MEDFORD MATTrTRrBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON", SUNDAY, MAT 22, 1932. ai. Beach, near here, la 16& T Announce Boat Races Today OREGON STATERS DEFEAT WEBFEET BROOKLYN, GIANTS DIVIDE TWIN BILL KILLED wind this afternoon. The dead are Amos Burnett, 6. . . p.rksr AO. both Of this IE DEVICE FAILS ritv trapped beneath twlated steel THRILLING BAY and wood wnen i. "s went down. Their bodlea were ex tricated by other workmen. MYRTLE POINT Coos Feed and . in Mm. under which EMIGRANT RACES . SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, May Jl (API Two men were killed and a IN FIELD EVENTS WITH GIANT FOES seed siore - j d Olllesple will opera hl new- dozen were Injured, lour of them ly acquired swrco - seriously In the wreckage 01 - Coqullie. .. tm4r construction at PXGE FOTJK Boating nthiulaU from nil psrts NEW VOHK. Msy 31. (AP) The of southern Oregon and northern yanki tightened their hold on the California will sssemme toaay ai American league lead today by de- Emigrant dam for tne cnampion- featlne: Washington In a double' ahlp apeed boat racea beginning hcudtr 14 to 3 and 8 to 0. Johnny promptly at 3:00 p. m.. This Is the final race meet of the season at Emi grant and extensive arrangements have been made to make today's meet the largest and best show of Its kind ever held In this area. Champion speed boat drivers from all sections of California, Oregon and Washington began arriving here last night and many more were expect ed early today. Over 600 In prize money and trophies will be awarded. Competition for the Bradflsh trophy among the local drivers, pro mises to be one of the highlights of the meet. Three local pilots, Dutch Welch, Joe Meyers and Heine Fluhrer, have each won the trophy once and any of them will be able to retain the beautiful loving cup permanent ly by winning the free for all today. This Is the feature event of the meet and Is run In two heats, ten miles each. In the last meet at the dam, there were three tlpovera dur ing the race and one contestant lost Ibis motor off his boat while going down the straightaway wide open. The program will consist of ten races and over 39 drivers have algned up to battle for the honors. Local drivers to compete are Dutch Welch, Floyd House, Harold Orey, Joe Mey ers, Jackte Terrett, Fred McPher son, Stanley Smith and Heine Fluh rer. LocbI fans are backing them to the limit and expect them to hold their own. At the laat con teat, four Involuntary baths and other bad breaks eliminated the Medford ltes one by one. A loud speaker system baa been brought up from 8an Francisco by the Standard OH company to an nounce the details from the Judges' float. State police tad the highway de partment are co-operating In an ef fort to handle the hundreds of care at the meet and have announced that no parking will be permitted on the right of way on the highway adjacent to the dam. Ticket sellers will be detailed along Vie highway to take care of the crowd of S000 people expected to attend. Allen held the Senatora to five hits In the second game and contributed a homer after the Yanks had hit four homera, two by Ruth, In the opener, R. H. I Washington ...... 3 6 New York 1 ' ' Batterlea: L. Brown, Ragland. Freld rich and Berg, Maple; Fennock and Dickey, Jorgena, Second game. R. H. X Wftahlnnton .. 0 B 0 Naw York 8 13 1 Batteries: Crowder, Marberry. Fls cher and Berg: Allen and Dickey. St. Louis R. H. E 8 11 0 Cloveland , 7 13 3 Batteries: Orsy, Klmsey. Hadley im Ferrell: Harder.. Hudlln and Myatt. Boston . R. R. I 9 Philadelphia ; 18 17 Batteries: Michaels, Kline. Wei land. Moore. Leheny. Llsenbee and Tate. Storle; Earnshaw. Rommel and Cochrane, Hevlng. Second game: R. H. B Boston .. - 8 6 I Philadelphia 0 I Batteries: MacFayden and Con i-.olly; Cain and Cochrane. CHICAGO. May 31. (AP) Bat Battallno ought to be about ready to admit that Billy Petrolic can lick jilm. 1 The former world featherweight champion, fortified with rare cour age, stood In the Chicago stadium ring Friday night and traded aluga with the old Fargo Express, and ven knocked him down for a oount of nine In the first round. . But after It waa all over, Petrolic had earned a ten-round decision. And except for the first and tenth round, Battallno took a decisive beating. , STAR SETS RECORD CHAMPAIGN, 111., May 31. (AP) Ran dell Herman, Oa Pftrk high chool itAr, aprlnted to ft new nat ional and ttate prep 100 yard daah record In Via ftnali of the Illinois tnterscl.olt.8tlc meet today. Hi time waa 0.7, ft tenth of a second faster than that made by Ralph Metcalfe, of Tllden high, Chi cago, In 1030. FOR SUNDAY'S PLAY ' Considerable work haa been done en the new public golf course .east of town during the past week,- ac cording to W. F. ChausM, proprietor. In preparation for piny today. A new policy haa been adopted In regard to green fees making It possible to play on Sunday at the same price as applies during the week. "TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY FOR RENT Strictly modern 4-room duplex, furnished If desired. (34 N Bsrtlett. WOMEN TEACIIEIU) WANTED For vacation work. Expenses guaran teed. Olv age. education, experi ence in first letter. Compton Co.. 1000 N. Dearborn, Chicago. OLD ESTAHIJ8HED Manufacturer will finance responsible man In a rrmanent btislness. Must have A referenoes and car. Starting av erage aso weekly. Steady increase tip to 1100 for right man. No alack season or lay offt. Write promptly McConnon Company, Dept. B-1984. Winona, Minnesota. FOR SALE OR TRADE aiaoo equity In large bungalow No. 810 Howard Street for ;ioo cash or will trade for anything we can use. Loan pa ments like rent. Phone 7-F-14 or 51-7-L or see Clarence Pierce. MID-SEASON uM car sale many makea and models to choose from: all cars drastically reduced In price to make room for many trades on the V-8. Full allowance on your old car: easy monthly payments, no brokerage. GATES AUTO CO Used Car Dept SPECIAL LOW BATTERY PRICES 81 FOR YOt'R old battery on anv Severln bat.: Blvolt ia-plat stand ard (1 yr. gusr.l. J; 8.v.,it ls-plstr heavy duty, Id: 8-rolt 13-plst jun ior battery, 18 mo. guar. I. 83 SO. Bererln Bst. rechg.. 3.V. others SOc 6EVEH1N BATTERY SEH1VCE KJO No. ItlvtXslM CHICAGO, May 31 (AP) Vic Sor roll lot Chicago down with five hits and Detroit defeated Chicago, 6 to 1, today. R. H. . Detroit ... 8 10 1 Chicago . 18 1 Batterlea: Sorrell and Hayworth; Caraway, Thomas and Orube. A group of Medford trapshootsra are in Corvallla this week-end at tending the stats shoot being con ducted today and tomorrow, having opened Saturday. The championship event Is scheduled for today. From here, those attending are Sid Newton, Ed Lamport, Ed Pease, Ray Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. 8am Jennings, Bill Bates, and Mr.- and Mrs, Cheater Woods of Prospect. YALESlEPSlS CAPTURE REGATTA mp The latest of portable public ad dress systems, the Standard Oil An nounoer Car will broadcast results at the speed boat races at Emigrant dam today. The car, one of the finest of Its kind on the Pacific coast, waa brought to Medford especially for the Emigrant lake races, according to Plavlus West, manager of the Medford district for the Standard Oil Company. George H, Austin, versatile, popular announcer, directing the Standard Oil announcer car, will be master of ceremonies for the day. Mr. Austin has microphone and powerful ampli fiers to broadcast his voice to the crowds and he has been heard by as many as 40,000 people at one time. And with phonograph attachments this announcer will send recorded music booming out through his same big speakers. AT PHOENIX, May 21 (Spl.) Gradu ation exercises were held at the Phoenix school auditorium Friday night. Girls of the class were each dressed In pastel shades or white, with small corsages of sweet peas at their shoulders. Boys of the class wore dark suits. Tlie front of the stage was banked with bouquets of roses and other flowers given to the graduates by their friends and relatives. The following program was enjoy ed: March, played by Joseph Hartley, Invocation by A. W. Shepherd; song by boys of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, under direction of Mrs. Fletcher Fish; Doris Holmes, aaluta torlan of the class used as her theme, "Brains and Backbone"; Winifred In- man, valedictorian, used "Self Re liance"; both measages were well giv en and showed much thought and preparation. Geo. Peckham of Med ford, sang, accompanied by Mrs. Oo. Andrews, also of Medford. The graduation address was given by Rev. W. R. Balrd, of Medford, who used as his topic. "The Successful Life." In closing he remarked "The teat belongs upon the foundation." The diplomas were presented by Ralph Wilcox, chairman of the Phoe nix school board. RESORT AT TRAIL IS OPENED FOR PUBLIC! Proficiency ccsttflcates, nice pen manship awards, have been presented to 38 pupils of the Upper grsdes at the Jackson school for skillful work completed under the direction of their Instructor, Mrs. Jeanne Laldley. The children were reported very pleased with the results of their work, as this la the highest per oent ac cepted by the Rice company for fifth grade students, the recorda ahow. Those in the fifth grade are Robert Forsyth, Ruth Herron, Lelo Hender son, ' Eileen James, Barbara Lewis, flth Ruth Man Rank TVm.U ui gins. Wlnnlbell James. Marv Louisa I Mase, Mildred Marrs, Franklyn Met calf, Eileen Peck. Garcia Peck, Huldah Rose, Jack Prultt. Helen Thompson, Alice Wall, Jean Prultt. Robert Walk er, Harold James, Msrjorle Alson. Pearl Jones, Patricia Short. CORVALLI8, Ore., May 31 (AP) Three distance men with stamina enough to sweep all places In the two-mile run cinched Oregon ' State college's first dual track victory In four years over the University of Ore gon here today. The meet was close and the Webfoots were In front until the next to last event. Oregon was strong In the sprints and hurdles, gathering a total of eight first places to six for the Staters. They tied for first In one event. Rodman of Oregon State surprised the dopes tera with his victory In the high Jump, which put the Stat ers within two points of the visitors as the two-mile event was called as the final event before the relay. Each team entered three men but after the first few rounds Gray alone remained for the Webfoots. Wllllston of Oregon State, gradually wore Gray down and passed blm for third place, while the veteran Can tine, who was leading, then dropped back to third and allowed his team mates to finish ahead of him. Kirk set the only new meet record when he stepped the quarters In 49.24. The old record was 50 X SHERIDAN Gravel mill at mouth of Mill creek resumed operations. Trojan Trackfters Humble Stanford EDWARDS TRACK STADIUM, Ber keley. Calif., May 31. (AP) Amid a shower of falling records, the Uni versity of Southern California's Tro jans retained their California In tercollegiate track and field title here today by defeating Stanford, California and U. C. L. A. by scoring 86 1-6 points. . , KLAMATH " FALLS R 7" M. Smith and H. B rod land purchased recently constructed repair shop at Central super service station. Before You Start That Next Trip Out on a lonely road . . . far from a garage . . the radiator boils and there is no water in sight. It's a sad situation Let Us Fix That Leaky Radiator BROOKLYN, May 31. (AP) Brooklyn divided double header with New York today, pounding Jim Mooney to win the second gam 1 to 3, alter the Olants bad won the first 13-5. Hack Wilson and Glenn Wright hit homera in Vw second game. Pirat game: R H B New York 13 14 0 Brooklyn I 13 1 Pltzslmmons, Luque and Hogan; Phelps, Belmach, Qulnn and Plcln lch. Second game; It H B New York ..i . ... 3 7 1 Brooklyn ..... 7 9 3 Mooney, Olbson, Parmalee and Ho gan; Mungo and Lopes. R H E Philadelphia 6 10 1 Boston eta Elliot, Nichols and McCurdy; Brown, Cantwell and Spohrer. R H E Chicago 6 S S Cincinnati 1 Malone, Bush and Hemsley; Lucas and Lombardl. Louis postponed, Pittsburgh at St. rain. HOME INDUSTRY Do You Wear This Label in Your Coat? MEDFORD MADE KLEIN the TAILOR It stands for the Utmost in Tailoring Value. Suits to Your Measure 25 MP Drop in, Take a Look 128 E. Main . Upstairs ITHACA, N. T., May 21. (AP) In one of tht closest finishes In rewind history, Yale's smashing var sity, stroked by John Jackson, de feated Cornell by a scant three feet today In the two-mile climax of the annual spring day regatta. Princeton was third, three lengths back. Yale's time was 10 minutes, 31 sec onds: Cornell's 10:31 1-8; Princeton, 10 :37a fc Five Foot Putt Wins For Salem SALEM, Ore., May 31. (AP) A five-loot putt that rolled around the rim of the cup before It drop ped In, won for Salem hlah the stat high school golf championship here today, giving the local team 8'4 to 614 victory over Park Rose In the final match of the state tournament played on the Balem golf club's course. OrfRon Went her. Generally fair Sunday and Mon day; slowly rising temperature: mod erately low humidity; gentle to moderate southwest wind offshore. Ernie Ernst, proprietor of "Califor nia on the Rogue," was In Medford Friday, attending to business mat ters, and announced that his resort. Including nine cabins. Is now open to the public. The place Is located Just north of Trail on the Crater Lake highway. Work was Just completed this Spring at "California on the Rogue," which la located on the bank of the river among the pines and firs. Mod ern accommodations are features of all of the-cabins. Husky Athletic Deficit Plugged SEATTLE. May 31. (AP) In a special statement to the Associated Press today, Earl Campbell, graduate manager of the University of Wash ington, declared that the Associated Students organization of the Institu tion had "Ironed out Its financial difficulties," and la now ready "to travel full speed ahead." Picture frames mads to order. The Peaslsyr, opp. Holly theater. ' TODAY! RAIN OR SHINE Championship Speedboat RACES EMIGRANT DAM 4 Miles South of Ashland DON'T MISS THEM Plenty of Thrills and Spills f News of Your Neighbors! It Than Ever Bef More of Appears in the MAIL TRIBUNE 46 Columns of Country Correspondence Gathered By 41 Mail Tribune Rural Correspondents Was Published In the Mail Tribune During April! N 0 NEWSPAPER, the size of the Mail Tribune, in the entire west can show such a volume of rural news. Just think of it! 11 cor respondents lus a score of Grange news gatherers, bring to Mail Tribune readers bits of news and gossip of the many communities surrounding this city. ... 46 columns fliii? column inches in one month is a record we're proud of just another reason whv '"Evcrvbodv In Southern Oregon Reads the Mail Tribune." Medford's Only ABC Newspaper HERE'S EXTREME SHIRT VALUE Fade-Proof Shirts with Pre-Shrunk Collars We don't mind telling you that we worked hard to make this special purchase of New Shirts at a price that would let us offer them to you at such a reasonable price. See the shirts and not the price and your guess would be that they ought to sell for at least $2.50 to $3.00. Neat colors and patterns in Shantung effects. See Them In Our Windows Your Dependable Clothing Store" COUNT THE YELLOW BOXES Real Proof That Country People Read the Mail Tribune