Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 15, 1932, Page 12, Image 12

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SALEM, June IS (AP) Th su
preme court today In written opin
ion changed the ballot title of the
proponed Inltlntlve measure lor the
physical changos of Oregon's higher
Institution! of learning. Argument
on the appeal from the previous title
by Attorney-General Van Winkle
were heard yesterday.
The court In Its substitute title
for the Initiative, eliminated the
word "consolidation," from the main
title, and added the matter of eatab
Ilshlng Junior colleges and moving
the law school. Other changes were
made to conform with the demands
of the appellants.
The new ballot title reads "Bill
Moving University, Normal and Law
Schools. Establish Junior Colleges."
The body of the title will be "pur
pose to move the University of Ore
gon from Eugene to Corvallls and
consolidate It with the Oregon Agri
cultural College under the name of
Oregon Btate University; move nor
mal schools from Ashland, La Grande
end Monmouth to Eugene and con
solidate them under the name of the
Oregon Btate Teachers' College; es
tablish Junior colleges at Ashland
and La Grande; dispose of normal
school property at Monmouth; move
university law school at Balem; all
said Institutions and medical school
at Portland to be conducted as units
of said Oregon State Unlveralty;
make university president ex-offlcto
secretary of the board of higher edu
cation." The change in ballot 'title necessi
tates the circulation of new petitions
tn unini 17.AR8 names of voters be-
fnn .tulv 7 In order to Dlace the
proposed Initiative on the ballot
next November,
Elmlna Margaret, Powell, resident
of Medford for the past eight years,
cassed away In a local hospital Wed
nesday morning, at the age of B4
Mrs. Powell was born In Bhardon
county. Missouri. February 33, IB7B,
and at the age of 20 yeara was mar
ried to T. B. Powell In Macon City.
Mo. They lived In Missouri for
nearly 34 yeara, then moved to Colo
rado. Prom Colorado they moved
to Medford, where the home has
since been made.
Besides her husband, T. B. Powell,
she Is survived by nine children,
Mrs. O. M. Botklns, Moberly, Mo.,
M-i. Prank Taylor. Jacksonville, Mo.;
W. B., J. E.. Prank Forrest and Ed
ward Powell, Mra, Ralph Peyton and
Mrs. Lola Hodgson, all of Medford;
one sister, Mrs, Mary Blteegalo of
' Hymera, Ind., two nrothors, Oasker
Badgerow, Bevler, Mo., and David
Bndgerow of Honna City, 111., also
H grandchildren.
The body Is at the Conger funeral
r--lors where funeral arrangements
are being made. Notice of funeral
will be announced later.
Truckatera Band
I To Battle Bill
ETJOENB, Ore., June IB. (AP)
Organization of a local brunch or
the Oregon Mill and Truck Owners'
association was completed here laat
night. It waa one of the prellml
nartei to a general attack on the
proposed freight truck and bus bill,
Portrait of distinction. The Peas
leys, opp. Holly theater.
Lost Your Job
Because of Gray Hair?
Ar vnf ftfratd of Itxtng your ob bteauM f
Kay Many panpi hava Ki comtant (tar,
hat lull a few mmafaa betof ratiring will
laminate It.
Uia NouriiMna . . . effeetta and atmple fe
PDlf trouble . . no greata , . ne
fouii. J wit apply it to the scalp, and you, too,
can bave color imparted to your hair, leaving
ft beufiiul, toft and Duffy, 1r oaa Itquid tot
fll ihadei of hair.
NMhmg a'ta gait met quick grip en tttej
tftub :i ol hair ai NavrUMit . , , and allmU
He let tfcm ao Httivly, NovrliMn Nmevoi
dandrvH . , , eddl l-Jlter to dry. dull hair and
In part t colnr to gry hair. Truly a woederfwl
froduet. Sclft at all drug and department itoraa
I .IS par bottla.
For batter ratulta ate NmrltMn) SKampoav
Contain no acdi that hindar the actios m
Houriihine. frica Wc
Wtlh fmtmftH hmlUt, "Cera f fl JfatY."
NoarisMnt Manufacturing Co.
F. W. iro lldlsf
Lei Angeles
The Bogue River Valley Canning
company, Ralp U. Bou telle, manager,
la making arrangements for the open
ing of the canning season, expected
to start within the next ten days or
two weeks.
Packing of cherries will be first.
The cherry crop of the valley is ex
pected to be light, owing to heavy
rains during t.he period of pollenlza
tlon. The cherry crop Is "spotted,"
being close to the average In some
districts and below average In others.
No price has yet been set for cherries.
The canning company, during the
past spring, has made a number of
minor Improvements Including en
largement of the fruit drying room
and moving of the caieter.a from the
ground floor to the second story,
Myron Root of the Growers' Ex
change, who will handle the cherry
crop of Vie Westerlund orchards, the
largest In the valley, estimates the
crop as "about 60 per cent of normal."
McNary9 s Optimism
Amazes Robinson
Senator Robinson of Arkansas, demo
cratic leader in the senate, today call
ed attention to the statement of Sen
ator McNary, of Oregon, assistant re
publican leader, that he hoped the
senate would be able to adjourn by
the end of this week, characterizing
McNary as "an amazing optimist."
Brisbane's Tpday
(Continued from Page Eight)
after working fifty-four years Mr. In-
aull at the age of 70, has nothing
except a pension of 918,000 a year,
given to blm by three companies that
he created. Three yeara ago Mr. In
sull waa worth more than a hundred
millions of dollars. This shows what
can happen In the United States.
Ninety-eight per cent of Americans
will ask: "How could he possibly
want or use more than eighteen
thousand dollars a year?" Two per
cent will wonder "how can he pos
sibly live on such a miserable In
come?" Fortunately for Xnsull, as
for others, what you have done Is
done. Buildings, machinery and or
ganizations created go on wltfh their
work, whether you have millions In
the bank, or bitterness In your heart.
The sidewalks" (Chicago are full
of life, especially for those that lead
toward the convention hall.
A very nice old lady, with quite an
angry expression, hands you a tract
denouncing those that would Inter
fere with prohibition, saying: "Tako
It; you will come to us In time." An
other old lady with her, more gently
says; "He may be with us even now; !
he looks like a nice, quiet man." That
Is a terrible Insult, but It Is meant
Another ladyptaTlso gives you a
piece of paper, saying: "Stop and
read It now." On one side sits "the
man who knew how to make easy
money," smoking a big cigar. Jesus
approacblng asks: "Will you please
give me a few moments' time to con
sider your soul's salvation?"
Mr. O. U. Foolish Man replies: "I
positively can't do It; I am too busy."
Underneath Is the text, "For what
shall It profit a man. If he shall gain
the whole world, and lose his own 4
On Vie other side Is a picture of a
skeleton, Death, come to get Mr. 0. 1
U. Foolish Man. He begs, "Walt until
I repent and get ready to die." Death
replies, "I cant positively do It; Z
AM TOO BUSY." And then the texts:
"For whatsoever a man soweth, that
ahaU he also reap," and "Prepare to
meet thy God.
Those ladles are In earnest, and
only a fool would fall to respect
them. Some among them have seen
a son, husband or father die of drink.
Tou can tell dry ladles from wet
ladles by observing the finger nails
and hair. If the finger nails are
nicely tinted pink, or painted a dark
purple, and the hair Is neatly done
in little waves, with a delicate touch
of henna, that lady Is a wet. If the
nails are plain, as the Lord made
them, not even cut to a sharp point,
and the hair done "any way" that
lady Is a dry.
California Oregon
Power Company
Refunding Mortgage
6V2 Gold Bonds
Due May 1st, 1943
at 93 and Accrued Interest
To Yield 7yi Per Cent to Maturity
These bonds rank prior to all Issues of Preferred Stock and an
first olnlm on earnings of company.
410 Medford Bldg. Phone 864
Investment Securities
Tin)) 6 - L7ffiS-p
ucufc eaMA
dent lieak
-the GRIND . . GRIND . . GRIND
of HARD CARBON in your motoi
YOU can't tell by the price. Oils shipped
from distant states and therefore cost
ing more, often deposit thick layers of
hard carbon.
Shell Motor Oil forms only soft carbon.
It's like fluffy soot, and most of jt is blown
away through the exhaust Yet Shell
Motor Oil costs you just 25 a quart!
And listen to this : Shell Oil Company
guarantees that the correct grade of
Shell Motor Oil for your car will last
as long under similar driving condi
tions as any other correct grade oil,
regardless of price! You can't buy
safer or better lubrication.
v. f
See Window Window
Here's the event which thrifty housewives have been looking forward
to! Our Annual Summer Sale of Towels. There are small ones, and big
ones, heavy ones, and light weights. They're all a famous make and a
wonderful quality, in the colors and patterns of 1932. Be sure to fill
up your linen closet with these spectacular values!
On Sale Tomorrow
Domestic Section :-: Main Floor
Huck Towels
Very fine quality In Irish linen buck towels, size 1738.
Finished with neatly hemstitched ends. Really excellent
towels at a very low price
3 for $129
22x44-inch Cannon Towels
Genuine Cannon bath towels In the 32x44 Inch size at 18c
each. These big Turkish numbers are all double thread
construction and come In snow white with colored borders
of blue, pink, green, orchid and gold. A splendid full absorb
ent towel at a very low price.
19c Each
6 for $1.00
23x45-inch West Point Towels
The famous Went Point towel In 23x45 Inch size for only
29c each. Thl fine big Turkish towel comes In all white
or white with colored border and sells regularly for much
more than thle low sale price. Buy a number of them tomor
row as this lot won't lost long.
29c Each
22x42-inch Jacquard Towels
Beautiful 22x42 Inch West Point- Jacquard bath towela for
only 49c each. These are the most colorful and attractive
towela made and will certainly dress up your bath room. The
colors are coral, blue, gold, orchid and green and they are
guaranteed fast to washing. Your choice
49c Each
22x42-inch Martex Towels
The Martex towel la known the world over for lta fine quality
and firm weave. These we offer at 69c each are generous
22x42 Inch towels rich in color and beautiful In design. Take
advantage of this new low price and buy several. Your choice
tomorrow at Mann's towel sale. ,
69c Each
Sale of
A Wednesday aale of wom
en's fine quality nainsook
gowns for only 49c each.
These are hand embroidered
and come In peach, flesh
and white.'
59c Value
Also for Wednesday, wom
en's and misses' lace trim
med and hand embroidered
nainsook gowns for only
1.00. A dainty summer .
gown In peach, flesh and
Colorful New Bath Mats
A towel sale would not be complete without bath mats.
These we offer at 98c each are generous in size and come
In such good colors as coral, blue, gold .green and orchid.
Your choice tomorrow at Mann's summer sale of towels
98c Each
Cannon Wash Cloths
A sale of wash cloths that will long be remembered. Good
aire cloths In assorted patterns and colors at 5 for 29c
real bargain! Iy In a supply of these genuine Cannon
wash cloths at this sensational low price.
5 for 29c
for the little Miss
In the Infants' department
Wednesday a sale of dainty
little Toodle dresses for the
1, 2, and S year olds. These
are of sheer summer fabrics
In French pantle style and
many have little bats to
Keg. $1.25 Valua
Mann'i Main Floor