MEDFORD HUE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER '4, 1932. PAGE THREE G.O.P. CONTINUE LARGE T Friends of E. M. Wilson hav or ganized a Wilson tor Mayor club to The Republican County Central committee meetings continue to draw packed nousea aa the campaign neara lta close. Last night at Wtmer every eat in the hall was occupied. The meeting was called to order by Precinct Committeeman Ed Dlm mlck. who Introduced, as the first speaker Attorney Prank VanDyke. representing the Junior Republican league. Mr. VanDyke In his usual forceful manner, appealed to the voters from a bread and butter stand point, to retain the Republican party In power, the party that stands for a protective tariff on things that are produced In the Rogue River vauey. Ralph Cowglll, the second speaker Introduced, told the voters that 01. next Tuesday, November 8, we will be standing at the cross roads and that it Is up to the voters ss to which road we will take for the next four years. One road,-under the direction of President Hoover, leads straight ahead while the other leads off at right angles, directed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, out into the great un known. The candidates on the Republican ticket were Introduced and short talks were made by each. Announcement was made In regard to the rally tonight In the Natato rlum at Medford. with Buron Pitts as the speaker. O. Q. CAlblnl la secretary of the new club which Is sponsoring campaign In behalf of Mr. Wilson. The purpose of the formation of Wilson for Mayor club Is to call the votera' attention to Mr. Wilson's qualifications for the office of mayor. During the past two-year term. E. M. Wilson's administration has estab lished a record of economy and effic iency that has gratified rhe taxpay era who haw Investigated the affairs of the city, in the opinion of the members of the Wilson for Mayor club. It la with the Idea of empha sizing this fine record and calling the voters' attention to Mr. Wilson's qualifications that the local Wilson club has been formed. Among the points recommending E. M. Wilson to re-election to the office of mayor for another two-year term Is the fact that his administra tion's expenditures during hla term are considerably below the amount allowed by the budget, according to members of the Wilson tor Mayor club. . - POSTAL B. M. Wilson further his candidacy for re-election to the office of mayor of. this city. AT THE FIRST SNEEZE USE Mistol NIGHT AND ,Jf?Tf"nk. V VY J MORNINOaJJlL .j IV AND wiwTTWs ft rut Essence of Mkt&l ON YOUR HANDKERCHIEF AND NU.OW IT'S NEW Copco's bowling entry In the city league chalked up a three-ply win over the postofflce quint last even lns. Frank Humour of the power company missed the 500 class by two I pins, while no one else on either team showed form. There la no game scheduled to night. Bcoresi ! Copco. 1 F. Hus&ong ' H. Hussong J. Burroughs . . S. Bullls . 7. Brewer 163 137 190 498 154 145 145 444 173 114 1S6 443 98 100 114 313 151 147 167 465 US 118 118 855 761 899 Postofflce. i a a E. Nichols 133 105 159 396 H. Fredette 110 168 163 440 . S. Sherwood 143 130 108 380 Hugo Quenther . 185 114 139 438 R. Slngler 106 111 139 J 356 139 139 139 804 757 80 ANNAPOLIS, Md., Nov. 4. VP) The secret Is out and the Naval acad emy students explain why Nary could not get better than a scoreless tie vlth Prlncton a couple of weeks ago. Baltimore has been the Jinx for he middles. The regiment considers the city so Ill-omened that whenever the midshipmen pass through the city on trains bound for other stadia, they pull down the window shades until they are safely out of town. Some of the cars of the train .carry ing the regiment to Princeton were dark, their shades down tight, but in a few, the middles were neglectful and went through Baltimore with shades up. In the future, the middles say, every one of the shades wlu, go bang ing down In Baltimore. SCIO West approach to Oreens bridge to be repaired and Improved, according to C. H. Leonard, county surveyor. WHY NOT . Enjoy one-stop shopping in our neighborhood? The Shopping Center of Medford is tut our doon Save time, gas, shoe leather and money buy Monarch Seed & feed Co. SATURDAY MONDAY SPECIALS! Trade at our new store in a convenient location. Plenty of parking space no traffic worries. Use our "drive-in" feed room for fast, courteous attention. NEW LOCATION, CORNER 6TH AND BARTLETT TALK SEAL SALE County chairmen of the Christmas Seal sale project, carried on In Jack son county each year In the drive to prevent spread of tuberculosis, will meet next Wednesday afternoon with Miss Mildred Carlton, president of the Jackson County Publlo Health association, It was announced today. Definite plans will be made for the annual drive. The announcement comes at an appropriate time, following closely news of the tuberculosis cllnlo con ducted Wednesday by Dr. O. 0. Bel linger under the auspices of the Publlo Health association and the Jackson County Medical society. These clinics 'are financed by funds realized from the seal salea and are each year attended by a larger num ber of persons In Medford. Thirty five were examined at the one-day cllnlo thta year, some being contact cases and others persons recovering from tuberculosis. The annual aale of seals wtll start this year the day after Thanksgiving. DR. D. A. CHAMBERS Here until Nov. 8 On account of the many patients who wish to consult him, Dr. Chambers will keep ha office open until Nov. 8. Reduoed prices will continue. T PAY. HE ASSERTS Gorg Barnura of thla city, de fendant In divorce uit instituted by his wife, today filed a motion In clrcut court, asking tuat no be granted until Monday to show cause why bo should not pay the 100 per month maintenance money. Barnum aska that be be not held in contempt of court by reason of non-payment. He further sets forth tbat he has been unable to raise the money, and asks the right to show cause why he cannot make the payment. Barnum also states that he will seek a re duction of the maintenance allow ance. Barnum seeks delay In the hearing of the motion upon the grounds that his attorney. A. E. Reames, la ap pearing before the state supreme court at Salem this week end and will not return until Monday. Oregon Weather Rain tonight or Saturday, snow to, mounatlna; warmer tonight; southr east and south gales offshore. Ooos Bay Logging Co oonstructtof road to Catching inlet with view to logging In that district. Marshfleltl Southwestern Oregon News. KITCHEN QUEEN AU Hardwheat FLOUR A guaranteed all hard wheat flour. Your money back If not satis factory. $3.60 per bbl. SACK WHOLE CORN, Eastern Shelled, cwt $1.15 MILL RUN, the best, sack . 69 ROLLED BARLEY, 70s . 70 GROUND BARLEY, cwt. . KC MOLASSES Contains 600 lbs. of n -.-y molasses per ton. A DAIRY food (red to mix with ..... homegrown grains. CHOP Well worth the money ALFALFA HAY, cwt POPCORN, Jap Hulless, 3 lljs. for (You know our reputation for good popcorn) DOO CAKES, 2 lbs. for CANNED DOG-CAT FOOD, 11 cans for.. BIRD SEED, 2 Mb. pkgs. for . "The Store That Serves You Right" WW HOME OWNED AND OPERATED Year and our business has increased so much that it is necessary to enlarge our floor space. See Our Extra Special Prices in Large Ad. on Page 9 P5 luiUtirmu n,..i,i. i. wtv-ivig; 1 ftfrw.. 1WE jEATUEE LOCAL PEODUCTSg ' 1 WITH THE VALLEY TRADE IS THE VALLEY MADE Be Wise Buy Wise and Economize at the EELEAIBLE CASH GROCERY W. A. H0LL0WAY, Owner Phone 20 This Home Owned Store Offers a Plat form of the Very Soundest Economy Your vote means savings here. Join the ISP Economy Party Week End Values That Will Win Cal. Home Catsup ig. bottle 1 9c None Such Mince Meat pkg. 1 5c Tomatoes ... 2 cans 25c Solid pack, No, H can Fancy Grape Fruit No. 2 can 1 5c Tomato Juice . . 2 cans 25c Local. No. can Fancy Head Rice . 3 lbs. 1 7c Macaroni . . . 4 ibs. 21c Fancy Local Walnuts . ib. 20c ...1000 sheets 41 14 Toilet Tissue (Westland Brand) . Shoe Peg Corn (Dodge Brand) Red Sockeye Salmon (H-B Brand) tall can 15 Golden West Coffee 3-lb. can 98$ Citrus Soap 10 bars 25$ JEWEL (100 Pure Vegetable Shortening) 4 lbs. 49c; 8 lbs. 93c (Jewel) 1jgjrtenlntf Snow Bird Flour, 49 lbs. Seal of Oregon Flour .89 49-lb. sack $1.09 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fancy Cauliflower .... Fancy Solid Lettuce - Oregon Celery .. Fancy Brussel Sprouts Klamath No. 2 Potatoes... Fancy Sunkist Oranges 2 heads 15$ 2 for 15$ .2 for 15$ 10$ ..BO-lb. bag 29$ 2 dor. 29$ CITY MEAT MARKET Phone 324 121 No. Central 4 Free Deliveries Daily Personal Attention Prompt Service Phone 252 HOME GROWN FILBERTS Have you tried the home-grown filberts? We have them and the quality is unusually fine. Extra large nuts and the price very reasonable. Heinz Fig and Plum Pudding It's time to think of plum pudding and fruit cake. We now have the Heinz fig and plum pudding and in a few days we will have home-made plum pud ping and fruit cake. Extra Fancy Pears in Half Boxes Extra Fancy Spitzenberg Apples SATURDAY SPECIALS Libby's Mince Meat, finest quality, 2 lbs. 29c Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs.. . ... . . .. ... . . . .. . . . . .i.,. 15c Crystal White Soap, 7 bars, 23c Crater Lake String Beans, canned in Medford best quality, 2 cans. 27c Royal Club Coffee, lb , 32c Home Made CAKES Home Grown WALNUTS Home Grown FRUITS Home Grown Vegetables TRUE THRIFT IS BUILT on VALUE -NOT ON PRICE FIVE FREE DELIVERIES ON SATURDAY CENTRAL MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS R. I. Red Hens and Fryers, lb. ... . . 20 Beef Pot Roasts, choice cuts, lb. 10c Pork Shoulder Roasts, per lb. . . . 10c Home Rendered Lard, 3 lbs. for .. ...... . . . . . 25c Pork Steak, 2 lbs. for 25c New Sauer Kraut, per quart ...... .... ........ 10c Phone 81 We Deliver Join the American Legion If You Are Looking for Bacon Backs . ib. 13c Real Bargains Hams .... Ib. 15c Sugar cured, half or whole Hamburger . 2 Ib. 15c No Cereal Beef Stsak . 2 lb. 25c Mf-M. )' Sirloin, Elb FRYERS, RABBITS, HENS Check Carefully the ads in Today's Mail Tribune