PSGE FOURTEEN1 MEDFORD ItXIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932. Seeks Clemency JULY C Q. E A-DB A fol CE OF GOLDEN STATE PLACE ON BALLOT Proponents of Plan File Peti tions in Time 13 Meas , ures Will Be Voted On ' In November Election 6ALEM, July 8. VP) Thirteen measures, of which five wo conati tutlonal amendments, three referen dum and Ave initiative, will be on Uie ballot for voters next November, The list Includes the college consoli dation measure which furnished the dramatics during the closing daya of the filing. ' The statutory limit to complete petitions for the ballot end- ad at ft o'clock last night. The consolidation measure provides tor the Joining of the University of Oregon and state college at Corral Kj. establishment of a teachers1 train ing college at Eugene, abandonment ' the normal school plant at Mon mouth and conversion of the Normal schools at lAGrande and Ashland In to Junior colleges. The University lav reboot would be transferred to Salem. Meier Program TJp. Governor Meler'a tax and debt con' trol program, also on the ballot, ln dudes one proposod constitutional amendment and two Initiative meas ures. The constitutional amendment la an enabling act giving authority to limit tax levies and bond Issues under general law. One of the initiative measures aa thorlzes the creation of tax euper Tlslng and conservation boards In each county through appointment by the governor. The measure empowers these boards to review budgets made by tax levy ing bodies and reduoe and eliminate items by unanimous vote. The other Initiative measure pro Tides for lncresaing the rate- of the personal Income tax from S to 8 per cent, affecting tne higher nracaew, and reducing certain exemptions. Power Amendment In. Completed petitions for the State Orange water power amendment were among the last to reach the state department.' This amendment relates to the control and development of water power and water power sites, both by the state and the state In conjunction with the federal gov ernment. Another Initiative measure was sponsored by the Oregon Highway Protective association, of which Os wald West of Portland la president. Tn measure provides for the classi fication of busses and trucks, wit relation to we!ghtt and Increases t fees. Repeal of the state prohibition laws Is provided In an initiative maa ure sponsored by Harry B. Crltchlow of Portland. Voter Measure Completed. Three of the proposed constitu tional amendments were referred to the voters through resolutions adopt ed by the 1931 legislature. Probably the most Important of these Is known as the taxpayers voting qualification amendment referred by the legislature tnta all persons voting on tax levies and bond issues shall be taxpayers, Another proposed constitutional mandment referred by the legislature authorizes criminal trials without Juries by consent of the aocused per son. The third proposed amendment , provides that the 4 per cent limita tion provision may be applied to levies of any one of three previous years, instead of the preceding year, Rogue Bill Included. One of the three referendum hills la directed at the 1031 legislative act which prohibits commercial fishing on the Rogue river. Another referendum measure at tacks the 1931 legislative act provid ing a tax of 10 cents a pound on all oleomargarine manufactured and old In the state of Oregon. The third referendum la directed at the legislative act appropriating 81,883,000 for the support of the higher educational Institutions. Al though Governor Meier vetoed 1900, 000 for the appropriation, the refer endum attacks the entire amount. f r t I AMMOtut4 Psete Scientists have asked authorities for clemency for John E. Melllah (above) or St, Charles. III. Indict ed on a charge of attacking a 15 y oar-old girl, because they say he la a leading specialist In the art of grinding lensea for giant telescopes. SQUAR E NEEDY FAMILIES; T Contributed Many needy people have been car ed for through the Foursquare com. mlasary located at 401 East 8th street, yet numbers have been turned away on account of Inadequate supplies. Many sad cases present themselves dsiiy. It Is through kind hearted.cltlzena aa well aa business firms who are making this work possible from day to aay. One large family has come to our attention where the children were compelled to wear wool dresses these bot summer days, because they did not have any thing else in the house to wear and barely anything to eat. The report of the commissary from June 1st to June 80th: Qlven to needy families, 103 readv- tc-wear garments; 18 pairs shoes; 48 boxes of groceries. , The need of the commlssarv Is mat for your donations. F, SLASHED BY S. P. In keeping with the trend of the tlmrs for lower prices, Southern Pa cific will make radical reductions In fares between 8. P. points In Ore gon, effective dally from now until September 80, according to A. 8. Rosenbaum, district freight and pas senger agent. These reductions will apply on both one-way and round-trips, the latter currying a return limit of 18 days. Tickets will be good for trsvai in coaches and reclining chair cars only and 80 pounds of baggage will be checked free on adult tickets, 38 pounds on half-faro tickets. As an example of reductions to be made. Mr. Rosenbaum said the one way fare between here and Portland would be cut to 88.70 and the round trip to 810.78, with similar reduc tions to outer Southern Pacific points. ARROWHEAD HOT SPRINGS. CaU July 7-(p From a wheel chair. cushioned with pillows, Almee Mc pherson Hutton, Los Angeles evan gelist, denounced purveyors of rumor that all waa not well between herself and David Hutton, her husband. "If people would only let us alone my marriage would be the- happiest In the world," she exclaimed. Two loads 18-ln. green slabs, 84.89. Med. Fuel Co. Tel. 831, PREDICTS REPEAL "The people meant well on prohlbt. tlon. But It didn't work. I've always been for temperance, and I've always been a wet." Prank C. Jordan, secre tary of state In California and dean of state secretaries', turned to the "paramount Issue of the day," dur ing a short chat In Med ford this morning, while en route to the North west Pur Trading ranch above Pros pect, where he's going to surrender to the call of bis favorite sport and catch some trout. "The election's going to be a hot one In California this year. And the wet and dry question Is going to play a big part," Secretary Jordan, a Jovial man, nearly 73 years, whose alert brown eyes precede his Hps in the act of smiling, continued. "The win ner, I'm not predicting. But Mc Adoo Is a power down there, and the people have seen enough of prohlbl tlon, and they're going to do some thing about It. I think their eyes have been opened." Turning to state affairs he chuck- led, over the Meier-How automobile fuss. "We don't bother with auto licenses In my department any more,' he explained. 'They're a nuisance. We have a separate department for that and we re all friends in Cali fornia. I used to fight with Hiram Johnson, but that's all over now. And I stood the gaff. I've been secretary of state for 23 years, tvhe longest term for any man In the United States. I've found that team work pays. Gov ernor James Rolph, Jr., Is one of the kindest men In the world. "Politics these days are cleaner than they were when I went Into them In '84. A man to be a success ful politician must have attributes. He must be as human in the political game as In any other If he wants to succeed. "This is my first trip into southern Oregon and my third real vacation In 23 years," Secretary Jordan ex claimed, "and if I don't catch some fUh, lfa going to be tough for Ray Gllllland. I think the Rogue River valley is beautiful and I'm crazy about fishing. There's no better way ox forgetting your troubles than whipping a mountain stream. No telephones, no wires, no bother. I'm going to have a grand time." Mr. Jordan Is Interested with Ray C. Gllllland, manager of the Fur Trading ranch. In the establishment of a large trout hatchery at the hunt ing and fishing retreat and will give some time to business relative to the venture before returning to his native state, California. Rev. Beatty To Preach Sunday Dr. Beatty, pastor of the First Pres byterian church of Wenatchee, Wash., will preach In the Presbyterian church .Sunday morning. Or. and Mrs. Beatty are known by several Medford people and are being enter tained In many homes while In the city. ALMOST FLAT ON HER BACK Actios bsdcl Will it never i top? She's nearly desperate. LyJit E Pinkhatn'g Vegetable Com pound bat relievo! ''feminine troubles' for over JO years. 3 Special Vacation for Days BRIMMED FABRIC HATS THAT ARE WHITE Small Brims Wider Brims All Head Sizes $295 NEW CHALK FELTS EXTRA fc 1 QC SPECIAL $ I y.J Millinery 2nd Floor July Clearance of HOSIERY The final clearance of this group of women's and misses' hose. In this lot are rayon and silk and cotton and silk mesh. The for mer values are up to $1,00 pair. Your choice tomorrow at Mann's 3 Pair for $ 1 Chair Pads In the notion department tomor row you can buy cretonne cov ered chair pads for 19c each. They are ideal for porch, cabin, boat or breakfast nook. Regular 25c each. 1 9C ea. Six for $1.00 July Clearance of Kuppenheimer Suits for Men Men, your attention Is called to this unusual sale of Kuppen heimer suits. In the showing .are , 140.00 Crusaders, 950.00 Famous Flftys and 60 00 Trojan Weavee. All three genuine Kuppenheimer models. -The finest money can buy. All sizes and good patterns. $40 to $60 Values $245.0 Boys' Wash Suits July Clearance of boys' 4 to 9 year aire wash suits at 79c each. These are genuine Tom Sawyer and Fruit of the Loom suits made of broadcloth and poplin. All are fast color. $1.50 to $2.50 Val. 79' Men's Dress Pants A new value In men', finest quality dress pants. These are tailored from all wool flannel In white, tan and light gray, sizes are SO to 43 waist. 5. pair' Men's Dress Sox Men's super quality rayon and silk dress hose In assorted pat terns and eludes. These sox are regular J Jo and SSc values and have a lone wearing reinforced high heel, sires 10 to 13. 2 Pair For 35c 19 Wen's long wearing dra hose of rayon and cotton at ISo pair. These come in assorted patterns and shades and sell regularly foe 19c. Sires from 10 to 11. 15 2 Pair Tor 25c Don't miss our July Clearance Sale this year! Hundreds have taken advantage of the sensational values and hundreds will do so tomorrow! All $9.95 Spring Coats On Sale for $4.98 All $18.00 Spring Coats On Sale for $9.00 All $27.50 Spring Coats On Sale for $13.75 White Swagger Summer Coats Special for $6.95 Regular $19.75 Silk Dresses Are Now $9.88 Regular $27.50 Silk Dresses Are Now $13.75 Regular $35.00 Silk Dresses Are Now $1 7.50 Regular $39.50 Silk Dresses Are New $19.75 Also Many Better Silk Frocks at One-Third Offl Another Big Sale of Wash Frocks Tomorrow In the wash dress section you will find 200 fast colored wash frocks for women and children at 60c each. These come In good styles and patterns and are up to $1.98 In value. Come early and get your pick. Your Choice Tomorrow 50 Also In the wash dress section tomorrow you will find another group of women's wash frocks at 1.00. A beautiful lot of this sea son's best styles In fast colored prints and sheers. All sizes to select from. Your Choice Tomorrow $ 1 00 A new shipment of women's and misses' hot i weather frocks of fast color tub fabrics suit able for street and afternoon wear. These ( cool summer dresses come In advanced styles ' and are ft marvelous value. Your Choice i omorrow $ 98 Women's Wool Swim Suits Women's and misses' all wool swim suits in the season's most popular styles and colors for ?t $1.50 suit. These are regular $1.95 values. $1.50 New Organdie DRESSES A group of new organdie frocks In sizes 14 to 20 at $5.95. These dresses are Ideal for party wear. Very special at this low clearance price. - $5.95 Wash Blouses A group of our regular . $1.00 wash blouses for 60c tomorrow at Mann's. These are of linen, pique, dimity and batiste. Good atyles and sires. Children's Wash Frocks at $1.79 5 0c ea, $6.95 SILK DRESSES Another big; sale Saturday of those wonderful "Ohula" crepe silk frocks at $3.95. These are in lovely prints over light and., dark grounds. The styles are suitable for either miss or matron. Choice tomorrow $395 $19.75 SILK DRESSES A sensational dress value tomorrow at Mann's. Regular $19.75 silk frocks for $12.50. New chiffons for summer days. Cool prints and other charming dresses at this one low price. Those all have silk slips. MANN'S SECOND FLOOR $125.0 CHILDREN'S PAJAMAS and SLACKS Special tomorrow In the kiddles' section on the main floor. Chil dren's play and sleeping pajamas and slacks of fast colored broad cloth, suiting and pique. These are In print and plain In one and two-piece styles. The elsea are 1 to 10, the 1 to 0 sires have little jackets and hats to match. Regular raluet up to $1.98. No refunds or exchanges. Mann's July Clearance Sale 59 c ea. Children's Cool Summer Dresses Special tomorrow In the kiddles dept. on the main floor. Chtl dren's cool summer dresses of fine quality voiles, dimities, lawns. organdies and fast color print. The sizes are 1 to 6 years. Regu lar Taluea up to $1-98. All salea final. No exchanges or refunds. Mann's July Clearance Sale ;$25 011 July Sale of Summer Fabrics 36-inch Mesh Think of It, 38-inch mesh fab rics for only 25c yard. This sensa tional special Includes plain and fancy meshes up to 79c per yard for this low price. All the season's most popular shades and weaves 25Cyd. 36-inch Swisses Our regular stock of 36-lnch dot ted and figured swlss and fine chiffon voiles for 29c yard. These cool summer fabrics are regular up to 49c. A real clearance value 29 yd. Lawns and Voiles Another group of beautiful sum mer materials at 19c yard. This lot consists of 36-lnch printed lawns, voiles, batiste and sheer dimity. Regular values up to 39c 19 yd. $1.95 Silk Crepes A clearance of lovely quality crepe ondese and billowy crepe for 1.19 yard. These beautiful silk crepes sre a supreme dress fabrlo and sell regular for 1.95 yard. $1.19yd. STATIONERY Montag's famous gramercy Ilnea stationery consisting of 60 sheets of paper. Value 25c and 3 packages of matching envelopes, SOc value, total 45c. Your choice complete A 45c Value 29 Fabric Gloves Women'a and misses' single wov en fabric gloves In plain slip-on and one-button styles. These are In either white or eggshell. A 59c Value 29CP, Mello GIo Satin RIBBON A July clearance of mello-glo sat in ribbon at 10c per bolt. This handy lingerie ribbon comes la widths of 1, 1. 3. 3, and S. Col ors are blue. gray, green, rose, and pink. Each bolt la full 10 yards. 1 OC per Bolt $1.00 Scarfs 29 PAJAMAS Women's and misses' print pa jamas at 1.49. These are In one and two-piece styles and made from fine quality fast-colored print. All sizes to select from. Values $1.49 Women's and misses' fast-color print pajamas at 89c a pair. These good-looking colorful summer gar ment come in either one- or two- piece styles. $1.98 Values 89 Odd Table Cloths A July clearance of J4x54-lnch and 54i70-lnch odd table cloths for 49c each. These are regular up to 1.00. All have colorful borders. 49 ea.