Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 15, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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Medford to Be Football
Center of State Saturday
As Teams Clash for
Right to Play Portland
Hood Diver high school's football
quad, opponent of Medford, south
ern Oregon conference champions, on
Van Scoyoc field next Saturday after
noon the winner to play Jefferson
blgh of Portland Thanksgiving day,
for the mythical state title. Till be
cheered by 800 of their home folks.
They will come by Southern Pacific
and by auto.
Tickets were placed on sale here
and in Grants Pass, Ashland, and
Klamath Falls today for the banner
athletlo attraction of the year In the
southern part of the state.
Dalles Protest Ignored
Reports from Portland today Indi
cated that the state high school ath
letlo association will pay no attention
to the eleventh hour protest filed by
The Dalles against Swanson, 180
pound fullback of the Appleplckers.
Bwanson Is the mainstay of the In
vaders, along with Ordway and But
ton, two big tackles, and Thurner,
I Grande and The Dalles, title
claimants will play a post-season
game, and Lake View high, enthused
by a lfl-0 victory over Ashland, Mon
day, came forth, wlfh state title
boasts. It, too, has an unbeaten
record. '
Tum-Out to Greet Visitors
The Hood Elver team will arrive
greeted by the high school band and
here Saturday morning and will be
student body. They will have a secret
workout before the game.
Hood River has played eight games
v this season, winning all, as follows:
Hood River 27; Roosevelt, Portland
Hood River M; Goldendele 0.
Hood River 13; Oregon City 0.
Hood River 60; Mora 0.
White Salmon 13; Hood River 0.
Hood River 1; The Dalles 0.
Hood River 7: Chemawa 0.
' Hood Coach Young
Hood River's annual big game Is
with The Dalles, which this year end
ed In a scoreless tie. Afterwards the
state high association declared Hood
River b winner, because The Dalles
played an Ineligible plsyer. Intense
and bitter rivalry exists between the
two schools.
Hood River Is coached by James
Oarr, a 38 year old mentor, who has
drive and personality.
The Medford squad will go through
rigorous course of sprouts this
week, but MI near and Olllnskl will
Indulge only In light practice until
liey have recovered from colds, which
slowed them up In the University
blgh game.
Local interest In the game Is
mounting, and a crowd of close to
6000 will be In attendance. Medford
will be the football capital of the
state next Saturday as there Is state
wide Interest In the battle.
The Elks' bowling Juggernaut rolled
over the Oatee Auto outfit, to take
an three gamea In their Olty Bowling
league match Inst night. Prultt, Dia
mond and Bads of the lodgemen were
bright stars of the evening.
The Butchers and Barber battle to
night. Scores!
Pruett, R,
891 043 888
Gates Auto.
VC. Cannon
J. Moore
H. Price
O. Baylor
O. Oatee
148 140 183480
180 1S8 101807
, 188 184 133445
, 144 184 133441
, 143 15S 187458
, 58 85 88
807 828 831
FREE Pioneers snu descendants
photographed without charge for
pioneer hlatorlcal collection
Sorted Delicious apples, 40c; Nellts,
tee. Bring your boxes. Medford
Warehouse. Phone 618.
tTrw MM trine Drive Ont PoIsodb,
That Caime Torturing HMrfnfM,
Swelling and Lnmenem
You cannot get rid of rheumatic
armies and pains. Neurit!, Lumbago,
Stiffness, lame knotted muerlea and
pslnful swollen Joints till you drive
from your system the Irritating pol-
sons that cause rheumatism. That's
why external treatments only give
temporary relief.
What you need Is TtTJ-MA. the new
Internal medicine that acts on the
liver, kidneys and blood, and helps
expel throueh the natural channels
of elimination, these dangerous poi
sons. Ho long waiting for your suffering
to stop Rn-MA eases pain first day
and gives rheumMIe sufferers such
ssfe and lasting relief from their
stiffening, crippling lameness and
torturing pln that It Is recommend
ed by druggists everywhere.
Jarmln 8c Woods urges every suf
ferer to get a 81.00 bottle of RU-MA
today, and agrees to return the pur
chase price If It does not free them
from all their aches and pains of
171 308 104 870
. 140 173 144488
Rankin, H. 133 144 178 (S3
Diamond, F. 177 :no 170848
Eads, O. 334 IBS 137 854
Handicap 88 38 88
Dalles, Hood River and
LaGrande in Squabble
Over Player Elegibility
HOOD RIVER, Ore., Not. 16. (AP) J. L, Breckenrldge, superintendent
of schools here, declared today that If Tom Bwanson, high school star. Is a
tec-term student and therefore Ineligible, the school knows nothing about
It Bwanson formerly attended The Dalles high.
Hood River high school has, Breck-
enrldge said, a signed official trans
orlpt Issued by The Dalles high
school two and a half years ago
which showed only one semester with
414 points earned. .
"It was on this official transcript
that Hood River was playing Bwan
son thf year," the superintendent
said. "The matter Is being Investi
gated and if The Dalles records show
that he was In attendance at The
Dalles for a longer period than that
attested to In their official trans-
script, Swanson will not play aglnat
"Today brought forth the first evi
dence of bis being nore than a seven-
term student and Hood River au
thorities were greatly surprised at
the charges, since they had accepted
at face value the official transcript
sent them by The Dalles.
"In all probability this will not
mean the forfeiture of past games
since he was not knowingly played
as an ineligible."
formal protest sgalnst the eligibility
of Tom Bwanson. Hood River high
school fullback, was filed Monday
with the Oregon State High School
Athletlo association. T,hls action fol
lowed within a few days a success
Hamas Injured
Goes To Hospital
knee Injury threatens to end the box
ing career of Steve Hamas, promising
young heavyweight from New Jersey.
Uamw wrenched Jigamente In hts
knee several months ago and spent
six weeks In the hospital. An opera
tion was performed, but the Injury
failed to respond to treatment. '
Forced to the fistic sidelines, Hamas
was returned to his first athletlo love,
football. . A star at Penn State, he
now Is coaching Montauk high
school's eleven.
SALEM, Nov. 18. (P) Whitman
and Willamette university football
teams will battle here Saturday for
second place In the Korthwest con
Whitman hao lost to Willamette
only once and has never finished
lower than, second In the Northwest
- '
Phone 84a, we'll haul away your
refuse. Olty Sanitary Service,
:ltj. THEBATnS?''
HASTINGS 1066 A. D. H-.,"V? i V?Vtt25w II
1 "Nature In the Raw" as portrayed 1 J Ihsl jP vS"? . -W w
j & J Scott Williams . . . inspired 'MMff$Mfy7M tmZT11 3 ll .
by the surging fury of the Norman v l1.!; ' ' ' i W.' l?HJ,OfcY. 3J "
s j hordes under William the Con- BTrr W - TfcM
qucror, in their merciless onslaught ,4 " j ?s3tf """"-a. ""xSr Myr
1 against the English in the Battle , jrfJJ h x'w7,nT,"!? f R
f of Hastings, October 14, 1066. $ SX &t3rt ZZ ? i
it'J "Nature in the Raw is Seldom ?;M:;Sft:fllw f v:
1 - Mild" and raw tobaccos have no I m I nS iST Jkr ''t' iy
. . tblaceincisarettes. ' .' SfK
Tb AaMa T-'s--,,,rf"
ful protest against a football player
on The Dalles team, preferred, by
Hood River.
Monday's action charged "that
Swanson Is a ten-term student. Oeo.
Starr, The Dalles fullback who was
disqualified, was ruled Ineligible be
cause he participated In a prize fight
two years ago.
The Hood River team has a game
scheduled for Saturday with Med
ford high school at Medford for the
right to meet Jefferson high of Port
land on Thanksgiving day for the
state title.
LA GRANDE, Nov, 16. (AP) Un
able to get a game either with Hood
River or Medford, La Grande high
late Monday scheduled a game with
The Dalles high school eleven, to be
played at The Dalles Friday after
noon. La Grande, determined to
press Its claim for a chance to play
Jefferson high of Portland Thanks
giving day, holds the opinion that if
the Tiger football team should prove
strong enough to defeat the Indians,
then La Grande's right to recogni
tion In the state championship race
could not be Ignored.
The Tiger squad began a short
week of intensive work for The Dalles
game yesterday afternoon.
Mat Results
(By the Associated Press)
DETROIT Wildcat McCann, 181,
Portland, Ore., won from Jack Reyn
olds, 14014, Indianapolis, two falls to
BUFFALO, N. Y. Ed Don George,
315, North Java, N. Y., threw Carlos
Henrique., 190, New York, 89:03.
PORTLAND, Ore. Using his jul
Jltsu tricks to advantage, Walter
Achlu, IDS pound Chinese matman
from Dayton, Ohio, defeated Joe Kirk,
158, New Haven, two out of three
falls here last night. In the semi
wlndup, Wildcat Fete, Eugene, took
two out of three falls from Billy Cog
gins, Tacoma. Sid Ambrose, Portland
and "Whata Man" O'Reilly, Eugene,
went to a draw la the opener.
When needing duplicating sales
Books, Oat-packs or fan-fold eash
register forms, ledger sheets
for bookkeeping machines or
any other kind of printing,
dont order from out-of-town firms
and pay more. Phone 19 and on of
our representatives will call.
(By Estill Phlnps.)
SCHOOL, Ashland, Nov. IS. (Spl.)
Two major features of the remaining
portions of the 1833 football schedule
of great Interest to southern Oregon
gridiron followers were made public
yesterday by the athletlo relations
department of Southern Oregon Nor
mal school.
The "big game" high point of each
season's sporting activity at 8. O. K.
S. the annual feud between the
Sons and their rival teachers from
Oregon Normal at Monmouth, will be
staged In Ashland this Friday.
In the announcement yesterday the
officials said that in view of the very
fine backing the Sons received from
all southern Oregon and from the number of Medford people at
the homecoming fray with Chlco
State on Armistice) day, It was felt
that the school had at obligation to
give those In this district a chance to
see 0. O. tN. 8. and Oregon Normal
play here.
After a definite decision .had been
made not to take the two teams to
Portland, the game had been slated
for Saturday, either In Medford or
Ashland. Then,- being confronted
with the conflict on that date by the
eleventh hour arrangement for a game
between Medford and Hood River
blgh schools, the 8. O. N. S. heads
showed a fine spirit of cooperation
toward providing varied gridiron en
tertalnment In this valley by conced
ing the request of Medford high
school to move the datu to Friday.
This concession to Medford will
enable southern Oregon fans to see
both their outstanding elevens In ac
tion this week-end.
The other ultimatum assures Med
ford that football will be served along
with turkey on Thanksgiving day
Should Medford win from Hood River
and Journey to Portland to meet Jef
ferson high on Turkey day, author
ities of the Ashland college announc
ed that they would continue their
policy of bringing in high class col
legiate grid teams for local appear
ances by scheduling a contest In Med
ford between Howard Hobson's great
8. O. N. 8. outfit and one of the
leading Northwest conference teams.
probably Spec Keene's Willamette
university eleven.
LA PLATA, Argentina, Not. 15.
(AP) Leon Arlsmendl, refertelng a
soccer game here yesterday, was shot
and critically wounded by Augustln
Celadllla, president of the Soccer Foot
ball club, when he refused to allow
CeladUla's team a penalty kick.
No raw tobaccos in Luckies
that's why they're so mild
WE buy the fincstithc very finest
tobaccos in all the world
but that does not explain why
folks everywhere regard Lucky
Strike as the mildest cigarette.
The fact is, we never overlook the
truth that "Nature in the Raw
is Seldom Mild" so these fine
tobaccos, after proper aging and
(By the Associated Press)
NEW YORK Kid Chocolate, Cuba,
outpointed Pete Nebo, Tampa, Fla
(10); Morrle Sherman, Detroit, out
pointed Eddie McKenna, New York
(8)i Petey Hayes, New York, out
pointed Vldai Oregorlo, Spain, (B);
Coco Kid, New Haven, Conn., stopped
Mickey Paul, New York (3).
SALT LAKE CITY George Manley,
Denver, stopped Jimmy Hanna, Poca
tello, Idaho (3).
ALLENTOWN, Pa, Danny Devlin,
Allentown, knocked out Eddie (Kid)
Whalen, New York (3): Matty White,
Philadelphia, outpointed Manny Can
dle, Mexico City (10),
Brown Wins Bout
May Quit Ring
PARIS, Nov. 19. (AP) Panama Al
Brown, generally recognized as ban
tamweight champion of the world,
was In the Amertcsn hospital today
suffering from a light attack of influ
enza after hts second-round knockout
of Spider Pladner, French bsntam
last night.
Read this paper
Friday, Nov. 18
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Sunday Morning Until 10 o'clock
Medford Warehouse
J. Garbini & Co.
339-341 Davis St,, San Franoisco
mellowing, are then given the
benefit of that Lucky Strike puri
fying process, described by the
words "It's toasted". That's
why folks in every city, town and
hamlet say that Luckies are such
mild cigarettes.
It's toasted
That package
'correctly eorseUd
Sixth Holly street
Severra Battery Service
Medford Had Batteries
-volt, lg-plste, 1 year guaran
tee, 3.S0
Re-wound armatures II up
Re-ebg. 50c Oar Make I5c
1332 N. Riverside Phone 133S
, . . All you've hoped for in a
Cough Drop medicated with
ingredients of i
king COAL
Utah's Hardest Coal
Low in ash High in heat
Laying Mash
of mild Lucklat
Medford's Own Store .
"Mann s Week" Sales
36-inch Colored Nets
A Mann's Weet special on 89-lnch colored nets. A' decorative
, glass curtaining In pastel shades, rainbow stripe effect, small
white dot patterns. Regular values to 49o yard.
Special 29c yd.
36-inch Chintzes
Tills Is our popular bedroom drapery material. 88-lnch plain
and semi-glazed chintz. Comes In a wonderful assortment
of dainty patterns and decorative colors. Ask to see this
chlnts tomorrow. '
' Special 49 yd.
36 -inch Crash Cretonne
Another outstanding drapery value for Mann's Week. 3-lneh
heavy quality crash cretonne In both light and dark back
grounds with a colorful overdeslgn. A real drapery bargain
at this low price. ,
Special 35c yd.
5 0-inch Sicilian Damask
During Mann's Week we offer our 80-lnch Sicilian drapery
damask for only 85e yard. This Is a fine quality rayon fabrle
with a rich satin brocade finish. A beautiful material for
your drapes.
Silk and Wool
Union Suits
A Mann's Week , sale of
women's and misses fine '
quality silk, and wool union
suits. These an In knee
length, long sleeve style. All
el ess to select from.
$198 suit
Children's Long Stockings
Tor these cold winter days the kiddles should have long stock
lngs. We are featuring for Mann's Week three kinds. Fine
plain and derby rib at l&o pair, mercerized llsles at. 25c pair
and rayon plated on lisle at 39c pair. All In good school shades
1 5C 25c and 39c pr.
Grand New
There's a smartness la these new
crew neck sweaters that you wont
find In others about town and 11.05
we think Is a mighty low price, spe
cially when It buys an all wool sweat
er such aa these. The colors are
green, blue, red and orange. Angora
and Zephyr, yarns are used. Sleeves
are long.
Sizes 34 to 40
Warm Wool Skirts
' Special for Mann's Week. Women's and misses' finely
tailored all wool skirts in the sesson's newest styles.
These we offer tomorrow at $3.18 each are black, brown,
navy, green and wine.
Join the
Winter's here but whafa
that got to do with new
curtain and drapery fa
brlcs. Just this we axe ,
bound to have the usual
amount of dark, rainy,
cold days when one
spends much time at
home. Inside looking out
o frame your windows
with colorful warm
drapes and cheerful cur
tains you'll find It a
splendid Investment. The
hours at home will be
happy ones with new
Special 85c yd.
Brother & Sister
Jersey Suits
Many mothers will buy
these warm wool Jersey suits
for the little folks tomorrow.
They are In clever styles In
such good coirs as red, blue,
tan, green and brown. Two
piece models. Sizes 2 to 6
Bed Cross