Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 22, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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Local and
Here from Ashland Mr. and tin.
B. B. Ball of Asnland transacted
business la Medford yesterday after
noon. Undergoes Operation Mr. Saint
Germain of Central Point underwent
an operation at the Community hos
pital this morning.
Shell Officials Representing the
Shell Oil company, with headquar
ters In Eugene, Wilson Rich, W. It.
Meyer, S. Stanton and Charles Spears
were business visitors here.
Leave for Orovllle Mr. and Mrs.
, O. H. Williams and daughter Ilda,
accompanied by Ray Andrews, are
leaving tomorrow tor Orovllle, Cal.,
where they will spend the Thanks
giving holidays.
Alenderfer Fined O. O. Alenderfer
was today fined 5 In Justloe oourt
for falling to stop at the stop sign
on East Msln and Riverside avenue,
Sunday. Alenderfer waa arrested by
state police.
From Eagle Point Mrs. Roy Stan
ley, Mrs. S. E. Rowlett and daughter.
Miss Hattle Howlett, were among
residents of the Eagle Point district
in Medford yesterday for the funeral
of John Cox.
Trace of Rain The federal weather
bureau, located at the Medford mu
nicipal airport, reported this morning
that between p. m. yesterday and
ft a. m. today, only a trace of rain
was recorded.
Dance Thursday Members of the
Medford fire department were today
completing plans for their dance In
the Oriental gardens Thanksgiving
evening. Musle for the evening Is to
be furnished by Ike Porter's seven
pleos band.
From Portland Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Keller of Portland, all of the Benson
hotel In that city, were overnight
visitors In Medford, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Clemenson a the
Jackson hotel.
Webb's Father Dies George D.
Webb of Lamport's store received a
telegram this morning, carrying the
news of the death of his father, Wil
liam Webb, 73, at the family home tn
Honeoye Falls, N. T. The funeral
will be held Wednesday.
Attend Funeral All Daughters of
TJnlon Veterans of the Civil war have
been requested to attend the funeral
of Comrade Alexander Pottenger.
which will be conducted from the
Conger Funeral parlors Wednesday
afternon at 3 o'clock.
And now comes
the day when every
member of the family
turns his thoughts to
We want to suggest a
few Fluhrer products
which we will have on
Bread for
6 Varieties of
Dinner Rolls
Plum Pudding
Pumpkin or
Mince Pies
Doughnuts -All
Cakes and
All these of course have
the traditional quality
cf ail of Fluhrer 's Pro
ducts. The finest the
market affords.
ROXY - 10c
Dally Mil. 1:30. Eve. 7 p. m.
Saverin Battery Service
Mfdrord Mad Batteries
e-rolt. 13-plate. I fear guaran
tee. 13 SO
Re-wound armatures tl op
Rr rht. Mt. Oar Make tie
133 N. Rlrriie Phone 133s
Leave for South Mr. and Uz. M
B. Chsse of the Tablt Rock district
srs leaving today for Palo Alto, CJ
where they expect to spend a few
On Vlilt Miss Eleanor Maule t la
Medford from Portland, attending to
business matters and calling on rela
tive and friends. She reported being
glad to be back at her former home.
Here for the Day C. H. Hamilton
of San Francisco Is spending today in
Medford as the guest of August f.
Johnsen of the Standard Oil com
pany. Mr. Hamilton Is en route to
Portland, Seattle and Spokane.
Needs Lights Cleave F. Kendall, ar
rested for driving a truck without
clearance lamps, was fined 10 In
Justice court today. The fine was
suspended by the Judge. Kendall was
arrested Sunday by state police on
the Pacific highway.
Trial Is Bet: The trial of Glen V.
Robinson,- ch&rged with allowing an
habitually vicious dog to run at
large, was set for November 80. at
10 o'clock. The complaint was filed
by Beulah H. Richardson. Hearing
was held this morning in Judge Glenn
O. Tcylor's court.
Taken to Hospital Mrs. a. A. Page
of Fort Klamath, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. N. O. Smythe and sister
of Lois Smythe of 928 South Central
avenue, has been taken to the Dr.
Coffee hospital in Portland. She was
accompanied north by her husband
and mother,
Called to Wallace Mrs. George
Taber of Wallace, Ida., who was call
ed to Medford by the serious Illness
of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Dixon of
the Jacksonville highway, left this
morning for her home In Idaho. She
received a telegram yesterday, stat
ing that her mother-in-law had died
In Wallace.
Guest In City Those from Port
land, who are guests at hotels, here,
include James Cooke, W. A. Wlest, C.
E. Zollinger, George Dutton, J. R.
Russell, M. I. Ryckman, Dudley Al
len, Mrs. O. J. Hill, O. B. Ball, C. W.
Walls, O. S. End era. C. B. H II la burg.
W. M. Clark and L. E, Larsen.
Little Girl Improved Little "MlM
June Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Cook, who right eye was serM
ously cut with a. butcher knife at
their home at Gold Hill, was report
ed resting easily at the Community
hospital today. While the sight Is
destroyed, the attending physician Is
making every effort to keep the eye
in the socket and no serious devel
opments had resulted to Interfere
today. The little girl Is six years old.
Acting Chief Ranger According to
word received at the Crater Lake na
tional park offices, Don C. Fisher,
transferred from here this summer
to the Colonial national monument
at Torktown, Va has been promoted
to assistant chief ranger, and at the
present time Is acting chief ranger.
Fisher was formerly an Instructor In
Klamath Union high school, and had
been with the park service as a ran
ger In the summer for the past five
or six years.
From the South With their resi
dences listed In California, the fol
lowing names appear on the hotel
registers of the city: Thomas A.
Sandoe of Alameda, W. E. Smith of
Yreka, A. E. Holcomb of Los An
geles, E. B. Skeels of Auburn, O. H.
MoCutchans of Mt. Shasta, Emory
Llston and E. W. Harvey of Chlco,
and the following of San Francisco:
L. O. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Jackson, Irwin Hanok. Mr. and Mrs.
B. H. Williams, O. W. and B. L.
Wells Returns Cal C. Wells, dep
uty United States marshal, returned
to Medford by train this morning
from Portland, where he took Vera
Oberly of Portland and John Mc
Reynolds of Redding. The two were
bound over to the federal grand Jury
on liquor charges by E. W. Madison,
U. S. commissioner In Grants Pass.
Bond was set at $2500 each. Oberly
was arrested Friday morning by Fed
eral Prohibition Agent Cyrus A. Herr.
with 138 gallons of alcohol and 34
pints of liquor. McReynolds had
four kegs of scotch malt, the officers
Adults ISO
Elda So
mms Dunn
e!e:ted Short Subjects
j Improper License Jack Sanderson,
arrested this morning by state police
on charges of Improper license plates,
reserved his plea until 10 o'clock to
morrow morning.
Fined $10 John S. Owens wss
fined 110 In Judge Glenn O. Taylor's
court today for having Improper li
cense plates. He was arrested by
state police this morning.
Stop In Medford S. M. Calkins and
P. A. Miller of Eujtene are among the
out-of-town guests registered here
from points in the state, as are O.
M. O'Malley of Roseburg, A J. Mont
gomery snd D. J. McLellan of Salem
and H. L. Wright of Orants Pass.
Cream prices soared SV4 cents today.
going from 37o to SO Via California
dairymen, whose respects in the
summer were clouded by 17 cent quo
tations for their cream, bad a consid
erably brighter prospect with cream
i3c above the June low.
Butter and eggs Jumped today to a
new high price here for the year.
The Los Angeles Produce Exchange
quoted prime butter at 38 cents per
pound, one cent above yesterday's
price and four cents higher than a
week ago. while eggs were 32 cents
per dozen, half a cent above last
week's price.
PEIFING, China, Nor. 33. (AP)
Fresh hopes for the safety of the Rev.
Bert Nelson, who has been a captive
of bandits for two years, and who re
cently was reported dead, were raised
In dispatches from Hankow today.
United States Consul General
Adams at Hankow reported to the
legation here that Chinese bad eeen
Mr. Nelson alive on October 6 this
year. This date Is two months later
than the one on which missionary
sources based their conclusion that
Mr, Nelson waa slain.
NEW YORK, Not. M. () The
World-Telegram said today that Sal
mon Levlnson of Chicago, attorney
for the Robins family, announced
that Carl Byrd Fisher, the 12-year-old
Whltter, N. C, boy who led authori
ties to the whereabouts of the miss
ing Col. Raymond Robblns, would
receive a "substantial reward from the
Robins family."
Toung Fisher was a pupil In Col.
Robins' Sunday school class In Whit
tier. Part of Valued
Manuscript Lost
NEW YORK. Not. 33. (JPi One-
third of the original manuscript of
sir waiter Scott's novel, "Ouy Man
nerlng." owned by J. P. Morgan, has
been stolen from the Scott centenary
exhibit In the library at Columbia
The manuscript, bound In three
leather Tolumes, was lent to the
centenary exhibit by the financier.
Shorter Week Idea
Gains Endorsement
PORTLAND, Ore, Nor. 33. (IP)
The principle of a ahorter work week
was endorsed and temporary sus
pension of the minimum wage scale
was agreed upon by directors of the
4-L organization at a closed meeting
here last night. Suspension of the
minimum wage scale In mills and
lumber oamps will be tor six months
THURSDAY M'f'Sa VjtfcL- " ? -UA4
l 11 ADULTS J'SH'T'li' 'a
j d !LUVf . 20C 1 jtJ IS I 1 $ "j
(I : Chuckle ANYTIME , a 1 1 I 1 f
i and M Wlfi Gnu I L I I
A Cheer 3ULbU U
J,V am J iJZ- 0R
Vrooeih i pf ii j gUJjj
V .mm i rin in'-i also FEATURING
fl ! Th,ltUm Betty COMPSON
1,1 I i A I other Shorts Claudia C L l
f ai3 l"" J"' Tom Douolast Wheeler Oal'itn
Holly Star
Ion' 1-
! LVl
Gullly or Not Guilty." which l
showing at the Holly today and to
morrow features Betty Compton,
Claudia Dell and Tom Douglas,
Adolph Menjou Star
Picture At Rialto
"Bachelor's Affairs with Adolphe
Menjou In the leading role and Joan
Marsh, Minna Combe 11 and Arthur
Pierson In featured parts opposite
him, Is at the Rialto theater for to
day and tomorrow.
."Bachelor's Affairs" tells the story
of the hot water a confirmed bachelor
finds himself In when he marries a
young "hot-cha.M
For added measure the Rialto has
a two-reel comedy, "Oh, Oh, Cleo
patra," Snapshots, and a news reel.
Fast Moving Comedy
On Craterian Screen
A suave, fast-moving comedy, of
considerable wit and charm, flashed
on the screen of the Craterian The
ater this afternoon for the first time
under the title of "Night After Night."
Taken from a story by Louis Brom
fleld called "Single Night," the film
relates, in none too serious a man
ner, the efforts of the young proprie
tor of a high-class speakeasy to In
gratiate himself with a mysterious
young lady from Park Avenue efforts
which are successful only when he re
verts to type.
A cross-section of a family, "Over
the Hill," which opens tonight at the
Studio theater, tells a double story
of romance and love. It deals with
the drama, the comedy and the pathos
of a mother and her growing brood.
It depicts the defeats and the victo
ries of a young couple starting life in
a hard and hostile world.
James Dunn and Sally Ellers, as the
young lovers, give the finest perform
ances or tneir careers.
"Horse Feathers," featuring the
rour Marx Brothers, now at the Roxy,
Is Just about the most Insanely de
lirious howl that has ever hit the
screen. It has neither rhyme nor
reason except to make audiences
lwgh until the tears roll.
Durable Jew Boy
Decisions Devlin
NEW YORK, Nov. 22. fp) Thump
ing Ben Jeby, durable Jewish boy
from the east side,' has won New
York state recognition as middle
weight champion of the world. Jeby
handed Ohicfc Devlin of Los Angeles
a neat beating at the St. Nicholas
arena last night In a 1 (J-round match
that bore title sanction from the
New York state athletic commission.
Turkey Dinner at Amy's Place.
Thanksgiving, from 1 till 6. Jack
sonville Phone 203.
(Continued tioin Page One)
quit this nonsense of thinking that
all will go well with us."
For Prithl Hepeal.
Introduced ' by President William
Green as " a loyal friend of the
working man." Davis declared for im
mediate modification of the olstead
"I came from the homes of the
workers," he said, "and X have never
seen a home broken up which had
on its table a loaf of bread, a piece
of cheese, and a bottle of beer."
Preliminaries over, the federation's
delegates today waded Into a pile of
proposed legislation Intended to Im
prove the workers' lot.
A resolution urging the federation
to form an Independent labor party
was one of 49 pieces of proposed
leirlalatlon assigned to committees by
Secretary Frank Morrison.
S, H. Hedrlck, superintendent of
the Medford schools, returned today
from the meeting of the state text
book commission, held at Salem. He
reported some new titles adopted and
very satisfactory contracts entered
with the book companies. The keen
competition now existing between
the publishing companies .has made
possible some Important reductions,
he stated.
Only one-third of the books now
used were up for adoption at this
tlm and a number of the present
texts were adopted, where the inter
ests of economy and ednctalon could
be served. The complete list will be
released through the state school
superintendent's offlco, Mr. Hedrlck
stated. The members of the com
mission are Supt. R. R. Turner of
Dallas. Dr. N L. Bossing of the Uni
versity of Oregon, Supt. Mary L. Pul
kerson of Marlon county. Superin
tendent Austin Landreth of Pendle
ton and Superintendent Hedrlck.
PARIS, France, Nov. 23. (AP)
Leon Trotzky, the exiled Russian
communist, was whisked across
France today under extraordinary po
lice supervision, but despite the
guard, two unpleasant Incidents
marked the passage through Paris.
The Russian was obviously annoy
ed by the actions of two strangers
who did not know they were mixed
up with the exile's entourage.
One stranger twice slapped the
face of one of Trotzky's companions,
a young man, at the railway station
some time before the exile's train
Growing Deaf With Head
Noises? Try This
If you are growing hard of hearing,
suffer from head noises, due to ca
tarrh or fear catarrhal deafness, you
should know of the Internal medicine
which has already brought blessed re
lief to thousands of catarrh sufferers.
Secure from Jarmln & Woods or
your druggist 1 oz. Parmlnt (Double
Strength). Take this home and add
pint hot water and a little sugar.
One tablespoonful four times a day
should bring quick relief from dis
tressing catarrhal head noises, clog
ged nostrils, difficult breathing and
dropping mucous. All threatened
with catarrhal deafness need simple,
effective Parmlnt.
left for Dunkirk, the northernmost
city of France The stranger Insist
ed lie owned two valises the young
man was guarding.
PORTLAND. Nov. 32. (AP) A war
in which no quarter will be given has
been declared on drunken drivers in
Portland. City and county officials
declared today that every effort will
be made to remove the menace from
the highways.
It was pointed out that repeal of
the dry law tn no way affects the
state law making drunken driving a
Dr. K. B. McDanlel, president of the
Oregon State Motor association said
that the organization has been called
on several times to assist In clearing
drunken drivers from charges. On
uie contrary, he said, the association
will use every means to obtain con
victions. Will Attend Funeral Members of
the Women's Relief Corps are re
quested to attend the funeral serv
ices for Comrade Pottenger, which
will be held at the Conger Funeral
chapel on Wednesday afternoon at 3
Regular communication of
rwPfos Wednesday evening. Not. 33,
at 8 o'clock. Visiting mem
bers welcome.
HAITI E M. ALDEN, Secretary.
Desirable bouses 'always In first
class condition for rent, lease or sale
Can 105
FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-months -Old
registered Guernsey bull. John
Nansen, Rt. 3, Box 18. Tel. 589-J-5.
FOR RENT e acres Improved; house,
bams, alfalfa, etc., $20 month. Tel.
842, Jacksonville.
FOR RENT 4 -room modern furnish
ed house, 618 No. Bartlett.
FOR RENT 2 houses, furnished with
overstuffed. Close In. Tel. 1288-J
EXCHANGE OR SALE Buzs saw. fl-h-p.
gas engine and shingle mill.
Also will trade new lumber for
good car or yoxtng Guernsey bull.
Roy Johnston, Applegate, Ore.
NOTHINO maX re your Christmas
package smell sweeter than a
sachet of home-grown lavender, 25c 1
and B0c Also have lavender coat- :
hangers. 20 S. Peach St.
f"f AA Vow lhoulI be Ideal '
OODlU tlme ite poultry
T business on this stock-,
ed and equipped poultry farm lo- i
cated about one mile south of I
. Phoenix on the Pacific highway;
3 seres paid-up water right; seeded I
to bluegrass and clover: splendid '
drainage. Modern B-room plastered
home, concrete basement, electric
automatic pump, garage and wood- ;
shed, 4 laying houses, 1 Incubator ;
house, 1 brooder house, 13 lncu
b tors, 4 broodert, 160 selected
hens. One of the beat poultry
farms In southern Oregon. Tot til
price $3500.00;; terms. See Charles
A. Wing Agency. Inc. exclusive
' agents.
National Utah
Hot n Bard
Car Doe About Not. 26
Tel. 631
The Parker Pen Company Announces:
f accepted Qs j
Look at these liberal allowance t
$5 DuofoldorLadyDuofold Pen,
only 3 - anal an old pea
3.7S Pencil to match,
only - and an old pencil
U.2S Ladj Duofold Pencil,
only - and an old pencil
17 Parker Duofold Sr. Pen,
only - and an old pen
U.2S Pencil to match,
only 3 - and an old pencil
$10 Duofold D. Luis Pen,
only 7? and an old pen
IS Do Lux Pencil to match.
only 4
and an
(Continued from Page One)
(Dr. Mark A, Ortffln, psychiatrist In
charge of the case) and ssld, 'Doctor,
I am Raymond Robins and this Is
my wife, Margaret Dreler Robins.' "
Mra. Robins said her husband's
"behavior waa not unusual for a vic
tim of amnesia," the condition In
which the family and physicians said
Colonel Robins was found.
"Of course I know," she said, "that
there are alwaya people who are In
clined to be suspicious In cases like
She said she still knows of no rea
son why Colonel Robins should de
sire to disappear.
Brigadier Oeneral Stanley H. Ford,
military attache at Paris, was ordered
When lights are,
. passion flames
Football Fans
Southern Pacific
Extremely Low
Round Trip Rate
Medford to Portland
and Return
Good In Chair Can, Tourist, and Standard Sleeper!
Regular Sleeper Sates
Sale Date, Nov. 23rd
Return Up To and Including Shasta From Portland
8 a. tn., Nov. 28th. Phone 34 '
old pencil
ramer reerrvBs me
time. The Parker
by the war department today to com
mand of the fifth brigade at Van
couver Barracks, Washington.
Fog and Cold Hit
Portland Region
PORTLAND, Ore, Not. 12IJP,
Accompanied by a penetrating fog,
temperatures skidded downward here
during the night to a new low of 37
degrees for the season to dst. Tho
chill was general over the northwest.
Today and Wednesday
"Bachelor's Affairs"
A Riotous Comedy-Romance
Joan Marsh Minna Gombetl
"Oh, Oh, Cleopatra"
Snapshots - - News
MATS, fl ll
is lyi
and iSts M W J
EVES, i , fLYl
l Ml (111
A Timely Trade-in Sale
for the New Term of School
and the New Business Upturn
To reduce reUiW stocks for lata fall and Christmas
shipments, Parker offers you a 11.25 to $2.60 cash
allowance for your old pen on the new streamlined
Parker Duofold Pen, or 76c to $1.00 for an old mechani.
cal pencil on a fine new streamlined Duofold Pencil.
The Duofolds offered are NOT discontinued models,
but Parker's finest and latest exclusive jewel-Uk
colors In non-breakable Permanl'e Sea Green and
Black, Black and Pearl, Black, Jade, and others all
gold mounted, and all with Parker's super-smooth,
'special-order Duofold point, extra Ink capacity, and
quick-starting, non-clogging feed.
The Pens and Pencils you trade In do not have to be
Parkers. We only require that the old pen have a 14k
gold point.
So ransack the home and office for old pens and
pencils. Take them to the nearest pen counter, trade
them in, like cash, and walk out with a brand new
Parker Duofold Pen or Pencil, or both. But hurry
ngni to wunaraw tnis otrer at any
Pen Co., Janesville, Wisconsin,