PXGE TWELVE JfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. JfEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932. VY bu Cant Marry oy juita itieji'xaaam 8YS0P818 : Her own happinete mutt be tacriUved tor that of her eouttn Qeorgie, Jenny Itevell de cide, for Georgia hat btcn kind to her. Oeorgie it tecretly married to Eddie Toicntend. but to prevent her employer dltcharging her, the hae told him that Jenny it Eddie'e vile. Dr. Taltae tutpecte thit trick. Chapter 8 BLACKMAIL? "BECAUSE be'i the Old Man!" " Georgle's laugh was curt, as her voice. "He never actually ac cused me of jelling those figures to the Qortens crowd, so be (eels he needn't apologize. But he wants me to know I'm vindicated, all the . same!" "I do like him so much." said Jen ny softly. "Is ha very HIT After I left he was .olng to see some doc tors." "He's been 111 for years, off and on, hut that wcn't stop him living forever It he wants to, the old beast!" Georgle's manner was ab itracted. "Look here, kiddle, I'm going to send you home In a taxi. You're not fit to go on foot. And wben I get In I don't expect to be late I'll come to see It you're all right. ... It'll be like old times, hist you and me " "No," said Jenny unexpectedly. 'It won't be like old times. Don't ago and pretty well the only ont I've kept" ' - "Ob, but really' "Before we've got to our coffee I may not want to be under an obliga tion to you." "Perhaps not," smiled Tallas. He paused, then added: "But long be fore the coffee you'll And you can't afford to quarrel with me." The waiter came back, and they began to eat Georgle found that she was hungry: opposition always stimulated her, and this weedy crea ture was, It seemed, not an enemy to be afraid of. He would demand more than she gave Gill, but not more than she could afford. But she must be bold and Arm. She finished her chop and noticed that be had hardly touched his. Opening her bag, she asked, with out any preliminary: "Well, let's get on with It? Bow much?" He gulped, gasped and took soma minutes to recover. Then, to her renewed dismay, he smiled again and shook his head. "You're offering me money not to tell old Matching that you married Townsend? That's not very Intelli gent of you. You evidently have courage, but not Intelligence." Georgle waved away the waiter, Wben be was once more out of ear shot, she said: I MIR 1 mui ix.r Blackmail. Tallas would ask a heavy price. "Wall," aald Georgia, "hew muehf"s let'a pretend It will. I went to Mrs. Blgger'a on my way to Rochester ... Gate, and Eddie has gone." 'rwhere toJ" : "She thinks to the airfield, but she's not sure. Hi left word that he would write. To me. I'll go now, Georgle, dear. I hope you'll enjoy i your chop." . Georgle bit her lip as the slender figure vanished. She telephoned for a taxi for "Mrs. Townsend" and - then, as an afterthought, for an- ' other for -herself. The chop was to be eaten at seven In a secluded city . grillroom, and she wanted to be early. Her host waa Dr. Leslie Tallas. Aa she made ready to leave the building aba lnought of the way bis vole bad tome over the phone. "You'll come, won't youT I really think you must -.ome, By the way, how Is your cousin's husband, Town aendT By an odd chance I came across a chap who's clerk at the City Hall, where they were married. Talkative sort of chap. . , , Shall we aay seven? Somewhere quiet? I'm a talkative sort of chap, too, you I see, and I've got one or two things to say." Georgle frowned. Fear and hatred were In her heart Squaring people like GUI and Mrs. Bigger waa one thing this significant voice put of the air waa quite another. Black- mall, no lesa. And, with those narrow-eat eyes and thin mouth, Tallas would ask a heavy price. Absorbed In her thoughts, she went down to the taxi and waa driven downtown. The grill-room was certainly secluded. It held no one she knew. She thought she would choose a table not too much In a corner and then she found that, early aa she was, Tallas waa earlier, He waa standing smiling by a table In the most secluded cor ner of alL 8he studied him aa they sat down and discussed their dinner. He bad the small eyes and the mean mouth of her recollection, and ha looked worn and shabby aa well. "Do you want to see mo on a mat ter of business?" she demanded aa toon at th waiter had left them, - "You can call It business." His hands worked nervously. " -. "Then you'll please let me psy ay own bill," announced Georgle calmly. "It's a rule t made years "I can't give anything bat money.'' "Can't you?" Georgle'a pulse began to race. She waited. "Money isn't of so much use In the end, Mrs. Townsend I beg your pardon Miss Revel!. Money is only an end In Itself. I'd never ask for money If I could have Informa tion." "Information?" "I'd refuse five thousand If I thought I could find out what the estimate waa that old Matching aent by air. Townsend took the document, you'll remember. And you'll remember, too, what the fig ures were. . , , Well?" "Well?" repeated Tallas after a long, strange silence. "What were those figures that Townsend took?" Georgle stared down Into her bag. She bad left It open not because she had any hope that the man would accept her money after all, but because It so happened that, as she sat, aha stared down at her weekly check and her wedding-ring; and It aeemed so significant that just at thla moment they should be to gether In the little leather compart meat. The ring, certainly, waa In side the lining, hidden there after the ceremony, but the outline of it waa clearly visible. And the check wsa outside the lining, very crisp and clear. Well?" snapped Tallas. He sounded extremely nervous, but she knew thai he would not yield an Inch of hit advantage. "I may aay tbat I don't Intend to wait about while you make up your mind. I mean, I'm not going to give yon three daya or three weeks, or even three hours. I want that information here and now or we'll go atralgbt away to Matching and tell him all about last Saturday. No good say ing thst If I do that, I'm killing tie goose that lays the golden eggs I'll kill It, all right, and you and that little baggage of a cousin of yours can learn to be more civil In your manner to atrangert. And no good taylng that Match ing probably knowa already, because I II give the newt to the prest and he'll have to take notice of It, then. And-" . , (Copyright, Julia Clttt-Xddamt) Oeergle prepares to defy th doe. tor and ends Qarth Aveney bands liar, an Monday. L'S SCENARIOWINS DEGREE AS ARCHITECT COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Ruth Morris wrote a movie scenario and It won her the degree of prof rational architect at Ohio State univaralty. Mlaa Morns, after receiving tha de gree of bachelor of architecture In 1M4. went to Hollywood, where she tsalated Vie art staffs In producing seta for moving pictures. Whan the returned to the unlvev ally for another degree she wrote a movie, "Catherine the Great," for her thesis. It contains 17.000 words. Sketches showing various dramatic Incidents In tha play were Inter, eprrsed In the thesis. Aahland. Kntrance and front Flaaa oaft being Improved. of JACKSONVILLE GRANGE PLAYS HOST TONIGHT Jacksonville Orange will be host to the Rosy Ann Orjnia tonight in a Joint aeasion at I SO o'clock. Rosy Ann officers led by Roacoa Robert, m aitcr, will preside, conduct the meeting and present th program. All Jacksonville patrons are Invited to meet the Roxy Ann folks. The Jackaonvllle Orange picnic held July 4th, was well attended. A fine plcnlo lunch waa enjoyed, after which everyone participated In game and swimming. The day's festivities ended with a dancing party at the arena hall with about 40 gtieatt present. T NEW YORK, July 8. (AP) The women'! organization for national prohibition reform decided today to support Pranklln D. Roosevelt for president. The organization claims a membership of more than l.OOO.QOO branches In 43 states. The decision was reached after an all-day meeting of the executive committee, attended by 60 women from 23 eta tea. Twenty-nine of those present were Republicans. The last paragraph of a resolution, as adopted, read: "We therefore urge members of this organization, because they are committed to the cause of repeal, whether they be Republicans or whether they be Democrat, to give their support to the nominee of that party which favors the repeal of the 18th amendment. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.' HARVEST WAGES SET IN BIG BEND WATER VILLE, Wash., July 8 (AP) At. a special meeting of wheat growers snd farmers of ths Big Bend section of the Columbia river last night, wage scales for harvest ing were set. It was decided to Issue a warning to outsiders tbat there Is plenty of local help available to handle the harvest. , The scale adopted la as follows: Baying, tl a day and board. Combine drivers aad crews, SI. 50 to $2.60 a day and board. Tractor drivers, S3 a day and board. Horaes, It a day each team, plus feed. Combining, SI .50 to 13.23 sn acre Header puncher, S2.50 and board. Loader, 92. Header box driver, $1.50. Spike pitch. S3. Cooks, 13. Australian Bribe System Battled By "Secret Six" SYDNEY (Ap7 "Business men here, with a secret Inner council of tx of Australia's leading citizens, have, at the .Instance of the Rotary organization, formed an antl-brlbery and secret commissions protection league. For some years bribery has been Increasing. Business men found they had to pay "commissions" and give "presents," mostly to polltlclsns, WT obtsln big orders and contracta. The Inner council will lay trap for bribers and arrange for Imme diate prosecution. Ease Berlin Ball Jaunt. WANSEE, Germany. (A) The) electric railway which connects Ber lin with this lake resort will seoat have the longest rails In the world, stretching 60 meters, or 10964 lest, between Joints. The long rails ara expected to Insure smooth riding.- Roseburg. Plans proposed for nes sewer system here. TAILSPIN TOMMY Missing One Airplane! rlUVf HAVE BEEN HERS - THtRE'S A THUNDERSTORM THE MOUNTAINS BROUNIE HAVE CUT HIS RADIO OUT- SEE IF I CAN GET Noli 3 Y i I3ttlN THAT J SOMETHINS "tf ltWr- QZ2Z- ZWCAr C- - LV " r - SI THAT ,M DARN THIS u&a& AAteeeZT f THM ' Sfe L.'i " , IffT W y r I -V 0 Irt K." -fW I ISLS'VC W fCS dw -r mill I il l I Ii. ITS, . - '1 f-sa vif t r v j ti i . e ai IMI il w -TT- 7-t 1 - v- r A. 0y OLENN CHATTO and UAL WOSLHUt 77 IN ' MUST "I'LL HIM , 'Of CLOU OS 60f W59f- sa4o B ff rwjyv if a-L5oprgST J S'MATTER POP Well, Let's Make It Candy By C. M. PAYNE (take T)is! it'sust YWr, Just ui Wf mEam'T IT cTXt ' . SeA J (Copyright, 183?. by The Bell Syndicate. Tnej K JA BOUND TO WIN A Safe Anchorage ABOUT TWENTV MILES AM' NIGHT' BE ON OS JfJ A BETTER DROP SOMEWHERE "5 NtR COfitVY 7 . - - - By EDWIN ALGER mmmmmm er w ... zn i i m WSm J WA NEAREST ON-TO I THE K4IGHT ?5 V THROLiGHTHE f i?kS'Vp v?l ft7oSg SmBzWM i i r, - mil mm i tej uw1 m aru. -i-, 1 eriv iimizit 'am - -' .. n !fli V. V.1 i ' MM II mm I T-MMJl .' " ' YIK IS !r I I MWU saw .r-'i.' ' I KKvSJitwer- J!'?y 1JsS afJVv ""vW r THE NEBBS Well What About It? 7 By SOL HESS f TWO ISSJT SUCH A ygf ffl- p f IM RUDOLPH f JUST StSW TWE -v. fS" , J,-r- ,rAmmmm' I BAO LOOKIMS DUMP.) NEBS. PROPRIETOR V REGISTER NOO TLSL. 1 VES, AMD IP ME S. 1 HOPE TMEV DiDSJ'T ' ' fjfrM I OF THE POTTS HOTEL J DONJ'T EVPECT ME TO I " Z.lf & LrJ OOESNlY HAMO MET 5PEMO ALL THEIR M AT NOR.T1 'VILLE X OUMP OVER. THE. i?X1CrJIL ile Y&i A SUBSTANTIAL. TIME OM THE rr- XT1 1 I WROTE SOLI 1 WAS ( COUMTHR ANJO , V TjS S- J I Ml TIP I'M SOIKJS TO ( PWE NEBS FAMILV ARE NOAJ ARR1VIMS AT LORELEI LODGE, AFTER A SEMI-PLEASWvm Tftll TO REM AIM FOR AM UMOETER- MiNieo MUTT AND JEFF Hey! Dassa No Way To Treata Da Monk By BUD FISHER Tisi vl momk : I'll Ae Up 1 N.Hi1 t'll see if tmci son of J suppa M monk t . x'U TO 5 '!(. TO tR0P A PCIMNY M . , Y SWNV ITALY lvC J VWOMNA, CMTA - v fiS7 ja, ' RDfVriMO t TO rtTllPn ' " I Salem. New unit of alat tubarcu laals hoapltal dedicated. I MH-TOM MATTO 1 Its) TELL HIM I'M OUT I THt PAStuOR TO StK Ht OtTEST ABLE YOU-WHATLLI TELL I CANT 9TANO By George McManut OH' THAT TOO BAD THAT -OOR DAUGHTER IS OUT-MOWEVEt I O LIKE TO TO fOU-I M CRATY ABOUT oaucmteh But i'd hate TO TEuu YOU hy She Thinks- I I t ALVIW4 19 I DO YOU KNOW.Mf-l . I I I ; j v i Tvjijr. ljuuh i trx I i ant uow-1 it r r i . i 5PCAHC Y i KNEW VMAT II I I THINKS A LOT OF f 1 ' g3 JOST CAUSED IT- II R UV , MC- r-l ' K i , ' I i I I f l IV s& A IkV. ill ill ) If rafeS JiQ. Ti':-:: l; , l .1 I I'll U Ml III Hr!T? S1I f