Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford Mail TRifsui
The Weather
Forecast: Tonight and Friday, fair.
Moderately warm Fridaj.
Hlgbest yesterday 85
Lowest this morning W
Facts Not Claims
r do oTsstires on i B, C
clrcalstion. No clalntt sad an
:j.tKcrt figures ten tr itsry, Xb
bl Trlhtins is !!ftfori'( Only A. 8.
C, Newt pspfr.
Twenty-Seventh Year
No. 63.
on the
Day's News
THE house of representatives passes
the two and a quarter billion
dollar Garner relief bill and senda It
to th senate.
The senate, receiving It, says un
easily, aa did the leader of ancient
Troy: "Beware the Greeks when
they come bearing glfte."
THE house, you see. la Democratic.
The senate la Republican; or
minmr so. at least, by a narrow
margin. The President Is RepubU
can. The Republicans are on the Inside,
looking out. The Democrats are on
the outside, looking In. The Demo
crats, who are out, WANT TO BE IN,
for the Jobs are on the Inside.
And this is a campaign year.
THZ Garner relief bill, so long as
It Is only a bill, la fine vote-getting
thunder. If It becomes a law,
it would be a CALAMITY, for It
would unbalance the budget as badly
as ever, and all the labor and grief
of the past six months would have
been wasted.
Business, which has been some
what relieved by the balancing of
the budget, would be scared to death
all over again.
THE Democratic house of repre
sentatives knows this aa well as
anybody, and Its responsible leader
ship, at least, doesn't want the bill
to become a law. What it DOES
WANT is this:
It wants the credit with the un
thinking art of the electorate for
having originated and passed big
relief measure, and It wants the Re
publican senate or the Republican
President to bear all the blame for
having prevented this big relief
measure, which would bankrupt the
treasury, from becoming a law.
Bo It passes the Garner bill and
tends it over to the senate, know
ing that If the senate also passes It
the President will veto It.
Such is politics In campaign years,
3 of Iowa, who is a radical. Is
feated for renomlnation by Henry
W. Field, of the small city of She
nandoah, located away down In the
big southwest corner of the state.
Field is a nurseryman and whole
sale seed merchant, whose advertis
ing hu made him widely known
throughout his state.
He la rated aa a reasonably sound
T IS Interesting, however, to not
that the campaign was not made
on the Issue of sound thinking
opposed to radicsl thinking.
Brookhart, who has been Ibud
critic of everybody else, used his po
sition as senator to get Jobs for his
relatives to such an extent. It la said,
that at the present moment members
of his family are drawing In salaries
from the government the quit large
sum of 34,000 a year.
Field devoted his campaign pretty
largely to an attack on this practice,
and the results speak for themselves.
S FOR Brookhart, he deserves
aa wnat he gets. The man who
holds the high position of United
State senstor should be above mere
Job hunting for the members of bla
family. When he Isn't, people find
it out sooner or later.
Th seem to have found it In
Brookhart't case.
a a
SPEAKING of senators, and other
employees of the public, they are
mnt from Income taxation. To
this writer, that hss never seemed
right. Why shouldn't an employee
of the public. If his sslary la above
the exemption provided by law, psy
a tax on his Income the same as any
body else?
If you can answer that question
satisfactorily, you can do more than
this writer can.
T IS charged In congress that high
officials of some of the big copper
eompsnits used their positions back
In 1929 to gain Inside information
out of which they made big proflte
on the stock market.
The charges may be true. Such
things were done back in those wild
daye. Too many men didn't care
how they made money, Just so they
msde it.'
(Continued on Page Ss)
Senator Wheeler
Dubbed Seditious
charge tnst Senator Wheeler (D..
Mont 1 had made a speech that was
"nothing less than a direct Incentive
to revolution In this country." was
made in the senste today by Senator
aicees (Rv K. H ) ac4 tw-f denied.
Quota of $43,000 to Be Ap
plied On Sams Valley
Road and Surveying of
Little Butte Creek Road
SALEM, June 8. (AP) That Gov
ernor Julius L, Meier will personally
or otherwise lay before the state
highway commission at its meeting
In Portland today a proposal to Is
sue a2,000,0GQ or more in state
highway bonds to be utilized in giv
ing emergency relief work to the
unemployed, is the information re
ceived by the Capital Journal from
allegedly "reliable sources.
PORTLAND, June 9. (AP) Agree
ment relative to the expenditure of
secondary highway funds this year
were made with Jackson, Douglas and
Klamath counties by the state high
way commission.
Jackson county's quota 'of $43,000
will be applied on the Sams Valley
road and a survey of th Little Butte
creek road after deducting $8,000 for
general maintenance. On the Sams
valley road $30,000 will be spent and
on the Little Butte creek .survey $3.
000. In Douglas county with an appro
priation of $43,000 the Tiller-Trail
road will receire $15,000 and tne
Sutheriin-Eikion road $5,000, For
maintenance $11,000 will be deducted
from the total secondary fund.
Klamath Gets $53,100
In Klamath county which is to re-
reive a secondary highway fund of
$55,100 there will be deducted $12,
800 for maintenance. On the west
side and Fort Klamath road $18,500
will be applied and on the survey of
the Klamath Falls-Weed road $10,000,
The remainder of the appropriation
will be held la rewire for unemploy
ment relief work emergency.
The commission adopted the sug
gestion of County Judge Reynolds of
Lake county to include in a fire year
program, the oiling of the Fremont
highway; elimination of curves and!
oiling of the Lakeview-Klamath Fails
highway and the surfacing of Buras-
Lakevlew road.
Forest Exchange Faor?d
A telegram was received from Sena
tor McNary to -the effect that - the
senate had passed the bill to permit
the extension of national forest boun
daries In order that private owned
timber bordering the highways might
be exchanged for timber within the
At this afternoon's session the com
mission will hear tne petition of the
civic emergency committee of Port
land and others for unemployment
As no money was snowed in the
city budget this yea for band con
certs In the city park, a regular pro
gram will not be carried out this
year, according to Walter Cormany,
member of the Elks club and band.
which has formerly furnished the
Members of the band will prob
ably gire two or three concerts for
the public during the summer, with
out any charge to the city, Mr. Cor
many ssld this afternoon.
Some plans have been considered
by the nates club to have petitions
alened in Medford, to place an ord
Inance before the city council,
whereby the taxpayers will be asses
sed ,T of a mill to pay tne expenses.
Mr. Cormany stated. Tills would
amount to about 88 cents per per
This method la being followed at
the present time in Orsnts Pass, he
ssld, and Is proving saiisisctory.
Club Women In
Annual Session
SEATTLE. June . (AP) Three
thousand women, representing clubs
In all parts of the union, were In
Seattle today to start the 21t bi
ennial convention of the general
federation of women 'a club which
will close June 18. The formal open
ing Is scheduled for 7-30 p. m. tonight.
Coolidge to Condemn
Prohibition Is Claim
NEW YORK, June (AP) Cos
mopolitan Msgszsne todsy denied
the assertion of Representative Cel
lar that former President Calvin
Coolidge would condemn prohibition
in the July Issue.
The prediction that former President j celier said, -took at what hsppen
Calvin Coolidge "will condemn pro- ; M North Carolina."
htbltton In the July lesue of the Blanton replied that Repreaenta
Cosmoepolltan Msnazlne." waa made j nve chindblotn 'J- ill.! had turned
In the house today by Bepresenta- j wet" and waa defeated, while Rep
ute Celier (D, M. V I ! reeentatlve Ystcs rR , 111.) "who la
Celier made this statement during sa dry aa the Sahara was returned
some brief remark on prohibition, j By a huge majority in wet tlllnol."
Representative Blanton ID., Tea 1 j -What about John D. Rockefeller,
dry. Immediately detnsaded where j Jr.?"' Interjected Representative MH
Celler received th-ji Information. t lard ID.. K. V.l
Celier only remark wss: "Rockefeller 1 just one out of
t am informed that Cslvm Coo- , 100.000.000." Blatoa returned as Us
tt C7 prcaicicst at tie
New York
MrtcFayden, Well and Dickey; Sor
rel!, Hogsett and Hsyworth.
R. H. X.
Philadelphia ... - 15 1
Cleveland - 8 18 3
Earnshaw. Krtuse. Pteltaa, and
Cochrane; Brows, HUdebrand and
.. 3
R. E.
4 0
a i
Malont, May ana Hartnett;
ami Lopez,
- R.
New York
, a
. 3
Carroll and Lombard!;
Mooney asd
St, Louis
Boston ....
Haines and Mancuao; Brown, Cant
well and Spohrer, Hargravea.
R. H. S,
Pittsburgh -.. 4 , i I
Philadelphia 3 13 1
Swetonic, Srame, French and
Grace; Holley and V. Davis.
A petition asking for immediate pay
ment of the bonus see presented to
day to President Hoover through, one
of his aecretartea by two members of
the bonus army who were accom
panied by Father James R. Cox of
Trucks furnished by police rolled up
to the bonus marchers' camps on
schedule today, but not a veteran
at once accepted Superintendent of
Police Olassford's Invitation to ride
out of the city and head for home
Instead, fortified by nearly aaoou
raised at a boxing benefit last night.
most of the eight thousand or more
war veterans prepared to stay until
as Walter W. Waters, commander in
chief, put It, tha "bonus Is psta,-
The trucks continued to wait.
There waa no telling if some former
soldiers would accept the invitation
to leave. Meanwhile, 350 new ar
rivals entered the encampments.
A large dummy stuffed with straw
and dressed like man, was percneo
on top of a showcase in one of the
vacant buildings in wnicn tne men
are quartered and under the ''scare
crow" was the sign, "the only man
going home.
Two large trucks were driven up
to the Eighth and Bye atreeta en
campment to the derisive Jeers of
the 400 men.
"Who's going home?" shouted on
'Nobody, tha whole band answer'
ed in chorus.
The boxing benefit, held last mgnt
at Griffith stadium, tha American
league ball park,' drew a record turn
out estimated at 15,000 people. There
was no admission charge, for boxing
as such Is forbidden In the District
of Columbia, and tha event waa an
exhibition. The collections, m
dimes, quarters, halves and doners.
piled so high, however, mas re
committee In charge kept counting
Into the morning hours and still had
a big atack of change to add up
when the S2S0Q mark was reached.
Waters, the new commander, was
original head of tha first delegation
which came in from rortisno.
Bepubllcsn leaders at the cspltal def
initely counted President Hoover m
favor of the principle of prohibition
resubmission today as convention
niftntr. moved ahead.
It was re-emphasized at the White
House, however, that Mr, Hoover hss
not approved a specific prohibition
plank for the platform.
ever waa in the White House, In the
July issue of the Cosmopolitan Msg
will condemn prohibition."
rontlnulnl hi remarks, Celier
nl,4 Rlantntl he should "rCSd tlie
"The very charming lady from
Plorlda. Mrs. Hutu Bryan Owen, oio (
not come out In time for a reieien-
I dtim and went down to defeat.
j Horuse UueoS,
Two-Gun Desperado Turns
On San Francisco Officers
When Cornered Three
Wounded Expected to Die
With tw guns blazing, m cornered
arid desperate, burglar suspect turned
oa police here last sight, after hi
companion bad bees captured and
h&ndcutted, and shot four persons be
fore he was brought down by return
The toil of the brief but rjcious
battle was three dead sad three so
gravely wounded they were not ex
pected to live.
Those killed wer the two-un
msns companion. Sen Moore, altas
Mulri Police Officer Mervin Rear
dan, and Harry Darling, a citizen by
The wounded, all shot through the
stomach, are: Policeman Andrew J.
Bell, Policeman Frank loftus and
Glenn Johnson, alias R. S. Dixon, the
two-gun man.
Companion Arrested
A short time after th battle, which
took place la the residence of Bert
Kelson, who was away with nia fam
ily, police arrested Mark. Pool, alleg
ed companion of Dixon and Moore,
Fool told officers lie and the other
two men came to 3as Francisco a
few days ago from Salt hake City. He
said he had served IS months In an
Idsbo prison for passing fraudulent
S?ents which led to the battle
started in the home of Policeman
Bell, who was awakened by his wife's
scream shortly refore he was to go
on duty at midnight. Bell Jumped
from bed and saw two men run from
the house. He telephoned the near
est police station and a radio call was
broadcast to cruising ear details.
Cornered in Residence
As officer cathered at Bell's home.
the, were Informed by Darling, the
citizen who was later slain, the men
had entered the Nelson residence,
short distance away.
The house was surrounded and of
ficers entered ' to discover Moore
crouched in a clothes closet. He waa
handcuffed and pushed into the liv
ing room.
As the police stood around Moore,
Johnson rose from hehlsd & piece of
furniture and opened fire, Moore t
once spr&ng to his two-gun compan
Jons side. They were brought down
together by the return fire as they
attempted to back through a door,
PORTLAND, Ore, June 9 (AP)
A bomb placed under the front porch
damaged the borne of the Rev, Bjorn
J. Johannson here early today. The
minister and his wife sd two chil
dren were asleep In room directly
above the porch but all escaped In-
Her, Johannson waa a leader of the
recent movement to recall Mayor
George L. Baker and John M. Mann,
ex-city commissioner. Ret. Johannson
during the recall campaign reported
to police be had bees threatened
with physical violence.
The force of the blast tore a great
(Continued on Page Three)
Lie bodies of a man and woman
Identified by coroner's deputies as
Juan B. Marlines, a hair dresser,
and his young wife, Mrs, Pauline B.
Martinez, were found in an automo
bile on a highway jast outside the
city today. They had been shot to
death. Policy expressed the belief
It was a case of murder and suicide
growing, out of the man's effort to
effect a reconciliation after airs.
Martlnee had sued for divorce.
Mrs, Martlnea' parents live in Med
ford Ore., where the couple were
married Msrch 13, In the divorce
suit Mrs. Wart men charged her hus
band with inflicting bodily and
mental harm upon her and of disre
garding his marriage ?ows.
Wm, Martinez was Pauline Clift.
former stenographer, county records
here disclose.
IHDfA.VAPOMa, lnd June .-fAP
After a bitter fiht on th mn-
tion floor th republican atat con
tention today adopted a plank for
it Platform caillnk for resubmission
of th prohibition question to the i congressional committeeman, a eotm
people of the United atafes and re- ty ehiarman, and secretary and treas
peal of th atat dry enforcement! ur, and ttatwact any ether suainat
acv Tie rot waa MJ io Si5, liar to oJ ts JWt.
i f n li'll v '
One person was killed and three injured a temblor sh&ok residents of Eureka, CaL, awake. Chim
ney were knocked down by the earth movement, communication lines were disrupted and one lira was
started. The shock waa felt si far as 308 miiea fouth and many mitet to the north.
BEraoiT, June . (API Harrj
FWaher, ought for many monHs In
connection with the lindijsrl baby
kidnaping and Detroit CoUlngwood
aoartattot massacre, surrendered at
10:M . m. todsy. arriving at police
hesdauartera accompanied toy two
attorney, ' j
Metoher, well dreased In a light
blua suit and wearing a atraw bat,
appeared extremely nertfoua. He heW
a handkerchief over lsi face, as tho
expecting to face newspaper plsotog
rapherfc Btrt not "waa 1Btta room
when he arrived.
He waa taken to the office of Prose
cutor Harry S. Toy la th same build
ing. Later Flelsher came from the prose
cutor's office, seemingly lew nervous,
and nosed for photographer. He re
fused to answer questions.
Dld you have anything to do with
the Undbergh kldnapmgT
he was
He ahragged his shoulders.
BOSTON, June 85 f AP) Dr. John
r. Condon, of Hew York, the "Jafale"
of the Undbergh baby kidnaping
ease, made what waa apparently a
surprise visit to Boston police head
quarter today.
Jafde" aald he had oome Us Bos
ton to see the rogues gallery and at
teroph to identify a mas known aa
"John ta German,"
AM membera of th local tlnem
ployed, who are head c! famliiea;
are registering today at the labor
hall, according to announcement of
the recently organised committee to
head a program for relief of Med
ford's jobless.
Registrations began at 9.00 o'clock
this morning and will be received
until 8 o'clock. Th committee on
way and meana met at the labor
haa yesterday and took tepa to or
ganise the unemployed.
On the committee are O, L. Ray.
chairman: W. H. Oermaln, Frank
Applegate, fi. O. Wilson and K. J.
KLAMATH rAti, Ore. Jun 5
(AP) Dedicated to the memory of
two Ashland policemen who were
killed In line of duty during the past
year, a granite msrker wiii placed
in the Ashland eirie square Saturday
niEht by the Southern Oregon Peace
Officers association.
District Attorney T. R. FUtenwat
era wiii gire the dedicatory address.
Kni and Sam Preacott,
Th marker la m memory of Victor
Democratic precinct committeemen
of Ihe county were holding a meetine.
at tit Hotel Holland thl afternoon
to erianir for th coming campatm
! and elect stat committeeman.
ik X - P hi-" - :
ft . ; iu fu r.T
On of the most successful meet
ing of B year for th board oi di
rectors of the Fruit Growers league
waa hid In this city Tuesday ermine
at the Univernty club, honoring Or.
J. R. Mangoes, principal pomoiocist
of th bureau of plant Industry of the
United States department of agneul
ture. Ih. Mangnesa, this week, mad
hts first (ai to southern Oregon
since establishment of the experimen
tal farm aouth of Medford.
B. W, Carlton, president of the
league, rat, host for the evening, and
an informs, supper wa followed by
numersna addressee and a report from
Dr. Mangness on progress of work t
the experimental farm.
Other honor gueeta of th n(ng
were Dr. wm, Aldrtch and Arch Work
of the experimental farm, and Prof.
F. C, Reimer of th Southern Oregon
Experiment atatlen.
A rote of thanks in acknowldeg
ment of Ma work aa president at tit
nogu River Traffic association, wa
euended Raymond Reter. Dr. Mang
ness, as repreaentatlT of Dr. Wm. A.
Taylor, nd Dr. Auchter, wa present
ed the expression or gratltoa from
the Fruit Growers' least ue in appre
ciation of establishment her of th
experimental farm.
ALBANY, ft, T June .(API
Samuel Seabury'a "analysis' of th
Mayor Walker ease today was flatly
termed "chargea against the Hew
York City official by Oorernor
"I see no reason for quibbling
over term, he aald a he at at his
desk with eight yohime of testi
mony and letter from Seabury be
fore him.
The governor said he bad not read
Seabury'a letter or looked InsMe th
volume of testimony. Il waa ask
ed what would be hi next mom
Thar la on obvious atep, itsoae
tt answered, "and that's to read
the document,
Gamer Nominator
Wilt Be Rayburn
nprtent&-"v Sum Hybur7it chfcJr
mn ot the ?im S-eleR-ntkn 4s the
Democrttfc rtttonl conventlars n
notmeNi todftjf Sentar Tom Connslly
would pitr Bpenkfr John N, Oimfr
in nomrnsttos at tha Chicago con-
Army Air Fleet Lures
Huge Crowd to Airport
Flying In Bliiitary formatiorj front ,
the south, throtwh a eloudleaa blu
sky, 33 army ships, eomposinis the;
Twentieth pursuit (roup In com-;
mand of Major C. L. Tinker arrived
her at M o'clock thia moraine;
from Mather field to be retti by
more than W500 air-mlnaed rwMertta
of Medford, drawn to th field few
minute earlier by arrival of th sd
nc piane, a transport carrying
mechanic to car for th flt.
, Th two dirislona, !h Tfth and
1 55th, flying independently from
Mather field, met at Yreka, CU to
aaattm military formstion 1 otln
titea befor setting down at th
Medford field In three) long line
,f tlistenlm yellow, brown, red and
B.h Mm th roup, flyin a
ureat bird with wlnaj Unded he
j hind him, circled th local field,
a pi& or ws Uvpfi Ml 4 Us
SALEM, 3un 6 (API Cor.Ciesi
man W. C. Biwrtay from Oregon first
congressional district haa not cos-
ceded th HeptaMiean nomination for
eongreaa to Jamea W. Mott. Hom
C. Olorer, Mnwtefm campaign man
ager announced here today. Mott,
on the face of tincanvassed official
returns leas Hrartey by 13 "tote.
"There is much prospect that there.
will be a recount la certain secttona,
Olorer said. 1 am not satisfied wit
th regularity ' the count in sev
eral places. I feel that Hswley will
win. the T4oBadMi4iH-uiOtoer dtat
not indicate In what counties theae
alleged itregutarlilea occurred, or If
suit will definitely be brought,
Th secretary of state's office Ms
completed tit eansasa of otes of
ail but two ootmttee In th first
district. Betom from Ciakamas
and Washington eountlea say ist
yet been filed hsr.
The last cheek mad of official
county election resort, gar Mr::
30.853 TOtes, HawJey, 30,114.
In the elose Bemoerattc rare for
th congressional nomination, Hsrve?
Starkweather led William A. Detail
by but 31 otea,
SANDWICH, Sag, June . (API
Paced by Oens flaraaen, whose bril
liant 63 added to yesterday TO for
total of 133 e him a three-a'.ro' 5
lead, the field In th British open
golf championship was cut to
today for the final aa hole tomorrow.
All score above 154 stroke for
the firt 39 bole were eliminated.
The American professional Wg
three' wa Intact, Tommy Armetsrt
18-10 In deferae of the title left BtaJ
six atrokea back of Sarasen and
MacDonaid Smith's !!-? dropped
him eight atmkea behind.
Waiter furey, Seattle profession!,
remained In th competition with
TAX! HILL, Of , Jusw CAFj
TJx YsmbUl p-mtoffJc mi wm
bJrwn opta tome iim lat Right ind
ft book ot mone-j ord blank, aitmpa
robbery mu duso-.ertd at 8 30 o'cloc.-lt
thl morning.
Warn) In Salem
SALEM, Ore, Jnne 9, (AP) Th
thermometer at Salem reached 8? de
gree fit 1 30 thl afternoon, setting
th highest mark for tha year.
to swoop down to the landing, lined
with eager crowd.
Th trip from Mather field to
Medford waa completed In two hor
and 45 BiiBtrt, th two division
flylnt in "tmbbMbs; time," th mt
by th coast row!, end th BMh
Using th Ha east ot th Slema,
They arrirvd at th local alrpnrt f
minute before achedul.
Major Tinker, flying in th Head
quarter element, accompanied by
Lieutenant Wasser end Deerwealer,
led th army fleet into the field and
waa greeted by local ofliclala, befar
eerortinr ih filer Into th rate to
din, white ptanea were relueled tat
the trip Rortft tft Vancotirer, E. C,
"Out for fiM erete, th ma
jor, a man of weathered eosvp!
and dark, piercing eves, whici
up hie heaitty lined fac
iC5ttEua(i m i0)
Politics' Unbidden Quest
Again Bobs Up As Major
Issue for Party Conclaves
Many Air Views
ffty ifie Associated Press)
Prohibition, the unoiJen guest l
poltttca for a decad, haa started for
the Chicago comenilone with main
entrance ticket and s seat on th
The White Hoaae took occasion
ESsrht to repudiate report that
President Hooker had approved a re
submission plank for th Republican
party, but other iwwtar of the party
haw indicated that r i-h plank U
recwTtng approanw nsiwMeratloa,
Janiea H. Garf teM, who is writing the
Fiatform, has declined to dlacusa ft.
Governor Roosevelt sj ;,w York
In an Interview tart night, aald h
beHered th Demseratte party, whkh
h hope to lead a presidential can
didate In November, wUl "clearly In
dicate" in it platform s way to
aiwogate to eighteenth amendment.
His own slews on prohibition aa
pronounced in IMS, hs added, nr
not changed. At thtt am be ssld
th control of Kqnar should be re
tamed to the states,
MrAdos lit ft Reaction
Another outstanding Democrat, WO
lla Oibba KcAdan, studied today
So reaction to Urn rurreeticm that a
national referendum, authorised by
congress, be conducted neat year a
which all the people oouid Tote y
or "so on tne swesttast -fihM h
eighteenth amendment be repealed
i am rererensuaj, under the aleAdm
suggestion, wsuld f- sd-isorr. H
bHM it is tne Quickest tvwihu
eolation of the problna.
8n D. BockeMers st-oasunoa-
jnent that in his opinlcs prohtbtUos
ha failed and that botls major par.
-rB najtwa .sve wemmsmm&zt oisr.fci.
continues to draw comment, com.
ment, commendatory and condemna
tory. Dr. John QrifE Kihben, retir
ing president of Princeton vmivrrsitT
nd formerly dry. aald that la his
Judgment the Rockefeller statement
oryiaturea opinion on ttato subject.
Wilson Ilmsasfsmtslnc
Dr. Clarence True v.'iison. lor.g a
tasder among proMbiUiinh a exec .
aecretsry of the Methodist
Board erf Temprrsnoc. Prchlbttton actj
iblle Morala, as id last ntgm fn CM
oago that th sMtement of Bock,
teller waa -mans soa unworthy of
'Prohibition." wM Dr. WHaott,
gw us ten year of unbroken pros
perity arid It will bring it bsck.
Initial legal steps la th liquida
tion of th asset c' ihs ClUsensf
Bank of Aabland, MsMh dosed last
March, were f:id tn the troanty
clerk's ofilc tat mterday. Th
lUjuldaUon is la ehurie of Trer B.
braoden aa deputy atat sank rx
amlner. A Tolumirutu d&turr.ent iistir.e
Hi bonds and atocke and notes brio
by th bank wa (lied. Th stocks
and bond Include standard paper
and improvement b?dr of Oregon
municipalities, snc Liberty Leas
bend and treasury bond.
Depreciation In ihs msi of the
bond and stocks, tnd inability to
collect outatandlnt; ootea, tseoeait
tated clcsjna; th bank.
Minutes of the last director's
meeting and doenawnta Issued by
tne stats bank departntest, at th
tint of th bank closing were alas
June 8. Got new Buggestion
fnr a prwidential eant3idJe.
Found a pwminent bibb
who can male up his mind.
This Mlovr RoeMeHfr jump
ed! right out of the na3y
Rrfionl room into ike hearts of
his eoimtrymeii with the mmi
lUin, atrgight forwmt and
lucid atatenwnt flial's bB is
mitfd, not only n firohibitioB
fcut that's been wiii on ny
subject since tht pm'te, Ewn
tJi raliiil flry will applstul
liin hoiipsty nl frankn.
SJop to think it over, thw
fellow would make as fine
president if we muU persnad
him to take or little, sosajl,
run-lown outfit like ours