Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 28, 1932, Page 10, Image 10

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SALEM. July 38 (AP) etsndsidl
tlon of tuts MlulM and wage !
for further reduction are ordered.
and any new cuU wnlcn might be
necessary then made on that bull
waa recommended Wednesday by
Rutin C. olman, state treasurer, In a
conference with newspapermen. Hol
man made the statement In answer
to Inquiries whether the board of
control would order further cuts as
was reported had been suggested by
certain members of the board.
: Holman said further, a study of
the actual savings being made to the
state by the S to 18 per cent cut
recommendations of the board com
pared to the amount possible If all
departments cooperate was necessary.
A report of these savings la now be
ing made by William Elnzlg, secre
tary of the board of control,
i Holman pointed out that the
board's order becomes mandatory up
on all state departments under con
trol of the board and Its members,
but that only recommendations could
tie made to other departments out
aide of this control. The cut became
effective July 1 for board depart
ment and urged upon all others with
the exception of the state highway
department and such others which
had previously ordered reductions, In
WASHINGTON, July 37 (AP) The
action of President Hoover In turn
ing over control of the reconstruction'
corporation directorate to Democrats,
by the appointment to the board yes
terday of Atlee Pomerene of Ohio,
was being weighed for political sig
nificance today In the capital.
Word from Cleveland was that the
former senator would not be here to
take his post until next week. Mean
while, although keeping their opin
ions to themselves In general for the
present, legislators- at the oapltal
conjectured whether the move would
nave a reflex In the presidential cam
paign. Representative Ralney, the Demo
cratic floor leader In the house, ex
pressed the view that although men
of his party allegiance will hold four
of the seven directorships, the ad
ministration "can't dodge" respon
sibility for the new relief law that
the corporation must administer.
' There la no Indication today when
the last director, who must be a
Republican, will be appointed.
PENDLETON, Ore., July 28, (AP)
Plana for organising Umatilla county
farmers tn the wheat holding move
ment along the line of the "Dakota"
plan are being oompleted. here. D,
H. Nelson, prominent Pendleton
farmer, today discussed the proposal
before eervloe olub representatives,
and committees are being organised
from these clubs to work with the
farmer organizations in effecting the
A drive has been started to p re
rent farmers from consigning their
wheat, on the contention that con
signment tend to reduoe prloes. Re
construction finance corporation
money U available under the relief
act for orderly marketing. It Is
pointed out, and it la planned to
make this money available to farm
era who need funds for harvesting
"0, She Dances Such A Way"
That s What Cincinnati High School Annual Said Of Libby Holman
In Predicting Her Career On Stage
co, king In North Carolina, rolled Into
millions of clgarets and In turn pro
ducing a fortune varolusly estimated
to from 50,000,000 to 100,000,000.
Smith Reynolds, the heir, a strange
youth who loved aviation but scorned
a formal education, dead at 30, the
victim of "hands unknown." ...
The grand opera house In Cin
cinnati, where In the chorus began
the career of Libby Holman, beautiful
and talented daughter of a Cincin
nati lawyer. Her deep-throated voice
made her name bright on Broadway
as a "torch singer." . , ,
These are the elements fitted Into
romance that ended In mysterious
tragedy a tragedy that Libby Hol
man called "(hat crash of the uni
verse, everything falling around me."
The annual of Hughes 1tgh school
here, where Libby was born, gives
the world its first glimpse of the girl
who was to preside over the beautiful
estate of Smith Reynolds at Wtnaton
Salem. The 1020 annual, the year she was
graduated, said: -
"Elizabeth Is one of the most
original girls In our class. But, O,
she dances such a way. Her contri
butions to old Hughes have made her
famous. She Is a talented actress,
too. We all expect to see 'Libby'
before the footlights some day. In
deed, she has already given us many
manifestations of the art."
Prom Hughes she went to the Uni
versity of Cincinnati, where she fin
ished her four-year course In three
A full page In the university an
nual of 1023 was devoted to her ac
tivities. Prominent waa a picture of
her as "Violet Fields" In a comedy,
"Fresh Paint." She was a member
of the Woman's league, Mummers
Dramatic society, Y. W. C. A., Varsity
vanities, French club, History club,
and took part In Greek games and
Interclass athletics.
William Fields, a former Cincinnati
theatrical man, tells how she entered
the show business. Fields was con
nected with the Greenwich Follies,
playing Cincinnati In 1926, when
Libby applied to Paul Hlllman, man
ager of the show. There was a va
cancy in the chorus, and she was
given the job.
Soon she took the place of Rosalie
CUxe, the comedienne of the show.
Then she replaced Florence Moore at
the Shubert In New York.
The slip of a surgeon's knife. It
was believed, ruined her voice for
singing, but by accident she discov
ered that her odd contralto put a
new "blues" note In "blues songs."
She became famous with her
"Moanln' Low" and "Body and Soul."
ARIAK, Mich., July 38. (p) Henry
Ford has proved to farmers In thla
vlclnltythat he knows as much about
steam engines as he does about gaso
line motors. .
Visiting his 1.380-acre Lenawee
county farm yesterday to view the
threshing of wheat and ry, Pordl
found one of the three old-style
steam threshing rigs out of eommij
alon. The operator Informed Ford
he had sent for a mechanic to make
repairs. .
"I know a little about these en
gines," said Ford. "Let's go to work
on It."
The motor manufacturer shed his
coat and vest, crawled about the
threshing rig, tore down the steam
ejector, and put It together again.
The engine ran perfectly.
Just about that time the mechanic
"We wont need you," said Pord.
Dance at Lake Creek Orange hall,
Saturday, July 80., Good music
Body fir In 8-tler lota at l.7S.
Medtord Fuel Co. Tel. 31.
Two loads 18-ln. green slabs, 14.90.
Med. Fuel Co. Tel. 631,
Phone 843. We'll haul away your
refuse, city Sanitary Service.
Ffnl JV.ll.nd
SERVE Kellogg't often. For lunch,tM.
dren's supper, and late snacks, a well
at breakfast. Costing only few cent
package, it is u most economical food.
Ready prepared. Delicious with milk
or cream, fruits or honey.
Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek
Libby Holman, Broadway "blues singer" whose career was marred
by tragedy when her husband. Smith Reynolds, met death from a bullet,
displayed her stage talent early In life. The annual at Hughes high
school, Cincinnati, took note of It and predicted she some doy would
be a stage star. Here she Is In typical poses.
PORTLAND, July 23 (AP) -Urging
the lumber Interest of Oregon and
Washington base costs on a fair re
turn to labor, employes representing
the 4-L locals of the two states
have taken a firm stand against far
ther wage cuts in the lumber in
dustry and demand that "cost be
baaed on a common labor rate of 93
a day for eight hours."
The employes yesterday concluded
a two-day session here. Protests from
thousands of organized workers were
the basis ton the resolution which
the employes voted to ask the 4-L
board of directors to consider at Its
next meeting.
Portraits of distinction. The Peas
leys, op p. Holly theater.
r.m wjjiwriprn .lulv 9fl f API
Tom Laws of Yaarab Temple, Atlanta.
oeorgia yesieraay was eieciu uuya
rlal outer guard of the ancient Arabic
at the annual convention here. The
office wa the only one coniestea
on the Imperial divan, an oiner of
ficers, advancing one step.
The other candidates for outer
guard were Past Potentates Julius
P. Hell of Milwaukee and Albert H.
Fiebach of Cleveland. Laws is eisu
a past potentate.
At formal ceremonies wwj
Earl C. Mills of Za-Oa-ZIg temple,
r... t.... mwR will be advanced
from deputy imperial ponw
Imperial potentate, succeeding Thos.
J. Houston' of Medlnah temple. Chi
Carrying out the keynote 01
convention, labelled the Shrine's "na- Of ODtlmlSIU."
an Industrial parade spectacle -was
staged for the winners uy
Francisco, In which old man depres
slaughtered on floats and
otherwise and evidence was dis
played of the progress made In the
state In various Industrial and busi
ness lines, a
DASSEL, Minn, July 28. (AP)
August Nlkka, 78-year-old farmer,
was killed and a dozen persons In
jured late yesterday In a tornado
which wrecked numerous farm build
ings In a 30-mlle area northeast of
Nlkka was crushed to death In
his barn when the structure col
lapsed.' Mrs. Nlkka was seriously Injured.
New low prices at Peggie's Beauty
Parlor. Phone 497.
SALEM, July 28. (AP) Investiga
tion of conspiracy between real es
tate owners and war veterans to de
fraud the state In securing loans
the World War Veteran:' State Aid
commission was started here today,
following the rejection of two loans
believed of this nature by the com
mission. State police officials ..were
asked to assist In the Investigation.
Jerrold Owen, secretary tojhe com-
mlaston, announced that In the two
cases where loans were rejected, one
from saltern Oregon and the other
from southern Oregon, It ws evident
that real estate owners had given
their property, to aon.e World war
veteran who had not yet taken ad
vantage of his loan, then after the
loan was secured the property would
be transferred to the original owner.
Owen said this form of conspiracy
has resulted from the difficulty In
securing loans on real estate, with
the bonus commission being virtually
the only source for such loans In the
state, but made only to World war
veterans. Many veterans have not
secured loans and some of these are
being exploited by property owners
desiring loans for business purposes,
he declared.
Two loads 18-ln. green slabs, 14.50.
Med. Fuel Co. Tel. 631. -
Auto glass installed while you wait.
Prices right. Brill Sheet Metal Works.
She Reduced 38
Pounds The Safe Way
MI have been taking Kruschen Salts
for 4 months and I think they are
wonderful. 1 am 33 years old and 5
ft. 2 In. tall. I was very fat. I weigh
ed 163 lbs. and now I weigh 127 lbs.
and feel fine. If I Jet up taking the
Salts one morning I feel lazy and
heavy." Mrs. Florence Loftus, Bos
ton. This Is Just one of hundreds of
letters we get every month Kruschen
not only causes you to lose fat but
while you are losing It you gain In
health In vlvaciousness you lose
fat where fat Is most prominent and
at the same time keep stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels functioning nat
urally. Jarmln & Woods, Heath's Drug
Store, Bcown's Pharmacy, or any drug
store In the world will sell you a Jar
of Kruschen for a trifling sum take
one-half teaspoon ful in a glass of hot
water every morning go light on
fatty meats, potatoes and sweets. But
for your health's sake demand and
h'et Krutrhen Salts Imitations are
numerous. It's the little dally dow
.thft does It.
Rag Rugs, 18x36, assorted colors. ..... lfj
Dish Towels, fancy plaids, part linen. . . 10 fOY
All silk 12 momnie Pongee, yd...... . . . ....... . . ..,.,..17
Costume Slips, cotton pongee, assorted colors. ... ... . 39
Women's Novelty Garden or Beach Hats. . . ..gtJ9
Rayon Bloomers, Women's and Misses' sizes. . ..19
For reducing or body-building. All pressed steel rowing
machine, double spring. Oilless bearing. Form-fitting
coaster seat. Come in and see this popular new exercise
machine. Complete
Men's Union Suits, mesh knit, short sleeves,' ankle. ... 49
Men's Dress Straw Hats . .,.,'.,..,.,...,.,...,...-..,.,..1.....69
One Group Men's Work Shoes . .,.,. .98
Men's Cotton Lisle Socks . 3 pairs 2J
Men's All White Shirt and Short Sets. ,.,..79
Boys' Bathing Suits (not all sizes left) 49
Children's Play Suits, 2 to 6 years 49
Blankets, single cotton plaids, 70x80. ...... . . .... . 49
Choice of any Millinery now in stock. . . . . ... . 49
One Group Fancy Strap Slippers for Women. . 198
For the porch, cabin, lawn, or summer
With foot It
and sun canopy
Without foolrMt
and ranopy
18 In. x 36 in. imported chenille Rugs.
Assorted colors with fancy borders. A
real buy at
Free Delivery
Home Owned
Piggly Wiggly Leads the Way to Better Living
You'll enjoy this dependable and convenient food service
, because it satisfies and saves you money , '
Specials Fri.-Sat.-Mon., July 29-30, Aug. 1
Snowdrift 3 pound tin 49c
Ivory Soap large bar 3 for 25
Borden'S Cheese 12lb.pkg.anyflavor2for29c
Maxwell House
Tea Cup or Libby f J
Fruit JarS Kerr Mason fJOZ. pt. 73c qt. 83c
Best Foods Mayonnaise pt. 25c, qt. 47
Gold Medal Salad Dressing qt. 23c
Potato Chips, small pkg. . 5c
Leslie Salt. ...... .3 for 25c
Dog Food, Dr. Ross or
Pal...:.....,. .3 for 25c
Post Toasties .pkg. 8c
White Star Tuna . . ...... .19c
Certo . . .'. . .21c
Mission Peaches, '
2 h can .2 for29c
No. 1 can 10c
Piggy Wiggly Bread .... 5c
Piggly Wiggly Dependable
Flour. 49 lb. bag 95c
Watermelons V2e lb.-Tomatoes 5c lb.
Golden Bantam Corn 25c Doz.
Bananas 5c lb.
East Main
"Quality Meatsat Real Economy Prices"
Squares, lb 10c ' Half or whole
d . iu 17 Mild Cure, lb. ......18c
BacksIb 17c Picnics, lb. 13c
Side, lb. 18c Cottage Butts, lb. . . . 14c
Young, grain fed Milk fed veal
Spare Ribs, lb 10c Breast, lb 8c
Back Bone, 3 lbs.. . .18c Shoulder Roast, lb.. 11c
Shoulder Roast, lb.. 12c Shoulder Steak, lb.. 15c
Shoulder, lb 11c
Stew, lb i . . 7c
Pure Lard
Pot Roast, lb 12c
Short Ribs, lb 9c
3 lbs. for 27c