Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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Local and Personal
To Lake o' Woods fttrs. T. J. Olf-'
ord and children and Mr. and Mm.
E. M. Wilson are spending today at
Lake o' the Wood.
Ouert In Medford Miss Dorothy
Illldge of Glendale, Ore., la In Med
ford. the guest of Mrs. W. B. Robin
aon. at the Bourbon apartment.
Mr. Madison Here To vacation for
a few days at bis lodge on Rogue riv
er, Frank D. Madison of San Francis
co arrived Saturday morning by train.
m a
Completes Stay Mrs. Rose McCros
key of Walla Walla, left yesterday for
her home, having spent several days
in Medford.
erl-lt nlnilina lf n v-4 XX rm f TV
Llndsey and Ottle, Jr., or can uiego.
Calif., are here visiting Mr. and Mrs.
D. O. Lindsay and Mrs. L. C. Llndsey
of Lozler Lane.
On Business Nortn A. Schmldll Is
spending three days In Portland at
tending to business matters. He made
the trip north by train Saturday
Returns Home Having spent the
summer In the valley as the guest of
Donald Richardson of Beall Lane,
Charles Springer left Saturday on the
Shasta, for his home in Fotuana
Visit In Ashland Mrs. Ross Harder
and children are spending the week
end In Ashland as the guests of Mrs.
Harder'a mother. They Journeyed to
that city by train Friday evening.
Look at Road The county court,
Commissioner Victor Bursell, Commis
sioner John Barneburg and Judge C.
B. Lamkln yesterday visited the sav
age creeK area to check on a road.
Wyant In City L. H. Wyant, store
keeper of Lake Creek, was in Med
ford yesterday attending to business
matters and buying supplies for his
Audits Books G. W. Reynolds, Jr.,
of Portland, representative of the Mo
tor Management service, is In Med
ford auditing the books at the Pierce-
Allen Motor company.
hop In Medford Mrs. O. D. Kraft
and Mrs. Arnold Rader returned home
to Hornbrook by train Friday night.
havinff spent the day in Medford
Returns to L. A.--Mrs, 0. J. San
ford, who has ben thd guest of her
brother, R. Hargls here for the past
three weeks, returned to her home in
Los Angeles by train Friday, making
the trip on the Shasta.
Returns Home W. E. Wadsworth of
Harrlsburg, Ore., has returned to his
home, following several days here on
business and pleasure. He also made
a trip to Klamath Falls while in this
part of the state.
License To Wed The county clerk's
office Issued a marriage license Fri
day to Fred R. Day, 45, and Ethel L.
Glllaspy, 41, both of Sacramento,
California. He is a clerk, and she an
accountant, according to the records.
On Business V Is It Kenneth J .
Rhead of Oakland, in the radio de
partment of the United Arllnes, Is in
Medford, checking the radios at the
Medrord Municipal airport for the
Airlines company.
a t
To Launch Ships A group of Med
ford people will spend today at Dia
mond Lake, where they will launch
their new motor boat. Miss Frances.
Those who plan to make the trip are
Bill Cunningham, Max Glffln, and
Charles Wakefield.
Ready to Move The staff at the
county agent's office in the Liberty
building has been busy for the past
week packing the office library and
getting things in readiness to move
to their offices in the new court
Attend Movie Mrs. Alvin Alwine
and daughter Mildred of Ashland at
tended the performance of the Ari
zona Wranglers at the Cratcrlan Fri
day afternoon, and returned to their
home in Ashland on the Shasta that
a a
Obtain License Minor Wallace
Cross. 38. of Weed. Calif., and Lillian
Barbara Young, 26, of Etna, Calif.,
obtained a license to wed Friday at
the clerk's office. Cross gave book
keeping as his occupation, and Miss
Young stated that she was a school i
Attends Conference Lawrence
Mitchelmore of Ashland was ft pess
enger on the train Friday evening,
en route to Turner, where he will
represent the Crater Lake union ol
Christian Endeavor at the state exec
utive meeting to be conducted for
two days.
Brophyi Motor South Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Brophy left yesterday for San j
Francisco, where they will spend sev
eral days.
Visits Family Captain John Amos
Aaams of San Francisco arrived on
the Shasta from the south Friday to
visit hl family at North Park place.
Stops In Cltv F. W. Tanner, travel
ing salesman from Culver City, Calif.,
stopped In Medford yesterday to regis
ter his automobile at the out-or-state
bureau on South Riverside.
a a
Returns Today Miss Barbara Mc-
Ouat Is expected to return to Med
ford today from Riviera, where she
has been spending the past week va
cationing with her parents there.
a a a
Schwartz to Visit Elmer Schwarte,
all-star fullback on the Washington
team, is expected here this week to
visit, his mother, Mrs. N. B. Schwarte
and brother, E. B. Ross, on his way to
Chicago, where he will play profes
sional football.
a a
Visit Here Allen Bunnell of Long
Beach, Calif., and Granville Gillette of
Reno, Nev are vlslt-in in Medford,
having listed this city as their Oregon
destination when registering their au
tomobiles at the state bureau Satur
day, a a
Conduct Exams Ward McReynolds,
state examiner for operators and
chauffeurs, will conduct examinations
In the city council rooms of the
chamber of commerce again tomorrow
between the hours of 8 a. m., and 5
p. m. Many were at the office Satur
day taking the examinations.
Rev. Crawford Here Rev. Florence
L. Crawford of Portland, Apostolic
Faith minister, accompanied by her
secretary, arrived in Medford on the
Shasta Friday evening. They plan to
spend a few days here, during which
tlme Reverend Crawford will conduct
a a
From a Distance Motorists from
distant places, who stopped In Med
ford Friday to register their auto
mobiles with Lee C. Oarlock at the
out-of-state bureau on South River
side were Jessie F. Raymond of Stam
ford, Conn., O. E. Marfard of Liberal,
Kans., and E. L. Luglan of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa.
a a
Wranglers at Jockton The Arizona
Wranglers were registered at the
Jackson hotel during their stay here,
giving Hollywood as their address. The
group included Mr. and Mrs.. F. M.
Crablll, H. A. Fletcher, Loyal Under
wood, Art Hoflinger. Charles Hunter,
L. F. Constello, J. E. Patterson, Lee
Dosey, I. W. Irvlns, Cal Shorty, and
Jimmy Barron.
From Rose City The Portland
guests at the hotels in Medford in
clude J. R. Beale, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Slndos, Mr. and Mrs. A. -L. Carson, Mr.
and Mrs. L. F- DavlsB. R. Wagnei
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lewis, C. Walton,
L. A. Rue, H M. Edson, C. .V. Lam
bert, B. R. Wagner, R. P. Wells, Geo,
J. Bohrer, S. F. Simon, Bruce Baslns-
kl, Howard Weaver, Charles Shea, T.
W. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ogle,
Howard C. Ball and R. Stimson.
Fishing Favorable A letter has
been received by the Mail Tribune
from Frank L. Taylor, chairman of
the Fish and Game committee. Reeds-
port chamber of commerce of reports
from Winchester bay that salmon
trout and salmon are biting especial
ly well. No. 7 full brass Shelton Is
used, for trout, and No. 66 Oregon
brass. For the salmon No. 6 in both
copper and brass in either McMahon
or Reeker spinners. At Lake Tahke
nltch general fishing reports are fa
vorable, good catches of bass having
been, made the past week on green
basser and redhead plugs, and yellow
and red Shannon spinners. Catfish
and perch fishing Is excellent. Fair
fishing Is to be had. at Loon Lake,
for baas, catfish and trout. No. 55
Nickel Oregon Is the best lure at this
To Klamath Falls Miss Myrna!
Bush was a guest of friends In Klam
ath Falls Thursday evening.
Sexton In Hospital Vurley Sexton.
who sustained ft sprained back In a
minor accident Friday, Is receiving
treatment In ft local hospital.
a a
From Afar At the hotels. J. B-
Melvllle of Springfield, Ohio, Marie
Miller of Cortes. Colo., were guests
registered from distant points.
Washington Guests Blanche Booth
and boys of Seattle and Rose Mc
Croskey or Walla Walla were hotel
guests in the city from Washington.
Stop at Hotels Among the Ore-
gonlans who registered from points
within the state, exclusive, of Port
land, were David H. Can field of Cra
ter Lake, O. H. Camffen and Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Miller of Eugene, George
Raynolds of Salem, P. B. Hawley of j
Oregon City, and Charles A. Lee of;
Stop In Valley O. V. Brook, who1
was In Medford trading Friday, regis-,
tered his automobile at the out-of-1
state bureau. L. Daniels of Grass Val
ley. Calif., registered, as did Carl 8.
Emlay of Piedmont who listed Med
ford as their Oregon destination. W.
S. H. Norcross of Los Angeles gave
Central Point as his destination.
Carl Grant Returns Carl E. Grant
district manager of the Metropolitan
Life Insurance company of southern
Oregon, returned Saturday from San
Francisco where he spent the past
week attending the coast managers'
convention and the national conven
tion of the Life Underwriters. The
latter was held at the Fairmont hotel,
and was attended by Insurance men
from all parts of the United States.
m a
Hampton to lecture Under the
auspices of the Medford Theosophical
Lodge, Rev. Chas. Hampton, national
lecturer, will speak Sunday, Aug 21
at St. Mark's hall and Aug. 22-23 at
the local lodge rooms, 220 N. Oakdale
street at 8 p. m. His subjects are
"God Must Be Sought Within," Chris
tian Theosophy, and Psycho-Analysis.
The public is Invited. Rev. Hampton
will arrive from Portland. x
a a a
S-A Gets Flowers Three bowls of
lov.ely flowers have 'been placed in
the auto registration offices by Mrs.
O. J. Wolfe, of 60S North Grape street.
and have brought favorable comment
from ft number of tourists. Lee C.
Oarlock reported. He stated that any
one wishing to bring flowers to be
displayed is welcome to do so, as It
shows the tourists what can be grown
In Medford.
Rides I'p Mountain Miss Clara
Younger of the Rogue River National
forest offices in the federal building
here, accompanied Ranger and Mrs
Hugh A. Rltter to the Mt. McLough-
lln lookout station on horseback Fri
day. According to the reports received
here, they reached the Lake o' the
Woods none the worse for their long
trip. They planned another horseback
trip for Saturday.
Ship Catalogs The last of a freight
car full of Montgomery Ward cata
logs" were shipped from the Medford
post office last evening. A total of
644 sacks were sent out Friday, and
the remainder shipped yesterday ac
cording to O. M. Houston, assistant
postmaster. As Medford is a distri
buting point, the catalogs are sent
from here as far south as Redding.
Calif., and north to Roseburg. This
area Includes Bandon, Crescent City,
and other coast points, Mr. Houston
The. Golden Bears With their resi
dences listed as California cities, the
following travelers were guests at city
hotels Friday night: D. B. Stuart, S.
F. Volmer, Charles Blchard, W. E.
Murphy, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Mallery,
M. Bogglonl, J. Flndwa, Adeline Doy
er and W. J. Mattendale of San Fran
cisco, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Tully and
K. A. Cox of Sacramento, A. J. Cole,
H. A. Seberllng and Mra. R. H. Hun
stock of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hawson and nephew of Fres
no, Mr. and Mrs. L. Frilley of Oak
land, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cotton
and Mrs. Ivah P. Patterson of Pasadena.
On Vacation Kowird Gault, clerk
In Judge Olenn O. Taylor's court is
on a vacation this week-end.
Bishop Coming Lee Bishop Is ex
pected to return today from a 8
weeks trip to De Moines, Iowa.
On Business T. W. Delmll, assist
ant division manager for Copco in
Klamath county was a business visit
or here yesterday.
Legion to MeetAn Important
meeting of Medford post No. 16 of
the American Legion will be held at
the Armory tomorrow night. Plans for
the national convention in Portland
will be discussed and new officers
will be nominated for the coming
election. Other maters of interest to
every veteran wlU come up and all
Legionnaires are urged to be present.
Henselman Returns George Hens-
elman returned to Medford yesterday
afternon on the United Airlines Trl
motpr plane from Oakland airport,
leaving there at 12:10, and arriving
here at 2:45 o'clock. He reported an
enjoyable trip, having flown down
Wednesday to attend a special con
ference at the offices of A. Fitkln and
Sons. Inc., for whom he Is local rep
Corps to Portland Members of the
Medford Legion drum corps are prac
ticing diligently to get Into shape for
tne national convention of the Amer
ican Legion in Portland next month.
This will be their first appearance
a national convention altho they
have attended every state convention
since the local corps was first organ
ized. It Is expected that much fa
vorable publicity for Medford will re
sult from their appearance at the
Portland convention.
"Shoots' Jacksonville Moving pic
tures of Jacksonville's Gold Rush Ju
bilee were taken yesterday by H. L.
Bromley, Copco advertising manager,
and will be shown by the Copco news
reel. Some excellent footage of the
pioneer parade with its old-time cos
tumes snd vehicles was taken by
Bromley as well as an Impromptu
shooting scrape" in front of the
leading saloon. Pictures of the monu
ment where gold was first discovered
and gold panning operations were
also taken by the Copco cameraman,
Star At Holly
1 L
, jet
Leo Carrillo Is a great actor either
on or otf the screen. Whereever Leo
Carrillo Is there Is always ft crowd
to hear him tell his stories. He has
been In several screen hits and on
the stage his "Lombardy Limited" Is
still rated as one of the biggest of
hits. In "Racetrack11 he again dem
onstrates his marvelous ability and
turns out a picture filled with every
thing one could want in a picture.
"Racetrack" was directed by James
Cruze, the man who directed "The
Covered Wagon" and "Old Ironsides "
Carrillo is a master at dialects. He
has studied them for years and can
produce French, Italian, Spanish,
German. Yiddish, Chinese, Japanese,
Scandinavian, and jolly old English
dialects with ease.
Incldently he speaks French, Span,
ish, Italian and German fluently In
addition to his mother tongue "Which
is, of course, American,
"Racetrack" will be at the Holly
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The
program will also Include latest news
events and a kartoon.
r ; .
Marx Brothers At Craterian
. .afi
. sj
The four Inimitable Mnrx Brother, who nppear In llorwrcathers" at
the Foji Craterian today, Monday and Tuesday.
Howard Hughe' sensational picture.
"Scarface" win return to Medford for
a two-day run at the Fox Rlalto thea
ter, today and Monday, it la a drama
of a human python who dared to et
hi, luat against the red-blooded cou
rage of a nation. The cast includes
Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak and Karen
Starts TODAY!
JTIa Mteot
tory y
A Modern
Drama Prom I j
Real Life! I v ; V
Throughout America and
Canada great crowds of peo
ple have packed the largest
auditoriums eager to bear
Dr. Stanford
Kingsley Claunch
Eminent Food Aclentltt, Pycholo
flt and Health Educator.
Dr. Claunch ts spending hts "vacation" In Oregon this summer
and. as usual. Is spending It working. He has recently coducted
lecture campalgs in Portland, Salem and Eugene to very large
In Eugene last week he lectured to the largest audience of any
lecturer ever to. visit that city. . ,
Vow the people of Medford have an opportunity to hear him.
Do not mln It. It may prove the turning point In your life.
There will be fix Inspiring
Corner Fifth and Grape Streeti ;
Sunday, Aug. 21, Mod.., Aug. 22, Tuei.,
Aug. 23, Wed., Aug. 24, Thuri., Aug. 25
8:15 p.m.
Admli.lon rree to All Etentnf eeturet. All Welcome.
Exquisite muiio by Lucie Bruch, internationally
famous violinist, from 7:45 to 8:15. Come early.
George Arllss, whose portrayals of
statesmen and laymen were natlon
aUy acclaimed, appeara I na new guise
In "The Man Who Played God" at the
State theater today. In this picture
he turns his genius to the portrayal
of genius, playing the role of an In
ternationally famous musician whose
wizardry with melody places the world
at nls feet.
Three screamingly funny comedi
ans, Buster Keaton, Jimmy Durante
and Polly Moran are featured In "The
Passionate Plumber," which Is com
ing to the Roxy theater next Tuesdsy
and Wednesday. In this picture Bus
ter Keaton turns lover and as a sheik
he's a great plumber.
Buit Tally Card a for packers or
plciters, already printed, In any
quantity, for sale at the Job Depart
ment of the Mail Tribune, 28-30 N.
Or ape.
Mr. and Mrs. Neel Newland are the
parents of a 7Vi pound girl born Sat
urday morning at the Purucker Ma
ternity home, She has been named
Ruth Diane.
Presbyterian Church
The morning services at the Pres
byterian church will be conducted
at the regular hour, with Rev. Wil
liam Howell of Spokane preaching,
Miss Dorothy Reynolds will be at the
organ, and Miss Lucie Bruch, In Med
ford to play at Dr. Stanford Kings-
ley Claunch s lectures, will play
violin solo. Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang
will sing a solo.
" State police Saturday reported that
Oscar Hoover, 33, and Carl Pecorara
23. both of Portland were held in the
county Jnll at Grants Pais, charged
with wrecking and setting fire to a
$B000 vegetable truck, by driving the
vehicle, off a high point 'into a can
yon, on the Sexton mountain unit of
t.he Pacific highway, early this week.
The pair, both made detailed con
fessions, the state police say.
The authorities say the truck has
been in operation for four months,
and was Insured for 90000. It was
owned by Sam Pecorara, a vegetable
broker of Portland, and father of one
of the defendants.
The state police allege that the
youths, saturated the cargo of seventy
crates or lettuce with cans of gasoline-
purchased at Roseburg and drove
It off the road Into a deep canyon.
The truck was a total wreck.
Hoover and Pecorada are specifical
ly oharged with burning for purposes
of defrauding.
Reese Creek School services will be
held at II o'clock Sunday morning.
John Frees will speak on the sub
ject, "T.he Dead Decalogue of Ro
many 7." All are welcome.
Fender and body repairing. Prices
right. Brill Sheet Metal Works.
Urging all prospective workers to
obtain the necessary signatures of
two taxpayers, before returning to the
county court house with their labor
cards, Victor Tengwald, secretary to
me court, Issued a message yesterday
to ine press and the Jobless.
- Registrations will be Ineffective If
not algned by. the two taxpayers, as
ordered, and these signatures, should
be obtained before the registration
carda are brought back to the court
house for filing. They will not be ac
cepted otherwise and work will not
be given to Individuals, who fall to
prove that they are residents of the
county for the required period of
August special. Three losds lS-ln.
slab, for ts.75. Med. Fuel Co. Tel.
Of special Interest to Medford peo
ple Is the visit of Hon. Herbert Ani
comb and Oeo. I. Warren, of Victoria,
B. C, who are scheduled to speak si
a public meeting at the Hotel Med
ford, Tuestay evening, August 33rd,
at B o'clock, under the auspices of
the Tourist Contact committee of the
Medford Chamber of Commerce. The
program Is certain to be an Interest
ing and Instructive one, and will be
Illustrated with sterloptlcan slides,
according to W. M. Clemenson, com
mlttee chairman.
Herbert Anscomb Is a former mayor
of the city of Vlctorls, and president
of the Vancouver Island Publicity bu
reau, and Oeo. I. Warren Is president
of the National Association of Tourist
and Publicity bureaus of Canada, as
well aa publicity commissioner of Vic
toria and manager of the Victoria
Chamber of Commerce. They are mak
ing a good-will tour of the Pacific
coast, urging more friendly relation
ships between the various communi
ties in the promotion of tourist travel.
Persons interested in tourist travel
are particularly invited to attend
this meeting.
Desirable houses always In tint
class condition for rent, lease or sate.
Call 100.
Every Room with
Tub and Showtr
Slnjl S2.00AS2.50
Double S2.50AS3.00
Twin Bed, S4.00
Garage Service
Theodore A. H.oie,Mgr.
1 1
Phone 642. We u haul away your
refuse. City Sanitary Service.
Any Seat Any Tim 15t
The Picture
Hollywood Dared To Make 1
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank my many friends for
their kindness during my great be
reavement, also for the many beauti
ful floral offerings.
ROXY.. 15 c
Children 10c
Sylvia Sidney, Oie.iter Morris
"Miracle Man"
Also "Harem Sea rem. News
Con. Shows Sun. 1:30 to 11 p. m
with a big bankroll
ling sport with a spotty
, but he lilted a Kid from
gutter, brought him up
golden rule and gamble
his fortune so the Kid
go straight even though he lost
the greatest stake -love I
k A"BigShot
LS .a sure-tr
P life....
m? the
would i
A James Cruze
Today for 3 Days
For 3 Nutty Days
They go collegiate ... go I fW j '
notz . . . and change "rah-- UK skfdf I ( v v '
rah" Into "ha-ha-hal" vMEJ h fy)' 11 1
Between exams in football- I NV l Y)S(
ogy, they train with the eo- vA jj ilitXi Yr'lv
edspnd learn to speak easy. NTyVi '
But one day the big bear JiMh i&fW j - -f
says to the little bears, W TvCy)i J'V f '
"Whatinhecksgolnonhere?" I Nffi-J'"-""
, . . and - - ty ft Prices:
j k:".-;.-ji!JS MBt week Day,
You never laughed so much Ngff'fj 25
since Dobbin was a coltl JZm V.lnY?Z
ff& j&r L y) Kiddles Dim
V r- t- , 'HI I - j If f- l
Vote for Your Favorite in The Lions' Club Popularity Contest