Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 28, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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    P2GE STS
Society and Clubs
Edited by Eoa Nealon ,
Shrine, Dauihters of Nile
Party Very colorful Event
VIM maple leaves In yellow end
rit Milorlnr: lantern In vivid
shades, and an open lire on the
hearth added muen to me oeauij o;
last evanlrur at the
Oranta Paw Fairground pavilion by
Hlllah Tempi OS vne onrine aiin
Zulelma temple, Daughter of the
The hall, completely lined with the
autumn leave, upon which the lan
tern oat' pleulng ahadowa, wa fill
ed by a capacity crowd, the lovely
autumn gown of the women adding
till more rlchnea to the echeme.
At the door, In keeping with the
Hallowe'en season, a pumpltln-headed
woman In evening clothM greeted the
crowd with out atretched hand.
More than 0 Medford follt attend
ed the party to enjoy dancing and
earda, which were followed by buffet
Several peclal feature alo sun
plemented the dancing program. The
patrol put on a clever tunt and the
Zulelma choir of Oranta Pass enter
tained with several eong number,
which were enthusiastically received.
Junior Department
Party Is Tonight
The Junior department of the Sun
day school at the First Christian
Miutvh will have a nartv this even
ing in the recreational hall of the
church, from 7 to 10 o'ciock, mt. n.
H. Gregory, Junior superintendent,
ha announced.
Mrs. Gregory stated that IX the
parent bring the children to the
ohurch, the Instructora will take
them home.
Hobo Party Enjoyed
By Jacksonville Polk
JACKSONVILLE. Oct. 31, Thirty
members of the high school Sunday
school class and their teacher, Mrs.
O. O. Sanden, enjoyed a hobo party
at the gravel pit west of town.
Welnera were roasted and games,
stunts and songa were enjoyed
around Che camp fire. Several songs
were eung by Bernadlne Arnold and
Alice Walton, accompanied by Alice
with her guitar.
Colony Club Enjoys
Luncheon Today
The Colony club met for luncheon
today at the club house. Mrs. Leon
ard Carpenter, president, presiding,
and considerable businees I being
transacted this afternoon.
The club will meet the last Friday
of each month throughout the sea
son, according to plans outlined.
" I
"S- Put mnrA
days on
your calendar
Bow many days in the month
do you feci your beat? You can
add to theto sunshine daya by
imply obeying nature's laws,
The first of these laws Is reg
ular elimination. Avoid common
constipation by eating a delicious
Tests show Kellogg's All
Bmk furnishes "bulk" to exer
cise the intestines, and vitamin
B to help aid regularity. All-'
Bran also contains twice the iron
of an equal weight of beef liver.
The "bulk" In All-Bran Is
much like that in leafy vege
tables. How much more pleasant
than pills and drugs so often
Serve as a cereal or use In
cooking. Direc
tions on the red
. and-green pack
age. At all gro
cers. Made by
Kellogg in Battle
Federated Clubt Met
At Court House Tomorrow.
The Jackson county meeting of the
Oregon Federation of Women' club
will be held here tomorrow and ex
tensive plana are being made for the
session. Through an error the meet
ing was announced for Friday, but
the correct date was obtained this
morning from Mrs. Wade Wallls of
Ashland, preoident of the district, and
plans for the Saturday meeting are
continuing. It Is in charge of Mrs.
J. A. GammlU, vice-president.
The meeting will open at 10:30
o'clock in the auditorium of the new
Jackton county court house and con
tinue through the day with much Im
portant business being brought be
fore the members.
Masquerade at Junior
ll!ffh School Tonight
The Girls' league of the Junior
nlgb school la entertaining this even
ing with a masquerade party, the
first large social event of the fall
season on the Olrla league calendar.
The party will honor the new girls
In the school and all Junior high
school girls and mothers are invited
to attend. Hours for the party are
7 to 0:30. It will be held In the
gymnasium with program and danc
ing composing the evening's enter
tainment. Music will be played by
the Girls' league orchestra, and prizes
for clever costumes will be awarded,
There will also be a pruw for the
Instructor appearing In the most fav
ored costume.
Refreshments will be served follow
ing the program.
Degree of Honor
To Enjoy Party
A Jolly party for Degree of Honor
Juveniles will be held tomorrow eve
ning at the home of Mrs. H. O. Wil
son on Chestnut street. Clever Hal
lowe'en cards, carrying a hint of the
festivities awaiting the guests, have
been out for several days announcing
7 to 9 o'clock, as the hours for the
Haliowee'n decorations will be used
throughout the Wilson home and
Mrs. Leona Grow will assist the hoot
eas. Primary Council
To Meet Nntunlny,
The Jackson County Primary coun
cil will meet In the court house Sat
urday, October 39 at 1:30 o'clock. The
following program has been arranged
ror the occasion: Review of reading
activities In the primary grades. Miss
Dorothy Baughman; third grade
reading demonstrations from the
Gates Huber "Make and fake-Believe"
PeMoIay Dance
Interests Mirny.
Many members of the younger act
are all a-flutter today making plans
for the DeMolay dance to be held at
the Maaonlo temple tomorrow evon-
lng. It will be one of the first large
event on the autumn calendar for
the younger crowd and a large attend
ance Is expected.
Medical Auxiliary
Has Pteiuant Tea -
Mrs. Bar led ul I of Ashland was host
ess at her home Tuesday to members
of the auxiliary to the Jackson Coun
ty Medical society, having invited the
members to tea and a pleasant after
noon's program. There were many
In attendance from Medford.
Many Inquiries are received dally
by the Mali Tribune regarding time
and stations In political broadcasts.
Due to the fact that many addresses
are arranged for on short notice the
National Broadcasting company and
the Columbia company are not al
ways able to give advance Informa
tion. Arrangements are also ohanged on
short notice at times, causing addi
tional difficulty for newspaper In
reporting broadcast schedules. The
Mall Tribune Is carrying as compre
hensive and accurate a Hit of po
litical broadcast as can be obtained
under the circumstances.
In Town Today Lee Preecott of
Ashland was In Medford today at
tending to business matters.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 28. (API
CATTLE 200. calves IS; steady, trifle
weak In spot.
HOOS 460; steady.
SHEEP AND LAMBS 160; steady.
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. Oct. 28. (JP) Butter,
butterfat, eggs, live poultry and
country meata unchanged. '
Onions, potatoes, wool, hay, mo
malr quotations unchanged.
DuPont -
Oen. Poods
Oen. Mot.
Int. Harvest.
I. T. at T
Monty Ward .
North Amer.
Param. Publlx
Penney (J. C.)
Phillips Pet
Sou. Pftc
Std. Brand
St. Oil Cal ..
St. Oil N. J. ...
Trans. Amer. .,
Union Carb
Unit. Aircraft ..
U. S. Steel
. 91.
. 3S
, 28
. 13'4
. Jl4
... 9',
. i2;
, 29",
. 21 'j
, 20
. 15',
. 25'..
30 'i
26 "t
36 H
Portland Wheat
PORTLAND, Oct. 28 (AP) Wheat
Open High Low Cloee
Dec .44 '4 .44',4 -44 '4 .441,4
May .48 .40", .40 .48
Cash wheat:
Big Bend bluestem .53
Derk hard winter 12 percent .51 ',4
Dark hard winter 11 percent .49 '4
Soft white 43V4
Western white .4214
Hard winter .43 ',4
Northern spring ...w...nH.H. .42'
Western. red 42
Onto: No. 2 white ... .'. S17.50
Today'a car recelpta: Wheat 88;
barley 1; flour 10; corn 1; hay 1.
Han Franclsm Butterfat.
Butterfat, fob. San Francisco, 23.
Wall St. Report
Stock Rale Averages
(Copyright, 1932, Standard Statistics
October 28:
60 20 20 90
Indl's Rr's Ufs Total
Today 64.0 29.0 89.2 68.3
Prev. day .. 83.0 37.8 87.7 66.2
Week ago .... 52.1 26.9 86.9 54.2
Year ago 78.1 46.6 118 8 80.0
3 Yrs. ago ...182.1 138.6 213.1 180.6
Bond Rale Averages
(Copyright, 1933. Standard Statistic
October 28:
20 20 20 60
Indl's Rr's Ut's . Total
Today 82.9 06.2 , 82.1 70.0
Prev. day .. 62.9 84.4 ' 81.8 89.8
Week ago .... 68.4 66.4 81 5 . 70.3
Year ago .... 72.8 80.7 90.8 81.3
3 Yrs. ago .... 92.8 104.5 81.9 08.4
NEW YORK, Oct. 28. (AP) The
stock market edged out of Its ex
tremely narrow range of recent ses
sions with a modest advance late to
day. The market remained extremely
quiet, but many Issues pushed up 1
to 8 points. The final tone was firm.
Transfers approximated only 600,000
Today'a closing prices for 30 select
ed stocks follow:
Al. Oriem. As Dye...................... .. 74
Am. Can 63V4
Am. As Fgn. Pow 7
A. T. As T. 104
Atch. T. & 8.
Bendlx Avla .,
Beth. Steel
Coml. Solv. ...
. 44
. 11
. 17
9 'A
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Jackson County.
Josle Drennen, Plaintiff,
Irvln Drennen, Defendant.
To Irvln Drennen, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit with
in four weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons,
and If you fall so to appear and an
swer said complnlnt for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint, succinctly stated as follows,
to-wlt: For a decree of this Court
forever dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between Plain
tiff and Defendant and granting
Plaintiff a divorce from Defendant,
that Plaintiff have the care and cus
tody of the minor children of Plain
tiff and Defendant, and such other
and further relief as to the Court
may seem Just and equitable.
The date of the order for publica
tion of this summons la October 27,
1032. The time prescribed for pub
lication of this summons Is once ench
week for four consecutive weeks. The
date of the flret publication of thla
summons 1 October 28, 18S2.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Post Office Address:
Medford, Oregon.
H. A. Stearns, who owns the Self
Service Store In Ashland, ha pur
chased the grocery store at 710 South
Riverside, formerly known as Rings
He has remodeled the Interior, pur
chased a new stock and It opened
today as Stearns' Drive-In Grocery.
Ml Stearns will continue to operate
thw Ashland store.
Accident Reported H. O. Bradley
of the Holland hotel and H. B. Ros
sell of 425 Manzanlta street, Medford,
filed report at the city police station
today, following an accident at 10
o'clock thl morning on Central ave
nue, The report showed that a. truck
driven by Rossell backed into the
Bradley car, bearing the light and
damaging a fender.
(Continued from Page One)
high school straw ballot only high
school students, the Christian Church
straw ballot only members of that
organization, so this xtraw ballot
ONLY REPRESENTS the reader of
The Mall Tribune.
The Interesting thing to the straw
ballot editor, however, la the close
renemblance between all these bal
lotsthe same winners in each in
stance, except for county Judge. In
the Ashland Tiding Pipes, It own
candidate, led Gates by four vote,
whereas In all the others Gates won
hands down.
As stated when this contest was
started The Mall Tribune holds no
brief for straw ballots. They are, at
best, mere "straws In the wind"
Indications, NOT demonstration of
what political sentiment really is. But
they are of genuine news Interest,
and the confirmation of this paper's
result by those of other straw bal
lot, give the former a credibility not
usually attained.
As far a public Interest and par
ticipation are concerned this year's
straw ballot set a new high record for
all time. Nearly 1600 vote were cast
and after the final count was made
today, the ballots continued to stream
The straw ballot editor make no
claim the result represent an accu
rate cross-section of political senti
ment in Jackson county. He doe be
lieve It show who the winner will
be In Medford on November a
Hoover, Gate, Codding and Beeson
Noises? Try This.
If you are growing hard of hearing,
suffer from head noises, due to ca
tarrh or fear catarrhal deafness, you
should know of the Internal medi
cine which has already brought bless
ed relief to thousanda of catarrh aut
re rere
Secure from Jarmln & Wood or
your druggist 1 or.. Parmlnt (Double
Strength). Take thla home and add
54 pint hot water and a little sugar.
One tablespoonful four times a day
should bring quick relief from dis
tressing catarrhal head noises, clog
ged nostril, difficult breathing and
dropping mucous. All ' threatened
with catarrhal deafness need simple,
effective Parmlnt.
(although If th Jennings movemes'j
gains Impetus, he admits the possi
bility of error In the sheriff contest).
He doe claim, In fact he knows,
that the straw ballot wa conducted
absolutely on the square, that every
effort wa made to prevent repeating
or stuffing, that special request for
everyone to vote, regardless of their
preferences, were frequently made.
and If supporters of Peril, Phlpps.
Pipes, Wllklns and Zundsl did not
vote It wa their fault, not the fault
of this paper.
So there you are. The straw ballot
contest 1 over. "Put up your money
and takes your choice."
Lowest Prices
In Medford
Our Window of Specials
Alexander's Grocery Inc.
Liberty Bldg.
LOST OR STRAYED Tan and white
pointer pup. 3 '4 mo. old. Finder
kindly call 364-L. Reward.
FOR RENT Furnished home; 3 bed
rooms, twin beds, electric refriger
ator, range, washer and radio; cir
culating heater; $25 per monih.
Phone 1417-X.
FOR SAIE Registered Hereford bull.
Jacksonville Phone 302.
WANTED Child' used sulky cart.
Write Box 8360, Mall Tribune.
FOR RENT 5 -room modern, new
suburban house; electricity, bath,
garage and acreage for garden,
chickens, cow; location one mile
out on King's highway; rental 20.
Earl Tumy, 310 Liberty Bldg.
FOR RENT Close In modern 4-room '
duplex, partly furnished; reason-
able. Inquire 634 No. Bartlett. !
BRONZE TURKEYS for breeding :
purposes: April hatch. Call 1S52-J. j
FOR RENT Beautiful furn. home.
640 East 0th. Key at 114 Tripp St.
6-ROOM house, 137 8. Ivy. Tel. flOO-L. I
HLF DUPLEX 10th and Holly. Key
319 S. Ivy.
FOR RENT 3 -room house; screen
porch, garage; furnished or unfur
nished. Call at 145 So. Grape.
FOR RENT Modern 6 -room house,
3 blocks from high school. fll6
Katherine St. Phone 566-X.
WILL PAY CASH for used vacuum
cleaner. Miurt be In good condi
tion and cheap. Address. Box 8400,
" 205 West Jackson
Laura D. Stewart, Owner
A Suburban Store With Downtown Prices
for Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Butter, Swiss Creamery
M. J. B, - JE, Coffee
jrr,TASiJ.USEjJAAl tr
FOR rent -room modern house,
617V4 No. Bartlett.
1 lb,
1 lb.
Sugar, Pure Dane,
10 lba ....... 4S
Troco 2 lbs. 25
Rice, best grade, 5 lba 23C
White Eagle Soap, a Crystal White product
10 bars - 21r
3 Cakes of Palmolive and 1 giant cake Crystal
White for 23?
Pumpkin, No 2 cans 3 for 25t?
Rolled Oats, 9 lbs., Regular 27
Rolled Oats, 9 lbs., Quick ...... 29
Swift's Shortening 3 lbs. 27
2 lb. Box Snowflake Soda Crackers 21
Eagle Hard Wheat Flour, 24 lb. sack . 59
Orbis 85 Hard Wheat Flour, 24 lb. sack 47
ei i ! n m ,i i iipp. isuisui-wa 11 '"i JJ J WtT" n .
Women of Wisdom
Thousands daily are using S&W
Mellow'd Coffee for the first time.
S&W is unexcelled in quality. Il is
moderately priced. Other coffees
may sell for more but none is worth
more than S&W Mellow'd Coffee.
SOIF Mellow'd Cofee U an all-purpose grind.
Il it equally juilable Jor drip jilex percolator,
and the old Jajhioned way of making cxitjet.
Fall rtrerue In i1oens of
mart. My leu. never
Jumpers with plaid
h louses in this special
group at onljr
Chulla Print Dresses
New patterns that are
I i ra c 1 1 cal n n il be com t n g.
Our anle price
' Fall Dresses
Values to $12.50 In love
ly Silk and Wool styles.
Fent tiring smart sleeve
and collar treatment and
the new colors. Our sale
price .
Polo Coats
Comfnrtnhlf, warm and good
looking Coats tn hrnn-n, tan, hlne
or wine. Values to $1A.50. Our
sale price r.
Sport and Dress Coats
nenutlful Coats wllti Tur trimming
and full sllU lining. Our sale price
Dress Coats
Our better fonts Including values
to $3U5. Fur collar and cuff
sets. Our sale price
Fall Dresses
These frocks Include
mines to $14.50 and
they're smart enough
to go any placet Our
sale price
Cri SI
Better Dresses
Better dresses in half sizes, sized
14; J to 24''.. Beautiful new styles,
a ' Values to $22.50.
5. & H. Stamps!
Is the
Time to Buy
Just Look at These
Exceptional Values
For Saturday Shoppers
Cotton Blankets,
70x80, on sale at
Part Wool Blankets,
70x80 size, especially
priced at
66x80 all wool
Blankets A real
bargain at
Blankets Priced to S9.85
Exquisite New
In large head sizes.
New Creations in
$1.98 and $2.98
7A ra M.C
C. A, MEEKER, Manager
f Snider's Special
... for . .. .
Fancy Colored Molds
Caramel and Pumpkin Bricks
Ice Cream Pies made to order
Our sale price
N. Bartlett
Phone 203
101 S. Central.
PVin, CQ
1 -1
Ms m sV b a fir m m me m w