Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 30, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
"Emm hi Southtrn Orteo
nasi tu Mail Tribune"
Dallf Eieept Saturdaf
Published by
ISJT-1, W. til It, Wier I
E. U KSAPP. Masaier
Ail IrH)ernaeNeerp
Inured u second elaae matter at Uedford
Oreion, under Act of Harcb I, 1T.
Mall In Ailranr.
Daily, rr It.OO
Dalle. montS
n. rwtr in adtaiva hledford. AfbUnd.
latuonTllle, Centra) Point. Fbeetui, TalenL Gold
BUI and on HltlKan.
Dallr. BODtb
Dally, one year i.OO
All lerroa, caab In adTanea.
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper ol Jeealoo County.
Breeltlnf full Ueaied Wire Berrlee
Da .undated Preae U eicluilrely entitled to
the uie for publication of all pen dltpatenea
credited to It or otnenttae credited In thin paper
and alM to the local neve publlaned herein.
All rlchu for ptibllcaUon ol epeclel dUpatcn
herein are alu referred.
Adrertlilns Bcprwentatlm
IWflcea In New York, Chlcaio. Detroit, Ian
l-rancUco. Loe Amelea, Seattle, Portland.
Ye Smudge Pot
pi? Arthur Perry
people) who have) been frettta th. lack of Lying this fall. as
compared with the spring falsifying.
-in k. wMTimodated alter the Hthi
hour, when It will be too late to j
hu aiao been a shortage of character j
assassination, ae the easasainaioni u.
last April had the daylight and some
darkness scared out of them. The
right of free lying ure has been
throttled In these parte.
The eplrlt of Hallowe'en will be at
large Mond. eve. Innocent pranka
will be the order of the night. It la
not an Innocent prank, in the eyes
of the law. for a grown man to steal
gasoline, hind tlrea, cowa, or.canned
The approach of winter haa stopped
work on the Crescent City railroad.
Oleo Brenner Is the possessor of s
its doer. It la a Pomeranean, and a
bargain. more
than a Bargain.
of a Pomeranian,
The Eepee changed time again laat
week, chleny from force of habit.
Nine daya more and the candidate
can quit trying to be angels, and try
to be human, " .
Judge Kelly and Port Neff assailed
the OOP. three time last week.
Judge Kelly discussed the tariff, and
did a good Job of It, for all the aver
age voter knowa.
The records show that the forest
exercised more- care than usual laat
aummer. and failed to catch fire very
often. This was due to aeveral care
less cigarettes going to Salem.
Both sexes are wearing winter gar
ment. Snow fill at C. Lake th let
of the wk.
A. B. Williams, the vet printer and
IOOP. ha written another one of his
ahort poems, that only exceed hla
own length, by a few feet.
There I one less C. Chapln mus
tache In our midst. B. Roatel ha
bar Iced away from the fungua growth
on hla upper lip, and aaya he never
felt better, or had leaa.
Dock Keen and B. M. Wilson are
running for Mayor, without a atench.
I won't be much of a city election,
unless somebody eteala the water
fund, or rob a widow, or set fire to
hospital, a of yore.
Al Smith of N. Y., made a speech
last kaon. on the air. He accomplish
ed the rare feat of disgusting a
Democrat, with oratory.
An apostle of hokum, who la op
posed to the straw vote, took a etraw
vote of himself Tuesday and doubt
It authenticity.
e e
The Ben Trowbrldjte boy 1 now
able to put one foot In front of the
other, and spit out three words at a
lick. Hla Orandpaw came out for
Herb Hoover Thura.
. e e
J. Kort Hall Is still pretending he
will vote the Democratic ticket, Nov.
S. Mr. Hall Is solid a Olbraltar,
beside be'ng adamant.
The diet, atty kept hi meanness
under control most of the past week,
a no early spring martyr caught
himself, ably assisted by the no
account sheriff.
Aged 4da have started to hiccough
In the bracing motnlng air.
e e
The Budget Com. met 3 time laat
week, without any disorder or rioting,
and loud squealing.
e e
The X. Coleman elrl was downtown
We-ine. and carried en a mild nota
tion with an oil squirt. Her L'urie
Vxikc was married In Honolulu 10
daya ago, am'd th palm.
Election be'.tmi still orershsdowa
paying taxi. Outraged e'.tirena, who
have no money, find aome when they
are called, and lawbone and lOUe
do not go a legal tender.
Fred Dutton of Ruch towned rri
K said s fiend had killed on of hi
tee re.
Th radio and human eat are
catching It from th orah-Mcal poll
tlclana these nigh:.
. .
A man was In from th brush Sat.
who declared that International
Truck were made by the Interna
tional Barkery, and atlll many will
argue there are mielli.eut totcra,
On With the Dance!
WE often read in the press dispatches of a divorced couple,
rrrrttinr theii eeniealinn tin A iralimn mBteiAi4 annin
-0-..".'0 ....... .... j. .........
But we believe this is the first
has been enacted in local politics.
A few weeks ago 'the Medford News ejected M. 0. Wilkins
from its political love nest, and figuratively speaking propelled
a rolling-pin after him, as the former loved one fell on his ear.
The exchange of courtesies that followed was not exactly
edifying. In fact the spurned one had to find sanctuary in a
local hospital, and sent a retaliatory epistle, so unparliamentary
in its language, that it was handed over to the postal author
ities. In reply to the charge- of Mr. Wilkins that he had been
betrayed and ruined, by his former political Protector and
Protege, he was told that he had betrayed and ruined HIM
SELF. Sore in body and troubled in mind, the spurned one,
made overtures to Pop Gates, offered to join his political for
tunes with those of the candidate for county judge. Pop how
ever firmly, but courteously refused, to become entangled.
What to do. "The old love off, no love that is new."
But as the ancient couplet had it:
"Heaven hai no rage like love to hatred turned,
Nor hell fury like a woman acorned.
Wilkins decided to fight back. It was announced that a
public meeting would be held in Gold Hill, and Mr. Wilkins
would spill the beans, divulge to a horrified world, the intimate
secrets of this political liason, call s spade a spade, and show
the diabolical machinations behind the Norton recall.
e e
DUT something happened. Instead of spilling the beans.
brother Wilkins kept them carefully covered; instead of
exposing his former political spouse he gave solicitous protec
tion, nothing was said about the Norton recall.
Then something'MORE happened. Just what it was, we are
sure the people of Jackson county would like to know. Suffice
jt to tha(. what pjjj ,appen wgg sufficient, not only to
effect a reconciliation, but make
a remarriage, the return of
mptcd home. As befita such an auspicious occasion, Earl Fehl,
as best man holds a pre-nuptial "no-host" dance at Rogue Elk
(guests are requested to leave their flasks at home). The Twin
Dutch Cleansers at last are to become triplets.
CO all's well that ends well. Better to have loved and lost
"J than never to have loved at all. Still better how MUCH
better, that "sweet solace, when lovers parted, all wrongs
forgotten., olasp each other in their arms ".gain."
Mr. Wilkins retracts. He no longer opposes the Norton
recall, he no longer sits on the fence regarding it he is for
it, for it until the end of the campaign, true to his old love
So we have a reunited and reburnished triumvirate, Fehl,
Wilkins and the News.
The News AGAIN has a candidate for District Attorney.
Mr. Wilkins AGAIN has support political bed and board.
Mr. Fehl is no longer'the ONLY candidate for publio office
basing hia appeal for votes on the recall of the best judge who
ever sat on the cirouit oourt bench in Jackson county, H. D.
Norton. '
So let the banns be published. Let the wedding feast be
spread. "On with the dance, let joy be unconfined 1"
We A re for Beeson
17E are surprised to learn that the Mail Tribune in some
quarters is held responsible for the writing-in campaign
for Sheriff Ralph Jennings.
This is not only untrue, but TEN DATS AGO, when a group
favoring this action, visited this
make such an effort IF they could have the support of this
paper, we told them frankly we could not give them that
We regard Sheriff Jennings as the best sheriff Jackson
county has ever had. Although he is a Democrat, this paper
has supported him every time he has run. '
HAD he been victorious in the primary, we would certainly
have supported him this year.
But he WASNT. He was BEATEN.
I7E don't deny the right of those people who don't like ANT
of the candidates for sheriff, writing in the name of
Ralph Jennings, or anyone else they DO LUCE. If a majority
of the people want Jennings regardless of what the two major
parties want, they have a perfect right to say so. For above
parties, above conventions! the right of the people, is and
SHOULD be, supreme.
But aa far as we are concerned we are going to surport
Everett L. Beeson, not only because he won the Republican
nomination in a fair and square fight, but because, after study
ing the regular nominated candidates, their records and qualifi
cations, we decided Beeson was the best man for the job, and
we promised him our support.
We did nothing to start this writing-in campaign for Jen
nings. We were as surprised as anyone else to see the extent
of his support as divulged hy this paper's straw ballot.
However, that was NEWS. We printed it.
The formation of an organization to elect him was NEWS.
We printed THAT.
We will continue to publish news of this political activity,
or any other, until the campaign ends, for no other reason than
that we believe the .eople are entitled to know what is going
on, not only in political citvles,
Tin n,i. .flitr,.;.! -,.
for the reasons above stated.
Jenkins' Comment
(Continued from Page On )
limited scale, bul IU ohlef raw mater
ial cornea from outside th United
State or at leas from outaldt con
tinental United State.
Aa between th two, thl writer 1
unhesitatingly for th dairy industry.
plain that tbelx product U b
,, u .. v. B O ,......... uu.u.
time such a touching tableaux
audible the wedding bells, of
peace and harmony to the dis
office and said they would
but all others.
M- n.,.,..
lng discriminated against by means j
of taxation. But manufacturers
DONT complain when their product
1 discriminated IN FAVOR OF by
mtans of a tax In the form of a tariff
Thl writer can see no difference
In principle between a tariff duty to
protect an American manufacturing
Industry and ft tax to protect the
Oregon dairy Industry.
Home-made Chicken Raviolas. Jy
Pf Lunci, Catii 4o4 Jaoa.
Personal Health Service
By William Brady, M. D.'
tUg-osd letters pertaining to personal nasi to and nygun. not lo dies
lingo as l or treatment, anil do answered ey Dr. Brady u a stamped self-ad-dressed
envelop I enclosed. Letter should Dm oriel and written in ink
Owing to tb isrge numor of latter received only a few can be aoiwerad
bare, no reply can b made to queries not conforming to Instruction. Ad
dress Dr. WUUain Brady In oar at The UsU Tribune.
Thl Dr. Brady, w,ho write the ar
tides for your health column, a cor
respondent from another city in.
form iu,
may be
ft wise man but he
Is certainly crack
ed o n catching
cold. I don't pre
tend to say germ
never cause dls-
eae, but we are
assured b y our
own health com
mission er that
these germ which
Dr. Brady harps
a bo ii ; are always present in every
body's nose or throat and It 1 only
after resistance has been lowered by
exposure or fatigue that the germs
can do any harm ... so your doctor
csn't tell me there' no such thing
as catching cold. I've had experience.
Take it from me. (O. T. M.)
O. T. M. la right. You ran take It
from him, by approval of the health
commissioner. I don't know Just
which health commissioner he mean,
but I know many of them are still
teaching that the germs of what they
call "colds" are normally or usually
present In Vie nose and throat and
some of these comic opera health
commissioners we support here In
Yankeeland actually teach that the
germs Just "lurk" there waiting till
you get your feet wet or get caught
In a draft, whereupon the microbes
Jump In and bit you when you're
down, or words to that effect.
It Is because so many of these po
litical accidents who occupy soft
berths In our so-called health depart
ment cherish and teach that quack
lsh notion that I have to harp on the
germs and the important and often
overlooked fact that the diseases
vulgarly called "colds" are CATCH-
Again I deny the health commis
sioner's allegation that germs capable
of producing or In any way contrib
uting toward the development of
any known disease or Indisposition
commonly occur In the nose and
throat or even rarely occur there
when the host 1 not suffering with
or coming down with the specific
disease. The only exception to this
is the case of the germ carrier, say a
diphtheria carrier, who harbors dlph-the.-la
gerirf In nose or throat, but Is
himself neither 111 of nor susceptible
to diphtheria, since he has had the
disease and acquired sufficient Im
munity to recover. But his germs are
a menace to susceptible . persons
around him.
Even If this health commissioner',
Flight 'o Time
Med ford 'and iackaon Co not)
History from the File of The
Mall Tribune of -V) and 10 Vear
October 30, 1923
(It Was Monday)
Horace Bromley of Copco passes
the cigars, In honor of the arrival
of a baby boy.
Auto tourists, who were given fin
ancial assistance a week ago, return
in straitened circumstances, as they
lost their way in northern California.
Deer and
quail season close to-
Coogan at the Page In
Early morning fire In Liberty build
ing cause loss of $8000.
Clara Phillips. "The Tiger Lady."
tells story of claw hammer murder
of rival in love.
Many bets made that Pierce will
win governorship. Independent
League charges "Jackson county Re
publicanism Is so entangled In a
Klan nightgown It will vote for
Pierce Leading Republicans indig
nant "over "brazen lie."
October 30, lf12
(It Was Wednesday)
Chnrle F. Becker, New York City
police official, sentenced to die in
electric chair for inspiring gang
Eleventh street to be traded
once, preparatory to paving.
Campaign poster shout: "Stop th
looting at Jacksonville, and Save
the Taxpayers."
suffragettes to stage bill
VIve-Presldeiu James S. Sherman
die at Utlce. N. y.
Turk, again decisively defeated by
Oppowi Dry Repeal.
To the Editor:
Much is belne written about the
I1' cf pur Oregon dry laws, and
t not ready to concede that
tn sober-minded, Ood-ftaring men
and women of this ktate .n toinir t
vote to weaken our enforcement laws
nd bring back whisky, beer and the'Nortn Amfr
saloon with their long train of at
tendant vices and evils.
And friends, I've been In this world
a long ttme, and have always studied
condition and Individuals, and so
far as I am aware. whlky never yet
made any honest work! mi man's home
either happy or prosperous.
Whisky has never bought a pair of 1
shoes fop ;he baby nor a bottle of
milk, nor filled a cupboard with
bread and meat.
Alcohol haa never made a father
proud of his d!tinfc..rd on. nor made'
a sou pivud ol hi dxuiitu4 laUiei,
unscientific and untenable argument
were well founded, that would add
nothing to the strength of the sug
gestion that everyday exposure to wee
or cold or drafts or sudden change
In any way Impair health or vigor.
Muira DomeKtlca
Ve have a new house, built Just a
year, but we have been Infested with
flies from the first. People say It Is
because we are In the country our
home is In the suburbs. Mrs. J. F. T.)
Answer The proximity of stables,
barnyards or manure piles, garbage
dumps and the like, favors the breed
ing of file. Files spell filth, In ahort.
Send a stamped envelope bearing
your address and as for Instructions
for exterminating flies.
Noticing your symposium on kero
sene (coal oil) as a remedy, X cut my
thumb badly with a saw, tearing It
open to the bone. I washed It Im
mediately In kerosene which soothed
It. and wrapped it In cloth wet with
kerosene. It healed quickly with no
pain or matter. (S. F.)
AnswerYour wound would have
healed a well If you had bound It
with Just a freshly Ironed cloth, no
doubt. Kerosene Is rather Irritating,
a a rule.
Every Day Is Friday
My husband has chronic B right's
disease. I give him all kind of veg
etables and fruit cooked. 4 I also
give him chicken once a week and
fish twice, but NO MEAT . . . (Mrs.
O. C.)
Answer Well, I suppose that Is
better than giving the poor fellow
nothing at all, but I know of no good
reason why a nephritis patient
should not have meat in moderation
unless he Is doing penance or some
thing. Strabismus
Please Inform me where there 1 a
hospital that will perform an opera
tion for crosseye for a person free of
charge or for a small amount. (Mrs.
P. V.)
Answer The operation. If advisable
can be done In any hospital. The
physician who advises the operstlon
csn take care of the matter of ex
pense. There is no hospital worthy
of public confidence where a layman
can arrange for such treatment with
out the advice of a physician. I never
recommend hospital to correspon
dents. That is a question to be dis
cussed with the physician in charge.
The practice of surgery 1 an Individ
ual or personal eervice, and no hospi
tal, clinic, institute or other Imper
sonal corporation can be concerned
with It.
nor made a wife's eye light with
Joy at the home-coming of her booze -fighting
The booze Joint has never been one
of those things for which the mothers
of the land thanked God In their
nightly prayers.
Christian mothers always thank
God for the church, the public
school, the Bible, as a guide for their
children, but nobody ever heard of
a mother thanking God for the sa
loon, for whisky, nor even for light
wine and beer.
The mother's heart which Is broken
hv ft rinmkunl ttnn 1a nnnM.t.hP.liui '
broken hearted whether It was beer,
wine or whisky that blasted her hopes
for a bright future for her boy.
Medford, October 38.
Muslc Editorial Praised.
To the Editor:
This will express to you my ap
preciation of the very fine editorial
that .appeared in your paper under
date of October 4th relating to
civic music In Southern Oregon. It
played a very Important part in the
success of our membership cam
paign. Your editorial expressed so much
In a few words, and it might Inter
est you to know that the Civic Con
cert Service of Chicago stated thru
their representative, Mr. Manuel, that
no finer editorial on civic music had
ever been written.
Again thanking you for the above
and assuring you of my appreciation
for your personal Interest, I am.
Very sincerely.
Medford, Oct. 38.
Wall St. Report
NEW YORK. Oct. 29 (AP, The
stock market was unable to maintain
It upward slant today, in the face
of a moderate decrease In the move
ment of revenue freight, aa reported
for last week.
The turnover for the two-hour ses
sion was around 400,000 shares.
Today's closing prices for 31 select
ed stock follow:
Al. Chem. Dye , 734
Am. Can 53i
Am. A Fgn. Pow r- -n 7
A. T. A T 104
Atch. T. fc S. P
BendU Avla.
Beth. Steel
Chrynlpr .,..,..
Com). Solv ,
Curt taa- Wright
DuPont -
Oen. Foods .
Gn. Mot.
Int. Harvest.
I. T. & T.
,. 42
, 38H
30 ,
24 4
Xfrmtv t'lM
Param. PvhUi ...
Penney 'J. C.)
Phillip Pet .
Radio .,..
Sou. Pac.
Std. Brands ,
8t. Oil cal.
St. Oil N. J.
ty-m. a
tjn)cn c0
rnlt Air(Ta'ff7
j s g,
Phone M3 Well mm swtj
Republicans of Jackson county ar
completing arrangements for a big
meeting in Medford on the evening
of Friday, November 4th and have
secured as the speaker, Huron Fltts,
district attorney of Los Angeles coun-
ar&sasr- m4nu:-sIiJtii.,jA
diMciMJfd Prtu PMtHt
James W. Mott
ty. California. Mr. Fltts Is thoroughly
posted on the issues In this cam
Putin and presents them In a very
fluent, convincing way.
Mr. Fltt became quite famous ?
an attorney In the. prosecution of
Aimee Semple McPherson and Asa
Keyea, former district attorney of Los
Anceles county.
Mr. Fltts will also make a thirty
minute talk over KM ED at noon on
the same day.
This meeting will be the largest
held in the county and will be large
ly attended.
During the past week the Repub
licans through the Republican coun
ty central committee, aided, by the
Women's Hoover-Curtis club, the Jun
ior Republican league and the Veter
ans' Republican league, have put on
one of the most aggressive campaigns
ever waged in Jack.ton county, which
haa brought wonderful results for
Hoover and the Republlcsn ticket.
Meetings largely attended were held
at Talent. Jacksonville and Eaale
Point. Local committeemen or other
prominent Republicans presided and
intense enthusiasm was manifested
as the speakers told of what the Re
publican party, under the leadership
of PreMent Hoover, is accomplish
ing to overcome the depression, and
asked the people to vote to continue
as president the man and hi pol'c!et
that are gradually but sxirely causing
an upward treno in business and es
tablishing more faith In the people.
The meetmea this week win begm
at Gold Hill on Monday evening. Ocf.j
31st at 8 p. m. with James W. Mo't.
candidate for congress, a the prin
cipal speaker and with short talks
by representative of the Junior
league and Women's Hoover-Curtis,
Th ashtand Kiltie band in their
trappy Scotch in '.forma and the Jim-.
irr league caravan, that have attract
ed to much attention the past week.
iff $iL i
I! WtP
r ? If
will attend the meetings this week j
and play and parade at 7:30 p. m
The other meetings are: . I
Ashland, Tuesday evening In the
city hall with Mr. Mott as the speak
er. Applegate, grange hall, Wednesday,
Nov. 3.
Wlmer, school house, Thursday,
Nov. 3.
Butte Falls, Woodmen hall, Friday,
Nov. 4.
These meetings will be held at 8
p. m.. Speakers representing the
county committee. Juniors and Wo
men's Hoover club will be present.
The county candidates attend these
meetings and are Introduced.
A general Invitation Is extended to
all voters, men and, women, whether
Republicans or not to attend these
meetings .and lear the Issues of the
day discussed.
During the week there will be talks
over KMED by speaker and candi
dates, the time to be announced
Next meeting of the county budget
committee Is scheduled for Novem
ber 10. Three sessions have been
held to date, the budget board de
voting Its time to becoming acquaint
ed with Item and Issues to come
before It.
By November 10 it Is figured that
the state highway commission will
have reached a definite decision on
the highway work in Jackson county,
with federal funds a project that Is
closely linked with relief work, and
will determine the amount of the
relief levy. It Is expected that the
levy for Indigent will have to be
Increased over last year, as the need
Is Increasing.
K the highway work I launched
at once the proposed relief levy will
stay closer to the present mlllag'e and
furnish employment to local real
dent. The budget committee dis
approves anything resembling a dole,
and backs the county court policy of
requiring all able to work for their
aid. The applicants for aid have
shown a wholesome decrease In the
past two months. Both the budget
committee and county court hold
home resident and owners should
be given preference In jobs and that
a close check should be maintained
over auto Indigent stranded In these
parts. Owing to the "hard-boiled at
titude" of up-state counties Jackson
and Klamath counties are known aa
"soft spots'- for transients, with a
consequent Imposition upon estab
lished local people.
The budget committee Is composed
of Ben Harder. Medford. Henry a.
Enders. Ashland, and Dr. George
Deane. west side Central Point dis
trict. Desirable house always In first
class condition for rent, leas or sal
Ore and Bullion
Ued br Scat 4 C-Jitotmlm
I OtW 742 Mart. S..,S.iFru
1 ltnf:Swli Sin Francisco
Severin Battery Service
Medforrl Made Batteries
C-volt, lS-ptate. 1 year guaran
tee. M JO
Re-ehg. soc. Our Make SSe
Re-wound armature SI up
IS.'J V Rlierlde Phone
Schedule of G.O.r?.
Meets in County
Gold Hill, Odd Fellows hall, Mon
day, Oct. 31.
Ashland, city hall, Tuesday, Nov. 1,
Applegate, Grange hall, Wednes
day, Nov. 2.
Wlmer, school house, Thursday,
Nov. 3.
Butte Palls, Woodmen hall, Friday,
Nov. 4.
Speaking at each place begin at
8 p. m.
Jas. W. Mott, candidate for con
gress, speaks at the Gold H1U and
Ashland meetings. Two or three good
speakers will be at all the other meet
ings. The Ashland Scotch Kilty band will
play at each meeting at 7:30 p. m.
The republican candidates will at
tend each meeting and be Intro
duced. Medford, Friday, November 4. radio
talk over KMED by Burton Fltts, dis
trict attorney of Los Angeles. He
111 also address a big meeting In Med
ford that evening.
Good Quality Coats smartly styled
Sixth & Holly
For Sale Dry elabwood at unbe
lievably low prices, S3 50 per load,
13 or IS-ln. Valley Fuel Co., Tel. 7.
FOR RENT 413 Arcsdla Court, 4
room furnished home, electric
ranee, very comfortable furniture,
22 SO Including water. Charles R.
Ray, Realtor, Medford Bldjj. Phone
SALE Pedigreed Boston Bull
pups. J. o. Cameron, over Buck
shot Hill, second road north Two
SHEEP for sale or trade for young
heifer. See Paul Jensen or Geo. W.
Pearce. Forest Creek. Address Jack
sonville. SHEEP for pasture, see Paul Jensen
or Geo. w. Pearce. Forest Creek.
Address Jacksonville.
For today's Classified came this 3'4
acre suburban propertv located only
two miles from Medford on good
road, excellent soil, family orchard,
balance In berries and garden. At
tractive little 2-room home, garage.
in hou'- Total price M.0OO.00
400.00 cash, east terms on bal-
S'?' t9lt "Rht car up to
0300.00 and the balance easy.
5 light, cheerful rooms In thl
modern cottage, hardwood floors,
rireplnce. numerous bullt-lns. nest
as a pin. paved street, nice district.
?rtvlw" "s 'o sell for 11950.00
15000 down, balance less thsn
rent. See Chsrles A. wing Agency,
Inc., Exclusive Agent '
one rerson l two Person
ti ii it