PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JEXY 8, 1932. " L TRADE UNWILLING PORTLAND, July 8 (AP) There art two schools of Intercut trying to artificially advance the price of ' eggs In face of a trade that appears unwilling to make such a movement. , The real market for eggs la not howtng the strength previously In d lea ted, Instead of the advance that la being tried by manipulative Inter ests. There Is no orange In the sell ing price of eggs and there Is no . shortage of supplies eyen though re- ' oelpU are decreasing. General trading trend of the butter market Is not better than steady. In fact In spots the situation appears a ' trine dull. There Is a rather good demand tn the market for live chickens. The entire line Is showing a strong tone at the late price advance offered by killers. Turkeys are arriving and generally selling 16c for beat dressed bens. In spots the market for tomatoes la up a trifle here with Vie trade getting larger day by day as a result of the low price. Hothouse stock is . up lo lb. There la a demand for good green . corn but the market Is receiving con siderable stock that Is not so good. Sales of the best are being made around a5o30o down. More or lesa excitement results from the extreme shortage of string beans. Both yellow and green stock are very scarce with prices higher tor the day. Very keen demand la showing for loganberries along the wholesale way with wholesale prices up to 7So crate generally for the day. RaspbeiTlea and blackcaps are Just about holding. Strawberries are of nominal volume. agreement at Lausanne today. Ac opening bulge was quickly deflated. and while net lossea were largely trivial, a haniful of stocks closed 1 to ft points lower. The closing tone was heavy, and transfers approximat ed 700,000 shares. ' Today's closing prices for IS select ed stocks follow: American Can . 31 American T. & T. 73 Anaconda Curtis Wright -Ocneral Motors , Int. T. A T, -J- Montgomery Ward , Paramount Pub. Radio Southern Pae. S. O. of Cal. S. O. of N. J. Trans Am. United Aircraft TJ. 8. Steel 4 874 H4 . an , 38 i . 24 7H IS CATTLE PRICES LAKIVIEW, Ore.. July 8 (API An automobile caravan which started Thursday from Redding, Calif., and topped here over night waa en route today to Burns for the formal open ing of the highway between Lake view and Burns. The Lakevlew-Bums highway Is the final link in the Tellowitone cut-off route which affords a new motor path from Yellowstone and other points east to Redding, Calif. At Redding It connects with the Paclfto high way. The caravan, numbering more than 100 persona, was entertained here last night at a banquet arranged by Vie Lake county chamber of com merce. Portland, San Francisco, Oak land, Klamath Falls, Redding, Burns and other cities were represented. Complaints of crop damages from the recent Invasion of army worms still pouring Into the county agent's office, R. O. Fowler reported today. The worms ars appearing In all sections of the county and loudest cries have been received from grow ers of melons, tomatoes, potatoes and other garden produce. While the worma are plentiful In alfalfa fields, they leave as soon ss the hay Is cut and In no way damage It for market. If discovered before they have eaten the leaves off the plsnt. The exodus from alfalfa fields to gardens then be gins and the real trouble starts, Mr. Fowler explained this morning, as j removal of garden produce from the toll at this time would mean great loss. The best method of combat, where the worms are very thick, he atated. i Is accomplished by first digging a j trench 13 or IS Inchea deep In front , of the pests' line of march. Poet holes constructed In the trench then become the gathering place of the worms, upon their arrival, and burning la a simple process. Where they are not ao plentiful. poison bait Is being used effectively i In the county, but where the worms are found In great droves It Is Im possible to feed them all poison be fore they have destroyed the crop. Although the worms are found over a much larger territory, tney are not so numerous as the? were two years ago, Mr, Fowler reports. Practically every farming cotnmu nlty of the county has complslned of existence of the worms and the county agent Is of the opinion that they hatched right In the vicinity of their present locations. In the spring ths worms come out ss moths and lay the eggs, whlcn are now hatching out the arm7 worms. The worms, In turn, win soon enter the cocoon stage to send forth another crop of moths next spring. The parasite,' natural enemy of the worms, which usually destroys a large portion of them each aeason, waa evidently Inactive last summer, County Agent Fowler stated today In explanation of their reappearance In great number this year. The parasite commonly destroys the past while In the cocoon stage. The drouth of last year might have had something to do with the parasite's failure to function, he ssld. EAT- Where the Food Is Better Turkey Dinner 25c , Saturday From 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Brownie Marie CAFE 19 No. FirSt. o lOE IOC 30E OEIO aoEsoi E2iminmy (Si?se(3;ei?iia THE HOME OF DREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE D 9 You, Too, May T Win $50.00 HIS WEEK Mrs. Fredrick H. Johnson won the $50.00 prize for her 50-word essay on "Why I Like Durkee 's Mayonnaise." This entitles her to $50.00 worth of eroceries, which we are glad to supply for the Durkee company. Buy a jar of this famous Mayonnaise. The directions for the contest accompany each jar then listen to the Durkee Radio program on Tues . days and Thursdays from KGO, K0M0, KGW or KHQ, 7:45 to 8:00 p.m. There is a winner selected every day so buy a jar write your essay and listen. Should you win, we furnish the Groceries and Durkee pays the bill. CORVALU7S, Ore., July S UP) With cattle prlcea taking an unward trend, Oregon range and pasture con ditions are reported generally good to excellent, aocordln gto Information gathered from county agents and other sources by the O. fl. O. exten sion service, co-operating with the U. 8. D. A. bureau of agricultural economics. Lower ranges an beginning to crown but livestock Is In excellent eondltlon. A heavy Increase In grass fat cattle over the last year I re ported from Crook county. Cattle prloes at Chicago made an other gain of 35 cents during the week, although prices at Portland re mained unchanged. ' Bog prices have advanced almost Steadier In the past month and have now reached a high point for the . season at $9.90 In Portland and 49.39 at Chicago for top quality light butchers. MONARCH SEED & FEED CO.'S SATURDAY CASH FEED SPECIALS Feed Wheat, cwt.. . .$1.25 Mill Run, 80s, sk. .,-.:.$ .85 Rabbit Barley, sk.. . .$1.00 Rolled Barley, 70s, sk.$ .80 Whole Corn, cwt.... $1.30 Egg Mash, cwt... ... $1.75 A Good Buy on HOG FEED per cwt. Pick this special up at our conveniently located warehouse. $V .00 taS BREAD Finest home style with that real home flavor. 1 lb Loaf . 5C V2 lb. Loaf 712C Fresh from the oven the day you buy it. Cookies, any kind or assorted . .2 dor. 19c Swiss Cheese Finest for luncheon with summer beverages. A great big 200 lb. wheel will be cut tomorrow. Pound 35C OTHER THRIFT ITEMS Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., July a (A) (Tattle 90, calves 10; steady. Bogs, 400, Including 191 through; about steady. Sheep, 800; about steady. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Wheat: Ore, July 8 (AP) July -Sept, . Dec. Cash grains Big Bend blues tern Boft white Open ...48 -90H High Low Close 4B 48 48 Tii 47(4 4714 90i 80, S0(i Western white Hard winter Northern spring Western red Oats: No. a whit Today's ear receipts: flour ; corn a. -90 J4 -49 .48Vi -48 H -48 IJJ.S0 Wheat IB; Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., July 8. (yP) COUNTRY MEATS: Belling price to retailers: Country-killed hogs, best butchers under 100 lbs.. 84 -7c; real era, 80 to 100 lbs.. 80 D.: iambs, 8 To lb.: yearllnga, 4-9c lb.: heavy ewes a-Sc lb.; oanner cows, 8c lb.: bulls, t-94c lb. NSW POTATOES: Northwest. 11.80 1.80 cental. Butter, egga, butterfat, lire poul try, onions, potatoes, strawberries, wool, hay quotations unchsnged. Sen FTanrlro Hull erf at BAN FRANCISCO, July 8 (AP) Butterfat f.o.b. Ban Francisco, 18c Peoples market At Groceteria No. 2 Phone 1058 Sixth and Grape SATURDAY SPECIALS ROASTS BEEF PORK VEAL LAMB, per lb".. 9' BEEF lb. VEAL lb. BOIL 8c STEW 8c FRYERS - HENS - RABBITS - FISH Wall St. Report ' Block Bale Averages (Copyright, 1933. standard Statistics Co.) July . 80 90 90 80 India Br. Ufa Tol Today 88.4 19 8 83 3 88.0 i Prey, day 99 8 IS T 83 8 88 3 ! Wees: ago 88 3 I8.T B7.T 38 8 Tear ago .I0a 1 1898 114.1 Bond Kale Averages (Copyright, 1053, Standard Statistics Co.) July . 90 90 90 Ind'ls lire VI Today MO 83 8 73 8 Free, day -..(13 8 M 8 73.8 Wee ago 811.3 91.8 78 3 Veer ago .85J loot 101.8 60 Tol 88 888 80.4 09 7 NEW YORK. July 8. (API The etock market gained but momentary comfort fronj the fienco-oerman, Buying In CARLOAD QUANTITIES Enables Us To Offer Such Values As This! Bedroom Suite $79 Beautiful two-tons walnut bedroom auite, exactly ai pictured above Bed, Vanity and Chiffonier. (Bench $8.70 extra.) See this auite In our window buy it for only .. , $!ODown $10aMonth 67c $15 25c 25c Geisha Mandarin Oranges in syrup . ..T.,.:. ........ ...2 cans 25c aw Schillings Tea, vacuum packed. lb. 35c. . . .... i.i. .. ... . .pound Hay Salt, in 500 lb. lots ... per ton Pabst-ett Cheese . . 2 pkgs. Scott Tissue Toilet Paper . . 3 rolls ' - . ,'t, . Pineapple Del Monte crushed for apricot canning, No. 10 or gallon can . ... . . . ..... 39c Underwoods Deviled Ham fin est for sandwiches or omelets. Medium cans . . . . . . ...... 2 for Bisquick ready for the oven in 90 seconds ... . ...,.-.,...,... pkg. Shelled Almonds ,.- lb. Sperrys Hot Cake Flour . 4 lb sack Sperrys Wheat Hearts finest hot cereal for the children 5 lb. sack 25c i 29c 35c 19c 25c Farina a whole wheat hot cereal . . . .5 lb. sack Syrup Butterscotch, 5 lb. can 42c . . .101b. can White King Granulated Soap, ..... . .-. . . .large pkg. Crisco . . 3 lb. can 47c. . . 6 lb. Ivory Soap the big bars .... 3 for Hard water Castile or Jap Rose Toilet Soap. ......,. . . . ,3 bars Oxydal .... ...,.,.-... .large pkg. P. & G. White Laundry. . 10 bars Bob White a Procter & Gamble white laundry ........ 10 bars Z-Mor-U Coffee the leading hotel blend, pound 30c ... 3 lbs. Mapleleaf flour, hardwheat v . 49 lbs. White Rose a guaranteed light bread flour 49 lbs. $1.17 Drifted Snow the home perfect- ed Flour . ..... 49 lbs. $1.39 22c 77c 33c 93c 25c 25 c 19c 25c 22c 87c 98c FOR THE HOME CANNER Strainers many sizes and styles. . ... . ... .9c to Combination Fruit Jar Funnel, filler and strainer.-..j.,.-.,.,. Rubber Jar Wrench seals and removes jar tops with ease. Aluminum Dishpan . ,.7.-. 1 0 qt. size Six quart Enameled Kettle, choice of colors i; re? Aluminum Preserving Kettle, 16 quart size 43c 25c 25c 79c 39c 98c Galvanized Wash Boilers, for cold pack . .$1.19 Canning rack to fit boiler 49c Electric Hot Plates, 3 heats, two burner. Specially priced $3.98 Other Electric Hot Plates. 95c to $4.98 Tomatoes . . : . .3 lbs. 19c ... Apricots ,., , , . .. , ... . Lug Green Beans ... .3 lbs. Cabbage e.i.e,r.T.r.,. . .lb. New Spuds .5 lbs. Oranges, Sunkist .2 doz. 49c 25c 21c 12c 35c Free Balloons 1 Black Owl Balloon with two pkgs. Minute Tapioca 1 Dirigible Akron Balloon .with 3 packages Jello. 25c Fountain Dinner 25c Roast turkey with dressing buttered peas potatoes and gravj or Choice of cold meats, potato salad, sliced tomatoes, bread and butter, Z-Mor-U Coffee Tea or milk 25c 9 Central SAVING WITHOUT SELF DENIAL Delivery of $1.00 orders. Phone: East Side 752; West Side 428 6th al Grape ' i; ij i (OQOl I9D0.