3IEDF0KD ItUL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, FRJDAT, SEPTEMBER 9, 1033. PXGE THIRTEEN i DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT WANT AD HERB ARS THS RATBSl Par word first li (Minimum 25c) each additional Insertion, -lc per word Per Une per month. wttbQtrt MIM copy cnanaea . 75 Phone LOST trlj.v'icker eultcase with Initials V s!. between Fish lake "d Lake o' the Woods, contlanlng lady s J cfothes. Return to Tribune offl- TAqT-H dog missing, call liB. ""WANTBU MISCELLANEOUS Box 7028. Tribune. WANTED Small water pressure sys tem. Phone 334-J-3, ntag Kenwood. Ore. J. SpVo7; B. lentrMPomt " 1 ' " ' " , i. An lh:. 8c lb. i.rinr. ".. ... nods. we buy W.Tand trrrydal. and Hand Store. 1603 no. "" FOR RENT HOUhES FOR RENT 4-room house. 444 N. Front. Ask it wir RENT Unfurnished house, FOB . H-Xmnm. lar strictly modern. J JE!"S?. ..re- living room, n - nlaee breakfast nook, stationary fine lawn and place for gar den; near Washington school and high school, pnoneioo-. WANTED To buy 7 or 8-room house, BOX 0988. -itiduuo. FOR RENT Modern 4-roorafurnlsh-hmi.i with garage. Phone 31S or 1113-J. rnmrroutciTtv.n house In good loca- i .n sttractlve price. Call at 90S W. 10th. FOR RENT Modern turn. 4-room house, inquire n " FOR RENT New 5-room stucco; hardwood noors; oa:um., , garage. 625 Pine. FOR RENT Close In 5-room house. . tmfuml.hed: late gar- .tin anH 1 acre. Call 408-R-2 A noon or 6 to 7. to mpwr Modern 8-room house: k hardwood floors, fireplace, electric range and water heater, stationary tubs, Inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bath, wood cater, lots of shade; 1 block from new court houso. Call 131-R. FURN house and apts; igarage. 604 W. 10th. MODERN 5-room house: close to Junior Wgh; hardwood floors: fire place: garage; also 40-acre alfalfa rsnch near Central Point. Tel. 898-J-3- B-ROOM partly furnished modern house, near Washington and High schools. Phone 720, Redden & Co. FOR RENT Furnished home, 520 Dakota, block from High school, frlgldalre, electric range. Inquire Nat. Grocery. vinnratN 8 room house, breakfast nook, range, curtains, water paid ,24 Stark. FURNISHED houses. Tel. O. A. DeVoe. FOR RENT To aduiu or parties with cmwn children, modern 8-room un furnished bungalow: has electric wster heater, heatrola, new linole um on kitchen floor; available now; 2 bedrooms, laundry tubs with x-reened-ln porches: trees, blue- rsss lawn, roses, flowers; garage, woodshed. Everything In tip-top shspe; fine home for ramlly of 8 or 4. Address Home, car Mall Tri bune, and owner will calL FOR RENT 2 modern bungalows, Berrydale: newly decorated, new lawns: 812.50, wster paid. Tel. 105. FOR RENT Modern five room house, gsrage, cement driveway nice lawn. Close to school. Inquire at 507 Haven St. tf FOR RENT House near high school Being remodeled. Only 920. Tel. 105. FOR RENT Stucco. 101 Clark St.; newly decorated: 918 mo. Tel. 105. MODERN 6 room house, east side, nesr Roosevelt school. Call at 14 Cottage for particulars and Inspec tion. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room bouse Crater Lake Ave: unfurnlihed 9 roon house on 12th near school. Both new. Phone 1149. FOR RENT Modern 6-room home, very nicely furnished; also 5-room unfurnished house. Phone Mrs Fran-ls Holla. 790-R 'rvm ha'ST Good bouse, dose in. Inquire 417-J-3. FOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern home on East Main St. Inquire Farmers as Frult growera Bank. 5 ROOMS, unfurnished except rsnge; near 3 aohooli. Key 146 So. Ivy. FOB REN1 kiimta Furnished or unfurnished. Brows A While FOR RENT to fl-roora house Phone 108. 80 N. Central. FOB RENT APARTMENTS MODERN furnished 2-room apart ment, 345 N. Bartlett. Tel. 753-M. APT. FOR RENT 809 W. Main. FURN. APT., new overstaffed, refrig eration. The Berben, 10 Quince. HOMES ?OR RENT Call 798 FOB RENT rURMSHED ROOMS PLEASANT room, flrat floor, private porch and entrance. 220 K. wax dale Ave. PLEASANT, comfortable room, 19 Mistletoe St. rOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR REN" Office room East Main, Oh'Mers Bldg. 925. Phone 391. nnronra in eroarta Bldg.: Ideal toca tlon, steam beat; low rentals. Y. Tengwftld. Agent. FOB EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE the property de scribed' below for Copco 6 stock at Its par value of 100 per share: modern house with one- half acre lot. Thomas road, off Stewart Ave., Medford. I have made no Increase In price to make tnis trade. Address, oat no. ara ow., Grants Pass, Ore. have moderij Oakland home, trade for Medford. Ph. 1157. sua w. lum St. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Medford 400 A. good land in neor., an in fine crop now, fenced, rented, level dark rich sandy loam neeas no ir rigation, hlE'a altitude, mild cli mate, Jolna state highway, lights and phone available, sell for 84000. car down,- balance back on land at 8 worth 20,000. Address Vivi an Norman Barto, Rogue River, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Medford, clear for clear a ranches joining. 160 acres Improved, good house. 30 acres fenced, 12 acres cleared, sub lrrlgated springs, placer mine, plen ty more land to clear: 80 acres. 3 room house, all year creek, either place flanked by miles of free range, Ideal for stock raising and mixed farming. Vivian Norman Barto, Rogue River, Ore. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Auburn 8 for wood. Phone 1044-X. FOR TRADE Jersey cow for whest or hay, E. C. Lockwood. Phone 9-F-ll. FOR SALE OR TRADE Roosevelt Elrht-cyllnder sedan. Big Plnea Lbr. Co. Tel No. 1. FOR SALb HOMES FOR SALE 5-room modern, near Washington school and store, on pavement; lot 00x165; clear; 91390. 150 down, bal. $13.50 mo. Owner, 1000 W. 11th St. 1 COMPLETELY furnished modern home: paved street:; 9900 cash. A Giveaway. Roberts, 720 W. 3nd. Phone 1528-J. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Property la advancing and then you will be sorry. Look at this bar gain and let yom conscience be your guide. Think this one over. Corner lot, 102x100, paved on both atreets. House has 8 rooms, hot and cold water, bavh, electricity, garage, double, woodshed, and the price, aU clear. Is only 92500; 91500 cash and balance straight mortgage. 307 N. Ivy St. See W. E. Rowley on premises. $1500 FOR a clear title to 5-room bungalow on paved atreet. THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. BROWN & WHITE, Realtor:. 104 West Main St. FOR SALE Attractive homes. Phone 105. 30 N. Central. FOR SALE RbAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern home, close In. Will accept securities aa first pay ment. Box 7032. Mall Tribute. GOOD modem homes. 91000 end up. Large and small ranches. Rentals Easy terms. W. J. Roberts, 720 W, 2nd. Phone 1628-J. FOR SALE Corner lot. east fron best of soil: sssessments paid; 9100 cash. 310 Portland Ave. FOR SALE 6-acrw tract on north Pacific highway. Inquire Farmers St Fruitgrowers Bank. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown es wdih. FOB BALE I.rVESTOt, FOR SALE Red feeder pigs; also Red brood sows, will farrow soon. Adolf Schulz, Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire and Ramboutllet rams. L. A. Sslade, Jr. FOB BALE UOUS ANU PETS FOR SALE Pedigreed wlre-halr ter- rlera. R. D. semon. pnone ioso-j FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE 1925 Ford coupe, license; 935 cssh. Call 1630-J. SANDY'S USED CAR EMPORIUM Ponttac Sa ea Floor. We have the cars at prices and terms that will Interejt you. Chrysler Roadster, licensed... 9 5 00 Bulck Sedan, licensed - JSO.00 aeex Coupe, licensed, nice shspe 175 00 1931 Ford Coupe, licensed ... 325 00 25 other makes at very low cost. Open evenings and Sundays. DOGE 8 sedan, late 1930: family car: low mileage: A-l condition: 9560. Might consider Ford of Chevrolet coupe. Courtesy to dealers. Call 719 so. Oakdale. MISCK1.LANEOC9 LOCAL or long distance hauling We guarantee to save you money Hew ley Ttsnifer. 918 North Rlmslds. Paoae 1044-X, MISCELLANEOUS MADAM ROMINE Spiritualist, palm ist, tells all In love, marriage. Busi ness. If you want fscts, not prom ises, call on her for advice. Rain Vow Auto Court, 1 mile north on Pacific highway. Cottage 3. FOR SALE FRUIT VEGETABLES WALNUTMERE Tuscan Cling peaches l'4o to se lb. E. E. Foss, Taiem. Phone 373-R-l, Ashland. FOR SALE Tuscan Cling and other canning peaches. 4 miles nortn on Crater Lake highway. FOR SALE Tomatoes, resdy picked, 50c per 100 lbs; 90c delivered. Tel. 869-X-3. THREE-DAT 8PECIALI Tomstoes 60c hundred, you pick them. E. E. Stump, first house of f Pacific high way on right side Midway road. FOR SALE Tomatoes, 4c lb, you pick them. Melons, pickling cu cumbers. - John Mace; tske road before overhead bridge, Tolo; fol low arrows. FOR SALE Carmine and Elberta peaches, 3c. Bring boxes. Chas. E. Gray, Oold Hill.. FOR SALE.-Extra fancy Mulr peaches. R. O. Ward, Fern Valley. KLAMATH POTATOES No. l's, Hfcc lb: No. 3's. lc lb. Richfield Service Station. Phoenix. Tel. 950-R-3. FOR SALE Peaches. Tons and tons of big. non-lrrlgated Hbertas, also Mulrs and Carmens. R. R. Ouches. Orlflln Creek. Phone 857-L. FOR SALE Mulr peaches. Bring boxes. Near east end Spring St. J. L. Yantls. FOR SALE Fancy Elberta peaches at 1 and 3c. Geo. Airord. FOR SALE Tomatoes, 9-F-5. lc. Hartley, FCR SALE-Extra fancy Elberta peach' es. reasonable; bring boxes. 710 East Main after Tuesday. CANNING tomatoes 85o per 100 lbs at Orchard Home Drive Stewart Ave. Phone 494. O. J. Logan. EXTRA fine peaches, Elbert as 3 and 3!o lb, J. n. Hale a 3C, 'rus- can cllntrs 3c Homer Moore, Phone 21-F-3. Bellevlew Dlst., Ashland. OVERSIZE Bartlett pears, too large to ahlp. The cream of the crop for canning; 30 centa lug at Ala Vista Packing House. EXTRA FANCY ELBERTA PEACHES, 2c. First house aouth from east end Spring St. Chas. E. Rose. CUCUMBERS Boston pickling. 1662. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Handy governor; fits truck or stationary motors. 1761 N. Riverside. FOR SALE .35-36 Savage high power rifle, like new. 1761 N. Riverside. FOR SALE Fordson, Darby wheels, . Hamilton transmission; Just over hauled. Also disc plows. Phone 585-L-3. PIANO BARGAIN Used plsno for Daiance or contract; 95 per monrn will handle, slightly used Bunga low upright, 9145. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. 26 S. Grape St, FOR SALE Ticket to Salem. 93.09. Good till Monday, p. O. Box 395, Medford. FOR SALE Gun, .360-3000 Savage, camping outfit, cheat mechanic's tools, fruit Jars, macklnaw, alee 40. Call at 114 Almond after 6:30 p. m. STRAWBERRIES 30c gallon. Blood. Pitt view Ave, near central point. FOR SALE Nice leafy alfalfa, third cutting, 97.50 loaded on wagon. Nealon Ranch, Central Point. FOR SALE Steel shaft golf cluoa (irons). Box 7003. Tribune. FOR SALE Rolltop desk, like new: office flung cabinet, davenport, heater, dining table, chairs, Strom-berg-Carlson battary radio, go-cart, refrigerator, Vi-h.p. electric motor, band saw, circular saw, llbraty table, sanitary couch, child's rock er, walnut bearoom suite, circulat ing heater, comb, wood and gas range. All real bargalna. Medford Exchange, 39 south Front. Tel. 931. FOR SALE Tamatoea, !$o per pound at cainoun rancn, I mile south west of Phoenix. GARDEN DIRT, piuwlng, fertilizer. sand and gravel, pnone wia-J. FOR SALEUsed sewing machines, all makes, 95 up; terms if desired, ah makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co, 34 N. Bartlett FOR SALE! Beautiful Crego as ten. C. Carey, Phone 341-J-l. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insorance. The only complete Title system in dackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms S and 6. No. 33 North Central Ave, upstairs. - Automobile Loans. CONTRACTS REFINANCED PAYMENTS REDUCF.D We pay up balance due dealer, bank or finance company and extend your payments. Additional money loaned. Phone 31 for appointment. Dressmaking ana Remodeling. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmsklng and remodeling. 424 Medford Bldg. Phone 1181. Expert window Cleaners. LET OEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1172. House cleaning. Floor waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant In southern Oregon. Pris'-isg of all kinds: book binding: loose-leaf ledgers, aod blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything in the printing line. 28-30 N, Orapa. Paont 79. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Fnnernt Parlor. PERL'S FUNERAL HOME Distinctive service at moderate rates. Estab llahed 30 years. Ambulance serv ice. 6th St. at Oakdale. Tel. 47. Money to Lend, WE LEND MONEY on furniture and late model autoa. Three per cent per month on unpaid balance. No other charges. Come In and get the cash today. See W. E Thomas. 49 So. Central. Phone 139 Piano Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of piano Classical and popular music courses. Halgh Muslo Studio, (18 Liberty Bldg. TeL 73. Painting and Paperhanglng. SPECIAL Fall prices on painting. papering, kalsomlnlng. Have mat work done now while we are offer ing lower prices. GRINSTED as STJNTZ, Painters-Decorators. - - Phone 1058. HARRY MARX Painting, tinting, paperhanglng. Phone 14-F-4. Res. Coleman Creek road. Transfer. RE1NKING TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything at a reasonable prloe. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 332. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE Service guaranteed. 30 S. Grape St. Phone 644; or residence 1060. BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 315 Prices right Service guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Land Holders. This will notify land holders un der the Eagle Point lrr.gatlon District that the Board of Directors for this District will sit as a Board of Equal ization on October 4th. at 3;00 o'clock p. m. In the office of the District, for the purpose of reviewing and cor recting Its assessment rolls which are now on file In thle office for public Inspection. Parties aggrieved, or oe siring adjustments should present tnemseives oeiore tne uoarn at tnis time. By order of the Board of Directors. CLARENCE. F. DA VIES, Secretary. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the state of Oregon In and for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Annie Je&sen, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed Its Final Ac count, report and petition for settle ment and distribution In the above entitled matter, and the Court herein has fixed September 37th. 1932, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. In the Coun ty Court room In the Court House at Medford, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing objections thereto and for the settlement thereof. FIRST NATIONAL RANK, Administrator with Will Annexed. Notice of SherrtlB hole. By virtue of an execution duly Is- sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County A Jackson, to me directed and dated on the 22nd day of August, 1933, In a certain action therein, wherein Southern Oregon Credit Bureau, a corporation, . as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against John Walters and Mrs. John Walters, the defendants, for the sum of One Hundred and 30-100 (9130.30) dollars; transcript fee 91.00. with costs and disbursements taxed at Six and 90-100 (96.90) Dol lars, as attorney's. fees, which Judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk'a office of said Court in said County on the 10th day of Feb ruary. 1927. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS I TU1 of Athtna S. A trlb of lira) 10. Entangle 14. Shaketpareao king ' 15. ilorcantU astabUsb ment U. Roughly J Mis tical IT. Sever IS. The odorl feroua principle of violet root 19. AJeaiur of dliunce !0. Magnificent 12 Required U, Percolate IS. Narrow i comb, form 19. Ct.aracter.ttlo 29. Amuse 24. Go by again 38. Ethereal 17. Anger IS. Sacred Image M. French river 11. Roman date 12. Mire Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle A N AMK S I M PL mpm RH EftHPOftTENT ESB5yN TA Vll RELEASEgSWEDl S H O P EE ill 49. DtmoltahM 50. Anarchlau IL. Reaound (3. Deep gorge li. Formal meet- U. Karthr de Inga posit used aa su. nod or war fertilizer ei. Kent again 14, Devlc. con 93. Russian saa trolllna ths SL Fine rain striking SS. Wear awar movement of SR. Tills a clock 67. Strokes centre . Theatrical f. Attire manner i. Cabbags salad 7 T 3 P V''VS Z r7 " TS ? ',yio " 12 lj m 'i Si; h l m: Jki TF7r Jlr sea p 40 W4' " 2 jf WL : jpwf! I i ssss ii ryrrm j i bp ; Wfi i Tff IT"" nife'i ii : ill si f ys SS. 7j sa sj Vo W m ii i5- Pf Notice Is hereby given, thst. pur-1 suant to the terms of the said exe cution, I will on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1931, at 10:0O o'clock a. m, at the front door of the Courthouse !n the City of Medford, In Jackson Countv, Oregon, offer for ssle and will sell at publlo auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, together with the costs of -.his aale. subject to redemption as provided bv law. all of the right, title and Interest that the said delenoants. John Waltera and Mrs. John Walters, had on the loth day of February, 1937, or now haw In and to the fol lowing described property, situated in theCounty of Jackson, Stat of Ore gon, to-wlt: Lot Ten (101. Block One (li, wal nut Park Addition to the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this 35th day of August, 1932. RALPH O. JENNINGS. Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. By OLOA E. ANDERSON. Deputy. Notice of Sheriffs Pale. ytw virtnit f an execution on fore closure duly Issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the Coun ty of Jackson, to me enrectea na dated on the 2nd day of September, 1932. In a certain action therein, wherein Inter-State Fidelity Building and Loan Aaoclatlon. a Corporation, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Marshall Denier and Esther n. Denier, husband and wife, and Warren Snodgrass, the defendants, for the sum of six Hundred Ninety One and 42-100 (9691.42) Dollars, with Interest from August 15th, 1931. at 10 per annum until paid; for the further sum of Twenty and 50-100 (920.50) Dollars, with interest st 10 per annum from July 15th. 1932. with costs and disbursements taxed at Eighteen and 30-100 ( 918.30) Dollars, and the further sum of One Hundred and no-100 ( 9100.00) Dollara. aa at torney's feea, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the clerk's office of said Court in said county on the 3nd day of September, 1933. Notice la hereby given that,, pur suant to the terms of ssld execution, 1 will on the 8th day of October, 1933, at 10:00 o'clock a. m, at the front door of the Courthouse In the City of Medford. In Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest blder. to satisfy said Judg ment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as pro vided by law. all of the right, title and Interest that the said defendants, Marshall Denser and Esther B. Den ser, husband and Vlfe, and Warren Snodgrass had on the 15th day of September, 1931, or now have In and to the following described property, situated In the County of Jackson. State of Oregon, to-wlt: The East Half (E4) of Lots B and 6 In Block 8 of the Town of Phoenix. Oregon, as numbered and designated on the official plat thereof of record In the office of the County Recorder of Jackson County. Oregon. Dated tnia and day or September, 1992. RALPH G. JENNINOS. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon, By OLOA E. ANDERSON, Deputy. Kleinhammers Hear Of Granddaughter APPLEGATE, Sept. 9. (Spt.) Word wag received hero Sept. 6 by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Klelnhammer of the birth of a new granddaughter born that day at San Franclaco. The new baby's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mar lam Worthlngton and they have given her the name of Mary Ann. Mrs. Worthlngton will be remembered here aa Doris Klelnhammer who waa stenographer at the Beoble and Day packing house for many years. Mr. Worthington'a mother, Mrs. Martin Stevens, also lives In Medford. Broken windows glszed by Trow bridge Cabinet Works. Cross-Word Puzzle It. Greed? II. Namttlv. Is. V.hlcle for snow travel II, Clears above xpenasa IX Weird 25. Agitate 29 Decorate. 17. Slashed stain 29. Q-oup of ani mals without limbs or feet 10. Ilatal fasten ers 11. Ullltsrr assistants It. Goddess of feace one inside another It. Defamed 40. Msulllfaroua roclte 4L European natives 41. Manner 4H. Ages 47. Quantities of grain to be ground 4. Velocities 93. Psrk In tht Rockies SI. Inclined walk 84. Opsratlo vocal solo IS. Wslatcoat 69. Wild plum 67. Sp?kn tl. African Hot tentot II. Killed 41 Sin B! M DOWN 1. European mountains t. Jump S. Nobleman 4. Kind of weD I. Apart 9. Bar of eon trastlng color T. Cov.rlng for ths bead and neck t. 8a eagle I. Went in sgata 10. Importance BPL A YL Ef I Jacksonville JAC'KSONVILIB. Sept. B (SpU Mrs. Margaret McNeil of East Jack sonville who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis la Improv ing nicely and expects to return home Saturday. Mra. Wilbur Cameron of Jackson ville and Mr. and Mra. Will Hansen of Medford returned home Sunday fol lowing a week's outing at Mr. and Mrs. Hansen's summer home at Dia mond lake. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lyons on September 6. a 7-pound baby girl. Mra. l.vona and amall daughter are staying at tht L. 8. Ettlnger home In Medford. Mrs. Qetrtrude Payna and daugh ter and son. Anna and Claude, of Chlco. Calif., arrived Sunday and vis. lted Mra. Payne'a slater, Mra. Wilbur Cameron and with other relatives In the valley, returning home Wed nesday. Mr. and Mri. Fred rick and daugh. ter, Virginia, accompanied by friends from Medford, spent the week-end at Crescent City, Mra. Katharine Ludwlck of Oakland Calif., arrived here Monday to make her home with her son, Joe Hulse. Mr. and Mra. Lewis ulrlch of Med ford were dinner guests at the home of hla mother, Mra. Alice Ulrlch on Thursday. Mr. and Mra, Tom Dunnlngton spent the week-end at Squaw lake. Mrs. Ella Kubll Watson and Miss Frankle Barnes of Portland visited friends here Mondsy. Both ladles were former residents of Jacksonville Mrs. Msrgaret Lewis and son, Car roll, visited Sunday at the Charles Hamilton home at Ruch. Mr. and Mra. Clinton B. Dunning ton spent Sunday on the Applegate. Miss Helen Ney of Salem. . teacher of commercial and other subjects In the local high achool, la making her home at the E. S. Severance resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Tvan Taney and Mrs Pry of Klamath Palls were visitors on Monday at the home of Mrs. Mar gnret Lewis. Mr. and Mra. Bert Haney and nieces of Portland were Jacksonville callera Sunday, en route to visit friends on the Applegate. Mrs. E. S. Severance and oaugnter, Florence May, returned Monday from a trip north. They had taken him Ruth Severance to Philomath, Ore., where aha teaches In the high achool. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schmidt and Mrs. L. o. Combest plcnlced on the Applegate Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Mcoratty or noe Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Bundle Cad- wallader of Medford spent Sunday at the Otis Plltcroft home. Mr. and Mra. Pence of Applegate district have moved Into the real denca formerly owned by the late George Little on E atreet. Mrs. O. O. Bannen IB attenoing mo school of recreation held of evenings at the Central Point Orange hall, which la put on by John Bradford of the National Playground association. Leon H. Hanna of San Francisco. who hsd spent aeversl daya with his brother, Attorney and Mra. H. r. Hanna. left for hla home Monday. The Misses Alice and Clair rianiey of West Bide called on menus town Wednesday. Mr and Mra. Oeorge Maxwen re turned recently from a week's outing at Crescent City and Empire, Calif, Mn p. p. Close of Slltcoos, ore., waa a guest at dinner at- the O. O. Sanden home Thursday. Jacksonville Orange will noia tneir regular business meeting of tne monm at their hall in tne oio toun-nuu.. thla evening. Mrs. Elizabeth White and children, Gladys and Charles, left Tuesday via San Luis Obispo. Calif., en route to their home In Denver. Colo., after spending the summer with Mrs White's sister, Mra. Clinton Smith and fsmilv. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Entep of Los Angelea are visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. clarence Kashafer. Mrs. Eaten Is ft former resident of Jacksonville. 1 Trail TRAIL, Sept. 9.( Special) Trail school opened Tuesday. Robt. Cham berlain of Eugene Is teaiVier. There are 28 puplla and several more are supposed to enter soon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yancey and son. Bob. were dinner guests at the 8. W. Hutchinson home Friday. Saturday the Yanceya left for Palo Alto, where Mr. Yancey la with Stanford uni versity. Mrs. Marlon Trusty and daugh ters, Helen and Ruth, have gone to California, to visit an older daugh ter. Every on I enjoying aeelng Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Ash In their new car. Mra. Ralph Watson and Mra. Boyd Tucker shopped in Medford Frldsy. Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Hutchinson drove to Bend Thursday to meet Mrs. Hutchinson's parents. Mr. and Mra. Jamea Ogdnn. of Hood River and the children, Olive Junior and Dorothy. After an overnight visit the Ogdona returned home and the Hutchinson, here. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Ash have a won derful crop of Elberta and Hale peaches which they are marketing now. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuahman and two children called on Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Ragsdale Friday evening. Mr. and Mra. Keva Hutchinson snd lltle daughter, Bhlrley, of KlemaOi f'alle were dinner guest Sundsy at the home of Mr. and Mra. Wllmer i Ragsdale. Mr. and Mra. C. E. Ash and Mr. end Mrs. 8. W. Hutchinson wera .npplng In Medford Tuesday, August coal spe-'lsl, 913.00 per ton 1 Med. Fuel Co, Tel. 831, Applegate APPLEGATE. Sept. 8. (Special.) Mr. and Mra. Jlnr. Boyd of Oklahoma City. Okie., arrived here last week and are at the home of Mra. Boyd's father and step-mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bsrshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd are planning to make their home In southern Oregon. Their Oklahoma City home waa under flood wetert last spring when that place auffered from high water. Mra. Fred straube returned to her home laat Saturday after recovering from an operation performed at the Sacred Heart hoapltal. Claud Medley returned Saturday from eastern Oregon, where he haa been In the harvest tlelda. He la now at the home of hla mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Purael on Yale creek. Bill Bruin, road aupervlsor for this district made a business trip to Little Applegate last Wednesday and began repair work on the uppor Little Ap plegate road. Loula Buckley plans to leave the last of this week for Portland to enter Columbia university. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Halney cf Port land were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mra. Jim Buckley. Mr, and Mra. Halney were here to apend the week end and Labor day with relative, returning home Tuesday, Mrs. Bill Lowden and son Ivan of Fern Valley were guests here Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary Purael, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Puillam and Mr. and Mrs, Lark In Reynolds spent sev eral days last week on Carberry on an outing and prospecting trip. Mr. and Mra. J. A. West received word this week from their daughter, Mra. Rush Ballard at Colusa, Calif., that her three-year-old son Russell fell from ft hay atack and broke hla leg. It will be six weeks or more hefore be will be able to use It again, Mrs. Ballard Is formor resident of Phoenix. Miss Bervl Cunningham spent sev eral daya laat week at the home of her grandmother. Mra. Nelson Nye t Prosnect. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mra. Jay Arant Included Mra. Prank Bass of Long Beaoh, Calif., Mra. W. W. Brown of Ashland ana Mrs. Ira Chaataln of Medford. Mra. Bell of the McCulIy hill dis trict who haa been caring for their new home there while Mr. Bell la awav waa called to California oently. Raymond Pierce who la car Inn for their camp during her absence killed rattlesnake near the camp tnla week. Mrs. Ben Dawson of Steamboat en- tei-tsined last week end for her aister, Mra. Roy Hatfield and two eons of Roseburk. Following the regular Sunday school services church waa held t the Watklna district Isst Sunday. The gospel team workers of Medford pre sented the program. The sermon wsa delivered by Phillip Bray. Other members were William Dorn, Miss Elliott and Mlaa Orant. .Jr. and Mrs. Truman Lewis of upper Applegato are the parent of a new e pound baby boy born Sept. 4. The little fellow haa been named Ohannlng Romalne. Mrs. Hester Knutzen left Monday for Portland to enter St. Vincent a hospital for a goiter operation. Dr. Joyce will operate. Miss Lucille Arant lert last wee to teach school at Wests Id e this term. Sunday guesta at the home of Mra. R. B. Burchard Included Mr. and Mra. Stewart Short of Ashland. Mr. and Mra. Pine and Mra. Prebt of Medford. They enjoyed ft plcnlo dinner. Kenneth Anderson of Medford called on Applegate' relatives Wednea day. Floyd Cunningham of Klamatli Falls apent several daya last week here at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. anl Mra. Jay Arant. Hla father. T. M. Cunningham who makes his home here with Mr. and Mrs. Arant, returned home with him for ft month'a visit. Mr. and Mra. Jim Weat and brother Joe West left Thursday to put up nay for ma Biiah. They plan to camp on the ranch while working. Mrs. Ella Cotchet was ft Sunday guest here at the 'ine of Mrs. Mag gie Buckley. Mrs. Cotchet Is from Australia and Is visiting at the oJhn Orth horns In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Anlerson Mee and Tom Mee were recent business visi tors at Phoenix. Joe Norcum of Corvallla apent ft few daya last week here with hla sister-in-law, Mra. Jease Taylor. Parrla Klnn and Kenneth Brunken of Grants Pass spent last week at the home of John Lovel on Yale creek. Mr. and Mrs. George Dalley who have resided on the Matney ranch near Ruch for some time moved last week to the Macey ranch on Humbug. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Brien and Mr. and Mra. Amoa McKee returned re cently from ft II day trip over Ore gon. They visited psrta of eastern Oregon, then mototed to Pendleton and down the Columbia- to Portland, then home. While In the Tula lake vicinity they visited the Adama ranch and saw a Shetland pony two weeks old which weighed 14 pounds. Mr. and Mra. Warren Mee apent several daya last week visiting at the homo of their daughter, Mrs. Jsmea Lewis at Prospect. Mr. and Mra. William Wlnnlnghftm and the letter's parent. Mr. and Mra. Charles Nelson of Klsmath Falla were in this section Isst week visiting relatives. Phoenix PHOENIX, Sept. 8 (Spl.) Inde pendence school opened Monday with an enrollment of about forty. The teachers of the school are the aame aa last year. Miss Ruth York, and Mrs. Vida Steele. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Crowl were guests at the horn of Mr. and ttri, M. F. Sheet Monday evening. Mrs. Addle Barneburg, Fred Baroe burg. Mra. Donna Orafda and Norman Anderson were dinner guesta at Kie home of Mrs. Chub Anderson Sundsy, Independent Packing house hers ha been crowded with work for the past ten daya. Much fruit he been taken by this house, and the employ, eea are enjoying full daya of work, and not broken houra aa la sometimes neeesssry for lack of fruit. Mr. and Mrs. I.ucian Wilcox. nd children, snd Mrs. Wilcox' mother. Mrs. Olson, spent the Lsbor dsy holi days at Crescent City. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward accompan ied by Mr. and Mra. Ray Wright of Medford. apent Labor day holldav at Union Creek. Mr. and Mra. L. O. Caster, attended tha Orange meeting at Eagla Point Tuesday night where they acted u Judgea In a contest for the best prog, ram that Is being put on by the men and women of that grange. Willow Springs WILLOW SPRINQS. Sent. 8fSna. clal) Willow Sprlnga achool opened September 8 with Mra. Stark and Miss. Frances Fitzgerald In charge. Mlat Fitzgerald la residing with Mr. and Mrs. Rolf. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anders and two children are now residing with Mr. Ander s parent, Mr, and Mrs, John Anders. Miss Violet Zimmerman la emnlOT- d by the Pinnacle Packing Co. In Medford. Miss Clara Anderson of Portland Is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Anderson. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harris "of Portland, who have been vacationing the past two week st Crater and Diamond lakes, apent a 'few days thla week a guesta of Russell' mother, Mrs. w. B, Harris. Mm. H. Rsmstrom returned horn Monday after three weeks In ft Med ford hospital, recuperating from major operation. Mr. and Mra. Stuart of McMlnn- vllle were week-end guests of Mrs. W. B. Harris. John Smith, employed at the Ss lade orchards, I living at the 0. T. Smith home. ' Mr. and Mra. Roy Nichols are raw aiding on their ranch here. The P. A. Bonney family has purchased th Nichols home In Central Point. John Blackford la horn again af ter receiving treatment In ft Medford hospital for an Injury while employ ed on hi unole's dairy farm. Mra. C. A. Richmond waa called to Portland Wednesday by the sudden death of her mother, Mr. Roberta, who had ofen visited her daughter here and had many frlenda In thla vicinity. .Miss Leah Parker went to Portland by plana August 30 and returned Saturday by auto, accompanied by Miss Emma, Shallop of Portland, They drove to Klamath Falls Sun day to resume their duties as In tractors In the city schools. Sams Valley . SAME VALLEY, Sept. (Spl.) Friend of Adam Emlg ware saddened, to learn of hla death recently ftt Medford. The Emlg family- resided here many years, where Mr. Emlg was , highly respected. Sincere, sympathy la extended the family. At th annual birthday dinner, of Grandpa Hoist many town of th valley were represented. Including Medford. Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Cen tral Point and Rogu River with 171 present. Among them were Mr. and Mra. Raymond Hoist of Rlckreall, Mr, and Mra. Harold Straus and baby, Joel, Mra. Frank Straus and young Donald of Richmond. Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buchholta of Good hue, Minn. Mra. Buchholt la a sleet) of Orandpa'i and prolonged her visit In the valley to be present ftt the big celebration. Mra. Loren Andrews of Portland left Friday to take up her achool dutle at Coqullle after visiting a few daya with her parent, Mr. and Mra. Dick Straits. School opened Monday with the following Instructors: Principal, Jo MrKnlght; second high schoolteach er. Miss Vests. Hsll: upper grade, Mrs. Ada East; primary. Miss Madge Mitchell. Enrollment will be enlarged considerably after student hava com pleted two weeks' work In th or chards. A bus was put on by th school board to transport high achool student from outside district. Mr. and Mra. 8. 8. Abbott received news Sunday of th death of their son. Will. In Tacoma. Mr. Abbott left Immediately to be with hla daughter? In-law. Funeral arrangements hav not been snnounced. Walter Straus is horn from Klam ath Falls, where he la amployed. Mis France Wilson completed her normal Instruction Isst week, having, graduated at Ashland Thursday, Farn Valley FERN VALLEY, Sent. 9. (Special) Quest of Mr. and Mra. R. DeWltt the past week were Mr. and Mra, Blake, Mra. Hotchklns and Mis Det weller of Medford. Mrs. C. Ward, mother of R. O. . Ward, left th last of th week to visit her eon-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Osberg, c( Seattle. L. N. Williams, w,ho Is n employ of th Pacific Fruit Co. ftt Klamath Falla, waa th guest of hi father, T. N. Williams, over Labor day, Mra. Verns Duanne and son. Bob, , by, J., spent ft week with Mra, E. X. Marshall at th Suncrest orchard. Mra. Mors of Valley View waa call ing on frlenda th first of th week. Llttl Patricia and Joyoa Marshall ar spending th week with their grandparent, Mr. and Mra. L, H. Hughea. F. W. Bartlett, Medford Taxider mist and Furrier, ha opened shop. 43 So. Central St., Craterlan Bldg. Prices on all taxidermist and fur .work grostlj reduced.