Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 04, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    PSGE nvo
cial) With the game with Pacific
University two we lea away Coach
Howard Hobaon la today ready to be
gin preparing for Eldon Jenne' crew
after bla Sons who had not been
conceded a chance, rone to great
height aa they overcame a elx-olnt
lead, forged ahead, and then were
finally tied 13 to 12 In a lost quar
ter rally by Vie California Agglea at
Sacramnto Saturday.
Hobson'a warriors literally played
the favored farmer boys off their
feet during most of the contest and
after Cliff McLean, shifty Indian
aafety, returned an Aggie punt 76
yarda for a touchdown It was only a
matter of minutes until a spectac
ular passing attack with Hlnes send
ing long spirals Into Sapp'a waiting
anna put the ball In position, for
Hlnea to paaa again, tbla time to
Captain Balkovlo who shifted out
from tackle, until a second score had
been chalked up.
It was not until the final quarter
that the Agglea were able to even
the score. The Bona made their big
stand In the third canto after the
score at the half had stood 6-0 with
the farmers ahead. As the effect of !
the first game began to make Itself
felt the Agglea hammered away until
the tiring Hobson outfit finally
yielded the last touchdown.
"Swede" Anderson, big guard, was
one of the stars lor the Ashland
team. His defensive play was out
standing as he broke thru time after
tune to throw Aggies back for losses.
While the whole line functioned
In good fashion It was Anderson and
Mahoney, the little 100-pound cen
ter, who tore at the Aggie , defense
most consistently.
CHICAOO. Oct. 4. Already
well scattered by blasts from New
York Yankee guns, Chicago's Cubs
today dispersed for the year, followed
by rumors that several of them would
be elsewhere next season.
Most of the vanquished athletes
were on their way home or headed
for hunting trips, to whloh many
baseball players are addicted during
the off season.
Reports, which lacked anything like
official verification, aald Burleljh
Ortmcs, Bob fJmith and Johnny
Moore, veterans, and young Stanley
Hack, probably would move on. They
may bo used as trading material In
moves to obtain a starring left-handed
pitcher, and a batsman capable
of hitting them frequently and long.
Neither Grimes nor Smith were
much help as pitchers, and Moore's
bitting waa streaky. Hack showed
promise and rates as good trading tim
ber. Grimes plans to undergo an
other thorough examination, after
whloh he may have his ailing ap
pendix removed.
Checka for their shares of the spoil
will be mailed out In a day or two
by Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain
Landle, who must first decide If Rog
ers Hornaby should be cut In. Lan-
dla only statement on the Hornaby
ca&e was, "I'll make a decision in a
day or two and I'll let it be known
PHOENIX, Oct. 4 8pl.) Several
ladies of the Grange met at the home
of Mrs. Raymond Furry last week, to
make crepe paper costumes for the
little folks participating in the "Dance
of the Painted Doll," one of the tea
tures of the Grange booster program
Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hume or
Brownsboro, Oregon, visited friends In
Phoenix during last week.
Mr. arul Mrs. L. O. Caster of this
community and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Smith of Eagle Point attended the
state fair at Salem last week. Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Caster stayed at the
Caster home to assist with the work
Roy Burleson and Ray Edwards are
spending a few days In the Lske Creek
district on a hunting trip.
Real Estate or Insurance Leave it
to Jones Pbone 790.
PORTLAmjD, ore., Oct. 4. VP)
Rated as No. 1 en the Pacific coast
football acbedule thla week, with the
syes of the western sports fans focus
ed on the contest, Oregon and Wash
ington will meet In Multnomah sta
dium here 8aturday afternoon In
their annual grid match.
Because both teams are undefeat
ed, and due to Oregon ' surprising
7 to 0 upset of fiinti Clara at Eu
gene last Saturday, slur Santa Clara
had defeated California, 13 to 0, and
Interest In the game early In the
week, predicted a sell-out at the box
office. More than 1S.0OO tickets bad
been sold Tuesday morning.
Word of encoiragement comeii from
both camps. There Is every possi
bility that Bill Morgan, Oregon's 220
pound captain and all-coast tackle.
may be In harness again the Hus
kies. Morgan broke bla band two
weeks ago and did not get Into the
Bronco clash.
Except for the Injury to Morgan,
the Webfoot players ar. In excel
lent condition. The game with Santa
Clara was hard fought, but clean,
and neither team suffered serious Injuries,
SEATTLE. Oct. 4. lip) Behind
locked gates, the University of Wash
ington football team will perfect Its
Medford Electric Office .
To the Construction Dept., Basement
Medford Bid. . Front Entrance.
Phone 90
For Service and Supplies
For Cheap Furnace Heat Investigate
the Big Saving a New
Sawdust Burner
UTAH COAL $13.00
Per Ton, Off Oar. Oar Due Oct. 4
Medford Fuel Co.
Telephone 631
plays this week for lt crucial Pa
cific Coast conference game with the
University of Oregon at Portland next
Parke Davis Vanilla Extract, ms
good thlnga taste better: 8 ounces
33c; 6 ox. 52c; pint 1.1. Heath,
Drug Store.
O The Gillette BLUE BLADE has
won the just reward of super-quality.
Hundreds of thousands of men
would gladly tell you that no other
blade compares with this one. Try the ,
Gillette Blue Blade and learn why.1
fl i i av
r m
Many a colored fighter has gained
prominence through the efforts of a
whit manager, but Denny Barker,
the Reno scrapper wh meets Herb
White here Saturday in a return
match after their Klamath Falls fight
In which Herb was krocked out.
think that Oils West, his colored
manager, la the best In the buslneas.
Colored fight managers are a rarity,
flpeclally where they handle other
than their own race.
West will be In Barker's corner at
. the fight Saturday and la confident
that his white boy will repeat with
a win over the hard-hitting Butte
rails lad.
White Is training at the open air
gymnasium every afternoon and Is
rounding into the best condition of
his career.
Barker and bis manager, also the
big heavy, Jack Larson, Who fights
Bob Christine In the semi-final, 111
arrive for final training Thursday,
CORVALUe, Ore., Oct. 4.0r)
The Unlverelty of Oregon-Oregon
Atat college football game will re
main at Corvallla,
That waa definitely decided laet
night when the board of control of
the college met and by an unanimous
vote retained the game on the cam
pu. No other atatftment waa laaued
other than the fact that the game
would not go to Portland. The d
clalon followed orltlclam leveled by
the Portland prew at the Oregon
fltata team for Ita poor ahowlng
against Stanford here Saturday.
NEW YORK, Oct. . P If a Na
tional league team la to be operated
In Montreal next season, John Mc
Oraw knows nothing about It. And, j
ao far at could be ascertained today, I
neither did anyone elae.
Commenting on reports current at I
Montreal, that he would head an or- j
ganlaatlon aeekins transfer of a Na-
tlonal league franchise to the Cana- !
dlan city, McOraw said: j
"I am not Interested In any deal j
placing a National league club In j
Montreal or anywhere else. There la
no basis for such a report. j
and back
Your Credit Is Good At Weeks & Orrs Southern Oregon's Greatest Furniture Store!
The First Carload For
The Seventh Carload in the
Direct From the Factory
Quality Buying Means Greater
Savings You Benefit By It!
Daisy Range
A Beautiful Semi-Enameled
Model Specially Priced at
October has Arrived
Last Seven Months
Our Growing Sales PROVE That
Southern Oregon Appreciates The
Amazing Low Prices
Our Quantity Buying Assures
Prices Are Advancing
Now's Your Opportunity
$5.00 Down $5.00 a Month
Felt Base
Floor Coveri
Coal and Wood
Combination With
Duplex Grate tl
Wobd Burning
Circulating Heater
Priced at Only.,.,.,,
A Real Value
Walnut Finished
A beautiful Dining Suite Buffet, Ex
tension Table and 4 Chairs, finished in
walnut as pictured here
On ulc every dir. 16" day return
limit. You ride the fast "Shasta"
in a modern reclining chair car.
Of you can ride in a tourist sleep
ing car on trains carrying this
equipment. Overnight berth a
little as $1.50 extra.
Southern Pacific
I. C. Cnrle, .Igtnt, Fhon 34
A Square
Tapestry Covered
$5.00 Down - $5.00 a Month
Bmt Jujt on eiampla of what
quantity buying rufous to southern
Oregon bargain sMkerst Velour cot
rrrd Patrnimrt and Chair, an extra
ordinary bargain m
$5.00 Down, $5.00 a Month
Bed, Vanity and Chiffonier
This beautiful walnut bedroom suite, exactly aa pictured
abore, la an extraordinary bargain at thla low prWe
It'a an example of what Weeki A Orr's qnantltr corloid
buying direct from the manufacturer means to south
em Oregon people! (Bench $3.50 extra).
$5.00 Down $5.00 a Month
Big, comfortable fireside chair with stool to
match. Three attractive coverings to choose
from. Chair and stool priced at
$ 1 600
Choice of three colors in attrac
tive Baby Carriages. A real
Weeks & Orr bargain at
A real Talue for those need
Ine an extra chair, (juontltr
buying enable us to offer
fine occasional chairs at
this low price
An aMOtiment of 36 to
chooe from.
lit A" 9?&v I
'vyAiVi I .