i JIEPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, lEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932. PAGE ELEVEN Local and Personal Borne from South Weaal Coggins i returned yesterday from Ban Fran ; otaoo wbere b has been vacationing. Eb U employed at tn Holland Hotel. ( t Lose Tire A spare tire and rim ' were stolen from the car belonging j to Carold J. Parker of A07 South Cen ?. tra avenue last night, a report to ; the city police station shows, t ' Insurance Man Here Jim Good - man of Portland, representative of i the Pacific Indemnity company, is in - Medford today conferring with other ' Insurance representatives. -5 ... Quest of Mrs. Collins Mrs. Cath :i erlne Burgher of San Francisco ar 1 rfcred here by train this morning from 1 Portland to visit her mother, Mrs. . pearl V. Collins, for a few days. - t Journey North Mr. and Mrs. Ed a Nichols left yesterday for Portland 2 and other northern points on a v& f cation trip. Mr. Nichols Is employed f at the local postoff Ice. j , Mist In man Home Mt&s Winifred 5 Inman has returned to her home at I phoenix after recovering from a major I operation recently undergone at the'l Community hospital. From Grants Pass Mrs. Gertrude Mason and Mrs. Etta Ross and daugh ter are In Medford today from Grants Pass. Another caller from the neigh boring city Is A. M. Huber. Here for Operation Mrs. W. Ij. Usher of Mt. Shasta, Ca., underwent an operation today at the Sacred Heart hospital. t Her daughter is here from the northern California town to be with her during her recovery. i V'Down from Lake John H. Sprague, who U employed at Lake o' the Woods, will return to the resort to morrow after spending several days in Medford attending to business matters. VlsltU Brother Mrs. Genevieve Johnston of Portland, stopped In Medford en route north from Los Angeles, to visit her brother, Wil liam McAllister. She left here for Portland Wednesday. Guests In Medford Hotel guests m the city Include from California: Stella Handelln of Oakland, Mrs. George Allen, Amelia Allen and An drew Randelln of Yreka, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Pettte, Jr., of Beverly Hills, D. O. Curtles, J. U. Landes. Sam Sobel, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fra ster, Mrs. S. Alice Abrams, Miss Patty Galllgan, H. H. Loughery, Mrs. L. Harler and daughter and Mr. and Mrs, R. Do nn adieu of San Francisco. Home from Vacation Misses Pat Collins and Georgia Webb and their guests, Barbara Schmidt and Ruth Carlson, have returned from a four days' vacation at Diamond lake, where they enjoyed swimming, mo toring and dancing. - Leave for North Mrs. Everett Eads, Mrs. Irl Groves snd Miss Dor othy Eads left today for Roseburg and Cottage Grove. Miss Eads will visit for a week with her oousln, Miss Eleanor Boyd of Winston, near Rose burg. e Harper In Hospital George Harper, bridge carpenter for the Owen-Oregon Lumber company, . underwent a major operation this morning at the Sacred Heart hospital and was re ported to be getting along nicely this afternoon. Bicycles Stolen Harry Morrow, lo cal postal carrier, reported to police this morning that his bicycle was stolen yesterday. Robert DeOrot of 300 May street has his bicycle taken last evening, he reported early to day. Eighteen at Clinic Eighteen chil dren were examined yesterday after noon at the free clinic at the Y. W. C. A., In charge of county health officer, Dr. C. I. Drummond, and nurse, Miss Blanche Runels. They were assisted by Mrs. R. E. Green and Mrs. Miles Gammlu. Fire Prevention Tanght The Cham ber of Commerce building window today conveys a lesson In forest fire prevention with posters and camp fire equipment arranged to stress the need for putting out cigarettes, matches and campflres to preserve Oregon's greatest wealth, natural scenery. Will Camp on Applegate Paul Been told of Portland arrived here yesterday with a group of friends en route to the upper waters of the Applegate, where a month's camping will be enjoyed. The fellows plan to fish, mine and have a general old fashioned camping expedition, sans conveniences. Climb Diamond Peak Martin G. Kabele, son of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Kabele, who Is a student for the sum mer term at the University of Ore gon, with a party of university stu dents, climbed Diamond peak on July 4th. He Is reported the second one who reached the top of the peak during this year. From the peak both Mt. Hood and Mt. Shasta could be seen. They had many thrilling experiences climbing the peak and returning down. Three Values It has been our custom for years to offer some one item at a very special money-saving price eact Sat urdy. Tomorrow, we are adding to this practice by offering special reductions on three items which we know every housewife will be interested in. Drop in to our retail store tomorrow and try one of these super values. . Congo Devilsfood Cakes 19c each Milk Chocolate Cakes 19ceach Genuine French Doughnuts 19c dozen Both the Congo Devilsfood and Milk Chocolate Cake are iced with a delightful Marshmallow. Fluff Icing which is just like homemade. The French Donnts are an iced doughnut which is light and tasty and just the thing to replace the regular doughnut dur ing the hot weather. II J COUNT THE YELLOW BOXES Real Proof That Country People Read the MAIL TRIBUNE Returns Home Miss Louise Under- wood has returned to Medford from: CanyonTllle, where she has been va cationing for some time. Mores Office Dr. S. W. Hoffman has announced the change of his office from Medford to his residence on the Jacksonville highway. To Furnish Music For the dance tomorrow evening at the K. P. hall, i being sponsored by the unemployed , of Medford. music will be furnished! by Bert Powell's old-time orchestra.! . Lodge to Meet A meeting of the Pocahontas lodge will be held this evening, with initiation of new mem- j bers. Officers will be Installed fori the coming year. I I Leave for North Mrs. Earl York, accompanied by her father and moth- i er. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bedwell, left this morning by motor for Eugene and Portland, . where they will visit until the early part of next week. Mrs. Hamilton Improved Friends of Mrs, Wm. B. Hamilton, who has been 111 for some time at the Com munity hospital, are glad to learn that she Is in a much Improved eon-' dltlon today. ! From Distance From points along the eastern ooest, guests registered' at hotels here Include E. H. Pflock of Boston, Mass., O. B. Jacoby of I York, Pa., and Margaret Klrby and; Julia Mobler of Baltimore, Md. Oregonlans at Hotels Portlanders whose names are listed on the hotel ; registers In the city are L. M. Clark, A. P. Gannan, Louie Pastlgo, E. w. Sohmeer, J. O. Chalfleld, Dan Olds. J. R. Acheson, L. E, Perahall and 0 P. Walker, a M. O'Malley of Rose burg was also registered. From Neighboring Towns The list of callers in Medford, today from neighboring communities includes W. J. McBrlde of Central Point, Mrs. E. J. Clelsnd of Trail, J. D. Rufe of Talent and C. R. Bowman, also of the latter town. Business Callers Today Robert Schultz of Yreka, Cal., and Mrs. M. A. Hawkins of Gallce are among out-of-town callers transacting business here today. W. H. McEverley of Dunsmulr, Cal., Is also a business visitor. Club Picnic Planned Carnation club of the Degree of Honor will hold a picnic Sunday at the Ashland pic nic grounds. All those planning to attend are asked to meet at the Labor j hall entrance at 11:45 o'clock. Con veyances will be provided for sll Ju- j venlles. Bear at Hubbard A little black bear cub is enjoying a view of city life from his cage In the window of Hubbard Brothers' store at the cor ner of East Main and Riverside ave nue. The animal Is owned by Wil liam Hum of Trail, who captured It In the Diamond lake area. The animal Is about four months old. To Attend Convention A group from the local postoffloe will leave here tomorrow for Roseburg, where they will attend the state convention of clerks and carriers, to be held at the Wigwam. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Newland and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Swan wllf represent the carriers and the auxiliary, while Harry Walker, Lawrence Crocker and Hugo Guen ther will i represent the Medford clerks. Mr. Guenther Is second vice president of the state organization. Visits Home Here Lieutenant Diana Hammond of the Salvation Army, stationed In Petal urn a, Cal., Is home on furlough, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham mond of 316 Ashland avenue. Lieu tenant Hammond entered the Salva tion Army work here last year after serving for several years In Medford sa a soldier. She will return to San j Francisco July 34 for the commls-1 sjoning of the cadets of the Salva- j tlon Army training college. She will ; then return to her appointment at Petal u ma, -. Joan Blondell Now In Craterian Film The real Hollywood, Its heartbreaks, its glamor, its wild striving for story book success. Its tinsel and fanfare. Its comedy as seen through the eyes of hundreds of our young men and women who have been there to try for fame and who bare failed or won. That's the picture which Para mount brings to screen audiences at the Fox Craterian theater with the opening there of "Make Me a Star," tomorrow. Based on the Internationally fam ous real-life novel by Harry Leon llson, "Make Me a Star," get to the humanities of America's film capital In a way that no story has ever done before. Like 'Touchdown IN which probed the heart of American football and "Sklppy," which glimpsed the fun and pathos of the American boy, "Make Me a Star" tells Its story in a way that brings joy and he art-tugs to all who will behold it. Joan Blondell and Stuart Erwln head the featured cast with ZsSu Pitts and Ben Turpln. Warren Williams To Appear Holly Bill Sunday the Holly theater will offer the hilarious political comedy farce, "The Dark Horse," featuring Warren Williams and Betty Davis. Here Is a comedy that Is more than laughs. It Is a dramatic gem likewise, for everyone knows that Warren Wil liams need take a back seat to no one when It comes to dramatic abil ity, and Betty. Davis has likewise proven to movie audiences that she "knows what It's all about." Following upon the heels of the Republican and Democratic conven tions, "The Dark Horse" is the most timely picture that one can imagine. It will be at the Holly Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday. Zaro Wins Crowds In Holly Program Tonight Zaro will present another "answer sll" program. Everyone at tending the theater tonight will have an opportunity to ask Zaro a ques tion and know that It will be an ivered. Those who do not have their questions answered at the theater will be able to get them at the Holly box office tomorrow. There are abso lutely no fees for this work and there Is no embarrassment whatever as the answers are placed on a sealed en velope and placed at the box office for those who claim them. This program, along with the fea ture picture, "Winner Take All," fea turing James Cagney and Marian Nixon, was a decided hit with the matinee patrons. This program will continue until Saturday night. RELEASE OF TRIO BALKED BY POLICE The state police halted the release on bonds, furnished by their fathers, of Willis Pelrcy and David Williams of Salem and Don S. Miller of Port land, charged with auto theft. The state police doclared if the trio was released they would file other charges. The youths were indicted In Portland Wednesday for auto theft. The Multnomah county sheriff wrote a letter to Sheriff Ralph Jennings, authorizing that the youths be turn ed over to the father of Plercy for return t othelr homes. He said It was no use to liberate them, If they were to be re-arrested. State police arrested the three Mon day night, after an auto ohase from Talent to Ashland. They are charg ed with stealing two Bulck sedans from the streets of Portland, using them durln gattendanos at the citi zens' military training camp at Van couver, Wash. They headed south last Saturday, and we alleged to have robbed the car of J, F. Miller, mile parked on local streets. State police allege the youths confessed a long series of gasoline thefts. No Fatalities. SALEM, July B-(AP) No fatali ties resulted from accidents In Ore gon Industry the past week, the state Industrial aooldent commission announced today. The accidents during the period totaled 399. 3 a8 Friday and Saturday Hoot Gibson in The Oay Bnckaroo Comedy and Cartoon Last Chapter "The King of the Wild" SWIM In White Snlphnr Water Helman's Baths ASHLAND Tab Baths, Free Picnic Ground BRINGS FINE FOR VALLEY RESIDENT Pigs rosy be pigs, but they can c&rtalnly cause disturbances through no fauta of their own, as was evi denced In the hearing before Judge Olenn O. Taylor late yesterday after noon, vAien Dave Davis was fined 35 on a charge of assault and bat tery against C, E. Llndemood. Both are from Sams Valley. Testimony of the men showed that Davis owned seven pigs, which Llnde mood was to feed for one month, and keep one pig In payment. Llnde mood said Davis came for the pigs the other day, loading them all Into his trailer, leaving only one "runt." Llndemood contended he should have three pigs, the reports show, as he had kept them for a longer period than agreed upon. Llndemood, his wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law then engaged In a word battle against Davis and his two younger brothers, they said, which lasted approximately an hour. Davis said the ILndemoods pulled slats from his trailer, freeing the plga. Davis testified that Llndemood mother-in-law; a Mrs. Matthews, then beat him on the back of the head with a board, and Mr. Matthews told Llndemood to go to the house for the gun. Davis said he had not struck Llndemood until then, but when he started after the gun, he ran after him and hit him over the head with a two-by-four board. Llndemood argued that he bad not gone for the gun, but that he had become disgusted with the battle, and was going Into the house to stay. Judge Taylo rordered that Davis pay Ltndemood's doctor bill as a re sult of causing a severe gash In the man's head from hitting him with the board, and gave Llndemood three of the pigs, leaving Davis four. Dr. B. W. Hoffman has established his chiropractic office In his resi dence on Jacksonville highway, Tel. 731-H. E Committee on the proposed Alex Sparrow Memorial parkway was urg ed to continue negotiations to obtain the strip of land desired along the Crater Lake highway at the meeting today of the chamber of commerce board of directors at the Hotel Jack son. The committee announced that the state highway commlsMon Informed the group that logging operations sre now underway in that vicinity of the forest and purchase of the section practically Impossible at this time ex cept through an exchange of O. and C. lands. Following discussion the report was referred back to the highway com mittee of the chamber with Instruc tions for Immediate action. The publicity committee presented the new Medford booklet, now ready for distribution, Informing all per sons Interested that ie chamber of commerce will be glad to care for the mailing of booklets If those wish ing trtem sent out will call at the chamber of commerce. The retail trade committee present ed recommendations, which wilt be referred to the city council at the next meeting, asking that more stringent control of peddling be In forced. Corvallls. Bids received for Im provement ot 3 1st street. TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY FOR RENT Modern furnished apt. 135 No. Holly. FOR RENT Modem furnished house, 18. 408 Alice St. Phone 100-L. 1939 FORD COUPE Original finish and all new rubber, 1033 license. 310. Model A Snort Roadster, a beauty, only HS. Ford Tudor, new car guarantee, run only 1800 miles, over 200 discount. Many mora to choose from. Ooen even ings. Easy terms. Tour car In I trade. Gates Auto Co., used Car Dept. WANTED Lady to share expenses of home. 403 No. Bsrtlett. TEACHER Driving to Portland, Spo kane and Seattle tomorrow will take three. Box 7089, Tribune. LOST Platinum and diamond bar pin .near Adrlenne's. Reward. Call 1139-R. GOOD used piano. Transfer Co. cheap. Davis LOST Horn-rimmed eyeglasses in case. Reward. Phone 604-W. RED PERSIAN kittens for sale. See them at Mutual Mill and Seed Co. Mrs Ruby Todd, Hilt, Cal. FOR RENT Small house, furnished; 18. Phone 934-R. FOR SALE Large electrlo refriger ator, porcelain lined; for cash. 828 Dakota St, WANTED Transportation to Los Angeles by lady who will share ex penses. Box 7199, Tribune. HURRY I HURRY I ONLY TWO DAYS MORE TO SEE ZARO AND THE COMEDY RIOT jx -"ym rfAiM'i nuntl isuu is . . L 'f'lAll Ss. kV B B TAKE ALL1 with Marian Nixon Answer All Nite Tonite ZARO Will Answer All Questions Hilarity Is Just Around The Corner! Democrats Are Boarlng Republicans Are Howling The Whole Nation Is Joining One Big Party ana What Party! SMK HORSE Warren William Bette Davis Guy Kibbee THE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN! TODAY and SATURDAY JOAN BLONDELL STUART EE WIN Zasu Pills and Ben Turpin in Miff OQ Qiramount picture vf3k A Comedy-Romance as Colorful aa a Sunset, With Fascinating Glimpses of a Host of Stars rilF.VM.lFR, SYLVIA SIDNEY, FREDERIC MARCH, CLACDETTB COLBERT. CLIVE IIKOOK, JACK OAKIH. CHARLIE RUGGLES and ottiera. 17 Of 17 $212.50 NORGE Electric F JCY Ci III Refrigerator ! Purchased from PRUITT'S MELODY SHOP A Ballot Good for 10 Votes Given Away Tonight With Each Admission, ratron Holding Most Votes On SATURDAY, July S3, Wins the REFRIGERATOR! Mats. Week Days 25t. Nites, Sundays, Holidays Mats. 35 TOM TYLER I An seat ' Lt Time. Today 1 Efi Constance Bennettl ONE DAY SATURDAY ONLY . . in "VANISHING MEN" I cousin Locv "IFYeSjBimBLft, I 5Aio-jack, Sou ought to odl HA PeeN HAVING I OACK WANTED" BUSINESS WITH FPIENOS VvHBM A QUARREL WITH I TO THROW THEY'LL DO AS WELL BY YOU AS J Heft Hussand J ftsoMe Business anyone else. But this time? A r, " tTOr N UD i-t Should caul on - A For Exceptional KODAK PICIIHES Mall yonr Films to SWEM'3 Medford DANCE AT THIS GOLD HILL, PAVILION Sat. July 9 tm t Dee Porter's Band Boo pint Tax A few more Steelhead Flies left at. .6 for 25c Wire Canning Racks 25c Come in and see the new Bolt Action Sav age 22 Hornet Rifle. 1 Florence 2-Burner Oil Stove Special $12.50 Close Out Paints Way Below Cost 2-Qt. Galv. Ice Cream Freezers 98c Hubbard Bros. Inc. Since 1881 East Main. Phone 231 Coming Sunday Watch I ftp j VT ' for the V il'Af . 1 I A LLL1L2 ,l"I!i7l-5 i JEAN HARLOW CHESTER MORRIS . This picture not recommended for children. Medord's Modern Fruit ec Vegetable Market Specials for Friday and Saturday July 8th and 9th Green or Golden Wax Beans, 2 lbs. . . 15c LOCAL Bell Peppers, 2 lbs 25c Tomatoes, field ripened, 3 lbs. -. t-f.i . 25c Cantaloupes, medium size, yellow meated, 3 for .20c Cucumbers, field grown, 2 for. . ,9c New Cabbage, firm heads, lb.. ..... . ...3c Valley Fruit&Produce Co. r.i 10 So. Central Open Evenings and Sundays Phone 97 sa