PAGE TWO MEDFOHD yi'XTL TRTBTTXE, JrEDPORD, OREGON, SUTOAY, 'AUGUST 28, "1932. Society and Club Events Reviewed for Week Edited by Eva Nealon z 't Miss Stearns Is Much Feted Prior to Wedding Date Miss Robert BWsrns, daughter 01 Dr. B. W. Stearns, whose wedding to Charles Edward Saunders, ton of Dr. and Mr. C. E. Saundere of Sin Jose has bean announced for next Bun .... n.nimhM 4 has been the In' oenilve for much entertaining In local society. Leading among avent planned v. hnnM fnr the eomlns week Biembera of the younger aet la the luncheon and ahower at which MImm Mary Lee and Dorothy Robert win be hoateaaea Wednesday. aucsta Invited for the occasion are: Misses Roberta Stearns. Betty Bard well. Dorothy Orth, Oma GeBauer, Edna Mohr, Mary Parsons, Clara Mary ruson, Harriett Campbell, Louise Conner, Mary Hayes and Mra, George Robertson. Miss Stearns and Mr. Saunders will be married at the home of the bride's father at noon oeremony, which will be read by Father Wm. B. Ham ... tum at Murk's church. Epis copal. In the presence of relatives and tntlmata irienas 01 mo Newhalls, Hosts At Dinner Party For 10 on Friday Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. Nevhall and son, sntertslned Friday at dinner at their bom near jacKsonviuo. uw tng guests! Mrs. Reginald Parsons, George Parsons, snd house guest, Miss McDonald of Seattle, Miss Mary Par eons. Mrs. Katharine Heffernan and house guest, Miss Kitty Johanaon and Ben Day. Several members of the party mo tored to Crater Lake aarller In th day. continuing to the Newhalls for the evening. Mrs. Palmer Gives Bridge Luncheon For Mrs. Albright . CRATER LAKE PARK Mrs. Martin Palmer entertained with a brldije luncheon Wednesday afternoon at bei horn at Oovernment Camp, Crs tar Lake National Park, with Mra. lloraca M. Albright, Washington, D. 0., wife of the director of the Na tional Park Service, as tha honor guest. ' Mra. Don 0. Fierier held tha win ning bridge score while Mrs. F. N. Miller held second. Tha traveling price waa won by Mrs. Albright, who was also tha recipient nf a gift from other guests present. The guesta were: Mra. Albright, Mrs. E. O. Sollnsky, Mrs. William Rob ertson, Mra. F. N. Miller, Mrs. Don Fisher, Mra. Charles Blmson. Mrs. Charles Ooold, Mrs. Ray Edwin, Mra. Ray Henderson, Mrs. Earl W. County. Mra, D. S. Llbbey, Mra. Belderllnden. Mrs. John P. Bargent and Mrs. Wal ter Nltrel. Nion Tuckers of Burlingame Will Arrive By Plane Mr. and Mra. Nlon R. Tucker or Burlingame, Calif, are arriving at the Medford Municipal airport this after noon to apend a month's vacation at thalr river lodge, "Rogue's Roost," nesr Trail. Mrs, Tucker recently re turned from Englsnd, having been presented at the court of Bt, James Thalr daughter. Miss Nan Tucker. returned here yesterday morning on the Shasta. She haa been spending several weeks at the lodge, and en tertained a number of her young frlenda. Misses Carlton Leave For East Joining the throngs of travel mind ad. who choose that pleasant re sponse to the first hint of autumn in tha lata summer wind, the Misses Mse snd Mildred Carlton of the Old Stage road, left Frldsy evening for the asst. They will continue to Woods Hole. Mass., where they will be guesta of their brother. Newcomb Carlton, at his aummer home. They plan to re turn to Medford the laat of October. Livingstons Have Guests From South Among guests In tha valley Isst week from the south were Major an.1 Mra. c. V. Simpson of Ban Francisco, guests of Mls Ann Livingston and A. R. Livingston at their home on the Jacksonville rosd. Alin Lowreys Join River Colony Here Among welcome additions to the river colony this week are Mr. and Mra. Alln J. Lowrey of Ban Francisco. who are guesta of the C. N. Blacka at their lodge. Mrs. Parsons Is Luncheon Hostess Mrs. Reglnsld Persona entertained. Informally, yesterday, at luncheon at Hlllcreat orchard for Mrs. c. S. New hall, Mrs. E. Schiller snd Mra. E. B. Day. Visiting Minister' tp Deliver Permon Rev. Horton. a retired Baptist min ister from Portlsnd, who la spending acme time with hta daughter at Jack sonville will occupy tha pulpit at the First Baptist church here on Sunday morning In the absence of the regu lar pastor, who Is on his vacation. Mr. Carpenter Entertains Informally Alfred 8. V. Carpenter waa host Saturday arming at a email dinner party for Mr. and Mra. W. F. Blddle, Jr. anil Miss Marie Foss, who recent ly returned to Medford to open the Valley school, of which the la principal FILMS' NEWEST COUPLE 'AT HOME' l a J if ' ' ft .i-, ... Ruth Chatterton and her new husband, George Brent, are shown in their home at Beverly Hills. Cal., after their wedding at Rye, N. Y. They were married one day after Ralph Forben, Mist Chatterton'a for. mcr hutband, obtained a Reno divorce. (Associated Press Photo) McCredies of Bay City Greeted at Numerous Affairs Much fetM BuenU In the vnlley last week were Mr. and Mrs. Cletl McCredle of San Frsnclsco, ffho visit ed Mr. McCredl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. wm. McCredte at thtlr ranch hom wert of Medford. Several dinner parties were arrang ed during the week In their honor and Mrs. Wm. McCredle and daugh ter. Mim vol ma McCredle, were hos tanes Frldsy afternoon at tea. com plimenting Mrs. Ctell McCredle. Twenty guests called during the tUtemoon. ' Training Course for Girl Scout Leaders Planned A training course for those Inter ested In Girl Scout leadership will begin this Monday night, according to announcement by Mrs. D. J. will- son, local Girl Scout director. This course, which will be held In the 'Girl Scout office In Medford National Bank building will continue through Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, be ginning each evening at 7:43. A general course in troop training and lesdrTshlp will be presented with notebooks and pencils the only re quired equipment. There Is no fee or charge. Ml Allc Loeffler. who hss direct ed Camp Wlllpen Pines will assist with this course on Monday evening. Miss Hayes and . Companions Scan ML Pitt Saturday TYom the top of Mt. Pitt to Med ford. a message was telephoned yes terday afternoon by Miss Mary Hayes to her mother. Mrs. James 0. Hayes. Miss Mary, her brother, Bobby, and Chauncey Brewer climbed to the top of Pitt, lenvlng csmp at 8 o'clork In the morning and arriving at the lookout atntton on top between 4:00 and 4:30 o'clock. The three are on a camping trip In Blue Canyon with Dr. Hayes and son, Dsnny. and have divided their time between Blue Canyon and Four Mile lake. After scanning the mountain, Mim Hayes Immediately telephoned her mother the good news, announcing that she was D400 feet above sea level 4 Mrs, Corey Is finest of Honor. MUs Elsie Williams entertained at her home Thursday evening compli menting Mrs. Sam Carey with a shower. Bridge was enjoyed during the event up, with Mlu Kathleen Wilson receiving first prtae, and Mrs. Carey consolation. Guettt of Mtsa Williams were Mrs. Carey, Mlas Wilson, MIm Leah Diet rich, Mrs, Myrtle Gulovsen. Miss Yvonne DeVaney, Mrs. Ernest Beers. Ml as Geraldlne Latham and Miss Aileen Parker. COME TO SEATTLE Center of the Oreatest riaj ground of the Northactt HOTELSSEMBLY i ' i . . . 'i .li'll'l ' MlU'.i Hill llHluni,..J 93 s MADISON IL4I74 S fc A T T L E AMPLE PARKING Quiet location vet close to Everything Bates from II. 55 rer Day American rian t.0 to gj.00 Per Dav Brautlf ul Dining Rex" and Coffee hoe gamoel B. Chrlltle. Manager ' S 4' 1 St. Mary9s Opens for New Year on Tuesday, Sept. 6 Many southern Oregonlsns are re turning this week from vacations with sons and daughters, who will soon enter St. Mary's academy for the coming school year, which will open September 6, It was announced by Bister Superior yesterday. Elab orate preparations are being made for the resumption of school, both with in homes snd at the academy. Renovation of the different de partments at St. Mary Is nearlng completion and the school staff look ing forward to another successful year. Official uniforms required at the so.tool thii year will be midnight blue for dally use and white for reception and stated assemblies. All students are earnestly requested to conform to the regulations, not later than October 3. , Tha music department, one of the most favored at the academy offers courses In violin, harp, cello. Applt cations may be made at any time for further Information by applying to Sister Superior. Punctual enrollment Is anticipated at the academy and an Interesting year of school. Golden Links Class Stages Olympiad at Elmer Wilson Home A very pleasant affair for members or the Golden Links Sunday school class of the First Baptist church was held at the Elmer Wilson home on Beatty street Thursday night. ! The program was a little Olympiad , in Itself and the silver loving cup was awarded the United States at the end of the contests and feats. Following games, refreshments were served by the entrtslnment commit- ; tee, composed of Mrs. Crawofrd, Mrs. , stlnson, Mrs. Lydlard. Mrs. French, : Mrs. Mead and Mrs. Judy. Miss Nnvlor Hostess To Urldfie Club. MUs Alta Naylor was hostess last evening to members of her contract bridge club at fxtr home where a pleaaant evening at cards waa en joyed. Since 1884 We have been compiling authoritative title records enabling us to offer Abstract Service that's Dependable! We are equipped to Intolll gently serve you on 11 mat ters pertaining to tlUeil Title Insurance Jackson County Abstract Co. 121 E. Sixth St. Fbone 41 "Grandma" Lumsden Celebrates 96th Birthday Saturday Mrs. D. J. "Orsndma Lumsden celebrsted her ninety-sixth birthday yesterday at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mra. H. U. Lumsden on South Holly street, where guests wsre calling throughout the day to wish one of southern Oregon's most popu lar ladles a happy birthday. Plotters, cards and other gifts from many atatea were ahowered upon the Utile pioneer, who Is looking forward to celebration of her one hundredth birthday with the smile, that haa won her frlenda through the 40 years she haa lived In Medford. In addition to her daughter-in-law, with whom she makes her home, Mrs. LumBden has In Medford a grandson, Treve Lumsden, two great grand chll. dren, Anna Lee and Treve Jr., chil dren of Mr. and Mra. Treve Lumsden. snd a nephew, C. L. Hutchison. Each year her birthday la a red letter day on the calendar, of many southern Oregrtnlsns, who anticipate a short chat with her on this very special occasion. Yovnger Set Feted At Party Given By Mis8 H. McAllister Members of the younger set enjoy ed a delightful afternoon at the Mc- Alllater home Prlday. when Mlu j Helen McAllister sntertslned at bridge. There were three tables In i plsy snd each wss tastefully decorat- ed with table appointments In blue and white and black and white. j .Prizes at bridge were awarded Misses Jean Qulsenberry and Cather ine Brandt. Following cards, refresh ments were served by the hostess, who was assisted by Miss Qulsen berry. Those present were: Misses Mildred Orltsch, Jean Qulsenberry, Doris and Helen Pat ton, Virginia English, Eve lyn Leonard. Lois Nichols, Marjorle Mulholland, Helen Stearns, Joan De Loan, Kathryn Robinson and Cather ine Brandt. ' Southern Student Arrives to Visit Miss G. Thompson Miss Oeraldlne Thompson has as her guest over the week end Miss Barbara Andrew of Tuscaloosa, Ala bama. Miss Andrew Is on her way south where she will take her masters degree at the University of Alabama, having received her bachelors degree last year. She also lectures on hered ity at the university. She arrived Prlday evening on the Shasta from Portland, Oregon where she hsd been visiting her parents. Goulds Return From Beach Mr. and Mrs. E. W,-Gould and daughter. Dorothy, and son Emerson, Jr., have returned to their Medford .home after spending the spring and summer at their Brookings cot tags. The family will remain In Medford. but Mr. Gould plans to return to the beach for the remainder of the fish ing season. Altar Society To Meet September 6. The St. Ann's Altar Society will re sume activities for the new year one week from this coming Tuesday or September 8. Further details will be announced later. NOW 20 lbs. Vour week'i hardest work removed for this extremely low cost. Every thing beautifully washed and returned to you the same day just damp enough for ironing. Phone 166 and our Routoman will call. SPECIAL Shirts from family bundles starched and beautifully ironed for 13Hc each. We have ft satisfying service for every household. The Medford Domestic Laundry Phone Guarding Your Health n .1 ! Miss Bruch Gives Musical Evening Mlaa Lucie Bru'h, violinist, who ap peared In concert here last week, en tertained a numbe of her frlenda at a musical evening at the -t. O. Pur ucker home Thursdsy. Violin and plsno numbers were en Joyed by the guests. Miss Bruch left yesterday for Klamath Palls, where she will appear In concert during the coming two weeka. Expecting Heavy Labor Day Travel With a five-day bargain offering! or Its Dollsr Day cent-a-mlle fares scheduled from September 1 to 6, with return limit of September l'i, the Southern Pacific company Is pre pared for peak Labor Day holiday traffic, local officiate state. The ex cursion program covers six western states. Smiths Are Guests Of Relatives Here Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith and daughter Sidney, who drove recently from New York City to Medford are spending the remainder of the aum mer with Mrs. Smith's psrenta at the Oreenleaf ranch on the Old Stage Road. Mr. and Mrs. Oreenleaf also return ed home recently from the winter In California.- Both families are en joying many pleassnt visits with old friends In the valley. Teachers Return From Vacations Several Instructors In the Medford schools are being welcomed by local society this week on their return from summer vacations In the nortn, the south and at the beaches. Miss Winifred Andrews has return ed from Eugene aa has Miss Josephine Klrtley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tucker are here after an extensive vacation to vartoua nolnta. and Mlsa Alice Cromar la back from California where she spent the summer aa guest of her sister. Miss Goold Has Birthday Party CRATER LAKE PAR1-Celebrang ' her eleventh birthday, Mtsa Jane I Ooold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Charles Ooold, was the hostess of a party held at the home of ner parent at Crater Lake Friday afternoon . Games and refreshments were en Joyed. Guests present were: Jure Sollnsky, Lee Henderson, Donald Llbuey. Mar garet Sargent, Susan Miller, Dorothy and. Eleanor Slnvon, Dolores Ooold and Jane Ooold. (V 'jsons Here Frt ! University. : .terestlng guesta In Medford over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Prince L. Calllson of Eugene, wtio were visiting friends yesterday before con tinuing north to the University ot Oregon, where Mr, Calllson la head coach. Voorhles' Gnests Enjoy Valley General and Mrs, Robert Brown, who have been guests for the pant week of Colonel and Mrs. Gordon Voorhles. are delighted with Medford In late summer and have enjoyed many drives about the valley, since their arrival from San Francisco. 80 for 166 Certified Sanitation Valley School Among Those to Open Next Week The Valley achcol. on of Med ford's moat popular private schools, win onen September A. It was an nounced yesterday, Mlsa Marie Fossl win again preside ss principal and Miss Nsoml Hohman ss her assist ant. The third teacher, who will aa stst In the kindergarten work and Instruction of music, has not been appointed. The Valley school, which Is ideally located, la chosen by many mothers because of the besltb advantages to be gained. It Is so situated and con structed aa to make the most of the southern Oregon sunshine all seasons of the year and the children are given much Instruction out of doors, Mlsa Grace Fernald of the Univer sity of California, daughter of the famoue James 0. Fernald. described the school ae superior In Its clsss to anything In Oregon. The method of Individual Instruction, used at the Velley school, she commended high ly. The enrollment of the school enables the Instructors to follow this method of Instruction with the great est ease and accomplishment. Although tuitlona have been ar ranged to comply with the economic changes of today, there will be no changea In curtculum at the school. It was announced yeaterday. Art. dramatics and French will still be available to children from the first grade, upward, and a large enroll ment la anticipated. Mrs. Strang Sings Grants Pass Concert Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang of this city aang a group of songs at the con cert of the Grants pass band In the neighboring city Prlday evening, -i-Mrs, Carpenter and Children In South Mrs. Alfred S, V. Carpenter and children are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott at Mallbu Beach. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Carpenter are sisters. SAVE While You Are Earning! Fruit Workers Are Invit ed To OPEN A SAV INGS ACCOUNT Now In The First National Bank "A Departmentized Bank" S3 I Telephoned We Would Be There At Six' A COURTESY CALL A2fY disappointments and sometimes embarrass LT' ment result from "just dropping in" on folks. 'A telephone call is so quick and resassuring that most people think of it not only as a courtesy due others, but a real convenience to themselves and it costs little- Anyone, anywhere, any time from your own telephone, or from public telephones conveniently located everywhere. Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, of Southern Oregon Dixie Club Plans Luncheon Event A covered dish luncheon will be enjoyed by members of the Dixie club at the home of Mra. C. J. Pry Bat uulsjr. September 1 Luncheon will be urved at U:30 o'dKk and thase Interested are asked to -all Mrs. O. Q. D'A.btnt, ei. for further Informa tion A lsrge attendance Is antici pated for tha event. Combes-Wilson Nuptials Told Announcement haa been mads here of the msrrlage In portlsnd of Miss Dorothy Combes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Combes of this city, to woodrow Wilson of Portlsnd. Mrs. Wilson, who la a former mem ber of the local younger set, has been employed In Portlsnd for tha past two years. Mr. Wilson Is studying Isw In the Rose city, where they are making their home. Mrs. Webber ' ' " Entertains Club Tuesday evening Mrs. Ed. Webber entertained the Pythian Sister club. There were aeventeen members pres ent and two visitors. Miss Oaylord and Mrs. Hemstreet. Pour tsbles of bridge were In play with Mrs. O. J. Wolf holding high score and Mrs. Ruth Wslden low. Delicious refresh ments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Elliott and ' ' Children Return U City Mrs. B. R. Elliott and daughters. Amy and Joan, and son Jimmy, are expected to return to the city today after apendlng the summer at their cottage on Rogue river at Shady Cove. Dr. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic and Physiotherapy OREGON LICEXHE 384 California License 3020 13 YEARS IN MEHFORP, ORE. Mrs. Gates Invites Friends to Affair Feteing Mrs. Mann Mrs. Horace Gates Is entertaining Tuesday for the pleasure of Mrs.. Larry Mann of Portland, who Is guest .here of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Heath. She haa Invited eight guesta to luncheon. Mrs. Mann formerly resided In Medford and haa many frlenda here who are greeting her during the sum mer's visit. John Hamill Here From an Francisco, John Hsmlll of Ssn rranelseo, for. merly of this city, Is expected to ar rive tomorrow to be the guest here of Mr. jnd Mrs. Leonard Carpenter. Permanents Lovely Steam Push Peraa nents. Special for short time only . . , $2-95 MURRAY'S BEAUTY SHOP 41 8. Central Tel. 363