ilEDFOHD lOH. TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER '4. 1932. PSGE SEYES I A DON'T FOEGET TO PHONE THAT WANT AD HERE ARB TBS RATESl ftt word ftrit UMtUa ( Minimum isc ) gen dditionl uuertlon. per wort (Minimum lOo) per line pet month, without copy changee r.T 11 dog missing, call 1M6. HELP WANTED MALE WArrrlSMarf with truck to haul Tribune. ., -T ANTED Man to exchange work for ?aV BlT Wrecking Yard, 114 ml. So. Phoenix- " WANTED SITrjATlONS SJpbSbNCED cooiTand iw" mat work where can. have .full ,V Motherless hT.prefred. Bos lo9, uchmm - WANTED Housework and P""' nursing. Reaacnahle wage. Phone 1349-Y. . WANTED Housework by experienced lady?"" week. Box 1588. Tribune. POSITION WAtTrED-Housekeeper or practical nurse. Phone MS. M.a. Bullock. ' " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Tf BUY Used Bean pump, regard tea? of condition. Box 7917. Tribune Phone J L-JL I WANTED Use of piano for storage. Will tako excellent care. Phone 1 t 1380-J- ' .:..,. J,.r wishes furnished m labor. References available. Box 7913, Tribune. wTrrTvarnoll rnx. Must be cheap -v,. nive orice. etc. Box 68B0, Mall Tribune. ANTED Several hundred old news papers, phone w aiwr p- wiMTTpn T,a.ndrv. 4o lb;, 8c lb. completely finished. Phone 669-X-2 FOR RENT HOeS FOR RENT 5-room house, furnished or unrvxnisnea. suo nui.M. yOR RENT 5-room furn. house. reasonable. Phone 834-R. rto oTrvT a -mom house, close n. -,.ir 125 No. Holly. Tel. 745-X. FOR RENT 31 Mistletoe. 5-room unfurnished nome; iireia:, mood floors, one block from court house; 30 includln. water. Charles R. Ray. Realtor, Medford Building. Phone 303. FOR RENT Small 3 -room house fur nished, lights snd water. 430 per 4 month. Phone 869-X-3. FOR RENT Beautiful furn. home, 840 E. 0th. Also cheaper houses. Phone 1382-J- FOR RENT 3-room modern furnish ed house. U20.00 per month. 315 S. Peach. Phone 408-J-4. Fred C. San der. FOR RENT Furnished house. clow in. Tel. 310-Y. FOR RENT 3 modern bungalows, Berrydale: newly decorated, new lawns; 12.50. water paid. Tel. 105 FOR RENT 5-room modern bunga low, close in. nice lawn and shade: easily heated; reasonable rent. Tel. M6 or 290-Y. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room house Crater Lake Ave.; unfurnished 8 roon house on 12th near school. Both new. Phone 119. FOR RENT 4-room modern furn. house, with garage. Call 313 or U13-J. ) FOR RENT New 6-room bungalow t 629 So. Holly. Owner, 622 S. Holly. FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, 19 Crater Lake Ave. Rent 175. Can be sen Sunday. Phone 597-R-3. FOR RENT 17 Glen Osk Court, 5 room unfurnished home, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, furnace, newly decorated, 42 50 a month in cluding water. Charles Ray, Realtor, Medford Building, Phone 302, RENT OR SALE Homes. 4 Olen Ck Court. 30 No. Peach price reducea thoussnd dollars. Small payment down, balance like rent. Owner. 906-R. 7-ROOM furn. or unfurnished, at 1139 W. Main. 817.50. Also 2 rooms, 34 Rose Ave., 810. Phono C. A. DeVoe, FOR RENT Neat cottage, 8. Howell. Berrydale Ave. FOR Ri.NT Modern home on East Main St. Inquire Farmers it Fruit growers Bank. FOR RENT Strictly modern, unfux i nlshed A room bungalow, close in i and nead Rich school; has heat role, electric heater: laundry equip ped with tube; garage, wood shed, floweri. lawn, etc; no small chil dren; address Box 723. Mall Trlb un: state if have piioue asd ftH- TlU csL rOB RENT flOl'SEH FOR RENT 8-room Call 834-J. modern house. PURN1SHED house. Tel. C. A. DeVue FOR RENT StutTO, 101 Clark St.; newly decorated: 8 mo. Tel. .105. FOR RENT Oood Inquire 417-J-3. house, close tn. FOR RENT Furn. house .reasonable. Will -accept portion In work. Key at 223 No. Riverside. FOR RENT House near high school. Being remodeled. Onl) (20. Tel. 105 FOR REN1 borne KurnlMied or unfurnished. Brown ds White. HOMES COH RENT Call 196 FOB RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apt. 81 N. Oakdale. FOR RENT S or 4-room furnished apartment, front entrance, private bath, garage; adults. 711 East Main. APARTMENT 3 rooms And private 319 So. Ivy. bath. Phone 600-L. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 40 Quince. Phone 461-W. FURN. 3 and 3 room apts, neat, pleas ant. Reasonable. 1205 c. Mam, 3 LARGE rooms, living room, bed room and breaKfast nooK. Modern and well furnished, priced right. 413 No. Ivy. FOR RENT Furn. apt., Durrell court. 333 No. Holly, call at .Apt. 4. FURNISHED APTS. with private bath. garage, iignw ana water; newly pa pered; adults only. Apply after 6 at rear or 244 so. orape. APTS. FOR RENT 808 W. Main. MODERN furnished 3-room apart ment. 345 N Bartlett. Tel. 753-M FURN. APT., new overstuffed, refrig eration. The Berben. 10 Qulnoe. FOR BENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room and garage 10 per month. 835 So. Riverside Ave. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, heated. 404 So. Orape. , . FOB BENT BOOMS AND BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS, 3; board $5. 716 East Main. FOR BENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICES In Sparta BIdg.: ideal loca tion, steam heat; low rentals. Carl Y. Tengwald. Agent,. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO LEASE Jacksonville Sanitarium, completely furninhed. Apply Mrs. Effle Wlckman, 203 K St., Grants Pass. FOR SALE Apt. house cheap. . residence. 806 W. Main. Also FOR SALE! Or would rent, one of the best little business stands In the city. Just the place for a man and wife. Do not answer unless you mean business. Address Box XX, Mail Tribune, FOR SALE OR LEASE Auto camp with 10 apartments with garages In Alturaa, Calif. Big Pines Lumber Co., Medford, Ore. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE HAVE Long Beach home value 3200, want small ranch. 235 E. Pleasant St., Long Beach, Cftl. FOR EXUHANUE WANTED To trade sugar pine shafces for milk cow. Inquire at Faber'a store, central point. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 young heif ers for puuets or hay. Tel. 7-F-3 MiLLWORK, Cabinet work and build ing done, will trade for wood, live, stock, etc. Phone 403-R-3. EXCHANGE Furniture repaired, up holstered, for what have you?v Tbl bault. Phone 969-R. WILL TRADE Battery radio set for wood. MB N. Bartlett. TO EXCHANGE Registered Jersey buil for one with satisfactory pedt gree. J. A. Manke, R. F. D. 1. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Chevrolet 6 coupe, cheap. 101 Western Ace. ID27 P1CKARD Good rubber, good shape throughout, to trade for cows or saddle horses. Value 300 Write or call at Fur Fish & Game Corp. Ranch, Prospect, Ore. FINANCE CO. says sell this repos sessed Ford roadster, registered 1931. -with small milenee and nev: car guarantee, cannot be told from new. Someone gets ft bargain on vtv essv terms. GATES AUTO CO. USED CAR DEPT. FOR SALE Cheap ai ton Reo Speed Wagon. A-l condition, new tires. Make an offer. Valley Fuel Co. SANDY'S USED CAR EMPORIUM Featuring Chevrolets this week at a real price. '29 Cher. Coupe 1225 00 23 chev. Coach and trunk 225 00 '29 Chev. Coach 225 00 30 Chev, Coupe M - 325 00 '27 Chev. Coupe ... 75 00 25 Other makes Fords. Pont:a:s. Esmx, Chryslers. Oaklands, Buicke. etc. Prlcs and terms to suit. Open Evenlnes and Sundsvs. PONTIAC SALES FLOOR So. Riverside, FOR SALE IKMtS AND PETS FOR SALE Persian kittens, bees and canary birds. A. R. Kanscom, Biddle rod. FOB SALt HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT 3 room modem bouse, also 4 room modern hou?e. both on Lozier Lane. Each houie on quarter acre. B:g Pines Lbr. Co. FOB SALE LfVtSTO,ft PIOS, 13 50 eah. Box ftl. Creek road, Talent. FOR B ALE 691-R-3. Weaner pigs. Phone FOR SALE Red feeder pigs; sleo Red brood sows, will farrow eootu Adotf 6cu&, Bei, 0.9, t FOB SALE RIAL ESTATE FOR 6AlE GREATEST BARGAIN IN JACKSON COUNTY 325-Acr pear orchard, of three-year-old trees in perfect condition. Will sell as a whole or In three separate parcels. Good terms to responsible party. Will tk good auto as part down pavnient. Property IRRIGATED. Also fine wells for household use. TWO ?ood homes vnd hams; 1000 rateptllar and other equipment, nearly new. Owner has put In 45.000, besides labor, but cannot stay in stato to operate property. Property all clear and taxes paid o next year. This property is excellent for general farming besides the or chard Raised 20 acres tomatoes and 20 acres alfalfa, also turkeys and chickens this year. One mile from Pacific highway, and facing Fern Valley and Sun Crest roads. Must be sold Immediate!?, . Writ R. A. CARET. Gen. DeliT- ery, Medford. Oregon, or P. O. Box 87, Anselmo, Marin County. Cal. Or see H. A- Morrison, on the property at Talent, Jackson county, Oregon. FOR SALE S-acre tract on north Pacific highway. Inquire Firmer & Fruitgrowers Bank. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE TRUCKS FORD TRUCKS for sale cheap. Med. Fuel Co. Tel. 631. I OP SALE FRUIT A VEGETABLES FOR SALE Ground cherries. Mrs. Ada Wal Phone 447-W. FINE TOMATOES, He lb. F. 8. Car penter. Jacksonville highway. TOMATOES Ready picked, 80c per 100 lbs.; 90c delivered. Tel. BB9-X-3. FOR SALE Grapes, several varieties; also Jonathan and Delicious ap ples. Cheaper by truck lots. Joe Kan tor. Rout 4, Box 337. GOOD cooking apples, 35o a box Bring boxes, ivo park. FOR SALE; Tomatoes, 1c. Hartley. B-F-5. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR -SALB Sugar pine shakes. Faber a store. Central Point. FOR SALE Dlffernt kinds of apples ior cooking and Jor winter use. J. M. Nary. Phone 132-L. BARGAINS in furniture, sewing ma chines, antique chairs, etc. 45 Lind ley Ave, LADY'S squirrel coat, cheap. 057 -L. FOR SALE Wild oat hay or will trade for wood. Phone 335-R-2. SHOP rebuilt man's bicycle, A-l con dition. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 458-X. WOOD 12". hard and soft mixed, $1.50. Write W. F. Barlow. Talent. USED piano. 4560. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. 26 s. Grape. FOR SALE Circulating heater. Phone 576-Y. FOR SALE One 30 Cletrac, good condition, cheap for cash, Cs&s Auto Wrecking. Phone 780. FOR SALE; Hariey-Davtdson motor cycle, 85 cash. See John, at Mail Tribune. FOR 8ALEGreen pasture, hay, wheat and straw. Tel. 408-R-4, evenings. NO. 1 POTATOES, H.25 hundred: No. 2's, 80c. Phone 950-R-2. Rich field Service, Phoenix. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes, 5 up; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N. Bartlett. GARDEN DIRT, pjuwing. fertillter. sand and gravel. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE Roiitop desk, like new; office filing cabinet, davenport, h-atr. dining table, chairs. Strom- berg-Carlson battery radio, go-cart, refrigerator, H-h-P- electric motor, band saw. circular saw, Ilbraty table, sanitary couch, child's rock er, walnut bedroom suite, circulat ing heater, comb, wood and gas range. Ail real bargains. Medford Exchsnge. 39 South Front. Tel. 931 FOR SALE Tomatoes, Ac per pound at Calhoun ranch, I mile south west of Phoenix. MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL or long distance hauling. We guarantee to save you money. Haw ley Transfer, 819 North Riverside Phone 1044-X. OLD PEOPLE enjoy living at the Ash land Convalescent Home. PERSONAL MrE. TERESA Clairvoyant and card reader. Hsve you something tlist is worrying you? Consult me today. Truthful advice on all affalra. Reading dally. Stucco cabin. Rain bow Auto Camp. BUSINESS D1RFCTORY JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. A bit Tarts of Title end Title Iniuranca. The only complete Title ny stem in jacicson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 8 and 5, No. 33 North Central Ave., upstairs. Automobile Loans. CONTRACTS REFINANCED 1 PAYMENTS REDUCED We pay np balance due dealer, bank or finance company and extend your payments. Additional money loaned. Phone ftl for appointment. Dreaamaklnt and Remodelinf. THE FASHION SHOP Draaamamna , and remorteilng. 42 i aledtoia Slog , P5 on, 1181. i Eiperl Wlnaow t'leanera. LCI OEOHOB DO II - T,l. 1173 Houaa eianmt. Ploor waxinx. Orl- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Funeral parlor. PiCH Lei FUNERAL HOME Distinctive, service at moderate rates. Estab lished 20 years. Ambulance serv ice. 6th St- at Oakdale. Tel. 47. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of ail kinds; book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything In the printing line. 38-30 N. Grape Phone 75. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY on furniture and lata model autos. Three per oent per month on unpaid balance. No other charges. Come in and get the cash today. See W s. Thomas. 45 Bo. Central. Phone 139 Painting and Paperhanglng. HARRY MARX Painting, tinting. paperhanglng. Phone 14-F-4. Res. Coleman Creek road. Transfer R SINKING TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Ftr Street. Phone 333. DAVIS TRANSFER St STORAGE Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape St Phone 644, or residence 1060. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES ST.T.!KtT OF THE OWNEHSHU' Management, Circulation, Etc., Re quired by th Act of Congress of 'VUgUSt 24, lVli, Of the Medford Mail Tribune, pub lished daily except Saturday at Med ford, Oregon, lor octooer l, maa. State of Oregon, County of Jackson, as. Before me, t, Notary Publle In and for the State snd County aforesaid, personally appeared Edwin L. Knspp, who, having been duly sworn accord ing tr law, deposes and says that he tht Business Manager of the Med ford Mall Tribune,- a-Dd that the fol lowing Is. to the best of bis knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership."- management (and if daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date 'hown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 34, 1913, em bodied In section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the re verse aide of this form, to-wlt: 1. Tha. the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business managers are: Name of Postof fioe address Publisher, Medford Printing Co., Medford, Oregon. Editor, Robert w, Kuhi, Medford, Oregon, naglng Editor, Robert W. Ruhi, Medford, Oregon. Business Manager. Edwin L. Knapp, Medford, Oregon. 3. That the owner is; (If owned tr a corporation, its name and ad dres must be stated and also imme diately thereunder the names and ad- Mail Tribune Daily , ACROSS L Permit 4. Banquet I. Light brown 12. Swiss river II. Imbecile 14. Kind of grsln 15. Vlsiom seen in sleep 17. Tolerate 19. Ib.ian character 2G. Mollis 21. Wager 23. Metric- fand measure 24. Flu one within another 37. Vo-c'nilks plant 23. E titles 30. Egyptian solar disk at. Note of the scale M, Obtained J. Nexatlve 2;. .Small Island 37. Dftclare 25. Hi?ht pointed hill if. Companies ef riaysre , One indefinitely 42, Nothing more than 41. Eas&ntial Solution of Yesterday's Puzzie ElATnE Sll Tip T u!gNM T o!nWt i N Tisfg Tjs elsjas atTe a puiR eiemsE tC. as UTpgjEyffEiPjSUP OjglE i A 1 gl Y H SlTj EiRlNiS 45. Distress signal 44, Native of a -MetiUerrans-an .slnnd 4. Kltid of dog 41. Pronoun M. tsrge stream 54. ftpoch 55. Action at taw hi. The chosen 6T. Lsir ' P P Wf s I' I7 la iHf i' " 42a 4 H iff '? m M ; mm 31 2j 1 23 2s my,-, is 11 la wt iz , ..... I- nt mint mi.' i i. '( , 'm '4ty, , MH'X 1 Hy AS I 'rfao , ''. '''W. -s 1$3? mr7 I 1 till iu.MjA I WANTED TWENTY MEN Who would like to move out onto ljj-acre tracts in our new Subdiviaion at the city limit. A NEW PLAN Land la rheap f.omber la rheap Lahor it cheap Gtt t amaU trart ol land and deTflope It Into ft nome WHILE YOU WAIT If foa want to mora to the country BEE VS KOW. BARNES AND CORN fhrmf t10-T io is s. Central d Mf of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount ol stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company. or other unincorporated concern, its name and address, as well as those oftonl and Clara K. Moulton, husband each individual member, must be given. J A S. Run!. Rockford. III. Mabel Buhl. Medford. Ore. Robert W. Ruhi, Medford, Ore. Southern Oregon Pub. Co Eugene, Ore. 3. That the known bondholders. mortgagees, and other security hold ers or holding I per cent or more of total amount or oonos. mort gages, or other securities are: K there are none, so state.) None. . That the two paragraphs next aoove. giving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of tee company bm also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or In any jther fiduciary re lation, the name of the person or cor poratton for whom such trustee is acting. Is flUen: also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's iuh Knowieage and belief a to the circumstances and conditions under which stock holders and security holders who do not appear upon the books oi tne company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and ths a iant lias no reason to believe that any other person, association, or cor poration has anv interest direct or Udlrtct In the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by htm. , That the average number of copies of each Issue of this publica tion sold ot distributed, through the malls or otherwise, to paid subscrib ers during the six months preceding the date shown shove Is 4074, EDWIN L. KNAPP, Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3d day of October, 1932. MYRTLE W. BLAKELEY. (My commission expires Jan. 10, 1934 ) Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and Jor the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Irrin A. Flnley, Deceased. Notic is hereby given that fch undersigned has been appointed as sdmintstrstor. with the Will annex ed, of the above entitled estate by a proper order of the above Court, and all parties having any claim against said estate- are required to present same, duly verified, as by law re quired, to the undersigned adminis trator, at it Bank in Medford. Ore gon, within aix montn from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published Septem ber 27. 1933. the first national bank of medford; Administrator with the Will Annexed, of the estate of Irvln A. Flnley, Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution on fore closure duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the coun ty of Jackson, to me directed and Cross-Word Puzzle ft. Part ef a woodsn Joint 9. Uoit fahhfui tt. City in Scotlan 11. Born II. Equine animal Is. Fsar frastty 30. Act of reaching. a rfsilSnstioD 21. 6s suitable to 22, Rub out 2. Subtle. Iflvls ibis rata na tion 31. Sngtat eetee !4, Breath hrily la sleep Si. French artlcls 29, Smooth SI. Rtsirn 33. Son of Ju4ab 2 Cominm piirpt CfXW4d . Trid 4ft, flat S. witticism 44. Ird ure piint 45. Wj;hred if. Brfg-iitcsi stat in a eonr tell t( , 3ttri 4. G2tinate 48. Eefor 4, ft. HU ' 09WN 1. Roy 2. Hptk of eot v it : 4. Lof.y reputation . Bln. in the abstract . Sloth 7. Veh'-ie fer snow uavsl jjyi dated on the Snd day of September, 1933, in a certain action therein, wherein Smt of Oregon, actiivj by the World War Veterans' State Aid Commission, as planum, recovered judgment against James A. Moulton (also known as James Atiison siout- and wife, the defendants, for the; sum of Two Thousand Four Hun dren Thirteen snd 33-iOO ti413.2Qt Dollars, with costs and disbursements taxed at Eleven and no-100 ilUM) Dollars, and the further sum of Two Hundred and no-100 $200.00) Dol lars, as attorney's fees, which judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk s office of said Court in said Countv on the 2nd day ot Septem ber, 1933. Notice la hereby flxn that, pur suant to the terms of the said exe cution, 1 will on the Stj day of Octo ber. 1933, at 10;00 o'clock a. m at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Medford, in Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to th highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as provided by Isw. sll of the right, title and interest that the said defendants. James A. Moulton and Clara K. Moulton, his wife, the former seme times designated as James Allison Moulton and as Allison Moulton; and the Gold Ray Investment Company, a Oregon corporation, had on the 30th day of August, 1928. or now have in and to the following described property, situated In the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, to-wit The Southeast quarter (SE',45 the Southwest quarter IV: the Southwest quarter i of the Soutn east quarter iMM the South half H) of the Northwest quarter Wa) of the Southeast quarter and the Northwest quarter i) of the Northwest quarter of the South east quarter Ci) or section Thirty one (31). Township Thirty-seven mi South of Range Two 3). West of wiuamette Meridian, containing one hundred ten (UO) acres, more or less, situated In the County ol Jack son, State of Oregon. uaxeo mis sra oay of sentember. 1933. RALPH Q. JENNINGS. Sheriff of Jaokson Countv. Oregon. By OLGA E. ANDERSON, Deputy. Eagle Point EAGLE POIKT. Oct. 4 Spi,i Mra. Will Brown. M. Roya! Brotra, Mra. Lottie VanSeoy, Miaa Leila Oal- lien, Mra. Cella Hoimea, Mra. Sarah Ho-lett and daufhtar Kattia attend ed the pioneer reunion in Jackaon villa September 38. Mra. will Brown, Mra. Paul Bot- fard. Mra. Cell. Hoimea, Mr. and Mra. John Rader, Harvey Stanley, Mr. and Mra. W. O. Clement. Mr. and Mra. Prank Brown and Mra. Sarah B. Hew lett and daughter Hattle attended tha funeral of Harry Von dar Kalian September 38. Mra. Nora Harrla. Mra. tottia Van Scoy, Mra. Cella Hoimea and Mr. Boy Karnlih attended a Chriattan Science lecture in Medford, September 37. Judg PI ore y and Mra, Paul Kof- fard drora to Proapect September 33. Mr. and Mra. Pollard of Trek ha lted Mr. and Mr. Royal Brown Sep. tember 33. Mra. Will Brown, Mra, Prank Brown, Mr,, Lottie VnScoy, Mr. Cella Hoimea and Mia Laila Oalilan at tended th theater In Medford Sep tember 33. Will Brown 1 rrinf on tea Jury. Mra. Lena Stanell and Mra. Harold VanScoy attended th theater In Medford September IT. 3. J. M Saner ha been apendini the paat weak with hla (later, Mra. F. A. Whaley of Derby. Mra, John Hlchol. Mr. Jacob pray and Mra. O. S. Henderaon apent Sep- eember 34 In JeckeonTllle with Mr Knderon'e mother, Mr. B. A. Smith., and ttater. Mra. John Norrls. Miaa Blanrh Bunei, (ohool nun. m here September 30, xamln!ne children. Mra, Floyd Y Barrett ha seen Is Ashland the paat week, during the abaene of her mother, Mr. Steven, who m called to California by the death of her mother. Mr. and Mra. O. B. Henderaon and Mr. and Mra, Roy Stanley motored to Port Klamath September 38, to rlalt frlenda. Next meeting of the Clrlo Improre ment elub will be Cwtobar t, ocerd- Ing to the prealdent, Mr, gar! Stoner. Mr. Prancea Campbell. Mr. W, C Clenunu and Mr. Tom Campbell are hoateaaea. Mr. and Mr. W. I. Rio of Oak land. Cel., apent the evening, Sep. tember 38, wlh Mr, and Mr. W. K. Young and family, Mr. and Mra. Herbert Waltermlr were gueata September 2T of Mr. and : Mra. O. B. Henderaon, ! Nineteen ladles attended th Horn: Economic club at Mr. Harray Wal-: tera" in Talent. Mra. Mary Stowell visited Septem ber 80 with Mr. Bdlth Weldman. Mr. J. O. Hanneferd and Mary; anent September 80 at Mra. Lewia: Robertaon'. Mra. W. L. Chlldreth went to Med ford September 38 for medical treat-: ment. She la improving. Mr. and Mra. William Coleman of Medford and Mr. Blv Aiken and Mra. Oeorge Walker, also of Medford. called the evening of September 33 on Mr. Charles Walker. Mine Winifred Walker of Medford arrived September 37 to viait her ala-tr-m-law, Mra. Charle Welker. Mr. and Mr. Warren Brown of Applegere arrived here this week to take the place of Mr. and Mra. Law son on the old Beaveraiead place, Mr. and Mr. Lawaon have moved to Roffue River. Mra. Sarah B. Howlett and daugh ter Hattle and Mr. W. K. Young called on Mr. and Mrs. O- A. Lawaon September 37. Central Pt. Relief Workers To Meet CENTRAL POINT, Oct. . JSpi.j The community relief committee, with Mrs. Mack In charge, will meet at the Orange hall Wedpeaday morn ing for another day of canning. The work last week netted 111 cans on the final check-up. All helpera who ean are requested to come and bring paring knlre and large pan. The hall w:ll be onen at 8:40 a- m. Co?.? all of syt of tS S-I- i I, I MeteoroIogicalReport October 4. 1033. Forerat, Medford and vicinity: Tonight and Wednesday, fair. Little Changs in temperature. Oregon: Fair tonight nd Wed nesday, but fogfry along coast. Little change in temperature. Local ratsu lowest temperature thla morning, 48 degrees. Temperature a year ago Bigness, 74; lowest, 39. today; Total precipitation since Septem ber 1, 1833, none. Relative humidity t p. m. yes terday, I per cent; 5 a. m. today, 64 per cent. Sunset today, A :4a p. m. Tomorrow: Sunrise, :13 a. m. Suts- set, S;48 p. ra. Observations Taken it S t, 1S6 Mertdtsn Time. THT 5! si City s9 r Bk City - U Sola. 80 Chicago 7 Denver .. fia Dps Molnea 64 Eureka ., M Freano 84 43 Clear 48 Clear S3 10 Ham 34 .18 Snow 43 ,18 P.Cdy. 80 PoggT 88 Ciear 28 T Clear 83 Cloudy 30 near 83 P.Cdy. 88 Clear 88 Clear 48 Ciear J3 Clear 48 Clear 84 ' Cloudy 58 Ciear 48 Clear K!ena Lob Angeles MawhiieW Sew Tor Phoenix Portland Reno RoeburE . Bait Luke H San Traneiaco M BeatMe - It Spokane 73 - Williams Creek WILLIAMS CREEK. Oct. 4, (Spl.) Men from th forestry department and local fire wardena. opened the. old government trail over the Pipe divide on Thompson creek recently. A, O. Edward la employed at the Ralph Smith place. Mr. and Mra. Oaorg Topping of Bandon who have been vlaltlng rela tive and frlenda here for week, returned home Monday. Mr. Mary Topping and daughter. Josephine, ac companied Oiera to the coast city tot a hort visit. Jack Hansen, while hunting last week, got a shot at large cougar, which wa eUiklng a bunch of moun tain suet!, but he did not get It. Mr. and Mr. O. W. Robert and Mr. Iva Casey were Sunday after noon caller at th A. L, Blodgetta horn. Jim S!il!d of Toneala 1 vUltlng hi aunt, Mr. Pennington. K. A. Cougl hi sold out hi Haw- teigh business end route to Mr. Bart of Ashland. Mr. Cougl h been a familiar figure ea th road for aeverai years. Mr. ana Mrs. w. o. John ana mn son. Jimmle, of Medford visited their aunt, Mra. Stella etratton Sunday, Mr. B. Stanuteon of Port Angeles, Wash., spent last week with her unt. Mrs, A. L. Blotfgette. Mra. Stamateon will be remembered as Mia Mary Ootcher. St la her firat vlait to Wil liam creek for more than eleven year. Her husband drove down for her Saturday. Friend r eorry to hear that Grandma Rowley I on the aick list. Th doctor waa called from arena p... tn see her Saturday night. Chester Boat la hauling wood lor W. C PUJ'T. C. w. Roberta lost on of hi horse lt week. Mr, and Mr. Taylor Hartley ar.d Mr. and Mra. !atr Spariln visited Grant Pies Friday and were dinner guest of Mrs. Hartley itr, Mrs. Jap Larimor. Mr. and Mra. Doll Lemmon anrl children ef Ashland apent 111 week end with Mra. Lemmon- perente, ku. Krf Mr. John Lettekan. Leater Sftarlln la on th s'fk ltat wlt aciatio rheumatism. Mr. and Mr. Harrl of Washing ton visited at th Ira Spariln home week. Mrs. Harrla la a niece of Mrs. Spariln and will b remem bered a Miss Laura Lovelace. Eunice Blodgetta, teacher in Orsnta Pasa school, pent tha week end t home. uea. Flovd Watkln snd daughter, BvaSyn Jean, and Mra. Mollis WltcheT of Medford spent Thurartsy afternoon at the C. W. Roberta home. Central offlee at Provolt was closed the last day of September and Wil liam creek haa no telephone line at present. Brownsboro BROWNSBOR. Oct. 4. SpU Mis Margaret Cunningham of Fern Viiiey 1 visiting Donna Monla for few day. Mrs. Iv Clark and ons of Ppper Laleke, Cal. are guest of her par ents, Mr. nd Mr. Femlnd. Mr. and Mr. Walter Beam of Mountain View, Cal, arrived recently to make their home on th Mfi5d place with Olen Hayward. Mr. Henry Dshlk spent Thursday visiting at the Monl home. , Otis Tyrer of Hombrook. Cel., i spending two week with hi aunt, Mr. W, M. Hansen. Mr, nd Mr. Percy Henry and children, who vUlted relattvea here last month, left laat week for their home la Imperial Valley. Mr. L. J. Rohrer attended th Lost Creek Community club September 45. A total of 138 quart of fruit and vegetables was canned for relief work. The next meeting will be In Browns Boio, October 10, at Mr. Rohrer '1. 80 73 SB S3 74 88 84 88 Sterling STERLING. Oct. 4. SpU Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bobbett and family of Me-V ford spent Wednesday evening visit ir.g W. K. Davis. Mr, and Mrs. Elton Brownlee and baby daughter speut Friday evening with F. P. Dutton and fanuly. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Nspia are itm working at Phoenix. Albert Nelistm is building a fltiB home on his fsrm. Joe Curry was in Medford one day last week. Dan Pierce and family vUlted la Medford today. Mr, and Mrs. W. H, fjuvi made business trip to Medford Monday. r. p. Button was in Medford Sat urday, Central Point CENTRAL POINT. Oct. , JSol.J C. M. Isaacson of euthern California wa a week-end gyest of hi cousin, J. O. and Mrs, Isaacson. While here he enjoyed a trip to Crater lake, after having traveled through eight state recently, he remarked that outhm Oregon appeara most prosperous of any place he has visited. Mr. Mabel Mack, with btoud of helpera at th Orange hall Tuesday, canned 305 quarts of tomatoes ttd prunes. About 75 quart of prune and tne auger were donated, W. B. Smith of aouthem California 1 a guest of hi son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Smith. Mr. Smith, U a daughter of Mr. and Mr. A, w. Walker. Miss Lola Hood left Thursday foe Grants Pas to visit her sister, Mra. Horry Bntobs, Mrs. Willhlght of Eagle Point wei a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E c. ruber Wednesday, leaving Thursday for Sams Valley. Mrs. Jim Grievee of Prospect wa a Sunday guest of her lster, Mr. Quy Te. - - Geraldine Hermanaen returned from the hospital to her heme Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stager and daughter. Eunice, motored to Climax Sunday, Mr, ana Mr, oeorge King have said their acreage In Griffin Creek dis trict and with their grandson, Oeorge Pierce, left Thursday for North Da kota to tak charge of a ranch they own. Mrs. B. T. Neal of Long Beach. Cel.. formerly of Willow Spring. 1 visit ing Many with Central Point friend en route to Wenatchee. Wash. She expect to make an extended viait with relative titer. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Ames of Rose- buTg, accompanied by Mrs. M. Oobea of Mlnneaota and Mrs. C. Blttner of Ellsworth. Wis., were Sunday guest, at th B. R. Gleasoo home. Mr. Joe Colli and baby daughter. Jo Anne, re doing nicely t the home of Mr. Heath, who 1 a iater in-law ef Mr. Colli. F, A. Southwell is finih1ng the extra room in the high chool build ing. There art 117 student enrollstt thi year. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farra, and other plonssr resident of Rogue River attended toe reunion at JscxsonvlU Thursday. 4 SEAOLB, Oct, . p!.) on Sep tember S3, court of honor wa held St th Antioch achoolhou for th Boy Scout. executive Oscr Hoover. troop S of Medford, and Seeutmastr Hull attended. Troop a demonstrat ed fir by friction and fret !d. The lix Beigl aeent received 13 merit bftdgec, , Mr. and Mr. Bert Corthell of Port lnd are spend in jr. several week nr with Mr. Corthell' sister, Mr. Luke Ryn and family. Walter and Harriott Prey of Lake Creek returned horn Mondy after two week visit her with friend and relative. Tommy Mulhollen was taken town Wednesday for trtatment for ever burn en hi foot from Hot gravy on It. Mrs. Tom Dew spent Thursday in Medford attending to business and visting friend. Mr. and Mr. Che. Mulhollen re th parents of boy born Friday at the Medford Community hospital. Jim Bankhead. who he been spending a few month In northern Oregon, Is staying at the Bill Itom for a few day. , Cecil Martin na been out of school thi week from injur! he received when thrown irom a. bicycle, Mr. and Mr. Soils and daugite Mary of th Meadow passed throutrj Beagl Thursday, en rout to Med ford. Mis Sybil Walker, county ehoot nurse, visited the school Friday. Msry Sollee of the Meadow pent the week-end at Grant Pasa with Mr. and Mr. Bailey, Whll there sh attended th baseball game be tween Grant Pas nd Portland. Lawrence Sanderson, In the Sacred Heart hospital, 1 gradually improv lag. Business visitors in Medford Thar day were Luke Ryan, Mr. Sprouee, Che. Mulhollen and Cha. Sander son. Boring seem to be quit a f4 with several of th young folk. Three Beagle boys have entered th ring: In the laat month, Donald ra.'5t. attending chool in Medford, apent the week-end at horn her. State Fair Made Profit Is Report SALEM, Oct. 4 API Receipt , the aiat fAlr, which closed here Sat. urday night, totaled 830.308 a -com pared with rcipta of 848.098 s vest ago. Max Qehlhar, director of the fair announced today. Despite this re duction, th fslr will make profit, due, h said, to th reduction In op erating cost. Desirable house aiwsy 10 first cies eoadiuoa tor rent, leas or saie, H tot, Beagle