MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1932. PAGE SEVEN. VS. 1P DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT WANT AD HERB ARB THE RATES I Par word rim insertion (Minimum 25c) Each addition! Insertion, nr word (Minimum lOo) per line per month, without copy changes . Phone 75 LUST blMk and tan bloodhounds. fnone wa-. Lost If dog missing, can l'a- HELP WANTED MALE SSTesabUsned maTSacturer will finance responsible man In a per manent business. e references and car. Starting average ,30 weekly. Steady 100 for right man. No slack sea Ion or layoffs. Write McConnon & CompW? XP. B-1M4. Winona. Minnesota. ,- LOCAL COUNTY MANAGER WANT-K-Rliable man to manage and look after our business in uncou pled territory In this state; no capi tal or experience necessary: we de liver and collect and furnish every thing ready to start; your earnings canftart the first day; large manu facturer: products nationally adver tised; big demand; opportunity to make up to $3000 a year for the rt0t man; age no handicap U axe willing to work. Address Ter ritory Manager. Box 983, Dayton. Ohio. WANTED Man, fair education, with auto. Steady employment, good i pay. pleasant worn. Call at. 33. No. (Orape St., Medford, Ore. HELP WASTER MALE ft FEMALE WANTED Names: men. women 18 to ?nm8obT-05.00 .158 00 coaching free. Apply today. Box 7418 Mall 'ITiaunc. "WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Housework and practical in. Heasonable wage. Phone 1249-Y. WANTED Office experience by 20- year-oia imtn o-- college student. Knowledge of typ ing. Write Box 7614, Mall Tribune WANTED Housework by experienced lady. 3.50 week. Box 7588, Tribune. POSITION WANTED Housekeeper or practical nurae. jrw Bullock. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position. Box low irioung. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS POEMS WANTED The Poet (Month- J ly). St, Imis, mo. HAVE CLIENT desiring to buy me dium size business in Medford. Mil ler Realty Co., Ashland, Ore. Phone 174-J. WANTED To buy a good stock ranch son t.n son acres for cash. Box 7626, Mail Tribune. WANTED Coaloll hanging lamp. Cheap. BOX iOMi, Man ir.uunc. vrrnr t- 1 arm. SteadllT emoloved tv.i" - o to share same room and board, at tractive home, close in; best cook ing, new furniture, piano and gar rage; $28.50 each. Box 7841, Mail Tribune. WANTED Girl's bicycle. Tel. 480-R. WANTED Used cars to wreck. Will pay cash. Prince Auto Electric, Berryaaie. rnone coa-w. wanted Small car. Must be cheap for cash. Give price, etc. Box 6850, Mall Tribune. .WANTED m-h.p. stationary en w gine. State make, condition, price, L- Dysmger, urownsooro. WANTED Loan Of 1600 at 8 Best security. Phone 746-Y. , ANTED Several hundred old news papers. -phone 448 after 7 p. m. WANTED Laundry, 4c lb;, 8c lb completely finished. Phone 869-X-3 FOR RENT HOunCS FOR PENT Furnished house, close in. Tel. 31B-Y. FOR RENT Small house, furnished or unfurnished, with half acre of good garden soli. Now Is the time to plant winter garden. Tel. 1514-W. FOR RENT 6-room modern house. Call 834-J. FOR RKNT 5-room modern bunga low, close in. nice lawn and shade; easily heated; reasonable rent. Tel. 146 Of 290-Y. FOR RENT Furnished 5-rcom house Crater Lake Ave.; unfurnished 5 4 roon house on 12th near school Both new Phone 1149. FOR PENT 4-room modern furn. house, with garage Cail 315 or nn-J- for pent 3-rowa furn. house, 448 rOB RENT HOUSE FOR RENT New 5-room bungalow at 629 So. Holly. Owner, 6S2 S. Holly. FOR RENT Modern 5-room house. 19 Crater Lake Ave. Rent 25. Can be seen Sunday. Phone 697-R-J. FOR RENT 17 Olen Oak Court, 5 room unfurnished home, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, furnace, newly decorated, $42.50 a month In cluding water. Charles Ray. Realtor, Medford Building, Phone 302. RENT OR SAL!! Homes, 4 Olen 0k Court, 30 No. Peach price reduced thousand dollars. Small payment down, balance like rent. Owner, 906-R. 7-ROOM turn, or unfurnished, at 1139 w. Main, (17.50. Also 2 rooms, 34 Rose Ave., $10. Phone C. A. DeVoe. FOR RENT Neat cottage, as. C. H Howell, Berrydale Ave. FOR RENT Modern horn on East Main St. Inquire Farmers is Fruit growers Bank. FOR RENT 2 modern bungalows, Berrydale; newly decorated, new lawns; 913.50, water paid. Tel. 105 FOR RENT Strictly modern, unfur nished 5 room bungalow, close in and nead high school; has heat rota, elect lio heater: laundry equip ped with tubs; garage, wood shed, flowers, lawn, etc; no small chil dren; address Box 723. Mall Trib une; state if have phone and own er will call. FOR RENT Furnished house, 3 and 3-room apts.; garage. 604 W. 10th FOR RENT Three-room modem furnished house. 315 South Peach. Phone 408-J-4. Fred C. Sander. FURNISHED houses. Tel. O- A. DeVoe FOR rfENT Stucco, 101 Clark St.; newly decorated; $18 mo. Tel. 105. FOR RENT Good house, close in Inquire 4I7-J-2. FOR RENT House near high school Being remodeled. Only 20. Tel. 105 FOR RENT One of the nicest little homes In Medford, five rooms,, very nicely furnished; furnace heat, gar- Bee, beautiful lawn and flowers Available now. 630 West 4th St. or call 1473-W. FOR RENT Small 3 -room house fur nished, lights and water. $9 per month. Phone 889 -X-3. FOR RENT Furn. house reasonable. Will accept portion In work. Key at 223 no. Riverside. FINE HOME FOR RENT Unfurnished, reasonable, located at 625 Park street. Inquire at 518 South Oakdale for particulars, or fnone au-Y. FOR REN1 aomes trurai&bed or unfurnished Brown & White HOMES iOR RENT Call 796 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt., . hot water, gas range, day bed. 17 ' po. Riverside. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, 40 Quince. Phone 40I-W. FURN. a and 3 room apts. neat, pleas ant. Reasonable, laos E. Main. 3 LARGE rooms, living room, bed room and breakfast nooK. Modern and well furnished, priced right, 412 no. ivy. 3-ROOMED furnished apartment, pri vate bath. 219 So. Ivy St. FOR RENT 2 furn. apts. $6.50 and Vio montn. aio Portland Ave. FOR RENT Furn. apt., Durrell court, 333 No. Holly. Call at Apt. 4. FURNISHED APTS. with private bath, garage, lights and water; newly pa pered; adults only. Apply after 6 at rear of 244 So. Grape. CLEAN 2-room apts. for rent cheap. aio N. Bartlett. FOR RENT 4 -room duplex apt., fur nace, electric range, electric re frigerator. Phone 442. APTS. FOR RENT 806 W. Main. MODERN furnished 2-room apart ment. 345 N. Bartlett. Tel. 753-M FURN. APT., new overstuffed, refrlg eratlon. The Berben, 10 Quince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 2 rooms and sleeping porch. 01 No. oakdaie. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room and garage, 300 per week 6io so. Riverside Ave. FOR KENT ROOMS AND BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS, 2; board 55 716 East Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 140 acres, about 70 acres plow land, some orchard, located 5 miles from Mcdrora. j. w. wrw field. Tel., office 17, home 1104-L. OFFICES in Sparta Bldg.; ideal loca tion, steam heat; low rental. Car) T. Tengwald. Agent. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO LEASE Jacksonville Sanitarium, completely furnished. Apply Mrs. Eflle Wick man, 203 K St., Grants Pasa. FOR SALE OR TRADE Confection er? and restaurant. Will exchange for 2-3 value for clear property: bsl. on fs!v terms. What hve you? Bx 129, Central Point. Phone 21, C. P. FOR SALE Apt. house chesp. Also residence. SOS W. Mstn. FOR SALE Or would rent, one of the best little business stands In the city. Just the place for a man and wife. Do not answer unless vou mean business. Address Box XX, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE OK LEASE Auto camp with 10- apartments with garages In A Hunts, Calif. Big Pines Lum'xr Co., Medford. Ore. FOR EXCHANOB HtAL tSTVlfc WANTED Trade Medford suburban property for fsrm machinery. Med ford Pipe A: Machinery Co., 1617 No. Piver!de. FOR .Ml.fc IKLtKH FORD TFUCK for sile cheip. Med- i ii; . FOB EXCHANGE GLORIA PAN APTS. For ale or trade, or will lease for one year. Good Income. 375 South Central. Tel. 379-R. EXCHANOE rurnlture repaired, up- bolstered, for what ha you? Tm bault. Phone 969-R. WILL TRADE Battery radio set for wood. 619 N. Bartlett. TO EXCHANOE Registered Jersey bull for one with satisfactory pedi gree. J. A. Manke, R. P. D. 1. SALE OR TRADE Mining claim. Will take small car. Box 28J. Rt. 1, Medford. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES LATE MODEL Graham-Paige Sedan, looks and runs like new, only uo. 1930 Ford Sport Roadster, finished In beautiful Ivory and black, one beautiful car and guaranteed every way, only $285. Late 1629 Durant Pickup, driven very little, original finish .Ike new, only $195. Many more to choose from. GATES AUTO CO. USED CAR DEPT. 1927 PACKARD Good rubber, good shape throughout, to trade for cowa or saddle horses. Value $300. Write or call at Fur Fish & Game Corp. Ranch, Prospect, Ore. FINANCE CO. says sell this repos sessed Ford roadster, registered 1931, with smsU mileage and new car guarantee, cannot be told from new. Someone gets a bargain on very easy terms. GATES AUTO CO. USED CAR DEPT. FOR SALE Cheap ton Reo Speed wagon, A-i condition, new tires. Make an offer. Valley Fuel Co. SANDY'S USED CAR EMPORIUM Featuring Chevrolet this week at a real price. '29 Chev. Coupe $225 00 '29 Chev. coach and trunk-. 225 00 29 Chev. Coach 225 00 '30 Chev. Coupe .... 325.00 '27 Chev. Coupe 75 00 25 Other makes Fords, Pontlacs. Essex, Chryslers, Oaklands, Buicks, etc. Prices and terms to suit. Open Evenings and Sundavs. PONTIAO SALES FLOOR So. Riverside. FOR SALE UOUS AND PETS FOR SALE Perslsn kittens, bees and canary birds. A. R. Hanscom. Blddle road. FOR SALE LfVESTOt, FOR SALE 5 work horses, 1200 to 1700 lbs., harness; registered Shet land pony. Rear of 1140 Court St. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Phone REGISTERED Shropshire rams. L. A, Salade, Jr., Central point. RED weaner pigs. Box 51, Anderson creeK road. Talent. FOR SALE Red feeder plea: also Red brood sows, will farrow soon. Adolf Schulz, Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6-acrt) tract on north Pacific highway. Inquire Farmers Ss Fruitgrowers Bank. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE OR TRADE 5-room mod ern house In Medford for Improved acre a ee up to $ value. Mrs. Don Elliott. 1009 N. Central. FOR SALE: Priced for quick sale. Modern Mecuord house close in, will take Copco stock for down pay ment, onmnce nice rent, or win con sider trading for Roseburg proper ty. Owuer Route 1 Box 19-A, Rose, burg. OWNER sacrificing $4,000 home; $300 cash and assume $1300 mortgage. box ieji, Man Tribune. $900 EQUITY In modern house to trade for used car. Inquire, fu'.l particulars, 25 So. Orange. Phone FOR SALE OR RENT 3 room modern bouse, also 4 room modern house, both on Lozter Lane. Each house on quarter acre. Big Pines Lbr. Co rOP SALE FRUIT A VEGETABLES FOR SALE Groundcherrlea. Mrs. Ada WaL Phone 447-W. FINE TOMATOES, lb. F. S. Car penter, Jacksonville highway. PETITE PRUNES are in prime con dition now, lc lb., you pick them F. S. Carpenter, Jacksonville hiwsy GET YOUR Jonathan applee at Pin' nacle Packing House, No. 2; 50c per tug. STRAWBERRIES, 30c gallon. Blood, Pitt View Ave., near Central Point. TOMATOES Ready picked. 60c per 100 lbs.; 90c delivered. Tel. 869-X-2. FOR SALE Grapes, several varieties; also Jonathan and Delicious ap ples. Cheaper by truck lota, Joe Kan tor. Rout 4, Box 237. GOOD cooking apples, 35o a box. Bring boxes. 720 Park. FOR SALE Tomatoes, lc. Hartley, 9-F-5. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SHOP rebuilt man's bicycle, A-l con dition. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 458-X. WOOD 12 ' hard and soft mixed, Write w. F. Barlow, Talent. USED PIANO. 150. Baldwin Piano Shoppe, 26 S. Orape. FOR SALE Bed davenport in good condition. 819 W. 13th St. CLARINET. B-flat Boehm system: buf.'et. 25. Blood, Pitt View Ave, r,ar Central Point. PIANO Baby grand. 1305; es.y terms. Baldu'.n Piano Bhoppe, 26 8. Orape. FOR SALE 1 ,-h p. gas engine, l'i In. piston pump, 3-tn. steam pump. S'j-ln. hydraulic pump, 3-ln. cen trifugal pump, 1-ln. centrlfusl pump, l'.-ln. snd 1-ln. used pipe, .eel rail and rsrs, stsm boiler Medfnrd Pipe A: Machinery Co . 1617 No. R:v.rirt. DAVRNPOR'C and chsir. drewin": : ts:e rol chli.'cniw, eietp. ay N OildiJe. - -. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Hungarian vetch seed. Phone 523-J-4. FOR SALE Circulating heater. Phone S76-Y. FOUR (4) bowling alleys for sale r trade. Chas. Stokes. Corvallls, Ore. Lincoln Lane, Rt. 4. FOR SALE One 30 Cletrac, good condition, cheap for cash. Cass Auto Wrecking. Phone 780. FOR SALE Harley-Davldson motor cycle, $85 cash. See John, at Mail Tribune. FOR SALE Green pasture, hay, wheat and straw. Tel. 408-R-4, evenings. NO. 1 POTATOES, $1.25 hundred; No. 2's, 80c. Phone 950-R-2. Rich field Service, Phoenix. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes, $5 up: terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 N. Bartlett. GARDEN DIRT, piuwlng, fertlUMr sand and gravel, pnone btj-j. FOR SALE Rolltop desk, ilka new; office filing cabinet, davenport, heater dining table, chairs, Strom- berg-Carlson battery radio, go-cart, refrigerator, U-h.p. electric motor, band aaw, circular saw, tlbraiy table, sanitary couch, child s rock' er, walnut bearoom suite, circular i ng h eater, com b. wood and gas range. All real bargains. Medlord Exchange. 39 South Front. Tel. 931 FOR SALE Tomatoes, Vic per pound at uainoun ranch, i mile south west of Phoenix. M1SCELLANEOCS MILLWORK, Cabinet work and build. ing done. Will trade for wood, live stock, etc. Phone 403-R-2. ASTROLOGICAL Study Center. Be ginners classes in Astrology con ducted without tuition. Books on Astrology, Psychology and Meta physics for sale. 16 S. Bartlett. LOCAL or long distance hauling. We guarantee to save you money Haw ley Transfer, 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X. OLD PEOPLE enjoy living at the Ash land Convalescent Home. PERSONAL MME. TERESA Clairvoyant and card reader. Have you something that Is worrying you? Consult me today. Truthful advice on all affairs, Reading dally. Stucco cabin, Rain bow Auto Camp. Anlauf . Change In" Pheasant Creek section of Anlauf-Lorane road con sidered. DUFUR-Forest Service planning ... , extensive Improvements on it head quarters in east Dufur. Mail Tribune Daily across L Domesticates 6. Deed 9. Geographical reference book 14. Babylonian abode of ths dead IB. And not 16. Genus of prickly ntrbs 17. Invertebrate marine animal 18. Government by the few 20, Shoemaker's tool JL Book of psalms 23. In Greek re ligion a dis embodied soul 24. Klyslum 6. Always: poet, 27. Anglo-Saxon slave 28. Bestowing as du 81. Sea: French 33. Garment 24. Bard 88. Derrcs of In clinatloa 40. Encircled 42. Trappings of royalty 44. Peduncles 45. Prophet 47. LlKht variety of a color 48. Goddess of dawn FO. ytrnvs women 62. Valley: Scotch Solution of Yesterday's Puzzli RUeI1AS TjDiEE R A A DTfrpjSL QMe ve POCTjBIE L T SpPE N E S1ME WSMeMns LTEisfr g o vie gEfr e rE a bigM o mm B U RINfTPjE D E EMS A' S A BE L A" fWmW P 65. Brightest star In a constel lation 87. A Bind time M. Metal 63. Courses of publlo life 1. Chart 6J. Count over 61. Gum resin fS Danger 69. Nothing 70, Complement of a mortise 7L Tangle 72. Larg- at river In Scotland 13, Town In Alaska DOWN L Bark of a treu usrd In mak ing a fabrlo TT 'w 11' TZ" Iji 32 II23 127 28 ay 3o m 3i si IP 3) H5 3? lll-!LllZZZZ 2 S3 S4l WSS S WS1 HIP wl iZi. "I 1 1 1 ffl 1 EH 1 1 1 '-sltniiiiinr 'w WANTED TWENTY MEN Who would like to move out onto l' j-acre tracti In our new Subdivision at the city limits. A NEW PLAN l-and U cheap Lumber In cheap Labor ti cheap Gft a miall tract of land and dMHnpe it Into a home WHILE YOU WAIT If yon nant to moe (o lite romitry SKT t'S NOW. BARNES AND CORN Phone mn.Y 10i 15 . Ontral BUSINESS DIRrCTORT JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 9 and 5, No. 32 Noah Central Ave., upstairs Aulumotiile Loaua. CONTRACTS REFINANCED PAYMENTS REDUCED We pay up balance due dealer, bank your payments. Additional money loaned Phone 81 for appointment Dressmaking ana Remodeling. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking and remodeling. 42 weoiora uian Phone UB1. Expert Window Cleaner. LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1172. House cleaning. Floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning, specialty. Funeral Parlor. PERL'S FUNERAL HOME Distinctive service at moderate raiea. nsvau Ushed 20 years- Ambulance serv toe. 6th St. at Oakdale. Tel 47. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of all kinda; book binding: loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything In the printing line, au-au w. urape Phone 75. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY on furniture and late model autos. Three per cent per month on unpaid balance No other charges. Come in and get the cash today, see w s rnomaa, 45 So Central. Phone 139 Painting end Papcrhangtng. HARRY MARX Painting, tinting paperhanglng. Phone 14-F-4. Res Coleman Creek road- Transfer. RE1NK1NG TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No Fir Street. Phone 332. DAVIS TRANSFER St STORAGE Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape 3t Phone 644, or residence iuou EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed Cross-Word Puzzle 32. Game bird 85. Fancied 37. Eccentrle 28. God of war 38. Custom 10. Grows drowsy 32. Urge on 86. Rack for hanging thlnca IHNIEISBLI Formation tn a straight line 31 Take the chief meal 89. Corrodes 4L Chief Signal Officer; abbr. 43. Mistake 46. Tropical shrub or tree 49. Mark of a wound 6L Attack! 63. Paces 63. Fine fabrlo 64. Order of tallies! amphibians 68. Artistic symbol of ths faith ful dend 69. Structural unit of plants and animals fifl. Wriggling 62. Malayan mal ady charac terized by a desire to kill 83. The pineapple 65. Russian vil lage com munlty 67. Hawaiian wreath I In Una 8. Capable of be ing shaped by beating L City in Minne sota C Toole the eve ning meal 6. Small wild ox 7. Institution of learning I. Hackneyed . Winglike 10. Rocky pin nacle 11. Falls short of J ,. Deadly white 18. Enough in Pennsylvania II. Microbe mm St. Mark's Episcopal Corner Oakdale and Fifth. Rev. Wm. B. Mamllton, Rector. Holy communion at 6 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Holy communion at 11:18 a. m. Church of God Comer Haven and Holly Streets. Hugh W. Burch, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, Christian Trials." The message for the evening will be "Seeking Pardon." A hearty welcome la extended to all, Main Street MethotUst Church, South N. D. Wood, Pastor. Services for Sunday, October 3: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Sermon by the Rev. T. G. Patterson at 11 a. m. Special muslo. Special services at 8:30 p. m. con ducted by the young people's divi sion. Evangelistic services at 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. Zlon English Lutheran Church Fourth Street at Oakdale Avenue. Geo. P. Kabele, D, D., Pastor. Bible school meets 10 a. m. Luther League devotional meeting at 7 p. m. There will be no church sen ice Sunday because 01 the pastor's ab sence to preach the convention aer mon at the Columbia district of the Luther League of the Pacific Synod convention at The Dalles, First Baptist Church W. H. Eaton, Minister. Sunday school, 9:4S a. m. Morning worship at 11. Sermon by the pastor, "Trlpleta." Duet, Miss Constance Coemay and Mr. Frank Dal key. Young people's devotional groups meetings, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30. Another popular half hour of singing. Solo, Mrs. c. 8. Finley. Evening sermon on "That Question of Personal Lib erty." You will enjoy these services and the welcome you will receive. Come and see. Talent Methodist Episcopal Church Joseph Pope, pastor. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m, with classes for all ages. Morning worship at 11:00. Sermon. 'The Fullness1 of God's Storehouse." Epworth League 0:30 p. m. Leader, Rendyle Pope. Evening worship 7:30. Music by the orchestra. Sermon, "Values In Adversities." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30. Friday evening 7:30, Dr. Tra E. GUllet will be with us and give his wonderful lecture on Africa, using slides, movies and exhibits. This Is a free lecture and you are all welcome. First Methodist. Alexander G. Bennett, pastor. Sunday morning worship, 11 o'clock with sermon by the pastor, "Laborers Together. Musical program Includes Anthem, directed by Mrs. C. H. Paske, "They That put Their Trust" (Peace) bass solo by George Bennett, "He Leadeth Me" (Ash ford); organ selec tlons by Mrs. Henry Heunergardt, prelude, "Andante Grazloso" (Stults) offertory, "Golden Morning" (Hop kins) ; postlude, "March Pomposo' (Stults). Sunday evening chapel hour, 7:30 o'clock, with program of gospel songs and message by the pastor, "One Judge Oregonlana Cannot Recall"; piano selections by Miss Josephine Power. Sunday school. 9:43 a. m., with wcl come and claasea for all. Epworth league youths' hour, 6:90 p. m., In the church parlor. Union prayer meeting, Wednesday evening. 7:48 o'clock, In the Meth odist church, south. All people more than welcome. Flrat Christian Church. Ninth and Oakdale Sta. W. R. Balrd, minister. Bible achool at 9:415 a. nv, M Olaon, superintendent. Morning worship begins at 10:63. .Sermon subject, "A Paying Invest ment." Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. m. The evening evangelistic service begins at 7:30. Sermon subject, 'The Seven Wonders of the Ages.' The musical program wlH be M follows: Morning Prelude, "Choral" (Con cone); offertory, "Melody" (Ather ton); anthem, "Rejoice, the Lord Is King" (Uavltt); postlude, "Fraternal March" (Undaay). Evening Prelude, "Memories" f Demon); offertory. "Evening Chimes" (Jacobs) ; anthem, "Even ong" (Cadman); soprano abllgato, Eleanor Curry; baritone solo, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," A. W. Manuel; postlude. Apotheosis, Gounod. Effle . Herbert Yeoman, director; Genevieve Brown, pianist. Foursquare (impel Light House East Fifth at Riverside. Phone 018 Dr. E telle Jones, pastor; Harold Rohertnon. assistant; Warren W. Sul len, relief manager; Mrs. Sullens. superintendent of commissary; W, J. Muster, superintendent delivery. Sunday: 9:45 a. m. Bible school. 11 a. m. Holy communion and sermon by Mr. Rihertrn on "Cslvsry.' 3:30 p. m. aervlre at Central Point with Mrs. Wheeler in chsrge. fl:S0 p. m. Crusaders meeting. 7 p. m. street meeting. 8 p. m. Evangelistic service with sermon by Dr. Jones. Tuesday 7:4S p. m. Divine healing service and message by Dr. Jones. Wednesday 1-5 p, m. Commissary meeting. Thursday 7:48 p. m. Testimony and prulsn service with message by Mr. KotM'rlMon, Friday 7,45 p. in. Hlclter dlke Bible class. Saturday 3-3 p. m. Children's church with Dr. Jones and Mrs. Sullens In charge. Our new soup kitchen Is open dally to serve free hot meals. The pastor and assUtsnui are ready day and night to answer all calls for relief. .Ring night bell at front dour after 10 p. m. Alt person not having church sffiUstione are cordially Invited, to teni the Sunday school and services, rresbyterlon Church Eighth and Holly street. 9:46 Sabbath school. 11 Preaching service. Todsy ln a up urates the chorus choir whlh Is to lead the singing through the win ter months. For the past several weeks the choir has been rehearsing and under the able direction of Mrs. Elsie Carleton Strang has shown steady development. A very warm welcome awaits strangers. 6:30 Christian Endeavor and Westminster Forum. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) East Main Street and Portland Ave. II. H. Young. Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. No morning worship. Preparatory services at 7:30,p'cloclL Evening worship with communion at 8 o'clock. "The Character of An Upright Christian," theme. Announcements will be received Sunday evening before 7:30 o'clock. Hymn practice after services. The public Is cordially Invited. Full fiospcl Church 11 Newtown Street. J, H. Carver, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., led by the superintendent, Mrs. Martha Bryant. Morning worship at 11 o clock. Communion service. Sunday evening evangelists serv ice at 7:45. Message by Evsngellst Kathleen McAtee. Come and her this young fiery evangel. Meetings continued each nlg-nt at 7:45 except Saturday night. Come with your burdens. Carry a smile Medford Coin puny of Jehovah's Witnesses The Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses are broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherford over KMED every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:15. These lectures are given by electrical transcription and will be repeated on Thursday at 4 p. m. The subject of the one to bo given Sun day. October 2, Is "Jehovah." Jehovah's Witnesses meet for study every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 102 Mistletoe street., and every Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at 727 South Central avenue. All Interested In Watch Tower Bible etudy are wel come. ' The Fwlernted Churrhei J. M. Johneon, pastor; Central Point. Ore. You are again Invited to worship with us next Sunday. We want you to share the strength of fellowship and worship with us. The sermon message In the morning service will be on the theme: "The Heart of the Gospel," and In the evening service the sermon subject will be: "Putting the Responsibility Up To Man." The young people's messages are delightfully helpful, and we Invite both old and young to hear them. It Is an lnsplratloa to meet so many young people, and enjoy their fel lowship of service. All are welcome. Come help us In the good messages of music. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Oct ober 3: "Unreality." Sunday school at 0:30. Applicants under the age of twenty may be admitted. Wednesday evening meetings which Include testimonies of Christian Science healings, at 8:00 o'clock. The reading room which la locat ed at 401 In the Medford building, la open dally from 7:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., except Sundays and hol idays. The librarian Is In attend ance from 11 to 4:00, at which time the Bible and all authorized Christ ian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The publlo Is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the reading room. KMED Broadcast Schedule Hunriny 10-10:13 Judge Rutherford by Watchtower Society. 10:18-10:30 News Digest, Medford Mall Tribune. 10:30-11:30 Four Musical Moods. 11:30-1:30 Fourth world series gsme, Wrlglcy Field, Chicago, AP to Mall Tribune, remote to KMED. Monday 8 :00-8:05 Breakfast News, Medford Mall Tribune. 6:03-8:18 Musical clock. 8:13-8:30 Morning Melody. 8:30-9:00 Shopping Ouide. 9:00-9:30 Friendship Circle Hour, 9:30-9:46 Todsy. 9:45-10 Weather forecast. 10- 10:30 Bnow White program. 10:30-10:45 Shopping Digest, 10:45-11 Piano Flashes. 11- 11:30 Martial Airs. 11:30-1:30 (If needed) Fifth game, world series, Wrlgley Field, Chi cago, AP to Mall Tribune, remote to KMED. 1:30 News Flashes, Medford Mall Tribune. 1 :30-l :45 Where To Oo program. 1:45-3:30 Dreaming the Walts Away 3:30-3:00 Dance matinee. 3 :00-3 :30 Sones for Everyday. 3:30-3:35 KMED Program Review. 3:35-4:00 Music from Yesteryear. 4 00-4 30 Across the Bess to Ha waii. 4:30-8:00 Masterworks program. 5:00-6:30 Dance program. 8:30-8:48 Fashion Parade. 5:45-8:00 News Digest, Medford Mall Tribune. 8 00-e 'jo- 6aion Suite. 8:30-6:45 Common Benae Talk on Stocks. 8:45-7 Ou Cliamlu, the Miigldan. 7oo-?:15 KconomlcHl Transporta tion. 7:15-7:30 Musical Memories. 7:30-8:00 Contrasts. 8:00-8:18 El low Mae Wilson and Dorothy Reynolds hai'mony team. 8:18-8:30 Modernistic. 8:30-9:00 Parade of Radio Stars. 9:00-9:30 Eventide. Nsndle's club Breakfasts the bett I'P tom-p, iSc to 80e, Wall St. Report fttork ftale Averarf. (Copyright, 1032. Standard 8ttUtlc Co.) to 30 10 SO In!l' RR' Of. Total Today 3 84 .7 90 7 St g Prev. day 83.1 34 7 PB.O 4 2 Ww k .go 5 5 S7.0 llM H 7.7 Year ro . 13 0 30 5 108.3 75 T 3 Yra. ago .339 3 393.3 328.0 338.1 Ronfl Hnlp Averages (Copyright, 1033, Standard Statlltloa Co.) 30 30 30 00 Indl'a PR's Ufa Total Today 65 5 , 71.0 84J 73.7 Pnv. day 85 9 71.1 84 S 73 8 Week ago . 67 3 714 85 S 74 8 Year ago .. 72 3 83 0 01.0 83 1 3 Yn. ago . 91.7 1O1.0 96.7 96.4 NEW YORK. Oct. 3. (AP) Th stock market stood virtually still un til the last quarter hour today when late short covering gave the list mild flip. Activity was at the lowest ebb sine early summer, or before the July August boom got under way, and what trading there waa appeared to consist almost entirely of profession al operations. Transactions approxi mated 400,000 shares fou- the two dull hours. Net advsnces of a point or there abouts appeared In U. S. steel, Amer ican Chemical and American Tele phone. Today's closing prices for 30 select ed stocks follow: Al. Chem. S Dye 80 Am. Can .... 55?, Am. & Pgn. Pow .......... 104 A. T. & T 11314 Anaconda 13 a Atch. T. & fl. F. 58 Bendlx Avla. . li't Beth. Steel 344 Chrysler 18?, Coml. Solv .... 3 Curtlss-Wrlght ....-.,. 3a Dupont .......,..........,. 43A, Gen. Foods ,....... 30 Oen. Mot ............. 17, Int. Harvest. ............. 39 Vi I. T. lc T. ... 13?, Johns-Man .......... ... 30 Monty ward .... . 16 North Amer. .............. 84 Vi Param. Publlx ......... 5Vs Penney (J. 0.) ..- 24ti Phillips Pet. 5Ji Radio 01, Sou. Pac. . 30 Std. Brands 15, St. OH Cel. ... 35 St. Oil N. J Trans. Amar ..... 31 . Union Carb. Unit. Aircraft V. a. Stesl ..... ... 99 ... 30'i 43 Tt Placing a brilliant gama of football Klamath Falls high school squad de feated Aahlsnd 33 to 0, on ths latter home field Saturday. By a aeries of line plunges, Klam ath made a touohdown within tbt first three minutes of play the ball being carried by Hammsker, left half. Ashland held Klamath to the one score In the first quarter, but In the second scored again. Klamath again came to life In the fourth quarter making three touoh downs and converting twice for tnt extra point, making the score 3-0. At the gun for the end of the game Klamath was on Ashland's seven-yard line. Prom the result of this gam the Tlger-Pellcan clash Oct. 29 Is looked to by Southern Oregon sport fans as sure to be an Interesting battle. Semi-finals In the Rogue Valley Women's golf championship will b played at the local course Wednesday, It was announced yesterday. Mrs. Da vid Wood, holder of the title will play Mrs. Orover Tyler. Other pairings axe: Anna Ma Puson vs. Mrs. H. B. Bentley. Mrs. Aleths Vawter vs. Mrs. R. B. Smith. Mrs. E. O. Jerom vs. Mrs. J. O. Thompson. The ytce-presldent's cup to be awarded the winner li being furnish ed by Hamilton Patton. Phoenix Church Services Listed PHOENIX, Oct. 1. (Spl) Services of the Presbyterian 'church her t Sunday will be as follows: Morning, Rer. John C. Still of Trsll, preaching the sermon; special muslo by choir. Evening prslse service, th flrt In a series of Btbla study services will be conducted by Dr. Standard of Phoenix. Evening meetings, now begin a half hour earlier, Christian Endeavor commencing at 6:30 and the eve. ntng service at 7:30. BIG-4 WRECKING YARD MOVED TO PHOENIX Billy Hartnes, owner of the Big 4 Auto Wrecking and Parts company, announced yesterday that he has moved to a new location one and oue-half miles south or Phoenix. Mr. Haines says with the larger space he Is now able to give better service on used parts, auto repairing, auto electrical work, batteries and used, rebuilt and new tires. Old and new customers are Invited to Inspect the new yard. Dry slabs vl.00 pr tier. You bul . 'ffflj Meo JTutj. CCS