MEDFOTCD MML TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER U, 1032. PAGE ELEVEN Local and Personal 1 i AUTO 1ASHUP IS - 1 npionrnRniinr From Central Point Mrs. George! SdwftKU ol Central Point la tn Me4- I ford today ihopptng and vialtlng with j friend. Learea for North Harry Beal left Thursday evening by .rata for Port-! land, where he will enter a hospital 1 for treatment. ! Hera from Portland Wilbur Phll Upa, representing the Security In-, auranoe company, Is a business caller here today from Portland. Seattle Folk The only Washington guests at the hotels here are S. O. Thompson, H Latham, W. C. Hyatt and O. A. Barger of Seattle. VIMta Klamath Falli Wm. Gra ham, here for the southern Oregon term of federal court, spent yester day In Klamath Falls on government business, Shopping Today Stewart Potter and daughter of the near Phoentx region, were in this morning shop ping at local stores and attending to business interests. Promoter In City Mack Llllard, flffht nromoter of Medford, was at tending to business maters in Grants Pass Thursday. Grants Pass Dally Courier. Returns North Jack Betlaw of Eugene, who Is with the Pox thea ters In this district, returned to that city today by train, having conferred with Fox officials here. Gnest from Rogue River Mrs. Pred O'Kelly of Rogue River was a business caler In Medford yesterday and today and a guest last night of Mrs. Root. Grlmmett. Lodge Plans Trip - A number of members of the Pocahontas lodge week-end for a meeting of the neigh boring lodge. Home from North Having spent two daya In Portland attending to business matters. H. O. Hansen re turned to Medford by train this morning. Has Neuritis Wm. McCrotty of Ross lane, an employe of the Owen Oregon Lumber company. Is 111 with neuritis this week and receiving treatment at the Sacred Heart hos pital. Returns from South C. Ray Gllll land of the Northwest Pur Trading farm, northeast of Prospect, returned to Medford by plane yesterday after noon, having spent the preceding day In Oakland on business. Mrs. Hutchison Better Mrs. O. I. Hutchison, who recently underwent a major operation at the Sacred Heart hospital, la continuing to Improve, It was reported at the hospital this afternoon. I Medford Visitors Grants Pass residents who motored to Medford Wednesday were Mrs, George Rich ardson and son Dwlght, Mrs. C. E. Barbeau and Mrs. Emll Browning. Grants Pass Dally Courier. Thursday In Medford Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frady and daughters, Jean and Joan, motored to Medford Thursday, where Mr. Frady attended to business matters. Grants Pass Dally Courier. From a Distance Those from dis tant points, who were overnight guests at city hotels are Lou Gerst and William J. Evans of New York city. A. R. Hudglns of iolse, Ida., and S. W. Davis of Denver. Season Two Months Through an error In yesterday's Mall Tribune, the duck season here, In accordance with federal regulations, was listed as closing November 10. The statement should have read December 18. The season open at noon Sunday. Eye Struck by Nail J. E Randies of this city sustained serious Injuries of the left eye yesterday when a nail struck him while he was carpenter ing at the Medford Ice and Storage company, this city. He Is receiving treatment at the Sacred Heart hos pital. Maintain Loot: mi ts The Rogue River national forest officials an nounced today that most of the look outs at the various ranger stations are being kept on duty until weather conditions become more settled. A report from Aplegate gave last night's rainfall In that area as .10 of an inch. By Popular We are repeating our Sale on Date Drops at 17c the dozen These drops are the most popular and fastest selling specialty we have found In many yean of experience in the baking business. Chockful of dates and nuts. A treat for young and old alike. Aihpolo In North C. W. Ashpole left here yesterday for Portland to undergo treatment for a foot ailment, i " " ! Shirley Morrow 111 Little Shirley Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrow, underwent a msjor operation at the Sacred near nos nitAi ThiirArfnv mnmlnff and was re ported in an improved condition last evening. in from simi Vallev -Th com munity of Sams Valley was well rep resented here today among snoppers and business callers. Included In the lut wm Weslev McDonouah. Mrs. O- T. Wilson and Naomi MoOruder. who ar attending the teacners' insuiuie. Stop at Hotels From Eugene. Jack Retlaw, A. W. Wagner and H. B. Es aon are registered at hotels in the city. Others from state points, ex clusive of Portland, are Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cathey of Albany. Mrs. R. T. Mlchell, lone RlchaTds, E. Weeks and Clem Clarke of Butte Falls, and Harold 8. Tutttle of Forest Grove. PENNSYLVANIA SAFE WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. (AP) Senator Reed, after a conference at the White House today, said he had "assured President Hoover that as far as Pennsylvania being Republican la concerned, he needn't give It an other thought, straw votes to the contrary notwithstanding.' Arrangements have been made for Reed to speak at Buffalo; Wheeling, W. Va., and Providence, R. L K.F. Medford Rotarlana and their ladles will journey to Klamath Falls to morrow to participate In a big Inter city Rotary meeting In that city. The Klamath group has prepared an at tractive program for Its guests In cluding a golf tournament for the men and a tea for the ladles to morrow afternoon. In the evening there will be a dinner at the Hotel Wlllard followed by a program and dancing. All local Rotarlana are urged to attend. 4 STIES A. A. DOLT A. A. Woolt received minor Injuries to his leg lost evening when he was knocked to the pavement by a hit run driver, he reported to the state police last night. The accident oc curred on Main street about 11:18 o'clock. The driver of the heavy coupe was going onto Front street. The license number was not obtained officers said. Hoot Gibson Stars Thriller At Holly Hoot Gibson Is appearing at the Holly theater today and tomorrow In his latest picture, "A Man's Land." Critics maintain that this is Hoot's best picture to date and It contains plenty of entertainment for not only Gibson fans but for anyone who en joys a fast action picture with con siderable ecomdy. Tomorrow night the Holly will pre sent another of the popular revival nights and this week's program will present "The Spirit of Notre Dame," which features many well known screen players and an all-American football team. Many will remember this picture as one of the outstand ing hits of the past season. Those wishing to see It should plan to at tend the 9 o'clock show at the Holly Saturday night and remain as guests of the Hoily for this showing. WALLY WALES AT ROXY IN 'SO THIS IS ARIZONA' "So This Is Arlaona" opens tomor row at the Roxy theater. As typical of the great open spaces as the famous Apache Trail, where the scenes are laid, Is this Wally Wales starring vehicle, Wally does some splendid work as an Arizona ranger who Is fearless In Lhla fight for the right. Request Special Week End Special Drtolo Ur UiHIVlMbL ,The damage suit of Mrs. Amelia Matthews of Grants Pass against A. E. Bald ridge of Los Angeles, Callfor- i nia, for 110.000 alleged damages as the result of an auto accident on the J Pacific highway near Grants Pass, was underway In federal court, before Federal Judge Alger Fee today. The Matthews formerly lived on Foots I Creek, this county, where they owned mining property. The plaintiff claims that she re ceived permanent Injuries, as a result of the crash, sustaining severe Injur ies to her hip snd back, which Im paired her health. Her husband was on the stand this morning, and testi fied to the state of her health. tinder croasexamlnatlon. Mntthews at first ricnterl hli wife had ever 1 undergone a severe accident, but later admitted, that two years or so before the auto mishap, she had fallen down stairs In her home end sustained a broken arm. The defense Is represented by At torney A. E. Reames, and the plain tiff by Attorney Gus Newbury. Baldrldge Is connected with the Fire Protective association of Los Angeles. The case Is ejected to go to the Jury late today. The case of Mary Allen of Portland against her father, A. C. Allen, for the revocation of a trust fund trus teeship. Is the next case on the fed eral docket. A trust fund amounting to $80,000 la Involved. The plaintiff seeks to have the trust placed In her own hands. Incomplete registration figures as compiled by the county clerk show there are 18.470 registered voters In Jackson county. There are close to S00 registration cards from the Ash land precincts that have not yet been listed. It ts estimated that the total registration for the November elec tion will pass the 19,000 mark the highest In the history of the county. With a 60 per cent vote practically the same as In Vie primary close to 13,500 votes will be cast also a record. On the face of figures compiled to date, the Republicans gained 300 new voters and the Democrats 287. A surprising number of the new registrants have not voted for years but this year of discontent they have shaken off past lethargy and will flock to the polls. A large number of the new voters are recent arrivals from Oklahoma. Texas and Arkansas. The county authorities will check doubtful cards to determine If the voter has been In the state and coun ty the required six months and 30 days. More than the average number of voters have changed precincts since the May primary, the clerk's records show. E PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 14. (AP) Scatterguns were oiled and the moths shaken from hunting coats today as hundreds of Oregon residents prepar ed for the zero hour on China pheas ants. The season opens at 6:58 a. m. Saturday, one-half hour before surp rise. The season on migratory water fowl opens the following day at noon aunday, so duck hunters, too, will be getting into action along, with tneir dry-land comrades. . The atato game commission said today that reports from the field indicate the largest number of China pheasants abroad in the state's his tory. Game farms broke world rec ords with 30.000 bird production, and there waa unusually good natural propagation especially in eastern Ore. gon. Bain In Klamath KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 14 (AP) Haln fell here last night after two days of expectation but the quantity waa email and the skies were niy partially overcast today. Switches To Drama Helen Ford, famout mualeal com edy atar of "Dearett Enemy," It making hir debut on Broadway is a teriout dramatlo actress. She li from Troy, N. V. (Associated Preta I ' life nt,j. " 'P Ci- 'tt)tji''fy Home Owned and Operated f.' ' i I I Phone 5H1 ! ," - . i Arrest Ordered I , !& B Police In Lisbon, Portugal, were ordered to arrest Samuel Insult, who was reported en route to that city from Paris where this picture was made. He wis recently Indicted In Chicago on charges of larceny and embezzlement, (Associated Press Photo) Craterian Will Show George Arliss Film A new George Arliss picture Is always an event of Importance to the motion picture public and "A Suc cessful Calamity" his latest triumph, opening at the Craterian theater Sun day, promises to excel all of Its ex cellent predecessors In popularity. The story deals with an American family of great wealth; a great imancier. his young and lovely wife and his two grown children; all of whom find themselves so busy with the pleasures and duties Imposed upon them by their money and position that no time Is left for the enjoyment of real family life. Mary As tor and Evalyn Knapp will be seen In the featured feminine roles. The authentic pic tures of the Schmellng-Walker fight will be shown on the same program. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR BENT Furnished apartments, $15, 913 and $8. Opposite Owen Oregon Lumber Co.. N. Pacific Hl way. FOR SALE Baby grand piano, Jist like new, almost half paid for. Will sell for bslance due; very easy terms. Baldwin Piano Shop, 26 9 Grape. FOP. SALE GRAPES for eating and Juice; also fresh grape Juice every Saturday. A. Petard, Jacksonville. FOUND Lady's blue purse near Jun ior high. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Tel. 1503-J. WANTED To rent a 25 or 3n-acre ranch; part pears. Box 8120. Trib une. ROOM AND BOARD $5.00 per week. 414 8. Riverside. WANTED Used car, acreage or cssh for equity In acre and new 5-room modern house. Call T. A. Black at Southern Oregon Sales, or 406-R-2 at noon or evening. FOR SALE Bulck 4-cyllnder touring car; 4 new tires, license; (50. J. L. Yantls, near east end Spring St. FOR SALE Hungarian vetch seed. Tel. 523-J-4. Otto Niedermeyer. FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for ad. LOST Set nocket wrenches; down town section. Reward. Tel. 418. FOR RENT 5-rom furnlsred house, completely modern; close to busi ness district; t27.50 month with water paid. Mrs. R. E. Oreen. Tel. 023. GET the "No Hunting" and trespass ing signs at the Mall Tribune Job office; printed on cloth to with stand the rain and weather. MAN seeking transportation to Mer rill or Klamath Falls on truck or in private car. Saturday morning. Telephone 408-J-l tonight. FOR RENT 5-room house, 14 Al monds; woodshed and garage, Tel. 498-R. Adults 15 Children 5 STUDIO THEATER f" Friday and Saturday "The TEXAN" Starring GARY COOPER Fay Wray Added Attraction! "I'm Totir Noodle" "Hlttlnr. the Trails and News Mat., Sat. 1:18; Eve 7 rhIMren ion Endl TONIGHT C.eorfe tlanrroft In "LADY AND OENT" CATI'RDAT ONLT nally Main In "SO THI H ARIZONA" AIo I stirel. Hardy Comedy "Bin Hunks" "Tr.lU of Hunted" Continuous fthowt "nt. 1:30-11 TEACHERS OPPOSE AND DRY REPEAL (Continue, now rag on.) scher. Central Point; Eugenia Carson. Washington school. Ashland: Mrs. Elmo Russell, Lincoln .school, Med ford; Ralph Bailey, Senior high school, Medford. The program of the second day of the Jackson County Teachers Insti tute was nesrlng completion this afternoon at the senior high school with a good attendance continuing. Resolutions will be presented this afternoon and officers of the Jackson county unit of the O. S. T. A. will be elected, also delegates to the state convention. Leading speakers on the yesterday afternoon program were Dr. Walter Redford, president of the Southern Oregon Normal school, and Oeorge Neuner. Untted States district attor ney, who defended the prohibition law, opposing vehemently repeal of the state law. The measure, he stated, is aimed to' repeal the Anderson act, providing for cieatlon of law enforce ment bodies, not the dry law Itself. It would leave Oregon with a dry law, but without officials to enforce It. outside of the federal officers and federal Judges, he said. Under such a program, he further explained, It would take three years to get a case tried. Removing the ban on liquor, he declared, would soon lend to removing the ban on dope. As a solution to the present difficulties realized under prohibition Attorney Neuner recommended voting dishonest and Incompetent officials out of office. Attorney Neuner also opposed, with out any reservations, the Zorn-Mac-pherson bill for merging of Oregon's schools of higher learning. Prof. H. S. Tuttle, who spoke yes terday afternoon, was also chief speaker on the morning program to day. He chose as his subject "Ef ficiency and Progress." The remainder of the morning session was given over to departmental discussions. The mu sical contribution to the program was maae by the Jackson school boys' chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Jeanne Laldley. In the afternoon the Girls' Glee club of the high school, under direc tion of Miss Harriet Baldwin, and the Roosevelt Glee club, under Miss Eleanor Curry's supervision, enter tained with a number of songs. Special Communication of Medford Lodge No. 103, A :VTV P. A. M., rrlday, Oct. 14, ;W at 7:30 D. m. Work In P. C. degree. Visitor. Invited By order of L. o. STEWART. W. M. GEO. ALDEN, Secy. Special Communication of Medford Lodge No. 103. A F. & A. M., Sunday, Oct. IStb, at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose of attending and conducting the funeral of Brother Glenn Fabrlck. By order of L. O. STEWART, W. M GEO. ALDEN, Secretary. 4 ml? FRIDAY - SATURDAY yr ADULTS Anytime JmiM ALS0 J&SMwg&i news . j?srmj&M W1 SATURDAY NITE REVIVAL SHOW "THE SPIRIT of NOTRE DAME" WITH AX DR. KUNZ Says If you eat, you need teeth. If you have teeth, you mult have Dentistry. And you cannot do without the very reliable torvlce we give you. 0ur li a complete, painlens method, Incluiive with low prices. " Juit Dentistry The Best" EXAMINATION FREE Holly Theatre Bldg. Phone 68 New Lions Leader .4 AS ' K 1 Charles H. Hatton CHAKLKS H. HATTON' nf Wichita. Kans.. elected to the prrslrtenry of Lions International at the Los An geles convention. Mr. Hatton Is presi dent of the Peoples Finance Company of Wichita and holils office tn several otlirr large corporations In Wichita. T OF An advertisement of special inter est to voters appears In today's Mall Tribune over the signature of tho Medford -Crescent City Truck Lines. This advertisement calls attention to the Importance of the Crescent City harbor to southern Oregon Industries snd points out the effect the pass age of the freight truck and bua hill would have in discouraging shipping through t.he harbor to thla city and southern Oregon points. "The trucking service to Redwoods highway and Illinois valley points la vitally necessary to the development of these sections just as It la to pro ducers and consumers In Jackson county," a Medford trucking oper ator said today. This operator, who Is active in placing the truckmen's position on the bill before the voters, pointed out the enormous tonnage In produce shipped Into his section of Oregon -nd shipped to sister com munities and outside points by truck and made the claim that small pro ducers would suffer from the pass age of this measure before the voters on November 8. PORTLAND, Ore., Or. 14. (AP) A suit to foreclose a mortgage on pro perty In Douglas and Cooa counties has been filed In federal court here by the continental National Bank & Trust company of Chicago, against the W. T. Culver company, Coos Bay Logging company, Ralph D. Moores, receiver, and the B. & 0. Logging company.- SPECIAL SALE tomorrow. Hats 50c and 94.09. Dresses 62.03 to $1193. Shoes tl.49 to 44.93. THE BAND BOX & SHOE BOX, "The store that saves you money." Ofaalan I .HIILING I ALL STAB CART 1 MEET HERE NEXT Part commander of the Ashland. Medford and Grants Pass posta of the American Legion met tn Ashland last night at tha Llthla Springs hotel and started plana for the permanent or ganization of a Past Commanders' club. The next meeting will be held In this city November 14 at a dinner nesMon under the auspices of Elmer Wilson, genera chcalrman. Harold Prestel of Grants Pass and Wilson Walt, this city. Attending last nlght'a meeting were Dr. C. R. ORlo. Nell Allen, Noble Stanton, Jim Thompson, Robert Har ris and Die Singleton, Grants Pass; John Enders, Paul Taylor, Glen Simpson, Guy Applewhite, Perry Ash crslt, P. p. McDonald, Dr. J. W. Cran dall. Ashland: and the following from Medford: Ralph Cowglll, E. A. Corbett. Elmer Wilson, Le Oarlock, Wm. Grenbemmer, Ralph Bowera. Chae. Delsman, H. L. Bromley, and E. O. Ferguson. GALA PREMIERE SHOWING TODAY and SATURDAY RICHARD ARLEN frffcK Andy Davlns, Jamas Glaason, '.4 1 Gloria Stuart, Jon. Clyde, LJX!.&) I , Merna Kennedy, Preston 5 F '?t4'ffi II Foster, John Darrow and ? ' -V Iril Ijj the entire 1931 j Jjv? I -ADDED ATTRACTION- DONALD NOVIS Late of Cocoannt drove In "MA'S PRIDE AND JOY" COMING P .I He how one family 1 '."" ?; : I :.. V .3 laiifhed off the dprea- i I ; r - . 1 Hp how onit family I J. ' laiiKhM! off the depres sion. Hfl fukrd fttllim and found real meres. PRICES Mate Week Deja Ere... San. Matt, and Holldara a.'.Jdlei Ctme EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION EXCLUSIVE FIRST SH0WINO SCHMELING-WALKER FIGHT PICTURES 'TEXAN' TONIGHT Tonight and Saturday the Studio theaW will feature Gmrry Cooper and Fay Wray In "The Texan.' It Is an exciting action film of uhe early days In the old Southwest. The program also Includes a cartoon, comedy and news. DRESS SALE 200 new dresses Jus arrived. A regular ! value special at aa 93. Other dresses up to 112.30, Coat It) .93 and up. fihoes tl.49 to M-95. THE BAND BOX U SHOE BOX, 'The store that saves you money." 15c TIME 15C ENDS TODAY "13 MY FACE RED" Tomorrow Only TIM McCOY Riding hard Shooting fast In "THE FIGHTING FOOL' Thrilling Speefcsle Eclipsed only by Tremendous HUMAN DRAMA! SUNDAY MunIfc" GARY COOPER If AT STUDIO ft rjnoto)