3JEDFORI5 1C0L TRTBU2CE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932. PAGE THIRTEEN i I Ifer J DON'T FORGET -jiTO PHONE THAT i. I . . m.Tnri A T tWAINl AU r ' HERB ARB THE RATES I per" word -first Insertion ao (Minimum aoc) Each additional Insertion, : oor word lc '(Minimum 10c) Per Una per month, without. nnnv changes - - .11-36 75 Phone Losr LOST Lady's white gold Bulova tch. Reward. 610 South (Newtown, or Phone 1165-W. ,OST Crank to stationary engine. Please return to -iTipuno w LOST Man'a dark drew coat. Leave at Holland Hotel. LOST A black and pale green silk s ecarl on South Newtown St. Sun ' day. Please return to Mall Tribune I or call 1292-W. ; LOST It dog musing, call 1516. ESTKATED STRAYED Prom pasture In Orlllln .Creek, district, yearling Jersey ifr. J. A. Manko. R. P. D. 1. . Medford. tf '.HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Salesladies lor high qual ity Hollywood cosmetics. Earn 25 to start. Box 7068, care Tribune. i WANTED Active woman to take f charge' of agency and handle sales. V A feminine necessity. Depresslon f proof business. Write Box 7181, i Mall Tribune. i WANTED Red-headed women. Apply 4 Pox C"raterlan Friday after 10 a. m. ' JJhEI.P WANTKI) Mile and femnle i i i LIMITED number of' atudents to i attend Medford Packing School In 5 preparation for coming fruit har- vest. More fruit packers are need 'i ed to exclude outside help. Call at 6 808 Mae St . before noon. - . WANTED SITUATIONS 5 HJOH SCHOOL GIRL wants house . work. Room and board and small I ' wages. Phone 355-R-l. I WANTED Position typing and gen 3 eral office work. ' References. Box '7101, Mall Tribune. - f 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Have client for 4 or 6 ?oom furnished home to rent for 30, Inc. water. Charles R. Rny. Realtor, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. DRIVING Saturday or Sunday to San t Joae, via San Francisco in ciosea ', bar; Would like I or 2 passengers to Ware expenses, t-nono wo-n, v . - - - i f WANTED Rear chain, both aprock y I Ms.. '27 Harley "74." L. Dyslnger, Lake Creek, Ore, care T. Parlow. ? WANTED To buy a boat for use on Rogue river, in answering give ?rlee and all specifications. Box 178. Mall Tribune. LADY wants transportation to 8an Francisco July . 12. Would share expenses. Tel. 1398-J. WANTED 2nd hand goods and Junk. Pat's. J506 Prune. Ph. 547-L. WANTED TO BUY We pay cash for grain. . Monarch Seed Co. WANTED Saddle horse or pony to keep thru summer for Its feed. Ted dy Marshall. Phone 779-L. WANTED A large size used electric fan: address J. B, Mall Tribune giving size, condition and price. EMPTY TRUCK going to California and various parte ol Oregon wnt , load. Frank Newland. 820 W. 13th St. WANTED ' Wool and mohair. Wool sacks and twine for sale. Medford BargBin House. 97 No Grape St lei 1062 FOR RENT IIOur.CS FOR RENT Well located 4-rm. mod ern, home with electric range, nice lawn, shrubbery, etc.. 120. Also new 4-room modern home; ahade, lawn, good location. $17.50. REAL ESTATE EXCHANOE 1J5-E. Sixth St. Tel. 1488. PARTLY furnished house for rent. 613 No. Orape. rOR RENT Partly furnished houses. 5 to 7 month. Inquire 1405 No. Riverside. Tel. 1261. FOR RENT 539 West 10th St.. 6-rm. unfurnished home, newly papered; paved street: 2 blocks from new courthouse: 20 a month. Including water. Charles R. Rsv. Realtor. Medford Bldg. Phone 302. FOR RENT - to 8-room houses. Phone 105. 30 N. Central. FOR RENT Modern furnished bouse, f close in. Phone Mas. FOR RENT Strictly modern Spanish Stucco Five rooms, all hardwood floors, basement furnace, fireplace, etc. Fine location. 635. Water paid 1 Phone 455. , A)R RKNT Small furnished home, close In. on a court. Fine for work ing couple. Ecfr:c range. Frig'.d aire. Phcns 319-R. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Cheap. Cozy four-room house with 114 acreage, Irrigated. Phoenix. Phone 1194- X. FOR RENT Modern 6 -room house. 518 Park. Call Dr. Bunch. FOR RENT Small furnished house, frlgldatre, strictly modem. Call 221 N Holly. FOR RENT Modem bouse, close In Fine shade, lawn and garden lot. 20 per month. Call at 325 South Riverside. FOR RENT My oeautlful home on Rose and Fourth St. complete in every detail. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Also two moaern au plexea having electrlo refrigerator. stove and water neater. For ap polntment phone Mrs. Kyle Cook. B91-L or Tengwaid Agcy. v"R RENT Furn. house. 204 So. Orape. FOR RENT That beautiful, large home at 23 North orange street. Flowers, lawn, fruit, double gar , age. Available now. Key at 44 North Peach. Phone 1473-W. FOR RENT 5 room modern furnish ed bouse. Call at 414 8. Riverside. FOR RENT Good 6-room house Thone 1041-M. FOR REN1 aumea Furnuoed or unfurnished. Brown & White FOR RENT Modern partly furnished 4-room cottage, east side. Call at 414 S Riverside. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house, modern. Call 815 or 11 13-J. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. Key at 146 So. Ivy. POR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment, garage, at $10.00. 16 Mistle toe St. FURNISHED apartment for rent. 229 N. Ivy. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 313 So. Grape. FURN. apt. new overstuffed, refriger ation. The Berben, 10 Quince. FURNISHED apts. with bath and hot water, $10.00 per mo. Apply at People's Electrlo Store. 3 AND 3-ROOM Apts., $14 and $18. 217 West Second. FOR RENT Schuler Apts. beautiful ly furnished and modern. Prices ranging from $30 to $50. Corner 6th and Oakdale. FOR KENT Furnished apt. Inquire after 6 p m., 603 So. Holly. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Durell Court. 329 No. Holly HOMES H RENT Oail 796 FURNISHED house. 2 and 3-room apts.; garage. 604 W 10th. FOR RENT 2-ruom apartment. $10 630 So pir. Phone 1320. FOR KENT ROOMS AND BOARD REDUCED RATES for room and board at 716 E. Main. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FRONT ROOM Close In; hot and cold water; abower. 20 So. Fir. FOR SENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Rooms, No. 81 N. Grape , St. Business College. Inquire J. B. Andrews. FOR EXCHANOE WILL TRADE good three-quarter bed lor aayoea. r-iiuue ..h-m. Cedar St. FOR SALE OR TRADE Registered Junior Guernsey bull; also regis tered Guernsey bull calf. R. C. Benson. Phone 498-X. FOR TRADE 2 modern houses, part ly furnished, for small Improved acreage. 414 S. Riverside. EXCHANGE One of the nicest homes In Medford. Best location. 10 rooms, modern, 2-story, 2 -car garage, nice lawn, fruit and flowers. Will trade for ranch or small orchard. Address - Box 7132 Tribune. WILL TRADE CAR for wood. 1761 Riverside. TO TRADE Equity in modern five- room bouse for small truck or trac tor. K 0. Mall Tribune. tf PIANO AND FURNITURE to trade for tight car. Jacksonville Star Route. Box 81-B. TRADE Equity of siSOO In 6-room bungalow on macadam street for suburban acreage. Write Box 3834. Tribune. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT and confeetlonery for sale or trade. Box 126, Central Point. FOR SALE Shoe ahop: modern ma chinery; new Landla stitcher; lo cation Immediately. Box 7059, care Man Tribune. ROSEBURO Grocery, non-competl- tlve location, steady trade, fresh stock. Invoice about $800; fixtures, etc., $400. Besides earning modest living for owner, this place paid for Itself in 18 months. Getting old, wsnt to retire. Consider half cash, real estate first mortgage as collsteral for balance. P. H. Nagel, ' 149 Sheridan St, Roseburg, Oregon. PERSONAL GENTLEMAN with home wants to correspond with unincumbered la dy; object matrimony. Box 7143, Tribune. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow. Call at Leo Young's on Columbus Ave, south of Stewart. PICA, weanera and feeders, also J. and O. cow and cslf cheap. High way Boat Shop, Pac. highway. Cen tral Point. FOR SALE Milking Shorthorn bull calves. All ages. Cheap. Klrtland Firm. Central Pointy TOR SALE TRITKS FORD TRUCK, overhauled, good rub ber. RuTtell. starter: rhap or trade i , for light car. 17 Quince. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE My equity In. apartment house. 8 mall cash payment with reasonable terms. Illness for reason. Phone 379-R. MISTER STOCKMAN, here Is a ranch for you. About 160 acres right next to mile of range, about 50 acres cultivated, more can be; all under free In nation: on good road, school, mall, store reasonably close. This year'a crop, a team and all farm Implements go with place If taken soon. A real buy at $3750.00. Very reasonable terms. CLOSE In 14 i,i acres with fair buildings. 2 good well, pumping outfit for Irrigating part. Snap at $3000 half down, or will aooept clear 1 or 2 acre for part. THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Realtor. 195 E. Sixth St. Tel. 1496. FORCED TO SELL SEE THIS BARGAIN Property located at Fourth and Ivy street (307 N. Ivy) must be sold at once to settle an estate. Eight room, two-story frame house: hot and cold water, bath, electricity, large lot 102x100, with east front and beautiful shade trees, large garage with cement floor, double woodsheds, new concrete pavement on both streets: very close In and suitable for first-class apartment house; valuable property at any time. All clear for $2500 cash. Call at 307 N. ivy. POR SALE On terms, 9 acre fine soil. Will take light used car as first payment. A. L. Daugherty. Pern Valley. Knoll Krest Orchard. RIVER FRONTAGE AT HIGHBANKS 80 acre with nearly half mile on Rogue river, at lower High Banks The most frequented retreat of local angler. You can't equal this location at $2500. WALTER H JONES. Realtor. Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone 796. FORCED SALE 5 room modern home. 2 Iota, west side, close school, fine garden, cherries etc. Should sell for above $2000, on today market. Yours for $1200. Financed private loan. TWO ACRES highly Improved tract, 6 room new modern home, logan berries, black cap, reds, strawber ries, variety of fruits, best loca tion. Priced to sell at $3100. Terms. We advertise our best buys only Our experience In real estate val ues should be worth something to you. Try us. THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Realtors. 128 E. 6th . Phone 1496 FOR SALE HOMES 13-ROOM HOUSE Income property completed. Account sickness will sell for $3250.00; l',4 blocks from new courthouse. Several other nice homes and acreage at bargains. W. J. Robert. 720 W. 2nd.' , FOR SALE Attractive homee. Phone 105. 30 N. Central. SPANISH Stucco house, 406 No. Oak dale, 2 sleeping rooms, fireplace, hardwood floor, bullt-lns. . garage. Small amount of cash will handle. Make an offer. C. S. Butterfteld, Realtor. FOR SALE OR TRADE $1200 equity In large bungalow No. 318 Howard street for $300 cash or will trade for anything we can use Loan pay ment like rent. Phone 7-F-14 or 51-7-L or see Clarence Pierce. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '29 Auburn, 8-cylInder sedan; privately driven; like new; new tires. This car la a real buy for someone. Phone 1398-J. 836 Minnesota. FOR SALE 1929 Ford Coupe, cheap, 410 .Arcadia. 1930 FORD Sport Roadster: excellent mechanical condition: finish not so good. Full price $235. See W. E. Thomas, 45 So. Central. FOR SALE! Grain hay In field; close In. Phone 1129-R. FOR SALE Bulck 1930 Sport Road ster. A fast and beautiful car. Motor In fine condition; 6 wire wheel, fender well and trunk rack. A bargain at $625. Skinner's Gar age. Your Bulck Dealer. 143 So. Riverside. Phone 102. 11030 Ford Coach 1 1030 Chev. Coupe 1 Willys-Knight Sport Roadster 1 Nash Coach 1 Studebaker Coach 1 Bulck Touring. WALTER W. ABBEY. INC. NASH CARS a. M. C. TRUCKS 123 S- Riverside. Phone 303. 1933 LICENSE on all USED CARS' 1929 Dodge 6 Coup 1930 Essex Coupe 1037 Chev. Sedan 1926 Dodge Sedan 1924 Dodge 4-pass. Coup 1930 114 -ton Dodge Truck EAKIN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth Dealer. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown As White. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 8-tube Majestic radio, cheap. 629 No. Central. FRYERS, glsdlola blooms. Mr. Dress ier, 1107 E. Main. FOR SALE Large size baby crib, 410 Arcadia. FOR SALE Shaddocks King' high way raspberries for scanning. Tel. 774-R-3. FOR SALE Fine oak dining table, 64-ln. Have your furniture re upholstered by Thlbault. Tel. 069-R. CHERRIES for tale. 310 Portland. FOR BALE Oraln storage In fire proof building. Low Insurance rat Monarch Seed Co. POR SALE Oraln bara. sack twine. st new low prices. Monarcn Seed ' Co. I POR 6 ALE Furniture. tw;n be!. i drewer. ehlffrntei. tables, chair. 1 etc. 1013 80. Otk4. Tel. 593-L-a. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BINQ and Royal Ann cherries, half mile south Wbtt school house on Griffin Creek. EXTRA fine Loganberries and apri cot. A. M. Tyrrell. Phone 334-R-2. FOR SALE Oat hay, cheap. Phone 9-F-4. OI,AO:oLA bloom 25c doz, also fry ers. Mrs. Dressier. 1107 East Main. FOR SALE Cherries. R. R. Ouches, Griffin Creek. Phone 857-L. FOR SALE Dairymen like Ekonomy Dairy Fly Spray best. New low prices. Monarch Seed Co. POULTRY PEP Cure disentery m 3 days. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. GARDEN U1RT, plowing, fertilizer, aand and gravel. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE Used sewing macnuie. all make. $5 up; terms If desired. All make rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Oo. 24 N aartlatt MISCELLANEOUS WE PAY CASH for used cars and equities. . Plerce-Allen Motor Co. WE PAY CASH For furniture, tool or what have you. Medford Bargain U.-use, 27 No. Grape St. Phone 1062 CASH paid for ola gold, Jewelry, bridge work, etc Jennlnga Loan Office, No. 6 South Front. LOCAL or long distance naming We guarantee to save you money Haw ley XTansfer, 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X.. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title and Title Insurance. Tlie only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title, Title Insurance. Room 3 and 5. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstair. Automobile Loons. CONTRACTS REFINANCED PAYMENTS REDUCED We pay up balance due dealer, bank or finance company and extend your payment. Additional money loaned. Phone 31 for appointment. Dentistry. DR. JAMES S. JOHNSON Dentistry. 312-314 Medford Bldg. Phone 607. Dressmnklng nnd Remodeling. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking and remodeling. 424 Medford Bldg. Phone 1181. Funeral Parlor. PERL'S FUNERAL HOME Distinctive service at moderate rates. Estab lished 20 years. Ambulance aorv lce. 6th St. at Oakdale. Tel. 47. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleaning. Floor waxing. Orl- ental rug cleaning, specialty. Furniture Repairing. FURNITURE RE-UPHOLSTERED, re- flnlshed, re-glued. We carry a full line of upholstery samples. A. N. Thlbsult. Tel. 969-R. Lnwnmowcrs. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED, OILED and adjusted for 75c. Call and de liver free. 23 No. Fir. Phone 281. Mail Tribune Daily across 1, Station 6. Wlndflower 13. Mohammedan noble 14. Character In "A M id sum - fner Night's Dream'' 15. Do without. 18. Edible tuber 17. Pronoun 18. Ai far aa 19. Musical sounds Si Metal-bearing rock 12. Overcomes viin wonder 15. Lair 26. Unite 27. I'eruse te-ala 29. Finish tl. Foreboding (car 22. Percolated 16. Hlirh pointed hill St. Placid 19, Top cards ' 12, Compass point 14. Billows 15. Eighth tetter of the Arabia alphabet II. The American black snake 19. Note of the scale Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle IEHS mm 42 Anglo-Saxon money of account 80. Third klnr of Judah 61. Protective covering 14. Screwlike part of a ship's log 6. Irish pool L ASTpSlAFESElR!AjL alt q ajnJOTdjeM RACIa s nTeMnIeMp oIeIsIy R AISE L dTlEJIFCJAiB E RJl n.PjTMARN6 E IJ L L CTaJRJY IN X ry s I oMfe ieip SITIATRR ATdE L LIEjN CAfR A F EMMjOiB bWC E AfiENlA EjNttOmo E ft IEIAIP IHRIEID jWlEINID P P I4 P 1PP 17 I3 I? 0 " V M 3 m7 31 iFS32 -33 34 3S '',?: -fM ," in yj, .'. i 1 "Vri'n. .ifoi .iviVi . maaHmm ,mmm mwT -7 it :U.d intit, i.itUtt .. ,. , - ''(( ,1 ih - - , dm, f- ' If; 5P" si j"r.3z ; 1 i.i 1 11 " -l 1 1 r Bt'SlNESS DIRECTORY Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant In southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds; book binding: loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slip and everything In the printing line. 28-30 N. Grape. Phone 75. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY on furniture and late model autos. Three per cent per month on unpaid balance. No other charges. Come In and get the cash today. See W. E. Thomas, 46 So. Central. Phone 139. Painting. JOHN H. LOCK Contracting Painter. Quality work at lower price. Phone 640 or 953-R. Plnno Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano. Classical and popular music courses. Halght Muslo Studio, 318 Liberty Bldg. Tel. 73. Roofing. STANDARD ROOFINO CO. Builder of water-tight roofs. Estimates and Inspection without charge. Tenth and Fir St. Tel. 1077. Transfer. REINKING TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 332. DAVIS TRANSFER is STORAGE Service guaranteed. 20 8. Grape St. Phone 644. or residence 1060. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 318. Prices right. Service guaranteed. Watch Repairing. 135.00 REWARD for any watch I can't fix. Used watches sold at half wholesale price. 8th St, opposite Stage Depot. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Final Account. In the county Court of the Stat of Oregon foT Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate .of John O. Taylor, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that th un dersigned, Administrator with the Will annexed, of the Estate of John G. Taylor, Deceased, ha filed hi final account on the administration of said estate with the County Clerk of Jackson County, Oregon, and the above named Court ha fixed 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the 1st day of August. 1933, at the County Court House In Medford, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections thereto, and allowing and settling the same. All persona Interested In snid estate are hereby notified to present their objections, if any, to said account, or any item thereof, on or before said day. O. E. PIERCE, Administrator. Summons for Publication. . No. 5223-F. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Jackson. Ceorge L. Drummond and Kffle Drummond, His Wife, Plaintiff, vs. William Miller, the Unknown Heirs of William Miller; Mallnda Y. Mill er, Wife of William Miller, the Un known Heirs of Mallnda Y. Miller: R. W. Christian, Trustee; also sll other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein. Defendants. o William Miller, th unknown heirs of William Miller; Mallnda Y. Mill er, wife of William Miller, the un known, heirs of Mallnda Y. Miller; R. W. Christian, Trustee; also, all Cross-Word Puzzle 7, A Christian creed t. Greek letters 9. Parent: colloq, 10. Strontj-amell- ing vegetable tl. Saltpeter 12. Alleviates to. Peculiar 23. Pefore 24. Chairs 26. fimells 25. Rustle 30. New Testa ment spell Ins of Noah 23. Last English letter 34. Captivates 25. Wiihes 37. Cause IS. Understand 39. Moll re 40. Kins of Itumanla 41. Puff up 43. Marks of wounds 4(. Quantity par unit of time 47. An tncarnatlof of Vishnu 51. Gypsy aen tie- map 52. Extinct New Zealand bird II. Broad thor ouahfarei abbr. ST. Football teams SS. Accumulate DOWN t. Base coward 2. Authorize 2. Edible seed 4. Above: poet. I. Waste allow ance I. Expiate other persons or parties unknown claiming .any right, title, estate Ilea or Interest m the real estate described In the complaint herein, the above named defendant: la the Name of the State of Ore gon, you, and each of you, are here by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 39th day of July, 193a. said date be ing the last day of four weeks from the date of the ft rat publication of this summons, and said period t.t fotr weeks being the time prescribed for publication hereof; and If you fall ao to appear and answer tnld complaint for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in their com plaint, to-wit: That a decree be entered adjudica ting any and all right, title, estate, lien or claim which you, or any of you. have or claim to have in, to or upon the real property situated In Jackson County, Oregon, described is follows, to-wlt: Tract Forty-one (41) of Champ lln Subdivision, according to the recorded plat - thereof, subject to an easement upon and along any boundary line or lines of eald tract for construction and maintenance of convenient and adequate Irriga tion, and-or drainage ditches, flumes, and-or pipe lines for the conveyance of Irrigation water to other tracts of aald subdivision, and for drainage purposes, together with right of aooesa thereto across said tract for maintenance pur pones; Also, subject to a mortgage in the sum of Twenty-five Hundred . ($3500.00) Dollars to the Riverside Community Club, and declaring all such claims null and void, and decreeing that aald plaintiffs are the owners In fee sim ple of said premises, and the whole thereof, subject to said mortgage, free and clear of any right, title, eetate. Hen or Interest In said real estate of said defendants herein and each and all of their servants, agents and em ployees, and each and all persons claiming or to claim by. through or under them, be forever enjoined, re strained and barred from asserting or attempting to establish or claim ing any right, title, estate. Hen or in terest whatsoever In or to said prop erty, or any portion thereof, and that plaintiffs' title to aald real property be forever quieted and aet at rest, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable In the premises. This summons Is published by or der of Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge of the above entitled Court, made end entered In said court and cause 01 the 1st day of July, 1033, pre scribing that said summons be serv ed by publication thereof once each week for four consevutlve weeks In the- Medford Mall Tribune, a dally newspaper of general circulation printed and published at Medford, Oregon. The date of the, first publi cation of this summons Is July lat, 1033. T. W. MILES, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Address: Jackson County Bank Build ing, Medford, Oregon. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County.- In the Matter of the Estate ' of Ed Brown and Hat Me Brown, Deceas ed. Notice la hereby given that the tin dersignod has been duly appointed, and has qualified as administrator of the estates of the above named de cedent, and all persons having claims against said estates are hereby di rected to prewnt same, properly veri fied In the manner provided by law, to the undersigned at the office of the county court, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, -within six months from the date of the first publica tion of this notice. Dated and flrat published July X, 1933. VICTOR TENOWALD, AdnlmtstratoT of the estates of Ed Brown and Hattle Brown, Deceased. Brownsboro BROWrrABORA. Jul ainl i Ry. Smith and familjr wr wslcome visitors at. JSunH.w uhMi o Mr. Smith preached an Interesting viuivu in uie aiwrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Uanh.11 r.A son Bllljr are camped near Butte Fall for the summer, irher Mr. Mar shall will be employed by the forest ei .it.. Frances Mvera vaa a Miut a. t..- little friend, Beth Clngcade of Eaale Point, over the week-end- for the Fourth. Mr. H. w. Wright recently received a newspaper clipping of the celebra tion of her grandmother' 102nd birthday at Milwaukee. Mrs. Warnke till retains her eyesight, 1 able to read her bible and take a walk dally. v Bllen Tucker, who ha been visit ing her parent, returned to Medford Monday. Bill Gibson and Mrs. Matlock and on Junior enjoyed a trip to Crescent City th Fourth. The Reed Charley family picnicked at Flsti lake. Mrs. Ellen Charley, who la attend ing school at Ashland, wa horn last week-end. Mr. and Mr,. Jack Heckner, with relatives and friend, from near Weed, Cel., ,prnt the Fourth at Crater lake. Mr. and Mr. Joe Maxfleld and Mr. Hayward were dinner guest, in Med ford at the Lyl Hard horn July 4. Long Mountain TONO MOUNTAIN, July 8-(Spl.) Mrs. Ray Harnlsh and Mrs. Harris of Eagle Point spent th afternoon with Mrs. Oeorge Stowell Jun to. Week-end guest of Mr. and Mr. W. R. Holman and family were Mr. and Mr. Charles Preston of Ban Francisco, Mrs. Reed of Doris, Calif., nd Mia Lorn a Durham of Orlffln creek. A plento dinner wa glrsn at the Blka picnic ground July 9. Attend ing were Mr. and Mr. Charle Pres ton. Mr,. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ramlsh and daughter, Louise, of Roseburg, Mr. and Mr, w. R. Rot man and family. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Harnlsh and family. Mr. and Mra. Theron Taylor and son, Billy, and Chester Smith, Mr. and Mra. Nick Young and Mr. and Mra. Jack Stowell and fimlU-. Mslste BMelley and Grandma fitow.ll atlenried a plcnlo tha 4th at th, Tlngleaf home. Gold Hill GOLD HILL, July 8. (Spl.) Clin ton Walker spent Monday with Mrs. Walker In Ashland. Sister Maude Rogers, president of Rebekah assembly for this year, wa present at a meeting of the local Re bekahs Saturday. After the business meeting lovely refreshment were served. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clement and children and Mra. Tom Robinson, son Junior and granddaughter, Betty Lou, returned last week from Brookings, after a week there. Mrs. George Hammersly and chil dren, Jeanne and BUI, Mrs. J. W. Clerk and L. Smith are spending tha week at Brookings. ' Among Gold Hill people attending the ball game at Butte Falls Monday were Mr. and Mra. Wllmer Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. JSlankenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Gray and son Rich ard, Norman Bailey, Janet Chlsholm. Richard McKay, Lucille Wheatley. Cameron and Zelda Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Cook and chil dren were In from Foot creek Sat urday; ' Mis Evagent fi tarns and Ivan Smith were among those picnicking on Sardine creek Monday. ' - - Mr. and Mrs. George Dorman and daughter Helen and Mr. Maybe'.le Dotson and son spent the week-end and holiday at the coast. Mr. Bowman left last week to spend the summer with her daugh ter, Mr. Nellie Burtleaon, on Apple, gate. .,.... . Evadna Musty of Central Point spent several day last week with her sister, Mr. J. W. Lewi here. Mr. and Mr. Tom Smith and daughter Ztlda were in Grants Fas Sunday. Mr. and Mr. John- Sutton spent Sunday with relatives In Grant Pass. i" Miss Bernlc Cook Is (pending the week in Yakima, Wash., with friend; Irene Hoffman of Central Point was a guest of Prance Devi Sat urday. ' Mra. O. W. Martin and daughter Jill, and Nona Heyland spent the Fourth at Grant Pass, Mr. and Mrs. SI Pearc and grand daughter, Beverly Fuller, spent ,the week-end with relative. In Butte Falls. ' Mra. R. E. Blankenburg and Zelda Smith ahopped In Medford Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost and chlV dren spent Monday nlcnlcklng on Applegate. Walter Zimmerman of Chlloquln was a business visitor here thla week. i Mr. and Mra. L. Whltsett and Mra. K, Phillip returned Thursday from a trip to the coast, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Force have mov ed back to town after spending a week taking care of tha Whltsett ranch. ' Phoenix PHOENIX, July 8. (Spl.) Today Is the regular meeting date of tha Ladles' Aid society, but aa the special meetings are under way at the church, the ladles postponed their meeting 'to a data to be an nounced later. Presbyterian Young Peoples' con ference opened at Rogue River thla week, with the following from Phoe nix attending: Id White, Frances Porter, and Marjorle Poltng. Drs. Dan E. and Susie V. Standard, Mrs. Amanda Standard, Mrs. Lydla Vincent and Mrs. J. O. K. Poling visited Albert Vincent and family In Burns several days, returning tha middle of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ChrUtlanson and son, from Linden. Calif., spent a few days at the home of her sla ters here, Mrs. Lillian coleman and Mrs. Andrew Hearn. Mrs. Thompson and daughter from Bend vUl ted at the W. D, Barnes home over tha week-end. Bob Cook from Corvallts, and Mis Pat Cohn from Klamath Falls visited at the A. H. Hearn home over the week-end. Byron Coleman of California, ac companied by his mother, are spend ing a few days here, looking after business Interest. Among those from this community spending tha week-end at tha Lake o the Woods, were Mr, and Mra. Louie Colver, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oaater. Mr. and Mra, Earl Anderson and Ray Mauet. RIVIERA, July . (Spl.) Mr. and Mra. Roy Thompkln and family ware business visitors In Medford Satur day. L. L. Smith went to Wagner Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Avery of Treka. Calif., called on R. L. Miller the flrat of the week. Mrs. L, R. Skelton and daughters. Barbara Jean and Marjorle, left for Palo Alto, Calif., Thursday. The glrla will enter the Olrl Scout camp there. Donald Skelton and John Mill re spending th week with Mrs. R. L. Miller, waiting to go to Scout camp at Lake of the Wood July A. Arthur Jackson,' Mr. and Mrs. M Boomaltter and daughter, Beth, spent the Fourth at Bybee springs. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith, Dorothy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R L. Miller, Phyllis snd Junior Miller, Donald Skelton, John Mills and Mr. and Mm, Oeorge Lane enjoyed ft pie Dlo dinner In Rivera park Monday. Oeorge W. Lanes spent Wednesday In North Bend where he la taking treatment for ear trouble at the Klaer Bros. Hospital. Riviera Willow Springs WILLOW SPRINGS. July 8 (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Gene Blackford and family silent Sunday plcnlclng as Union Creek. Mrs. M. F. Toung 1 seriously 111 with Influenza. The A. H. Clement family plcnlcee with a party of frlenda at the Nstu. ral Bridge Saturday. Clyde Richmond, Jr., and Cell Clement enjoyed ft fishing trip to Diamond Lake tha Fourth. Miss Margaret Dtckeraon of Xuw sua, Oregon, and Lloyd Anderson, who has recently been employed In Klntua and who I the son ox Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson of this vicinity, were married Jun 39 snd ars now guests at the horns or Mr. Anderson' parent. Mr. and Mrs. F. B.- stambaugn of Portland, were recent over-nlgh. guest of the J, W. Elden home, while on ft business trip to southern Oregon. On their return to Portland Wednesday they were accompanied by their daughter. Adelaide, who has been a guest of the Eldens the last two weeks, and by Oeorge Elden, who ha accepted ft position In Mr, Stambaugh'a office. Miss Rose Jones was hostess jun 30 st delightful afternoon meeting of the "Be Jolly" , club. The local chapter or the national organisation of the Apricot Pie club, hld It annual . meeting Saturday, July a. with ft plcnlo supper st th Bonney Grill on Rogue river. The J. W. Btrkhols. J. w. Elden snd W. . K. Parker families held their usual 4th of July plcnlo a .he J. W. Elden home Monday even ing. Mr- and Mrs. A. H. Clement and William. Gardner were entertained at ft lawn dinner at th horn of Mr. and Mrs. Percy .Thomas on Foot) Creek, July 4. .. , : Harry Elden I now employed in the office of the Jsckson County Building and Loan association in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Denlve lers Sunday for Diamond lake, when Mr, Denlve will be employed during the summer. Marlon Caster, Harry Elden and Robert Loesch spent the week-end In Crescent City. , The P. A. Bonney family enjoyed a short outing at Dead Indian Sodft Springs, returning the night of th 4th. Miss Ellis Rarrlson and Roland Blrkhols, with a party of friends, motored to Crescent City Saturday and enjoyed ths celebration of the) 4th. Ths Misses Adelaide Stambaugn, Frances Parker and Wylamae Parker and J. W. Elden and George Elden spent Sunday at Dead Indian Sodft Springs, .. , Hugh Porter and family and Fred Porter and family of Medford spent. Sunday evening at th Oscar Black" ford horns. TRAIL, July I (Spl.) Mr. end Mr. Ralph Watson and son Carroll drove to Roseburg Saturday for . ths Fourth, with Mrs. Watson's sister snd family, Mr. and Mrs. Hougb.es snd daughter Daffney. Mr. and Mr. E. B. Ash drove up to the Buzzard mine Sunday where . they were guest of Mr. and Mra. Mark Applegate over ths Fourth. Mr. and Mr. H. How are planning on atartlng In their auto to their horns In Michigan this week. They hare been In Oregon nearly ft year and. hop to return when they hav their business arranged. Mr. and Mra. Roy Oreen from Cap tain Black' summer home down th river, were callers ftt the S. W. Hutch inson horn July 4. Doe Orlmm. who has been In Cali fornia for the last few weeks, called at th Boyd Tucker horn Saturday, then left to begin work for th forest service s; ft lookout. Mrs. Holll Swingle 1 enjoying si few weeks' stay at Brooking, where) he hope to obtain relief from her hay fever. i Boyd Tucker Is doing some car penter work for Floyd Hutchinson on th vcgetsbl snd fruit stand n l building lit hi place. Mrs. N. Howe, Mrs. Ed Pence and Mrs. Wllmer Ragsdal and two chil dren called on Mrs. 8. W. Hutchin son Thursday, Th following war guest of Mr, snd Mra. S. W. Hutchinson for plc nlo lunch on th Fourth! Mr. snd Mrs. Psrk Nomer snd daughters, Joy snd Ellenla, of Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hutchinson and little daughter Shirley of Klamath Fall snd Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hutchinson nd three children, Olive, Junior and Dorothy, of Trsil. , , ' -' flreec Guerds Exports. 1 ATHENS. OP) A Mil lis been In troduced forbidding exportation of olive oil and figs to th United State I unless accompanied by ft certificate from th ministry of agriculture tes tifying to th good condition and high grade of Mis shipments. Crystal glow Kodak (las suprsm), ' The Pauley's, Opp. Holly Theater, Tou can Invest 93000 and re- celv percent Interest pay t able semi-annually la ft good . , safs first mortgsgs secured by Income propsrty. Its purchase ; price) 'O th present owner was mors than 110,000. ; ; Tou will b Pld .130 cash , , vary sis months for ft three ysar term for ths us of this ) first mortgsg loan. . Tour Inspection of ths security t Is welcomed. X CARL TIMV Liberty Bldg. " Trail