Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 22, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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Lccal and Personal i
Mr. Conroy Returns Mrs. Helen
Conroy and children returned last
night from spending several wee Its in
Home from Klamath C. A. Brown
reutrned yesterday from spending
several days In Klamath Falls, where
he transacted business,
Mrs. Tollefson In Mrs. T. P. Tol
lefson was in the- city yesterday from
Central Point, attending to business
matters and visiting with friends.
Buchter Visits Here Frank Buch
ter of San Francisco arrived In Med
ford a few days ago to visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buchter.
Returns to School Miss Winifred
Werner left by motor yesterday for
Corvallls. to re-enter Oregon State
college for her second year.
From Happy Camp Jim Logan,
well known mining man and rancher
Is In Medford today from Happy
Camp, transacting business relative
to his holdings.
Bsrneburg Here Kenneth Barne
burg, former student of the Univer
sity of California at Berkeley, has re
turned to southern Oregon to enter
the Southern Oregon Normal school.
Ashlanders In lty Mrs. Georgia
" Coffey and Mrs. C. H. Pierce of Ash
land were in Medford yesterday shap
ing and attending to (business mat
ters. Ike Frldegar of Ashland was a
business caller In the city yesterday.
Has Major Operation Mrs. Millie
Bunn of this city underwent a very
serious operation yesterday at the
Sacred Heart hospital and her condi
tion was reported as slightly improved
Mr. Farrell Here Dan Farrell, gen
eral agent of the Wabash railway,
with headauarters m Portland, is in
the city today on business, as
James Downs of Seattle, assistant
vice-president of the Illinois Central
Mr. Druoe Here On his periodical
visit to Medford, L. V. Druce, freight
trafllc representative of the Grand
Trunk lines, arrived In Medford to
day from Portland, bringing his cheer
ful smile with him.
Adrlenne Home Mrs. Adrlenne
Steward returned to Medford from
Seattle today by train, having been
on a buying trip to the Washington
city. Mrs. Steward left here satur
day evening.-
Business Callers The list of busi
ness callers In Medford today includes
Georee McMahon of Talent, R. E.
Harte and daughter of Montague, B.
L. Hicks of Yreka, Mrs. A. Bruno of
Dunsmulr and Mrs. Chas. Simpson
of Crater lake.
j m m
On Business Here Z. B. Ullberg,
freight agent of the Cunard Steam
ship company. Ltd., Anchor Line and
Anchor Donaldson Line, with head
quarters In Seattle, Is In Medford to
day attending to business matters,
having arrived today by train.
Registered Today Registering from
the state- of Washington, at hotels
here, were Mrs. Helen Fletcher, C J
Roll?, H. S. Ramsey, L. R. Foster, Paul
Henry, Wm. F. Rohrbach and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank F. aKtcs of Seattle, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Terrell of Chehalls
and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Crosby of
Exams Tomorrow Examinations
for operators and chauffeurs will be
given tomorrow and Saturday In the
council chambers of the. city hall,
corner of Front and Sixth streets.
Ward McReynolds Is to be in charge
of the tests, and will be In the office
from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Friday, and
8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Saturday.
Guest of Darbys Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Breuch of Bakerafield, Cal., are
guesta here of Mr. and Mrs. C C.
Darby, having arrived Sunday from
the south. They are also visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Tinker of this
city and hav enjoyed several drives
to neighboring scenic points. Mrs.
Breuch Is Mrs. Tinker's sister and
Mrs. Darby's aunt.
Many from the Bay Among the
Bay city residents listed at the ho
tel in Medford were the following
San Franciscans: James O'Connor.
Ed Crowley, O. A. Rellly, J. Matt,
Thos. R. Cerran, F. H. Bartholomew.
A. Hawksley. James H. Gray, B. F.
Welch. Eugene Geary, W. A, Geller
' son. J. C. Dolzlel. H. C. Walker, Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Wlllard, C. T. Rosen
and J. W. Elstum.
Guests Overnight W. F. Short of
Santa Rosa was among the Califor
nlans at hotels here. Others were Mr.
and Mrs. Q. I. Smith and Marie Ahl
strom of Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. A. I.
Fox of Placervllle, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A.
Schillings of Long Beach, R. H. Cheda
of Belmont. Emory E. Llston of cnico,
K. G. Bailey. Betty Lou McCarthy
an3 J. D. Mol'.novl of Los Angelas, j
Csr Burk of San Pedro and Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Nelman of Berkeley.
Utop In Medford Mrs. Julia Beau
drolt and daughter. Miss Oladys, of
Los Angeles stopped in Medford to
spend a few days, en route home
from Vancouver. B. C, Lake Louise
and points in the Canadian Rockies.
Yesterday they Tlsited Crater lake,
and left last evening on the Shasta
for San Francisco to spend three
days before continuing to their home
in Los Angeles.
Phone 301
Children Wc
TIH'HSDAY anil Friday
Paul Lukas Frances Dee
"Working Girls"
Aim "Old Son, for New"
"Let Me Pall Ynil Sweetheart"
liallv Mat. !:. 7
Mr. Burse 11 Returns Victor Burse U
returned to his home near here last
evening from Portland, where he has
been attending to business matters.
Returns North J. A- Russell, gen
eral agent of the Erie railroad, re
turned to his Portland offices last
night, having left Medford by train.
Roberts Is Rajah Through an
error In the Mail Tribune Tuesday,
the name of the Tiger rajah was er
roneous. Dick Roberts, and not Rog
ers, is head of the organisation.
Here on Business Wm. Rohrback
of Seattle, representative of Harde
man Hat company, was a business
caller In Medford yesterday and visit
ed with old friends.
Mr. Lembcke Here J. E. Lembcke I
of the Ford Motor company, with
headquarters In Portland, is in Med
ford today conferring at the C. E.
Gates Auto company.
Permits Are Issued Two building
permits have been issued by the city
building department to C. A. Wlllock
to reroof the building at 141 and
143 North Ivy street. The cost for
each was estimated at $30.
Undergoes Operation Mrs. C. E.
Lasont of route one, Medford, under
went a major operation today at the
Community hospital and was report
ed getting along nicely this after
noon. Mr. Lively In Hospital J. M. Lively
of Gold Hill is receiving treatment
at the Community hospital for se
vere burns, received when he removed
the lid from a pressure cooker. Jetting
the steam rush into his face.
Goes to Myrtle Point Robert G.
Fowler, county agent,- Is In Myrtle
Point for a few days, acting as Judge
for the entries In the dairy cattle
and dairy produoe departments of the
county fair. Mr. Fowler left yester
day noon, and plana to return here
Miss Hares Here Miss Nellie Hayes
of Grants Pass reported for duty here
today at the- offices of the Rogue
River national forest service, where
she will be employed for about three
months. She has been working in
the offices of the Siskiyou national
forest this summer.
Browns Return Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Brown returned to Med
ford yesterday after a three days'
business trip to Eugene and Cottage
Grove. The Browns sold their drug
store at Drain, Ore., this week, which
they formerly owned in addition to
their drug stores In Medford and
Cottage Grove.
License Issued A marriage license
was Issued at the county courthouse
yesterday to Robert E. Marcier, 31, of
Marshfleld, and Ellzabetn F. Murden,
19. also of Marshfleld. He listed Us
occupation as a painter, and she as a
worker In a veneer plant. Marcier ts
a native of Illinois and she of Kan
. . j
Betty Asleson Improved Betty
Asleaon, daughter of O- Asleson, who
was struck by a falling wagon tongue
last week, receiving a fractured skull,
was reported In an improved condi
tion yesterday by Dr. B. C. Wilson,
attending physician. The little girl
was playing under the wagon when
the heavy tongue disconnected and
dropped on her head.
Mrs. Downing Improved Mrs. Es
ther Downing, who was painfully in
jured last week when a piece of wood
was driven through her shoulder by
collision of an auto In which she
was riding, with a fence near Jack
sonville, was reported in a much Im
proved condition yesterday. The
stitches have been removed from the
Incision made for removal of the
stick and Mrs. Downing left the Com
munity hospital yesterday.
Returns to Eugene Mist Oma
Johnson of Lewiston, Ida., left oy
train this morning for Eugene, where
she is a student at the University
of Oregon. Miss Johnson has been
working at Crater lake during the
summer, and while in Medford was
the guest of Miss Alice Holmbaek.
Before resuming her studies, Miss
Johnson plans to visit relatives In
Portland Residents The hotel reg
isters in the city contain the names
of the following Portlanders: M. C.
Mettler, Roy Blackburn, W. L. Rowen,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Fallburg, L. W. Ken
nan. R. V. Sluman, O. W. Wilber,
R. B. Sprague, C. A. Williamson,
Charles P. Grumlaux, H. M. Brown,
Jerome W. Clark, A. J. Faver, Mrs.
Joseph L. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Flanagan, W. J. Burgoyne, O. J.
Hurtlg, Jacob Miller, E. F. Selthman.
Rex AaUoway, O. N. Borrevik, J. F.
Scaniln, J. T. Wallace. J. J. Kelly
and H. L. Shaw.
Battery Service
Manufacturers of
Severln Batteries
Tolt. 13-plate, 1 year
Tolt. 13-plate Is month
e volt, U-plate, 18 month
guarantee . $3.50
Severln Batteries Recharged 2.VS
All others SOc
Guaranteed armature rewind
ing; Generator and Starter
Etchanged . SI-00 up
Free Inspection of electrical sii
tem on your rar with the purchase
of a battery from us and If repairs
are necewiry they will he mnrte
at a minimum prlre. OF.T TUP.
most rnov voi money.
Our specialty to '.lattery manufac
turing and generator and arma
ture rewinding.
I.-,!: No. Rher.llle. BI.HRYDALt
Goes to Portland Ray Millard lefti
by train Wednesday evening for Port
land. From State Points From point in
the state, exclusive of Portland, the
following resident were guests here
overnight: Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Tlerney, Mrs. C. O. King and E. S.
Farrell of Eugene, R. E. Mythlng of
Salem, E. D. Ma this, Mr. and Mr.
J. L. Edmunds and Thos. W. Delaell
of Klamath Falls, W. C. Leomont of
Grants Pass, Clarence Young of Union
Creek and Oeorge Levy and Q. H.
Kllborn of Klamath Fulls.
Dog Is Retun.ed "Topsy," the little
black Cocker spaniel belonging to
Hiram Meader, which has been miss
ing for the past week, was safe at
the Meader residence last evening
when Mr. and Mrs. Meader and their
granddaughter, Miss Marian Hart, re
turned from a motor trip to Trail. A
young miss who called at the city
police atatlon last evening to In
quire the location of the Meader resi
dence, Is thought to have returned the
Figures were released today at the
meeting of the Rogue River Traffic !
association, showing that 2513 car-!
loads of pears have been shipped and
packed In the Medford district this 1
season. Up to last night the totals
were as follows: 186 carloads of can
nery Bartletts. 743 carloads of packed
Bartletts, 37 Howells, 377 Bosc, 400
Anjous, 67 Cornice, five Winter Nells,
46 mixed.
There are in storage 109 ',4 carloads
of Bartltt, 39 Howells, 170 Bosc,
386 Anjous, 64 Cornice and three
Information also released at the
meeting of the Traffic association to
day Indicated that the Transconti
nental Freight bureau has redocketed
the Medford request for reduced rate
east on the basis of 86,000 pounds
minimum load. The present price is
$1.76 per hundred and the request
for a il.SO rate. The request will be
considered by the bureau within the
week it was understood today and
emergency action is asked by the local
. Request for equalization of the do
mestic rate from Medford to Port
land Is also being asked of the South
ern Pacific with the export rate now
In effect.
Loggers Score Hit
On Stage At Holly
Dressed In their red shirts and hats,
logging bosts and other logging para
phernalia, the Oregon Loggers, show
ing at the Holly theater for the last
times today, make a picturesque ap
pearance. Their stage act Is novel
the only one of Its kind on the stage.
They not only play and sing the
songs they sing around their logging
camps, but demonstrate their profes
sion by throwing huge axes with un
canny skill. Their act has lots of
comedy and presents something to
the movie audience seldom seen.
The feature picture, "No Greater
Love," is also of outstanding merit.
From the opening scenes, where he
knocks a home-run through "Uncle
Sidney's" window, to the closing scene
where he drives1 a golf ball through
the windshield of "Uncles new
truck, little Dickey Moore keeps the
audience In chuckles.
Tomorrow the Holly will present
Charles Blckford and Constance Cum-
mings In "The Last Man."
Sherlock Holmes
In Rialto Hit
"Sherlock Holmes' ratal Hour,"
Based on "The Pinal Problem" and
"The Empty House." Is an adaptation
that will please every reader of the
Sherlock Holmes stories.
In this picture Holmes Is brought
into the story when hi old friend
Watson asks him to apeak to Ronald
Adair about his questionable card-
playlng. Adair, who Is In the dlplo.
mntlc service. Is ordered by a mys.
terlous and sister underworld power
to carry a suitcase with him to Paris,
knowing very well that his luggage
will not be questioned. Otherwise,
he will be exposed as a card cheat.
When Adair Is found In his drawing
room, shot through the head, Holmes
takes a hand, and by the employment
of his own technique eventually traps
nis man.
A Special Communication of
Medford Lodge No. 103, A.
& A. M Friday, Sept.
S 23rd, i
at 7:30 p. m. work In
P. C. degree. Visitors Invited. By
order of L. C. Stewart. W. M.
GEO. ALDEN, Secretary.
First Medford Showing
rPwfliMHWTOCTayg'i iiitAwiii intuit
"Congorilla" at
V i 'ar js- f '-x
One of the moat remarkable clashes,
revealed on the audible acreen, two
huge gorillas In a terrifying hand-to- I
George Rutledge, charged with lar
ceny by bailee, was lodged In the
county Jail yesterday afternoon on a
warrant Issued by the Gold Hill
court on a complaint sworn out by
his sister, Margaret M. Rutledge. He
was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Louis
Jennings, when Rutledge was in the
district attorney's office attempting
to swear out warrants for the arrest
of L. E. Lemmon and Albert Mans
field on kidnaping charges.
Rutledge was taken to Gold Hill
for a hearing this afternoon on the
charges, according to the district at
torney's office.
With Wlnf leld Plumer, Lemmon and
Mansfield, Rutledge was arrested by
city police Tuesday night, following
a "free-for-all" fight in which Mans
field and Lemmon allegedly assault
ed Plumer and Rutledge. The latter
was said to be leaving town to avoid
paying money to his sister, who had
loaned him "less than. 6100" to es
tablish a Jewelry store which he con
ducted on Eighth street.
Rutledge said that Lemmon and
Mansfield tried to force Plumer and
him Into an automobile Tuesday
night, which resulted in the battle.
No warrant waa issued for the two
men's arrest on a kidnaping charge,
as both had been arrested on the
disturbance charges when Rutledge
sought their arrest, according to the
district attorney's office.
Mansfield and Lemmon were each
fined $10 In Judge Glenn O. Taylor's
court this morning on the charge of
disturbing the peace, following their
pica of guilty. Neither was able
to pay his fine and the two were
given 30 days' time to make the pay
ment, 4
Newa was received here last night
of the death In Portland of J. W
Young, 52, prominent resident of thii
city, who had played a prominent
part In the development and building
of Medford over a period of 10 years.
Death followed a major operation two
weeks aso.
Mr. Young came to this city trom
Canada and entered the newspaper
business as one of the founders of
the morning newspaper, formerly lo
cated on Front street. After going
out of the newspaper business, he
continued as contractor and built a
block of houses on Park street, which
have added much to the attractive
ness of this city.
He Is survived by his mother, Mrs.
Mary A. Young; his widow, Clara A.
Young, and by three sons, Dougall.
22; Arnold, 19, and Walter. 17.
The Youngs make their home t
918 South Oakdale.
Definite Information regarding
funeral services could not be obtain
ed today, but It was understood that
the body would be ahlpped from
Portland and services conducted at
the Sacred Heart Catholic church t
this city.
Fox Craterian
hand light In Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Johnson's "Congorilla,-' now showing
at the Craterian theater.
NEWCHANG, Manchuria, Sept. 93
(AP) Another poignant appeal for
the rescue of herself and Charles
Corkran, another British subject who
was captured by Chinese bandits
more than a week ago, waa received
today from Mrs. Paw ley, who said the
bandits planned to shoot them In
week, after cutting off their ears.
The note was received by Mrs.
Pawley's father, together with an
other exorbitant demand for ransom.
The letters were brought by a ser
vant of the family, who carried the
father's message to the brigands'
"Get us out as soon as possible,"
the note said. "They are going to
cut off our ears and X rather want to
keep mine. For God's sake be quick.
We have a week to live before we
are shot.
"These fellows are really serious.
I am filthy and long for a bath. The
food is awful.
There also was a letter from Cork-
"Your clothes received," It said.
"Anything else Is of no earthly use,
These blokes want money, They are
telling the servant who brings this
letter how much and how to send It.
If cash Isn't forthcoming within
four days you will receive our ears
as reminder and later our corpses.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 32. (AP)
Commenting on Senator Borah's as
sertion in Zlon's Herald ot Boston
that "those In favor of the 18th
amendment have been adroitly and
effectually dlsfranlsed so far aa the
presidential election is concerned." F.
Scott McBrlde, superintendent of tha
Anti-Saloon loague, said today the
prohibition "fight is In congressional
districts and not In the presidential
Fox Manager Here
For District Meet
Frank L. Newman of Seattle, north
west division manager for the Fox
West Coast Theatres, Corp... is in
Medford today, to conduct a district
meeting of all managers of this area.
Policies of the company will be dis
cussed and plans for the fall are to
be brought out In the meeting.
Real Estate or Insurance Leave It
to Jones. Phone 790.
mr aw iCTiriiintinsssj
THERE'S lllll time to travel East
tla the Canadian Pacific Railway
it I.ovj Excurilon Rales through
the Canadian Rockies to all points In
Eastern United States and Canada.
points east of Chicago and St. Louis
are edective to October 19. Return
limit 30 days, not exceeding Oct. 31.
are effective to October 15, eiceptlng
tickets east of Chicago and St. Loult,
which will be on aale to September
30. Return limit October 31.
Inquire about special low cooeh
and Intermedial fares to all
Eastern points, effective to
December 31, 1932.
m CtACO, rl 'IN1 S1 Off
mi tW i i. M rf
A downtown rally and street parade
will be held In Medford by Senior
h'lgh school students tomorrow after
noon at 3:50 o'clock, to pep up the
townspeople for the opening football
game of the season, Saturday after
noon at Van Scoyoc field, between
Weed high school and the Medford
The parade la being sponsored by
various classes and cluba In the school,
and these organlratlona will be repre
sented In the line of march by groups.
to whom numbers are being Issued
The Tiger rajah and his staff, and
the high school band will participate
In the rally, to be led by Wlnstol
Holtell, yell king.
FOR RENT 3 rooms, furnished.
ground floor, bath, garage, ciose in.
10 per month. For sale, 3-wheel
trailer, with top, arranged for
camping: cheap. 16 Mistletoe St.
MEN WANTED To conduct world-
renowned Rawlelgh Home Service
In or near city of Klamath Falls.
Reliable hustler can start earning
38 weekly and increase rapidly.
Write Immediately. Rawlelgh Co.,
Dept. OR-27-S, Oakland, Cal.
FOR SALE Oarage equipment, larsre
lathe, a-n.p. electric motor, test
bench. Geo. McMahon, 1 mile
south of Talent.
FOR SALE Boy's bicycle, $11.50;
man's bicycle. $18. Both real buys.
Also electrlo washer, 920; electric
mangle, 20: brass Bucscher trum
pet cornet with case. SIS. Medford
Exchange, 39 So. Front.
SALE OR TRADE Oood trucK, '33
license, for good team or cows. Geo.
McMahon, 1 mile south of Talent.
FOR SALE Stock trailer, Fordson
tractor, disc plows, gas t engine,
pump Jack, cows, wheat hay. B ton.
Geo. McMahon, 1 mile south of
WANTED Small ranch or acreage
trade on well established auto camp
complete. Camp Poplar, Drain. Ore.
DUE TO forced economics in all in
dustries, demand for the econom
ical Diesel power la greater than
ever before. 1033 promises un
precedented growth in the new
high-speed aviation and automotive
Diesels, The demand for trained
Diesel engineers la bound to grow
still greater. We are now In posi
tion to make an unusual offer to
become a licensed Diesel engineer
by spring. Winter months will
soon be here. Write us Immedi
ately for details as to spare time
work plan and other valuable as
sistance we are now able to render
In financing vour training.
503 Westlake North, Seattle, Wash.
3131 San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles.
WAITRESS WANTED Muat hava lots
of experience. Call Rex Cafe.
APARTMENTS for rent; modern, new
and clean; garage. 413 No. Ivy. Mra.
typewriter in exchange as cash
payment. Baldwin Piano Shoppe,
26 8. Grape.
Mollne tractor. Charles Kack, Hel
man St. N-, Ashland, Om.
See and Hear Them
Play and Sing Just as
They Do In the Great
Logging Camps. See
Ole Throw the Axes.
Ml... I
Featuring Chevrolet this week at a
real price.
39 Chev. Coupe .225 00
'29 Chev. Coach and trunk.... 225 CO
29 Chev. Coach - 225.00
'30 Chev. Coupe .......... 325.00
'27 Chev. Coupe 75 00
25 Other makes Fords, Pontlars.
Essex. Chryslers, Oakland, Bulcks.
etc. Prices and terms to suit.
Open Eve nines and Sundays.
So. Riverside.
FOR SALE '26 Chevrolet coupe. 101
Western Ave.
FOR RENT Partly furnished 4 -room
house at 808 Dakota. Tel. 488-M.
Inquire 612 Newtown.
sey cows, choice 435. Also will trade
firewood for weaned calves. See or
phone C. C. Pierce, Medford.
FOR SALE Tomatoes, ripe or green,
Uc Nealon Ranch, Table Rock.
CUT FLOWEHS 310 Portland Ave.
Baldwin Piano
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson's
On the Stage New Gojombay Dance
Ammunition box )Qc
Red Hats . . . 9c
Steelhead Flies 2for25c
E. Main
P 25003
I yo-JiJ s I You will like the atmosphere 1 1
I flEL i at the Morrison Hotel. All
r jfM'S9it I outside rooms with bath, 1
XlfMfyj circulating ice water, bed-
iX-J?'!':;;; f?V4 W head reading lamp, and M
R'ili5, ""' f Servicer. Nearest to stores,
if -''y:'jaiiliiiL'' ofiices, theatres and railroad Jfl I
And You'll Jump Out of Bed in
the Morning Rarin' to Go
If you fed sour and nink sod th world
looks punk, don't awtiKow a lot of a)t
mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing
ftim and expect than to make you sudtienlf
iwivt and buoyant and full of aunahine.
For thry can't do It. Thy only movrn the
bnwcU nd mftra moTement doau't ft al
live rati. The mason (or your down-and-out
teallng is your liver. It should pour out two
pound of liquid bile Into your bowel daily.
If this bila is not flowini frcdy, your food
doesn't riigisL It just decay In the bowel,
(iu bloau up your stomach. You nave a
thick, bad tajta and your breath te foul,
kin often breaks out In tlmiahe. Your beaa
arhra and you If! down and out. Your wboU
system ia poisoned
It takes thnao (nod. Old CARTER'S
UTTLK l.rVLU Pi 1.1 i to gut Uim two
Kunil of bila Dewing freely and make you
A "up and up." TRpy contain wonderful
harmleas, genUa vogrtabla artracts, amazing
when it cornea to making the bile How freely.
But don't aak for Uver pill. Ask for Carter's
Uttla Liver Pi I la. Look (or tha name Carter's
Little Liver Pill oo the red latel. Reaent
aiUUtuU. 25c st all itoro. O lift! C M. Co.
The Human
Eye Has
Never Seen
or Heard
worth of Sound Equipment taken
Into the African Jungles to Faith
fully reproduce the true shrieks,
roars and growls of animals In the
veldt, for the first talking picture
filmed In Afrlcal
Hunters and