MEDFORD JIAIL TRIBUNE, flfEDFORD, OREGOX, SUNDAY, AUGUST 21. 1332. PAGE TOREK S!OCJETY and Clubs Activities of Legion Auxiliary Word hu been received from headquartera at Portland of the American Legion Auxiliary that cer tificate are being laaued to all legion and auxiliary membera. whereby they may receive a round trip fare to Port land on the Southern Paclflo for the price of one way fare. These certifi cates are now obtainable and are in the haul of the local unit treasurer, Mra. W. W. Cleaves. Anyone who Is a member of the legion or auxiliary or who baa a child under twelve yeara of age. who cares to go, may call Mrs. Cleaves, 143-X and obtain a certificate, A registration contest Is now on among the units all over the state. A two- dollar registration fee Is asked to help defray some of the necessary expenses of the convention. This fee entitles the sender to all the enter tainments of the convention. Mrs. Belva Aiken Is registration chairman for the Medford unit and it la urged that all who are planning to attend the convention please pay their two dollars to Mrs. .Aiken Imme diately, Plans are being completed by the committee, for the booth, at the dedication of the new court house. Hot dogs. pop. ice cream, candy, gum, pie and coffee are to be served. The proceeds will go to the treasury of the auxiliary, to be used In carrying out their program. A request came from Portland to the Medford unit, asking for twelve pints of Oregon wild blackberries to be given as favors at a banquet. The berries were obtained and are ready to be taken to Portland. What the Girl Scouts Are Doing Wrights Arrive To Visit Son Mr. and Mra. J. W. Wright of Rose burg arrived last evening to spend the week end aa guests of their son, Oene Wright. MLlElENTS REPORT ANTIPATHY TO RECALL MOVE A number of rural residents In the city Saturday reported & "decided tvntl-recAll" sentiment prevailing tn their sections, and general disapprov al of the move as "a political revenge plot or disgruntled litigants." In this city, Ashland and Central Point, cir culators oi the petitions were met with refusals. Petitions left at su burban and country servise stations garnered lew names during the week. The Rogue River, Foots Creek and Wlmer districts were .reported the chief centers of the recall agitation with the feeling by no means unanl mous. In the Wlmer district, opposi tion to having the matter introduced into the Grange developed, and be came a, lively topic of argument, ft was reported. Saturday a report was received that circulators were canvassing the lower Appleeate country, in Jackson and Josephine counties, and meeting with meager success. The petitions, as yet have not made their appearance In Grants Pass. A "Rogue River farmer,' and a "Mrs. Crowe" were named as circulators of the petitions. The real sponsors of the abortive recall scheme are still in the dark. L. A. Banks, edltor-orchardlst, and Sari H. Pehl. the latter Republican nom inee fx county Judge, In a five-cor nered race, have both announced in tention to sign the petitions, but make no claims of fatherhood. The name of a third party a resident of this city was brought into the pic ture the past .week. He is reported to have boasted to acquaintances on the street, that he was the instigator. "Step right this wayl Lad-ees and gent-lemen V was the ballyhoo cry heard on Friday night at Camp Will pen Pines, when the "Biggest and Best Circus on Earth" was presented by the camp for the large audience of parents and visitors present. The circus began with a large and colorful parade, all performers. In cluding wild animals, taking parti Every known feature of circus life was present The bearded lady, the giant, the midget, the clowns, the ac robats, Jugglers, etc. The circus per formance was given Just after the parade and Included such features as "Punch and Judy," "The Imaginative Jugglers," "Little Nell of the Dancing Islands," "AUx the Giant and Artist," etc. Pine cones served as legal tender for purchases, and many sales were made between parformances of the fa miliar circus pink lemonade and pop corn. It was indeed a most realistic cir cus, and was thoroughly enjoyed by those fortunate enough to witneu ltl A special feature scheduled for this afternoon Is a large water carnival to begin at 3:30 promptly. The entire camp will take part n this, and the general public Is invited to this event which is the first of its Wnd ever held at Willpen Pines. Will Spend Week-end At Lake O' the Woods Miss Blanche Runels, Miss Jose' phlne Koppcs, Mrs. Minnette Twist and Mrs. Justin Smith left yester day for Lake O the Woods, where they will spend the week end. Pythian Sisters To Meet Tuesday Mrs. Edwin Webber will be hostess Tuesday to members of the Pythian Sisters club at her home, 63 Ross Court. Rlegels On tT Fishing Trip Mr. and Mrs. Sprague Rlegel are spending the week end on the Rogue, enjoying a several days fishing trip. Toutells Visit Parsons Here Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Toutell of Kings ton, R. I., are guests In Medford this week at the Reginald Parsons home, H merest Orchard. Wall St. Report Stock Sale Averages (Copyright, 1932, Standard Statistics Co.) Aug. 30: Today Prev. day Week ago Year ago SO Ind'ls 58.7 ... 583 . 64.7 -109.1 3 yrs. ago ....241.4 20 RR's 303 29 8 24.7 68.3 160.4 20 Ut's 91.5 81.7 83.4 165.6 330.3 80 Total 60.J 593 65.1 1126 243.6 Bond Sale Averages (Copyright, 1832, Standard Statistics , Co.) Aug. 20: 20 Ind'ls Today 673 Prev. day 66.7 Week ago .. 65.3 Year ago 83.7 3 yrs. ago 82.S ' 20 RR'S '73.4 72.7 67.0 83.1 101,7 20 Ut's 84.9 842 82.4 100.8 ' 96.8 DEDICATION WILL DRAW PROMINENT MEN TO MEDFORD The circuit court will also be made ready tor business as soon as possible. Most of the furniture of the former courtroom has been sent to the paint ers for repainting. It will be Install ed when ready. The state police will be the last de partment to move into the new quar ters. They have been cramped In small basement quarters since their establishment and the new quarters will remove the handicap. 60 Total 75.0 75 4 71.5 92.5 97.0 NE WYORK, Aug. 30(AP The stock market drifted, through the quietest week-end session in four weeks today, with prices fluctuating In a narrow rut. The list closed with a steady tone, with a few Issues up fractions to & point or more, but in the aggregate, the list was very close to the final level of the previous session. Turnover for the two-hour session was approximately 600.000 shares. Today's closing prices for 18 select ed stocks follow; American Can 52 American T. T. m Anaconda 9 Curtis Wright . General Motors Int. T. & T. Montgomery Ward Pai amount Pub. Radio 2 10 . 8 33U . 28 . 33 sy4 Be correctly corseted by ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN'S Sixth & Holly streets Acceptance of Gay Cordon, of Rose- ' burg, of a position on the program for the dedication of the new Jackson county court house on September 1st, has completed the list of speakers to appear at the formal services, ched uled for 11 a. m. of the dedication day. Mr. Cordon will formally in troduce W. H. Gore, of this city, recognized as the man who made pos sible the construction of the build ing at this time, due to the fact that funds for the building were secured. from the O & C funds, largely through his efforts. Other speakers slated on the dedi cation program Include I, E. Vlnlng, Ashland, who will deliver the dedi cation address. Including a tribute to the late Judge Alex Sparrow, W. S. Bolger, president of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, will intro duce distinguished guests, who will include Senator Frederitc Steiwer. Ruius Holman, personal represents,- 1 tive of Governor Meier, General j George White, C. M. Thomas, many of Oregon's county Judges, civic lead ers and leading grangers of southern Oregon. Governor Meier has notified the commute that he will be unable to attend. ' Featured on the entertainment pro gram at the dedication will be the initial appearance of the Medford Gleemen, a male chorus of 40 voices, directed by James Stevens; the ever- popular Medford Elks band, under the baton of Wilson Wait; and the recently organized Scotch, Kiltie band of Ashland Post of the American Legion. Carl Y Tengweid. chairman of the parade committee, reported yester day that the response from commer cial and Industrial firms of Medford and Ashland Indicated that the dedi cation parade will be one of the fin est staged in this city since the Legion convention In 1928. Musical organiz ations included In the line of march will be the Medford Legion Drum and Bugle Corps, the Elks band, the Medford High school band, the Ash land city band, and the Scotch Klitle band from Ashland. The parade will start promptly at 10 a. m and will end at the court house on Main and Oakdale streets, where toe dedication ceremonies will take place. Arrangements for entertainment features throughout the day are Is charge of a committee headed by Cole Holmes, and many Interesting and surprising features are promised. Sev- eral novel ideas for parade stunts are being worked out which will provide amusement for the visitors. During the afternoon, a baseball game has been scheduled, at the county fair grounds, and the entertainment in the evening will fature a boxing card promoted by Mack Llllard, and the dedication bail, at the Oriental Gar' dens. ' SHERIFFHING TO NEWJFFICES Removal of county oiiices to the new courthouse is now In full swing and by the end of the week all will be doing business in the new struc ture. The sheriffs office started late Friday to move the desks and tax books. With the clerk's office, It will be the first to be established In new quarters, as they handle the largest volume of business. FURTHER ARRESTS PLAN IN FORESTS TO CURB FIREBUGS State forest service reports that further arrests on charges of forest in cendiarism are contemplated in this county, following weeks of Investiga tion and surveillance to the rural mountain areas. It Is part of a state wide campaign to curb the late sum mer and fall activities of firebugs. Jack Rice and Robert Rose, the lat ter, a well-known mountaineer of the county, arrested Thursday. ere bound over to the grand Jury Friday under $1500 ball, on a charge of wil fully and maliciously setting fires on state forest land. Both are residents of the Round Top mountain districts, Evidence introduced by the district attorney at the preliminary hearing tended to show that the defendants had been followed, while setting fires, and that horse tracks and shoe tracks, corresponding to those made by them and their mounts, had been found and that at one time the state forest aides were less than ten minutes be hind them, as the fires were set. Affidavits were also Introduced from residents of the district alleging that Rose had boasted of setting fires and la alleged to have bragged of setting 18 fires last year and this. The past month In Josephine coun ty, a round up of arsonists has been underway and two youths were sent to state prison upon pleas of guilty to setting forest blazes. This year, the state forest patrol as. conducted Investigations in all wooded areas of the county, particu larly where mysterious fires have been prevalent to the past. Southern Pac. S. O. of Cat. .... 3. O. of N. J. .. Trans. Am United Aircraft U. S. Steel August ipeclal. Three loads lfl-ln. slabs for 16.75. Med. Fuel Co. Tel. 631. PECULIAR WILL BASIS OF NEXT TRIBUNE SERIAL Penney Sponsoring Treat for Kiddies In Nickel Matinee Extraordinary and peculiar pro visions In wills are found, frequently la the probate courts, but rarely is there one so fin ed with poten tial dynamite as that of Ambrose Wears. It is his final testament that furnishes the story for: "Nothing V e n tu?e," the Xinn Tribune's new serial by Patricia Went worth. Weare left his entire fortune to Jervla Weare. with only one condition Jervls must be married within three months and a cisy after the old man's death. The will also provided if Jervls failed to marry within the stipu lated period, the fortune would iro to Rosamund Carew. Nothing so un usual about that, perhaps except Rosamund Carew, In addition to be ing Jervls' cousin, is his fiancee. Thev had been engaged for months prior to the elder Weare'a death and con tinued unmarried afterwards. Rosamund wins either way; if she marries Jerris, her husband i wealthy; If Jervls fall to marry. Rosamund gets the fortune herself. The will does not bind Jervls to marry Rosamund, but as the atory opens, three days before his final 24 hours of grace, he still expects her to become his bride. There Isn't much time to find a substitute, if it should be necessary. Around this Ironic situation. Miss Wentworth has written a powerful story of romance and adventure, a serial packed with action, excitement and thrills. Watch for the first chapter of "Nothing Venture" In the Mail Tribune Monday, Aug. 22, Medford hoys and girts arent spending their pennies for all-day suckers this week because on Wed nesdny and Thursday there's going to be a special nickel matinee at the Fox Craterlan featuring Our Gang In "Big Ears." This treat is sponsored by the local J, C Penney company in can Junction with their "Back to school days" saie event. All dressed up In clothes exactly like those displayed In the J. C, Pen ney store window. Spud, Echo, Pete. Bouncy, Breezte, Spanky and Stymie . will get In and out of even tighter places thnn they have in other pic tures. Free candy U'Ul be another reason why most of Medford's young er generate be V.nfd up at the Fox Craterlan Wednesday and Thurs day afternoon. In addition to Our Gang's perform ance, there w.U be an etc'.uag show concerning Alaska with native actors only. "Jgloo 1 u Mitt to be the strang est adventure ever filmed; Medford High school's boys ochtette wtH sing a grotip of numbers at the Craterlan Wednesday and Thursday evening along with the showing of "Igtoo", according to announcement. If you wsrt honest wt'-shi brtrj ft uLt and we l gh It on our scales. Beginning today our charge will be 10c tor oaed or tmptim, Bcrip books for sale. We are the only authorised state weigher here. Farmer Exe.i&ng Cooperative, Fourth and FU Phone 933. Feed grinding 1.3 per Qu.'ck service. Also low hauling rates. P. E. SAMSON CO. Phone R33. 223 K. JUren&e I- was V I N if i 1 "1 " ' i1 f 1 Miss Ruby Stone . Aska for your votes in Lions Club-Fox Craterian . Popularity Contest Mr. St. John PERSONALITY HAIR-CUTTER Formerly at Meier and Frank's Beauty Salon, Portland NOW AT THE Medford Beauty Shop For your personality contour come in and let him advise yon how your hair should be cut. No charge or obligation. Medford Beauty Shop Hotel Medford MERCHANTS LUNCHEON 50c BEOULAB EVENING DINNER 75c Are You Savins . . Your Money While You Are Earning During Fruit Season 0 Save NOW! ... Open an Account at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK "A DEPARTMENTIZED BANK" ' m s M-MbaatSKmsK Ml HI OF III J 81 i fdBSWffBow' LJj tfftA jtS" -. .-....,A.1,fM.'.i? - t hi, ,M, . ..-aMaiaMaaMMiiii ammaM - ii aa iJ ANNOUNCING A NICKEL MATINEE AT THE FOX-CRATERIAN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON SPONSORED BY The J. C. Penney Company and The Fox-Craterian Theatre OUR GANG COMEDY "BIG EARS" WITH BBEEZV, PETE, dTB. KpytVKT. tPVO, ECHO, BONNEY AND DICKIE See the fight for life In the frozen North "IGLOO 11 THE HTRANOEST AIIVENTI HE EVER FILMED VOI'IIE HI HE TO HE A WE II I1Y "Ifil.OO" Of course, you're all invited. We're gonna have a swell party with Free Candy and a fine screen program. Come :