jrenFOTW mTi frtbtjnt:. renFORn, okego. tvedrbay, may n. inns. PAGE FIVE Local and Business Caller Chas. Dunlap, will known rancher of the Table Rock dis trict, waa a business caller In Med lord Tuesday. Undergoes Operation Mra. R. C. Shandel of Talent underwent a ma jor operation at the Community hos pital today and la reported to be getting along nicely. Arrlvei Home Mra. 0. Morrison haa been In Portland for the past two weeks with her mother, who was 111. She returne4 to her home last evening. At Prospect Today Mrs. Mabel C. Mack la spending today at Prospect at the meeting of the home extension nlt. "Economical meals" la the aub JSct today. Auxiliary to Meet Members of the Lsdles' Auxiliary, Medford Typo graphical union, will meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mra. Kenneth F. Murray, 311 King street. Of Golden Gate San Francleco people whose names are listed In lo cal hotel are P. V. Sollman. C. V. Butron, L. H. Rogers, H. O. Shy. W. H. Rellly, Porter L. Bliss, Joseph A. Muoney, Al Anderson, A. H. Paxton, H. X. Mllholland and H. W. Edmlston. Return Home Mr. and Mra. S. M. Barrlgar of Nlatsu, Ore, left by train today for their home, having apent the past three weeks at Sams Valley, guests of their aon-ln-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones, at their ranch, Rosebank. Reservea to Meet Reserve officers of the United states army, stationed In Medford. will meet at the Armory this evening at 7:30 o'clock, with Captain Spllver as Instructor. The subject will be "Organization of the Sfantry Division." On Business Here A. L. Costello. representative of the Baltimore and Ohio railway, and Mr. McLaughlin of the Illnols Central, are In the city today conferring with business men. They arrived here by train this morn ing. Attend Products Banquet Several residents of the Central Point dis trict were In Medford last evening for the annual Oregon products ban quet of the local Ohamber of Com merce. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Faber, E. C. Faber and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Psnkey. Announce Meet The annual spring meeting for reserve officers of the United States army will be held at the Umpqua hotel, Roseburg. May 38, announcement has been made from the Eugene offices. This meeting will end the class activities for the school year, and all officers are urged to attend. 1 Ablmtts Attend Banquet Mr. and ' Mrs. Lelth Abbott of Portland were amonr out-of-town guests at the home products banquet at the Hotel Medford last evening. They are house guests here of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Knapp while Mr. Abbott transacts business In the Interests of We Southern Pacific, for which he Is advertising manager In Portland. From Eagle Point The Eagle Point district was well represented last night at the Chsmber of Com merce home products banquet, Mr and Mrs. Carl Von der Hellen, whose asparagus formed a very tasty Item on the evening's menu, were present. and so was Harry Ward, manager of the Eagle Point cheese plant, wmcn supplied the Lsdlno cheese for the dinner. Many from Seattle The group at the local hotels registered from Se attle Includes O. A. Berger, A. L. V Ickland. L. R. Foster. Samuel Apple- stone, Oeorge Shelton. Bus Greene. Vrnk Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Wajter AHalnes, P. B. Schates and Oeorge M. Boyd. Other Washington guests are John Nelson of Port Orchard, Gloria Schreader of Spokane and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Von der Hellen of Yakima. From State Points Those regis tered at hotels In the city from polnta outside of Portland Include Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Barrlgar of Nloteu, W. A. WalKh and C. 0. Williams of Marsh field, C. W. Owen of Albany. O. W. Weir, John Lillard. Alfred Nallcn and Hugh B. Esson of Eugene. Oeorge Hilton of Grants Pass. Rex W. Mc Millan of Klamath Falls, T. L. Spald ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Hewitt, Ted Meech and F. T. Dick of Salem, and , . Alfred B. Caatel of Fort Klamath. SEP" A Real Spring Tonic I a good old fashioned picnic with a mammoth lunch. Remember Fluhrer'8 Holsum is the ideal Sandwich loaf. And also our wrapped cakes and cookies pack well and will economically take care of the dessert question. til Personal Herring to Lake Dan Herring was among the Medford people who visit ed Crater lake yesterday. O'Nell Here Pip O'Nell, flying hl Belanca Skyrocket, stopped at the Medford airport a short time this afternoon before continuing north. In San Francisco Harry H. Rosen berg Is spending a few days in the south, having registered Monday at the Hotel Sir Francis Drake. In from Lake Creek Mike Hanley. well-known rancher of the Lake Creek district. Is a business caller In Med ford today. e Mrs. Cook Here Mrs. John Cook of Long Island, N. T., arrived here on the Shasta at noon today to be the guest of Mr. and Mra. H. D. McCaskey. On Business Here S. F. Jackson. representing the Sunset Electric com pany. Is spending today in the city attending to business matters. Returns Home Miss Thelma Kent, graduate nurse, returned home last evening by train from Portland, where she was a delegate to the nurses' convention held there. From Eugene Representing the Union Pacific railway, with head quarters In Eugene. Ernest S. Farrell arrived here by train this morn ing, and returned north on the Shasta. Visiting Sister Ronald Brlttsan, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. w. Brlttsan of Medford, Is visiting with his sister here. Miss Margaret Franklin. He will be in town for a week Evening Herald, Klamath Falls. Auditor Here P. M. Wlllcot of Chi cago, traveling auditor for the United Air Lines, left Medford this morning by plane for Portland, having arrived at the local airfield yesterday alter, noon from Los Angeles. Jenkins at Banquet Frank Jen kins, southern Oregon newspsper col- umnlst, attended the Oregon Prod ucts banquet at the Hotel Medford last evening, having motored over from Klamath Falls. At Products Dinner Regular meet ing of the Active club was not held last evening, but members attended the Oregon Producta dinner at the Hotel Medford In' a body. The pro gram planned for last night will be presented next week. To Crater Lake A party of local folk motoring to Crater lake yeater day Included Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Meader and granddaughter, Marian Hart, and Mrs. Meader'a nephew. Rowen Gall. Mrs. Nettle Normlle of Portland was their guest. t In Klamath Falls Mrs. H. E. Rlna barger of Medford arrived in Klamath Falls Sunday to spend several days Upon her return to Medford she will be accompanied by Mrs. Docla Norria, who will visit In the valley city for an Indefinite period. Klamath News. Rail Representative Worthlngton C. Smith, traveling passenger agent of the Northern Pacific railway, with headquarters in Portland, apent this morning In the city attending to bus iness for his company, having arrived by train from Grants Paas. He left at noon for Klamath Falls. Examiner Coming Ward McReyn olds. examiner of operators and chauf feurs, will make his regular visit In Medford Saturday and Monday, May 14 and 18. announcement from Hal 2. Hosa' office states. The examinations will be conducted In the city hall from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. on those daya. Vacation at Brookings Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher stopped in Medford the first of the week, en route to Brookings, where they plan to vaca tion for a few days. Mr. Fisher Is a ranger at Crater national park, and Mra. Fisher has been spending the winter in Klamath Falls. Register from Afar Those at ho tels In Medford, registered from dis tant points, are I, Karlno Garrett f Helena, Mont, P. JL. Wlllcot of Chi cago, D. B. Rhlnehart of Dayton. O., and M. E. Fleming of Dundee, Scot land. Guests at Hotels The following Portland residents have registered at Medford hotels: H. W. Holden, J. O Severston. C. R. Ooaa. R. M. Ireland, A. W. Adamson, Dorothy A. Elliott, Amos Lawrence, W. H. Norton, W. 8. Mitchell, J. H. Pendleton. F. O. Vin cent, C. C. Boosler, Mr. and Mrs. W B. Clark, L. B. Morrison. M. O. Wal ther, J. H. Buell, Iran Oabrlelson and R. L. Adams. .At City Hotels The following names appear on hotel registers here, from California points: A. Ohrlsten- sen of Oakland, O. H. McCutcheon of Mt. Shasta. C. B. Osborne of Long Beach, C. K. Lyle of Ontario, Frank D. Randall of Sacramento, Anna and Helen Norton. Harry Klmmell and Jack Marlon of Loa Angeles. W. I Edwards of Glendale and Mr. and Mrs. Orik Ferstrom of Pomona, Delphian Program Told Members of Delphlsn society who are sched uled to meet tomorrow morning at the home of Mra. R. C. Mulholland on Berkeley way. will be entertained at a muslcele In which local artists will participate. It waa announced this morning. The society Is stpdy Ing the Oerman opera and the selec tions chosen for tomorrow's program will be from the leading composer 1 of that country. Mrs. Ray Edwin, so prano. will sing, and Miss Dorotlr Reynolds, pianist, will also entertain Plan Horwhaik Trip The flri night ride of the season wilt be en Joyed by local horsemen and hore women Friday of this week. It we announced today. The guests -wli: leave the Dodge academy at e o'clock and take one of the favorite bridle piths of the htll region. A picnic supper will be served on the trail m before the guest return. The moon is out In all Its glory these nights. Jack Retlaw's 1 B0BEPJ YOUNG and JIMMY DURANTL in a scene hat "THE WET PARADE Tonight Is the big nlghtl In fact, both tonight and tomorrow night are the long looked-for evenings when the mammoth Bathing Costume and Beach Pajama Revue and Frolic will be presented on the Fox Craterlan theater atage. All the elaborate and maslve scenic effects hsve been completed all the spectacular electrical displays are In place all the tirlngl but much-needed rehearsals are over all the beau tiful costumes are here and every one of the 36 performera In the huge cast on tip-toe awaiting the aig- nal for the curtain to rise tonight at 9 o'clock. This brilliant revue-frollc will ap pear on the local atage both tonight and tomorrow night for one per formance. A program of 18 clever numbers will provide the dazzling entertain ment. Among the outstanding fea tures will be 35 bathing beauties: Stops In Medford Col. Hulbert A. Allen of Portland, senior Instructor for the Oregon National Guard. Is In Medford on business. While here he Is the guest of A. J. Klocker. At Wlllard Hotel D. B. Gray of Medford were registered at the Wll lard hotel, Klamath Falls, the first of the week, according to the Even ing Herald of that city. EXPECT DIVERSION OF HAY F The state highway commission at its next meeting Is expected to grant the request of the county court that 120.000 of the S30.000 of state funds allotted for the Same Valley second ary road construction be diverted to t,he Little Butte market road. This would leave 110.000 tor the Bams Val ley road and spread the money over a wider area and furnish work, for more county residents. L, M. Sweet of Sams Valley has appeared before the county court and protested any diversion of the fund. Josephine county road en thusiasts are also strong for expend ing the full amount on the 8ams Valley route. It would be a con necting link between the Pacific highway and the Crater Lake high way. The county court holds that it has a right to aay where the road funds shall be expended within Its own bor der. PASSES IN HILT LUbert J. Robinson, aged 30, passed away at a hospital at Hilt, Cal., Tues day. He waa a former resident of Gold Hill and had been at Hilt only two months. He leaves his wife, Mabel Robin- aon, and two uhiidren, EiizaDein Louise and Luclle; also hla mother, Mrs. Carl Ruth, and one brother. Thoa. A. Robinson, of Gold Hill, and one slater, Mrs. Alice Wathen, of Manzanola, Colo. Funeral services will be held at the graveside In the Rock Point ceme tery at p. m. Thursday by the Christian Science church. Conger funeral parlors In charge of arrange ments. Women Organized For Poppy Sales In Medford Area A corps of Medford women, num bering more than 30, and organised as efficiently as an army corps, will go Into action here May 30 and 31, In behalf of the dt tabled veterans and their families, Mrs. Cole Holmes, general chairman of the American Legion Auxiliary's memorial poppy sale, announced today. The entire city will be covered well as the outlying district of Medford, by this group of workers. All workers will donate their serv ices, all money received going Into the auxiliary's fund for relief among the needy families of veterans and for Its rehabilitation work among the disabled veterans. 4 Broken windows glazed by Trow bridge Cabinet Works. Revue Tonight 5s Seven Acrobatic FlRshet: Stx Bailor- etteA; Lloyd Williamson, song star; Prussian Plastlque Fantasy; Jimmy Parkhlll, banjo fiend; Jack Retlaw and the Dancing Pajama Girls; Noel Benson, eccentric dance-comic; Nelly Dons Maids and the spectacular elec tric swing ensemble, and many more. All the superb costumes are direct from Adrlenne'a, Medford women's apparel shoppe. In fact, Adrlenne re cently made a special trip to San Francisco to secure the scores of won derful new creations. In addition, on the screen, both matinee and evening, that dynamic film smash of 1932, "The Wet Pa rade." with Dorothy Jordan. Walter Huston, Lewis Stone. Myrna Loy, Jean Hersholt,. Wallace Ford, Jimmy Du rante, John Miljan and others of note will be presented. There will be no advance In prices for this huge combination stage- screen show, and record throngs are anticipated for both days. OF MEDFORD TRADE (Continued Irum cage One) Medford's retail trade, as revealed by the national osnsus of dlstrlbu tion, exceeds tlO.000,000. The auto motive group shows the highest pro portion of sales, with 36 2 per cent of all retail business. The Medford area Is further shown to have considerable local wholesale distribution In groceries, tobacco. confectionery and other commodities. The "Commercial Survey of the Pacific Northwest" paints a broad picture of the economic life of the great area embracing the atates or Washington, Oregon, northern and aouthwestern Idaho, and west ern Montana. The study por trays the wealth and Importance of the entire section as a market for a wide range of the manufactured gooda and other products of all sections of the country. The people of the Pacific North west, the government report points out, buy and sell In every market of the United States. Their relations in export and Import trade extend to practically every country in the world. Agriculture, lumbering and manu facturing alone, according to the sur vey, are found to add more than 1,000.000.000 potential buying power to the pockets of Pacific Northwest residents annually. With J.5 per cent of the total pop ulation of the country, it Is shown. the Pacific Northwest outs over 91 per cent of all the timber, mines 16 per cent of the copper, produces nearly 35 per cent of the lead and about 15 per cent of the zinc. Its wheat farms grow one-eighth of the country's entire crop, and Its or chards more than 35 dct cent of the commercial apple crop and 39 per cent of the pears. On the Northwest rsnges 15 per cent of all the wool Is produced, while the coast fishing In dustry accounts for about 5 per cent CAME PRq FOR OVER Guaranteed pur nd efficient. USE ltd than of high priced brands, 25 ounces for , 25 li KG Jack Holt in Holly Thriller LsiilltisiTi Ttr."n''- v s"--.-ts .w,: ..... ... ..1 $fcw. . ... "Behind the Mask." a thrilling story of the secret service, featuring Jack Holt, Constance Cumminga and Boris Karloff, is the screen attraction at the Holly for tonight and tomor row afternoon and evening, with a Ted H using Sport slant, a Kartoon and Penrod and Sam comedy also on the screen program. The return engagement of Vic Mey ers and his band will be a special added attraction at the Holly tonight only, one appearance promptly at 8:15. the early appearance being nec essary owing to the dance to be held of the annual American catch of fish. Medford resident and others In terested in "Commercial Survey of the Pacific Northwest" may obtain copies of the report at a price of $1 each from the district office of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce for the Medford region, located at 315 New Poet Office Build ing, Portland, or from the Superin tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. TALENT GRADUATING EIGHT STUDENTS AT EXERCISES MAY 20 Prof. Walter Redford, reoently ap pointed dean of the Southern Oregon Normal school, will give the addresa Friday evening, May 30, at com mencement exercises for the eight students being grsduated from Tal ent high school. Examinations are being held to morrow and Friday, according to O. E. Bowman, superintendent of the school, and the following was: wlll be devoted to clasa activities. Includ ing the senior class play, Friday, May 13, and baccalaureate on Sunday. May 15. The play will be "Two Unfortu nate Women" and will be presented In the aahool auditorium. Bacca laureate will be held Sunday even- ' ' 1 V , TONIGHT! ' ON THE STAGE One Appearance at 8:15 VIC MEYERS AND HIS BAND A MAGNIFICENT STAGE PRESENTATION IN A DAZZLING SETTING DANCE AT THE ORIENTAL OARDEN8 AFTER THE RIIOVC ON THE TONIGHT AND Ho ty 'JK AMD TED HldlNO rORTl.AVT PF.NHOD and MM COMEDY KARTOON "ONE OOOD TtRN" at the Oriental Gardens alter the j show. They wll recall the "Walter j Winohell comedy number by the "nut" ba fiddler, the beautiful solo i by the girl with the "violin voice." and the clever Impersonations of different characters by the boys of the band. Another novelty presenta tion has been prepared, everything brand new, featuring songs, dances, comedy and novelty Ideas. Patrons are urged to be In the theater no later than 8:15 In order not to miss Vic Meyers and hla Co lumbia Recording Orchestra. ing In the Talent Methodist Episco pal church. For commencement Iris Long will be valedictorian and Roy Chapln snlutatnorlan. Members of the class are: Iris Levy, Geraldlne Stansell, Abbey Lea rning, Esther Cochrane, Helen Oun demon, Roy Chapln, Earl Edmund son and Harland Lowe, Desirable bouses always In first class condition, for rent, lease or sale. Call 105. 1 Picture frames made to order. The Peasleys. opp. Holly theater. STATE Theatre TONIGHT "GOLD DUST GERTIE' 1 with Winnie Llghtner Any Seat 15c Any Time Graduation Special Duart Permanent $3.85 Marcel or Finger Wave....60o With Oil Shampoo 75c Contour Hair Outs 25o Prevost Beauly Shop Now located bark of new court home. 16 Laurel. Phone 727-J SCREEN TOMORROW! A Thrilling Story of the Seoret Service "BEHIND THE MASK" allh Jack Holt CONTANCB COIMINOd noma kaiu.oi r LONDON. May 11. (API Twelve Amerlcsn women will stand for one brief moment before Britain's king and queen tonight and hear the softly spoken words of presentation to royalty. Thev will then curtsey In solemn "thank you" for the regal favor and depart, tired, and perhape wonder- j ing a bit. to their hotels. The moment of glory will be the , climax of weeks of excitement and preparation hours apent at dress- J makers, the trip from Amertca. long I Tonight and Thurs. THE STAGE PERFORMANCE W ILL BE SHOWN ONCE EACH NIGHT at 9 0 '.CLOCK P.M. Bathing Costume and Beach Pajama REVUE and FROLIC PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY JACK RETLAW 35 People In Mammoth Cast! A Setting of Splendor in Two Brilliant Scenes 25 Georgeous Bathing Beauties 16 Entertaining Numbers 16 Inoluded in Oigantio Programme Are I Acrobatic Flashes! Prussian Plaatlque rantasyl Nelly Don's Maldt In Electric Lighted Hwlnga Ensemble! . Lloyd Williamson, Sonf start James i.'rkhlll, Banjo Klnjl Jack Retlaw and the Dancing Fajnma Olrlsl Six gallorettesl Noel nenson, Eccentrlo t'omedlanl Singing! Danoingt Comedy 1 Music I All CoBtumes Displayed by ADRIENNE'S Medford's Smartest ALSO-ON THE SCREEN-ALSO BOTH MATINEE AND EVENING ifaT !l 7 MATS. 20c MM TODAY "THE YELLOW lessons in court etiquette, and bount spent In a queue of limousines la the Mall awaiting their turn to enter the palace. At the second court tomorrow night eight other American women will be presented, including Mrs. Russell M. Brooks, Salem, Oregon. Portraits of distinction. The Peas leys, opp. Holly theater. Crystalglow Kodak glass supreme. The Pcasley'a, Opp. Holly Theater. 5 MIDGET inn PHOTOS IUU The Peasleys Opposite Holly Theatre NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! mM A DAZZLING Women's Apparel Mighty Drama of 19321 A Tremendous Romance featuring WALTER HUSTON DOROTHY JORDAN LEWIS STONE, JIMMY DURANTE Nell Hamilton. Myrna Loy, Jean Hersholt, John MHJan NIGHTS 30c TIGKET" tSSSSk Any Seat 15 JasA&aist! .Pu:' " anticipated.