PAGE TWO REPUBLICAN RALLY TONIGHT TO DRAW GREATEST T . Mr. Fltt will b th tpwker at th cloilng Republlctn rally tonight at 8 o'clock in the Natatorlum. and from all report of hi meeting!, bU ucceas aa district attorney In Loa Angela and hU ability a a apeaker. all who attend the meeting will be well repaid for their time. The Veterani' Republican elub will have charge of tha meeting, aaaleted by tha Republican central commit tee, tha Junior Republican league and the Woman'a Hoover-Curtla club, and a number of people will attend from all over tha county. Buron ntta, who speaks at a Re publican meeting In the NaUtorlum thla evening at 8 o'clock, arrived this morning from Eugene, where he ad dreeeed a Urge meeting Uat evening, and wee mat at the atetloa by aev eral world war veterane who ahowed Mm over the city and valley and he waa their gueat at luncheon. Mr. ntta la a disabled war veteran. Mr. Fitta apoke for half an hour ever KMED at noon, reviewing briefly the Issues before the people In thla election and giving hla reaaona why Herbert Hoover should be re-elected. Young men and women. Irrespect ive of party, and especially those who are voting for president for the tint time thla year, and the women whs. It 1 claimed, elected President Hoover last time, era especially In vited to hear thla successful young nan. Musla will be furnished by the Oregon Lumberjack. There will also be a Republican meeting at Butte PaUa tonight with two good speakera and the Kilty band will furnish muslo .and the can dldatea will attend. Communications Oppose Two M" u re. To the Editor: Is the excitement of the election, two me tsurea of extreme Importance on the ballot may be overlooked or misinterpreted by many people. X refer to the proposed amendment limiting voting on ta matter and bond Issue to taxpayer, and to the ae-celled "tax supervision and eon erratlon" bill It 1 unthinkable that American people would now be called upon to ay mat some degree of wealth Is essential to the voting privilege, a privilege this country Is supposed to aooord free men and women. The first measure la rldloulou in tr&otiae. s well a vlolou and even t maltoloua in conception. The measure disfranchise many Intelligent women who have not taken the trouble to have property pieced In their name; It would dis franchise many capable and worthy eltlsen who earn good money in eat eries, but who for sufficient reasons have no Invested In property, but who always rote conscientiously and Intelligently. It would disfranchise many men and women who work for wacee. but who can vote ea Intelli gently a the wealthiest men In the state. It would disfranchise many splendid young men and women Just Muting out In life, who have not yet acquired property, but who might, through their industry, acquire much property before the bond Issue which they could not vote upon could Be paid. Aside from all this, It I wrong and stupid to start with. The other measure ha an nc tni name, but nothing else to reo- - emmend It, If there le anything that la) typical of polltlqal life In America, It ha been the fundamental prin ciple that local self-government 1 desirable, and la one of the prlmaiy objects of a Democratic, or If you will. Republican form of government. . The assumption that the cltleena of Oregon will vote to disfranchise themselves completely on local taxa tion, and submit this really Import ant power to the arbitrary decision of some unknown tare- men In each county, select 1 at tke whim and ea price of the sjOTernor, I on of the meat emaitlng propositions the writer or thla letter ha had to face In hi . political experience. In practice, the cttsen In any town, city, echool district, county, would not have a word to say, In fsct, about their local expenditures. All this Is mvle subject to the arbitrary decision, of three men who could not possibly be familiar with the needs of all these eorporatlona, and who could not eiaely say. and should not have the ponsr to y, what the peo ple need and are wlli'r.g to pay for. Seen proposAl le en offense to every eitaen of the state. ttAWLES MOORS. Medford, November 4. - TILLAMOOK Emery Pelchel! pur ehaeed Interest of Art Bohlmaa In Tillamook Bakery. Listen In KMED Tonight at 5:55 a special message will be presented in be half of J. O.GREY for City Treasurer KMED Broadcast Schedule Saturday A. M- 8:00- 8:08 Breakfast Kews, Mali Tribune. 8:08- 8:18 Musical Clock. 8:18- 8:30 Fashion Farad. 8 30- B:00 Shopping Quid. 8:00- e :30 PrlercUhlp Circle Hour. 0:80- 9:46 Today. 8:45-10:00 Shopper' Tour. 10:00 WeaUier Forecast. 10:00-10:80 Schubert's Serenade. 10:80-10:48 Home Made. 10:46-11 :0O vignettes. 11:00-11:16 Quartet's Parade. 11:18-12:00 Song and Comedy. P. M 13:00-12:11 Highway Protective Aa aoclatlon. 13:16-12:30 Where to Oo Program. 12:80 - News rissbes, Mall Trib une. 12:30-12:40 Interlude. 12:40-12:48 W. A. Oatea, apeaker for Rogue River Fish 8111. 12:46- 1:00 Popular Vocalist. 1:00- 1:18 Patriotic Farad. 1:16- 1:80 Orant Paa Rambler. 1:80- 2:00 Dreaming the Walt Away. 2:00- 4:00 Oregon-State Homecom ing Football Game from Corvallls. 4:00- 8:00 Ohsndu Review of Past Week. 8:00- 8:18 Silly Ollly Story. 8:18- 8:48 Popular Parade. 8:00 New Digest, Mall Trlb un. E. 0. Ferguson, apeaker for J. O. Orey for City Treasurer. 8:30 In a Little Cafe. 8:80 Dinner-Dance Music. 7:00 Period for Jackson Co. Clvlo League. 7:00- 7:08 A Word about Freight Truck and Bus Bill. . . 7:08- 8:00 Modernistic. 8:00- 8:80 Tour. Popular Dance Band. 8:45- 8:00 6:00-8:18-8:80- Young People To Lead Church Night It will be young people's night at the special meetings at the Baptist church tonight. D. L. Penhollow will alng a group of three religious aonga at 7:10 p. m.. and will lead the big lng afterward. Cr. Eaton' subject for tonight will n "Megto.- Tne Intermediate and Junior 8. T. J?. Vs are urged to bring their p. went and the en!or to bring the.'r friends There will be no service on Saturday night. Rev. D. L. Penhollow will preach the sermon Sunday morning and we bespeak for blm a good congregation. Dr. Eaton' subject for the evening sermon will be "Why." Everybody try to be present Sunday and make the last services of the revival helpful and successful. SALEM, Nov. 8. (AP) Zln J. Sinn, 87, the Salem taxi driver whom Murray, Willows and Kelly kidnaped when tney commandeered hla car In their sensational penitentiary escape here In 1024, died at hla heme here yesterday. i t Dry slabs 81.00 per tier. You haul 'em .Med ford Fuel Co. ' I Y MADE POSSIBLE BY In answer to many appeal for gar den eeed from residents of Jackson county who could not afford to pur chase them, the local Red Cross se cured from National Red Cross head quarter 500 pounds of seed, com prising 10 varieties of vegetable. This was distributed to more thftn 100 needy families. Mis Roberts ha seen many of tb completed gardens In her visits about the county and report that they have not only supplied families with vegetable for several month but furnished a aurplue to b utilised for winter. Looking to the future, many of the reolplente of Red Cross seed re saving the ad from this year's garden for planting , next spring. Several lndlrlduala who had re ceived Red Cross aid In 1'jJI. In grati tude brought cabbage end tomato riant to the Red Cross headquarters to be pseaed on to others In need. . 4 -Notice. T. F. W. end Auxiliary to hold In stallation of officers Saturday, Nov. 8, ( p. m, at Armory. FREE 'Pioneer ana descendants photographed without charge tor pioneer htatortcal collection SHANOLE STUDIO. Be correctly corseted by XTHELWYN B. HOFFMANN Sixth Holly street Fender and body repairing. Prices right Brill Sheet Metal Work. Fuel Oil Any kind yon' want When yon order Fuel Oil from your Oil Cpmpany, request Sam son Company delivery service. Our rates are reasonable. . F. E. SAMSON CO. Phone SSS 220 N. Rlv. ffl33XEEB0GD use the double tested' double action BARI0G ; AS 42 YEARS AGO' 25 ounces for 25$ , 'You Save n Buying KC... You Save in Using KC 1 WHEN YOU TASTE HILLS BROS COFFEE, YOU'RE TASTING A FLAVOR NO OTHER COFFEE HAS Tne Instant 11111 Bros. Coffee louche your lip, you know why it is such a tremendous favorite. No other coffee has such satisfying goodness . . such mellow smoothness. Vbal's because IIllls Bros. Coffee Is roasted a Utile at a time . evenly, continuously, hy Hills Bros.' patented Controlled Roasting process. Other coffees are roasted in bulk. Controlled Roasting is the perfect way to roast t For it offers positive protection against under-roosting and over-roasting. Ordinary, hulk-roasting methods don't. Every berry No other coffee Is roasted the same way. . . Controlled Roasting Is Hills Bros' patented process "A little at a time" Is the secret This perfect roast naturally develops the flavor of the coffee-berries to a full savory goodness GROUND RIGHT TO TASTE RIGHT O Bills Bros. Coffee is cor rectly ground for best . results by drip' process or any other method. In mils Bros. blend is done to the exact degree necessary to develop the finest flavor! Hills Bros. Coffee can't go stale! The vacuum process of packing coffee is the only method that fully preserves coffee freshness the air is removed from the can and kept out It was originated hy Hills Bros, over thirty years ago. There is no magic about a vacuum can it will not make poor coffee good, but it will keep good "coffee fresh. Order Ilills Bros. Coffee by name, and look for the Arab trade-mark on the can. onoi OE Eimffimy E?etiei?na THE HOME OF DREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE Of All Foods Crackers Must Be Fresh YES Crackers must be fresWfor nothing will so detract from the tasti ness of other foods as crackers, when stale. Prepare the finest soup or salad use the finest materials follow your ' favorite recipe yet the condition of the crackers served will determine its palatibility. So buy them fresh buy from our more than 60 kinds of the famous Looser t . "Wiles Sunshine Crackers and cookies. With fresh supplies arriving every week you are assured of crackers and cookies at their best so fresh and crisp as to add to the tastiness of any feast. Tomorrow we offer special cracker goodness at a reduced price Loose-Wiles Soda Crackers, salted or plain 3 lb. box 29c Sunshine Krispy Krackers (salted wafer) . 2 lb. box 19c Ginger Snaps from the bakery this week 5 dozen 15c O oN Bakery Dept. Pineapple pie: A two crust generous pie baked from Hunt's Crushed Pineapple 19$ French Donuts, dor. .... 20fr Bread: Finest Home Flavor Mb. loaf 3 for 13c 1Mb. loaf 2 for 15c Hot Cakes and Syrup Sperry Pancake and Waffle Flour: Small family size package 10 Hegular family package 16 4- lb. bag 18 No. 10 bag .. ...35 Amaizo Syrup' Golden 2VJ-lb. can . 15t 5- lb. can 29 ,10'lb. can f. 57$ Crystal White 2-lb. can 18tf 5-lb. can .34 10-lb. can ! , ...,.;.,.63- Special Pineapple Savings and Other Thrift Items ID Hunt's Supreme Quality Rich gold en ilices Fancy pineapple No. 1 flat cans, 3 for 23d ! No. 2 tall cans, 3 for 37 ; No. 2 cans, gQ Q Hunt's Supreme Quality Pineapple Tidbits for salad 8-oi. can, 4 cam 25; No. 2 tall, 3 for Cfl 37J; No. Vt can, 3 for.... wllU Hunt's Supreme Quality Crushed Pineapple No, 1 flat can, 3 for 23ti No. 2 tall, 3 cans 47 35i; No. 2J4 can, 3 for..... tllj Hunt's Premio Crushed Pineapple No. 10 can, (64 lbs. of fancy crushed pineapple) Sure bakes dandy pies can 39d; case djp 9Q of 6 cans Jft.t? Hunt's Hesperin brand Broken Sllc ed Pineapple No. 2 can, 3 cans 32?; No. 2'A can, Jjr 3 for... Seedless Raisins 4-lb. 1 Q ft market-day pkg, I vw Edgemont Graham and Butter Crackers (fine enamoled box free with a package 9 Of of each) L. .... fciyU S. A W. Small Artichoke Hearts No. 1 can (20 to 28 OCm half hearts) CwU Cooked Lima, Beani Sea- sjA. side brand No. 1 tall can I U G Nalley's Salad Time Dressing Pint jar 16J Quart 27 C Happyvale Pink Salmon, No. 1 tall can .... Mapleleaf Flour Hard wheat 49 lbs, 10c 89c White Rose Guaranteed light bread flour AQ 49 lbl. J I UlV Drifted Snow Home perfected flour tfai JJf" 49 lbs P I 3 P. ft 0. Soap That finer white laundry OKi 10 bars MU Bob White A Proctor 4 Gamble white laundry 09 10 bars CCU Oxydal Quicker suds and better work 1 Qr Large package .... Iww Bunch. Vegetables ' J" 2 for wC Sweet Potatoes Qn Bibs ; . 96 Klamath Potatoes U. S. No. 1 QQa 60 lbs. OSC U. S. No. 2 90s 60 lbs. WU Celery Hearts 4Q. 2 for laC Banana and Hubbard 4 Squash Pound . , C Cauliflower g Head OC Dry Onions Cft 60 lbs . OUC Folding Clothes Racks qq. for indoor drying . 03 C Coco Fibre - CO Door Mat . OSC Twin Aluminum Sauce Pans Cook on one burner 4 ft A 1-qt. size P 1.UU Enameled Baby (f tsr Bath ? I kOl3 Dairy Pails Wood handle 12-qt. ftr3.: 75c Standard Oil Co's Famous Household Products . Oronite Fly Spray qt. can 40 Oronite Cleaner pint can 33. Oronite Furniture Polish Pint bottle 29 Wax-Glo quart can 59 Oronite Fly Spray in bulk bring your can Quart 33 FOUNTAIN Turkey dinner Roast Oregon Turkey Dressing Cranberries, etc. .:.,.,.,.,.,.. 25c Fresh Huckleberry pie a-la-mode . 10c Hot Dawg ri 5c 6th at Grape 6th at , Central SAVING WITHOUT SELF-DENIAL Delivery of $1.00 orders Phone Eat Side 752 West Side 428 c ! I c t c C c c t c 1 c c I c C c C ! C r JOIN THE AMERICAN LEGION raUt adv. tsuu.1 .is IOC30E 30OL0 HILLS BROS COFFEE