a Play $4.19 Car. Phone 286