MEDFOHD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON', FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1932 PAGE TWO IP. PARTY TICKET NOT Organisation of th Young Repub lican league of Jackeon county was completed at the Hotel Medford lut night, when 30 member! ol the club (tethered from various pirn of the valley, to elect Jack Porter perma nent chairman. Hlldlng Bengteon was named secretary-treasurer, and Gordon Mccracken of Aahland, Iver ett Fabor of Central Point and John Peaula of Rogue River, Tlce-chatrmen. Mrs. Justin flrmth presided during the election. Oandldava In attendance, Earl H. Fehl. Republican nominee for county Judge: W. R. Coleman, Republican nominee for Justice of the peace, Medford: William Brlgga of Aahland. Republican nominee for district at torney: Earl B. Day of Sam Valley, Republican nominee for atate repre acntatlve; Prank Perl, nominee for coroner, and George Preacott, Repub lican nominee for conatable, thla dis trict, were called upon to apeak be fore the grouv. The league went on reoord aa up porting the norntneea on the Repub lican ticket, In the national, atate, county and city election, 100 per oent, although no candidate waa endorsed individually. Following the club'a vote to eup port the entire ticket, Mr. Fehl In formed the chairman that he would be willing to print aample ballota, In any quantity doalred, without any charge to the organization, In which all Republican candidates would be checked. Action on the offer waa referred to the executive committee, which will eonduot It first meeting Saturday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock, at the O. C. Boggs law of fices on North Central. Chairman Porter announced the following members of the executive committee: Mlaa Dorothy Nlnlnger, Mlaa Reglna Johnson and W. R. Ter rlll of Aahland; Mr. and Mrs. Prank Perl of Medford, and Everett Faber of Central Point. Ashland American Legion post's Kiltie band and a Republican orches. tra will accompany the Jackson county Republican central oomxmttee and other Republicans, both young and old, on a spunking tour In 10 point of the Rogue River valley. A literature committee for Medford wa appointed, to Include Mrs. Jack Potter. Mrs. Frank Pen and Mrs. Harold Relchsteln. In order to get a number of cars of young Repub lican to form a caravan for vlalte to the various communities, William McAllister, Hlldlng Bengtaon and Victor Tengwald were listed on Med ford' caravan committee. Member of Ashland's literature committee are W. R. Terrlll, Ray Frailer and Dolly Stevens. Caravan committee for that city la Dorothy Nlnlnger, Rilling Schuerman and Re fine Johnson. PAIR OF GOTHAM NEW YORK, Cat. !. (API The body of Domlnlck Bufano, otherwise known as "Wlcky" and John W. Ma rino, alleged gunman and racketeer, who polio aald participated In the attempted killing of Eddie Diamond In Denver, Colo., waa found trussed and stuffed lnt two burlap bags to day, with a bullet wound In the head. . Bufano was said to have been at one time a partner of Eugene Mor gan, wfto waa found, a victim of gangster bullets, recently outside of Mewam, N. J. Tl body had been placsd In the rear seat of a red sedan a few doors ' west of Flret avenue In East 78th street. The car had been abandoned with the motor running and the cowl light turned on. Police established the Identity of tn body through fingerprints. A detective at the morgue bureau link ed Bufano with the late Jack (Legs) Diamond gang, but at police head quarter It was said fiat Rufano waa one of a gang that attempted to mi uncu s oroiner, entile, in Denver. TOP BUTTER PRICE PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 31. (AP) Unwillingness of Portland to pay a premium for butter above 01 acore waa Indicated in the Hlmmt mmmi price ehadlng for S3 acor cubes and pnnui in nie local trade. ' While general quotationa on cub butter were reuorted aa fairiv wn Maintained on the local market, the top score waa dragging wearily with salea forced at reductions. There continues a fair demand from outside .colnta which u an. abllng the trade to clean up fairly wen am in general the market ap Dar to be mereiv holdlne It. nwn although trade under trade bullish Influence of storage speculators. Butterfat values continue steady to firm but wen generally unohang ed tn range. Copuloa lags BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. it (AP) day n. uoremon, vaiiejo, added to hi lead over Qua Catmint. Kttn Or., by winning n eighth block of ineir ooo-point tlaree-cushlon billiard match her last night, 80 to 33, In 4m Innlnga, Th total acor now stand 400 to 331 In 383 Innings. Car Of ROYAL UTAH COAL on track today. This car to be sold at our epecial simmer price of 813.80 per ton for (IOYAL FANCY LUMP COAL. Buy now and aav money. P. I. 8VM80N CO, Pliou 693, Meteorological Report Forecast Medford and vicinity: Tonight nd Stturdty ooculonal rmlni; moderate tempera tur. Oregon: Occasional rains tonlgnt and Saturday; moderate temperature. Local Data Lowest temperature thla morning, 34 degree. Temperature a year htgeat 63. lowest 90. ago today; Total precipitation since September 1, 1033, ,60 inches. Heiatira numiany at o p. m, ye terday, 33 per cent; 6 a. m. today, 03 per cent. Sunset today 6:21 p. m. Tomorrow ' Sunrise 0:93 a. m.; sunset 8:10 p. m. Obserratlons Taken at 5 A M 130th Meridian Time City n I! rf w t 5 Baker City ...... Boise Chicago Denver . De Moines .... Eureka ....,... Freano ........ w. Helena Los Angele Marshfleld Medford New Tort Phoenix ......... Portland Reno - . Roseburg Salt Lak ... San Francisco Seattle Spokane . . 0 88 80 88 84 83 74 83 80 73 70 83 78 88 S3 ' 84 80 74 84 83 83 38 38 88 Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear. Foggy Clear .00 P Cloudy M Clear .00 Foggy .00 Clear T Clear .04 Cloudy J0O P Cloudy .00 Clear Clear Clear Clear Rain - .00 .00 .00 ' .10 T P Cloudy WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. (AP) Th United State ha agreed to an extension until March 1. 1093, of the naval holloas agreement which was due to explr November J. Formal notification of this agree ment to the extension will be sent without delay to Geneva. The stat department will Issue an explanation of It reasons for the ex tension. ' This agreement to cessation In naval building did not apply to ahlpa which were already laid down when the holiday went Into effect the first ship of last November, but forbade th oonatructlon If any ship not already In progress. It did not pre vent the replacement of extatlng ship. It was explained th official quart er this afternoon that the extension until March 1 for th purposs of giving th disarmament conference, which will resume It sessions at Oeneva In February, an opportunity to reach a settlement of naval reductions. SAYS STATE WILL . PORTLAND, Oct. 2!. mnk lln D, Roosevelt will carry the west ern states "In hts sweep of the coun try. November 8," In the opinion of Senator Edward P. CoRtlgsn, Colo rado Democrat, a Portland visitor today. The senator said that although he has not traveled through western Oregon, he Is sure this state will go Democratic, on the basis of Roose velt strength he said he found east of the mountains. In what he spoke of as normally Republican strong holds. Senator Cost 1 Ran predicted that Washington is safely In the Roose velt column and said Idaho might be found there, too, due to the re fusal of Senator Borah vo support President Hoover. "The country is going Roosevelt," he said. "Make no mistake about that. The great humanitarian in the White House, held up to us as the savior of Belgium, turned out to be a granite front.' In the crisis when people were starving In our land of plenty, he ?emed not to hear the cries of the hungry." Jority In congress and ths unseen hands of their vicious leaders." Colonel Mccormick said the "first and all" Important step on our road to recovery must be to remove fear of the future from the hearts of our people," and added: "To do this we .must drive out their enemlee from congres. We must tear these weasels from the throat of the nation and replace them with men who wish the coun try well. ... "Toy who wish to help save your country must act quickly. Tou must elect a congress that will aid, net ruin It. Tou must organize to send to Washington men who will undo the misdeeds of the last congress and start us back from the road to ruin on which we are traveling." Whether It's Breakfast, Luncheon or Dinner, try Nandle's. The food and service will please you. BY M'CORMIGK AS TAX IE BREEDER COLUMBUS. O., Oct. 21, (AP) Excessive taxation was blamed for the economic depression by Colonel Robert R. Mccormick, editor of the Chicago Tribune, here today. Colonel McCormlck spoke before the 30th annual convention of the Ohio chamber of commerce. Assert ing that "we have reached the ex traordinary situation where the own ership of property has become lia bility, not an asset," Colonel McCor mlck said that excessive taxes had prevented industry from saving sur plus funds or raising new capital and thus hid thrown millions of men out of employment, "The evil talk of tax strikes Is heard throughout the land," he said. "But far more serious than strikes Is the growing Inability of taxpayers to pay. Strike or no strike, It Is absolutely impossible to pay the taxes asseised. . , "The taxes filed on Industry have risen to the point where Industry la on the road to ruin.. . . . Our tax laws have destroyed more than half nearly two-thirds of taxable in oome, forcing tax-eaters to search elsewhere for their spoils." Declaring that nowhere In ' the world has any form of Industrial enterprise carried on by the govern ment been anything but an added method of taxation on the people, the editor said "We must remove the paralysing hands from the con- trols of our ship of state, both the clumsy, frenzied hands of the ma- 25c Turkey Lunch Saturday From 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. 25c Fried Spring Chicken Sunday at Brownie Marie Cafe . 19 N. Fir St. 1 1ST UNSHIPS I m 0 "Direct Eioress" Vj on ths Empress of Russia arid Empress of Asia to Yokohama in iM 10 days. Shanghai In It day, iff at new reduced fare. Or via wp Honolulu, on th Emproae of ft' i Japan and Empress of Canada. !;;! Sumptuous First Class on all iSf llners...a Tourist Cabin of true . "Empress" standard. Sailings s i, irom Vancouver, victoria, B. u. I Coll lor information about All- M Expense Tours to ths Orient Vt. H. Deaeen, Cf n'l Agsnt Fass'r Dept. I4S-A BcmSott, FMtM, 8RMdir Mil AoMtie. Bull DulMIag ' JSk m U U J ALSO GREEN LABEL JAPAN WHEN buying tea ask yourself these two questions. Am I getting the most tea flavor for my money? Am I gctUng the best tea flavor for my money? Upton's is the answer! Upton's- Yellow Label Tea is economical because it goes farther. Lipton's is uniformly delicious care in growing and blend ing by Lipton's own experts assures this. For true tea economy, for the best flavor at any price Lipton's Yellow Label Tea. Ask your grocer today. ' label ORANGE PEKOE t PEKOE cr ijciu'MWtieys wen .5rT3 OdOl Pnrifijg, IOQ01 OE301 101301 IOQ301 THE HOME OF DREAD LiKE MOTHER MADE Safeguard Your Health A leading Medford physician states that the difference between sum mer and winter health is very much a matter of fresh air and diet, and continues by saying that if we could enjoy the same fresh vege table dielj and outdoor activities throughout the winter the general health of the public would be much better. 1 New we can't get you out of doors but we can take care of the diet. Modern transportation brings us the best of fresh vegetables from every climate and there are very few things you enjoy in the summer that you can't have in the winter. . Make a practice of coming in often and if the weather permits walk down. That will add to the out of door activities and will also acquaint you with the assortments of vegetables available for a varied family diet. Food means good or bad health and good food is always cheaper than medicine. BREAD Good for your health because baked without the use of alum bearing sub stitutes. Mb. loaf . ., ."...3 for 13c li-lb.loaf ...... .2 for 13c Dinner Rolls Napkin or Parker house doz. 12c SALAD BEANS A HEAL SALAD TREAT Tiny stringiest: Kentucky Wonder whole beans valley grown, with that finer flavor charac teristic; of Rogue River Valley beans, I) Del Rogue brand, No. 2 can, a regular 25c value 3 cans 59, 6 cans $1.15 . 12 cans $2.25 Other Thrift Items Bulk Bauer Kraut, quart .... ... 10c Rice fancy Blue Rose, QCA 10 lbs. 49. 20 lbs 13 WW Swift's Jewel Shortening,' OQt 3 lb. carton Cw W Formay (1 lb. carton free CJJ with 3 lb. can w 5JOW Tomato Juice Del Rogue, OOg No. 1 tall can 3 for Ml Bagley solid pack Tomatoes OQ No. 2yi cans 2 for C.QW Del Rogue fancy hand packed Tomatoes, No. Vi Ar. cans 2 for C.VW figs Kadota or Black Mis- skn, sew crop, 10-lb. wooden box, special pack.... Dried Apricots, 10 lb. 44 QQ speoial pack wooden bojtP I Dried Peaches, 10 lb. (4 4Q special pack wooden box9 I I O PaaMias TTnnt Rrna A1H. anc brand, Mo. 2', oans, OKf halves or sliced 2 cans CUU Qolden West Tes Green, y lb 17 23ti Orange Pekoe, QQn Y lb. 20t. tb 03C Sperry Wheat Hearts and Pancake flour pkg. Wheat Hearts free with large or small pkg. hotcake O 4 flour 11 and fc I W Shelled Walnuts Emerald OQm brand. No. 2 can C9C Syrup Amaizo Golden. poA 8 lb. can 33. 10-lb " Bunch Vegetables, 2 bunches New Cabbage, Lb. 5c 2c Celery Hearts, very tender. 4A. 2 bunohes IwC Celery. " . 4 C 2 bunches I wW X?: 25c Fresh hulled Lima Beans, 4 QA 2 lbs ... 13C Green Beans, 1 Q 3 lbs I OC Dry Onions, 1 C 10 lbs. I OC Banana or Hubbard 1 1 - Squash, lb I V2W Pumpkins, all sises, j lyjQ 5c 10c Tokay Grapes, 6 lbs Green Peppers, 8 lbs Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs Egg Plant, Lb. Pomegranates, 6 for Cranberries, 2 lbs 9c 5 c 25c 35c P. and G. White Laundry OC 10 bars COG Bob White Laundry Soap, 10 bars 22c Oxydol quick as a wink a finer washing powder. 4 Q a Large pkg I 9G Camay-the finer toilet soap 6 bars 29c Maple Leaf Flour good hard wheat flour- 49.1b. sack wvb White Rose Guaran- J 4 4 Q teed light bread flour.. 9 I I l Drifted Snow Finest (4 OQ for all use, 49 lbs Electrio Light Globes All below 75 watts 8 for .. 89c Folding Indoor Clothes QQf Drying Racks OwW Wool Blankets for 89c Three exclusive Groceteria features that cost you no more but insure your satisfaction. INSPECTED EGGS HOME-MADE BREAD Z-MOR-U COFFEE Turkey Dinner Roast Young Turkey with dressing, cranberries, etc - 25c Freeh Huckleberry Pie, a la mode 10c Hot Dog Swift's premier weiner....5c D 6th at Grape SAVING WITHOUT SELF-DENIAL 6th at Central Delivery of $1.00 Orders Phone East Side 752 West Side 428 O D o o o O 301 IQJC30E lOTZO