PAGE . SIEDFORD MAIL TRTBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1932. Nothing Venture j j by Patricia Wentworth J trSOPSlS: Dlttroit tsuauae of dawning love tor hit young wife Han. disturbed by her terrtblt dnam that ho it dtod, Jervie Wears it awakened in iho dead of night by a noitt in hit room. A pebblt it totted in. Beneath hit uindow ttandt Ratamund C'artut, the girl who tilted him in on un tuacettful attempt to tecure hit great fortune, and atkt Jervie to seme down. Chapter 85 JERVI8 TO THE RESCUE TI7HAT do you want?" Jeryia de ls mended o( Rosamund, who tool below bli window looking up at him, tha moonlight grey upon her faca. "I'll tell 70a If you come down. Don't wake anyone." Ha hesitated, frowning; furiously. What waa this all about! He turned hli wrist and looked at the luminous dial of his watch. It waa two o'clock. What on earth waa Rosa mund playing at? "Jerrls, I'm In perfectly dam nable hole." He aatd, "All right wait a min ute," and turned back Into the room. He got Into some clothes a ten nis shirt, flannel trousors, blazer, socks, and shoes. Then he went down to the study, opened the win dow, and got out. "What's the matter?" he said. "My car broke down." "Where?" "About three miles away, on the main road." "Well, I'll waka up Mrs. Melllsh. She'll hare a room got ready for you." "No no I don't want to do that." She came suite close and put a band on his arm. "I want to get back. Janet Tetterley doesn't know I'm out" "What hays you been up to?" said Jervls. "Thai's not your business." "What do you want me to do?" said Jervls angrily. "Make lesa noise to start with, and then lend a hand with the car." "What'e tha trouble?" "Fre ditched her. We could get her out together, but I can't budge bar alone, and there Isn't likely to be anyone passing for tha next tour hours or so." Jerrls did not know what prompt ad him to say, "You're alone?" "Well, would I corns and dig you lent In the middle of the night It I wasn't? I don't walk three miles In renlng shoes tor tun." : "All right I'll get tha oar out and run you back." Rosamund's hand closed on his arm a strong hand for all Its white ness. "No, you can't do that it'll giro the whole show away." "What la there to giro away?" said Jervls. "Well, to ha quite frank," said Rosamund, "I can't afford another scandal on the top of turning you down. It Isn't all jam as It la. Janet'a under Basher's t h n m b , though you wouldn't think It Basil ar's a prude, of tha first water when It comes to bis own womenfolk. It he knew I'd been out all sight, he'd never hate ma In the house again." "And H'a not my business where you're been?" "Well la It?" "How can yon get back without omeona finding out?" "It's as easy as mud. Tha aeoond chauffeur sleeps over the garage, j Ton couldn't waka him If you drove in, truck through the room. I've got 'a key, and I can take her In the .same way I took her out, without anyone being the wiser.' Bo she couldn't have gone out much before midnight. Queer busi ness this. "Well, we'd better be getting along," he said. Rosamund moved, let go of his arm, and stepped out ot tha shadow. The moonlight touched her uncov ered head and took all the gold out lot her hair. It lookod trey with threads of silver In It. Her face, her hands, and tha column ot ber throat were Ilka Ivory eeen through water. She was wrapped In a black Chinese shawl whose embroidered flowers vera like faint ghosts whose color and sweetness have died and been -forgotten. I She moved beside him, walking lejulckly and In silence. She could Ikeep pace with him without effort )8he produced, as always, an effect )0t graceful ease which waa In sharp L Offices ot the Medford school dis trict were moved yesterday from the Medford Center building to the city hall on North Central, where they will be open to the publlo Monday. The district will occupy the of fices, which formerly housed the county eerltf's atatf. before the coun ty officials moved Into the ney Jack son county court house. Redecora- tlon has been completed and moving bas been In progress for two days. The change Into new quarters will save the taxpayers of the city ap proximately 180 a month as money formerly paid Individual Interests will be returned to the city, the quarters being rented from th city, which took over the co"rt house following removal ot county officers to their new quarters. 4 Desirable bouses always In first class oondltlon for rent, lease or sale Call IDS. t Phone Ma. well naul away four refuse, pttj anltarj awvlce. contrast to the habitual bluntness of her speech. She did not speak now until tbey were past the gates. Then she said In a mocking voice, "Don't you want to know where I've been?" "Not particularly." "No wonder I Jilted youl Tou don't care whom I've been meet ing?" "Why should I?" "Do you?" "No. I don't" "No healthy curiosity?" "I'd like to know what you're driving at" "I'd like to know myself," - said Rosamund, her voice harsh on the words. They walked on without speaking for a couple ot hundred yards. Jer vls couldn't help a feeling of ex treme nervousness perhaps It was tha fact that his rest had been dis turbed in so curious a manner. Nan had dreamed that he was dead. It wasn't an omen, ot course, because he waa an Intelligent citi zen of the twentieth century who hadn't the faintest belief In omens and tabus. Yet he could not put It out of his mind. Nor were his nerves due to his strange errand. Nan would never have demanded such a thing at such an hour. Nan would not have gone out on a shady venture; It she had been caught with a ditched car at I o'clock in the morning, she would not have made unreasonable re quests of the neighbors. Not even ot her husband. Yes. The more be thought the less strange this early morning visit was. Rosamund was a demanding person. She was never a consid erate person. Probably It had seemed quite the proper thing to do, this business of flinging pebbles Into someone's window to save her own skin. He felt bettor. Then he asked: "Are you going to marry Leon ard?" "Should you mind it I did?" "Not In the least But I should think twice before I did It it I were you." "Why?" said Rosamund. "The man'a an outsider." "Thank you ne'e my cousinl" "Everyone's got some dud rela tions. Are you going to marry him?" "No," said Rosamund. "Well, that's damned sensible of you." Rosamund moved a little farther away from him. 'You've made such a sensible marriage yourself haven't you?" Jervls said nothing. Quite sud denly, when she said that, ha saw Nan aa he had seen her settling back against ber tossed pillows; her rumpled hair, soft and brown; her little tremulous smile; her eyes clear shining after rain. Sensible? That wasn't tha word for the marriage that had brought Nan Into his life. Who wanted to make a sensible marriage? He had taken a leap In the dark, and It had landed him In a place ot extraordi nary enchantment You weren't sensible In an enchanted place. He threw hack his head and laughed. What a Jest lata had played on hlral What a gorgeous, rollicking, enchanting lest! Ousts ot laughter ehook him. He wanted someone to share It with him. But he couldn't very well share it with Rosamund. It was Just like fate to thrust Rosamund upon him at thla Juncture. She had crossed to the other side ot the road. They had reached a bend whore halt a dozen wind-driven thorn trees stood above the hedge on one aide and a row ot elms cast a dense shadow serosa the road from the other. "Here's the car," said Rosamund. "We haven't come three miles." "It felt like tour In these shoes." The road dipped Into the shadow. The car stood In at an angle to wards tha hedge. The place was as black as overhanging boughs could make It "Yii ought to have left your lights on," said Jervls. Rosamund dldnt answer. He heard her move, hut he couldn't see her. He opened the door ot tbe car and leaned forward to awltch on the lights. (CopvHoat, lt, Ltmlncott) Nan sake Roiamund aims ques. tlona, tomorrow, without conspleu. sua euccaae. FLOCK 10 REG SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. (AP) Democratic it tint rat Ion her for th November election, u announced by the registrar of voters today showed It to be almost four times aa large aa the registration In 1030 and more than 00 per cent greater than in 1028. while the Republican totals de creased. The present reglntratlon was an nounced aa 139.048 Democrats against 33 608 In 1030 and 73,301 In 1028. The present Republican registration totaled 143.053. against 180,706 in 1030 and 104.035 In 1038, Tvn Die In Well VANCOUVER. Wash.. Ort. 1. (AP)-J. A. Winston, 70, and Arthur A. Amea. 3S. both of near Vancouver, lost their lives In a iss-fllled well here yesterday. When needing eupllcatlnf salts boots, flat-pacts or fan-fold cash rtfltter forms, ledger sheets tor bookkaeplng machines or sny other kind of printing don't order from out-of-town firms and psv more. Phone ?B end one ol our representatives will ceil. Walker Hinted In Re-Election Plan NEW YORK. Oct. 1. ( AP) On the heels of a court decision calling for a mayoralty election In Novem ber, the name ot former Mayor James J. Walker was mentioned In political circles today as a posalbls candidate for re-election. The Herald Tribune said Tammany Hall bad revived its plan to support Walker, who resigned following an TAILSPIN TOMMY ANVWAV OF I I THINK fev TO THAT LATER, LOOULO W ' " V-JTSUtall AULjfL.. KfiWEZstt - flETTIMG A ) DISMANTLING IT I'VE GOT TO GET TSUlT US TrU. "f ffXttl UiS!.'rZ?r & P-z sVlM BOAT CLO UE CAN CAP.R.V IT YOU BoVS f BETTER- j - S i T"i? -svV ) ZjiZr Wm - enough to to Miami unoep back to no if you c M- RISHT, BOYS' rV'M A ri lw' sifrexisyi - y . DRAG OUR (JSL OlXrX. TWO BLIMPS, MIAMI . JCAN MEK (. VcXI CAN COME, i, 'if 3"' fc ' ship out? jtjt we HAve a sistcr, this is. usnoct to J -s1? &.boar.d. we'll have f-7f S? ssC S sdr 2 - S SHIP TO THIS ONE THE Q IS ArTD06 f -aa-, -gS, (JO DUMP M0R SANJ aK W JOVT : fYm A BOUND TO WIN Another Expedition! :Bef! and 1?405;I aminute, SJ (T'S ALL BEN? VSfcj S'MATTER POP A THE NEBBS Looks HAD WEBS, TWS PEOPLE'S CAMOIOATe FOR SErJMTOB ACQUITTED HIMSELF WnX CREDIT IM WS DE&ATE WITH MISOPPOMEKJT mum: pDR SENATOR piflDooAKrras ROSCOE KJCOOte J BUT MOTTO TUB UVilr02.OF U1!S POLITltAL HEvr. kCQlirfitht.lMS, by MUTT AND JEFF USTCN.SRIMM, 1ST fX I TDBA( AMb i'lL XTAUb enssTT VNRs on ths-iR. nSAva. cm ftoorc AMI I'M.SOIMfi.TO.T-AH'E., SJI " I IT SAWS -HE12E , 'T Wf II I 7 T ( UP-ADfPISESilOW ITEr-1 f 1 1 (TJlS KfetVPS UP, MO OM6 ' C ) J , ( ,aE- . V To 6B.B. A4vrieeACTiK VMiut-'-HAve. w sfneT 1 . Yff s I vwiAT n-UTjuirs J TZZ A BRINGING UP FATHER I i ajo rM coinO to if that a fact- am rosrrHE.MORs- woman's I j miv jico-the-( jojt " II COOK ALL TOUR rLLNEVtFtUVE OLACIH, IN TV.6 HOME- MV W1FS . "PhONJEO THAT TOO WF MEM UNTlLMOO TO E MATOf-f COOK ALL f-W ME AL- THAT YYVMtJ 6V COLLV- NlTVJlFE- BJRNEO fOuS home I a,reelecteo-I y rf 1 M4t lotta vots.1i ShoolO I ss that wont tmat " rjowM Cookuh'tour ( I It, .lT VEAM TO OO INSTEAD OF J I GREAT SPEECH SPEECH MAKE. V , Dlr4IMER- i f ' ' J5 I RUNN'M1 FEPI, MATOW.- j ) -tg WHOWWl A HIT IN THE . . ) I THAT LL LOOK. I ' C 'L-'J PJ5 1 VTFOFTOO? I PAPER M THBj COOD IN THE, Investigation Into tbe city adminis tration. Has Farm Aid Plan MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, Oct. 1 (AP) Tbe agricultural program of the Socialist party was outlined and attacks were made on Gov. w. D. Roosevelt and President Hoover In a series of addresses In Minneapolis and St. Paul by Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate tor president. . Broken windows glazed by Trow bridge Cabinet Works. Escape From The Everglades! ' NWHVT MAKES THAT LIGHT WftT MR. HASSE1T ? Real Problem Like A New Boss IV-J TH DEBATE NOU Wrn-4 SEKJATDR S IM THIS DEBATE VOU l 1", I A VJEUL, 1 SOE&S X WAS RieWT.v " 1 NJOODLS, VWHAT DID VOU V MEANJ BV KEEPIMS , (MnkUT WO INI TWE1K ACCLAIM PCX I MEAW BY KEEPING rr$--lT)-IE SAM BEWIKlp k VsaF i"1V,E STRAlSWTFORAUD MAKJMER AwELL. 1 THE SAM BEWINIO WOO ARE VOU ASHAMED OF THE PCOPCE WHO WOMIUATEDI ,V(-MJ Y Tl Bn Srridlcif . fiy.) V .cuawirn nc -rue T XL ...i .am s K-e When Leather And Concrete Met PiTCh foKAvl T6ie MUTT I or i. SW - 200 Quake Dead; Count Increasing ATHENS, Oct. 1. (AP) The count of victims of tbe- week's earth quakes st Chalcldlce, set Saturday at more than 200 dead, continued to rise today as many dead and wounded were being found under crumbled ruins in the city. Meanwhile, the shocks continued at Salonika and most of the frightened people spent the night in tbe open air. if IP VOLVLL SLIP ON THOSE GO t eRPHONee, ben, l JTHItSK THeVLL ANSWER I QUESTION! Trt tAMM' but tHj 1 , 'rr, TW6 PEOPLE WENT WILD TOR 1 ouch: BtN WML WW ww His Bf-i CAnceir JL OOP. fl I 1 C(WOttlCU wvrt" L i V - r - f Vl 1 IV I Hel9 Pope Bares Stand On Mexican Laws ROME, Oct. 1, (AP) Pope Pius XI met whst he called the new "le gal persecution" of the church and Catholics In Mexico today with an encyclical announcing a policy of "formal co-operation" without re nouncing principles. In the slightest degree or withdrawing past denunciations. a,tvy. i&uita r outsits r-Ttr3 WITH A RDIO AN-VPUce? NO. I'lsfl NOT LISTfcN MKTQ PROGRAM I CAM HEAR A V.OT OP MtsN TALKING THE 7 MUST BE LAMDIN6 ftliPLES CROM A ,MP IAJWV. THP.Rp AKE THfc7 ON THs toUHNO f toft ( Copyright, IM2, by f The Bell Syndicate, . INWCATIN4 I oOWAHl) .St ' Cl S- ' . . Sk . i BX W Shipping Magnate Tells Optimism WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. (API After a brief conference at the White House today, Stanley Dollar, presi dent of the Dollar Steamship line, said hs hsd told President Hoover that he found "the travel business picking up In all parts of the world." Dollar said he had talked but little business, and that his visit was mere ly to pay his respects to the chief executive." TAKE OPP ye.THEVRS ONTH1S ISLAND TUPiR BOAT'S irvl DAG&ER COVE, BIGHT NOW BUTT DON'T WORR j T r-CaKl UdhinLE THEM "VOL SEE BEN-- BENi rr-6 AS IMPORTANT TO KNOW HOVMTO KEEPTREASURG A& VT p I TO TO IF I'M ELECTED , SEKJTLEMENJ TO OUST SO LOJS AS 4JlTO MN ADMINJISTRATIONJ VOU CAM 6S F MV EMPlOVMEMT A&EK1CV BUTVOUVG, Vs A SOT TO FUBUISW HELP THAT DOWT JOO HTVX r-1 . ssV'ssi aT I Ana V"-' ' " -iim. of ZlT'S ANOTKttl HoftAft Rum) Fen Jeff. Ww,' ' Call Bomb Squad For Whiskey Flask PITTSBURGH. Oct. 1. (AP) Pour automobiles filled with city de tectives raced at breakneck speed to. a house on a report a man was seen' placing a bomb beneath a porch to day. The bomb scare turned out to be an empty quart whisky bottle. Real Estate or Insurance Leate It to Jones. Phone 790. ; By GLENN CHAFFIN and HAL FOKUEBK. By EDWIN ALGER GOSH. UP'D BettgB Ihaqsett! Wr - aVJ 1 1 I j ME NOW--: By C. M. PAYNE By SOL HESS ILL ALLOW VOL SCLECT ALL APPakJTE5t THEV WLL DO CREDIT ALL THEIR VJOR DURlUG 'THE CAMPAISM AKJDTWEO AKJD VA- 'THE BPEWSE By BUD FISHER smcKif Ant.h1''A1- BH0M6 BON, I I la. I T-Tfl I FlMlHtCC. I By George McManus