MEDFOTCD MAIL TRIBUST, BEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1932. PAGE SEVEN. Local and Personal : J To Crescent City Jasper Reynolds! and party lift Friday evening for Crescent City to spend the week end. e lo Crmter lake Mre. Walter Skin ner of Hamilton, Ohio left yesterday morning by stage lor Crater Lake, having arrived In Medford Friday. ... In City Saturday W. E. Taylor of Portland, representing the Ocean In surance company, arrived In Medford . yesterday to attend to business mat ters. e John Hueners Here John Bueners of Jacksonville was among those who were In Medford yesterday shopping and attending to business matters. e Visits Mrs. Thayer Ela B. Raw- Ilngs of Berkeley, Call!., Is In Med ford visiting Mrs. P. O. Thayer, hav ing arrived here by train Saturday. . Wilson to Portland Mayor E. M. Wilson left Friday for Portland, by motor, from which city he plans to return today. e Wome from North Rev. John T. La Rose, pastor of the Church of The Nazarene, has returned to Medford from a two weeks' visit In Portland. Retlaw Leaves Having arrived In Medford Friday evening to attend to business matters, Jack Retlaw of the Fox theaters In Eugene, left the city ' Saturday noon on the Shasta. Catches gteelhead Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppell was among last week's suc cessful flshemren, landing a fine ateelhead during a day's fishing of the Rogue. V In Los Anseles Mrs. Adrlenne Steward Is among local folk attend ing the Tenth Olympiad at Los Ange- j lea She plans to remain In the south I about two more weeks. Baby Clinic Announced The Jack son County Health Unit wlU conduct ; a baby cllnlo at Central Point Tues- day afternoon, It was announced yes- terday. j Miss Sweeney Home Miss Mary ! Mart. Aweene-v returned to Medford ; at noon Saturday from San Francisco where she has vacationed lor tne past - two weeks. Miss Sweeney accompanied her father south to the Shrine con vention, and remained another week. Return Home Mrs. A. P. McDer mott and daughter of Portland, who have been the guests of the John Dennlson family for the last two weeks, returned to their home Satur j day. i 1 At Crescent City Mr. and Mrs. A H. Willett of the south Pacific high way, Medford, motored to Crescent , cltv last Monday, following several I days at the coast city. Mr. willett re turned hero. Home from "Frisco Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Swan returned on the Shasta Saturday noon from San Francisco, where they remained for a week fol lowing the national Shrine conven tion. To Attend Picnic Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Newland and E. 'D. Scrlpter left Saturday afternoon to attend the Na tional Letter Carriers' picnic Sunday, thirty miles above Bend on the Mac Kerule pass. They plan to return here this evening. ... From Cross Country Motorist from a distance who registered the latter part of the week In Medford were Albert Dotter of New York City. Emma McCormack of Bloomfleld, Ind.. and Harold Hazen of Three Riv era, Mich. e l Registers Car Clarence O. Thomp ' son of the Smith River lodge near Crescent City, registered his automo bile at the out-of-state bureau here Friday. On his card, he stated that he plana to make frequent vlslta In Oregon. Gives Exams Ward McReynolds, who yesterday gave chauffeur's and drivers examinations In the city hall, will conduct the testa on Monday between 8 a. m., and 6 p. m., he has announced. Through special arrange ments he will also continue to give the exams until noon, Tuesday. To Visit the Lake Arriving In Med ford by train Saturday morning from the north, H. L. Mlchaells of New Or leans, La., left by motor atse for Crater lake, to visit the park and the "'scenlo wonder" before continuing south. He plsnned to Journey from . the lake by bus to Klamath Falls, and from there, to toe Angeles. ... Gets New Truck The Roirue River Ntttonal forest has received a new truck to be used at the Star ranger station In the Applegato area. It was announced yesterday at the service office here. Frsncls Edwards, truck ' driver for the service will bring the truck to the area from Roseburg. Where It haa been delivered. Stop In So. Oregon Among motor ists stopping In southern Oregon, are Wm. E. Ichenhofer of McFarland. Calif., who gave his destination a Diamond Lake, when registering hla automobile In compliance with the state law. Melvln Sargent of Fort Jones. Calif., listed Gold Hill: w. O. Knokles of Martinez. Calif., Medford; and Verna M. Jennings of San Fran cisco, Talent. Journey from South From the southland to southern Oregon, the following Callfornlaiis were guests at the local hotels: Mrs. A. Allen. Ar mlda and Josephine Durate, E. E. Hess, O. R. Fierce. Mr. snd Mrs. E. J. Peterson of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Stuart and son of Pied mont, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Mltner of Orovllle. Jack S. Mltner of fiebaeta topol, A. M. Shelby and family. Har ry M- Keller. L. C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pratt and O. Swann of Los Angeles, Oeorge Collins, Vernon Dail- man and J. C. Pearson of Sacramen to. Carrie A.kert and Mrs. Palmer cf Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Greer of Richmond, and &. E, Moulton of Oakland Here for Weelr.fnil vn u m,m Burkhardt of Grants Pass Is spending the week-end In Medford with friends. Home from Salen James H. Owen returned home from Salem yesterday by train. Catches Fish Heine Fluhrer re turned Friday afternoon from a fish ing trip on Rogue river, with a twen ty pound salmon. t To Crescent City Mlas Dorothy Mitchell la spending several days at Crescent City, having been called there on business. Visits In Afhlund Miss Maurlne Oreen spent yesterday afternoon tn Ashland with friends. To Coast Points Mr. and Mrs. Herb G. Grey and young ,aon Herb Jr.. are spending the week-end at point along the southern Oregon and northern California coast. In Town Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and young son were Medford visitors Saturday from Beagle. Parsons On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parsons left yesterday after noon for the coast, starting their two weeks' vacation, most of which will be spent at coast cities. Name Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frohrelch have named their young daughter, born Wednesday evening, Bonita Mae. The Frohrelch's reside on Sailing avenue. In Hospital Mrs. W. T. Ehmke cf 918 South Holly street la in the Com munity hospital where she under went an operation Wednesday, She Is reported as getting along nicely, Goes lo Yoncalla Mra. Maybelle Church and son Wilson left yester day afternoon for Yoncalla, Ore., where they will attend a family re union today at the home of Mrs. Church's mother. . Return from Portland Misses Ruth and Florence May Severance of Jack sonville were expected to return home this evening from Portland, where they have been visiting friends for tne past week. . Law Visits Here Hamilton Law of Seattle, who formerly resided In Med ford. Is here visiting friends, and also bis parents, Rev. and Mrs. O. J, Law ot Ashland. He plans to return north In a few days. a From Los Angeles-Mack Wooldrldge of Los Angeles, of the Wooldrldge Company. Inc., registered hla car In Medford at the out-of-state bureau on South Riverside avenue yesterday. on his application, he stated that he plans to make frequent visits In Ore gon. Washlngtonlans O. O. Kettenton of Ellensburg, and W. J. Keller and party of Redmond were among Wash ington residents listed at Medford ho tels. The others from that state were from Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Mc- Phall and daughter, H. Levy. Carl Klingberg, R. D. Hlzey, and Lee Hew itt. Here from North The Oregonlans whose names appear on the hotel registers Include F. T. Dick of Salem, and the following from Portland: w. B. Kelly, F. C. Clark, A. R. Cox, F. S. Harnatt, John Jeep, George J. Broh- rer, v. w. Williams. Charles O. Cox. D. R. Atkinson, Lettle E. Benbow. A. J. Mlhalclk, John J. Gerber and Roy r. owen. Announce Picnic Postal emolavea and their famlllea of the nmithmMt.. ern Oregon district have been Invited to a picnic dinner end outing at Mussel Reef on tho beach road at Marshfteld Sundav. Ainruxt 91. ac cording to a notice received at the Meaiora post ornce from P. H. Mc Donald, chairman of the Marshfteld Postal Employes committee. Represen tatives of the Medford office nlan to attend. To Valley Points Listing their des. tlnatlons as valley points, a number of motorists registered their cars at the out-of-state bureau In charge of Lee c. Oarlock. J. M. Thornlley of Upland. Calif., gave Central Point as his destination, and J. P. Vander pool of Los Angeles was en route to Gold Hill. W. E. Smith of Santa Rosa, i-am., was going to Diamond Lake and W. P. Bcwman of Los Angeles, jutea rieri" as his destination. Mill CLASS L BE An Americanism class will be or ganized at the library August IS at 7:30 p.m for Instruction of aliens seexing citizenship. Clawes will be held weekly under direction or the Americanism com mittee of the Daughters of the American Revolution and continue until the naturalization court some time in September. There will be no charge for either material or Instruction and all for eigners will be welcome. Further Information may be ob tained from Mrs. O. Q D'Alblnl or phone 618. Shoe Repairing, opening August H. F. Preabt, 41 So. Front. ALWAYS COOL ROXY. .15 Phone ftl Children lie Sunday and Monday RITH CHATTERTOV Paul Luc, Robert Ames In "Tomorrow and Tomorrow" Also Comedy and News Continuous "how. Today t:S0-ll p. m. Janet Gaynor in ns , -vi , .v" t ........... . - " ' --- - - - , , . , v . For the first time sine nh es sayed the memorable role of Diane la "7th Heaven," Janet Oaynor wears a wedding dress In a motion picture production. It la a dreas In which every girl who eeea It will visualize herself, according to Manager Don Oeddes of the Fox Craterian theater, where "The First Year" opens today. Wedding On Stage Will Be Feature At Fox Craterian An exceptional array of entertain ment has been prepared for patrons of the Fox Craterian theater for the nest two weeka, according to Don Geddes, manager of that show home. An unusual feature has been ar ranged for patrons Who attend the Craterian Wednesday. Miss Jessie Cole and B. L. Hard man, popular southern Oregon couple, will be mar ried on the Fox Craterian stag.'lth Rev. A. O. Bennett officiating. The ceremony will be a colorful ond dig nified, affair with Ellow Mae Wilson, popular Medford artist, as soloist and Barbara LaMarr presiding at the or gan. Sunday. Monday and Tuesday will be red-letter days at the Fox Cra terian when Frank Buck's inimitable picture of animal adventure will be presented. "Bring 'Em Back Alive" will be the title of this amazing pic ture filmed In the heart of the wild Malayan Jungle. On Wednesday, August 17, femi nine hearts will flutter In Medford when James Hall, leading man In "Hell's Angels" and other well known pictures will appear in person on the Fox Craterian stage as headline r In the vaudeville unit show which man ager Don Oeddca has booked for that day. Hall, debonair and able actor, will give Medford folk a real treat when he entertains Craterian fans on August 17th. "We have an exceptionally fine ar ray of entertainment booked for the next few weeka," Manager Geddes said. "We are making every effort to offer the people of southern Oregon the very finest In entertainment dur ing the summer season and the "Bring 'Em Back Alive" film and the personal appearance of James Hall are examples of what we are bringing to Medford in the way of entertain ment." 4- J. King Btyon, managing director of the retail furniture dealers of Oregon, Is In Medford, and upon his arrival, announced that Albert E. Orr of Weeks and Orr of this city, was elected to the vice-presidency of the Northwest Allied Furniture coun cil after the meeting conducted in Tacoma last week. Mr. Orr was re cently elected president of the Ore gon Furniture Dealers' association. The council is made up of manu facturers, wholesalers and retailers of furniture, who have organized for the purpose of standardizing policy and service to the consuming public. At the meeting In Tacoma, manu facturers expressed the belief that manufacturing costs had reached rock bottom, and that an advance j in corns is Douna 10 operate cms fall. Mr. Bryon Is conferring with Mr. Orr, who will make his committee appointments for the new adminis tration and formulate the program. Real Estate or Insurance Leave it i to Jones. Phone 796. ft ai J H n a f - i b - i Jim JLjn Sun. Mon. Tue. Sq JOE E. 3 BROWN i T " . . .. ''-.IS K 1 dtM s5S l a i iM i -.x i a "FIREMAN y OAVL 1V1I 1 CHILD" with Our Klhbe Fralrn Knano Dickie .Moore ff1 Children 5e. Adults I5e C, asMlsMsTTf ainw Craterian Hit This girlish wedding gnwn la fash ioned of madonna ferine chiffon and and Venice face over a white satin slip. The bodice, sleeves and alter nate portion of the full skirt are of the lace The chiffon Is tucked hori zontally In rather wide tucks, alter nating with the lace, in the eKirt, The neck is outlined with orange blossoms, attractively arranged. School Books May Be Sold, Exchanged At County Office For benefit of the schools County Superintendent Carter ts Informing nrhool clerks and also teachers that the county office will attln be a place of exchange for used textbooks this fall. If school desks are for sale the county office can give out the information. When the state text commission meets to consider new school texts for September, 1933. agriculture, fifth Rrnde history, arithmetic and spell ing will be up for adoption. While they may readoot texts now in use. there is possibility that they may not. School boards can well offer for sale nnv extra conies of theae books. In rase thev have more than nupils need this fall. . 4 Tal? flvn npers To Visit Phoenix PHOENIX, Aug. 6 (Spl.) Phoenix Grange will meet In regular session August 9, with officers of the Tafent Grange filling the chairs, and pre senting the program ' of the lecture hour. All members are urged to be present. At the close of the business ses sion, refreshments will be served by the losing side of the attendance contest recently completed. Mrs. L. O. Caster Is chairman of the serving comi.ur.tee and any member of th? losing side noi mJcrmed is to what to bring Is asked to get hi touch with her. We serve only quality foods at low est possible cost to you at the Cafe teria, 17 So. Riverside. 25o, 35c, & 50c ETHER TALKS" 1 anytime0 m A 1 TODAY AND MONDAY p More Thrilling; Than "Trader Horn"! ALr'TARZAH APE MAN 1(5) '" (j) JOHNNY 1YEISMLTLEK MAUREEN O'SULI.IVAN IeDFORBaSU j AT P. AND E. MAIN ST. SHOW GROUNDS 1 i WM 22N"" l:p"d mm I I I IM&llTQl From C0NG0 AFRICA IffilE'f I I s i vmm r. wmA 1 1 m.jmjmm i s umsA m Lima H i HBSHitt Ji IXXrftJ OPEN AT I AND 7 H M Pf.W0RH(C5I 03 Z'SPH I I 1 1 Owe TICMCT ADITTI TO fcVKRVTH I HO I II Rrritvr.n and apmiisjom ticket on "alb circi'S tay AT JAItMIN AM) HOODS PIlAHMACY, MAIN ANO CENTRAL Chic Sale Star Featured at the Holly today Is "Stranger in Town," a comedy dra ma about real folks. The cast la com posed of Ann Dvorak, David Mari ners. Chic Sale, Noah Beery and Ray mond Hat ton. This group Is certain to make the laughs come fast and last long. This will be the first time in the movie career of "Chic" Sale that he appears without his whis kers and in so doing he lops about 40 years off his age. The earlier se quences of the :jture tho-v him coming west with the covered wagons to start the town of BollsvlUe, Ne John Weismuller Star Rialto Hit 'Tarzen, the Ape Man," adapted from the novel by Edgar Rice Bur roughs and featuring Johnny Weis muller In the title role, Is at the Fox Rialto for today and tomorrow. Mau reen O 'Sullivan plays the part of the girl, the first white person he ha.t ever seen, and with whom he falls in love. Also on the program Is a Liberty short story, "Ether Talks," and the Paramount Sound News showing the opening of the Olympic Games In Los Angeles last week. STATE HAS JOE BROWN IN BASEBALL COMEDY Joe E Brown opens today at the State theater In "Fireman Save My Child." As the baseball player and lowr whose prime affection is for fires and fire equipment, Brown Is furnished his greatest comedy opportunity. That he is at home on the baseball dia mond la evident in the game se quences. Brown once played profes sional baseball, first in the St. Paul league and later with the New York Yankees. ANY PEAT ANY TIMB ii li PARAMOUNT NEWS 8 Holly Picture braska. As he becomes older he dons his whiskers again and the transfor mntlon is almost unbelievable. Ann Dvorak, who has been attracting a great deal of attention through her work on the screen adds a lot to the picture through her performance as Sale's granddaughter. This plcturo will be at the Holly for three days starting today. In addition to the feature, the Hol ly will present the latest news event a kartoon and a novelty act which presents Hal LeRoy la the "High School Hoofer." Pocahontas Lodge Has New Member While Pocahontas was hunting in the forest, the warwhoops of the In dtans rang out, and another pale face was captured. In other words, a new member was Initiated Into the Pocahontas Lodi?e on Friday, August 5th The degree team performed In a manner seldom surpassed. A con test was held during the last term and the losers were to feed the win ners. This took place on Friday and winners and losers enjoyed a bounti ful spread. RUTH CHATTERTON AT KOXY THEATER TODAY Today the Roxy theater will show "Tomorrow and Tomorrow" with Ruth Chatterton and Paul Lucas in the leading roles. Miss Chatterton has a part as i woman whose heart Is divided be. tween her earthbound, "eternal col legian" husband and a man who un covers hidden romantic spots of her 1116. Permanent waves ai.95, wet finger wnves 28c. Prevost Beauty Shop, 16 uaurei, rnone 737-j, RftflWni Vrtltf rVllunts mnA DalMnlln. coupon checks at Heath's Drug Store 1 WSASWJ-VA'J -- . hi; !"" . L.i ! 1 .J r 1 S 17 i JLjUHS v 8 V i The Latest News of the "Home Folks" on Your Vacation Trip. Have the MAIL TRIBUNE Sent to You Regardless of Where You Go. The Cost Is Surprisingly Low. It BIGGEST SALE IN 3 YEARS. REPORT It might sound unreasonable now, but Mann's ready-to-wear buyer re ported last evening that the moat successful drees sale conducted by THE COOLEST TODAY IN A BRAND NEW KIND of STORYI Ai i . Charlie ts a thoughtless husband ...Janet as an inexperienced wife. Sometimes hilarious. ..sometimes sad . . always delightful 1 GPVnOR Chafe FQRRELL First ft Frank Craven's eomedy romance pro duced by JOHN GOLDEN. Directed by William K. Howard. FREE WHITELAW'S BOX OFFICE Just the store In three years opened there yesterday, with hundreds of dresses being sold. Sensational values were quoted in Mann's adds In Friday's Issue of the Mall Tribune, and la given as the reason for hundreds of buyers visit ing Mann's yesterday. All spring and summer dresses must be sold to make room for the new fall and winter garments, the ready-to-wear buyer has announced, and for this reason the sale will continue Monday. SPOT IN TOWN! MONDAY TUESDAY Mats. Week Days 25 Kves.-Hols. Sun, Mats. Ii 35 J To the first BO ladles pnrchaslns; tickets to our Rundny matinee we will give, absolutely I'llKIS, a box of delicious CHOCOLATES OPEN IMS P. M. Phone 75 give your address well do the rest. nasi ny, "Afv'c a Q nr