Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 11, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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Society and Clubs
Edited by Eva Nealon
Mother Honored at
Large Tea Yesterday
. The home ot Mri. B. E. Sweeney
was the scene yesterday of a large
tea, one ot the loveliest events In
local society, given In compliment to
mothers. Bouquets of spring flowers
were arranged in profusion about the
rooms, adding beauty to the occa
sion, and a corsage was presented
eaoh guest by the hostesses, members
of the Sunny Sisters circle.
Forty-five guests called during the
afternoon and were entertained with
a radio program, broadcast from sta
tion KMED, Including appropriate
numbers by local artists, Elsie Carl
ton Strang and R. E Waldron, well
known local soloists, entertained with
two vocal duets, accompanied at the
piano by Miss Dorothy Reynolds.
Ellow Mae Wilson, popular young so
prano, whistled one of her favorite
numbers. Mrs. Strang entertained
with a solo and Mrs. Mary Grelner
Kelly with an original reading, "Man
hattan Proposal." Mr. Waldron and
Miss Wilson each entertained with
vocal solos and Miss Reynolds, ac
companist, with a piano selection.
Following the program, the enter
tainers continued to the Sweeney
home for tea and were thanked for
the program through the enthusi
astic applause of the guests.
- Roll call was answered by the cir
cle members with expressions of sen
timent honoring mothers, and Misses
- Dorothy Terrett and Dorothy Jenkins
entertained with a clever tap dance.
Women of Rotary were also guests
of the Sunny Sisters for the after
noon. Mesdames Luke and Cochran
presided at the tea table and Miss
Katherlne Sweeney. Mrs. Chester
Hubbard and Mrs. Frank Perl served.
The splendid program for the after
noon was arranged by Mrs. John Perl
and Mrs. W. W. Howard.
W. C. T. U. Program
To Honor Mothers.
Members of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union will entertain,
honoring mothers at the T. W. C. A.
Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
A special Invitation Is extended all
mothers and an Interesting program
announced. The main address of
the afternoon will be given by Rev.
E. M. Long of the Methodist church.
The devotlonals will be led by Mrs.
J. O. Vlall of Phoenix. Mrs. Don
Piatt, soloist, will entertain, accom
panied at the piano by Mrs. W, H.
Eaton. The program will be In
charge of Mrs. H. O. Wilson and
Mrs. Price and her committee will
serve refreshments.
Lutheran Ladles
To Meet Thursday
The Lutheran Ladles Aid will meet
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock In
the church parlors, with Mrs. M. Q.
Paulson and Mrs. A. O. Pederson as
Women's Losing Team
Hostesses at Party
The losing volley ball team of the
women's gymnasium class, conducted
during the winter and spring seasons
under the leadership of Miss Carln
Degermark, supervisor of physical ed
ucation at the high school, entertain
ed the winning team last evening at
a swimming party at the Twin
Plunges In Ashland. Fourteen guests
enjoyed the swim and a picnic sup
per in the park.
Graduate Nurses
To Meet Friday.
The Graduate Nurses will meet
at the home of Mrs. Leota Thomp
son, 623 East Main street Friday
evening. Dinner will be served at
7:30 o'clock and an Interesting even
ing Is promised.
Reports will be given by delegates
to the nurses' convention In Portland
and other program features are being
Lincoln P.-T. A. to Install
Officers for Coming Year
The members of the Lincoln Parent-Teacher
asoclatlon will hold their
May meeting Friday afternoon, be
ginning at 3 o'clock. Officers for the
new year will be Installed by Mrs.
G. Q. D'Alblnl, council president. Im
portant reports will be. made and a
good attendance Is urged.
Decks Entertain Guests
At Home Products Event
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell I. Deck were
among local society folk organizing
parties last evening for the home
products dinner at the Hotel Med
ford. They had as their guests Mr.
and Mrs. John Peter, Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Frame and Mr. and Mrs. I.
F. Andres.
Mrs. Jones Completes
Stay In Medford.
Mrs. W. Al Jones returned to Sa
lem Monday evening after spending
10 days In this city as guest of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Porter. The Porters are
now at home to their friends in
their new residence at 1004 Reddy
Delphlans to Study
German Opera Thursday
German opera wll be the topic of
study when the two divisions of Del
phlans meet Thursday morning at
0:30 a. m. One group will meet with
Mrs. R. C. Mulholland on Berkeley
way and the other with Mrs. Theo
dore Malmgren at Phoenix.
Thursday Club Meets
At Furry Home
The Thursday club of Phoenix will
meet this week for covered dish
luncheon at the home of Mrs. Mllo
Furry, for an all-day session.
Mrs. Conner to Entertain
Building Bridge Club
Mrs. Guy Conner will be hostess
Thursday afternoon at a o'clock to
members of the Building Bridge club,
who are asked to meet at her home.
Mr .and Mrs. Harold Relchsteln
entertained at dinner at their home
on College Hill Monday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Payne.
LAST YEAR 163,829
Tax collections for the first half
period this year are $63,829 more
than for the same period last year,
according to the tax collection de
partment of the sheriff's office. This
amount will be slightly Increased
when all the mall Is listed. The de
linquency rate will also be slightly
To date the sheriff's office has
turned over to the treasurer $371,
893. Last year the turnover amount
ed to $308,109.
The seventh annual Garden club
exhibit in Medford will be held with
in the next few weeks and all who
are garden lovers are reported eager
ly watching for their best flowers, in
order that this year's exhibit may be
up to the usual high standard of
The show ''win be open to the pub
lic and Is anticipated by flower fan
ciers In all sections of the valley.
The exact date and place will be an
nounced soon.
Shangle's team from the local
American Legion Junior baseball lea
gue will meet the Ashland Ashcrafts
In that city tomorrow afternoon at
4:30 o'clock, and a fast game is an
ticipated. The boys are showing great ability
at the bat, J. Verne Shangle, leader
of his team, reported this morning.
He expects the teams to play a bet
ter game this season than last, when
the finals arrive.
From Albany Z. E. Merrill of Al
bany, vice-president of the Mountain
States Power company, was a local
business visitor yesterday.
Carl James Bingman, 19-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Bingman of
Phoenix, died at a local hospital
Tuesday night following an acute
He was born at Eagle, Idaho, and
came to Phoenix with his parents five
years ago. He leaves besides his par
ents, three brothers and five sisters
Lloyd, Howard, Harold. lima Bing
man and Mrs. Elba Newland, all of
Funeral arrangement will be an
nounced by Conger Funeral Parlors
upon arrival of relatives from Idaho.
Captain Frank Winch, internation
ally known sportsman, big game
hunter, expert dry fly angler and an
acknowledged authority on outdoor
life, wll be in Medford Monday, to
address the Klwanls club at the regu
lar Monday luncheon in the Hotel
President of the Los Angeles Ieaak
Walton league. Captain Winch Is well
Informed on topics of sports, and all
members of the club are urged to
attend and hear the speaker.
Auto glass Installed while you wait
Prices right. Brill Sheet Metal works.
GOOD USED CAR Will exchange for
cattle. Phone 990.
ELDERLY LADY wants to share in
care and expense of modest apart
ment. Box 3773, care Tribune.
FOR SALE - Electric clipping ma
chine, suitable for all stock. Hu
mane Society. Phone 1510.
and one man. See Mr. Schappert
before 10 a. m. 209 First Natl..
Bank Bldg.
FOR RENT 3 -room furnished house
near mill; newly decorated; $13.50
per month, including water. In
quire 1603 N. Riverside.
with competent operator in charge,
for mining properties In southern
Oregon. Give full particulars in
first letter. PEERLESS, INC., Clat
skanle, Oregon.
lease and operation. No equipment
necessary as we furnish. Good val
ues wanted; can handle regardless
of limited water. Olve full par
ticulars In first letter. PEERLESS,
INC., Olatskanle, Oregon.
un unnnvai vivit may 11, nxrt
ii one it&es vo m snttKes, mere is
a place near Promise, a little town In
Wallowa county, where accommoda
tion can be provided.
Some boys killed 40 rattlesnakes
In a den In the hills near there a
few days ago. It was learned here to
day. They brought home 18 sets of
rattle to prove their story. The
snakes measured from six Inches to
nearly four feet in length.
This den has been known of for
some time but no one had visited It
this season. Charles Bennett has
killed 67 snakes there over a period
of two years.
WASHINGTON. May 1 1 . The
railroads told the Interstate com
merce commission today that a short
ening of the legal work day for rail
way workers to six hours would in
crease their wage bill 33 per cent.
BERLIN, Germany, May 11. (AP)
Complete cancellation of political
debts Is the most important requi
site to economic recovery of the
world. Chancellor Bruening told the
relchstag today in a long speech in
defense of his foreign and domestic
Florence Ferry
being improved.
Suicide Climax
In Murder Case
WOOSTER, O., May 1, ) The
suicide of a 19-year-old youth short
ly after he was implicated in a rela
tive's confession of murder, provided
a startling climax early today to an
investigation of the slaying of the
relative's wife.
FLORENCE Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Dlnsmore took over Sines restaurant.
Screen Stars
keep youthful
fl $1.00 I
I'm over 4-0
says Florence Reed
"With a woman it's how old she
looks, not how old she is that counts I'
says Florence Reed, famous stage star
"Stage and screen stars know how tc
stay young how to keep youthful
freshness year after year. And prac
tically every prominent star shares
one secret.
"Youthful charm depends on com
plexion beauty I We consider oui
compleidons priceless. For years 1
have used Lux Toilet Soap regularly
to keep my skin youthful."
In Hollywood actually 686 of the
694 important screen actresses use
this fragrant white soap.
It is so white that no other soap
can rival it its safe, gentle care
will keep your skin, too, youthfully
charming. Only lOi a cake!
Wash Dress Sale
Every Wash Dress in stock goes on sale tomorrow I
Voiles, Batiste and Prints. For example: You buy
a wash dress at regular price and take your choice of
another wash dress, up to the same value, for only
Regular $1.77 Wash Dress, the second one for $1.00
Regular $1.95 Wash Dress, the second one for $1.00
Regular $2.95 Wash Dress, the second one for $1.00
Regular $3.95 Wash Dress, the second one for $1.00
Regular $4.95 Wash Dress, the second one for $1.00
Made of genuine Argentine cloth and Indian
Head cloth. Styles for the house wife, cafes,
hotels, and nurses. Reg. $1.05 uniform, the
second one for $1.00. .
Five styles In fast-color prints. Reg. $1.05
Pajoma, Hie second one for 91-00.
101 So.
Just Received
2 MO
Genuine Sanoweb
Priced as Low as
WEEKS AND ORR Are Selling More
Davenport Sets Than Others
$5.00 Down, $5.00 a Month
3 Reasons
Lower Price! Finer Construction! Higher Quality!
Enjoy These Sets in Your Home as You Pay
Other Davenport Sets
Priced as Low as $59.95
$10.00 DOWN
Balance In Easy
Monthly Payments
See These Sets Examine
Their Superior Construc
tionto Really Appreci
ate Their Values.
On Bedroom and Dining Room Suites
$1 S.50
Suites as Low as
3-Piece Bedroom Suites $22.50 Up
$5 Down
$5 a Month
Scores of Other Suites on Sale!
Dining Room Suites
6-Pieces, as Low as