Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 08, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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Local and
Delphlans to Meet The Delphian
society will meet Thursday mornin?,
November 10, for regular aesalon at
the city library.
In Klamath Fallt Al Flora ol
Klamath Palls la spending aeveral
days In Klamath Falla thla week.
From Steamboat Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Hendrlckaon are In the elty
today from Steamboat and are going
back to that vicinity thla evening.
In Sacred Heart Mrs. B. Beckle
bymer of Union Creek la In the Sac
red Heart hospital here, receiving
treatment thla wwr.
Returna Today Miss Marguerite
McAllister, who haa been In Portland
for the past week, returned to Med
ford by train this morning.
Trip to Medford BUI Chrysler and
Jim Adair, both of Grants Pass, made
a trip to Medford Sunday. Qranta
Faaa Dally Courier.
Mr. Myera Returns O. V. Myers
returned today from Portland, where
he attended to bualneaa matter for
a week.
Mr. Wahl Home Having been In
Portland on business alnce Friday,
Fred Wahl, cashier of the Farmers
and Fruitgrowers' bank, returned
here by train today.
From Calgary Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Wllllama and J. Van do Lende of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, were listed
'among the guest from dlatant points
at the hotela here.
Sunday In Medford Included
among the local residents who spent
Sunday In Medford weTe Lester Pier
son, Glen Pearson and Wayne Ryan.
Grants Pass Dally Courier.
Fines! In Court D. O. Modrell of
Phoenix waa fined 5 and costs of
S4.50 in Judge Glenn O, Taylor's court
yesterday, following a collision on the
overhead bridge at Tolo. Modrell was
charged with driving a vehicle with
out an operator's license.
Committee to Meet The educa
tional committee of the Business and
Professional Women'a cjub will meet
Friday afternoon to make plana for
the coming year'a program. The
meeting has been called by MUs
Elizabeth Burr, chairman of the com
mittee. Stop at Hotels Portland folk who
apent last night In Medford were M.
X. Bowler, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Coxey,
J. Dudley Ryder, H. Warren, H.
Whitehead, G. P. Wales, Holmes B.
Qobbert, H. T. Wltworth, D. O. Wll
klns, S. P. DeGraff, Jr., and J. E.
Sophy. ,
Election Dance An "eleotlon
dance" has been announced for to
night at Dreamland hall on East
Main . street, during which returns
of the eleotlon will be broadcast at
Intervals. Music for this event will
be furnished by Ike Porter's popular
ayncopators, and a large crowd la an
ticipated. r.
House Entered Mrs. W. E. Tucker
of 611 West Fourth street reported
to the city police yesterday that when
she was away from home Sunday
evening a Bulova watch, 15 In cash
and a watch charm were taken, as
well as a pair of fur-lined gloves.
Entrance was gained through a win
dow, she reported.
Overnight Guests At the hotela
here, the Eugene guests who are list
ed Include Percy D. Hlllls, J. McKce
Gould. O. R. Coffin and Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Cleaves of Eugene, W. T. Mal-
lahan of Roaeburg, Mr. and Mrs. R.
A. Brown of Ruoh, J. W. Fltzpatrlck
of Myrtle Creek, Thomas W. Delnll,
O. C. Rawltngs and Catherine Gay-
lord of Klamath Falls.
To Conduct Meeting Rer. V. L.
Baker of Chicago arrived here by
train this morning to conduct serv
ices this evening at 7:30 o'clock In
, the Free Methodlat church. Rever
1 end Baker Is field secretary of the
missionary society for the Free Meth
odist church, and a large number of
church members and their friends
are expected to attend.
From the Bear State California
registrations at city hotels include
the following from San Francisco: a.
Allen, R. E. Lance, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Prophet, S. Shsplro, Alice ..I.
Watts and Mr. and Mrs. George R
Murphy. Others from the southern
state were Dr. E. H. Padden of Oak
land, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fink and
Mrs. W. Garrison of Balboa laland.
and W. K. Mohondro of Sacramento.
Mr. Dahack Very III The condi
tion of Ell Dahack, TO, Eagle Point
rancher who sustslned Injuries In a
minor accident last Saturday, waa
reported aa very aerlous today at the
Sacred Heart hospital. He haa not
regained consciousness since Satur
day and la believed to be suffering
v from a fractured skull. Hs fell on his
head from an auto while It was In
motion. Thinking the ear, driven by
his son. Ernest Dahack of Eagle Point,
had stopped, the old man stepped
from the machine. He was ruahed to
the hospital here and waa too ill for
a thorough examination to be made
Election Party Tonight!
Election Returns Stage and Screen Features
The Whole
Party For
Closed Today All city offices, In
cluding Justice court, were closed be
cause of today being election day.
Study Group to Meet The atudy
group of the P.-T. A. unit will meet
at a o'clock at the Jackson county
courthouse. All Interested persona
are Invited to attend.
Business Callers Mrs. S. I. Brill
of Jacksonville was transacting bual
neaa In Medford today. Other vis
itors were Wayne Hlglnbotham of
Phoenix, BUI Pentnger of Seven Oaks
and Jim Chlsholm of Gold Kill.
Return to Seattle Mr. and Mrs.
Meno Davla of Seattle, who have been
spending the past wek In Phoenix
as the guests of Mrs, Davis' mother,
Mrs. Charles McLean, has returned
to their home In the north by motor.
Fined 910 Charles Jeasman, George
Reynolds and Ole Hanson were each
fined eiO in Juatlce court yesterdsy
on charges of being drunk In a public
place. The three, arrested Saturday
night by city police were taken before
Judge Glenn O. Taylor.
Get the Limit Miss Dean Holt.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Guenther and
Ranald DeVore reported upon their
return to Medford that they killed
the limit In ducks on Upper Klamatn
lake. Sunday. The 60 ducks which
they shot in less than four hours,
weighed 135 pounds.
Announce Plans At the meeting
of the volunteer firemen last even
ing, of which 23 out of the 24 at
tended, plana were completed for the
firemen's ball Thanksgiving night at
the Oriental Gardens. Mualo Is to
be furnished by Ike Porter and his
orchestra. Moving pictures, the cour
tesy of the California Oregon Power
company, were shown at the meeting.
Will Return' Here Lee Eyerly of
Salem, flying a new F-2 Waco ship.
stppoed at the Medford airport en
route to Klamath Falla on a business
trip. He also plans to do some duck
hunting while there. Les Bowman,
flying a new model p Waco, waa also
iiymg from sslem to Klamath Falls,
and stopped over here. He la ex
pected to return to the Medford mu
nicipal airport tomorrow, en route
north. ,
On Thursday, an all-day meeting
of the W. G. T. U. will bo conducted
In the Y. W. O. A. parlors, with rep
resentatives of the Ashland and
Grant paa unions Invited to take
part in the program. Mrs. J. C.
Woods, county president, will preside
at the 10 o'clock session, with Mrs.
Jacqua leading the devotions, and
Mrs. A. E. Lyman singing a solo.
County committee chairmen will
be appointed, and plans for the com
ing year's work made. A cov
ered dish luncheon will be served at
noon, and the women are requested
to bring their own service, covered
dish and sandwiches.
At 3 o'clock the session will be in
charge of Mrs. E. A. Oldenburg, local
president. The program will Include
the devotions In charge of Mrs. S. L.
Leonard, a duet by Rev. and Mrs. E.
A. Oldenburg, a reading by Mrs. Big
ler and a solo by Mrs. J. W. Grlgsby.
Mrs. Woods will give a report of the
state convention.
In Judge Glenn O. Taylor's court
yesterday afternoon, Wilbur Sexton,
18, Harold Sloper, 19 and John Ho
duffer, 18, were sentenced to jail, on
charges of stealing turkeys. Sloper,
arrested Sunday night by city and
state officers, wae sentenced to 10,
days. Sexton to 30 days, and Hoduffer'
to 10 days. The birds were found In
Sloper'a car, according to officers, and
he waa arrested when he returned to
the machine. .
The turkeys were taken front the
Otis Garrett ranch on route '4, and
the youth- were surprised at their
thieving, Gairrett firing ehbts at them
according to officers.
Aalsant Supervisor of Rogue Blyer
national forest, Karl L. Janouch, and
his crew of 13 men were In Medford
today from Lake o' the Woods, to
rot. They planned to return to their
camp lata thla afternoon, having ar
rived here yeaterday.
The men ar constructing an office
building, a residence and a barn for
th foreat service. Mr. Janouch re
ported that It was either raining or
snowing practically all of th time
at th lake.
(Continued from Page One)
gal voting were mad In New York
and Philadelphia.
President Hoover carried hie Inten
sive campaign for re-election almost
up to hla voting hour, addressing a
station crowd at 8acramento on hla
way to Palo Alto, Cal.
Governor Roosevelt slept late and
then went for an automobile ride over
his Hudson Valley estate before cast
ing his vote at Hyde Park.
I can't believe there IS not a
speech to prepare," he remarked.
Within three hours after the polia
opened, Minneapolis waa only 18.000
votea behind the total vote of four
yeara ago. Three times the June pri
mary vote waa recorded In St. Paul
after an hour and a half of voting.
Weather conditions later slowed up
the votlnfc
In Kansas City, slushy snow and
wintry winds failed to keep the voter
away from the polla, 70.000 ,of the
235,000 registration having voted In
the first four and a half hours.
(Furnished by the Jackson County
Abstract Co. 121 B Sixth Street!
Marriage Licenses
Kenna LeRoy Qandee and Altce L.
Elbert P. Butts and Roby Norford
Samuel R. Caton and Bessie Lovet
ta Seybold. ' '
Henry C. Gallup and Kattle V.
Klrkpa trick.
Sylvester Grow and Bertha Foster.
John M. Frees and Mary B. Crowl.
'John C. Alaway and Mary Ann
Daniels. 4
Dave Biles and Amy Hammer.
William E. Houok and lola L.
Frank H. Geffert and WUhelmlne
B. WUlard Scott and Pansy Stiles.
Circuit Court
S. K. Pollard et al vs. Clarence
Wheeler, Hlldred Wheeler. To fore
close contract.
Gwen Parsons yb.-W. X. Gibson,
Alex Anderson. For money. Attach
ment filed.
, H. F. Meader vs. Lei and Morton.
Hank Motor Co. Chattel lien.
William Cotton vs. Mary I. Cotton.
To recover real property.
H. O. Purucker as Electric Wiring.
Co, vs. C. M. Cooper, Francis S. Coop
er. Lien.
Pennington Battery Service vs.
Alex Anderson. Cattel Hen.
State Industrial Aocld. Com. vs.
Suncrest Orchards, Inc. For money.
State Industrial Aocld. Com. va
Walter H Jones For money.
A. L. Cogglna vs. Allen Casebeer.
E. E. Davla vs. George Schumacher.
F. Owen Jamerson. E. F. Dunlap
assumed business name of "Standard
Neon Co.." Medford.
R. O. Stephenson, O. L. Overmyer
assumed business name of Economy
Lumber Co., Medford.
Clarence Joshua Geer, Albert Walk
er Rogers, Ernest Hugh Andrews as
sume the business name of '-'The Ore
gon Pine-eers."
A. H. Garrison, J. J. Deartng, F. J.
Danaher Incorporate aa "The Pleas
ant Placer Company."
State of Oregon vs. Alvin Myles,
Roy McCully, Ira E. Bailey. Forgery.
State of Oregon va. Bob Rose, Jack
Price. Unlawfully setting fire.
State of Oregon vs. Ralph Tremalne
Burglary not in dwelling.
State of Oregon vs. Frank, Suskl.
larceny oy Dauee.
State of Oregon vs. Virgil Burnett.
Burglary not in dwelling.
State of Oregon vs. Jos. Duane
Obtaining money by false pretenses,
State of Oregon vs. Emalte Mans
field, uck Wilson. Receiving atolen
State of Oregon va. William F,
Glayzer. Assault with Intent to kill.
Luetta Winfrey vs. Walter W. Wln-
rrey. Divorce.
Carrol I. Hays vs. Eakin Motor Co..
a corp., United States Fidelity and
Guaranty Co. Damages.
J. B. Dobbyn 'assumes business
name of "Oakdale Grocery."
Probate Court
Est. William Wehrll (dec.) Admit
ted to probate.
Rome Owned
Phone 881 r
Rome Owned e) Operated
Children So
"New Moral For 01r"
with tewls stone
Margaret Perry, Hope Crews
Also our Rant Comedy
"Fire, Fire" N'ewa
Dally Mats. 1:80. Ere. 7 p. m.
To Play Friday
i . i- f - 4
?w J -
Ikw V-
"SWKDK" A MH-: II SON, MiMiforda
contribution to Howard Hobson'a
great Southern Ore Ron Normal grid
combination. Anderson Is slated to
resume his duties as the Sons' stel
lar defensive guard against Chfco
State In the homecoming tilt after
being laid up with an Injured leg.
O. Dodge of the Medford Riding
academy today reported that an at
tendance of nearly 300 on Sunday
and over 200 on Saturday viewed the
rodeo put on over the week-end at
the Jackson county fairgrounds.
Weather conditions was the reason
for many falling to attend.
The Medford Riding academy's en
trants won three races, while Dr. O.
A. Citizen's thoroughbreds took two
of the contest. The entire show waa
said to be a aucceas, and a similar
show ta expected next sesson, ac
cording to Mr. Dodge.
A chair can make all the difference
between a forceful, Incisive character
and a placid, easy-going one.
- Bo declares Lewis Stone, who enacts
the timid business man dominated by
his children In "New Morals for Old,"
now playing at the Roxy theater.
Rose Bowl Queen
Blonde, blue eyed borothy Ed
wards will reign at the Pasadena,
Cal., New Year'a celebration which
Include an Intersections! football
game. (Associated Press Photo)
' Benefit Community Relief Kitchen
Election Returns Regular Feature, "False Faces"
Revival Show Cracked Nuti. Stage Features
Returns Oo To Aid the Community Kitchen
Medford Junior Theatre Guild
"Big Game Gaities
of 1932"
(Continued ueui Pag One)
gate near th Caaa ranch, when he
found the hat. a pair of overalls, an
undershirt, a piece of rope, a pair of
shoes, a bit. and a pair of blankets.
All gave evidence of having lain in
the weather for a year -or more. No
clues or marka have been found on
the articles.
As soon as the weather clears in
that section, the sheriff will send a
posse to make a thorough Inspection
and hunt for sv RTave, or bones.
The hat la of the general type worn
by hunters, aa protection during the
hunting season, and there are tinges
of red In the headgear.
No one has been reported m lasting
In that section during the past two
years. During that period, however.
It has been a favorite section for
prospectors, Including many trans
ients, who camped there for varying
A thorough Investigation will be
made by Jackson county authorities,
to unravel the elements of mystery In
the case,
CHICAGO, Hot. i.(AP) Senator
William E. Borah of Idaho gave out
a broad hint aa he passed through
Chicago today that he had voted for
Herbert Hoover.
The Idaho republican would not
predict the outcome of the election
but said he believed It would be close.
He said he cast his vote by absentee
ballot before leaving Boise for Wash
ington, Charged With Murder
Mr. Ml til Down wae held at
Rlvarhead, L. I., as si witness In the
laying of "Dr." Frank Tuthlll, e
eentrlo corn doctor. Her husband,
Victor Downs, former Rlchmpnd,
Va., policeman, Waa oharged with
murder. After day In court during
which th husband was twice freed,
Downa w Jailed on a chorga of
robbery and hi wlfa was charged
with th murder.' (Aasoolated Press
Photo .
Regular Communcatlon of
'Reamea chapter, O. B. S.,
Wednesday evening at B
o'clock. Social night. Vis
iting membera welcome.
HATTIE M. ALDEN, Secretary.
,K .AAaT'"
Natalie Moorehead
J. Farrel McDonald
f x '' " v V' !M
D. C, Stephenson (left), former dracon of the Ku Klux Klan, lost
a plea for an Immediate hearing on a writ of habeas corpus seeking hie
release from Indiana state prison on a charge of njurder. He Is shown
with B. C. Jenklnea, one of hla attorneys, In court at South Bend, Ind.
(Associated Press Photo)
Soldiers Guarding
New Mexico Polls
SANTA FB, N. M., Nov. 8. (AP)
Governor Arthur Seligman today
placed San Miguel, Valencia. Guada
lupe and Sandoval counties under
martial law while detachments from
the New Mexico National Guard pa
trolled polling places In those coun
ties. Leaves for Klnmath Chal Strange
Is spending several days this week In
Klamath Falls, attending to business
matters. ,
One Hereford calf about 8 mo. old,
apllt left ear, right ear cropped.
Owner can have same by paying
for adv. and damages. Norman
Marlon, ml. NE Central Point.
TO TRAD15 House and lot In Port
land for southern Oregon land.
. mine or filling station; near malm
highway preferred; value bm.uuu.
Clear for clear. Box 184, Jackson
ville, Ore.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house,
close In; adults only. Inquire 333
No. Grape.
WANTED To buy hogs. 607-R-2.
Eastern prices paid.
Tou don't have to wait for returna
We pay caah. ,
We pay cash. 1
We biiy Hides, pelts and Wool.
37 N. Grape St. Phone 1063.
3-ROOM completely furn, apt; heat
ed. 220 No. Ivy.
WANTED Will provide home- for lit
tle girl 4 or 5 years old for com
panion to our little daughter for
winter. No charge. Reference
exchanged. Phone 848-W.
WILL PAY young man or woman 80c
per hour. Apply 833 Maple St. .
National COAL
Fancy Lump
off Car Not. 12
Per Ton
Tel. 631
The Parker Pen Company
f accepted as
Look at these liberal allowances :
iS Duofold or Lady Duof old Pen,
only 3 - and an old pan
$1.75 P.ncll to match,
- o.y3' - and an old pencil
$3.25 Lady Duofold Pencil,
only and an old pencil
$7 Parker Duofold Sr. Pen,
only - and an old pen
$4.25 Pencil to match,
only 3 - and an old pencil
$10 Duofold De Luxe Pen,
only - and an old pen
$5 De Luxe Pencil to match,
only - and an old pencil
CHAIRS' Foundation Garments,
Quince. Phone 641-L,
NORMA SHEARER "Smilin' Through"
f Sen LYON ,
" I Ofraderf by Sidney UnlWd POX MCTUM 'f Mft
Matinees Week Days
128 Balcony Seats- 15
Lower F16or . 25o
Big Election Dance
Latest Returns While Tou Dance
Gentlemen 26o. Ladies lOo
for the
Parker Duofold
rarker reaervee
COUNCIL BLUFFS, la., Nov. 8. fl
No matter which presidential candi
date wins, some one Is going to make
a parachute Jump here.
Under terms of a bet between Dr.
Al Brown, dentist, and Harold Ny
man. transport pilot, Nyman will
"ball out" if Hoover wins. If Roose
velt wins, Dr. Brown has agreed to
make the Jump.
Neither haa ever Jumped before.
The Ladles' Aid of the English
Lutheran church will seTve a 35-cent
chicken dinner Armistice day In the
church, parlors. The public 1 cor
dially invited.
BrTUl n EL I J
f- ANY ANT -a p;
TODAY and Wednesday
"Skyscraper Souls"
loral Slate National Tssnea
On Our Screen Tonight
Eves.,- Sun. Mats., Holidays
125 Balcony Seats......20
Lower Floor .360
A Timely Trade-in Sale
New Term of School
and the New Business Upturn
To redu retallera' stocks for late fall and Chriatmas
hipmenta, Parker offeri you a $1.25 to $2.60 caah
allowance for your old pen on the new streamlined
Parker Duofold Pen, or 7oc to $1.00 for an old mechani
cal pencil on a fine new streamlined Duofold Pencil.
The Duofolda offered are NOT discontinued modela,
but Parker's finest and latest excluaive jewel-like
colors in non-breakable Permanlte Set Green and
Black, Black and Pearl, Black, Jade, and others all
gold mounted, and all with Parker's super-smooth,
apecial-ordcr" Duofold point, extra ink capacity, and
quick-atartinu, non-clo(tginj feed.
The Pens and Pencils you trade In do not have to be
Parkers. We only require that the old pen have a 14k
gold point.
So ransack the home and office for old pens and
pencils. Take them to the nearest pen counter, trad
t Via an let liL-A Mali anJ 1 1. ...a. !L a
,lu wia out wun a orana new
Pen or Pencil, or both. But hurry
the right to withdraw this offer at any
ra vo., janeavuie, laconsin. "