PAGE FIVE FILM BABY. ATTENDS PARTY El quarters today that Improved com mercial relations with Russia were under consideration aa a step in the campaign of governmental and busi ness leaders toward economic re covery. Russo-Amerlcan trade has fallen oft sharply In the last year, after a to the soviet union expanded Id that period from 49 098,000 In 193S; 64,. J2 1,00 In 1937; 74.091,000 m 1938: $89.001000 tn 1939; 114.338.000 In 1930. In 1931. the total declined to !03(W9,ooo while In the first hall of 1933 It dwindled to approximately 15.500,000. IE OF L VOTES SHARE IN ESTATE T period of growth, beginning In 1926. which was not Interrupted until CENSUS SHIFT OF NEW YORK, Aug. 10(AP) ft wa Broken windows glased by lYew bridge Cabinet works. understood In Wall Street financial 1 1931 Exports from the United State, iFEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1932. i k 1 - V3v v 1 PI I FEDERALDISTRICI George E. Q. Johnson, Thorn to Chicago's Gangland, Rewarded by Hoover for Record in Prosecutions CHICAGO, Aug. 'JO. (AP)-M3eorge X. Q. Johnson, who was largely In strumental In putting Al Capone be hind prison bare, has been named by President Hoover as federal dis trict Judge tor northern Illinois. The appointment, announced in Washington yesterday, was Inter preted tSy Chicago friends of the federal district attorney as a re ward for his 100 per cent record In sending a dozen other gangsters and politicians to prison for evading their Income taies. The president named Assistant TJ. 8. Attorney Dwlght H. Green to talte Mr. Johnson's place as chief federal prosecutor In Chicago. Both are re cess appointments and must be con firmed by the senate In December. Thnrn tn Gangland. For thrje years Johnson, a quiet slender Sutle man of 58, has stooa as a thorn In the side of Chicago's gangland. The way to decimate gangland's ranks, he reasoned, was to strike at them with the Income Ui, and strlks he did. Ralph Capone. brother of "Scarface Al" was the first of the "big boys" to feel the full effect of the dis trict attorney's campaign. There .were those In Chicago who expected (the trial would be Just another ac quittal for a gangland leader, but they were In for a surprise. Capone was convicted and sent to prison. Terry Druggan, Frank le Lake, Jack and Sam Guzlk. and Frank Nlttl. once the reputed "paymaster" of the Capone gang, were among others who were outwitted by Johnson. Indictments Do Talking. Throughout his anti-gangster cam paign Mr. Johnson had little to say. "I'll talk." he said, "with Indict ments and verdicts." Mr. Johnson has been affiliated with the political organization of former United States Senator Charlea 8. Deneen, who recommended him to President Coolldge for the district attorney's position In 1927. Assistant district attorney has been Johnson's ace prosecutor, taking an important part In the tax evasion prosecutions. y : - s Vk. ; . . v! j Ben Lyon and Bebe Daniels' little daughter. Barbara Bebe Lyon, aged 10 months, had a great time at a birthday party given In Lot Angeles by Richard Gallagher, Jr., son of "Skeets" Gallagher, the actor. (Associated Press Photo) , FOR FIRST SQUATTERS FACE LONG JAIL WAIT PORTLAND, Aug. 10. (AP) With the prospect that It will be " many weeks before their case comes to trial, five squatters who Insist upon occupying land in the Umpqua na tional forest In defiance of govern ment regulations, were under the custody of the United States marshal today, unable to raise bond and un successful in their attempts to gain their release on their own recogni zance. The five are E. H. Best, leader: P. G. Croft. Edgar Martin, W. 8. Day and Dalton Green. Green re ceived time to enter his plea and the others entered not guilty pleas in federal court . Monday. Federal Judge James Alger Fee denied their request for release that they might return to their forest homes and their families. Bail varies from $500 to 81500. The five were arrested in southern Oregon last week on secret indict ments charging them with conspiracy to violate f the federal statutes in settling on' forest land not open to settlement. E MOTOR IN FLIGHT WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. (AP Resp portion ment of house represen tation has resulted In a possible re publican gain of twelve votes In the new electoral college. Tills big shift In the voting strength , of 33 states may have unusual bear ing on the outcome of the approach- i ing presidential election. It was brought about by the trans fer of 37 congressional seats from 31 to 11 states through reapportionment on the basts of the 1030 census. Thirteen normally republican states lost fifteen seats but seven gained twenty-one increasing their total by six. Eight normally democratic states lost twelve and four gained six, decreasing their total by six. That leaves a net republican gain of twelve. With this apparent gain, and under ordinary political conditions, the re publicans would be at an advantage in a close contest between President Hoover and Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt. Should this eventuate, the election result might be thrown into dispute when the house and senate convenes on the second Wednesday of next February to poll the electoral college votes. They number 531, represent ing the 435 house and 06 senate seats. HOLLYWOOD. Aug. 10. (API Bearch for movie talent Is extending now into the stork's realm. In a promotion stunt for a new movie dealing with maternity-hospitals, the first baby born September 10, national release date of the pic ture. Is offered a year's film con tract, with opportunity to continue Indefinitely thereafter. Each application for the contract must be accompanied by the attend ing physicians' affidavit giving the exact minute of birth. The offer Is by Warner Bros. Pic tures, Inc. -t i ALLOCATED ON COAST WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. (AP) Secretary Hurley today approved the allocation of $140,000 for river and harbor work. The allotments Included: Grays Harbor and bar entrance, Washington, dredging channel, $40,- 000; Yamhill river, Oregon, opera tion and care of lock near Lafayette, $2,000; Cascades canal, Columbia River, Oregon, operation and care, $15,000. Real Estate or Insurance Leave it to Jones Phone 790. COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, Aug. 10. (AP) Two young Montana avia tors saw the propeller of their ship break at an altitude of 3500 feet, saw the motor shake loose from its base, and came out of It to tell the story today. John Namuvich, Great Falls, the pilot, said, the blade broke while near Coeur D Alene yesterday. Be fore he could cut the throttle the motor tore from Its mountings and dropped between the wheels of the landing gear. He said he glldea about a mile. The motor touched the ground first and broke loose. Then he made a perfect landing, Namuvich said. Neither he nor William O'Neill of Fortshlre, was scratched. AViATRIX HEAVY MIAMI, Fla., Aug. 9. (AP) Cap tain W. N. Lancaster testified In hla murder trial today that Haden Clarke had promised him before he left on a business trip to the west that he would care for Mrs. J. M. Keith-Miller "so that I would remem ber his friendship. The state charges Lancaster shot Clarke to death after the latter had replaced him In the affections of Mrs. Keith-Miller, his Australian flying partner. Lancaster said Clarke made the promise after he had cautioned Clarke to keep Mrs, Kelth-MUler from drinking too heavily during his ab sence. "When she drank heavily her con duct was not normal" Lancaster testified. SHIM BIB 1-nnt fv- S,nilhl00"ll Get Relief NOW! f? i I CHICAGO, Aug. 10. (AP) Chi cago has a new kind of speakeasy, but It's O.K. with the prohibition enforcement officials. This Is because It gives off noth ing mere potent than pure water. It's a fountain, donated to one neighborhood by a laundry and It operates on the photo-electric cell principle. All you need to do Is walk up to It, apeak a word or two softly, and the water begins to flow from a Jet. 3 GUARD OFFICERS A Foot Comfort Expert of the Chicago Staff of Dr.WM.M.SCHOLLwill be here to assist our Foot Comfort Expert in this V SALEM. Aug. 10 (API The Ore 'gon National Guard headquarters here todav announced the resigna tions of three of Its officers, all of which were accepted. Business rea sons were given by the officials aa cause for the action. Those who resiened from the guard were First Lieutenant W. H. Onrret son of noseburg. and Second Lieu tenanta Leland J. Baker of Portland and George S. M. Cook of Corvallla. pinchotTaysTine for jailed mother VNIOMTOWN. a.. Aug. 10 fAP) Mrs. Anna convicted of killing a flicker to feed her family, and sent to Jail when she couldn't pay her fine. Is free today twause Governor Olfford Pinchot paid It. The Bovernor's check for $11-90 . iarTrH vMtrrlAV. Mrs. CheS lnrt served four days of a 20-day sentence. The flicker In protected by state gsme laws. w1m FlectrlfT Riit1roa1i. BPHNE f-Ti With 85 per cent of the S-A-m IMerM railways already f e'ect rifled. H i announced that the roil -hurninc !o?omotive will be retired from service lr. 1940. MONDAY AND TUESDAY AUG. 15-16 No matter what foot trouble yon may have, it will be relieved for yon at thia Special Demonstration. Ail expert will make Ped"o-nrbie prints of your stockinged feet, which reveal their evict cohdittoo. He will ehow you what reuses jour pain; advise you in the proper election of shoe to fit your fort stylishly and comfortAbly. and demonstrate on yoor own fret bow tbe application of the proper Dr. Schofl Appliance or Remedy wiD make yon truly foot happy. All this withoat cot or obligation to you I REMEMBER THE DATE! Emrh vititoe UU rmemitm m Trm mmAm mf Or. .Vwr Zlnv-pmd or Com. snW a 9imabU booki mn Car of tKm B2 rd 'iTwfcl?i-si DEPARTMENT SME ?. A Mco4nr. Manager G-T T. I Oregonians Bought Washington Tags PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 10. fAP) Mrs. R. E. Louis, who said she has lived in Portland for the past eijrht years, was fined 110 in municipal court today for having equipped her automobile with Washington license plates instead of Oregon tags. Carl Brobestel of Portland wa fined 85 on a similar complaint. THE DALLES. Ore.. Aug. 10. (AP) The case of Mrs. Lilly Seufert Rice, suing to break the will of her late father. P. A. Seufert. millionaire sal mon csnner has been set for August 29 in circuit court here. Judge Calvin L. Sweek of Pendleton will preside. Mrs. Seufert. sreklng a one-fourth Interest In the H, 250, 000 estate left by her father, alleges she obtained a divorce from her hatband after he had deserted her. on the prom ise of her father that If she would take such action and remain unmar ried and a companion to her mother, he would provide for her equally with her three brothers, Edward, W. J . and Arthur. Seuferfa probated will left the daughter 950,000. The defense has contended that a promise such aa Mrs. Rice alleges, is contrary to public policy of the state. It Insists, too. that no writ ten aereement has been shown by Mrs. Rice as to her father's alleged promise and that the properly at- lesiea win snouia oe upneia. i ino einer aeuien; several yeaiu ago won wide publicity when he painted on the roof of his cannery huge sign ridiculing the Oregon Initiative and referendum law. He was aroused to such action when Oregon adopted a law prohibiting the use of fish wheels on the Oregon side of the Columbia river. Seufert who devised the revolving wheels to trap fish, mnde a fortune from can ned salmon. Call Lottie Howard. Rep. Investors Syndicate, 1336-L. Pyth tans Elect Supreme Leader KANSAS CITY, Aug. 10. fAP) Jas. Dunn, Jr., Cleveland, p., vice-chancellor of the supreme lodge, Knights of Pythias, today was elerted supreme chancellor at the biennial convention in progress here. He succeeos Leslie E. Crouch of Portland, Ore. STATEMENT OF CONDITION SOUTHERN Building & Loan ASSOCIATION June 30, 1932 ASSETS First Mortgage Investments .. MB,323 3S Loans to Members on Certificates...... 50.00 Real Estata Owned 7,129 09 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment....- "30.45 Deferred Debit Items - 84 24 Cash on Hsnd and In Banks........w..Mn B15.74 LIABILITIES Due Certificate Holders 36.293a Notes Payable . 4.950.00 Ijoans Due and Incomplete .... 865.61 Reserves and Undivided Profit..,...... 83.58 Reserve for Dividends and Interest.... 3,537.40 Reserve Fund Stock 14,000.00 Total Assets ..$5,03J.75 Total Liabilities 5;,Ma.75 RAGE &Bt. !?iIitIFt3IC3SG z w i 1 r arfft-iF av r ar 1 , tJtmnmMX 1Z - "CUrnor No. 19" winning fiM rf on pn Afot prdwa). m Angela) ssfla 1 BHBiaakv BBHaHaqafWaBta1. HVBRISS JVIMI saMBH5SW Mggsa mksj IS THE FINEST GASOLINE at rjo EJirajx cost AND ITS GUARANTEED TO REMOVE CARBOIJ ft CILMORE KKD UOH GASOLINE GUARANTEE RtyanUeai of tht mtehanlcal condition er design of your motor, if after odopuixg Glimort Bud Lion faioline. punhated from Independent Deatert, OJ your rtrmat motor juet, you tvtr agam find it ntccnary to remove carbon, have that carbon bttrtvo out and tend hi the bill.' A chtck will be sent you immediately. CllMemi IL COMPANY, U4. I Gilmore RED LION Gasoline has been developed for you by a year of gruelling tests on the Speedways, to give you the thrilling race car performance you expect from premium gas oline. It is a multi-power gas oline that combines in perfect balance the full efficiency of High Octanes, High Gravity, Distillation, Doiling Points, etc. yet it costs you nothing extra. More crude oil is required to produce a gallon of Gilmore RED LION than to make a gal lon of ordinary motor fuel. The loud knocking, hard starting, sluggish distillates and low grade fractions that are usually allowed to go into gasolines are completely eliminated from this new gasoline. This is the more costJ method of refining, but other refiners will follow Gil . more again, sooner or later. ...and Ladies! ... You'll ap preciate the absence of disagree able gasoline odors when you drive with this new Gilmore. ffmrh Agmlm Thm Cnmtmr Gllmar tlrrmt Pritlays Ti3 I 39 p.aa. KTI, kOO, K,W, K0M4), H M2Eff()FJ THE NEW 3sffiOWAY 3 PERFECTED GASOLINE noun with ciLrtfoac 'ml