MEDFORD MAIL TRTBTOTE, lEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932. PAGE FIVE Lccal and Personal Returns Home Hattle Smith, who bw been visiting In Medford and ylelnlty for h part two month, left Wednesday evening bj train for her home In Portland. Mr. Peteri Home Mra. Era Peters returned to her home In Medford thl morning by train from Sacra mento, where ahe haa been visiting for the pat five weeka. Mrs. Murray Visits Mra. Jennie Murray of Fairfax, Cal.. la In Medford visiting her alster-In-law, Mrs. Rose Murray. She made the trip here to day on the Shasta. Daniels Return Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Daniels returned yesterday after noon from Portland, where they spent several days combining busl nesa and pleasure. Bown from lake Creek Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wyant of Lake Creek were In Medford yesterday afternoon at tending to business mattera and buy ing supplies for their ctore. Retlaw Leaves Following his reg ular weekly conference with the Pox tkntir managers in Medford, Jack i.ttimd to his offices In Eugene today by train. r. Kadn Home John Kado turned to Medford this morning by i,'n from Portland, where he ac companied the body of his wife, who died Sunday. Thomas Leaves Having attended to business matera with fruit men here, George Thomas, representative . rmcuffO. Milwaukee s St. Paul railway, left on the Oregonlan last night for Portland. K nudum Much Better Dr. A. B Dodson, IU with thrlchinosls at the Kscred Heart hospital, was reported i. . Imnroved condition today, r rwinon wa first stricken with the disease about week ago. , . . Cant Keep Bike Bob Purucker report to the city police Tuesday .. ht hlcvcle had beers atoien Wednesday morning the police found It for him, and last night the bicycle was missing again, he tola omcers. They had not located It yet today. a Mrs. Hutchison 111 Mra. C. 1 Hutchison, who underwent a major ,,.,..tion at the Sacred Heart hos- n.i vMtrriv for acute appendicitis, was reported resting more easily this .rumnnn hr friends are glad to learn. nuests In Medforfl Mrs. Tony Metschan of the Imperial hotel, Port land, and her brother, J. P. Landram of Los Angeles, have been visiting In Medford for the past two days. Mrs. Metschan returned home today, and Mr. Landtam will Journey south tomorrow. Rail Men Here A. W. Shoemaker of the Missouri Psclflc, Portland: Er nest S. rarrell of the Union Pacific. Eugene, and 3. A. Russell of the Erie railway, Portland, are In Medford today attending to business matters with varloua firms, having arrived on the train this forenoon. Couple Gets License A license to wed was Issued Thomas R. Llnebaugh, 11. of Trail, and Genevieve Sturgess, 34. also of Trail, at the county clerk'a offloe yesterday. Both are natives of California, and he Hated his occu pation as a farmer and ens housewife. To Join Hunters A. W. Milton of A.n Francisco arrived In Medford on the Shasta, today to be the guest for three weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nobllt. Mr. Milton will Join W. J. meuber of St. Louis, Mo., and Chas ter h. purael of Jacksonville on hunting trip. The three were formerly from New Jersey. Register from Hawaii Captain and . Mra. Jack Bertrana or ienue imui, 1 Kuwait, were overnight guest regis tered at a local hotel. Others from distant point were L. P. Traver of Chicago. 111., O. T. Davlnatett of Salt Lake City, Utah, George A. Mont gomery of Kansas City, Mo., Jas. M Sturlevant, Sam Lobel and A. B Bradley of New York city, and Mr. and Mra. R. E. oron oi none, Register Today Prom state points outside of Portland, the following Ore Mnlans are listed at Medford hotels: Cordelia Reneer of The Dalles, James E. Bunnell, Wm. A. Hammond. Georse n. Graves, A. B. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellara of Salem. Norman Fararr and Jack Retlaw of Eugene, H. A. Llndgren of Corvallls, Mrs. P H. Stansburv and Mra. C. P. Talent nf Tslent. Victor Chamber of Cot tage O'ove. T. L. Thuemler of Rogue River. K. K. Pari and J. Srhockley of Roeeburg and J. C. O'Neill of Klamath Falls. v From State Metropolis Prom . ort J land, the following hotel guests are registered here: I. E. Modesltt, Mr. and Mrs. D. Vane. R. D. Bergin. Charles Muss, E. W. Barr, E. W. Mosher, H. C. Graham. B. E. Hamlin. T. N. Dlnadsle. D. H. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Troester, H. W. Dickinson. J. A. Phillips. T. J. Oraves. Charles A. Fullen. Leo E. Laurln, J A. Or- mandv,' Geo. D. Oerson. Harry J. Bushnell. M. D. Leh. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graham. Ned Barrlnger, Peter W. Welch, Paul E. Lea, H. C. Walling, F. O. Markham, . T. White, E. L. Green, A. H. Querrle. R. D. Farrell. Arthur W. Johnson. R. O. Thompson. W. H. Norton and Don Warkentln. Boyl to Yreka Robert Boyl left till morning on a business trip to Yreka. Tanner Visits Here Walter Tanner of San Francisco la a business caller In Medford today. Motor to Gold Hill Curtis Darby of this city was a business caller at Gold Hill yesterday. Klxon In Hospital P. O. Nixon of 67 Summit atreet I In the Sacred Heart hospital tor a rest cure this week. Stambaugh Here Phil Stambaugh of San Francisco waa a business vis itor at the Copv'O home office In this city yesterday. On Business Trip Joe Piatt, dis trict manager for the Hotpolnt elec tric range, waa a local business vis itor from San Francisco yesterday. In Grants Pass Mrs. Ralph B Gorton Is spending today In Grant Pass, having made the trip north on the 8hasta today. Talent Improves Charles p. Talent, who underwent a major operation at the Sacred Heart hospital, waa re ported slightly improved today. Go Fishing Hal S. Kenyon of Portland, deputy clerk fo rthe federal court, and Otto DeJarnett of the Medford postofflce left this afternoon fcr a fishing trip on the Rogue. From Central Point Misses Arlene Hay and Alice Seabrooke, Instructors In the Central Point schools, were in Medford last evening, shopping and visiting friends. Week-end Visitor Miss Dorotha Rlddell waa a Medford visitor the first of the week, bringing a friend with her from Klamath Falls to, be guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Riddell at their home on the Old Stage road. Business Visitor Fred O. Kelly of Rogue River was transacting busi ness In Medford today. Mrs. V. R. Beer of Copco was also a caller, and Mr. adn Mr. C. E. Bellows, Reese creek. Hunt at Dead Indian Don New bury, Lewis Ulrlch and Mr. Chapman, who recently returned from a hunt ing trip through the Dead Indian country, report bum luck and no meat. - Returns to Prospect Earl Ulrlch arrived In Medford this morning from Prospect and will be accompanied on his return to the resort town by Mrs. Ulrlch, who has been visiting her parent here for the past week, From Washington Giving their residences as Washington, hotel guests Included Paul A. Moser, Harry West and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evans of Sesttle, and Mrs. W. D. Boyer of Spokane. Applegate Home Richard Apple- gate, who has been on a vagabond Journey for several months, which took him to Europe and back, has returned to hi home In Medford. Bernhelsel Has Cold Nye Bern- helsel of route two, employe at Fluh- rer's bakery, who Is receiving treat ment at the Sacred Heart hospital for a severe cold, was reported In an Improved condition today. To Lake o' the Woods Karl L. Janouch, assistant supervisor of Rogue River national forest, left this morning for Lake o' the Woods, where he will spend two days on work per taining to the construction of the ranger station and the recreation park there. , ... Committee Meets A meeting of "On to Yreka" committee of the Med ford Crater club was held this morn ing at the Chamber of Commerce. Final arrangements for Medford's representation at the big "Gold Rush" celebration 'were made and all Indications point to a splendid at tendance from this city. The Crater committee Is as follows: Jack Thomp son, chairman, Ted Baker, Horace Bromley, Henry Fluhrer, Carl Teng wald, Ted GeBauer and Bert Orr. Registered Here Mr. and Mm H. L. Troester of the United New Serv ice, Portland, an guest In Medford. ... Attend Democratic Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hamilton of Central Point were among people from out of town here last night for the meet ing of the Young Democratic duc at the Hotel Holland. ... Guest of Rlchardsons Henry Rich ardson, who arrived In th valley a short time ago from California to be guest of his mother, Mrs. Cordelia Richardson of thl city, I also visit ing other relatlvea and report that he is enjoying the southern Oregon weather. . Ormandy Here J. A. Ormandy. passenger agent for th Southern Pacific company, with headquarters In Portland, la In Medford attending to business matters and conferring with A. 8. Rosenbaum, district freight and passenger agent for the same company. ... LeFevr Returns Ray LeFevre re turned to Medford Wednesday night from Portland, where he attended special demonstration by Dermott of Lonon. at' Meier & Frank company's elaborate new beauty salon. Short hair for girls and women la definite ly laking the place of long hair, ac cording to the style authority from London. . Complete Vacation George Bar- num and F. W. Payne returned to Medford last night from Clltcops lake, where they have been apendlng the past ten days. They were ac companied here by P. F. Close, post master at Siltcoos, who formerly re sided In Medford. He is calling on frlenda and old-time acquaintances while here. Rogue River ELECTION BALLOT OE GREAT LENGTH Preparation of Jackson county bal lots for the general election, Novem ber 8, was underway today In the county clerk's office. The ballot will contain the names of 108 candidate of the city, county, state and nation. IS Initiative measure, and two stock restriction measures, one for the Rogue River district and the other for the Eagle Point section. The stock measures are Intended to prohibit running of stock tn territory adjacent to the Pacific highway, north, and the Crater lake highway. In the Reese Creek district. Both were source of complaint by motorist last spring. Notice of the holding of the gene ral election. November 8, will be mailed today and tomorrow and will be posted on the voting places. In ac cordance with Oregon law. Registrations continued heavy to day, close to 800 new registration carda were received yesterday. Heavy registration Is anticipated In the time remaining before the registration books are closed Saturday, at the close of the day's business at 5:00 o'clock. The registration will be the heaviest In the history of the county and will pass the 18.000 mark. Cards received yesterday showed that the registration was running about lx Republicans to every four Democrats, and two miscellaneous, In every 13 cards. Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 5. (API CATTLE 80, calves 10; slow, weak. HOGS 9(0: steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS 70 steady. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 8 (API BUTTER Prints, 02 score or better. 23-34?: standards, 22c. COUNTRY MEATS Selling prlc to retailers: Country killed hoga. best butchers under 160 lbs., B-8c: lambs 9-Q,,ic lb. Others unchanged. POTATOES Local 75o orange box: Yakima Oems, 86c-- cental. BUTTERFAT Direct to ahlppera: Station, 18c. Portland delivery price 18c lb. Live poultry and eggs, unchanged. Onions, wool, hay, quotations unchanged. San Francisco Butterfat SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8. (AP) Butterfat f. o. b. San Francisco. 33c. 1 Travelers Stop Here The hotel reg isters have listed the names of the following Callfornlans: O. H. Hyat of Turlock. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Laurie of Hlllsboro. Mra. M. M. Conley, L. H. Conley of Long Beach, W. A. Arnold of Yreka. Mrs. Alice Wllshlre of King City, S. S. Montgomery of Beverly Hills, M. Ahlatrom of Oakland. E. A Gordon of Berkeley. P. M. Cobb, A. J. Lamle, E. C. Morck. Y. Sakal A. J. Blgelow. Charles Marks, Joseph Ja cobs, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Vollmer, W. W. Trusdale Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Harrison and Mrs. Emily Nelon of San Francisco. W. B. Curtis. Dave Zolla, M. W. Frank and Mr. and Mrs Leslie Turner of Los Angeles. ROGUE RIVER, Oct. 6. (Spl.( Live Oak Grange met Friday to cele brate Rally night, also a farewell ; party for Mr. and Mrs. Dow Cook and daughter, who will leave soon for southern California. The even ing was spent In gamea, after the program, and refreshment were en Joyed by about 60. The Cooks will be greatly missed In the Grange a well as In other circles. Rogue River ha a new milkman. Victor Blrdseye has purchased she milk route operated by Oscar Shep herd, and Is delivering grade A milk. Mr. Shepherd will be missed by nls customers. Packing of apples stBrted Tuesday morning at the Del Rio orchard. Many from here are employed at thla orchard. Reed Carter and Sam Sandry left Tuesday afternoon on a deer hunt In the Cow creek canyon country. Live Oak Grange met Saturday In regular session. Master Walt In the chair. The usual routine of business wu carried on. About 20 members were present. Owing to the dry weather, the Foots creek dredge closed Saturday until such time when rain causes plenty of water for running the dredge. Mrs. Carrie Hargadlne and Mrs. Mary Virginia Sampson and small daughter Jean left Sunday morning for their home In Santa Monica, after visiting several week with the Wiley, Carter, Whipple and Scott famine. Mr. and Mr. Ralph Carter of Hollywood left for their home Sat urday via Eureka, to visit a few days. While here they visited Mr. Carter's brother. Reed Carter, and family. He waa much enthused over the fishing here. John and Will McCubbtn left Sun day foT thetr mine at Happy Camp, Cal. They have been visiting some time with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Nelmuth. Mrs. Shartf arrived home Monday from spending the summer with her son and family In eastern Oregon. J. E. Corey and brother, T P. Corey, who Is here visiting from Wisconsin, returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, who have been living at the mill prop erty, moved to their home in the Illinois valley Tuesday, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Harding moved Into the house vacated by them. Mrs. Ira Phillips and Junior and Mrs. Richard Scott and children were Grants Pass visitors Saturday even ing. Mrs. B. Crawford of Oakland, Cal., visited here last week and went up to her ranch, Bybee spring, In Evans valley. Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Los Angeles have completed ft garage on their place here and plan next summer to build a house. Mr. and, Mrs. Hill spend part of each summer In Rogue River. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hayea and daughter Hazel will leave soon for Twenty-nine Palm. Cal. Mr. Burdett. who has been In poor health for some time, was taken to the home of her mother at Drain Ore., to spend ft month In hopes the chang may benefit her. Trail Wall St. Report Union Curb ,,.,, 28 Unttod Aircraft as V. 6. Bte Corpt. Truat Share 1.B5 Devil's Advocate Slows Sainthood For Don Bosco VATICAN CITY (API The pro om for the canon .rut ion of the Bltwcd Don Brwo. founder of the Saleslnn order, which haa score of chapters in Bouth America and aome in the United States, haa middenty met with difficulties. Thene are due to the fact that the "devtl'a advocate" haa thrown doubt on the authenticity of one of the miracle auppoaed t , have heen worked throush lntercwton of the Tori n cue monk who was beautified three year afro. The "devH's advocat' (thla la hla true title) la an ecclealastlc whose duty It la to attack the proofs ad vanced by the persons who support a beatification or canonization. Ma ytrer. Fluhrer shingle mill sumed operations. re- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Stork Sale Average (Copyright, 1033, Standard Statistics Co.) October 8: 60 India Today 67.0 Prev. day 68.7 Week ago .... 62.1 Year ago .. 78.8 3 Yrs. ago ....336.3 30 Rr's 29 8 20.7 34.6 48.7 163.6 30 Ut's 82.6 03.1 08.7 114.3 334.6 00 Total 69.0 68.7 84 S 78.7 338.1 Bond Sale Averages (Copyright, 1933, Standard Statistics Co.) October 6: . TRAIL, Oct. 8. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jorden of Ashland were overnight guests at the Boyd Tucker home October 1. Mrs. Geo. Weeks went to Eagle Point Sunday to spend a week visit ing her mother, Mrs. Mary Leabo. Wesley Ragsdale. Mrs. Ed Pence and Mra. Wllmer Ragesdale made a trip to the valley Tuesday to get more pears to put up for winter use. Mrs. E. E. Ash and Mrs. Mildred Young spent Tuesday with Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson, helping her quilt. Ed Ash and Geo. Weeks are spend ing the week at Huckleberry Gap hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ash spent Sunday afternoon at Central Point visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Scherman, who for merly lived up Trail creek. Mr. Wayne Ash Is staying with Mrs. E. E. Ash while Mr. Ash Is away hunting. Mr. and Mr. Ray Davis and two boys of Prospect visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. W Hutchinson. Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. Floyd Hutchinson and little daughter Dor othy drove to Grants Pass Wednes day for an overnight visit with Mrs. Hutchinson's cousins, Mrs. Park No mer, also to get some grapes as they have a large vineyard. Honoring Floyd Hutchinson's birth day, he end Mrs. Hutchinson and children, Olive, Junior and Dorothy, were dinner guests Sunday of his parent, Mr. and Mr. S. W. Hutch inson. Shrine Staled Session Hlllah Temple meets at Masonic hall, Ashland, Friday evening, October 7th, In stated session. Routine and other Im portant business regarding the com ing Ceremonial. Refreshment after session. All Shrlners Invited. O. R. CHAPMAN, Potentate. R. B. DETRJCK, Recorder. Prev. day Week ago .. Year ago .. 30 30 SO 60 India Rr's Ut'i Total . 66.4 68.1 83.6 73.3 ... 65.3 68.4 84.0 72.6 . 6S.6 71.2 85.0 73.9 ... 70.3 81.11 89.9 80.7 ... 93.1 101.3 96.7 98.7 NEW YORK. Oct. 8. (AP) The stock market regained It poise to day, after yeaterday'a severe setback. but In the face oi a sag in ine wneav market, the list waa unable to rally. Net changea at the finish were most ly fractional, wltft the tone steady. The turnover approximated 2,000,000 shares. Today'a closing prices for 31 select ed stocks follow: Al. Chem. Jc Dye .. Am. Can ....i - Am. & Fgn. Power A. T. & T. Anaconda LOST Brown cocker spaniel dog: bridge at Eagle Point: reward. Carl D. Bowman, iweaiora. FOR RENT-Cheerrel apartment, 518 BO. uaKatia. Kir trade Equity In modern house for cabin, clear. 1813 W. Main. FOR RENT 8-room bungalow, l'i acre land: barn, chicken house. wood shed. lawn, garden. Will rent for vear to right party, io a-mo. W. R. Lamb, east end street water tank Is on. Central Point. BARGAINS 85 piece S-ln. pipe In lengths from 8 ft. 6 in. to 13 ft. 4 In.: 88 sheets 28 gauge galvanized Iron In 10-tt. lengths; 263 ft. chain link wire fencing. 8-ft. width. Will sell sny part or all at a bargain. EAKIN MOTOR CO. Dodge snd Plymouth Dealer. 5. TODAY 'THE NIGHT OF JUNE 13' Coming Tomorrow T v ytT"HWj'Mf ,'aJW"1 ""'yH) Chandu Lives! Greater Than on the - Radio The man who saved the World from destruction r.. by the dreaded death fay machine now lives v(.oa the screen. - V' 1 I -' I .v V-. ' ,! Olendale. Fall fluwer aiow held recently by Olendale Garden club. R0XY...15C Phone 201 Children 1(K- THI RsnAV n(l Friday ( laudetle Colbert, ( live Brook In "THE MAN FROM YESTERDAY" Also Pictorial "Brlrtte It Is" News Pally Mat. 1:30 lie. 7 P. M. 2 ADULTS LAST TIMES T0NTTE "BACHELORS FOLLY" Edna Best Herbert Marahall ANYTIME FBLDAY SATURDAY TOM andTONYih RIDER OF DEATH VAUEY Atch. T. & 8. F. Bcndlk Avla ... Both. Steel ............ Chrysler . Coml. Bolv . Curtis Wright DuPo'nt oen. Foods Ocu. Motor Int. Harvest . I. T. & T. Johns-Man. Mont. Ward North Amer -. Parnm. Publlx Penney (J. C.) . Phllllpa Pet. Radio Sou. Pac Std. Branda ... St. Oil Cal St. Oil N. J TrBns. Amer , (0$ 78?i SI 'A a 10714 10 48 12 !4 21 16 10, 2 87? j 2814 1514 24 4 11 244 1314 3114 4?4 21 6 814 2214 144 25'4 2914 614 MOTORCYCLE "27 Harley 74, A-l ahape: cheap. Call at 515 8. Sentral. WANTED By capable woman, work by hour or day. Call at Palace Hotel, ask for Miss Brown. FOR RENT 4-room modern furnish ed house: hardwood noors, over stuffed, electric range. Call at 530 S. Central. LOST Female Springer spaniel. Re. ward. Finder please telephone 1186. R, evenings. STUDIO Ends Tnnlte "WITH BYRD AT THE SOUTH POLE" FREE. A GIFT FROM CHANDU TO ALL ADULTS, BOTH DAYS AND FOR THE KIDDIES SATURDAY MATINEE 250 CHANDU MAGIC CONES . mm i. HI. ANY SEAT ANY TIME 15. Shfl mat alfle but ahe waa TODAY and FRIDAY honor family for love of a crook ji . Lrtl 1 1 with Helen Twelvetrees Lewis stone Robert Young Plus Eddie Gribbon Comedy "Hats, Mart" News Keeps False Teeth In Faateeth, a new improved powder keepa plate from dropping or tup ping. No gummy, pasty feeling. Sweetens breath. Gives real teeth com fort all day. Praised by people and dentists everywhere. Avoid worry. Get Faateeth at Jarmln t Woods or your druggist. The number of dependable quick starts a battery gives under all conditionals a definite measure of lis quality. Com pare a Willard on that basis . . and it Is the most satisfac tory battery you can buy. Yet $R95 buT You a 13 plate, 80 Ampere) Hour Willard with the Willard name and trademark . . molded plainly In the case . . . your assurance of quality. Littrell Parts Co. Genuine Willard Service on any make of Battery low Prices en Repairing and Recharqtno; Look for the Red and While Willard Sign In Your Communltr WillSii WANTED! 100 OLD BATTERIES Sell us your old battery now and malte money on it. During this big trade-in sale we will give you an extra liberal allowance for your old battery when traded, in on a new Firestone JBattery. Don't wait until your battery goes dead and you have to crank. The cost of the service call alone, not counting the delay, will go a long way toward paying for a new Firestone Battery. Drive in today. BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR A LIMITED TIME 1Fflt?G$tftn6 BATTERIES FULL POWERED FULL SIZED high oversize plates select Port Orford Cedar separators special design rubber bushing prevents leaks and absorbs shocks thick, heavy reinforced covers give battery contents extra protection large connectors carry heaviest discharge without power loss extra strong, genuine hard rubber case ample capacity at all temperatures sc.EnCtSEcTUce 7f?c $ TWO DAYS PRFFf2LV a A fiK RENTAL ..rAECi vHkV LIMITED TIME ONLY J M with your old MsssHasaMSBBassaMSeasBsasaaassBiaBwsaBSaaB a fernery 5ayt fimt and Alone 13-Plate-Fully Guaranteed tet ut tompltttly prepare your car for cofef wtathtr. JtotftVm TIRE I FREE fftttilMIt TRADE-IN SALE BATTERY SPMARJ fVUGS New reduced prices Wet, slippery rosds demand tires that nfll TEST as low as.- grip and hold. Trade In your thin, worn fW ffJV lires now and Ret th cam strength and Be Sure Yout Battery Is SVlveVffS extra safety of Firestone! at lowest cost. Ready for Cold Weather. jjar each ONE-STOP SERVICE Firestone Service Stores, Inc. 9th and Pacific Highway Phone 520