Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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Hedpord Mail Tribute
"Cvtryam l bsutlnH. Ortiw
turn urn mm mxvmr
PMllllMS W
HiDrouu nuntumj OS.
H-lMt n. m il i
As Inotpendont HtivDm
euros w Mcoot dm siotter M
Orwo, nodtt Act of UireD I, Kit.
ffe Mali Id adruieo
Dill,, rui If .00
Ooil, Boats ft
fft Cmw. b Unmm Midfor. utl
Isckooofllls, CemD Foist. PbMoU. IUhL Uok)
Kilt tns M Hliaoin.
Dint, aoota .ft
, Doilr, eoo mi ,
u Unas, cub Is idrioea.
OfncUl pops of Um OU of UKtfort.
Officii ptpor of Jielroe Cotmtf.
MEMBEB Of Till 880l'IATIfU PHggl
liecelrlni ITuU Leiud Win tenlno
' no Awoeutod Presi if ueluslnly onttuoa lo
Utt um for publJeotloo of oil oon dliiettu
OfOOIUd M II Of 0UMTWIO0 CfOdllOd 10 uiu oopoi
fid olio to uo loeol oeof puhllihtd amis.
AU fUlito for publlesUoo of HMdil dlipoubli
ojorilo oro olio mom
MEUBIS or 0N1TED pmais
Admtlllni HtpraomUUtei
Offloa to No Tori. Ulcato, Ootoll, Il
frioelieo, is AntfllM. Seoul, Portland,
Ye Smudge Pot
Br Arthur Perry
IU11 continues to pop around ban,
mora) thin force of habit than any
thing to pop about. Some of the
early fall lies have made their ep
. pearance, and are at malignant at
the hloa of a poisonous snake. Some
of the leading liars have atarted to
fry In their own oussedness, and don't
like It.
0 0 0
James Wesley Bates, the ehlnwack-1
er, was seen In a new 40 Wed. and
looked as happy as If he had Just
run over next year's taxes.
Nobody was shot while robbing
garden last week, owing to nobody
robbing a garden.
: see
Maws have started to look blue, as
achool will start September t.
i Del Oetohell has
a rising on hi
There was a olrcu Wed. Sons and
best girls made up most of the audi
ence. . ,
- Jim Owen predicted the return of
Prosperity ten daya ago, and was not
lynched, and will repeat the allega
0 0 0'
O. Reames and Q. Rbta, barristers,
have ltd from unearned vacations.
Fletoh Fish of Phoenix, the boom
day tenor, Is still eating his own
cooking, with no apparent Ill-effects.
0 0 0
-Several of the Older Olrls who
fssred they would have to turn their
black skirt Inside out for a new
dress this fall, are flitting around in
the latest black and tan and speckled
creations, and look snappy.
' A guy who got caught, returned
from Salem, where he has been for
the past year and reports that his
' work there' was too confining. He
says there are a number of former
resident there, and all are disgusted
and have a low opinion of the law
and Justice in Jackson county.
0 0
Frlsoo drummers are getting fre
quent on our main drage again.
Dusk slaps down on the valley now
about 7:17 pm, and Is a vary good
sign or the approach of winter.
P. Bybee, the J'vllle serf, Is having
trouble keeping his fence out of the
way of alow moving autolate, coming
home rrom the shindig In an ex
tremely cautious manner Sat. nights
The younger natives were thrilled
last week by the arrival of a North'
west brunette, who gave the local
aoclal whirl an unexpected extra
. twist.
o o
The rural Intersections were In
spected last week, and It was discov
ered that the rural speed idiots al
ways atop at the highway Intersec
tions, If their competitor Is a husky
o o
A pear packing contest will be held
at the Holly. The trick will be done
on the stage. A Hellralalng contest
ought to fill the place to the roof.
S. Oanton Sherwood la back from
his honeymoon, and a married man,
and will soon be cutting the lawn
evenings, and arguing that the water
rate la too high.
0 0 0.
Formers have atarted sticking up
trespass stgna on thslr places, and
all must be shot before a 0. pheasant
can be killed legally.
0 0 0
On of the preachers blame all our
troubles on Satan, but It ' definitely
known that a oouple of local boys
thought It up themselves.
L. Brophy Is having his Jewelry
sign refurbished, and Erne Mohr Is
rigging up his hostelry anew. There
Is not much use, others say, as they
will Just have to be re-pslnted In
oo or 80 yre.
0 0 0
The I Coleman girl waa downtown
Frl., and like a woman, had nothing
to say oi any importance,
. o . ,
Tour eorr. got Into an argument
with C. Furnas Thur. and scared him
Back into the Republican fold.
The new co. cthee Is being occupied
by the duly elected tcallaways.
14 men who have been looking for
work since there was none, were sud
denly confronted with a Job one day
last week, and were too astounded to
take It. , I
I v Editorial Corresoondence I
i : t I
ROCKFORD, 111., Aug. 18
"0 wad some Pow'r the giftie
gie ui
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder
free us
And foolish notion."
The people of Medford and
Jackson county now have that
power the power of the press,
The following extract from
the Grants Pass Courier,
merely one of many examples,
throughout the state, showing
how others how our neighbors
"Medford, once the metropolis
of southern Oregon of late has
fallen from her high estate , . .
For many yeara Medford has been
the city that grew and prospered
and got the things oho wanted
. . , Now the place has achieved
ststewlde reputation for being
all buacle bound by warrlhg fac
tions to the point that nothing
can be accomplished. Man after
man In public life has been
marked for attack and has been
pulled down.
"This is the stage setting for
' what may be the purgative, the
lateat and we hope the final
attack that on Judge Norton.
"Norton Is one man In a hun
dred thousand, so removed' from
petty suspicions, so elevated In
publlo esteem, so :re from any
taint of unfair dealings of any
nature that the attack can hard
ly help but be thrown back upon
the attackers with, maiming
"If that can be the outcome,
then It will be a case of the
maimers maimed. The cure of
the harmful Medford situation
will be on the way.
"The patient will be on the
way to recovery.
"Ufa hope that It will he so."
To whioh the Mail Tribune,
and we believe all right think
ing people in Medford and
Jackson oounty, utter an em
phatic and heartfelt AMEN I
May this last straw aa our
contemporary, go prayerfully
and so generously hopes, cure
the Medford oancerl
It SHOULD. It Bhould show
us plainly where this constant
bickering and scratching, this
constant strife and dissension,
this mudslinging and back
biting is leading us.
But thi much is certain. It
WON'T, unless we as a com
munity WAKE UP, snap out of
the lethargy that surrounds us,
throw off the indifferonce that
blinds us, and adopt an atti
tude Toward this Norton recall,
entirely different from the at
titude that hits been adopted
toward all the other efforts of
this political ring, to gain abso
lute control of Medford and
Jackson county, for their own
political advancement and
their own material benefit.
For years this effort has been
going on. The goal has always
been the same. The methods,
scattering the seeds of dissen
sion, suspicion and hate have
been the same, also. This at
tempt to recall Judge Norton
and thus secure control of the
circuit court, is essentially no
different, than the attempt to
secure control of the county
court, of the city council, of the
district attorney's office, of
the offices of sheriff and coun
ty clerk. The attacks, the in
sinuations and innuendoes
against Judge Norton, are es
sentially no different than the
attacks, the insinuations and
innuendoes, against the county
court, the district Rttorney, the
city council, yes, and the
grand jury, the traffio and
fruit associations, the chamber
of oommerce, the banks, the
state police, agaiifst practical
ly every institution and every
public official, in, this commu
nity. And unless as the Grants
Pass Courier points out this
Norton recall PROVES to be
the last straw, DOES break the
back of public indifference and
arouse the people of southern
Oregon, at last to the dangers
which confront them, who is
the optimistie prophet to deny
that these political effort will
continue indefinitely with the
inevitable chaos.
No newspaper can prevent it.
No public officials seeking elec
tion, can prevent it. ONLY
If the people are going to
treat this attempt to "GET'
Judge Norton, as they have
treated the attempts to get all
other officials and institutions,
with an amused indifference,
something to take their minds
off their troubles, an escape
from day to day boredom
then not only will the Courier's
hope that this action "will ring
the knell of Medford 's troubles
and start her upward again,"
what was once the glory of
Medford and has always been
her pride, will be gone forever.
What was Medford 'g glory
and pride what .made her
known all up and down the
coast, as one of the biggest lit
tie cities in the landf
Her loyal civio -spirit, her
energy and enterprise, her
ability, at any time and under
any conditions, to GET TO
GETHER, to unite shoulder to
shoulder for anything looking
toward her growth and better
ment. For years that was true. But
for the past five years partic
ularly during the past two, it
lias NOT been true.
Whyt Simply because of
this ring of disgruntled poli
ticians and self-seekers, who by
a persistent and never ending
campaign of mendacious mud
slinging, character assassina
tion, abuse and slander, the
broadcasting of vicious and
absolutely unwarranted attacks
not only upon publio officials
but private citizens, hag so
torn this community asunder,
that no inner harmony or unity
has been possible. Medford
can't go together on anything.
As the Courier well savs.
'Medford once the metropolis
of southern Oregon, of late has
fallen from her high estate."
Grants Pass sees it. ' Salem
sees it. Portland sees it. Cer
tainly there can be no- one in
Medford and Jackson county
sfl blind they can't see it.
And seeing it, our duty is
plain. Simply this:
For the right thinking people
of this community to get to
gether and
Put down this outrageous
recall petition, by refusing to
sign it.
Show these people who think
they can foather their own
nests, by unscrupulous slander
and shameful abuse, that
That i the way. And that
is the ONLY way. For as long
as this crowd thinks they can
climb into flower, by sowing
this poison, and disrupting this
community, they are going to
do it.
The only way to stop them,
is to show them they CAN'T
do it. And the way to do that
is to smother this recall at
tempt so deep, it will never be
revived, and smash EVERY
When this is done Medford
and Jackson county can return
to their own, and not until
For 'no matter how good a
community may be, no matter
how rich its natural resources,
or how superior its citizenship,
If the people of that commu
nity do nothing, day in and day
out, week in and week out, but
fight among themselves,
Ihere is eventually disaster,
and RUIN.
This doesn't mean lulling
ourselves to sleep, to the Poly
anna tune of "God's in His
Heaven, all's right with the
world." All is not right in the
world, here or nyjjhere else.
There are important prob
lems to solve. There are im
portant tasks to perform. And
because all is NpT right, Med
ford needs unity, harmony and
its old time spirit more acutely
than ever before.
Then let's get together and re
vive that spirit. Let's show our
good neighbor to the north that
this Norton recall DID sound
the knell of Medford's troubles.
DID start her on the upward
path again.
Not for the sake of any indi
vidual or individuals. Not for
the sake of any clique or any
political party. Solely and only
for the sake of Medford and
Jackson county its continued
growth, its development and its
prosperity. R. W. R.
P. S. : The above has been
written, as most of our readers
knowj over 2000 miles away
from the scene of action, 'the
writer having been called to
the Middlewest nearly three
weeks ago. There are disad
vantages in being so far away,
many of them but there is
ONE distinct advantage. It
gives one an excellent perspec
tive. For these three weeks we
have read the Medford news
papers regularly, and we have
read clippings from other pi
pers in the state, and the im
pression of the utter futility
and folly of this constant hick
ering out there, has impressed
us more forcibly than ever be-
fore, undoubtedly more than
if we had remained in Medford
What a pity and what a shame
for a little city, as clean and
decent and free from anything
approaching vice and corrup
tion, as is Medford, to waste its
time fighting phantoms and
From this distance it would
be easy to dismiss the entire
noise and fury as a farce, a
joke nothing to take serious
ly, and this we would do if we
didn't know from sad experi
ence that it does Medford and
Jackson county harm. It was
because this realization was
emphasized by the comments of
the Grants Pass Courier and all
other papers in the state, that
the above was written. We
wish it might do some good,
clear the Medford atmosphere
let the people get together
again on a rational plane of
common sense and good will
(even if there is going to be an
election) ! If any progress in
that direction could be made,
we would feel amply repaid for
banging a typewriter in our"
B. V. D.'s, with the mercury 96
in the shade, and with an elec
trician just across the wall
unable (apparently) to find
what is wrong with the frigi
daire ! " R. W. R.
Editorial Comment
Filing of libel suite against the
Dally Newt has almost become a
habit with the people of southern
Oregon. We confess we are not a bit
surprised. We have been wondering
how long the publisher of that pa
per could get away with his constant
stream of fault-finding and vllllflca-
tion without getting Into trouble.
Until Medford and the Rogue River
valley let up this kind of thing and
stand together again, no progress
can oe espected.
o o
Southern Oregon for many years
iIm enjoyed a reputation ot being
about the most progressive district
In the weet. Iverywhere we have
traveled In the state we have heard
about how well they do things In
Medford. But nowadaye all we can
near is "whst haa become of the old
"Medford spirit?" Of course, some
of the old-time leaden ot public
opinion have gone from our midst.
Men like Bert Anderson, Oeo. Put
nam and a lot more like them are
no longer here. But enough of the
old-tlmeri who really mads Medford
a shlnlnf, light and built It up from
a mere t illage to a bustling city are
left to keep things going, provided
they art not forever handicapped by
agltatoni and would-be politicians
who ketip up constant agitation and
e o o
Now, we suppose, we shall be ac
cused of belonging to that "subsi
dised press'' we hesr so much of.
Maybe we do belong, but our ma
terial reward for advocating return
to eorunon sense hsa been too small
to note. We are under no obliga
tions to any corporation or clique
but vre do like to see fair play. Ar
thur Powell In Central Point Ameri
Chtap price on dairy feed: tl.OO
for l3-lb. sack. Makee more rlchfr
milk Farmrrs exchange Cooperative.
rWb sad nt, room tu,
By oVrtbui Brisbane
A California Picnic.
200 Miles Long, 15 Hours
San Antonio's Mission,
The Indians' Long Slaep.
Copyright King Features' Synd., Ine
eon, Cal., Aug. 19. California
does all things in big way,
Olympiads, oil wells, mountains
gold rushes, giant trees, ocean,
moving pictures, EVERY-
Perhaps you would be inter
ested in a California picnic
First twenty miles of automo-
biling over new mountain roads
built by W. R. Hearst across
par( f this ranch, leading east
ward from the Pacific, over
hills so steep that one car trav
elled backward to facilitate
gasoline flow.
At the end of twenty miles,
saddle horses are waiting, fif
teen or twenty, with western
saddles, Mexican bridles, horses
trained to slide down steep
banks on their hocks. They
need the training here.
Twenty miles on the horses over
narrow trails made by cattle and
deer, up and down steep mountains,
and through valleys, with water still
running In streams, despite the dry
Then ttie first hslf of the picnic at
one of the assembled Hearst rsnohes,
"El Pleyto". Everything In the picnic
grown on the ranch, except coffee,
and sugar. .
Then twenty miles by automobile
to another Hearst ranch, "Mllpltas",
part of his five hundred square miles
of Isnd In this port of California. On
Mllpltas ranch atands the mission of
San Antonio of Padua, third oldest
In California, built before Jeffersen
composed hi Declaration of Indepen
dence. On Mllpltas ranch, W. R. Hearst
haa recently completed a new rancb
house In the Spanish style, as long
ae three elty blocks. The manager
and workers of the neighboring ranch
lands Uva there. In a fertile valley,
beautiful mountains, covered with
Ut'4 oak on both aides. No wonder
the wise old fathers of the Catholic
church chose that fertile and beauti
ful spot for one of their first mis
sion. -1
Time has done Its work. The long
mission house hss fallen. .Only a tew
massive brisk columns remain. The
building plan, fastened to the door
of the chapel, still standing, shows
where the refectory stood, the
dormitories and the large vste for
wine. All are gone, only the mission
chspel stands, two hundred feet long.
forty feet wide. Tiles from the old
roof are piled up Inside, a temporary
roof of wood replacing them,
The mission heads built those walla
to stand. They, are six feet thick.
and stand on a foundation ten feet
At the far end stands the altar,
with Ite leered figures, nearly life
la Just as they were, one hundred
yeara ago. Beautiful In their slmpllc
ity, designed to Impress the Indians,
for whom the mission was built, the
figures all express deepest devotion,
and poignant suffering. Their gar
ments are of real clot.
Close to the altar, Just outside the
thick chspel well Is the cemetery,
where He many generation of In
dians. Their ancient habit are re
spected, large mounda of earth cover
the bodies, above each mound a
wooden cross, to prove the oonquett
of the old Indian gode, driven from
these mountains snd vslleye, forever.
Beside the mounds are flat stones,
with bowls hollowed out, showing
wAiere Indian women ground their
corn, perhaps wondering whether the
deed, beneath the earth mounds, were
a well pleesed with the new heaven.
brought across ths sea, as they would
have been with the happy hunting
grounds ot their father.
Beeld the solemn mounds, In a lit
is enclosure of wrought Iron work
stand two white marble headstones,
above white grave. On on I writ
ten "Edward McDonough, aged seven
ty four," on the other, "Mary McDon
ough, aged eighty two." There they
will lie. unul the resurrection, within
five feet of thtlr Indian brothers and
sitters, that lie below the earth
mounds. Are they a near aa that In
the realm above? I there any dlf
fertne between Indiana and white
Marvel were wrought by the mis
sionaries u those old day. They
brought water for Irrigation In a wide
ditch, fourteen milea long, dug by
the Indian. They brought In cattle,
horse, secured regular crop. The
place I off the Mission trail now, few
ever tee It. but max Is celebrated
every month, fot the few mat oome.
Personal Health Service
'By William
Signed letters pertaining to personal health and byglene. not to disease
diagnosis or treatment, will oe answsrsd oy Or. Brady U a stamped self-addressed
envelope Is enclosed. Letters should os onet and written la ink
Owing to the large oumoer ot letters
Here, no reply can bo made to querlee
dress or. wituim Brady In care of The
A hamlet In the mountain of Ten
nessee hs lately" enjoyed an crgy of
hydrophobia phobia which waa pro
moted, appar
ently, by aome
yellow d o d g e ra
distributed by the
locsl health au
thorities. From
all I can learn
about thla out
break It I typi
cal In all Ite fea
ture, and I take
It a my cue for
this outburst on
the subject. My
motive Is educa
tion: whether the
.education of the
public or the education of the con
ductor of this column, will transpire
before long, I hope.
Briefly I seriously doubt that rabies
ever occurs In man. I believe It It
prevalent among domestic and wild
animals. Still, If I were wounded In
any way by an animal which' any
physician suspected to be rabid, I'd
want the doctor to give me the
Pasteur anti. - rabies treatment I'd
want the benefit of the doubt. There
you have my position clearly de
fined. But I wish we could settle this
question of "hydrophobia," as those
who believe In human rabies like to
call It. I Invite all our readers who
have any personal experience to re
port to write me about It. Not
legends or second or third hand tales.
but your own personal experiences.
We can gain nothing by quarreling
with each other'e notions about such
a subject. But clear report of actual
experiences may help us to arrive at
the truth about rabies.
Pasteur Is one of my great heroes.
I feel llko a vandal when I venture
to question the occurrence of rabies
In man. But then, the virus Pasteur
gave the world for the prevention of
rabies was only one. and a minor one
of the great scientist's works. Beside
others have actually modified Pas
teur's virus or the method of prepar
ing and using It, and no less than
four different methoda are now In
use In the United States. So It seems
that Pasteur's work Is not regarded
as Infstllble. Indeed, the very fact
-that various recognized authorities
follow different methods In prepar
ing and ' administering the virus
against rabies, more than a dozen ot
them In fact, tends to raise a doubt
In one's mind about the specific ef
fect of the administration of the
Ths experts are not In accord In
accounting for the untoward effect
sometimes observed when the Pasteur
antlrables treatment Is .given to an
Mr. Hearst having purchased all
the landa about, excepting the mis
sion site, has offered to restore the
apclent mission buildings, replace the
old roof of tiles on the chapel, and
raise the fallen walla to their old
place. Perhaps the church authori
ties will accept the offer, perhaps pre
fer to retain ancient memories In the
crumbling walls.
In Mllpltaa ranch house, on a table
thirty feet long, fifteen feet wide,
comes the second hslf of the picnic,
while friendly neighbors that have
dropped In, sing Mexican songs with
accompaniment of gultara. Mrs. Re
becca Bame, who run the Potrancas
"Little Flutes" ranch on the edge of
the government forest preserve sings,
In Spanish, songs that take your
Imagination far from the United
State from Wall St., and real estate
Mrs. Harry M. Taylor, wife of the
Mllpltaa ranch manager contrtbutea
the evening half of the picnic, "baby
beet", hot blsculta and pane of the
"pink beans", for which King City,
nearby, Is headquarters.
While you wait for the pink beans,
Mrs. Taylor alngs "When Irish Eyes
Are Smiling, 'tut Like a Morn In
Spring". You ask no questions about
hsr ancestry, . That song, as she sings
It could come only from an Irish
The plcnlo la a'most over. You
drive, by motor and by moonlight one
hundred and thirty five mile back
to this ranch over mountains, and
along the Pacific ahore. passing many
little cities, with gaa stations Imitat
ing Broadway light, .King City, Paso
Robles, Atascadero, San Luis Obispo,
Morrow where the big rock rises
trom th p,cltlc' Cayucoe, Cambria,
and to bed at midnight.
The picnic, atartlng at nine a. m.,
lasts fifteen hours, and covers a little
more than two hundred miles of
roads and trails.
You should ses this coast, and all
of your country.
When needing ' duplicating sales
books, flst-pscks or fan-fold cash
j register forms, ledger sheett
for bookkeeping machine or
any other kind of printing,
don't order from out-of-town firms
and pay more. Phone 75 and one of
our representative win call.
Call Lottie Howard, Rep. Investor
Syndicate. 1333-L. I
Ore and Bullion
' r SIMt at CISMob
' 1 5(.,5B Fran
Nn FranciM
Brady," M, D.
received only a few can be answered
not conforming to Instruction. Ad
Mali Tribune.
Individual who ha been wounded by
a rabid animal. Paralysis sometimes
occurs, and may prove fatal. Some of
the experts bold that this Is a mild
or modified rabies produced by In
oculation; others are of the opinion
that it la due to lipoids (fatlike ma
terial) In the material Injected. '
Am I have often aald, . the whole
question of rablea In man Is one of
opinion, snd at the present moment
we have no positive scientific knowl
edge to settle the question finally
Some veterinary surgeons have
kindly given me their viewa or ex-
perlencea. But as the matter stanfis
I believe laymen may contribute val
uable Idea and accordingly I Invite
everybody who haa had any personal
experience to tell us about It. Every
thing readers write to me I confiden
tial, of course. Come on now. If you
know anything write and tell It to
your volunteer Committee of one
on the Hydrophobia Question.
Mother Winks All the Time
Mother has developed a permanent
wink or droop of one eye Ud. optom
etrist adjusted her glasses and gave
her some exercises, but after seversi
months It seems worse. She squint
some, too . . . (H. M. B.)
Answer It suggests some lesion in
the brain. It may be a minor one.
but In any case your mother ahould
have the benefit of medical care.
Ant Gone
From the rising of the sun to the
going down of the sun I am praising
your name. The formula you sent me
rid my house of ante In a most mlr-
I aculoua way, after all other things
had failed. You can not know what
a relief It Is not to have the little
peat creeping about the place. They
were so bad that I got to seeing
ante where there were no ants . .
(L. R.)
Answer Yes, I know. Olad to send
Instructions for riding the premises
of ants, or request a clipping Is not
a request, In this game. Inclose
stamped envelope bearing your ad
dress. Trench Foot
I have water blisters on my foot.
Every now and then a small blister
sppears on the ball of the foot or on
the under aurfaoe of a toe. I usually
prick It with a needle, the water
run out, but in a few houra another
blister appears. What la It? Is It
dangerous? Is there any remedy?
(R. B.)
Answer Probably trench foot, ath
lete' foot, foot Itch, 'ringworm, fun
gus, trlcophytosts, as It Is varloualy
called. Send a etamped envelope
bearing your address- and ask for
Instructions. If it is athlete's foot
It Is quite contagious.
(Copyright, John F. Dllle Co.)
Jenkins' Comment
(Continued from Page One)
tertainment that even a king couldn't
have commanded a few generations
(JO don't scoff at any effort to gain
additional knowledge about ANY
THrNG. You never knew when addi
tional knowledge about something
that now may seem highly unimpor
tant may totally change the course
of human life.
When Benjamin Franklin flew his
kite with a key sttached, electricity
seemed utterly unimportant and use
less. Yet It hss revolutionized our
w.hole scheme of living, giving us
comforts of hich our ancestors never
dared to dream and relieving ua of a
vast mass of tiresome drudgery.
PLECTBICITY was present In the
world from the beginning of the
world, but It was not until some
curious brsln started Inquiring about
It that It became USEFUL.
Who knows what other grett forces,
undiscovered as yet forces as potent
for the Increase of human welfare as
electricity may be lying all around
Woman Claims New
Mark In Altitude
VILLA COUBLAY. France, Aug. 20.
Gl A new womens altitude record
ws claimed today for Maryae Htltz.
whose barograph showed a resdlng cf
10.200 meters. The Instrument were
turned over to authorities for check.
ing. This mark would be better than
tnst or e.iei meeters established by
Miss Ruth Nlchola, the American avl
atrlx. In 1931.
Real Estate or Insurance Leave it
to Jones Phone 70S.
Center of the Greatest
Playground of the Northwest
S t A T T L E
Quiet location yet clow to
Rate from $1.25 Per Day
American plan S2.00 to 11.00
Per Day
Beanllful Dining Room
and Coffee Shop
Samuel a ChM.lle. Manager
Flight 'o Time
(Medford and Jackson Coont)
History from the Flies of The
MsU Tribune of H and 10 Yean
August 21, 1022
(It Was Mo'ndsy)
A good soaking rain would be wel
comed by man and beast, a local
Item declares.
William J. Warner, postmsster re
cipient of a "puff" In the Postal
Union magazine.
A local hunter, on the opening day
of the hunting season, shoot two
Portlsnd hunters for a deer, on Suck
er creek. Neither seriously .Injured.
The same bullet hit one In the fleshy
psrt of the thigh snd the other In
the arm.
Fair association to erect new fair
bulldlnga, which will be seen by the
tourist on the Pacific highway.
Tjwtnrr on "Th Tax Burdens"
Rolls off lecture, when onlv three
citizens show up. He announced a
free-will offering at the clooe of the
Imperial Wizard of Klan Issues a
denouncement of "Flapperlsm."
Horse racing program at county
fair arranged, and wyi be "a atun-
August 31, 1912
(It Waa Wednesday)
Eleventh atreet to be paved despite)
protest of property owners.
Orovllle Wright, perfector with hi
brother of the airplane, fall 30 feet
when experimenting with hydro
plane. Gov. West's moral crusade gets un
derway, and he announces, "sin will
be banished from Oregon."
Mike Womack, mining expert re
turns from Siskiyou county, where
he located 14 copper claims, and "Is
enthusiastic over the outlook."
Flsns near completion for S100,
000 Medford poatofflce.
Orchard worker falls off high seat
of wngon, and breaks arm.
27 tramps sleep last night under
Espee watertank. and are routed out
at sunrise "by our ever-vigilant no
nce." Former Inmate
Grows Violent
Oulseppe Capello. 48, Is held by the
state police, following an outburst In
a house at Stelnman, In the Slskl
yous. Capello, according to the state
police, "nearly tore the house down"
In his fury, and smashed furniture
and other articles. Neighbors were
hiding when the authoiltles arrived.
State police claim Capello la a former
lnmat of the California state svi"m
at Napa, Calif.
Wildcat Stage
Charge Lodged
Carl M. Lucy of Santa Barbara,
calif., is detained by the state po
lice charged with operating a wildcat
stage. He was arrested early Friday
morning with seven passengers, en'
route to Seattle, Wash. The fare waa
10, the passengers said. Th auto
and passengers are held pending dis
posal of the case.
' Vf n .i I l.s i ..M
wicniiath with Bath
one Person ltwo Persons
We have been compiling
authoritative title records
enabling us to offer
We are equipped to Intelli
gently serve you on all mat
ters pertaining to titles!
Title Insurance
Jackson County
Abstract Go.
121 E. Sixth St. Phone 41