FSGE TWO aiEDFORD MSIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1932. tTt Society and Club Events Reviewed for Week t Edited by Eva Nealon Mrs. Mills and Otis Booths Are Much Entertained Mrs. That. H. Mills of Portland house guest of Colonel and Mrs. Oor don Voorhlca. and the Otis Booths from Los Angelas, are among out of town guests who nave been much feted here during the past week, add .lng new Interest to the social season , . which -has been a trifle dull during late summer. Mr. and Mrs, Oaln Robinson en tertalned at a dinner In their honor . Thursday. Covers were placed for ) guests. Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Mills were vis iting guests yesterday afternoon at the river party, given by Mrs. H Chandler Egan. Wednesday evening Colonel and Mrs. Voorhles entertained on the 00 caalon of their wedding anniversary with a charming dinner for 13. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morrill were hosts at a dinner for eight Tuesday and Mrs. L. A. Salade, Jr., at dinner Friday. Johnstons Honored At Dinner Given By Alfred Carpenters For the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs, T. Slater Johnston, whose marriage was an event of the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 6. V. Carpenter enter tamed at dinner last evening at their attractive country home, Top Sides, Covers were placed for the John stons, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Booth, who are guests here from the south: Mrs, Tbos. H. Mills of Portland, Mr. and , Mrs: Sprague Rlegel, Chas. Voorhles, Mr. and Mrs. o. S. Newhall and son, Story; Mrs. H. Chandler Egan, E. W. ; Carlton, Mlas Margaret Hubbard and I Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, SanFranciTcans Here for Holiday : At Tucker Lodge ' Arriving from the south on the Shasta Saturday to be the guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Nlon R. Tucker at Rogue's Roost, were Mr. and Mrs. James Jsokman, Miss Patricia Tobln. Miss- Nlnl To bln, Robert Six, and Nlchol Smith, well known lecturer and authority on Russian folk lore. ', To Join the group on the river, Mrs. Clifford Ersklne-Bolst, Mrs. Stanhope Nixon and Mrs, Richard Helman motored to Medford. Mr. Tucker accompanied his guests from San Francisco by train. Out'of'Town Folk Feted at Several Lovely Luncheons ' Mrs. Alice Holloway was hostess yesterday afternoon at one of the pleasant events of the week given for out of town guests. She enter tained at luncheon and bridge for Mrs. George Williams of JaLella, Cel., who la guest here of her sister, Miss Anne Livingston. Covers were placed at luncheon for Mra. Williams, Miss Livingston, Mrs. F. Corning Kenly, Mrs. Robt. W. Ruhl Mrs. Donald S, Clark and Mrs, Hol loway. Following luncheon, bridge was played. Mrs. L. A. Salade, Jr., also enter tained for Mrs, Williams, and Mrs. Thos. H Mills of Portland last week, and Mrs. L. a. Salade, Sr., was hostess at luncheon, complimenting visiting guests Friday. - Schools Claim Many Members Of Younger Set Events of the younger set are on the wane this week with many mem bers returning to schools In toe eaat and on the const. Mlas Roxana Ruhl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ruhl, left Thursday for Vasaar, where ahe will be a Junior. She will stop In Rockford, 111., to visit her granfather for aeveral days be fore continuing eaat. John Wellls, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. C. Wellls, left Tuesday for his last year at Tamalpals. Mlas Olorla Oetchell, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Delroy Oetchell, also left Thursday for the south to re enter Castllleja. Many otoers are leaving for the TJnlveralty of Oregon and Oregon State college, where rush week fes tivities promise a round of gaiety preceding the official opening of school. Mrs. Booth Will Entertain Here Mrs. Otis Booth, former Medford resident, who has been visiting here from Los Angeles, will entertain at luncheon at the Colony club Thurs day and has Issued Invitations to 34 guests. F.-T, A. Council to Meet With Mrs. D'Alblnl , The Medford Council of Psrents and Teachers will hold the first meeting of the year Tuesday, Sep tember 30, at the home of Mra. a. Q. D'Alblnl. Covered dish luncheon wilt be served at ia:S0 and all offi cers and chairmen of committees are urged to attend. . Mra. A. E. Rramee will be present to tell of the state r.d county plans for relief of the unemployed. All members are asked to bring their own table service. Ever Ready rirrle Entertained Tuesday Fourteen members of the Ever Ready Circle were entertained by Mrs. D. M. Welch at her home Tuea day afternoon. nans were made for a rummage sale to be held In October. Further announcements will be made soon. through the columns of trila psper. ! Alter me business meeting, re-' freshmenta were served by the hos tess, assisted by Mra, Undley and Mrs. UttrelU ( Misses Ness Give Dinner at Hotel Misses Dorothy and Kathleen Ness were hostesses st dinner and bridge at the Hotel Medford Thursday eve ning. Those attending the delightful affair were: Misses Mildred Dugan, Yvonne Devaney, Lucille Barrett, Ruth Koozer, Margaret Wood, Mrs. Wm. Wood. Mrs. Jos Marshall and the hostesses. Dance and Card Party Planned By Local Lodge Wednesday evening, October 6th, Reames chapter No. 00, Order of East ern Star will sponsor a dance and card party to which all members of the order. Masons and their Invited guests are cordially invited. This event will be the first of a aerlea of dancea to be sponsored by the chap tei thla winter. Good muslo 111 be provided for dancing and refresh ments will be served. The committee members In chsrge of arrangements, O. M. Houston, Mrs. Oeorge E. Ostes,. Mrs. L. L. Candera and Mrs. Marie Schoepen are making every effort to trsure a auccessful party. Dancing will be In the ball room of the Ms- sonic Temple and carda in the ladles' club room. Group Gatherings Start Friday For Local Methodists The first of a series of group meetings to bring together for a genersl social time the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal church will be held at the church Friday evening at 0:30 o'clock. The covered dish supper and pro gram will be sponsored by the Ladles' Aid of the church. The Fidelity circle will act as chairmen of the festivities. Each guest Is asked to bring her own tsble service and a covered dish All members of the church are oordlally Invited and urged to at tend the meeting. Bridge Tea. Plan Of Rotary Women Woman of Rotary will hold their first meeting of the new season on Wednesday, September 31, at 3:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Volney Dixon on West Tenth street. Mrs. Dixon will be hostess at a brldgo tea and will be assisted by Mra. C. Bemon and Mrs. S. Ralph Dlppel. Wednesday Study Club Will Meet The Wednesday Study club will meet with Mra. T. W. Miles, at her cabin In Edgewood park on Septem ber 31st for the first meeting of the club year. This will be a sootal after noon, with a covered dish luncheon served at 13:30. Mrs, M. M. Morris, phone 21&5, will anawer any Inqulrlea relative to transportation. Itaptlst Ladles Knjoy Afternoon The Baptist Ladles' Auixlliary met the afternoon of September 13 with Mrs. P. H. Dally, 1138 West Fourth street. Mrs. F. O. Stlnson, the presi dent, presided. "In the Garden" waa the opening song. Mrs. Dally led the devotlonals cen tering around the thought "Let Ua Pray It Through." Prayer, Mrs, W. H, Eaton. The prealdent auggeated that eaoh one can fruit for the needy. Also thnt there la a need for workers In the relief kitchen. Mra. Dally Introduced Mlas Irene Downing, a missionary on furlough from Ecqtiador. South America, She aald the coldest weather there waa like thla week In Oregon. The Self-Dental Collection amount ed to $3.00. The collection design waa a bird's nest In a tree, filled with dimes. Return "outh To Aclionl Miss Nan Tucker, and Master Nlon , Tucker, Jr., daughter and son of Mr. and Mra. Nlon R. Tucker, and Master Michael Tobln. son of Mr. and Mra. Joseph O. Tobln, accompan ied by their nurses, left on the Shasta Friday evening for San Mateo to en ter country achool. They have been spending the paat several weeks at Rogue a Roost. Woodford Leave For Coqullle Trip Mrs. Ralph Woodford and daugh ter, Jean, left yesterday for Coqullle for a ahort visit and will be accom panied on their return to the city by Mra. Jennie Williams, who haa been visiting her sister there. SEVERIN Battery Service Manufacturers of genrln Batteries BATTERY SPECIALS t volt, 13-plate, 1 year guarantee .t3.30 I volt. 13-plate 18 month guarantee f1 Rft volt, lft-plate, 18 month guarantee ...MW.85.A0 "everln natterte Recharged. ..S.le All other .. ..50c Guaranteed armature rewind ing: Generator and Starter Exchanged . ,.-11,00 np Free Inspection of electrical sys tem on your ear with the purchase of a battery from us and If repair are necessary they will be made at a minimum price. GKT TIIK MOST FROM VOl'R MONKV. PATRONIZE SriXlAI.ITl Our specialty Is battery manufac turing and generator and arma ture rewinding. I Ml No. Riverside, RERRYD.M.t Formal Dinner By Miss Reynolds Is Charming Affair Quite the important social event of the week for several groups waa the formal dinner party given Fri day evening by Miss Dorothy Rey nolds at the Hotel Holland. The Japanese motif wss developed In a lovely msnner through the use of Isnterns to light the room and candlee and flowers In the favored color comblnatlona of the Orient. Covers were arranged at one long table for dinner, following which the guests continued from the dining room Into the hotel psrlor, where tables were srranged for bridge, Japanese prints for bridge scores completed the Oriental details. Prize for high score wss awarded Mra. Wm. Hlttson, second prize went to Miss Ellow Mae Wilson and the traveling prize also to Mra. Hlttson, Guests for the evening were: Mrs, Karl Jsnouch, Mrs. Phillip B tans- bury. Mrs. Frank Perl, Mrs. Edward O. Kelly. Mr. Chester Hubbard. Mra. Jean Laldley, Mra. Wm. Hlttson, Mrs. Rslph Bstley, Mrs. Harry Pren tlce, Mra. Helen Wilson and Mlsaes Ellow Mae Wilson, Viola Templeton Carmen Hlttson, Jane Me Oust, Dee Bcheffel, Hilda Bundy and Aletha Oray. Party at Parish Hall Enjoyed by Many Card Fans A pleasant event of the past week was the party, sponsored by the wom en of the Catholic church at Parish hall Wednesday. Autumn flowera In varied colorings added beauty to the hall and a welcome feature" of enter tainment were numbers played by Harry Frederick little band. Prltea at cards were awarded H. W. Klrsted, Mrs. Leo J. Mlksche and Will Warren. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Lowry-Fischer Mairiage Told An announcement In the Reglster Ouard of Interest to many Medford folk tolls of the marriage Wednesday or miss Marlon Lowry, society edi tor ana reporter on the Eugene news paper, to Robert M. Fischer, prom inent in labor circles of the state. They were married In Chehalls, Wash., the announcement states. Mrs. Fischer Is a graduate of the Unlverelty of Oregon and a member of Phi Mu aororlty. She has many friends here among members of the university set and In newspaper cir cle. Bible Group Conduct Meet The executive committee of the Woman's Bible claaa of the First Pres byterian church met Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. E. N. War ner. They talked over plans for the fall and winter Bible studies, and the monthly social meetings. During Mrs. Warner'a vacation, the Sunday morning services were In charge of Mra. M. K. Chapman and Mrs. Oldonburg. Last Sunday the lesson waa In charge of Mrs. Chnpmsn and treated upon the dispensations! division of the scriptures, which gives the histor ical setting for "that blessed home." The lesson for today will be a repeti tion of the same subject, by Mrs. cnapman. All members and visitors are wel come, and urged to attend. The social meeting was announced for Tuesday, September 33. rentral Point Past Mntrona Meet In October The Past Matrons' club of Central Point will not meet during the month of September, It waa announc ed yesterday, but will open the year'a activities again In October. nt'lldlng nrldre ' Club to Meet The Building Bridge club will hold Its first meeting of the fall season Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of Mlaa Anne Kellehor, iuiu ooutn OBKtiaie avenue. Don't Put It Off! II. OOVE Tonll find (hat your dentsl bill will be greater, In the long run. If you postpone necessary dental work. My charges are moderate. X-Ray Is a talusble aid In den ial work and 1 use It whenever necessary. Dr. I. H. GOVE Guaranteed Dentistry 238 East Main Street Upstairt Phone 872-J CONSULTATION TREE DR. I. ALFONSO AT ROYAL CHRISTENING rX. I uuiaHstM at ,a aaltssss Alfonso, former king of Spain, enjoyed his part In the christening of the son of Princesa lleana of Rumania and Archduke Anton of Haps burg. He stood aa sponsor for the baby during the ceremony near Vienna, Austria. (Associated Presa Photo) W hillock Guest At Movie Colony Party in South Chas. Whlllock, formerly of this oity, now of Los Angeles, was the guest of Capt. Frank M. Hawks on a week-end trip to Agua Callente. at a party given In celebration of Capt. Hawk's completion of a new motion picture, according to news from the south. Other guests were Al Jolson, Rlcar- do Cortcz, Jack Oakle, Bebe Daniels, Helen Twelvetrecs. Mrs. Brooks, capt. and Mra. Hawks and their son David. The guests were taken from Santa Monica to Agua Callente In a trl- motor plane with Capt. Hawks ts pilot. Mr. Whlllock Is In the south at tending the Radio Institute of Cali fornia. M Merit Circle Has Pleasant Meeting The Merit Circle of the Presbyte rian churoh enjoyed a get-together meeting and covored dish luncheon last Tuesday at the home of Its chairman, Mrs. H. F. W. Spllrer, on Hamilton atrect. After the luncheon plans for the winter work were dis cussed, Victor Ilursells .Motor to fortlaml Mr. and Mra. Victor Bursell of the West Side district left yesterdny for Portland, n-hcre they plan to spend several days visiting with friends. They will return to Medford via the coast route. Altar Society To Meet Tuesday St. Anna Altar society will meet Tuesday afternoon at Parish hall for regular session. A good attendance Is urged. Mrs. Green Here ' From AMtland Mrs. Mae Green of Ashlsnd Is a guest In this city of Mrs. Charles Stacy. I XrlVIfr-l x H nil I Ml Don't Spend It All HaveMoney LOOK to your future. What part of your EARNINGS are SAVINGS? It it not what you INTEND to lave, but the amount you DO SAVE that eounti. You want to have money . . . you CAN if you will use your WILL POWER to increase your savings. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW ' We Welcome YOUR Banking Business Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank THINKI Medford, Oregon Tartners in Community Development HAVS MONBYl -M"""ti, . aa..W"'li -JC tT'-..iJ 'J J' ' ,- -J t jSJBm0 China Shower for Mrs. Schmidt Given At Reed Residence JACKSONVILL E Mrs. M. D. Schmidt was the Inspiration for a delightful afternoon, spent at the home of Mrs. Harold Rd Thursday, when a party of fi-ler.cls gathered In her honor, aa ahe Is leaving to make her home on Spencrr Gulch. Tho honor guest wns the recipient 01 many lovely pieces of china. Re freshments were served by tho hps te.w, assisted by Mrs. L. J. Combest; Quests of Mrs. Reed for the after noon were Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Corn best. Mrs. B. Cody, Mrs. O. C. Dorothy mra. u. a. uunnington. and Miss Car men Dorothy. Days Receive Congratulations Announcements have been received here of the birth of a daughter, Wed nesday, September 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Day of Salem. Mrs. Day Is remembered here as Esther Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Palmer of this city. The Days have named their little daughter Dorothy Gwen dolyn. - e-a Fidelity Clrrle to Meet Tuesday The Fidelity Circle of the pinst m E. church will meet September 3n at. the home of Miss Mnv Phfnn. . 023 East Mnln atreet. Mrs. A. E. Lvmnn wilt hnvn h..M of the devotions and Mrs. R. p. Mor- lensen tho program. Entertain At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Kleth ninn.il h. dinner guests Thursday evening st uieir rami, Mr. ana Mrs. Ralph R. Bailey. Leave Friday ' For University Misses Edna Mohr and Mary Hayes left by train Friday evening for Eu gene, where they will resumo their studies at the University of Oregon. -.K-K-ijrttv f1 ieia THINK I HWB MOMfiYI ::. Candle Light Sale Successful Event Of Local Society A euoccsftful affair in line with the general tendency of all social groups to turn their energies Into relief activities, wm the Candle Light sale held yesterday by the Jackson County Humane society to raise funds for helping families through the winter by furnishing feed for cows and other food pro ducing animals. An Important sum. was realised from, the sale, to which numerous folk of the valley contributed clothing and household furnishings. Acting as hostesses and saleswo men at the affair were Mrs. Harold Jordan, Mrs. C. M. Kldd, Mrs. C. M. Palm, Mrs. Lottie Howard, Mrs. Mildred Schuhard, Mrs. Hazel prlngle. Mrs. Cy Bergdorf, Mlas Jane Snedl cor, Mrs. Arthur Bevans. Mrs. H. D. McCaskey and Mrs. Sidney Rich ardson and Harry Ktersted. Just Folks Circle Has New Officers Mrs. W. A. Holloway and Mrs. C. O. Larlson were Jonlt hostesses Thurs day afternoon to members of the Just Folks circle of the Methodist Eplsco pal church. Mrs. J. c. Tucker led the devo tlonals and Mra, Arthur Short dis cussed religious teachings In home and Sunday school. New officer for the ensuing year were elected as fol lows: Mrs. Eugene Thorndlke, circle chairman; Mrs. Ooodwyn Humphreys, vice chairman; Mrs. Oscar Hoover, secretary; Mrs. L. 15. eleven burg, treasurer. At the close of the meeting the hostess served refreshments. Health Lecturer at Christian Ch. Tonight Gilbert Thayer, Internationally known lecturer, and president of the National Health Bureau of America, will speak tonight at the First Chris tian church at 8 o'clock. He has chosen for his subject: "Developing a Personality." He Is the author of 27 books of which over nine million copies have been distributed through out the world. His lectures have been given tn over three hundred of the leading cities of America and Europe. Mr. Thayer haa Just completed a ser ies of lectures in the Knights of Pythias hall in this city where his messages were very enthusiastically received. His lecture tonight will-be of special interest to all young people. Missionary Society to Meet With Mrs. Hnnby The Women's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will meet with Mra. A. J. Hanby at her home, 435 North Holly, Tuesday afternoon, September 30, at 2 o'clock. The executive board will meet at 1:30 o'clock. G leaner Class Meets Tuesday The Gleaner Sunday school class of the First Baptist church will meet with Mrs. P. H. Dally, 1127 West Fourth street, Tuesday, September 20, at 2 p. m. Some thing special Is promised and members are urged to come and bring friends. No use pretending you know what the new-type automo bile will be like, unless you have! It's "power set free" the newest physical sensation in motoring and you get it first, months in advance, at a price that nudges down among and UNDER the former lowest-priced Three, in that amazing performer, the new end up, f. , k. Detrelt Come on, visit your Hudson-Essex dealer. Be a take a TERIUTLAXE ride todayl Armstrong Motors, Inc. 38 No. Riverside Phone 18 Miss Vilm Feted On 14th Birthday Mrs. E. N. Vllm entertained last veelc with a delightful dinner party and evening or bridge and dancing for the pleasure of her daughter, Betty, who celebrated her fourteenth birthday Wednesday. Covers ware arranged for 14 guests and prizes at bridge awarded Misses Jane Sollnsky and Janet Mann. Oth er attendtng the party were: Misses Amy Elliott, Barbara Holt, Mlas Vir ginia Ltndley, Margaret Mary and Janet Mann, Jane Sollnsky, Kathryn Conroy, Josephine Bulils, Georgia Webb, Carol Bcbellel, Betty rasas, Betty Dynan, Patricia Thompson and the honor guest. Miss Vllm. Mrs. WhdTen Is Hostess to Church Group on Tuesday Mrs, Emma Whelden on Tuesday afternoon was hostess to the W. H M. S. of the First M. E. church. The president, Mrs. Holloway, presided during the buslneas session. An nouncement was made of the mis sionary convention to be held in the church Oct. 7th, with Mrs. Reed of Portland and two missionaries pres ent. The ladies of the Frlsctlla circle will serve lunch and dinner in the building. Our Thank Offering ser vice to be held as usual In November. Mrs. Koppen conducted the devotion al period, topic. "Victories of Peace.4 Mrs. W. Walker led the study pro gram. "Education for Peace.' Mrs. W. Campbell gave an interesting re view of our Indian school at Farm ington. New Mexico, with Mrs. Walk er touching on the devotional life there. Each member was asked to give her home state, and the special work car ried on there by the M. E. church. Mrs. C. Meeker briefly told of the deaconess work at Angell Island. San Francisco, having personally met them on & recent visit to the city. The local society has contributed boxes of supplies to this work. The hostess and assistants served punch and cakes at the close of the meeting. Guest of Miss Sparrow Miss Ruth Woolsey of San Fran cisco ts the guest here of Miss Fran ces Sparrow, having arrived Satur day by train from the south. Miss Woolsey plans to remain in Med ford a week or two. Mm. patton Home" From San Francisco Mrs. Hamilton Patton and daugh ter, Doris, returned the last of the week from San Francisco, where they enjoyed a several days holiday; hav ing accompanied Mtss Helen south, where she entered school. Carpenters Leave For Motor Trip Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. V. Carpenter are leaving today for a. several days' motor trip through the northern Ore gon country. Mr. Stanton Guest of Hoblnsons Ed Stanton of Los Angeles la a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Gain Robinson. I HAVE YOU TRIED LAMING TeriMane What a Car!-and the lowest priced Six in Americal $ 425 c.yi.t,. mi. wmtot Car kins Plan To Celebrate Golden Wedding Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. E. W. L. Carkln of this city will celebrate their golden wedding Tuesday at the home of their son. John Carkln of Salem. They left yesterday for the northern city with Judge and Mrs. Glenn O. Tay lor. Joining them in the celebration wU be their three children, John Carkln. Everett Carkln and Mrs. Tay lor and six grandchildren. The party will also honor the fif tieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Turner of Los Angeles, par ents of Mrs. John Carkln, who re cently arrived from the south for the family reunion. The C&rklns, who have lived In Medford for the past 21 years were married In Maine, September 20, 1882. They lived In North Dakota for many years, where Mr. Carkln was engaged In farming. Upon arrival In southern Oiegon he entered the orchard busi ness, in which he continued until re cent retirement. IOnnual , ROUND EWORLD EAVE Nsw York City on Dec-! mber 3 for 129 glorious days and nighb on Ssvsn Stat Street-visit 91 ports and places in 33 countries . . J njoy tennis, doclc-gsines, swimming-pay your rent (and a moderat one) to thai whit you cruise round-the-world under ths- constant guidance of the world's greatest travel system. Establish yourself among a charm, ing new circle of friendsentertain as in a smart town clublive a gay an d spacious life. Fares are) as low as $2,150. Majority of apartments with private bath. See the deck Jilans and study the itinerary. Get iteratur now. Also aslc about Mediterranean and West Indies Cruises for 1932-1933. H OS At ON, (Km. AO 5 NT PASS" 0 modern, moto cm ror axt n. vi.Mi..' I ' I L C