Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 12, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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Property ownen having elm shade
treea are advised by L. P. Wilcox,
county agent, that the elm leal
beetle la now working and spraying
ahould be done within the next 1
days or two weeka if the larvae are
to be controlled.
The larvae of the elm beetle are
worm-like and feed on the under
side of leaves on both the Cork and
American elms. Damage to the ex
tent of complete defollage may be
expected If control measures are not
Arsenate of lead, four pounds ol
the powdered material to 100 gal
lons of water applied thoroughly to
the underside of leaves, will give
control and thus at a very low cost
valuable shsde trees may be kept
free from this pest.
If spraying la done by commercial
sprayers, the property owner should
supervise work to the extent of
knowing that the proper strength
msterlals are used and that cover
age of leaf surfaces, especially the
r undersides, Is obtained.
Ashland police are heading posses
in a search for Marlon Long. 70, re
tired plumber of that city, who dis
appeared from his home about 6:30
this morning with a .22 caliber rifle
and a gunnysack after acting errati
cally for several days, according to
his family.
Long was traced from his residence,
near the railroad track, to Bear creek
near Mountain avenue where the trail
Due to Che aged man's recent ec
centricities It Is feared that he may
have committed sulclds, according to
Ashland officials.
Jail Chester Nees
On Drunken Charge
Cheater Nees. local man, was placed
In the county Jail this afternoon, fol
lowing his arrest by city police, charg
ed with being drunk In a public place.
Rogue Rivei
ROGUE RIVER, May 13. (Spl.)
Mr. and Mra. Glenn Norse had as
dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Milton.-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witt and son
Delbert, are spending a week camp
ing up Evans creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dengler were
guests Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Mathls of Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott and
Barbara Lee shopped in Grants Pass
Monday. Other Rogue River people
in town were Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Howard Robbins and daughter
Ruth of Eugene arrived Sunday for
a short visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mra. James Whipple. Before re
turning to her home she will visit
relatives In Central Point.
J. K. Carley, local merchant, left
Friday for Washington, whew he has
gone to bring his son Jim, who has
been 111, back to Rogue River. They
will return Immediately.
Regular Live Oak Orange meeting
was held Saturday night, with a fair
A Juvenile Orange unit la being
organized with great success under
the able direction of Mrs. Margaret
Galllgar, who is matron. David Birds
eye holds the position of msstsr.
About 35 members are enrolled and
a great deal of enthusiasm la being
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and fam
ily entertained Mrs. Smith's parents.
Mr. and Mra. Snow, at dinner Sunday
In honor of Mother's day.
Mlas Myrtle Willi and Miss Oene-
V .V f ! . A-
TirEN noon-time conies, vhy not fix
voursclf a delicious lunch and one
"that's no trouble at all to prepare? A
bowl of crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes,
and milk with a bit of fruit. Refresh
ing. Ilealthful. Convenient. Save lime
and money at any meal with Kellogg's.
Quality guaranteed.
vleve Piatt entertained with a dinner
party at the Waldorf hotel Sunday.
Their guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Norbury and Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Robert and son Boyd.
The Junior Vodvll was presented
Friday night at the high achol audi
torium. A large crowd attended and
the young people received much
praise for their work.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Phelps entertain
ed with a dinner at their home Sat
urday. Ouests for the evening were
Mr. and Mra. B. P. Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Clementa and their son of
Central Point, and Misa Oenevieve
Mrs. Paul Woods of Medford spent
8unday at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Sandry.
Miss Arlene Earhart of the high
school faculty was iiostess Friday
evening to the Junior Vodvll play
cast. Treats were served at Hom
ing's Shack in Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace LeMolne
shopped In Grsnts Pass Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. Fred O'Kelly, who
have been visiting for the past two
weeks at the Robert Qrlmmett home
In Medford, returned to their home
here Saturday.
A dance was given in O'Kelly'a hall
Saturday. A large crowd attended
and everyone had a good time.
Mrs. Rutherford la spending a few
weeks In Portland with her baby, who
Is receiving medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Horton have
purchased an ace of land from A. T.
Mcllvaln. and are busy Improving It,
preparatory to building.
JACKSONVILLE. May 12. (Spl.)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knight took
part In the community program held
at the new high school auditorium
May 3. Among those attending were
Alice Hoefs, Katherine Wendt, Mabel
Simms, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pick and
daughter Virginia. Mr. and Mra. John
Huener, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bow
man and Louise Lawhead.
Mlaa Violet Olson spent Sunday as
guest of Miss Anna 6mlth at her
home on Miller creek.
W, A. Chllders of Big Applegatc
was a business caller here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Clark of
Medford were dinner guests Sunday
at the Alex Norrla home.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Butte Falls
visited their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr, and Mrs. Clyds Moore, at the
Tom Dunnlngton home Saturday.
Mrs. Harold Crump of Little Apple
gate called on friends here recently.
George Merrltt, Miss Issle McCully
and Mrs. Selden Ogle attended the
funeral of Mrs. Billings In Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kubll of Port
land called on frlendB here Friday.
Mrs. John Pierce of Tampa, Idaho,
who has been visiting her husband
at his mine here, returned to her
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer of Alabama
and Mrs, W. W. Howard of Medford
called on friends here Saturday.
Arnle Carlson ' and Ike Coffman,
who are mining at Star Gulch, spent
the week end at their homee here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blackmer and
small son, who spent the past several
months at Riverside, Cal., returned
here Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Charley Dorothy were
dinner guesta Sunday at the Bud
Lawrence home. They also spent the
afternoon In the Ashland park.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davles have
moved to Hilt, Cal., where Dr. Davles
has employment for the summer, Mr.
and Mra. Ivan Davles tsve alao gone
to Hilt.
Miss Carmen Dorothy la employed
as epeclal nurse to Mrs. L. D. Ins
keep at the Sacred Heart hospital,
Recent visitors at the Frank Zell
Antique Shop Include Mrs. Betty
Reeves, San Diego, Cal.; J. W. Opp,
New York: Mrs. C. J. Zro, Antlgo,
Wis.; Mrs. W. J. Carrlgan, Yuba City,
Columbia Flood
Menacing Farms
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 13.
(AP) Farmers on the lowlands west
of here continued today to prepare
to move their stock to higher levels
In anticipation of a general flood
ing of their property, as the Colum
bia river rose steadily toward the
flood stage.
Improvement club rooms In Duke's
building. East Main street, to be re
modeled. For
Wmmput ttm
corn d
fUKES ! ;5
PORTLAND, May 13. (AP) Cat
tle 13A, including 17 through; calvaa
20: steady.
Hogs 600; ataady.
Sheep and lambs 000; 50c lower,
(a new low record). Lambs 00 lba.
down, good and choice, $5005 50;
medium, M .00 5.0O; all weights,
common, $3.00 4.00. Yearling weth
ers 90-110 lba., medium to choice.
2 .50 ft 4.00.
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. May 13 (AP) Live
poultry net buying price: Heavy
hens, colored, 4 '4 lba. up, 14c: do
mediums. 10 11c; light, 9c: light
broilers, 10 t 11c. Others unchanged.
COUNTRY MEATS Selling price
to retailers: Vealers. 80 to 100 lbs.,
78c. others unchanged.
ONIONS Selling price to retailers:
Oregon, as.OO98.SO cental: boilers.
0s7e: new Cochella, S3ft2.25 crate.
NEW POTATOES California Oar
nets. SH4c lb.
Butter, butterfat, eggs, potatoes,
seed potatoes, wool and hay quota
tions unchanged.
Porthnd Wheat
PORTLAND, May 13 (AP) Wheat:
Open High Low Close
May .81 .61 .80V4 .6014
July . .60 .68 .58ii .58
Bept ... .67 .57 J16!4 .56V4
Deo. .50 ', .58 .59 .50
Cash wheat:
Big Bend bluestem .
Soft white - ....
Western white .. .....
Hard winter M
.. .70 V,
. .61
. .61
. .69
. .59
. JS9
Northern spring ......
Western red
Oata: No. 3 white, 836.
Today's car receipt: Wheat, 8;
barley, none; flour, 13; oats, 4.
San Francisco Butterfnt
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., May 13.
(AP) Butterfat f. o. b. 8an Fran
cisco, 30c.
Wall St. Report
Btork Rale Averages
(Copyright, 1933, Standard Statistics
May 13:
60 30 30 90
V Indl's Rr'a Ut's Total
Today - 44.8 18.3 76.4 46.1
Prev. day .... 46.0 19.7 78.4 47.7
Week ago .... 43.0 19.9 76.8 48.1
Year ago ....116.3 80.8 169.0 119.4
Bond Sale Averages
(Copyright, 1933, Standard Statistics
May 13:
30 30 30 80
Indl's Rr's Ut's Total
T aflM 1 "iLf0
Today 57 8 87 8 T8 8 84.0
Prav. day 87.8 48.7 78.4 84J
Week ago . 67 i 68.7 74 8 04 8
Year ago 84.4 101.8 100.S 83 8
NEW YORK. May 13. (AP) The
stock msrket finally went Into a
slow retreat today, after holding
the line fairly successfully since Fri
day's rally. Ralls were the soft
spot. Losses of 1 to 8 points were
numerous. Turnover was less than
a million share, but tbe closing
tone was heavy.
Today's closing prices for 18 se
lected stocks follow.
American Can 38 H
American T. As T. , B7i
Anaconda M A
Curtis Wright I
General Motor - 11
Int. T. & T. 8
Montgomery Ward . - 6",
Paramount Pub. 3l,i
Southern Psc.
S. O. of Cal.
S. O. of N. J.
.-. 1H
..- 34 4
Trans Am. . SVi
United Aircraft 8,
U. 8. Steel 38?i
Bank of England
Reduces Discount
LONDON. May 13. (AP) The
Bank of England reduced Its dis
count rate today from three to 3ft
per cent.
It was the second reduction with
in less than a month. The rate was
lowered on April 31 from 3ft to 8
per cent.
A bua load of student from Ore
Jon State college, and Prof. R. O.
Hyslop. are expectedto arrive here
tomorrow to make a tour of the
southern Oregon boa bulbosa blue
grass plantings, C. C. Hoover of the
Hanley and Hoover ranch announced
this morning.
The students will view the Apple
gat planting tomorrow afternoon
and present a program at a meeting
of the Applegate Grange In the eve
ning, returning to the Hanley and
Hoover ranch In the Wet Side dis
trict, to be house guest of Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Hoover.
Saturday morning, with student
of the Medford high school depart
ment of agriculture, they will make
a tour of the West Side plantings.
Warrant Call.
Notice Is hereby given that School
District No. 49, Jaokson County, war
rants No, 103 to No. 340 inclusive are
called for payment. Interest to cease
on May 18, 1933, Warrant to be
presented for payment at the office
of District Clerk, Mirord Building
Clerk School District No. 49
SALEM. May 13. (p) The proposed
Initiative measure to consolidate In
stitutions of higher learning was
filed with the secretary of state last
night, and was sent to the attorney
general for a title. Henry Zorn, rep
resenting the Marlon County Tax
Equalisation league, filed the prelim
inary petition.
The measure, which would Join the
two state colleges Into one at Cor
vallls. create a teachera' college at
Eugene and Junior colleges at Ash
land and LaOrande. eliminating the
Monmouth Normal school, will re
quire 17.080 signatures to place the
bill on the November ballot.
Gleemen Meet At
Guild Hall Friday
Meeting of all persons Interested
In the organization here of a men's
glee club haa been called for tomor
row evening at St. Mark Guild hall.
Dr. E. W. Shockley reported this
afternoon. All men Interested are
asked to be present at 8 o'clock.
Special Communication of
a Medford Lodge No. 103. A
P- A. M., Friday, May
ftfXJV 13th, at 7:30 p. m. work
In M. M. degree by the
special Medford Degree Team. Re
freshments. Vlaltlng members in
vited. By order of L. C. STEWART.
GEO. ALDEN, Secretary. W. M.
WOOD FOR SALE 85c tier. 13-ln.
green pine slabs: 5.00 per load fl
tlera. FREE one load of kindling
with each S-load order. VALLEY
FOR SALE Trailer. Pat's Second
Hand Store.
FOR SALE Hayrack.
Lozler Lane.
Wm. Bardwell.
WANTED God used piano. N. I.
Whetstone. 347 6th St., Ashland.
Greatest bargain Jackson county for
country home or farm: CO acres
wonderful soil, highly productive
river bottom: 30 acres alfalfa and
balance grain or general crop. Close
to Rogue river for swimming, boat
ing, fishing. Magnificent view Mt.
Pitt and Cascades. Popular county
highway front property. Nine-room
house among beautiful oaks an
outstanding location. Large barn,
silo, milk barn, concrete floor, milk
er, separator, pressure water, elec
tricity, aom farm equipment, on
Mam horses: also the family Shep
herd dog. You can't resist this.
Cash counts at price 813,000. which
I lea than original coat Improve
ments. Call 609 East Main, or
Phone 345.
Here goes the last "sacred cow"
in cigarette advertising!
INHALING has long been an "untouchable"
... a subject taboo in the tobacco trade . . .
a "sacred cow"J Why? . . . Because in every
tobacco leaf even the finest, the mildest
nature hides certain impurities which, when
not removed, are unkind to delicate mem
branes 1
And since, knowingly or unknowingly, we
all inhale some part of the smoke from our
cigarette Lucky Strike developed that great
scientific process which removes certain im
0. Jt AMmCA
TUKB IN OS LUCKY STRIKE M sVr mmia uttk ibt urU'i final
ftrnem Lmij Si'iii ntui fitiurn, mrj Tuudtj, 7hutiJiy and Saturday tuning
WANT transportation for 2 to Port
land or Spoltaue, 6hare expenses.
13 Kenwood.
FOR RENT S rooms and Bleeping
porch; clean, well furnished du
plex; low rental. Call 2 13 S. drape.
PULL LINE fre.h aea foods, loweat
prices. Ivy St. Mitt.
RANCH FOR RENT 300 acres, 80
cult., free water, equipment, cows.
M00 yr. In advance, or will take
Rood securltv intil end of vear.
125 E. 6th St. Tel. 1406.
LOST Bl-focal shell rim spectacle.
Phone 1404.
FOR RENT ft -room modern bunga
low at 15 Crater Lake Ave.. Just
completely redecorated; $25, water
rent paid. Phone 597-R-2.
Irrigated farm In central Oregon.
Want small Improved acreage In or
near Medford or Central Point.
Give price and full particulars In
first letter. T. F. Buck, Redmond.
Doors & Windows
lft.lOin. x 6ft. 81n. 5 Panel Doors, $1.49
2ft. 8in. x 6ft. 8in. 5 Panel Doors, $1.98
2ft. 8in. x 6ft. 8in. 2 Panel Doors, $2.19
3 ft. x 6 ft. 8 in. Front Doors . . . $6.49
(Note these are 9 lite top French Doors, Extra Thickness)
2ft. 6in. x 6ft. 8 in. Glass Top Doors, $2.89
24 x 47-in. 6 lite Casement Sash, $1.49
20 x 25-in. 4 lite Casement Sash, .79
Other Items too Numerous to Mention
2ft. 8in.x6ft. 8in.
lVsin Pine, Galv.
Cash & Carry Lumber Co.
201 South Fir Street
(We are voting for Geo. W. Porter for Representative)
purities. Luckies created that process. Only
Luckics have itl
Do you inhale? Remember more than 20,000
physicians, after Luckies had been furnished
them for tests, basing their opinions on thtir
smoking experience, stated that Luckies are less
irritating to the throat than other cigarettes.
"It's toasted"
VaurThrort rrotrtlowtlnt lrrtttlon against cwtfh
FURN. APT., 3 rooms, sleeping porch,
hot water, private bath. 831 W.
TO TRADE All electric cabinet
radio for good cow. Phone 10-F-4.
WANTED Girl to sew furs. Bartlett
Fur Shop. 308 E. ath St.
THREE well marked Boston Bull
puppies. 6 week old. also 1 male
pup. 4 months old: 1 female. 3
years old. All above are pedigreed
and will be sold ressonable. J. O.
Cameron. Rout 4. over Buckshot
hill, north and east 3 mile, Two
FOR RENT 4-room furnished house
and garage, 818 00. Key 314 Cot- j
tage. j
EMPTY TRUCK returning from Oak- I
land want load from there or I
point en route. Hawley Transfer, I
Phone 1044-X.
WOOD FOR SALE 85c per tier. 13-ln.
green slsbi: 5 00 per load 8 tiers, j
FREE one load of kindling with
each 3-lod order. VALLEY FUEL I
Co.. Tel. 78. ORDER NOW. i
- Screen Doors
heavy thickness
Wire, ea.. .$2.49
ddnrt mhattti, tn4
mt N. B. C Muttmi.
Sport coats, Dress coats, Polo
coats. Every coat in stock,
values from $19.75 to $29.75.
Sale price
Summer Dresses
Sport silks, Jacket dresses,
Dresses for office, street,
bridge, golf and evening
wear. Values from $18.50 to
$22.50. Sale price
Silk Jacket
Smart white silk frocks with
short, colored jackets. Pastel
oolor dresses with jaoketa to
matoh. Just every style
jaoket you've heard about
this season. Dresses in this
group extra special values at
Knitted Suits
Two-piooe knit suits sweat
era and skirts. Sizes 14 to
20. Values to $6.95. Sale
Gotham Adjustable Silk
New spring shades In sizes
Vi to 10J4. Service weight
and ohiffon. Reduced to
Wash Dress Sale
Every wash dress in stock is
now on sale. Lovely voiles,
batistes and prints. You buy
a wash dress at regular price
and take your choice of an
other wash frock, tip to the
same value, for only '
$1.77 Dress,
$1.95 Dress,
$2.95 Dress,
$3.95 Dress,
$4.95 Dress,
the second
the second
the second
the second
the second
Burelson 9s
101 So. Central Tel 28